oll l
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`VOl.4 1
`Editor: P. J. MEHTA
`JUNE 1993
`IN T ill<.: ISSl 1;
`H >l I O IU ALS
`Toxicity of O r a l Iro n Ch elator L 1
`SK llic/1ile, Pl Melrra. S1111i/ J Pareklr
`S tre ptokinasc in Acute M yocn rdinl Infarctio n
`RS Rajagopalo11
`Co ntinu ous Artc riovenous llaemofiltrnti on and
`MK Ma11i
`Haemod ia lysis
`RJ Daslr,.
`E nd emic C retinism : Th e Indian Scene
`V Gupta
`OIU<;J N \l.Alffl<'I ES
`Assessment o fl11tr:ivcno11s S tre ptok inase Therapy in
`P Garg, R Saigal,
`Acute Myocardi al Infarction
`SC Mathur
`Con t i nuou ~ Re na l Re placeme nt The ra py in C ritically Ill
`I) Mnlakar, PP 111omas,
`Patients with Renal Fi1il11rc
`CK )(ICOb, JCM Slwstry
`C linical S tud y of End emic C retin ism In South Sikkim
`R Snnkw. T Pulger, JJ Rai, G Sankar, TR Gyatso, BM Roi
`Autoant ihodi es in Thala ssnemia Maj or: Relations hip
`J Melrta, A Clwblani,
`wit h O ral I ron C h ela tor L1
`R Reporter. S Si11g11a/, /JC Melrta
`lmmun osurvcill a ncc of T ra nsfusion l)cpcncle nt
`M Maz.111111/er.
`Tlrnlassacm ia a nd lle patilis B Va ccimllion
`IJ Se11g11pw. M De. P u1/riri, DK 81w11aclral)'O
`KD Nilra/011i,
`C-P cptid e Pro fil es in Youn g Diabetics
`PK Vartlrokavi. KL Patel. l'C Mercl1a11t
`P rognosis a nd Ma n agem en t o f Membranous Nephropa thy
`DK f'<1lwri , S Das, /JN D1111r1. D IJanerjee
`Sero logica l Charactcris11 tion o f Ncisse riu G ono rrh oea c
`MG K11lkomi,
`By Co - Agi:l11t in a tio n T echnique
`RA Rudie. S Join, PK M11rti
`l'o ly111yosilis - A l~ cv iew a nd Follow Up S tudy of 24
`Ca~cs AS Naray111w.111•w11y. M /\klrwr, N K11111ar. Al Lazar
`E va luation of l\ la nni ng's C rit eria in th e l)iagnosis of
`KP Rao. S G11p1t1, AK Jain.
`Irritable Bowel Sy nd r ome
`AK Agarwal, JP G11p1t1
`Tnms rccta l F ine Needle Aspirati on of Prostate
`G J11y<1ru111, N Nakra. AK Ven1111, GD Goel
`C liclazidc in th e Trea tment of O h csc Non-Ins ulin
`V Sesl1ialr, S Ve11katra111a11,
`Depe ndent Diabetic Pi1tie nt
`K SureJ·/r
`Scrum l mmunoglob in E Agains t l'l'D A nti gen in
`AV l'lrerwa11i,
`Pat hi cnts with Pulmona ry Tubercu losis
`I. lllyram. MA fl•la.rnod
`37 1
`An ti-Lymp hocyte G lobul in Therapy in Acqu ired
`/VllJ Agurll'al, UM Ag11nv11I. AB fllwve,
`A pl asti c An em ia
`C Vi.r/11v<11111tlw11
`Sl' I C'I \I 'il·. IOl .S
`Ad verse Dru g lk a c tio n Monitorin i: In I nd ia
`NA KJ/iiramgar, SC Karamle. CN l'mkar
`K NNares/i,
`38 1
`Platelet Func tion in Acut e L e ukaemias
`P Sivasa11karo11, Al Ve/iath
`\Jl'))A n . AR'I ICl.Kl.i
`BM Hegde
`Congesti ve Heart Fa ilure · An O verview
`AM Amarap1;rkor, SC Slrah,
`Subacute Hepatic Failure
`RE\ 11, \\ ARI Jl'I I·
`Recent Trends in th e Diagn os is of Amoebias i.s SC Parija 383
`CAS I•; REl'OR rs
`Macroglossia · T h e Presenting Feature of Primary
`S Gaikwad. P Vartlrakavi, M Chandalia,
`KO Nihala11i
`Pers is tent Comple te Hem·t Block Followin g Acu te
`CK Shalr,
`Rheunmtic Fever in a 12 Yea r Old Girl
`A Bhansu/i
`A Pseudo Adernal T umo r in a n Obese I nfant
`39 1
`R M11ralidlrara11. N Klla1idelwal, SK Mitra, RJ Dash
`Mu lt iple My el oma Prese ntin g us Acute Parnplegiu
`S Aganval, R Avasthi, S Gupta, BK Ram
`Von Will cbrand 's Disease with Gas trointes tinal
`VR Dhamidlrarka, SK Bic/1ile, SS Vaidya
`Tel a ng icctasia
`ll lrn•. F C ,\S I· R El'O RT<.;
`Acute Pancr eatilis with Disseminated I ntravascula r
`K Jayaclra11dra11, L Ve11ka1akrisl1na11,
`Coaguhl lion
`S Nagaraja11
`No n-Cardiac Pulmona r y O ed ema in Scorpion Bite
`A Matlrur, G Ven11a, RS Gehlot, JS Ujj1val
`Uron chogcnic Ciirc inoma in volving the Aortn , s uperi or
`Ven a Ca va, Mediastinum a nd Pe rica rdium
`VP Sa11z.giri. CR Mere/ram, JV Ma11dke, AM Phatak
`C 'Olt lU~S l'ONl>EM . 1· S
`Poncct's Disease P Dileep Kumar, PK Sasidhara11.
`BJ Patti, G Tharinn, PV Bhargavan
`Associa te of T hy roid Disorders with Acrom egaly and
`with the Develo pment of lly pe rplastic/Dysplastic Breast
`Ajay K Slrarma, SK G11pta, SK Mislrra
`Disor d ers
`S K11111ar, S Rao,
`A Case of Ncurotox ic ity l>u e to lNll
`I Ramiah, A Jaymm
`Atypical Lymph ocy tes in Acute Falcipa rnm Ma laria
`RC Jai11, V Jai11
`E fficacy and Safety of ll uma n lli osynthe tic I ns ulin of
`N Rias. CClwri,
`Saccharomyt.'Cs Ccrcvis iae O rig in
`A Kapur
`llOOh. IU .VlF WS
`This mat,.rial W"1"<~40ttl NCEI\ I ENTS
`at the NLM and may be
`Subject US Copyri,gfit Laws
`1 of 4
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1031


`J Mehta"'. /\ Chablani * ·~ . R Reporter* * * , S Singhal*, BC Mehta****
`/\HS I H1\ ( I
`Ninety pa ticnlS with thalaso;acmia major were inveo;tigatcd for the occurrence or antinuclear :mtihodics (ANA), a nd those
`with AN/\ were tested for antihodic<> to histoncs (A II ,\ ). AN/\ were detected in 7 of 27 thalasscmics on oral iron chelator LI,
`and in 2 of(1J th:ilas .. acmics not on LI (p < 0.01). AllA \\ere seen in 4 or 7 thala""cmics rcceivini: LI with positive ANA, rmd
`in no ne or the 2 not re1:civing I.I (p < 0.03). J oint pain" were seen in patient-; receiving L I, but in none of the patients not
`rccl'ivini: I.I. T her e was no rnrrl'lation hetwccn hepatitis JI or lll V positivity and presence or ANA or joint pai ns. 'While some
`amount or background ANA -positivity w;1s funnd in paticnto; with thalas .. acmia major, ii was significantly more in patients
`rcecivini: I.I. Laboratory cviden1:e or drug-indncecl l11 p11o;-like reaction wao; seen only in p<itients who received LI. In view or
`serious concerno; about the safety of 1. 1 and wide variationo; in the incidmcc and wvcrity of adverse reactions repor ted by dif(cid:173)
`ferent sourcco;, an urgent rcg11la111ry audit of all trial centrl'o; i\ l's .. ential.
`I NT l~O l>l l ( TH >N
`L ong-term
`iron chelation therapy with desfcr(cid:173)
`in patients with 1ransfuslon-dependcn1
`thnlnssaemi a io; wcll-cstabli-;hed. generally sarc· nnd
`reduces or prevents iron-induced organ dysl'unction.1
`Dcsfcn-ioxamine is the standard against which the
`risks and benefits or any new form or chelation
`including oral
`iron chelators should he
`Of the large number of' drug~ that have been
`evnlunted as potential oral
`iron chela1ors.
`hydroxypyridinone family has been the most exten(cid:173)
`sively swdied.1 1.2-dimcthyl-3-hydroxypyridin-4-one
`(LI or CP20) ha!. been the most widely studied oral
`chclator. While some investigators have found ii to be
`a sal'e drug in animal studies.4.5 others have en(cid:173)
`countered substantial animal
`toxicity such as
`potentiation or th.! action of barbiturates in rats,6 in(cid:173)
`creased sali vation, severe sweating, muscular spasms,
`and hyperactivity. 3·
`/\granulocytosis and
`bocytopoenia developed in one LI recipient with
`I31ackfan -Diamond
`developed in 3 of34 patients receiving LI in London.9
`We have described a case of fatal LI -induced sys(cid:173)
`lupus crythcmatosuo;. tO The
`reports of
`occurrence of au1oa111ibodics in thalassaemics rcceiv-
`"'Blood Researc h Centre. Vivi11:1 Bldg 3A, SV Rond. llu111hay 400
`058: Leukae mia Unit. Royal MaNde n llo~pi1:1l. Su11o n. Surrey.
`•• 11111111111op:ithological Di agnn~llc ('en1 re. 14 Pare kh Mah:1!. IJ
`Road. Bombay 400 01 C>:
`• u T :11a Blood Dank. JJ 110\pital.
`..... N.111ava11 l h1,p11:,J.SV Road. Vik l':nlc. Uombay400054.
`Received. 17.2. 1993: Revl'ed: I 0.5 1991: Acc.: pied: 21 .5. 1993
`JAi'/ J9YJ. \IOI .IJ, NO. fl
`ing LI have been conflicting, 11 •20 and questions have
`been raised ahcmt a backgound occurrence of an(cid:173)
`tinuclacr antibodies
`in patients wi th
`thalassacmia major. 13·20 Antibodies to nuclear his(cid:173)
`tones (AHA), which arc supposed to be relatively
`specific for drug-induced lupus,2 1 have been described
`in patients with thalassaemia major not receiving
`Ll. 17
`The present study was undertaken to determine the
`frequency of occurrence of ANA in thalassaemics ir(cid:173)
`respective of the kind of chelation therapy they were
`receiving, and to see if the presence of ANA wns
`drug-related by determining AHA. The data have been
`presented in abstract form.22
`l\IATEIOJ\ I. ,\NI> \IETllOl>S
`All 1he 1lt:tl:Mae111ics aucnding 1wo major blood 1ransfu sio n
`cen1re~ (Nan:1vati I lospital 131ood 13:mk a nd Tata Blood B:1nk. JJ
`Hospiwl) in Bomb:iy were investigated. Detailed inquiry w;1~
`made about arthralgia and the n;tture of c helation therapy. lnfor·
`mation abou t the llB~Ag (ELISA) and HIV (ELISA with Western
`llloi conlirma1io n of positive n:sults) status was obt:nned from
`rece nt record \ .
`ANA were csti111a1cd in all p:tticnts by immunonuoreseencc
`using HEp·2 cells a~ subs1ra1e. All the samples found 10 be posi·
`for ANA were
`for antibodies 10
`doublc-~tr;tnded DNA (AdsDNA) by immuno nuorcsccnce using
`Cri1/1idi11 /11c1/i<1e as substr:11e. :tnd for I\ llA by ELISA (Sigma).
`IH<;l ' l.TI\
`A IOlal of 90 1halassaemics were inves1igated. of who m 27
`were receiving LI and 63 were nul receiving L I. Of 1hc ln11er. 2 1
`were 0 11 regular desl'crrioxamine. The dose of LI was 500 mg 10
`4 g per day.
`Eigh1 patient~ 111 1he LI group had a rthralgia while on LI , ;111d
`one had joint ,wcllings. One of the patie nts ~ad a~hralgia e vc.n
`before \ l:trting LI and this was aggr:watcd after starting LI. In this
`2 of 4
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1031


`patient and in two other~. LI h:1d to be Ol\l·un1111ued du.: 10 thc
`severity of the pain. LI wa\ re\tarted in one ol 1lu.:.l:111cr. n:,ull1'.l!'
`in severe arthrnlgia neeessi1ating LI di,co111inua11on once ag:nn
`LI was restarted in the latter two al low do'c 1500- ICX)O mg per
`day) without recurrence of .11 thralgia. Joint pain wu' not pr.:...:n1 111
`any of the patients not receiving LI. Seven patient~ were lllhAg·
`positive and five were HIV-positive. None of thc'c 12 had
`The pattern of autoantibo<Jic~ detected b \ hown in Table ~
`AdsDNA were not detected in any of the 111110.: patient' w11h JXl\I·
`live ANA. The ANA titre was I :40 and I :!!O 111 the two patienh
`1101 receiving LI. and ranged from I :80 10 I: 160 in the 'even
`pmien1s receiving L I. None of the H BsAg·JXl\ itive patient' had a
`positive ANA, while one of the HIV-po~iuvc patient\ had ;i P°''·
`tivc ANA but negative AHA.
`Table t : lmmunoloi:icul i nnstii:ti un~ in 90 thul:""""mk'
`All A I"""" c
`Thalass:icmics on L1 In= 27)
`Thalass:icmics no1 on L 1(n =63>
`7125 9'.I)
`2 (3.31il I
`t (llK'f)
`0 '°")
`<0 01
`Five months aflcr discontinuation of LI on our advic.:. one of
`the patic111s who had po~i1ive ANA and Al IA hcc:unc 111:ga11vc for
`both. Four months after di,co111inua1iun of L I. one pa1ic111 who
`had positive ANA and a negative AHA hec.::11111: ncgulive lu1 /\NA
`Bartlell Cl al reported the development or transient
`arhralgia in 5 of 13 patients on LI; I
`!WO or whom be(cid:173)
`came seropositive for RA . One pa1icn1 developed
`ANA ( 1:40) during L I therapy, and the othcr showed
`no change in a pre-LI posi tive ANA (1:20). The
`remaining three were ANA-neg:nivc.
`There has l5een much conl1ict and inc.on'>istcncy in
`the way all three groups involved with human trials ol
`LI have addressed the issue of autoimmunity a<; a
`result of the drug. T he Canadian group investigating
`LI did not describe any immunological abnornwli1ics
`in their detailed repon, 12 but later reported pos11ive
`ANA in 5 of 12 thalassacmics with negati ve anti (cid:173)
`dsDNA and AHA before starting L 11:1 in response 10
`our report of LI -induced SLE. 10 No mention was
`made of the subsequent evolution of these abnor(cid:173)
`malities during the course of therapy with L I .
`A 1-Refaic et al reported presence or ANA in 2 of
`12 patients prior tQ. ,'>tarting LI , and in 4 or 12 after
`conclusion of the tliai. 14 However, no mention was
`made of AHA despi te the foci that the presence or
`AHA is supposed to be specific for drug-induced
`lupus. This was an omission which we had to point out
`in view of serious concern about LI-induced SLE 23
`The most striking contradictions have come from
`the Bombay-based group in vestigating L I. Three of
`24 Ind ian patients with thalasscmi:i major on LI
`di.:vdopcd 1rn11,il.!nt 111u,culo-.h.clctal palll and arthral(cid:173)
`gia.15 All th1 ec \.\C.:n: n.:portedly negmivc r'.1r ANA,
`Ad-.DN A. and RA factor. The pha'c 11 LI trial report
`on 52 1h:il:1-. ... ae1111c:'
`India 1 '•
`' howcd GI tract
`... ymptom' in ll.5'h and ;111hralgi:i rn 21. 1%. In the
`same report. Agarwal et al found no "significant
`toxicity" on "ex1en,in.: di nical and
`monitoring" of 'iC\eral orcan 'Y'Icm-. and luncuons
`I u·
`lllC U mg l lC 1rnmune \)'lelll.
`I lowevcr, our in ve,ti!'atinn of two patients fr~m
`Agarwal el :ii· s cohon d1,t:lmcd cvitknce of drug-tn(cid:173)
`~I.I~ 1n Aut'u't 1990 One had severe
`con,1itu11onal 'iymptom' ol '\ LE and du:d 1wo 1110111.hs
`after the dial!nmi-; ol 'ii.I:,, ith m·ti ve di-.ce1se despite

`·0 10 1·1 • other
`aggrcssrvc thcrapy wi th crn 11cns1cro1 s.
`.. cl of
`patient \\a' •") mptolllalll, and onl) had the lrl·1
`invc-.tigat1011' 1.:ons1dc1ed ,uggc.,lf\ c of drug-ind~i~ed
`lupus: po'\iti vc ANA. ni.:!•a1ivi.: Ad.,DNA. and posiuve
`All A :?I
`. NAl7 19 and
`Agarn ,ti ct al tl1d rqmr t pre,Clll'C ol A
`11 17
`. I The
`A A
`alter we tle,c11hl·d I.I 1nd11ccd upu'i.
`ques1ion ol i1nn111nolo"1l· ;tl1cr:1111111' observed in In(cid:173)
`rcc:ef\ i~t"
`dian pa11cnh
`I I wa' not adcquaicly
`addrc,.;i.:d Ill :111y ol the'l' 111 ;1 d ·tailed report on ~he
`ei'licaey ol thc drug. 1X Agal\\al l'l al made no mcnll~i
`ol the pa1icn1 who had d1cd due to L I -ind uced SLE.
`· 1·

`I n·1de no
`lc1r 1nal trial 1cpo11. Agarwal cl a r •
`mention ol Al IA at all \\ 1ch could havc shed some
`light on the dntg-induced lupus conlrO\ crsy.
`tll'lt the
`let al pn:-:<.:nted hy A ••arwal cl al <;uggcsts

`. "'
`· 1hahs(cid:173)
`rncr cnc:e ol ANA po,11i, 11y i'
`,1 milar 111
`\acmrc' receiving LI and tho'e not n:ceiving LI.
`.ind that All A may be 'l'l'n in patienl'> noI or~ LI.
`·1·11 • l·1t1 · ·
`I I

`d 1-.. 11ef that
`• c1 wmr t conl 111:1 w11h thl' .1ccepte
`. r· .,t ()ur work
`AllA ·
`.ire 'Pecr re 101 d11tl! induced SL ~.-
`pri.:,cnted Ill 1111, papcr \\ ~Jh 'ome patient' on the LI
`111 . sarnc

`soc ioec:o110111ic and ethnic hackl!n>Ulld ~hows th:ll
`I ·1
`. ·1y oc-
`w 11 I.! 'Ollle amount ol hacl,,g111,;11d ANA po.,111vi .
`cur' in thalassaemit.\ not
`tal,,rn1• LI . there is .'

`· •
`· ·
`t)' Ill
`'>tgnilil'.an1ly hi 0 hcr 11H..1dc11cc ol ANA po'111"1
`thalassac111ics i:king 1.1 W e c:ould not dcJCt.:l any
`All A in patients not I. I.
`ln:qucnc.:) ~I
`Bcrclouka ... hypothc\11cd 1ha1 h11.!11
`hcp:ttllis B po-;itivc hloocl ·1dmini,;1a11on.; ;it iran"·
`r ·

`1 . 1n1c
`us1on centres in Bombay and the n.:sull ant c ~r <
`hcp·11i1i ·
`I y 111 In
`s may account 101 -;ystcmic .1nhrop:tl 1
`. '
`dian th·1l·1··s· •

`,,, .
`• enl ,tu< Y
`' ' "'· .1c1111l.!s rccc 1v1111' LI . -
`I he pre'
`frnds no · . I ·
`111V ;;tallls

`c:or re a11on between the 1 IBsAg or
`of the p·1t"tc111 · d · ·

`·... 1·cc
`.1n JO!ll t pains or :1111oant111e>t 1 '
`When the tlr\t sci il'trs doubt'> about ihc U'C of LI in
`JM'I l'ilJ.I. VOi
`.JI NO 6
`3 of 4
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1031


`human subjects were raised by us with a call for halt(cid:173)
`ing human trials gcnding detailed immunulugical
`testing of patients, 1 Herdoukas 'felt that our concerns
`were unsupported and that the value of immunological
`investigations was "unclear".20 Bertloukas et al now
`feel that there is "serious doubt" about the safety or
`this agent and that funher development of this com(cid:173)
`is "not justi f'ied".24 This
`is based upon
`extensive an imal studies which show that the pattern
`of toxicities of L 1 is similar to that of a cytotoxic
`a(fent with teratogcnicity. rnutagenicity and <lose-de-
`pendent myclosupprcssion.
`In light of the animal and human toxicity data
`reported with LI so far, it is surprisi ng that the Inter(cid:173)
`Iron Chelation
`national Study Group on Oral
`that discontinuation of
`development of LI is "prcmature".25 Considering the
`obvious reported inconsistent:ies in various types of
`adverse reactions and con llicts of interest. it is pos(cid:173)
`sible that LI is in fact more toxic in human subjects
`than has been reported so fnr. Before the appeal of the
`ISGOIC to carry out further trials wi th L 1 is con(cid:173)
`sidered, in the interest of patients. all the three major
`human trials of L 1 in thalassnemia major (India, UK
`and Canada) need to be audited urgently by the
`relevant regul::itory drug authorities and independent
`investig::itors to !'cc if any ::idditional important aspects
`need to be highlighted.
`I{ EFl.;l{E NC' l'.S
`I. Hoflbrnnd AV. Wnnke B. Ri.:sults of long.-tern1 suht·ut:tncous
`desfcrrioxamine therapy. /JailliNI' -.~ Cli11 //111:11111111/ t 9!N: 2 :
`2. Cohen ,\. Cum:rll staius of inm \.'hclaiion ihcr:1py with
`desferrioxmim.:. Se111i11 lle11w111/ l990: 21: 86-90.
`3. Poner Jl3. Hider R<.:. Huehns ER. Updaic 011
`hydroxypyridinonc oral iron d1c laiing agcn is. Se111i11 l/e11111111/
`1990: 27 : 95-100.
`swdic~ using
`4 . Konrng hiorghes GJ. Dose
`clesfcrrioxaminc and orall y aciiw d1cl:1tors in a mouse
`mode l. Sn1111/ J l/111'111111ul 1986: 37: 63-70.
`5. Kontoghinq;hc' GJ. Nasseri-Sina I'. Goddard JG. Barr JM,
`Nonney I'. Sheppard LN. Safety of oral iron ch..:latnr LI.
`uwcel 19XIJ: '.\34 : 457-458.
`JU. Hider RC. Selection of
`6. Huchns ER. Porter
`hydroxypyridin-4-oncs i'or the 1rea11m:111 of iron ove rloud
`using in vit ro ;111d in vivo models. f/1'11111g/11bi11 1988: 12 :
`7. Porter Jll. Hoye~ KP. Ahcysinghc R. Huchns ER. Hider RC.
`Animal lox it:ology or iron ch.:laior L l. UlllCl'I 1989: 334 :
`8. Hoflbrand AV. Uartlcir AN. Veys PA. O'Connor NTJ.
`Kontoghiorghes CiJ. Agranulocytosis and ihromho<:ytopinia
`in paiicnt wiih Bh1ckl'an-Diamond anemia during oral
`chelator trial. u111ce1 1989: 334 : 457.
`9. Veys PA. Wilkes S. Al-Rcfaie FN, ct al. The mechanism of
`;igranulocytosis mediated by the oral iron chelator LI . Br J
`I /aemarol 1993: 84 (Suppl I) : 64.
`10. Mchw J. S inghal S, Rcvankar R. Walvalkar A, Chablani A.
`Mcht:1 UC. Fatal sysicmic lupus crythcmatosus in patient
`taking or:1I iron chelator L I. u111ce1 1991; 337 : 298.
`11 . Burtlcu AN. }-loflbrand AV. Komoghiorghcs GJ. Long-term
`(I I).
`observaiions. Br J flae1111uo/ 1990; 76: 301-304.
`12. Olivieri NF. Koren G, He rmann C. ct al. Comparison of oral
`iron chctator LI and dcsforrioxaminc in iron-loaded patients.
`l.ill/C<!I 199(): 336 : t 275- 1279.
`13. Olivieri NF, Koren G. Freedman MH, Roifman C. Rarity of
`systemic lupus crythcmatous after oral iron chelator LI.
`umcel 1991: 337-924.
`14. Al-Rcfaic. Wonke B. Hoffbnind AV, Wickens DG, Noney P.
`Kontughiorghcs GJ. Efficacy possible adverse effects of the
`o ral chelator 1.2 dimcthy 1-3 hydroxypyrid-4-onc (LI) in
`thalasemia major. Blood 1992: 80: 593-599
`15. Agarwal. Vi~w:111athan C. Ram3nathan J, ct al. Oral iron
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`JAPI 1993. VOL .// . NO. f>
`4 of 4
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1031

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