Webster’s II
`New College Dictionary
`yeta Motor Corp., et al. v. Intellectual Ventures IPR2017-01497
`Intellectual Ventures Exhibit 2001


`Editorial and Pr
`Preface .
`Elements of the
`Explanatory NC
`Abbreviations i
`Pronunciation (
`Abbreviations .
`Biographical N
`Geographic Na
`Foreign Words
`Four-Year Coll:
`Two-Year Publ
`A Concise Gu:
`Forms of Addr
`Table of Meas-
`Periodic Table
`Signs and Synr
`Words are included in this Dictionary on the basis of their usage.
`Words that are known to have current trademark registrations are.
`shown with an initial capital and are also identified as trademarks.
`No investigation has been made of common-law trademark rights in
`any word, because such investigation is impracticable. The inclusion
`of any word in this Dictionary is not, however, an expression of the
`Publisher’s opinion as to whether or not it is subject to proprietary
`rights. Indeed, no definition-in this Dictionary is to be regarded-as
`affecting the validity of any trademark.
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`Illustrations azimuthal equidistant projection and sinusoidal
`projection © 1986 by The American Congress on Surveying and
`ISBN 0—395-96214—5
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster’s [I new college dictionary.
`[silk paper}
`ISBN 0395-70869-9
`1. English language ~— Dictionaries.
`Riverside University dictionary
`42.3 — dc20
`I. Webster’s 11 new
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`Printed in the United States
`Intellectual Ventures Exhibit 2001


`enumerate o ephebus
`- 3??
`——.__________‘ ff
`.mel" gte {i—no‘o’ma-rét', I-nyo‘ofA) Vt. fiat-ed, attains,
`era-wind (Envwind’) Vt. -wml.nd (Awound’l, -wim:I-ing,I -wlnds.
`lance. 2,- All
`“we, flat. enumerate. matriarch, to count out . are. out + numeros,
`To Wind around;
`ctsof fishy
`number'} 1. To name or count off one by ope : 1.131: 2. To determine
`en-wrap (En-rap’ J Vt. -wra pend, -Wl'ap-pll.lg, -wr.aps. 1. To
`< Med. Lat
`E intestine;
`the number of : COUNT. —e-nu mer-a-‘tron n. -eann'mer-a’
`wrap up : sucrose. 2. To env op. 3. lb absorb completely : smartest.
`five “at --e-nu’mrer-a for n.
`enowreothe (én‘réth'l Vt. «wreathed, -wreath-rng,
`g ( Lat. tra-
`smart-(5'3“: (Irnuni's‘ttflt
`v1 -at-ed, -atqng, mites. {hat
`-wreathea. To surround with Dr as dwith a wreath.
`whom-Tm mummy. -_
`+ jam-131518,
`to announce < ntleus,
`en-zIo-otorc [on zIo-ot-‘iltlodj. Affecting or peculiar to animals of it
`«rains To
`.- mwngerl- ~ vi. 1. To pronounce clearly : nn'rrcumre. 2. To set
`particular area or limited district.
`-—Used of a disease. — n. An en-
`forth precisely <arrunciare acceptable treaty terms> 3. To proclaim :
`ZOOtic disease.
`< OFr, 4‘ fit-
`_ Wu , _. vi. To make articulate sounds. —e-nuu’cion-lale [—a-
`enozyme lén’zim’] n. EC. Enzym < Med. Ck. enztrrnos. leavened :
`; entering. 1 _
`hall adj. _e.'nun’¢i.a-'ItionI n. —eanun'cioo’tive (-s'é-i'fiv’
`Gk. an, in + zumé. leavenl Anyof numerous proteins or conjugated
`rter : Amos
`gas—ti") adf- —eonun’caoaftave-IY adv. _. finunfci.a tor 11.
`proteins produced by living organismsIand functioning as biochemical
`riornrer is m
`and”: tin-Wort) v. vat. of more.
`catalysts tn llVP‘lg organisms. —en Zy-mat'rc (”may“) [1de
`endure-Bis (En'ya-ré'sls] n. lNLat. <‘Gk. enourein. to urinate in -.
`—CI1 ““1163 ltcaJ-ly adv.
`mane-ea. 1.
`' w, in + our-sin.
`to urinate-d. ouron, urine] involuntary urination.
`envzyI-mol-oagy l§n za-mdl-‘a-ie) n. The biochemistry of enzymes.
`' _,D'u.ree'ic (-rét’flr] adj;
`-—e.I1 zy-mol’f-grse‘n.
`- “we“:
`(an-v51 ’ap) vt. -oped, «op-5mg, «ops. IME anvolupsn,
`eo— pref. le. 30- 4 cos. dawn} Most primitive : exmrsr <oohip-
`.e-‘ment n.
`to be invo ved in < OFI. snvoloper : err, in (< Lat. m) + voloper, to
`P115> <30]ilh>
`-—3ee EN
`. To enclose or encase entire] with oras if with a coveri
`. E-o-cene lye-3911') Mi. 01. relating to. 01' Clem-sting the geologic
`.etition. Tm
`' :fihglrladk (an enemy's flank). ~en-deltop-cr n. —en-ve1!ou1;g.
`time. rock Iseries,_sedimcntary deposits, and fossils of the second old-
`ps. [Oh an.
`“Item I].
`_ est of the five major epochs of the Tertiary period ot'_the_ Cenozoic em,
`. a gap 110 I
`mauve-lope (énfvadfip', tint-1 n_ [12; swamp” < envgjoppen ”to fir
`extending from the end of the Paleocene. toIthe beginning of the Oliv
`velop <-0Fr. anvoloper} 1. Something that envelope. 2.. A flat, folded
`5mm: and markfd by Eh: nse 0! mammals. -« n. The Eocene epoch.
`.. paper container esp. for a letter. 3. Biol. An enclosing covering, as a
`'3'0'1“ 'P'Ps (9 5""? 93) n. liD' + 511- hill-70$, how-l A11 extinct,
`ats. [ME sn-
`o treat < Lat
`. membrane or slrel]. 4. The BMW in a 1,3110%, 5‘ Mirth, A curve or
`ierhivorous mammal of the genus Hyracotherrum or thippus
`_ 1. To ask lot
`slalom tangent to all curves or surfaces of a family of curves or arm
`of the Eocene epoch, wrth iour-toed front feet and three-toad hind feet
`est request or.
`and ancestrally related to the horse.
`at’mem n.
`:Ienoven-om (an—VEn’am} ”I .omed’ min-ins, -oms. [ME anvan‘
`e-o-h-an (eo’le-an) adj. {Alter Atoms] Relating to, caused by, or
`transmitted by the wind.
`t : PLEA.
`jmen < OFr. envanimer‘. one, in + Venim, venom. —see VENOM] 1. To
`_ I,
`e'o'l'lth (.e a-ltth ) "' A crude stone ”film."
`rectiulu. int“
`' mire poisonous or noxious. 2. To embitter.
`at.) + treads.
`Lenw-i-aoble (én’vé-ovball adj. mousing envy : nesmnnij. — en’- Efo'hth'm (e a'l-Ith'fk) "dl' 01 or pertainmg to the postulated ear-
`he feet save
`a-bly adv.
`liest periodfof human culture preceding the Lower Paleolithic.
`enovioous (én’ve-qs) adj. 1. Feeling, expressing, or marked by envy. Eton (e'on ’ Pan) :1. lLI‘at‘ neon < Gk 9199‘] 1' An indefinitely long
`part. of 8an
`3.01m Eager to emulate : mucous —en’vi-ous-ly ad“ _en,_
`time period 1AGE. 2. Goal. The longest dlvlSlD‘n of geologrc time, hav-
`vi-ouauneas rr.
`ing two or more eras; neon'm-an lé-ot‘ne-ao) adj.
`b. Power. P“
`real. 0F
`.en-vi-ron (En-vi’ron) Vt. [ME anvirounon (I OFr. environner < en'-
`13:05 le’os'] ’1' la" Eds < 353' dawnl GI" Myth, The 3°dd°35 °f the
`mm“- ‘
`roi tillagarlic? 31%:letsdnrrdunr’m' m-rde ( men to mm’
`°'°°9m lé’ 9'89") "v {Ck 353» dawn + -IN-l A red crystalline powder.
`C HSBuOg, used to color gasoline and in textile dyeing and ink man-
`‘IW'ment (én—vi’ ran-mam] n. 1. The circumstances or con-
`n3 mend
`o actunng.
`.nify or delw
`is surroulldillldlgg (die 3:112:00??qu5'3? Ere $51113] :3”???th e-o»om.o-plnl (e’ssin! a-fi‘l’) also eooeSJnooophfle {-lil') n. 1.
`Wench them 11-
`P .
`33 .
`" .
`PhysiolAleukocyte in vertebrate blood thataceeprsaneosin stain. 2.
`matron 0 external or extrinsrt: physical conditions 31 ectrng and
`roacli mlrnstt,
`Brochem. A microorganism, cell, or histological element easily stained
`"tuning the growrh and development of organrsms. b. The com-
`eosin d e —e'oosi.n-'o- hil' era‘sinro. hjl'ic e:
`8 OT
`. cnrre am;
`it cit social and cultural conditions affecting the nature at an indi-
`anhI'i-ldrua [fool-nothing] adj,
`A place when
`dvingofitflrdlfiggé: An artistic or theatrical work surrounding or
`eoOosrn-Oaphllasoa (e'o-sIn'a-fflfe-a) n. An increase In the number
`f eosinophils in the blood.
`'2. a trading
`'m-men-tol (én-vi'ton-mr‘én-‘tl, -vi'arn-] adj. 1. Of or re-
`as to the environment. 2. Relating to or concerned with the eco— eggficsffig‘gj :fifl Having the nature 0‘ I RBSE‘MBLING <gaseons>
`maliflfi; OfIalItefring the. environment. 3:1 md._C)f 0" relating to
`eopact lé’Pfikt') n. [0H spasm < Lat. spasm < Ck. epaktai < spa.
`parates. and
`gaining the?I
`WI"Ml-Irielal'rtl:n In] actors originating in t e cnwronment.
`'goin, to intercalate .' apt, on + again. to lead] The period required to
`“Wow"; :1 ' Vlad“
`harmonize the solar calendar with the lunar calendar.
`etween (< l“.
`at some an.“ “m (En—l" .nnfmé“ “I” am] ‘3' Th“ eory
`rep-arch (ep’ark'l n. [Gk aparkhos, commander : epi-. over +
`; a groundfln“
`“Emit lath“ than halal"? ‘5 the ana‘l’ Influence on "1'
`arid-rein, to rule] I. The administrator of an eparchy. 2. An Eastern
`k. 617', in + ‘3
`um: w'
`and Cultural development. r
`Orthodox bishop or metropolilan. -eopar’ch.ioal li-pir'ké-al) adj.
`my“) ”an
`m m r :nen'talust {En-r1 ran-mén tHst) rr- 1- One who
`epoarochy lép’éir'ké] 11., pi. -chiea. 1. An administrative subdivi-
`the relarltifl‘hg
`mafia]; 0 Eat the natural env'mmen“ 2' A supporter ”1 enmon'
`aion of Greece. 2.19m Eastern Orthodox diocese.
`. system 1'35“
`.mn‘s E
`ep-au-let also epvau-lette (opts-lat: ép'avlét’ ) 11. [F1 dpaulstte.
`2. A mess“Ia -
`l A l 11"” riml pin. lFL < 0PT- GHVHW- Ethan}: —§e° EN'
`rim. of epaule, shoulder. < OFr. eSpanle < Med. Lat. spatula. —see
`[mics by I319“?
`.a' e Surrounding area, 55 . 0‘ a at)" 2. Surroundings. _
`tsmum] A shoulder ornament esp. a fringed strap worn on military
`_e measure lat!
`.m‘ I3
`fen-vizf 1!] at. -age , ageing, -ag-es. [F1 cnvrsager :
`’ “K Lal- 111-) + visage. face. —see mach] 1- T0 conceive
`é-pée also e-pee tit-pat: :1. [Fr < Lat. Spotlltl, sword} 1. A fencing
`m or new”
`“fir“. CSP‘ as a future WSlbllltY- 1- T0 consrder or ”33“] 1" a
`sword with a howl-shaped guard and a long, narrow, fluted blade lack-
`.trusts- I.
`- way.
`acuttin ed
`and ta arm to a blunted oint. 2. The art ors ort
`matfinfign'mh’ani rt. «ironed. «ion-ins. -si0n9- T0 Pic-
`distancing vfith gtlre epée?—é§pée’ist n.
`. or perfornW’
`ve as a "u
`‘ misc :3
`ep-eiorog-e-ny (Ep’ivroi'a-nel n., pl. mics. [Gk épejros. conti-
`r lawyer? f
`send. H333
`'VOY (én’vol _. fin’d EL [ME WWW 4 OR WWW.
`nent + vothJ Delormation oi the earth’s crust that forms continents
`:rn. 13.13“"
`sites... fi""9‘lm Chan‘s Stanza 0f some verse £09113. 3? [he
`and oceanic basins or parts of these. eu'eopei’m-gent'ic li-pi'ro-
`' 9!
`fifllmtmg the poem ‘0 a patron 0f “11111131121113 11:
`ién'ik) adj. —e-pei'mogen’ i-cal-ly adv.
`:e. b. A mesfam
`< LI... ‘3‘“; I511’“) :2. {Fr envoys < envoyer. to send < OFr- en-
`e-puptheosis lr-ptnrihs-srs) n, pl. -ses (-séz') ILLaL < Ck. <
`min b. All ai
`A massm’ ”‘me to out on the way : Lat. in. on + Lat. via. way-l
`spantithzirai. to insert : epi-, in addition to + 911-, in + othsnai. to
`d in a dictim’
`3pm“ dale! : agent. 2. A governmental representative dispatched
`place.) Insertion of a sound or letter into a word. —ep’en-thettic
`uttered in a
`embasg Iplomatic mission. 3. A minister plenipotentiary to a for-
`{ep'mrher’ 1k] adj.
`3.: (till [321mg below an ambassador.
`e-pergne (i-porn’, a-pam'] n. lPerh. alteration of Fr. épargne. saving
`-J n. var. of tumor.
`< épargnar. to save! A large table centerpiece having a frame with
`wine& "
`n_, PI-I-Vies. {ME some < 0P1. < Lat. invidi‘a < in-
`extended arms or branches supporting holders, as for flowers, fruit, or
`68.“! f
`invrde‘re'to envy : in-, in + vidéire, to see] 1. Re-
`“he a
`'31 anothcr's possessions or advantages. 2. The object of
`epbex-e-ge-sis (op-ek’sa-ie'ar‘a] n. {Gk epsxdgésis < apexégei-
`_. VY OI fill the neighbors> 3. Obs. Malevolcnce. - vt.
`sthai', to explain in detail -. soil. in addition to + exégsisthar‘. to explain.
`“32$: {Vi-ea. 1. To feel envy toward. 2. To feel envy be-
`— see amnesia] Additional explanation or explanatory material.
`2 ans: 5 VI-er n, —cn*vy-in§-ly adv.
`—ep-ex'e-get’ic (vlét’fk), cpoex'eoget’iica] adj.
`“firing . reNW' COVE'tousness, envrousNtss, Izamusy n. core
`eaphah also e-pha (E’lsi n. {Heb ’épha'h, prob. of Egypt. ori
`.] An
`“Irishessemm desire for anorher’s possessions or advantages
`ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to slightly more t an a
`”milked sm'y among their poorer relatives}
`eaphebe (el’éb', i—leh'] n. [Lat. sphebus < Gk. ephébos -. epi. upon
`+ hébé. early manhood] A youth aged 13 to ‘10 years in ancienl
`y young
`Greece. —e’plie’hic adj.
`circus BaphB-blls li-ie-‘bosl it, pl. -bi (-bi’) [Lat] An ephcbe..
`«rat-i119 '
`r-, o
`run an 631:
`li— l-Ilr‘a‘ 1‘
`.e-a'wr ”'
`. h
`11w meal-
`on out
`{it this
`til thin
`a about.
`fir urge
`in cut
`e er:
`'en res Exhibit2001

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