
`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`Patent Owners.
`Case IPR2017-01434
`U.S. Patent No. 5,886,035


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 3
`II. ARGUMENT ....................................................................................................... 3
`A. ¶¶ 10-70, 75-88, 91-98 of Ex. 1031 (Supplemental Declaration
`of Dr. deLong) and ¶¶ 23-28, 31-33, 36-41, 48-53, 55-62, 67-73 of
`Ex. 1032 (Supplemental Declaration of Dr. Rose) Should Be Excluded
`As Improper Incorporation By Reference .............................................................. 3
`B. Exhibits and Portions of the deLong and Rose Declarations
`(Exs. 1031 and 1032) Not Cited or Discussed in the Petition or Reply
`Should Be Excluded ..............................................................................................10
`C. Dr. deLong's and Dr. Rose's Testimony Relating to the Exhibits
`Identified in Section B Above Should Be Excluded on the Same
`Grounds Set Forth with Respect to the Specific Exhibits.....................................13
`D. Dr. Rose's Redirect Deposition Testimony, Improperly Elicited
`Through Leading Questions, Should be Excluded ...............................................13
`III. CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................14


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.64 and the Scheduling Order governing this
`proceeding (Paper No. 12), Patent Owners Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
`("Santen") and Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. ("AGC") (together, "Patent Owners")
`respectfully move to exclude at least the following evidence submitted by
`Petitioners Micro Labs Limited and Micro Labs USA Inc. (together, "Petitioners")
`in connection with the present Inter Partes Review proceeding concerning U.S.
`Patent No. 5,886,035 ("the '035 Patent"): (1) ¶¶ 6-8, 10-71, 75-98 of Ex. 1031; (2)
`¶¶ 20-33, 36-41, 48-73 of Ex. 1032; (3) Exs. 1033-1035, 1037-1038, 1040-1043,
`1045-1060; (4) testimony in ¶¶ 16, 39, 43, 49, 50, 55, 57, 59, 69, 81, 82, 83, 85,
`and 86 of Ex. 1031 relating to Exs. 1040 and 1045-1060; (5) testimony in ¶¶ 24,
`26, 27, 41, 44, 47, 49, 56, 57, 59, and 60 of Ex. 1032 relating to Exs. 1033-1035,
`1037-1038, and 1040-1043; and (6) testimony at 117:23-118:23 of Ex. 2062.
`¶¶ 10-70, 75-88, 91-98 of Ex. 1031 (Supplemental Declaration of
`Dr. deLong) and ¶¶ 23-28, 31-33, 36-41, 48-53, 55-62, 67-73 of Ex.
`1032 (Supplemental Declaration of Dr. Rose) Should Be Excluded
`As Improper Incorporation By Reference
`In a transparent and improper attempt to supplement their deficient Petition,
`while avoiding the word-count limits for their Reply, Petitioners incorporate by
`reference into the Reply wide swaths of arguments and discussions found only in


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`the Supplemental Declarations of Dr. deLong (Ex. 1031) ("deLong Declaration")
`and Dr. Rose (Ex. 1032) ("Rose Declaration"). Paper 27 at 1-2 (Patents Owners'
`timely objections). Such incorporation by reference is improper. See 37 C.F.R. §
`42.6(a)(3) ("Arguments must not be incorporated by reference from one document
`into another document."); 37 C.F.R. § 42.104(b)(5) ("The Board may exclude or
`give no weight to the evidence where a party has failed to state its relevance or to
`identify specific portions of the evidence that support the challenge."); 37 C.F.R. §
`42.61(a) ("Evidence that is not taken, sought, or filed in accordance with this
`subpart is not admissible."); Cisco Sys., Inc. v. C-Cation Techs., LLC, IPR2014-
`00454, Paper 12 at 7-10 (PTAB Aug. 29, 2014) (informative) (explaining that Rule
`42.6(a)(3) prohibits incorporating by reference arguments from supporting
`Notably, the deLong and Rose Declarations total 102 pages compared to
`Petitioners' 23-page Reply. The Board should not condone Petitioners' plain
`attempt to circumvent the word limit through improper incorporation of arguments
`from the Supplemental Declarations. See 37 C.F.R. § 42.24(c); Conopco, Inc. v.
`Procter & Gamble Co., IPR2013-00510, Paper 9 at 8 (PTAB Feb. 12, 2014) ("We
`decline to consider information presented in a supporting declaration, but not
`discussed in a petition, because among other reasons, doing so would encourage
`the use of declarations to circumvent the page limits that apply to petitions.").


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`For the foregoing reasons and the reasons set forth below, at least ¶¶ 10-70,
`75-88, and 91-98 of the deLong Declaration and ¶¶ 23-28, 31-33, 36-41, 48-53, 55-
`62, and 67-73 of the Rose Declaration should be excluded under 37 C.F.R. §
`42.6(a)(3), 37 C.F.R. § 42.104(b)(5), and 37 C.F.R. § 42.61(a).1
`¶¶ 10-16, 75 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031); ¶¶ 48-53 of
`the Rose Declaration (Ex. 1032)
`At page 2 of the Reply, Petitioners contend that "Klimko's data shows that
`compound C has longer-lasting efficacy than the comparison compounds A, B and
`D." Petitioners' purported support for their argument is limited to two short
`paragraphs directly following that statement. Reply at 3. Petitioners, however,
`seek to improperly supplement their Reply by citing to 8 paragraphs of the deLong
`Declaration (¶¶ 10-16, 75)—spanning 8 pages—and 6 paragraphs of the Rose
`Declaration (¶¶ 48-53)—spanning 4 pages—which contain numerous arguments
`and discussions not found in the Reply.
`1 Patent Owners submit that given the pervasiveness of Petitioners' improper
`incorporation by reference of arguments from the Declarations into the Reply, the
`Board should disregard Petitioners' Reply and Supporting Declarations in their
`entirety. As the Office Patent Trial Practice Guide states: "[T]he Board will not
`attempt to sort proper from improper portions of the reply." 77 Fed. Reg. 48,767
`(Aug. 14, 2012).


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`¶¶ 30-45 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031); ¶¶ 26-27, 31-
`33, 36-41of the Rose Declaration (Ex. 1032)
`Petitioners' argument at page 8 of the Reply regarding the undesirable initial
`increase in IOP explicitly incorporates what "Dr. deLong explains in his
`declaration." (Emphasis added). Rather than provide their arguments in the
`Reply as the Rules require, Petitioners incorporate by reference 6 paragraphs from
`the deLong Declaration (¶¶ 30-35)—spanning 5 pages—containing numerous
`arguments not found in the Reply. In the subsequent paragraph, Petitioners again
`seek to improperly supplement their Reply by citing to ¶¶ 30-35 of the deLong
`Declaration, as well as ¶¶ 36-41 of the Rose Declaration. Reply at 9. At page 10
`of the Reply, Petitioners again explicitly incorporate arguments "explained by Drs.
`deLong and Rose." (Emphasis added). Petitioners cite to 10 paragraphs of the
`deLong Declaration (¶¶ 30-39) spanning 8 pages and 6 paragraphs of the Rose
`Declaration (¶¶ 36-41) spanning 5 pages. Finally, at pages 12-13 of the Reply,
`Petitioners improperly incorporate arguments from ¶¶ 40-45 of the deLong
`Declaration and ¶¶ 26-27, 31-33, and 41 of the Rose Declaration.
`¶¶ 46-70 and 76 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031)
`At page 14 of the Reply, Petitioners argue in conclusory fashion that "[t]he
`POSA would have reasonably expected this modification to successfully result in a
`compound with an improved therapeutic profile." In a particularly egregious


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`attempt to back-fill gaps in their flawed and deficient Petition, Petitioners follow
`that statement with a citation to 26 paragraphs of the deLong Declaration (¶¶ 46-
`70, 76) spanning 21 pages. As detailed below in points 4 and 5, Petitioners also
`seek to improperly incorporate by reference many of the same paragraphs into
`other parts of the Reply in a continued effort to supplement their deficient Petition.
`Notably, the arguments and discussions set forth in ¶¶ 46, 68-70, and 76 are neither
`cited nor discussed in any other part of the Reply.
`¶¶ 48-61 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031)
`At page 15 of the Reply, Petitioners again incorporate by reference what Dr.
`deLong explains in his declaration about how fluorine's unique properties
`purportedly "make it a desirable substitute for the C-15 hydroxyl group." Instead
`of providing arguments in their Reply as the Rules require, Petitioners cite 14
`paragraphs of the deLong Declaration (¶¶ 48-61)—spanning 12 pages—in an effort
`to improperly supplement their Reply with a wide array of arguments and
`discussions not found in the Reply.
`Petitioners go on to make the following general statement: "This is due to
`teachings in the prior art that difluorination at the C-15 position would mimic the
`tehrahedral geometry of the carbon C-15 of the parent compound (with its
`hydroxyl group), and would also confer greater resistance to metabolic degradation
`and improved membrane penetration through elimination of the hydroxyl group."


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`Id. at 15. Petitioners follow that conclusory statement with citation to 7 paragraphs
`of the deLong Declaration (¶¶ 50, 55-60) spanning 7 pages in an effort to introduce
`arguments not found in the Reply.
`¶¶ 50, 56-59, 62-67 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031)
`At pages 17-18 of the Reply, Petitioners make 3 general statements in
`support of their argument that Ueno Japan is purportedly relevant prior art. As
`purported support for those 3 statements, Petitioners cite to 11 paragraphs from the
`deLong Declaration (¶¶ 50, 56-59, 62-67)—spanning 10 pages—containing
`numerous arguments and discussions not found in the Reply.
`¶¶ 77-88, 92 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031); ¶¶ 67-73 of
`the Rose Declaration (Ex. 1032)
`At pages 19-20 of the Reply, Petitioners argue in approximately 1 and a half
`pages that tafluprost has purportedly not achieved commercial success. Petitioners
`seek to improperly supplement their Reply with 13 paragraphs of the deLong
`Declaration (¶¶ 77-88, 92)—spanning 9 pages—and 7 paragraphs of the Rose
`Declaration (¶¶ 67-73)—spanning 4 pages—containing numerous arguments and
`information not found in the Reply.
`¶¶ 17-39 and ¶¶ 47-57 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031)
`At page 20 of the Reply, Petitioners make the following conclusory
`statement: "PO's assertion that there are 'unexpected results' is directly


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`contradicted by the prior art, including Kishi, Bezuglov 1982 and/or Bezuglov
`1986, and Ueno Japan and also the common sense knowledge of the POSA."
`Petitioners follow that conclusory statement with citation to 23 paragraphs of the
`deLong Declaration (¶¶ 17-39) spanning 16 pages. In addition, as purported
`support for the conclusory statement that "difluorination at the C-15 position of
`compound C would be expected to improve the therapeutic profile of compound C
`by maintaining IOP-lowering activity while reducing side effects," (id. at 20-21)
`Petitioners cite to 11 paragraphs of the deLong Declaration (¶¶ 47-57) spanning 10
`¶¶ 91-93 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031); ¶¶ 55-62 of the
`Rose Declaration (Ex. 1032)
`At page 21 of the Reply, Petitioners argue in a single 10-line paragraph that
`tafluprost purportedly did not fulfill any long-felt unmet need. Petitioners
`improperly seek to supplement their Reply with arguments and discussions from 3
`paragraphs of the deLong Declaration (¶¶ 91-93) spanning 3 pages and 8
`paragraphs of the Rose Declaration (¶¶ 55-62) spanning 5 pages.
`¶¶ 92-98 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031); ¶¶ 23-28 of the
`Rose Declaration
`At pages 21-22 of the Reply, Petitioners argue in a single paragraph that
`there has purportedly been no failure of others. Petitioners seek to improperly
`supplement their Reply with arguments and discussions from ¶¶ 92-98 of the


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`deLong Declaration and ¶¶ 23-28 of the Rose Declaration that are not found in the
`¶¶ 94-98 of the deLong Declaration (Ex. 1031); ¶¶ 23-28 of the
`Rose Declaration (Ex. 1032)
`At pages 22-23 of the Reply, Petitioners argue that Patent Owners'
`secondary considerations evidence is purportedly not commensurate in scope with
`the claims. Petitioners seek to improperly supplement their Reply with arguments
`and discussions from 5 paragraphs of the DeLong Declaration (¶¶ 94-98) spanning
`4 pages and 6 paragraphs of the Rose Declaration (¶¶ 23-28) spanning 5 pages.
`Petitioners' blatant (and pervasive) incorporation by reference is prohibited
`under 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(a)(3), 37 C.F.R. § 42.104(b)(5), and 37 C.F.R. § 42.61(a).
`Patent Owners respectfully request that at least the foregoing paragraphs of Ex.
`1031 and Ex. 1032 be excluded.
`Exhibits and Portions of the deLong and Rose Declarations (Exs.
`1031 and 1032) Not Cited or Discussed in the Petition or Reply
`Should Be Excluded
`The Exhibits and portions of the deLong and Rose Declarations (Exs. 1031
`and 1032) identified below should be excluded as irrelevant and unfairly


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`prejudicial because they are not cited or discussed in Petitioners' Petition or Reply.2
`Paper 27 at 1-14 (Patents Owners' timely objections). Materials not discussed in a
`substantive paper are irrelevant and their consideration would be unfairly
`prejudicial. FRE 401-403.
`¶¶ 6-8, 71, and 89-90 of Ex. 1031 (Supplemental Declaration of
`Mitchell A. deLong, Ph.D.)
`¶¶ 20-22, 29-30, and 63-66 of Ex. 1032 (Supplemental
`Declaration of Aron D. Rose, M.D.)
`Ex. 1033 (article from the American Journal of Ophthalmology)
`Ex. 1034 (article from British Journal of Ophthalmology)
`Ex. 1035 (U.S. Patent No. 5,296,504)
`Ex. 1037 (article from Primary Care Optometry News)
`Ex. 1038 (article from the Survey of Ophthalmology)
`Ex. 1040 (article from The Journal of the American Academy
`of Ophthalmology)
`2 Patents Owners only seek to exclude portions of the deLong and Rose
`Declarations that contain substantive arguments and information that should have
`been discussed in the Reply. Patent Owners are not seeking to exclude portions of
`the Declarations that relate solely to background information, e.g., qualifications of
`the experts and their scope of work.


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`Ex. 1041 (article from the British Journal of Ophthalmology)
`10. Ex. 1042 (article from the Clinical Ophthalmology)
`11. Ex. 1043 (article from Advances in Therapy)
`12. Ex. 1045 (article from Drug Evaluation)
`13. Ex. 1046 (article from the Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and
`14. Ex. 1047 (article from the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry)
`15. Ex. 1048 (article from the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry)
`16. Ex. 1049 (article from Experimental Eye Research)
`17. Ex. 1050 (article from Tetrahedron)
`18. Ex. 1051 (deLong lecture notes)
`19. Ex. 1052 (Latanoprost Drug Bank Profile)
`20. Ex. 1053 (Santen Annual Report 2013)
`21. Ex. 1054 (Santen Data Book Year Ended March 31, 2016)
`22. Ex. 1055 (GlobalData)
`23. Ex. 1056 (Aerie Pharmaceuticals Form 8-K)
`24. Ex. 1057 (Aerie Pharmaceuticals Form 8-K)
`25. Ex. 1058 (Santen Data Book Year Ended March 31, 2015)
`26. Ex. 1059 (Santen Data Book Year Ended March 31, 2017)
`27. Ex. 1060 (Santen Annual Report 2014)


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`C. Dr. deLong's and Dr. Rose's Testimony Relating to the Exhibits
`Identified in Section B Above Should Be Excluded on the Same
`Grounds Set Forth with Respect to the Specific Exhibits
`Testimony from the Supplemental Declaration of Mitchell A. deLong, Ph.D.
`(Ex. 1031) relating to Exhibits 1040 and 1045-1060 is inadmissible for the grounds
`set forth above with respect to the specific exhibits. Paper 27 at 2 (Patent Owners'
`timely objections). Specifically, Dr. deLong's testimony relating to the
`aforementioned exhibits in at least ¶¶ 16, 39, 43, 49, 50, 55, 57, 59, 69, 81, 82, 83,
`85, and 86 of Ex. 1031 should be excluded.
`Testimony from the Supplemental Declaration of Aron D. Rose, M.D. (Ex.
`1032) relating to Exhibits 1033-1035, 1037-1038, and 1040-1043 is inadmissible
`for the grounds set forth above with respect to the specific exhibits. Paper 27 at 2
`(Patent Owners' timely objections). Specifically, Dr. Rose's testimony relating to
`the aforementioned exhibits in at least ¶¶ 24, 26, 27, 41, 44, 47, 49, 56, 57, 59, and
`60 of Ex. 1032 should be excluded.
`D. Dr. Rose's Redirect Deposition Testimony, Improperly Elicited
`Through Leading Questions, Should be Excluded
`Petitioners' improperly elicited testimony at 117:23-118:23 of the June 16,
`2018 Deposition of Aron D. Rose (Ex. 2062) should be excluded under FRE 611.
`Specifically, during redirect examination, Petitioners posed leading questions to
`Dr. Rose—their own expert witness—in seeking testimony on Ex. 1033: "Now,


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`the paragraph does not say that the two patients or any patients complained of
`hyperemia; correct?" (Id. at 117:23-25); "Now, this paragraph does not say that the
`two patients were excluded from the study due to hyperemia; correct?" (Id. at
`118:6-8). Despite Patent Owners' timely objections to these questions (id. at
`118:2-3, 11-23), Petitioners did not correct the format of their questions. Instead,
`Petitioners instructed Dr. Rose to answer the questions as posed. Because FRE
`611(c) does not permit Petitioners to pose leading questions on direct/redirect
`examination of their own expert witness ("[l]eading questions should not be used
`on direct examination except as necessary to develop the witness's testimony"), Dr.
`Rose's improperly elicited redirect testimony in Ex. 2062, 117:23-118:23, should
`be excluded.
`For the reasons stated above, Patent Owners respectfully request that the
`Board grant the relief sought through the present motion. In particular, Patent
`Owners respectfully submit that the Board should disregard Petitioners' Reply and
`Supplemental Declarations in their entirety, and/or exclude at least the following
`evidence: (1) ¶¶ 6-8, 10-71, 75-98 of Ex. 1031; (2) ¶¶ 20-33, 36-41, 48-73 of Ex.
`1032; (3) Exs. 1033-1035, 1037-1038, 1040-1043, 1045-1060; (4) testimony in ¶¶
`16, 39, 43, 49, 50, 55, 57, 59, 69, 81, 82, 83, 85, and 86 of Ex. 1031 relating to
`Exs. 1040 and 1045-1060; and (5) testimony in ¶¶ 24, 26, 27, 41, 44, 47, 49, 56,


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`57, 59, and 60 of Ex. 1032 relating to Exs. 1033-1035, 1037-1038, and 1040-1043.
`Patent Owners respectfully submit that the Board should also exclude 117:23-
`118:23 of Ex. 2062.
`Dated: July 26, 2018
`/ Arlene Chow /
`Arlene L. Chow
`Registration No. 47,489
`Eric J. Lobenfeld
`(pro hac vice)
`Ernest Yakob
`Registration No. 45,893
`Hogan Lovells US LLP
`875 Third Avenue
`New York, New York 10022
`Telephone: (212) 918-3000
`Fax: (212) 918-3100
`Counsel for Patent Owners
`Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
`and Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Patent Owners'
`Motion to Exclude was served on July 26, 2018, by filing this document through
`the Patent Trial and Appeal Board End to End System as well as delivering a copy
`via electronic mail upon the following attorneys of record for the Petitioners:
`Cedric C.Y. Tan, Reg. No. 56,082
`H. Keeto Sabharwal (pro hac vice)
`Yun Wei, Reg. No. 70,744
`Alton L. Hare, Reg. No. 68, 638
`1200 Seventeenth Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20036
`Tel.: (202) 663-8000
`Fax.: (202) 663-8007
`Sean M. Weinman, Reg. No. 69,515
`1650 Tysons Boulevard, 14th Floor
`McLean, VA 22102
`Tel.: (703) 770-7511
`Fax.: (703) 770-4856


`Case IPR2017-01434
`US Patent No. 5,886,035
`/ Arlene Chow /
`Arlene L. Chow
`Registration No. 47,489
`Hogan Lovells US LLP
`875 Third Avenue
`New York, New York 10022
`Telephone: (212) 918-3000
`Fax: (212) 918-3100
`Counsel for Patent Owners
`Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
`and Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
`Dated: July 26, 2018

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