IPR Page 1/7
`Santen/Asahi Glass Exhibit 2057
`Micro Labs v. Santen Pharm. and Asahi Glass


`CA5 Registry 130209-824
`Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Latenoprost (HMDBDD14792)
`CCEC}OCi=0]CCC\C=CJC[C@H]‘t[C@.H]lD]CIC@@H1EO}[C@@H]1 ocic.@uiioicoc1 =cc=cc=c1
`lnC hl=1SJCZSH4DOSIC1-19E2)31-25{30}13-94-3-8-12—22-23f25{29)1E-24E22)28)1T-16-21i2n15-14-20-10-6 -5-?—11v2fll'h3.5kfl.1041.19.21-252129 H .4 .9. 12—15H 2. 1‘2 Hillbfi-
`3-i'l21 -,22 +,23+,24-,25+lm01‘51
`Inchl Kay
`Chemical Taxonorny
`This compound belongs to the class of organic compounds known as prostaglandins and related compounds These are unsaturated carboxylic acids consisting of a 20 carbon 5
`also contains alive member ring, and are based upon the telly aoid arachrdnnii: ECld.
`Organic compounds (34' (nun:Ilclassyflrewisnertlab.oomllax_nodeleDOUDDOD}
`Lipids and lipid-Ilka molecules U [hllp.ffclassy‘iire wisharllab comltax_nodeslt30000012]
`Super Class
`Fatty Ac'yla r5 (http:ilclassylire.wisl1artlab :omllax_nodesl00003909]
`Eicosanoids I3 {htlpflclassyfirewisnanlaboomlrexanodesi’COUDDS‘l 3]
`sub Class
`Direct Parent Pmstaglandins and relaled compounds [3 (hllp ”classyfire.wisl'iartlab.coml‘lax_nodesiCUD[JDSl4}
`- Fatty acid esters 3 [http .liclassyfire.Wisnanlao.comnax_nodesicm003243i
`- Cyclopentanolsfi' (htlpflclassyfire wisharllab oomllax_nodale00029381
`. Benzene and substituted derivativesG (htlp‘ilolassyiire wishedlab.comllax'nodeslcooofli’gJ
`- Cyclic alcohols and derivatives I3 Ehtlp:lfclassyfire.w4sharllab oomflax_nodeleDUCl1292J
`- Carboxylio acid eslers G [http:floiassytire.wisharllab comilaxjodeleDDUtEElB)
`- Monooarooxylic acids and derivalives G (nllleclassyfim wishanlab oornltax_nodesi‘CDDm 1 37)
`. Organic oxides E5 [hlto'llclassylirewishanlab oomitaLnodosi‘CDODSQtlD}
`- Hydrocarbon oenvalivee C5 (hup Jlolassylirewishartiao.oomltex_nodesrCDDD-115m
`- Carbonyl compounds [5' (hllp tlclassylireiwishartlab comrlax_l'lodesl‘CDDDl E31)
`- Proslaglandin skeleton
`I Fall}! acid ester
`- Monocyolic benzene moiety
`- Cyclooantanol
`- Benzenoid
`- Cyclic alcohol
`- Carboxylio anid esler
`. Seoondaryaloohol
`. Carbozylio aCid derivative
`- Monooarboxylio acid or denvalives
`- Hydrocarbon derivative
`. Organic OXide
`. Alcohol
`. Carbonyl group
`- Organic oxygen compound
`- Organuoxygeri compound
`- Aromatic homomonooyclio compound
`Aromatic hcnnornonooydic compounds
`- cerboxylic ester {CHEBI 6354 U [ntlp liwww abiaoukl'
`- oroslaglandins Faloha (CHEBI:E3E4 G {nltolmvwebiaouki'd'ienilsearcnlddmct'ieoild=CHEBI 638.4}:
`trial {CHEBI:6334 G (‘chebi.faearchid dUGmahildifll-IEBI'EGSAJ)
`Route ol exposure:
`ingestion 1:lmatabolile_oriloiogy_lorm#4903593]
`u Food [i’meIaboIile_onloiogy_lermsf4903892l
`Biological localion:
`Eliol'luid and excreta.
`n Urine [lmetabolile_onlology_larmslst107383J
`a Blood [Emelabolile_ontology_larmsla40?3a4]
`Cell and elements.
`a Extracellular (lmelabolits_ontology_termsl324u349)
`a Membrane Urnelabullleionlulogy_lerrnsl3240350}
`a Cell membrane (ifrnataboIita_onlology_lermsl36?d4?7J
`a Cytoplasm iFmelaboiite_onlology_lermsl353594?J
`htlpzlimnrw.hmdb.calmetaboliteslHMDBlJm 4792
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`Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Laianupwst (HMDBDDMTBZ)
`Naturally occurring process.
`Elnlugacal process.
`Biochgumical process:
`a Lipid transport Urnataboliie_anlnlagy_terrn949038961
`a mid meiaboiism (imetabolilejntolngyiterrnsMQUsBQTJ
`a Fatty acn‘l mataballsm (Metabalala_uniology_isrmsMQOBSQB]
`Chamicai reaciion'
`u Lipid peroxidaiinn i:mataDoltle_oniolongarmsMBO'o‘BQS)
`Biochemical palhway.
`u Lipid melabolism pathway {rmelaboiilejntolngyitermsi4903594!
`Multlwilular pracess:
`Irifiarnmalury response (irnelabolile_aniolngyilerm#3835951J
`Immune response Um 31a inoiite_nnlolugy_termsi3335952J
`Cellular pIDCESS
`a Ceil signaling [1mBiaboliie_onlology_term56449652)
`BiDiDgical role,
`a Membrane stabilizer [1m elaboiile_ontalagyilerrn513514474)
`Energy source {fmstabnlite_nntoingy_lerrn58674475)
`EHBFQ! storage UmBtaballtLuniologLiern-i 335744 ?B]
`Nuinant Urn elabolite_unluiogy_lann 913835948]
`lmflammaiury (rmeiaboliie_ontolngy_lann5.6335949)
`n Immunurnoduiaiur(rmeiabnlHa_uniulogy'lemsi3335950}
`Industrial appilcalion.
`a Drug {.imetabolrle_nntnlngy_tarmsa'344963D)
`a Suflaclant [rmaIabal:IeAnntnlnngErmsFESMHZi
`u Emulsriiar (frneiabuiitewontolnghlerrnsf3674473}
`Pharmaceutical industry
`a Pharmacaulical [lmelabn|iie_nniuiugy_lemis.i3602520]
`Cardaava snular drug
`I: Anuhyparlenswe Um ela baliie_unlology_lerm5134t19581J
`Physical Properties
`Maitlng Pow-I1
`Bailing Poini
`Water Solubiiily
`Nol Avaiiable
`NDI Availabie
`0.013 giL
`N01 Avaliable
`N01 Avaiiabia
`Nui Avaiiable
`Nul Avaiiable
`httpji‘mwmhmdncaimeiabaiiie s!HMDBUU1 4792
`IPR Page 3/7
`IPR Page 3/7


`Water Solubilityr
`pKa (Strongest Acidic)
`pKa [Slmnge sl Basic}
`Physaolagacal Charge
`Hydrogen Acceptor Counl
`Hyurngen Donor Cnun:
`Polar SUI-lace Area
`Rmalable Bond Count
`Number of Rings
`Rule ml Five
`Ghose Fuller
`Veber‘s Rule
`MDDR—like Rule
`Human Melaholome Database: Showlng metabocard for Latanoprosi (HMDBOU14792)
`0013 gl‘L
`85.99 A?
`124.34 "1"le ‘
`50 71 A‘
`ALOGPS (blip-3W.vcclaborgrlanralngpsl}
`ALO G PS (hllp #www. vcclab orgflahralogpsl}
`ChemAxon lhllp .iMw'{producI5H:alculaluripluginslpropeny-
`ALOGPS lhttp limycclab orgflablalugusn
`ChemAxon [Httpflwwwnnemamn comrprodudsfoalcuIatcr-pluginsrprcpeny-prat
`ChemAxun [htlpflwww chamaxnn mmfproduclsrcalcuIainr-pluginsl‘property-pret
`ChsmAxan [hltpflwmmhemaxun cuminraducl5}:aSculaloripluginsrpropeny—prec
`CnemAxon [http:lmwchamaxon cumliproduct5lcalcula'lur-piuganslproparly-
`ChamAxon {htlpflwwwphem axon camfproducisdcalwlatorpluginsinmparly-
`ChemAxun lhflp waw chemaxon cumlpmduclsicalculalor—pluglnslprapefly-
`C hemAxun (hltp Nwww chemaxon corn lprnduclslcalculator'pluginsfpruperty-
`ChemAxon (hflpJMww‘chemaxoncomlprududslnalmlamr—pluginslproperty-
`Cl-yemAxan [minim-w chamaxnn.mmlproductslcalculainr-plugInslproperly-
`ChemAmn :hltp'flwww.chemaxunLumlproducisfcalwlainr—pluglnslmoleculari
`CnemAxun (htlpflwwwnhern axun.cum!pruduclsfcalculalar—plugmslmolecular-
`Chernnxnn (htlp:flwww.chemaxon cumIpmfluclsrcalculalor-plugmslmniecuiar—
`ChemAxon lhnp.erw.cnemaxon.oomrpruduc'lsrcalculator-pIuginst‘malaculax-
`ChemAxon (hllp 1W£hemaxon comrprodumslcalculalor-plugnnslmolsnular-
`IPR Page 4/7
`IPR Page 4/7


`Ti9f251 3
`Predicted GCaMS
`Spadrum - GC-MS (Nun-
`dznvauzad) - meV.
`Prediaed GCVMS
`Spectrum - GC—MS :3
`TMB) - 702V. Pusiijve
`(rspmrai‘grn 340446:
`LC-MSP‘MS Spectrum 7
`LC~ESi-qToi. Pnsitive
`lispecliaimsjnsi'fl M 384:
`LC-MSNS Spectmm - ‘
`Predicled LC-MSIMS
`Spectrum - 1W. Festive
`Prafiicteu LCVMSIME
`Spadmm - 20V. Fosilwa
`Predicted LC-MSIMS
`Spectrum - 40V. Positive
`Predicted LC-MSFMS
`Spectrum - 1W Negative
`Predicted LC-MSFMS
`Speculum -2IN, Negative
`Predicted LQMSEMS
`Spectrum - 40V. Neaalwa
`Biological Pmpartiss
`- Exlracelluiar
`. Membrane
`. Blccd
`. Urine
`Not Available
`Nol Availabie
`Norm ai Concentrations
`Human Metabolome Database: Showing melabocard for Laianuprost (HMDBDOi 4?in
`Splash Kay
`[hrlp Lflsplas h.fiehnlah.ucdavla.eduil
`Vigw in Mu NA 3 thttpflmuna fiehnlab.ucdavis eduifiispemfsplashfsplashiD-Dflki-EadESSUDUDU-SDYDeSSi 2k
`10924 6232?“ Bfiflbafifd
`splashiuAmdj-i 0197DOUOU-
`933105867661 an 597%
`splashi G—Dldl-Qi ZSDOUOUG
`11493th 95035517de
`splash1 Dvflfiar-EDUZ announ-
`splasniO-Uadi-m 04400000-
`sprash 1 again—9am DOUUDO‘
`d471 :11 94216551967093
`View in Mama 6 [hlip'iimona fiehniabucuavis.snuifiispec‘tratsplashispdaah1U-GU1i-7110196000-109246a33i
`View in MONA f3 (htlp Jimunsfiehnlahuodavis.Edumspeclra'spiashisplashICI-El52r-i BEBDODODD-cfigtlchlSBt
`View in Mn HA I!" il'mp‘Hmonafiehnianucdavts edumispectraispiasnisprash10-EI52r-1osauuuouwcsgdcsdset
`View Iri MONA U :nttp inn one.fiei'lnlab.uodavis.eduii'tlspectrai'spiasni‘splashiM14j-1fl1BYDDUeD-eaiibosbsi'i
`\Jiaw in MONA l3 [hlipnffmona.fienniah.ucdavis equpactiajspiashfaplaahi D-OEdLSflQ‘IDGDOD-Q'mcfzhferal
`View IN MONA G (hflpii'fmona fiehniabucdavi: aflmrspecimispiashl‘splashio-DSdJ-Eli 23UODDUD—T1493Dbb4l
`View in Mom 3 thilpiflmonaflahnlab undams edumispaclraisplashisplashiB-DESr—SDUQQGUDUD-194em232'
`View In M DNA [3 :th Jim a na .lieh nl ab. umavis edumispectwspiasnispl as!“ onwawunonoo-uacmuwac
`View an MoNA L'i [hlip.'.lfmona.fiehnlanucdavis edmfspeciraispiashisplashiB-Dadi-BflOiDDODOD-dlfii man'-
`SM PD BfPathwhiz
`Biospaciman Status
`Expected but
`Not Malia his
`Expected bui
`Not Avaiiahia
`canal ihnn Rafarenue
`21059632 Emilpflwww nmmlm.r‘iihgovipubmedfl1059582] 0
`ZEDSBGBZ U {http:h’www I'chmtrnniii guvipubmedi'Zi 059652) 9
`Abnurrnal Concentrations
`Nut Avaiiahle
`Associated Disorders and Diseases
`http:vaw.hmclb.caimelahoiitesiHM 1330014792
`IPR Page 5/7
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`Extemal Links
`Human Metabolome Database: Showing melabocard for Latanoprost (HMDBDUl 4792)
`0000654 [5 {hllpfllwww drugbank.celdrugleBflDEfi-ij
`N01 Available
`Not Available
`Not Available
`44?0?40 3' lhlthMiiwv chemapider.comicnemicatStntcture.447 0140mm”
`Nel Available
`Not Available
`Not Available
`Latanopmst G (http'tlen wikipedia.orglwikifLatanoprost]
`Not Availabie
`5311221 [3 {http:llpuhchernhcbiinlrn nih.gcvisummeryi'sumrnary cgi73id25311221)
`Not Available
`6364 G [http:l’lwwebiac uldchebiiseamhld clo9chebtld=6384J
`Not Available
`Not Aveilaele
`1 Hera T: [Increased Ins pigmenlation aller use of Iatanoproat in Japanese brown eyes] Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi 2001 May;105{5):314-21.
`[PubMed‘lldDEQI-‘IF I3 (http:ll'www.ncbi.rilm.nth.govlpuhmedi1t40694'r']]
`2. Simone K. Toorrire D: Lipid rails and signal transduction Nat Rev Mol Cell BIO]. 2000 Oct.1(1:.31-9 [PubMed 1141348? B [htthMwwnchnlmnih govlpubmeotlltl‘lswi'
`3. Watson AD' Thematic review series syslerns biotogy approaches to metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. Ltpidemaes: a global approach to lipid analyse an biological sy
`Lipid Res 2006 03:4?(10112101-11 Epuh 2005 Aug 10 [PUDMed:1GQfl2246 3 {I'lllpil‘i'www.ncbi.nlrrl nihgovipubmedl‘lGBBZZdEifl
`4. Semi JK_ Vidal-Puig AJ‘ Thematic review series adipocyle biology. Adipose tissue lunctien and plasticity orchestrate nutritional adaptation -| LIP'IEI R65. 2007 NEWEST”!
`200? Mar 20 [PubMed'WSTdflfio I3 (htthMww ricotnlrn nihgew’puhmeclfl 737-15801]
`5 Llhgweed D. Simone K. Lipid rafts as e membrane-organizing principle. Science 2010 Jen 1.327(5961145—50. do: 10.1126i'scienoe 1174521
`[PubMedQOOd-fifi? G lhltp lewnchi nlrn.nih govlpubmedl’2004456hj
`E Gunstone, Frank D.. John l. Hammad. and Alben J Dijkstra [200?]. The lipid handbook wilh CD—FtOM CRC Press
`DrugBanit ID
`FoodDE ID
`BIoCyi: in
`P03 in
`Saiety Data
`E nzyrne s
`1, Prosiaglandln FZ-alphe receptor|IproteinslHMDBFD1§5fll
`General function:
`Involved In anroleiri coupled receptor protein signaling palhwaiy
`Specific lu notion:
`Receptor for proslaglandin FZ-alpha [PGFz-alma]. The actwity o1 this receptor is mediated by G proteins which activate a phosphatidylinositol-calciun't second messenger system
`Initiates luleolysis in the corpus iuleum
`Gene Name:
`Unipret in:
`P413088 13 (htlp‘llwwwunipretei'giuntproUP 43038)
`Metecmar weight:
`40054 1
`Iii-Enzyme Deleils [l'prelemslHMDBijngJ I
`1. Ella T. Aihara M. Narumtya 5. Arale M: The efiects of pruslaglandin analogues on It]? in prostanotd FF—reeeialor-defiuenl Mice. invest Ophthaimnl Vis Sci 2005 Nov;46[11}:415§-
`5:3. [PubMed:16249494 fl[http:lhivwwntbl.nlrn.nih.govlpuurnedl162£9494}l
`2 Nakaitma T. Malsugi T. Gate W. Kageyama M. Mort N. Matsurnura Y. Hera H New fluoroprostaglaridin Fl2a1pha) denvahves with prostarioid FP-receptnr agonislii: acl'mty as potent
`owlar—hypotensive agents Biol Pharm Bull. 2003 Deo:26(12l'1691-5 [PuhMedmIEIIGszG(http:iMww.ncot.nlrn.nih.gowpuhmeurltie-16112)]
`3. Taltaai Y. Nakajima T. Shimazekii A. Kageyarna M. Matsugi T. Matsumura Y. Gehalt BT. Kaulrnan PL. Hera H: Pharmacological marautensties of AFP-lse ttafluprost]. a new
`proslanoio FP receptor agonist. as art ocular hypotenswe drug Exp Eye Res. 2004 Apn?8t4]:757-?6 [PubMed 151137111 {'5 thtlpu‘M-ww ncbinlm.nih.govlpubmedl1503?l111]
`4 Oaktind A: Eflect ollatartuprcsl on Ihe emraoellulartnatnx 01 the oliary muscle A study on cultured oells and tissue sections. Exp Eye Res. 1998 liliug;fi'![2}.17’£l-91
`[PubMemSTISBSBIi G EhI‘IpZJNMWNeriIm!pubmedr9733584]]
`5 Maxey KM. Jul-inson JL. Learecque J The hydrolysis ofbimaloprost in onmeal tissue generates a patent pmstanoid FP reoeptur agomsl. Surv Ophthalmol. 2002 Aug,47 Suppl
`1.53440. [PubMed:12204699 l3 (hllpiiii’wwwfldll ntm nih novlpubmedflflmfifigil
`G Chen X. Jr 2].. Chen YZ TTEI: Therapeutic Target Database. Nucleic Acids Res 2002 Jan 1.30:1) 412-5. {PubMed111T52352 B [hllp'iliimw nebi nlm.nih.govlpubmscll1 1752352)}
`http:wawhmdbcalmetaboliteslH MDBUU 14792
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`Human Metabolome Database: Showing melabocard for Laianoprost (HMDBDUHHZ)
`1. Saints carfier organic anion transporter family member 251 iipratelnerMDBPozozfl
`General function:
`Involved in iranSparter activity
`Specific funclion:
`Mediaies the Na(+]-independenl transport m‘organic anions such as iauroehplale. the prostaglandins PGDZ. PGE1. PGEZ. Ieukolriena C4. Ihrornooxane 32 and iloprosi
`Gene Name:
`Unipm ID:
`094956601in flwww unipruiorgi‘uniproUOQAQSB}
`Molecular weight:
`- Etna-n: IE“: rip-m'i'a'finimoofinmu ‘
`1. Krali ME. Glaeser H. Mandary K. Konlg J. Ange D. Fromm MF. SchiolzernSdirehardt U. MlgevLussen U. Kane FE. Zoili O The prosiaglendin Irensporler DA‘FPZM Is expressed
`in human ocular Iissues and transports the entiglauouma prostanoid iatanupmst. Inuesl Oohlhalrnol Vls Sol. 2010 Mayfiflfilflwti-il. doi: 1G.116?hov5.09--129U. Epub ZDOQ Dec
`1 7 [PubMed 2001935513(!pubmad.i2u0193551]
`This pmjecl is
`supported by
`me Canadian
`Insiilules of
`(hlipJM'wwCihr-irecgc ca} ..TM I c The Metabolomics {http:fiww.metabolomicscentreoa:
`Innovation Centre
`I mm...
`[hltpii’genomebc ca]
`[ntlp i!] é
`{htip'riwwwaiheallnsoiulionsee) rj
`Emu: --
`[hitpflwww cihr-irscgc ma} (award #111052}. Albena Innovate: - Health Solulions (nuptmvww.alneaitnsolutions.ce). and by The Melaoolomics Innovalion Cenlre (TMIC)
`[hilpflwwmelaboiomvcsoenlreeali. a nelioneily-funded research and core feculily ihal supports a wide range of cutlingedge melaboiomic studies TMIC is funded by Genome Alberla
`[hllp]. Genome British Columbia [http:flww Qenomebcoai}. and Genome Canada {http:iiwww genomecanada ca). a nut-for-profil organizalion that is leading
`Canada's national genomic: strategy will-i $900 million in funding from the lederei government
`HMDB Version 4.0 — Contaci Us {iwloontacl}
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