Webster’s II
`New College Dictionary
`Intellectual Ventures Exhibit 2001
`aren MotorCorp., et al. v. Intellectual Ventures IPR2017-01497


`Editorial and Pr
`Elements of the
`Explanatory Nc
`Abbreviations l
`Pronunciation (
`Biographical N
`Geographic Na
`Foreign Words
`Four-Year Coll
`Two-Year Publ
`A Concise Gu:
`Forms of Addr
`‘Table of Meas
`Periodic Table
`Signs and Sym
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`ISBN 0-395-96214-5
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster’s II new college dictionary.
`ISBN 0-395-70869-9 alk. paper)
`1, English language — Dictionaries.
`Riverside University dictionary
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`Intellectual Ventures Exhibit 2001


`enumerate @ ephebus
`en-wind (én-wind!) vt. -wound(-wound’}, -wind-ing, -winds.
`te (i-ndo’mo-rat’, -nydo!-) vt. -at-ed, -at+ing,
`To wind around.
`cts of 2 -
`e ee {Lat. enumerare, enumerat., to countout : ex-, out + numerus,
`en-wrap (rrp!) vt. -wrapped, -wrap-ping, -wraps. 1. To
`< Med ny.
`abet.) 1, To name or count off one by one : ust, 2. To determine
`Wrap up : ENCLOSE. 2. To envelop. 3, To absorb completely : encross.
`e intestines
`the number of : COUNT. —eenu’merea/tion nh, ~enn/mera’
`en-wreathe (én-réth'!) vt. -wreathed, -wreath-ing,
`18. (OF. en,
`tive adi. —e-nu/mer“a tor in.
`-wreathes. To surround with or as if with a wreath.
`3 < Lat tg
`enun-ci ate (i-niin’sé-at') v. -ateed, -at-ing, -ates, [Lat.
`en-zo-oteie (én'z6-it/ ik) adj. Affecting or peculiar to animals of a
`enuntiare, enuntiat- : ex-,.out + nuntidre,
`to announce < nuntius,
`particular area or limited district. —Used of a disease. —m. An en-
`messenger] —vt. 1. To pronounce clearly + ARTICULATE. 2. Toset
`~trains, Ty
`zootic disease.
`forth precisely <emunciate acceptable treaty terms> 3. To proclaim :
`en-zyme(&n/zim') n. [G. Enzym < Med. Gk. enzumos,leavened :
`announce. — vi. To makearticulate sounds. —e-nun/ci+a-ble (-a-
`= OFr, < gy.
`Gk: en-, in + zumé, leaven.} Any of numerous proteins or conjugated
`bal) adi. —ennn'cisa’tion n. —esnun!ciea'tive (-3é-4'tiv,
`t entering, 9 =
`proteins produced by living organisms and functioning as biochemical
`Wer! ADMis
`ise-o-tiv) adj. ~ e+nun’civa'tiverly ady, —emun’ci-a’tor n.
`catalysts in living organisms. ~en'zy+mat!ic {-za-mit!ik) adj.
`rformeris tg
`en-ure (in-yoor’) v. var. of INURE.
`—en'zynat!i-calely ady,
`eneu-rersis (én‘ys-ré/sis) n. (NLat. <Gk. enourein, to urinate in :
`en-zy-mol-o-gy ('za-mél!a-jé) n. The biochemistry of enzymes.
`en, in + ourein,
`to utinate.< ouron, urine.] Involuntary urination,
`Tane+es, |,
`—en’zy-mol/ o-gist n.
` Len'uretfic (-28t'ik) adj:
`eo=— pref. (Gk. &6- < é6s, dawn.] Most primitive : EARuEST <eohip-
`ef ment n,
`en-vel-op (én-vél’ap) vt. -oped, -op-ing, -ops. (ME envolupen,
`pus> <eolith>
`to be involved in < OFr, enyoloper ; en-, in (< Lat. in-) + voloper, to
`E-o-cene(é!a-sén’) adj. Of, relating to, or designating the geologic
`— Se ENTER] a, wrap up.] 1. To enclose or encase entirely with or as if with a covering.
`time, rock series, sedimentary deposits, and fossils of the second ald-
`9, To attack (an enemy's flank). ~en-vel/op-er n. —en-vel/ op:
`est af the five major epochs of the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era,
`ps. [OF en —
`ment 1.
`"extending from the end of the Paleoceneto the beginning of the Oli-
`La trap. 2.To E-
`gneweelope (én! va-lop’, én’-) n. [Fr enveloppe < envelopper, to en-
`gocene and marked by the rise of mammals: — nm. The Eoceneepoch.
`velop < OFr. envoloper] 1. Something that envelops. 2. A flat, folded
`e-o-hip-pus (é'd-hip'ss) n, [go- + Gk, hippos, horse.] An extinct,
`ats. [ME et. (— paper container esp. for a letter. 3, Biol. An enclosing covering, as a
`small, herbivorous mammalof the genus Hyracotherium or Eohippus
`o treat < Lat,
`-Qyembrane or shell. 4. The gasbag in a balloon. 5. Math. A curve or
`of the Eocene epoch, with four-toed front feet and three-toed hind feet
`. 2. To ask for
`gurface tangent to all curves or surfaces of a family of curves or sur-
`and ancestrally related to the horse.
`est request on
`e-orlivan (é-0/lé-an) adj. [After AtoLus.] Relating to, caused by, or
`it! meat n,
`“emeven-om (én-vén!om) vt. -omed, -omsing, -oms, [ME enven-
`transmitted by the wind.
`tt PLEA.
`< dmen < OF: envenimer: éen-, in + venim, venom. —see VENOM.) 1. To
`e-o-lith (é/9-lith’) n. A crude stoneartifact.
`imake poisonous or noxious. 2, To embitter,
`E-o-lith-ic (@'9-lith ik) adj.
`Of.or pertaining to the postulated ear-
`at.) + treccig,
`‘enevieasble (én/vé-a-bal) adj. Arousing envy : DESIRABLE. —en/-
`hiest period of human culture preceding the Lower Paleolithic.
`he feet seve
`a-bly adv.
`e-on (2/én', @/an) m. [LLat. agon < Gk. aidn.) 1. An indefinitely long
`en-vi-ous (én! vé-gs) adj. 1. Feeling, expressing, or marked by envy.
`timeperiod : act. 2. Geol. The longest division of geologic time, hav-
`2) Obs, Eager to emulate : emuLous. —en/vi-ousely adv, —en/-
`part. of entn
`ing two or more eras. —e-o! nian (€-6/né-an) adj,
`‘Vievous-ness 7.
`b. Power, per
`ros (eds!) nm. {Gk. Eds < dds, dawn.| Gk. Myth, The goddess of the
`-enevieron (én-vilren) vt. [ME envirounen < OFy, environner < en-
`Fr, < OFF. at
`viron, round about ‘-en-, in (< Lat. in-) + viron, circle < virer, to turn,
`e+0+sin (#/9-san) n. (Gk. és, dawn + -1n.] A red crystalline powder,
`ntermit, +
`of Celt. orig.] To encircle : surround.
`CypHgBr,Os, used to color gasoline and in textile dyeing and ink man-
`‘ronment (én-vi! ran-mant) 5. 1. The circumstances or con-
`ngs “trenet
`ditions surrounding one : sURROUNDINGs. 2. The total of circumstanc-
`e+0+sin-o- phil (é'3-sin!s-ffl') also e-o+sin-o-phile (-fil') n. 1.
`rtify or d
`8 surrounding an organism.or group of organisms, esp.: a. The
`Physiol. A leukocyte in vertebrate blood that accepts an eosin stain. 2.
`trench hire
`combination of external or extrinsic physical conditionsaffecting and
`Biochem. A microorganism,cell, or histological elementeasily stained
`luencing the growth and development of organisms. b. The com-
`by eosin dye. —e’o-sin’o-phil’, e'o-sin'o-phil'ic, e'o-si-
`of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an indi-
`noph/i-lous (é’6-si-ndf!a-las) adj.
`vente, a hee
`‘ual or community, 3, An artistic or theatrical work surrounding or
`e-o-sin-o-phil-i-a (2'3-sin‘a-fil'é-a) mn, An increase in the number
`A place
`olving the audience.
`of eosinophils in the blood.
`‘Vieron-men:tal (én-vi'ran-mén/ tl, -vi'arn-) adj. 1. Of or re-
`-eoussuff. (Lat. -eus.] Having the nature of : RESEMBLING <gaseous>
`He to the environment. 2. Relating to or concerned with the eco-
`ep— pref. var. of EPi-.
`“ical impact of altering the environment. 3. Med. Of or relating to
`e+pact (@/pikt’) n. [OF: epacte < Lat. epacta < Gk. epaktat < epa-
`perates, &
`Potentially harmfulfactors originating in the environment. —en+
`' gein, to intercalate : epi-, on + agein, to lead.] The period required to
`saining thePh
`harmonize the solar calendar with the lunar calendar.
`"t ‘ron-men-tal+ism (én-vi'ran-mén/tl-iz"’am) n. The theory
`epearch (8p! ark’) n, (Gk. eparkhos, commander : epi-, over +
`-3UVironment rather than heredity is the primary influence on in-
`arkhein, to rule 1. The adrninistrator of an eparchy, 2, An Eastern
`ctual growth and cultural development.
`iam,“in +6
`Orthodox bishop or metropolitan. —e-par! chisal(I-par'ké-al) adj.
`ity fo unde
`antspoemen-tal-ist (én-vi'ran-mén/ tl-ist) 1. 1. One who
`epear-chy (ép! ar'ké) n., pl. -chies. 1, An administrative subdivi-
`sion of Greece, 2. An Eastern Orthodox diocese.
`the relations?
`eateneet the natural environment. 2. A supporter of environ-
`am absoh:
`ep-au-let also ep-aurlette (&p'a-lé&t’, Ep'a-lét’) nm.[Fr. épaulette,
`2Ameas :
`Tons (&n-vi!ranz) pln. [Fr < OFr. environ, about. — see EN-
`dim. of épaule, shoulder, < OFr. espaule < Med, Lat. spatula, —see
`LA Surrounding area, esp. of a city. 2. Surroundings. '
`esrauicn.] A shoulder ornament esp. a fringed strap wom.on military
`e measure 10"?
`on,oe, (en-vi2" fi) vt. ~aged, -ag-ing, -agees. [Fr envisager :
`ina(< Lat. in-) + visage, face. —see visAce.] 1, To conceive
`ace of that st
`é+pée also e+pee (i-pa!) n. (Fr. < Lat. spatha, sword,] 1. A fencing
`alarwas as a future possibility. 2. To consider or regard in a
`sword with a bowl-shaped guard and a long, narrow,fluted blade lack-
`trusts: be
`ing a cutting edge and tapering to a blunted point. 2. The art or sport
`, on pesformits
`inthenon) vt. -sioned, -sion-ing, -sions. To pic-
`of fencing with the épée. —é-pée/ist n.
`ep-ei-rog-e-ny (ép'i-r6j/a-né) n., pl. -nies. (Gk. épeiros, conti-
`e ag a tute
`also €mevoy (én! voi’, én’-) n. [ME envoie < OFr, envoier,
`nent + -Gceny,] Deformation of the earth’s crust that forms continents
`and oceanic basins or parts of these. ~e-pei'ro-gen! ie {i-pi' rd-
`an, p.part®
`ll ae ENvov.] The closing stanza of someverse forms, as the
`Sither dedicating the poem to a patron or summarizingit-
`jén’ik) adj. —e-pei’ro-gen/i-cal-ly adv.
`oy! (én voi"
`e-pen-the-sis (j-pén! tha-sis) n., pl. -ses (-séz') [LLat. < Gk. <
`eb. A me,
`aS Lat, jy, on!-) n. [Fr envoy < envoyer, to send < OFy, en-
`scord. b. An
`* Inviare, to put on the way : Lat. in-, on + Lat. via, way.
`epentithenai, to insert ; epi-, in addition to + en-, in + tithenai, to
`din a dictions
`Speci ret ? agent. 2, A governmental representative dispatched
`place.] Insertion of a sound orletter into a word. ~ep'en-thet'ic
`(ép"in-thét/ik) adj.
`mtered im #
`“tplomatic mission. 3. A minister plenipotentiary to a for-
`y? Tanking below an ambassador.
`e+pergne(i-parn’, a-pim’) n. [Perh, alteration of Fr. épargne, saving
`-)n. var. of ENVOL,
`< épargner, to save.] A large table centerpiece having a frame with
`YY ntvayan“ae a
`as, envinn. Bs Pl. -vies, {ME envie < OF: < Lat. invidia < in-
`wines- -"
`extended arms or branches supporting holders, as for flowers, fruit, or
`agether. yd
`esire f = invidéreto envy : in-, in + vidére, to see,] 1. Re-
` ep-ex-e-ge-sis (tp-ék'so-jé/ sis) n. [Gk. epexégésis < epexégei-
`<the en Or another's possessions or advantages. 2. The object of
`sthai, to explain in detail: epi-, in addition to + exégeisthai, to explain.
`vy of all the neighbors> 3. Obs. Malevolence. ~ vt.
`-at-ingr ?
`pYing, -vies. 1, To feel envy toward. 2. To feel envy be-
`—see execesis.} Additional explanation or explanatory material.
`—ep-ex'e-get/ic (-jét' ik), ep-ex'e-get!i-cal adj.
`«, out + ml
`5: Vier n, —en! vysing-ly adv.
`e-phah also e-pha (é' fo) ». (Heb. ‘éphah, prob. of Egypt. orig.) An
`om an env
`i, (it, at)
`NIE riche Sentful desire for another's possessions or advantages
`ae Hebrew unit of dry measure equal-to slightly more than a
`* Provoked envy amongtheir poorer relatives.>
` e-phebe (é!éb', feb’) n, (Lat. ephebus < Gk. ephébos: epi-, upon
`+ hébé, early manhood.] A youth aged 18 to 20 years in ancient
`y young
`th this
`th thin
`Greece. ~e'phe! bic adj.
`hw which,
`zh vision
`e-phe-bus(i-féfbas) m., pl. -bi bi") [Lat.] An ephebe..
`electual Ventures Exhibit 2001

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