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`Santen/Asahi Glass Exhibit 2057
`Micro Labs v. Santen Pharm. and Asahi Glass


`CAS Registry
`Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Latanoprost (HMDBO0014792)
`CC(C)OC(=0)CCCIC=C/C[C@H]1[C@@H|(0)C[C@S@H)(0)[C@@HN CC[C@@nO)/CCC1=cc=cc=C1
`InChI=1S/C26H4005/c1-19(2)3 1 -26(30)13-9-4-3-8-1 2-22-23(25(29) 18-24(22)28)17-16-21(27)15-14-20-10-6-5-7-11-20/n3,5-8,10-14,1 9.21-25,27-29H,4,9,12-18H2,1-2H3/b8-
`InChl Key
`Chemica! Taxonomy
`This compound belongs to the class of organic compounds knownasprostaglandins andrelated compounds. These are unsaturated carboxylic acids consisting of a 20 carbon s
`also contains a five member ring, and are based uponthefatty acid arachidonic acid.
`Super Class
`Sub Class:
`Direct Parent
`Organic compounds C3 (http://classyfire.wishartlab. com/tax_nodes/CO000000)
`Lipids and lipid-like molecules ( (hitp://classyfire wishartlab.comitax_nodes/C00000412)
`Fatty Acyls (7 (http://classyfire.
`Eicosanoids C4 (
`Prostaglandins and related compounds C& (http.//classyfire wishartlab,com/tax_nodes/C0000514)
`Fatty acid esters G (httpy/
`Cyclopentanals @ (http://classyfire, wishartlab. com/tax_nodes/C0002938)
`Benzene and substituted derivatives (9 (http.//classyfire.
`Cyclic alcohols and derivatives @ (
`Carboxylic acid esters C4 (
`Monocarboxylic acids and derivatives C (nttp:/classyfire
`Organic oxides (4 (http://classyfire.wisharllab,com/tax_nodes/CO003940)
`Hydrocarbon derivatives C3 (http://classyfire.wishartlab. com/tax_nodes/C0004 150)
`Carbonyl compounds ( (hitp://classyfire.
`Prostaglandin skeleton
`Fatty acid ester
`Monacyclic benzene moiety
`Cyclic alcohol
`Carboxylic acid ester
`Secondary alcohol
`Carboxylic acid derivative
`Monocarboxylic acid or derivatives
`Hydrocarbon derivative
`Organic oxide
`Carbonyl group
`Organic oxygen compound
`Organcoxygen compound
`Aromatic homamonocyclic compound
`Aromatic homomonocyclic compounds
`carboxylic ester (CHEBI.6384 G (httpAwww ebiac. uk/chebi/
`prostaglandins Falpha (CHEBI;6384 C (http/ uk/chebi/
`triol (CHEBI:6384 G (httpswenw, do?chebild=CHEBI:6384))
`Route of exposure:
`Ingestion (/metabolite_ontology_terms/4903893)
`Food (/metabolite_ontology_terms/4903892)
`Biofluid and excreta:
`e Urine (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3407383)
`© Blood (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3407384)
`Call and elements:
`° Extracellular (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3240349)
`s Membrane (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3240350)
`s Cell membrane(/metabolite_ontology_terms/3674477)
`« Cytoplasm (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3835947)
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`Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Latanoprost (HMDB0014792)
`Naturally occurring process.
`Biological process:
`Biochemical process:
`® Lipid transport (/metabolite_ontology_terms/4903896)
`2 Lipid metabolism (/metabolite_ontology_terms/4903897)
`© Fatty acid metabolism (/metabolite_ontology_terms/4903898)
`Chemical reaction:
`© Lipid peroxidation (/metabolite_ontology_terms/4903895)
`Biochemical pathway:
`« Lipid metabolism pathway (/metabolite_ontologyterms/4903894)
`Multicellular process:
`Inflammatory response (/metabalite_antology_terms/3835951)
`Immune response (/metabolite_ontolagy_terms/3835952)

`Cellular process
`® Cell signaling (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3449682)
`s Membrane stabilizer (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3674474)
`» Energy source (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3674475)
`® Energy storage (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3674476)
`© Nutrient (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3835948)
`Inflammatory (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3835949)
`® Immunomodulatar (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3835950)
`Industrial application;
`® Drug {/metabolite_ontology_terms/3449680)
`© Surfactant (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3674472)
`e Emulsifier (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3674473)
`Pharmaceutical industry
`e Pharmaceutical (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3602520)
`Cardiovascular drug
`® Antihypertensive (/metabolite_ontology_terms/3449681)
`Physical Properties
`aia Property
`Melting Point
`Boiling Point
`Water Solubility
`Not Available
`Not Available
`0.013 giL
`Not Available
`Not Available
`Not Available
`Not Available
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`Water Solubility
`pKa (Strongest Acidic)
`pKa (Strongest Basic)
`Physiological Charge
`Hydrogen Acceptor Count
`Hydrogen Donor Count
`Polar Surface Area
`Ratatable Bond Count
`Numberof Rings
`Rule of Five
`Veber's Rule
`MDOR4ike Rule
`Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Latanoprost (HMDB0014792)
`0.013 g/L
`86.99 A*
`124.34 m?-mol*
`50.71 A?
`ALOGPS(http:/www. vcclab, org/lab/alogps/)
`ChemAxon (http://www.chemaxon,com/products/calculator-plugins/property-
`ALOGPS (http:/
`ChemAxon (http: (
`ChemAxon(http. /
`ChemAxon (hitp:/
`ChemAxon (http:/
`ChemAxon (hito://
`ChemAxon (http:www.chemaxon. com/products/calculator-plugins/property-
`ChemAxon (httpy/www chemaxon. com/products/calculator-plugins/property-
`ChemAxon (http://www.
`ChemAxon (http://www.
`ChemAxon (httpwww.
`ChemAxon (httpy/
`ChemAxon (
`ChemaAxon (http./
`ChemAxon (http:/
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`View in MoNA C (httpu/mona fiehnlabucdavis edu/#/spectra/splash/splash 1 0-D0ki-5469500000-3070e3312¢
`View in MoNA C4 (httpimona.fiehnlab_ucdavis, edu/#/spectra/splash/splash10-001I-7110196000-1092460367
`View in MoNA CF (http 1 9S5B000000-c604c9459r
`Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Latanoprost (HMDBO01 4792)
`Splash Key
`Predicted Predicted GC-MS
`Spectrum - GC-MS (Non- 3070e3312e2154427eeb
`denvatized) - 7OeV,
`Predicted Predicted GC-MS
`Spectrum - GC-MS (3
`TMS) - 70eV, Positive
`LC-MS/MS Spectrum -
`LC-ESI-qTof , Positive
`Le- LC-MS/MS Spectrum-,—splash10-052r-19Ss000000-
`View in MoNA @ (http.imona.fiehnlab.ucdavis. edu/#/spectra/splash/splash10-052r-1$58000000-cag4c9459¢
`Predicted Predicted LC-MS/MS
`Spectrum -10V, Positive
`Predicted Predicted LC-MS/MS
`Spectrum - 20V, Positive
`Predicted Predicted LC-MS/MS
`Spectrum -40¥V, Positive
`Predicted Predicted LC-MS/MS
`Spectrum - 10V, Negative 194e702a216b0d2dfe90
`splash 10-Oa4i-9104400000-
`Predicted Predicted LC-MS/MS
`Spectrum -20V, Negative dBcBOOcGeDbe22batcab
`Predicted Predicted LC-MS/MS
`Spectrum -40V, Negative d471d19421cS5af96709a
`splash 10-014)-1019700000-
`View in MoNA @ (http:vim ona. 0-014j-1019700000-ea3bO0obe7e
`View in MoNA C (htip:/monafiehnlab uedavis edu/#/spectra/splash/splash10-O03di-5119100000-970cSbfecar
`View in MoNA C (http./imona.fiehniab.ucdavis edu/#/spectra/splash/splash10-03dI-9123000000-71493bbb4t
`View in MoNA C4 (httpuimona.fienniab.ucdavis edu/#/spectra/splash/splash10-053r-3002900000-19de702a2"
`View in MoNA (3 (http:imonafiehniab.ucdavis. edu/#/spectra/splash/splash10-Qa4i-9104400000-dac800cheC
`View in MoNA (4 (http://mona.fiehnlab.ucdavis edu/f/spectra/splash/splash10-Dadi-9001 000000-d471d19427
`Biological Properties
`* Extracellular
`* Membrane
`= Blood
`« Urine
`Not Available
`Not Available
`Normal Concentrations
`Taking 21059682 CF (htip:Mw. ncbinim.nih.gowpubmed/21059682)|@& (iconcentr.
`Biospecimen Status
`Not Available
`Expected but
`Condition Reference
`Expected but
`Not Available
`24059662 C3 (http:/www.nebi.nim.nih govipubmed/210596a2)
`Abnormal Concentrations
`Nat Available
`Associated Disorders and Diseases
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`External Links
`Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Latanoprost (HMDB0014792)
`0800654 @ (nitp://www.drugbank. ca/drugs/DBO0654)
`Not Available
`DrugBank ID
`FoodDBID Not Available
`Not Available
`4470740 CF (http./!)
`Not Available
`Not Available
`Not Available
`Latanoprast GF (http:/
`Not Available
`6311221 © (http://pubchem.nebinim.nih,gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=5311221)
`Not Available
`6384 (3 (http:/vww.ebi_ac, uk/chebilsearchid,de?chebild=6384)
`Not Available
`Not Available
`1. Hara T: [Increased iris pigmentation after use of latanoprost in Japanese brown eyes]. Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi, 2001 May, 105(5):314-21,
`[PubMed:11406947 ( (http:/Avww.nebi.nim.nih.gow/pubmed/11406947)]
`2. SimonsK, ToomreD:Lipid rafts and signal transduction. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Oct,1(1):31-9. [PubMed 11413487 G (bttp/Awww.nebi.nim.nih.gowpubmed/11413487
`3, Watson AD: Thematic review series: systems biology approaches to metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. Lipidomics: a global appreach tolipid analysis in biological sy
`Lipid Res. 2006 Oct;47(10):2101-11, Epub 2006 Aug 10. (PubMed: 16902246 G (]
`4, Sethi JK, Vidal-Puig AJ: Thematic review series; adipocyte biology, Adiposetissue function and plasticity orchestrate nutritional adaptation. J Lipid Res. 2007 Jun;48(6): 12!
`2007 Mar 20. [PubMed:17374880 C (http:!www.nebi.nim,]
`5. Lingwood D, Simons K:Lipid rafts as a membrane-organizing principle. Science. 2010 Jan 1/327(5961) 46-50. doi: 10.1126/science.1174621
`[PubMed;20044567 ( (http://www,ncbi_nim.nih.gow/pubmed/20044567)]
`6 Gunstone, Frank D., John L. Harwood, and Albert J. Dijkstra (2007). Thelipid handbook with CD-ROM. CRC Press
`BioCyc ID
`Safety Data
`1, Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor(/proteins/HMDBP01950)
`General function:
`Involved in G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway
`Specific function:
`Receptor for prostaglandin F2-alpha (PGF2-alpha). The activity of this receptor is mediated by G proteins which activate a phasphatidylinasitol-calcium second messenger system
`Initiates luteolysis in the corpus luteum
`Gene Name:
`Uniprot ID;
`P43088 CF (http:/ 43088)
`Molecular weight:
`“$B Enzyme Details (/proteinsiHMDBPO1850) |
`1, Ota T, Aihara M, Narumiya S, Araie M; The effects of prostaglandin analogues on IOP in prostanoid FP-receptor-deficient mice. Invest Ophthaimol Vis Sci. 2005 Nov:46(11):4159-
`83. [PubMed:16249494 (4 (http:/Avww.ncbi.nim.nih.gow/pubmed/16249494)]
`2. Nakajima T, Matsugi T, Goto W, Kageyama M, Mon N, Matsumura Y, Hara Hi New flucroprostaglandin F(2alpha)derivatives with prostanoid FP-receptor agonistic activity as potent
`ocular-hypotensive agents. Biol Pharm Bull. 2003 Dec:26(12):1691-5 [PubMed:14646172 (http:/Awww.ncbinim.nih.gowpubmed/14646172)]
`3. Takagi Y, Nakajima T, Shimazaki 4, Kageyama M, Matsugi 7, Matsumura Y, Gabelt BT, Kaufman PL, Hara H; Pharmacological charactenstics of AFP-168 (tafluprost), a new
`prostanoid FP receptor agonist, as an ocular hypotensive drug. Exp Eye Res. 2004 Apr-78(4):767-76. [PubMed 15037111 @ (http://www ncbi.nim.nih.gowpubmed/15037111))
`4. Ocklind A: Effect of latanoprost on the extracellular matrix of theciliary muscle. A study on cultured cells and tissue sections, Exp Eye Res. 1998 Aug(67(2):179-91
`[PubMed:9733584 © (https/]
`5. Maxey KM, Johnson JL, LaBrecque J: The hydrolysis of bimatoprost in comeal tissue generates a potent prostanoid FP receptor agonist. Surv Ophthalmol, 2002 Aug.47 Suppl
`4:534-40, [PubMed:12204699 (8 (http:/Avww.nebi.nim nih.gow/pubmed/12204699))
`6, Chen X, Ji ZL, Chen YZ: TTD: Therapeutic Target Database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Jan 1/30(1):412-5. [PubMed:11752352 C (http://www. 752352)
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`Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Latanoprost (HMDB0014792)
`1, Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 281(iproteins/HMDBP02021)
`Invalved in transporter activity
`Specific function:
`Mediates the Na{+)-independent transport of organic anions such as taurocholate, the prostaglandins PGD2, PGE1, PGE2,leukotriene C4, thromboxane B2 and iloprast
`Gene Name:
`034956 CG (http://www. uniprot.orgfuniprovOS4956)
`Molecular weight:
`Enzyme Details (/proteins/HMOBPO2021)
`1, Kraft ME, Glaeser H, Mandery K, Konig J, Auge D, Fromm MF, Schiotzer-Schrehardt U, Welge-Lussen U, Kruse FE, Zolk O: The prostaglandin transporter OATP2A1 is expressed
`in human oculartissues and transports the antiglaucoma prostanoid latanoprost, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2010 May.51(5):2504-11. doi: 10.1167/iovs.09-4290. Epub 2009 Dec
`17, [PubMed:20019365 C (http:/Awww.nebi,]
`This project is
`supported by
`(http:/ "eTM| C The Metabolomics (http:/
`the Canadian
`Institutes of

`( &
`( 5
`(http:/Avww (award #111062), Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions (http:/Avww,, and by The Metabolomics Innovation Centre (TMIC)
`(http://www. metabolomicscentre,ca/), a nationally-funded research and core facility that supports a wide range of cutting-edge metabolomic studies. TMIC is funded by Genome Alberta
`(http://www. genomealberta,ca), GenomeBritish Columbia (http:/, and Genome Canada (http: /, a not-for-profit organization that is leading
`Canada's national genomics strategy with $900 million in funding from the federal government,
`HMDEB Version 4.0 — Contact Us (/w/contact)
`Innovation Centre
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