`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 8,209,705
`“System, Method and Computer Program Product For Sharing Information In a
`Distributed Framework”
`Inter Partes Review No. IPR2017-01502
`U.S. PATENT NO. 8,209,705
`Page 1 of 204
`APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... v
`BACKGROUND AND QUALIFICATIONS ................................................. 1
`II. ASSIGNMENT AND MATERIALS REVIEWED ........................................ 8
`III. The ‘705 Patent ................................................................................................ 9
`The ‘705 Specification .......................................................................... 9
`The ‘705 Prosecution History ............................................................. 13
`IV. CLAIMS OF THE ‘705 PATENT................................................................. 17
`CLAIM CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................... 21
`VI. UNPATENTABILITY ANALYSIS ............................................................. 22
`Legal Standards ................................................................................... 23
`Background ......................................................................................... 26
`Distributed Systems and Embedded Networks ......................... 27
`Hierarchical Networks in a Distributed System ....................... 30
`Controller Area Network (CAN) .............................................. 36
`Local Interconnect Network (LIN) ........................................... 38
`FlexRay ..................................................................................... 40
`J1850 Protocol ........................................................................... 41
`Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) IDB-C Protocol ........ 43
`Embedded Networks for Robotics ............................................ 44
`Shared Memory ......................................................................... 47
`10. Memory Access Arbitration Techniques .................................. 48
`The Cited Prior Art .............................................................................. 53
`Overview of Posadas ................................................................. 53
`Overview of Miesterfeld ........................................................... 55
`Overview of Stewart ................................................................. 56
`Overview of Wense ................................................................... 57
`Page 2 of 204
`CLAIMS 8-19 OBVIOUS ............................................................................. 58
`Posadas, Stewart, and Wense Disclose the Limitations of
`Independent Claim 7 ........................................................................... 59
`Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7a ....................................... 59
`Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7b ....................................... 60
`Posadas Combined With Stewart Discloses Claim
`Element 7c ................................................................................. 62
`Posadas Combined With Stewart Discloses Claim
`Element 7d ................................................................................ 66
`Posadas Combined With Stewart Discloses Claim
`Element 7e ................................................................................. 66
`Posadas Combined With Stewart Discloses Claim
`Element 7f ................................................................................. 67
`Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7g ....................................... 68
`Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7h ....................................... 72
`Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7i ........................................ 73
`10. Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7j ........................................ 74
`11. Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7k ....................................... 76
`12. Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7l ........................................ 77
`13. Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7m ...................................... 79
`14. Posadas Discloses Claim Element 7n ....................................... 80
`Posadas Discloses the Limitations of Claim 8 .................................... 90
`Posadas Discloses the Limitations of Claim 9 .................................... 91
`Posadas Discloses the Limitations of Claim 10 .................................. 93
`Posadas Combined With Stewart Disclose the Limitations of
`Claim 11 .............................................................................................. 95
`Posadas Discloses the Limitations of Claim 12 .................................. 97
`Posadas Discloses the Limitations of Claim 13 .................................. 97
`Posadas Discloses the Limitations of Claims 14-16 ........................... 98
`Page 3 of 204
`Posadas Combined Wither Stewart Discloses the Limitations of
`Claim 17 ............................................................................................ 100
`Posadas Discloses the Limitations of Claim 18 ................................ 101
`Posadas Discloses the Limitations of Claim 19 ................................ 103
`Summary Chart for Claims 8-19 ....................................................... 104
`RENDER CLAIMS 8-19 OBVIOUS .......................................................... 106
`A. Miesterfeld, Stewart, and Wense Disclose the Limitations of
`Independent Claim 7 ......................................................................... 106
`1. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7a ................................ 107
`2. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7b ................................ 107
`3. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7c ................................ 109
`4. Miesterfeld Combined With Stewart Discloses Claim
`Element 7d .............................................................................. 110
`5. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7e ................................ 115
`6. Miesterfeld Combined With Stewart Discloses Claim
`Element 7f ............................................................................... 115
`7. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7g ................................ 116
`8. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7h ................................ 118
`9. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7i ................................ 120
`10. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7j ................................ 121
`11. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7k ................................ 123
`12. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7l ................................ 124
`13. Miesterfeld Discloses Claim Element 7m .............................. 125
`14. Miesterfeld Combined With Wense Discloses Claim
`Element 7n .............................................................................. 127
`B. Miesterfeld Discloses the Limitations of Claim 8 ............................ 136
`C. Miesterfeld Discloses the Limitations of Claim 9 ............................ 137
`D. Miesterfeld Discloses the Limitations of Claim 10 .......................... 138
`E. Miesterfeld Combined With Stewart Discloses the Limitations
`of Claim 11 ........................................................................................ 139
`Page 4 of 204
`F. Miesterfeld Discloses the Limitations of Claim 12 .......................... 141
`G. Miesterfeld Discloses the Limitations of Claim 13 .......................... 143
`H. Miesterfeld Discloses the Limitations of Claims 14-16.................... 143
`I. Miesterfeld Combined With Stewart Discloses the Limitations
`of Claim 17 ........................................................................................ 145
`J. Miesterfeld Discloses the Limitations of Claim 18 .......................... 146
`K. Miesterfeld Discloses the Limitations of Claim 19 .......................... 147
`Summary Chart for Claims 8-19 ....................................................... 148
`IX. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................ 150
`Page 5 of 204
`Appendix A Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Philip Koopman
`Ex. 1001
`U.S. Patent No. 8,209,705
`Ex. 1002
`Ex. 1003
`Ex. 1004
`Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1006
`Ex. 1007
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 7,802,263
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 8,209,705
`Declaration of Dr. Philip Koopman
`Declaration of Coral Sheldon-Hess
`Posadas et al., “Communications Structure for Sensor Fusion in
`Distributed Real Time Systems,” Algorithms and Architectures for
`Real-Time Control 2000: A Proceedings volume from the 6th IFAC
`Workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (May 2000) (“Posadas”)
`Stewart et. al., “Integration of Real-Time Software Modules for
`Reconfigurable Sensor-Based Control Systems,” IEEE/RSJ
`International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Raleigh,
`North Carolina (July 1992) (“Stewart”)
`Ex. 1008
`H-C. von der Wense et al., “Building Automotive LIN Applications,”
`Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications, 280-292
`(2001) (“Wense”)
`Ex. 1009
`U.S. Patent No. 6,141,710 to Miesterfeld (“Miesterfeld”)
`Ex. 1010
`Tanenbaum, A., Computer Networks, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall
`PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996, Chapter 1 (“Tanenbaum 1996”)
`Page 6 of 204
`Ex. 1011
`Upender, B. & Koopman, P., “Embedded Communication Protocol
`Options,” Proceedings of Embedded Systems Conference 1993,
`Santa Clara, pp. 469-480, October 1993 (“Upender & Koopman”)
`Ex. 1012
`Bosch, CAN Specification Version 2.0, Robert Bosch GmbH,
`Stuttgart, 1991 at A-6 (“Bosch CAN Specification, version 2.0”)
`Ex. 1013
`IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms,
`Seventh Ed., IEEE Press, New York, 2000 (“IEEE Dictionary”)
`Ex. 1014
`Kirrmann, H. and Zuber, P., “The IEC/IEEE Train Communication
`Protocol,” IEEE Micro, March-April 2001, pp. 81-92 (“Kirrmann”)
`Ex. 1015
`Ex. 1016
`Ex. 1017
`Leen, G., Heffernan, D., and Dunne, A., “Digital networks in the
`automotive vehicle,” Computing & Control Engineering Journal”,
`10(6), December 1999, pp. 257-266 (“Leen”)
`Leen, G., Heffernan, D., and Dunne, A., “Digital networks in the
`automotive vehicle,” Computing & Control Engineering Journal,
`January 2000 (on-line version) (“Leen - online version”)
`Berwanger, J. et al., “FlexRay – The Communication System for
`Advanced Automotive Control Systems,” SAE World Congress,
`2001 (“Berwanger”)
`Ex. 1018
`Schill, J., “An Overview of the CAN Protocol,” Embedded Systems
`Programming, Sept. 1997 p. 46 (“Schill”)
`Ex. 1019
`Koopman, P., “Control Area Network,” 18-540 Distributed
`Embedded Systems on-line lecture notes, publicly available via
`Carnegie Mellon University ECE Dept. web site on October 4, 2000
`Ex. 1020
`SAE J1850: Class B Data Communication Network Interface, SAE
`Standard, May 2001 (“SAE J1850”)
`Ex. 1021
`Federal Register – Rules and Regulations, Vol. 65, No. 195, Part II,
`Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR Parts 85 and 86, October
`6, 2000 (“40 CFR Parts 85 and 86”)
`Page 7 of 204
`SAE J2366-1 ITS Data Bus — IDB-C Physical Layer, SAE,
`SAE J2366-1 ITS Data Bus – IDB-C Physical Layer, SAE,
`Ex. 1022
`Ex. 1022
`November 2001 (“SAE J2366-1’’)
`November 2001 (“SAE J2366-1”)
`Ex. 1023
`Ex. 1023
`SAE J2366-2 ITS Data Bus — Link Layer, SAE Standard, November
`SAE J2366-2 ITS Data Bus – Link Layer, SAE Standard, November
`2001 (“SAE J2366-2’)
`2001 (“SAE J2366-2”)
`Ex. 1024
`Ex. 1024
`Wargui, M.and Rachid, A., “Application of Controller Area
`Wargui, M. and Rachid, A., “Application of Controller Area
`Network to Mobile Robots,” MELECON ‘96, May 1996 (“Wargu1’’)
`Network to Mobile Robots,” MELECON ‘96, May 1996 (“Wargui”)
`Fredriksson, L.-B., “Controller Area Networks and the Protocol CAN
`Fredriksson, L.-B., “Controller Area Networks and the Protocol CAN
`for Machine Control Systems,” Mechatronics 4(2), 1994, pp. 159-
`Ex. 1025
`for Machine Control Systems,” Mechatronics 4(2), 1994, pp. 159-
`Ex. 1025
`172 (‘Frederiksson’’)
`172 (“Frederiksson”)
`Ex. 1026
`Ex. 1026
`Clarkeet al., “Formal Verification of Autonomous Systems,” NASA
`Clarke et al., “Formal Verification of Autonomous Systems,” NASA
`Intelligent Systems Program, September 25, 2001,
`Intelligent Systems Program, September 25, 2001,
`http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~svc/proposals/formal-v5.pdf at 6-7
`http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~svc/proposals/formal-v5.pdf at 6-7
`Ex. 1027
`Ex. 1027
`Tanenbaum, A., Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall,
`Tanenbaum, A., Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall,
`2001 (“Tanenbaum 2001’’)
`2001 (“Tanenbaum 2001”)
` SAE J2366 - Family of ITS Data Bus (IDB) Protocol Standards, ITS
`(“SAE J2366 - Fact Sheet’’)
`Courtois, P., Heymans,F., and Parnas, D., “Concurrent Control with
`Courtois, P., Heymans, F., and Parnas, D., “Concurrent Control with
`‘Readers’ and ‘Writers’ ,”” Communications of the ACM, 14(10),
`Ex. 1028
`‘Readers’ and ‘Writers’,” Communications of the ACM, 14(10),
`Ex. 1028
`October 1971, pp. 667-668 (“Courtois”’)
`October 1971, pp. 667-668 (“Courtois”)
`Ex. 1029
`Ex. 1029
`Mellor-Crummey,J., and Scott, M., “Algorithms for Scalable
`Mellor-Crummey, J., and Scott, M., “Algorithms for Scalable
`Synchronization on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors” ACM
`Synchronization on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors” ACM
`Transactions on Computer Systems, 9(1), February 1991, pp. 21-65
`Transactions on Computer Systems, 9(1), February 1991, pp. 21-65
`TEEE Std 1003.1d-1999: IEEE Standard for Information Technology
`IEEE Std 1003.1d-1999: IEEE Standard for Information Technology
`— Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) — Part 1: System
`– Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) – Part 1: System
`Application Program Interface (API) — Amendmentd: Additional
`Application Program Interface (API) – Amendment d: Additional
`Realtime Extensions [C language], IEEE, September 16, 1999
`Realtime Extensions [C language], IEEE, September 16, 1999
`(“IEEE Std 1003.1d-1999”’)
`(“IEEE Std 1003.1d-1999”)
`Ex. 1030
`Ex. 1030
`Ex. 1031
`Ex. 1031
`SAE J2366 - Family of ITS Data Bus (IDB) Protocol Standards, ITS
`Standards Fact Sheet, (available at
`Standards Fact Sheet, (available at
`(“SAE J2366 - Fact Sheet”)
`Page 8 of 204
`Page 8 of 204
`Ex. 1032
`Ex. 1033
`MARC Record for Posadas et al., “Communications Structure for
`Sensor Fusion in Distributed Real Time Systems,” Algorithms and
`Architectures for Real-Time Control 2000: A Proceedings volume
`from the 6th IFAC Workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (May 2000)
`MARC Record for Stewart et. al., “Integration of Real-Time
`Software Modules for Reconfigurable Sensor-Based Control
`Systems,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots
`and Systems, Raleigh, North Carolina (July 1992) (“Stewart”)
`Ex. 1034
`MARC Record for H-C. von der Wense et al., “Building Automotive
`LIN Applications,” Advanced Microsystems for Automotive
`Applications, 280-292 (2001) (“Wense”)
`Ex. 1035
`Data sheet for HIP7030A2, J1850 8-Bit 68HCO5 Microcontroller,
`Harris Semiconductor (November 1994) (“HIP data sheet”)
`Ex. 1036
`for HIP7030A2
`Internet Archive
`Ex. 1037
`K.W. Tindell, H. Flansson, and A.J. Wellings, “Analysing Controller
`Area Network (CAN)” (1994)
`Page 9 of 204
`I, Philip Koopman, do hereby declare and state as follows:
`I am a tenured Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer
`Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. I have a B.S. (1982),
`M.Eng. (1982) and Ph.D. (1989) in Computer Engineering. I have been a
`professor at Carnegie Mellon since 1996. Prior to that time, I spent several years
`in the military and in industry working as a computer engineer and an embedded
`system engineer, including significant experience in the area of embedded
`networks. I am a named inventor on twenty-six patents, and an author or co-author
`of over 100 non-patent publications in a wide variety of fields within electrical
`engineering and computer science, including many in the technological area of
`embedded system networks. I have been working in computer engineering and
`embedded systems since approximately 1980.
`I have extensive experience in the field of embedded communication
`networks. For example, I have been the instructor of the course “Distributed
`Embedded Systems,” taught to Carnegie Mellon seniors and graduate students
`almost every year since the Fall semester of 1999. This course includes several
`lectures dedicated to embedded network operation and performance, as well as
`lectures on more generalized embedded networking topics, including real-time
`scheduling, reliability, and system safety. The course features a significant
`Page 10 of 204
`emphasis on automotive networks across a number of lectures. The course also
`features a semester-long distributed embedded system project in which we teach
`students to build a system that uses embedded network messages to coordinate
`operation of a distributed embedded system while guaranteeing that they can meet
`real-time deadlines over that network.
`I am also the instructor of the course “Dependable Embedded
`Systems,” which covers distributed computing and fault tolerance, including the
`role of embedded networks in safety-critical system design. I taught this course as
`part of a multi-year course rotation between Spring 1999 and Fall 2010.
`I have supervised a number of student independent projects and thesis
`projects involving embedded networks. As part of this work, my lab has owned
`and operated increasingly sophisticated hardware Controller Area Network (CAN)
`testbeds since approximately 1997, and applied those testbeds to automotive
`applications for research projects.
`Starting in 1999, I have been an external reviewer for at least 175
`embedded system design reviews of products for industry clients, many of which
`have included review of the use of embedded network protocols. I have further
`been involved in the network protocol selection process and related system
`architecture selection process for several embedded system companies in which
`network protocols were considered. I taught seminars on embedded network
`Page 11 of 204
`protocol selection to attendees of the Embedded Systems Conference in 1993 and
`I served as the Guest Editor of a special edition of the magazine IEEE
`Micro titled “Critical Embedded Automotive Networks” in July-August 2002,
`which included automotive embedded network content.
`I am a named author on numerous papers that discuss or are relevant
`to embedded networks, including:
`Koopman, Driscoll, Hall, "Selection of Cyclic Redundancy
`Code and Checksum Algorithms to Ensure Critical Data
`Integrity,” DOT/FAA/TC-14/49, March 2015.
`Koopman, P. & Szilagyi, C., “Integrity in Embedded Control
`Networks,” IEEE Security & Privacy, 2013.
`Szilagyi, C. & Koopman, P., “Low cost multicast authentication
`via validity voting
`time-triggered embedded control
`networks,” Workshop on Embedded System Security, October
`Koopman, P. & Ray, J., “Mitigating the Effects of Internet
`Timing Faults Across Embedded Network Gateways,”
`MMB/DFT 2010, p. 1, March 2010.
`Szilagyi, C. & Koopman, P., “A flexible approach to embedded
`network authentication,” DSN 2009, pp. 165-174.
`Ray, J. & Koopman, P., “Queue management mechanisms for
`embedded gateways,” DSN 2009, pp. 175-184.
`Maxino, T., & Koopman, P. “The Effectiveness of Checksums
`for Embedded Control Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Dependable
`and Secure Computing, Jan-Mar 2009, pp. 59-72.
`Page 12 of 204
`Driscoll, K., Hall, B., Koopman, P., Ray, J., DeWalt, M., Data
`Network Evaluation Criteria Handbook, AR-09/24, FAA, 2009.
`Szilagyi, C. & Koopman, P., “A flexible approach to embedded
`network multicast authentication,” WESS 2008.
`Ray, J., & Koopman, P. “Efficient High Hamming Distance
`CRCs for Embedded Applications,” DSN06, June 2006.
`Paulitsch, Morris, Hall, Driscoll, Koopman & Latronico,
`“Coverage and Use of Cyclic Redundancy Codes in Ultra-
`Dependable Systems,” DSN05, June 2005.
`Koopman, P. & Chakravarty, T., “Cyclic Redundancy Code
`(CRC) Polynomial Selection For Embedded Networks,”
`DSN04, June 2004.
`Morris, J. & Koopman, P., “Critical Message Integrity Over A
`Shared Network,” FeT03, July 2003.
`Koopman, P., “Critical Embedded Automotive Networks,”
`IEEE Micro, July-August 2002.
`Koopman, P., Tran, E. & Hendrey, G. “Toward Middleware
`Fault Injection for Automotive Networks,” Fault Tolerant
`Computing Symposium, pp. 78-79, June 23-25, 1998.
`Koopman, P., “Tracking down Lost Messages and System
`Failures” Embedded Systems Programming, 9(11), October
`1996, pp. 38-52.
`Upender, B. & Koopman, P., “Communication protocols for
`embedded systems,” Embedded Systems Programming, 7(11)
`46-58, November 1994.
`Upender, B. & Koopman, P., “Embedded Communication
`Protocol Options,” Proceedings of Embedded Systems
`Conference 1993, Santa Clara, pp. 469-480, October 1993;
`repeated in Proceedings of Embedded Systems Conference East
`1994, Boston, April 1994.
`I have industry experience in embedded network protocol use and
`Page 13 of 204
`selection, specifically including embedded networks in elevators (Otis Elevator,
`circa 1991-1995), jet aircraft engines (Pratt & Whitney, circa 1992-1995), and
`heating/ventilation/cooling systems (Carrier, circa 1995).
`I have been Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator on a
`number of sponsored research projects over the past sixteen years that directly
`involved the use or analysis of embedded network technology, including:
`General Motors Corporation, “Dependable Systems.” Full
`support for 1 to 3 students (varies by year) as one of four thrust
`area leaders in the CMU/GM research laboratory, including
`work with both CAN and FlexRay. (2000-2015)
`Bosch, “Intelligent Sensors.” Research on a CAN testbed.
`Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Evaluation Criteria for
`Databuses. (2005-2006)
`US Army TARDEC, “Safety Subsystem” task within contract
`for “Autonomous Platform Demonstrator (APD).” (2010)
`US Army, “Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Test (UAST)
`Science and Technology (S&T): A methodology for stress-
`testing autonomy architectures,” BAA W9000KK-09-R-0038
`topic #3. (2011-2016)
`FAA, “Software and digital systems program – data integrity
`techniques,” DTFACT-11-R-00002. (2011-2013).
` I have extensive experience in evaluating, selecting and using
`embedded network protocols in safety-critical systems. For example, I am a co-
`author of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Data Network Evaluation Criteria
`Handbook, already cited above, which sets forth evaluation criteria for embedded
`Page 14 of 204
`networks to be used in safety-critical flight control applications. The “Distributed
`Embedded Systems” course I previously mentioned teaches students how to select
`an embedded network for a particular embedded system application, covering
`network options such as CAN and FlexRay in depth, and includes a discussion of
`other protocols specifically including LIN and J1850.
`I am a named inventor on the following patents that specifically
`address embedded control networks:
`U.S. Patent No. 5,535,212; “Implicit Token Media Access
`Protocol Without Collision Detection”; Koopman &
`Brajczewski,” filed on Jan. 31, 1994, issued on Jul. 9, 1996.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,450,404; “Explicit and Implicit Token Media
`Access Protocol with Multi-Level Bus Arbitration”; Koopman
`& Brajczewski, filed on Dec. 21, 1992, issued on Sep. 12, 1995.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,436,901; “Synchronous Time Division
`Multiplexing Using Jam-Based Frame Synchronization”;
`Koopman, filed on Feb. 25, 1994, issued on Jul. 25, 1995.
`I was the General Chair for the Dependable Systems and Networks
`Conference in 2008 (which is a first-ranked international academic conference on
`dependability, fault tolerance, and related topics including networked embedded
`system dependability). I was also Program Chair for the Dependable Computing
`and Communications Symposium (DCCS) of this same conference in 2012. I am a
`member of International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) Working
`Group 10.4, an invitation-only organization of international researchers on the
`Page 15 of 204
`topic of Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance that holds periodic
`workshops. These proceedings routinely address the topic of achieving safe and
`reliable operation of distributed embedded networks and systems using such
`networks. I am a senior member of both the Institute of Electrical and Electronic
`Engineers and the Association for Computing Machinery. I am a member of the
`Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International).
`I have had continuing
`the FlexRay
`communication protocol standard since 2001. In 2001, I was asked by ABB to
`team with them in performing a review of a pre-release draft versions of the
`FlexRay protocol. I have been teaching a lecture on the FlexRay protocol in my
`graduate-level distributed embedded systems class since just before the priority
`date of the ‘705 patent, with the first lecture taught on October 21, 2002. The
`FlexRay lecture content has been included as course content ever since. I consulted
`with the FlexRay consortium regarding the protocol in 2004.
`14. Based on the above education and experience, I believe that I have a
`detailed understanding of the state of the art during the relevant period, as well as a
`sound basis for opining how persons of skill in the art at that time would
`understand the technical issues in this case.
`15. A copy of my curriculum vitae is attached hereto as Appendix A.
`Page 16 of 204
`I submit this declaration in support of the petition for Inter Partes
`review of U.S. Patent No. 8,209,705 (“the ‘705 patent”) submitted by Daimler
`North America Corporation, Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC, and Mercedes-Benz U.S.
`International, Inc. (collectively, “Mercedes” or “Petitioners”).
`I am not an employee of Mercedes or of any affiliate or subsidiary
`I am being compensated for my time at my customary rate of $580 per
`19. My compensation is in no way dependent upon the substance of the
`opinions I offer below, or upon the outcome of Mercedes’ petition for Inter Partes
`review (or the outcome of the Inter Partes review, if trial is instituted).
`I have been asked to provide certain opinions relating to the
`patentability of the ‘705 patent. Specifically, I have been asked to provide my
`opinions regarding (i) the level of ordinary skill in the art to which the ‘705 patent
`pertains, and (ii) whether claims 8-19 of the ‘705 patent are anticipated by or
`would have been obvious in view of the prior art.
`21. The opinions expressed in this declaration are not exhaustive of my
`opinions on the patentability of claims 8-19 of the ‘705 patent. Therefore, the fact
`that I do not address a particular point should not be understood to indicate any
`Page 17 of 204
`opinion on my part that any claim otherwise complies with the patentability
`In forming my opinions, I have reviewed the ‘705 patent and its
`prosecution history, and the art cited during its prosecution history, as well as prior
`art to the ‘705 patent, including:
`a) Posadas et al., “Communications Structure for Sensor Fusion in Distributed
`Real Time Systems,” Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control
`2000: A Proceedings volume from the 6th IFAC Workshop, Palma de
`Mallorca, Spain (May 2000) (“Posadas”) (Ex. 1006);
`b) Stewart et. al., “Integration of Real-Time Software Modules
`Reconfigurable Sensor-Based Control Systems,” IEEE/RSJ International
`Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Raleigh, North Carolina (July
`1992) (“Stewart”) (Ex. 1007);
`c) H-C. von der Wense et al., “Building Automotive LIN Applications,”
`Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications, 280-292 (2001)
`(“Wense”) (Ex. 1008); and
`d) U.S. Patent No. 6,141,710 to Miesterfeld (“Miesterfeld”) (Ex. 1009).
`III. The ‘705 Patent
`I have reviewed the ‘705 patent, including the specification, claims,
`and prosecution history. The ‘705 patent generally relates to and describes
`software for “sharing information in a distributed system.” Ex. 1001, Abstract.
`Data between networks is shared using a common “bulletin board” memory. Id.
`A. The ‘705 Specification
`24. The system described includes at least two networks that are
`Page 18 of 204
`Controller Area Network (“CAN”), FlexRay, or Local Interconnect Network
`(“LIN”). Id., 3:24-33; claim 1.
`25. The system described in the ‘705 patent may be used in “vehicle
`communication and control systems, real-time monitoring system, industrial
`automation and control systems, as well as any other desired system.” Id., 1:22-25.
`26. The logical architecture of the system described in the ‘705 patent is
`described in connection with Figure 71:
`27. As shown in Figure 7, the system architecture described includes four
`1 I have annotated figures to the patent and cited art throughout the petition.
`Page 19 of 204
`main components: (1) network interfaces for each of the heterogeneous networks
`(red); (2) operating interfaces for each of the heterogeneous networks (yellow), (3)
`remote message processes for stripping out network-specific information (green)
`and (4) a real-time, bulletin board-type shared memory (blue). Id., 6:33-7:4.
`In operation, an external event (for example, a flag indicating that data
`from a sensor is available) is transmitted on a network to a communication bus
`controller (e.g. 703). The data is sent over the network—e.g., the CAN network—
`as a network specific message—e.g., a CAN frame. This causes an operating
`system interface (e.g., 709) to notify the message communication process (e.g.,
`710) that data is available.
`29. All of the claims at issue require two interfaces, each with two
`interface components for receiving and processing a particular type of network
`message. The network-specific message is referred to in the claims as “interface-
`related first layer message.”2 See, e.g., id., claim 1. At the first interface, first
`interface-related first layer messages (e.g. CAN frames) are first received at a “first
`interface-related first layer part.” Once received, a conversion procedure (e.g.,
`710) is performed at a “first interface-related second layer part,” which processes
`the first-interface related first layer messages by extracting data or converting them
`to remove data. See, id., 7:4-23, claim 1. After the first interface-related first layer
`2 Unless otherwise noted, all emphases in all citati