/011r11al of the A111cric1111 Society of He111
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`2112.000000 ~ r~ISI
`JCP'''' 91 • rra , ''' •
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`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010


`vv... i:;n I .)' Jr I'\.
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`1: FEB 1.j37
`The journal of
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`1 J_=_.xE_J_._J
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`Ph.iladefphia, PA
`2 of 12
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010


`·:. BLOOD
`The journal of The American Society of Hemate.ogy
`VOL 86, NO 10, Suppl 1
`NOVEMBER 15, hs
`Cover figure is Sun Mask by James Bender, courtesy of Bailey Nelson Gallery, Seattle, WA.
`The American Socie1y of Hcma1ology· Officers of the Socie1y Since lls Foondmg ... .....
`The Amcncan Socie1y of Hcmalology, 1995 ................................................ ...............................................................
`Standing COi1111\Jttees. 1995 ..........................................................................................................................................
`Scien1ific Subcommmces, 1995 .....................................................................................................................................
`Recipienls of Awards .....................................................................................................................................................
`Reviewers of Absuacts .................................................................................................................................................
`Ack.nowledgmen1s ...........................................................................................................................................................
`Fuiun: Mee11ng Sites .....................................................................................................................................................
`National Office .................... .........................................................................................................................................
`Corpora1e/lns111u1ional Symposia ...................................................................................................................................
`Masler Schedule ................... . ...................................................................................................................................
`General lnforma1ion ...... ...... .........................................................................................................................................
`Maps of Washington Stale Convention & Trade Cenler
`Levels I. 2. and 3 .... . ......... ..................... . .. ......... .. ..............................................................................................
`Level 4 .. ......................................................................................................................................................................
`Level 6 .. ......................................................................................................................................................................
`F.duca1ion Program a1 a Glance .....................................................................................................................................
`Program of the Education Commlltee ...........................................................................................................................
`Scien1ilic Subcomnuuce Program at-a-Glance ..............................................................................................................
`Scicn1ific Subcomm1uce Program .... ..............................................................................................................................
`Spccial Lec1un:s ..............................................................................................................................................................
`Meet-the-Professor ..........................................................................................................................................................
`Meet·the-lnvesugalor ......................................................................................................................................................
`1995 Invited Speaker Index
`.................. ......................................................................................................................
`Day-al-a-Glance ....... ...... . ..................... ......................................................................................................................
`Education Program .........................................................................................................................................................
`Ihm-Wa:.sentW1 Lecture ..................................... ........ ..... ......................... ................ ................. ..... ....... .... ...................
`(Cominutd on following pagt)
`3 of 12
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010


`EducatlOD rogram ··- ·- · · · · - - - - - - - - - - - · - · - · - - · - - - - - · - - --
`Subcom.iuees ·- ·- -·-···········--·-···-·-·-····-·- ·-·-····-·-····-·--·-·······-······-·····-···-·--·-·-····-·-·-·-·-·-·······-·········
`Couor on Thrombosis ··········-····--·-·······-····-·······-··········-.. ·····························-····-·-····-· .. ····································
`we.nnc: Reception ...................... - ................. ·-·····························································-·-·············-·······················
`P'ter Session I
`Hemo&)obmopallues and Thalas5enuu I _ .. ··-·· ······················--···········--··--····--·--······································
`HematopoiebC Cell Proliferauon and DlfTcrenuatioo I ····················--·--···--···-···-·········-·············-····-····-···
`Hematopo1euc Growth Fac10rS I ····--····-····--·-·-·······-·-·-···················-···----···--·--............................... .
`Gfaoulocy\es and MODOC)'leS I ----·-····-····--····-·-·-····--···--·--·--··---·--···--·-·-···-·-····-····-·-
`Molttular Onc:ology I ..... -.-.... - .... - ... ·---· ... - ............................................... -···----···· .. ·-·-····--·-· ............ __
`Acute l..eukenua I ············-····-·-····-····· .. -·-·-····-······-·-·······--···-····--····-····--····-····--··········-···················(cid:173)
`Myelodysplasia and Myelopro1Jfe11u11e Disorders I ············-························-······ .. ···········-.. ··································
`Lymphoma I ··························--···-·-·-.. ··-····························· .................... - ............... - ........................................ .
`Myeloma and CLL I ········-·-·-·-····-···-···-·-·-.. ····················-·················--········ .. ·--·········································
`lmmunohematology I ............ -·-. _. -· ...................................................................... -·-· .......................................... .
`Coaiulauon I ........................ ·-····-·······-····-·············--· .. ·····························• .. •·····• .. ·············-····-···························
`Platelets and Mepkaryocytcs I -·--···-···-·-··········-···-·-·-····-····-···--·---·--·---·--·-·-·-·-·············-·-·-
`lbrombosu I ........... ___ _ _ ____ ..................... ________ ............................ ..
`TranspWitatioo-OinicaJ Resulu. I .......... - .... - ................................... ·--·--···--·--····-·-·-·-·-·-·-····-····-·-·-
`TranspWiw.ioo--Oinic:al Catt I --·-- ··--··-····-·····················-·-··----·-·········-··--·-··········-·······--
`Transplaniatton-Expenmenlal I ···------····································· .. ··-·-·-·-·-·-············ .. ··-·-·······-···
`Transplantatioo-CeU Processm1 I ····- ···-·-·--· .. ····························-······--.. ··-·-
`Day·aJ·a-Olance ........................................................................................................ - ................................................. .
`Educatlon Program ··-- - - · - · - - - - ---·--·-----------·-·--·-·-·-············-····-
`Subcocruruttccs ........................ _, ____ ---··············-············--·---·--·-·-·-·--·--···-·-·······-···-·---
`Plenary SesslOll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Forum on lhe Practice of Hematology
`Poster $e,.<ion U
`Anemias I ·················-·············-·-·--···--·--···-··············---··-···--·--·--·--···· .. ·············
`Anemias a ....................................... .
`Hemoglobinopathies and Thalas5emtas II
`Hematopo1etic Cell Proliferation and Dtffcrenllatioo ll .......................................................................................... .
`Hematopo1euc Growth Factors U .................... ·······························-···------·-·-·-·-·-·-······-······ .. ····· .. ······
`Lymphocytes and lmmunoloaY I ---···-·--·--·--····-···-·--··--·······-··---·-··---·-·--·-·-·--·-·············-·· .. - - .
`4 of 12
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010


`Molccubr Oncology n - - - - - - - ------------·---·---·-·--..
`Acult leukclll1l U .............................................................................................. --.................. - ......................... .
`Acuic Lcvkcnua ID ...................................... - ....................................... -·-·----· .. -·-···-................................ .
`Lymphorm ll ................................. - ............... - ....................................................................................................... .
`Myeloma and CLL ll .............................................................................................................................................. ..
`Coagulauon n ............................................... - ................................................................................... - ................... .
`Thrombolis n ........................... -·-· .. ·-·-·-·--·-·-·-............................................ - ... --................ _, ________ , ...... .
`Tran<plan~ Results II ......... ,., __ , ............................ - .................. --·--·-··--·---·-·-·---·-·
`T~lallOO-Omical Care ll - .. -----·-·---·-·-·-·---·-·----- - - -
`Tran.pwnaooo- Expcnmental D · - - - - - - - - - · · · · · · · · - - · · · · · - - - - - - - - - -
`TransplanWIOO-Cell Processing II -·-·-·--·--.. ·-·--·-·-··· ...................... _ ...... _ ............... , ____ ............... ..
`Gene Tllerapyffransfer I ................................................................................... - ...... - ................ - ......................... .
`Day·at·•·Glance .............................................................................................................................................................
`Simullancous Sess10ns
`A.nenua.' I
`Hemoglobinopalbies and lbalasscmias I ........... _ .......... -·······--·-·--·-·-·-·--·-·--·-.. -·----···-··-·-·-··
`HCIJIOllobtnopedues and lbalasscmias ll -----··-··········-····- - - - - - - - - (cid:173)
`Hcmatopotcuc CeU Proliferation and O.ffaen11a11on I ··---·-·-·-·--·-·-·-·-·--·-·-·-·-·---·--·-·-·-····-·-..
`- -
`HematopolCUC CcU Proltfenuon and 0.tfaentwJon ll ............................... ------·--·--·-·-· ................ .
`Hema1opo1Cllc Growth Factors I ................. , __________ ........................ t..... ·:-'I)-'!'-•••~·-·· ................... .
`Hemacopoieuc Growth Factors II ....... _ ..................................................... ··DG~c.:0 .............. -................. .
`Granulocy1es and Mooocytes I ..................................................................... L. ......... , ...... f'f··H3·7-····· ..... L ..
`Molecular Oncology 1 ................................................................................... .\ .......... cor~r:-·--;···""··········· ·····
`Molecular Oncology n ·········--····-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-····-········ .. ····· .. ··· .. ····-·-· -----INOe·~i'~ .. - - - -··
`AculC Lcvkenua I
`Acute Leukcnua U -·---···--·-·-·--.. -·---·-·---·-·-·-·-····-·--·------------
`M)clody'Pla>ia and Myeloproltfen11~c Duordm I - - --- .. ············---------
`................................ ---·---·--·--·-·--····--
`Lymphoma I _ .......................... - -
`Lymphorm D ......................................................... _, .............................................. -................................................
`Mycloma and CLL I ...................................................................................................................................................
`lmmunohcmacology I .................................................................................................................................................
`Coagulauoo I .......................................................................................................... -................................................
`Plaiclcts and Mciak.aryocytcS I ....................... _ .. _ ... , ....................................................................... -....................
`Plalelcb and Mcgak.aryocytes D ........ - ................ - ................... _ ...... - ................ - ... - - · - - - - - -
`1brombo511 I -·-·-·---................. - · - - - - - · - - · .. ········-·-·--····-·---·-·-·-·-.. ··-·-·---···-·-..
`5 of 12
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010


`Rcuoviral Dtseascs ................... ---·-----·-·······-·-·····················-·----·-----.. ·-·····-···............
`Tranq>bnwion-Clmial Resuli.. I ·--------·-·--·-·--·---·----·--·--·-----·-
`Transplantauoo-Clirucal Care I
`TransplantatJon-{:eJI Processing I
`Gene Thcrapyfrransfer I ................... -........................ ............................ -............................................ -................. .
`P<>Mcr Sruion m
`Hcmoglob1nopatlucs and Thalasscnuas IJI
`HcmatopotCUc Cell ProhfcratJon and D1ffcrcnti11JOG III ·········-·-·······-·-··--·-····-····-····-·-·-·-·-·-····-·······-······
`Hcmatopotetic Grov.111 F.cton III ·-----·-·-··-······-·-····-·-·-·······----·-·----··--·-........ .
`Hcmatopotettc Grov.1h Factors IV ·-----··--·----·----------
`Lymphoc)1CS and Immunology U ..... -·--·-·---·--······· .. ·-·-··········-·-····-····-·-·-·--·-·-·--·······-·-·-····-··
`Molccul11r Oncology III ·············-·-·--··-····-·-·-·-······································-····-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-····-··················
`Acute Leukemia IV ....................
`.. ....................................................................................... - ............................. .
`Myelodyspl11>ia and Myeloprohfen111ve Disorders II ........................................ _ .................................................. .
`Lymphoma Ill .................... ...... ..... ......
`. ...................................... -·-···-····--·-····-·····-.................. ..
`....... ...
`Mycloma and CLL III ···············-······-·-······-··--··· ........................................... --·-····-·-·-·· ............................. .
`Transf~1on I ........ ·--·-·-·-·-·--·--·--·--··-··----·--·---·-·-·- ·-·--·-·---·-···-····--·-·-·-····-··
`Coaiulauon m ···-·-·-······-·-·-·-····-··· .. ··-······----··-·······-·-·--····-·--·-···-···-···-·-----·---··-·····-····
`Platelet.. and Megak.uyOC)'leS D ··--·----··········-····-·-·-·-···-
`Thrombo>11 DJ ·----·-·--·-·-·--·----·--·-····-····--·-------·---··-----·--·-·-··
`Rctrovll'&I Ducascs I ... .. ....... ..
`Transplantation-Clinical R~lls ID ......................................................... -........................................................... .
`Transplantation-Chmcal Care Ill ............. - ........................ ,_, .. ,_,.,_ .......................... , __ ................ _ .......... .
`Transplantauoo-Ccll Processing Ill ................................................................................................................... .
`Gene ThcrapyfTransfet Cl .......................... _ .... -.... -......................... _ ................................................ -............... ..
`S1multancolb Sessions
`Re:d Cell SttllC!llR and FlllKtioo
`Hemoalob1nopalhies and ~nu~ Ill • -····-·--·-·-·-·--·--·-···-·--··--·-·-·--··---····-·-·-·-···-·····-·
`Hcmatopo1cuc Cell Prollfcration and O.ffcrcnllalton m ····-·-·····-··········-·----------............. .
`Hcmatopo1elJC Cell Prohfera11on and O.ffeten1tauon IV ....... ·-·-·-·-·----- -·-·· .... ··-····-··· .. ..
`HcmatopoiclJC GroWlh Factors Ill
`----- .
`. ........................................................................................... .
`Granulocytes and Monocytcs Cl ....................................................................................................... _ .. , ................... .
`Lymphocytes and Immunology I .. .. ........................................................................................................................ .
`Molecular Oncology III ......... .
`·--.. -·······--·-.................................................................. - .-
`........ _ ............ .
`Molecular Oncology IV ............
`Acute Lcukenua DJ .....
`- ····-·····...........................
`6 of 12
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010


`Acule Leulcmia IV -·····-·-·----·--·---·----·-·······-·
`M)clod)>pla:;ia and Mycloprohrerahvc Di>«ders II --·-······ .. ····
`Lymphoma m ................ -·-·-·-·---··-·· .. -·-···································-·--·-·-·-·-.. ··-·--·······-.. ·········-······
`Mycloma and CLL n ··········-·-····-.... -·-·····-·-····-·-·-··········································-.. ··-·---· ................................ .
`lmmunohcm:nology D ........ - ....... - .... - ................. - ............................. - .... - .................... - ... ·-·····-··········""'·'"·
`Tran.fusion I ...................... _ ... ,,.,_,,.,_ ........... - .•• ,_,_, ............................... - .................... - ..•. - ....... -.........................
`Coagulation II -·-····-·-·--.. - .... _._,,,,_._,,.,_ .. _, •• ,_._ ....... -....................... _,_., •. _,_, •. ,_,_, .•. _,_,_,_,. __ ·-·-·-·-·-·-
`Coagulation m ·····-·····-···-·-···-·--·-·---·--··-·-·-·········-·····-·--·--·-·-···----·-·-····-·····--·-······
`Pla1elcts and Megabryocytcs lll ·--·-·--·--·-·-·-·-·-···-··-·-·-·····--·--
`Pl.aclcts and Megataryocyte1 IV ·---·------··-·-·-····-.. -·-·---·-·----·-·-·-·-·--··--·····-··--
`'lllrom~s II -·-·-·--·--·-···-·--·-·---·-···--·-·-·················-----·-··-·-·--·---·--·-·-·-················
`Tra11>planta110n-Chnical Result. II
`Tran.plantatJoo-CIJrucal Care II
`Transplantauon-Expenmcntal I ......... -·············-····-·····························- ···· ............... ·-·······-····-····················-···
`Tra11>plantation-Cell Proces.1ng II .... _ .......... ---·--·-·············-····-·---·--.. ··-·-·-····-·-·-··············-
`Gene 1berapytrransfer D ··········-·-·--·---·-··············"··· .. ······-·· .. ·········----·-·-·-······················
`Poiter ~<ion IV
`Red Cell StJUctWe and FunclJOll -·-----·----·-·-·-·····-·--·------·------·-····-·--·-
`Anemias ID · - · - · - · · · - - · · - · - - - - - - - - - · · · - · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - · (cid:173)
`___ .......... -.. .
`Ancnui:. IV ····-·······-·-----·--
`Hemoglobtnopatlues and Th:tlti.Sem1a. IV
`HcmatopotetJc Cell Prohfcrat1on and Differcnllation IV ..................................... , ... _,,_ ...................... _ .... - ............ .
`Hcmatopotctic Growth Factors V ........................................................................................................................... .
`................................ -.......................................... -.-· .. ····-.. ··-···························
`Granulocytcs and Mooocytes II
`GranulOC)1CS and Monocytcs Ill
`Acule Leukemia V ·············-----·--·-·-·······-·······················-·-·-·
`M)Clod)~plasu and M)eloprohrm11ve Disorders Ill - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - -
`·-.. ··-····------------
`L)mpboma rv -·-·-·-·-·
`Lymphoma V -------··-·-----------·······-·-·-··-·······-·-·-·-------·--·-····--···-·
`lmmunohcmatology n ........... -........... _ .. ,, ......................... -... ·-····-·-·--·-·· .................... _ .. ,, .... _,_.........................
`Tran.fusion D ................................ ····-····--··········· .. ······· .. ··········"······· .. ···-·· .. ····· ................. -..................................
`Platelet~ and Megakaryocytcs lll ... .
`. ........ .
`Retro Viti.I Diseases u .......
`Transplantallon-Clinical Care IV ......... --··-·····-·-·-·-································-·-·-·--··-·-·-·-····-·-············ .. ·······
`Tra11>planta11on----Expenmental ID ................ -·---·-·-·--·-·---·-····-·-·-·-.......................... - .•. -...............
`Tran.planwioo-Cell Proc=tng IV
`<C0ttt11UIN ""/ol/o"'·111g pag~I
`7 of 12
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010


`TUESDAY, DE:Cf."1BER S, 1995
`Day-at-a-Glance .............................................................................................. -····-··················...................................
`Pn:sidenual Symposium ................ .....
`. ............................................ -·-·-·--·--····-····················-·--··--·-······
`BustDCSS Meeun~tation or A.....W ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-······ .. ····· ---.................... ·--·------·····
`.. --·-·--· ..................... ------·-·····--------·-
`E. DonnalJ Thoma. Lecture ........ ..
`S1mulcaneous Semons
`Anemias a ..
`Hemoglobmopallues and Thalassenuas IV ............................................................................................................... .
`Hematopoicuc Cell Prolireration and DtffcrentialJOll V ........................ ·---·-·-· .................... ____ ...... - .. ..
`Hematopo1cuc Cell Prohreration and o.rccren1iauon VI ............. ·-··----·-····-·-·----·-·--·----·
`HcmatopolCIJC Growth Factors rv
`Lympbocylcs and Immunology 0 ... ·----·--················-····-·-·--·-·-·-·-·-····-·-·--·-·-··--··--------·
`Molccular Oncology V ·-······--· .. ···--··-·-·-.................................................................................... --·-··-·-·
`Acute Leukcrrua V .................................................................................................................................................... .
`Myelodyspla.ia and Mycloprohrerauvc Disorders lO ............................................................................................. .
`Lymphoma rv
`Lymphoma V
`......................... ·-····-····-····-····-····-------·--·--·--·--·--·
`Mycloma and CU. DI ........... --............................. ·-·-·-·-·-·--·--·--·-·--·--··· .... ---------··-
`TransfU5iOn ll
`CoagulatlOll rv .................................. --········-····-............................................................................................. .
`PlatclclS and Mqalcaryocyies v .......... ·--···---·-···-........................................................................................ ..
`Thrombosis Ill _
`.. ·····-··········-···-·----······-··········----------·--·--·-·-
`Tratiplan1abon-Cluiical Results m
`.. ............. - - - - - -
`Transplanwion-Chn1cal Care Ill ... --------············· .. ·······-----
`Transplanw1o~hn1cal Care IV ..
`Transplantatior.-Expcnmental 0 ........................................................................................................................... .
`Transplantation-Cell Processing Ill ..... -·--·--··----······--··-.. ··--·--·---·-·-·············-·-·-·-····-·-·-·-·-
`Gene Tbenpyrrransrcr Ill ............ .
`Index IO Abstnlcts ---····-·-····· - - - · · · · · · - · - - · - - - · - - -
`------·------·-··· .. ···---·-·---
`Ab5tracts •
`Disclosure lndu ·····--·················· .. ·······- ···--·-················ .. ··········-·-·-·-·-·-··········-····-·······---·--·--·-·-··
`Author Index .....
`. .............................. _ ···-·-·-·-··--·········--·---·-·--·-···-·-·-·-·-····-·-.. ··-·-···-·-·-·-......... ..
`Key Wocd Subject Index ............................. ···-····-·-···--··· ................................................................ -·-·-·-··-.. ··-
`Exhibitor Maps
`Levels 6 -···-····-·--····--··················--·----·--·-····-·-·············-·-····--·--·--················-·----·-···-···-
`Level 4 ·-·-
`.. ........... _, ___ .......... _.
`I 104a
`8 of 12
`Taro Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
`Exhibit 1010


`1con1ow ~I
`ExlubilOC'S ··-·-···-·-·-·-..... -----------····-··-·------------------
`Exlulxior Produc:l/Scrv1c Dmclory ··-·-···-··-·-····-··-····-·-·······-·--····-····-·-···-·-·-·-·--··-·-····-··-·-·-·-·····
`Mill' oC Sbcntoa Seaale
`2nd Aoor .................. -·······-·-·--·····-·-.. ·-··-·-········-·· .. ····· .. ··-·-····-··-···· .............. ,_,,,""-·-·-·-·····--·········--··
`3rd Floor ............................................................................. - ......

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