E.q. Eye Res.
`39, 807-829
`of the Eye to Irritation
`in the Responses
`Species Differences
`and Trauma:
`a Hypothesis
`of Divergence
`in Ocular Defense
`the Choice of Experimental
`Eye Research
`Eye Research Division,
`College of Physicians
`of Ophthalmology,
`and Surgeons, New Yorlc, New York 10032, U.S.A.
`(Received 2 April
`1984 and accepted 27 July 1984, New York)
`of ocular
`the morphological
`not only
`species differences,
`and surgical
`but also
`in the
`of the eyes of different
`to experimental
`as well as to drugs
`and autacoids.
`the most
`these differences
`as peculiarities
`or weaknesses
`as fundamental
`a working
`the environment
`and behavior
`of each species. This paper
`of evolutionary
`in ocular
`defense mechanisms,
`based on some of the known
`among mammals,
`and discusses
`of these
`the choice of appropriate
`for use as models
`in different
`of ophthalmic
`; paracentesis
`; protein
`; aqueous
`; primates
`; rabbit
`Key words
`; eye
`; mammals
`; Schlemm’s
`; prostaglandins
`; blood-aqueous
`; axon
`; irritation
`; trabecular
`and central
`of retinal
`of our understanding
`of species,
`from studies on a variety
`in mammals
`has been derived
`the rabbit
`has been used primarily,
`if not exclusively,
`in most other areas
`of ocular
`on aqueous
`and dynamics,
`and on the effects of potential
`drugs. This
`is particularly
`in light
`of the generally
`this species has an atypically
`labile blood-aqueous
`it is virtually
`to perform
`on the rabbit
`eye without
`a so-called
`in addition
`to BAB breakdown,
`and anterior
`uveal hyperemia
`and Duke-Elder,
`1931; Davson and Huber,
`1950; Perkins,
`1957; Sears, 1960; Cole and Unger,
`1973; Eakins,
`have attempted
`to minimize
`these effects by shortening
`by reducing
`the trauma
`by cannulation
`of the anterior
`by pretreating
`drugs presumed
`to protect
`by using
`and Sears, 1972; Bito, Nichols
`and Baroody,
`1982). However,
`in my plenary
`this paper were presented
`the concepts
`Some of
`the Vth
`of Eye Research
`of prostaglandins:
`a second
`The Netherlands,
`3-8 October
`1982. That
`last opportunity
`with David Cole about
`of mutual
`That and many of our previous
`have played
`a significant
`the development
`of some of the concepts
`and hypotheses
`this paper.
`Cole’s death
`has silenced
`an important
`in ocular
`but his thoughts
`and publications
`will continue
`to stimulate
`and guide us.
`@ 1984 Academic
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024


`I,. %. 1317’0
`levels after
`is yet
`to br
`to varying
`of most)
`in anterior
`effective means of preventing
`of the
`of the anterior
`or cannulation
`Since BAB
`and other signs of ocular
`degrees after virtually
`any manipulation
`of the rabbit
`eye, the consequent
`in intraocular
`fluid composition
`and dynamics
`affect the interpretation
`on the eye of this species.
`eye has
`for the mammalian
`The acceptance
`of the rabbit
`eye as a suitable model
`been based on the assumption
`its sensitivity
`to irritation
`only a quantitative
`in the expression
`of mechanisms
`that are
`those of other
`If this were
`the case, the extreme
`of the rabbit
`even offer an experimental
`the use of the much
`less sensitive
`and much more
`costly primate
`eye. However,
`is no experimental
`this assumption.
`This paper examines
`the possibility
`on the contrary.
`are qualitative
`species differences
`of mammalian
`of different
`types of eyes that have different morphological
`and physiological
`to trauma.
`the Responses
`of the Eye
`to Irritation
`that shortly
`and Bito, 1983) showed
`A recent comparative
`the anterior
`a pronounced
`flare developed
`of nitrogen
`of the
`eye and,
`to a lesser extent,
`that of the guinea
`pig, This
`response was somewhat
`and much
`less severe
`in the cat
`eye. A similar
`of flare was not observed
`the eyes of ducks or owl
`are presented
`in Fig.
`to the eyes
`A marked
`in IOP also
`of rabbits,
`pigs and cats; a smaller
`the eyes of ducks.
`no increase
`in IOP was observed within
`24 hr after application
`of the same
`dose of nitrogen mustard
`to the eyes of the owl monkeys
`In rabbits,
`increase was biphasic:
`two episodes
`of ocular
`were separated
`by a
`brief period
`of normal
`IOP or hypotension
`(Camras and Bito,
`1980a; Klein
`and Bito,
`In guinea
`increase was also biphasic,
`increase was
`and was not
`by a period of hypotension.
`both phases of the IOP
`rise in guinea pigs and ducks and reduced
`or blocked
`the second, but not
`the first hypertensive
`in rabbits.
`also reduced
`or delayed
`the hypotensive
`in cats
`1 (b)], and diminished
`the development
`of flare
`in rabbits
`and guinea
`[Fig. 1 (a)].
`nitrogen mustard
`did not induce
`flare and had a striking
`lack of hypertensive
`effect on the
`IOP of owl monkeys,
`it produced
`that could not be blocked
`by indomethacin
`l(c)]. There was
`also a miotic
`the eyes of rabbits
`and cats, which was more pronounced
`and more effectively
`by indomethacin
`in the latter. The same doses of nitrogen
`had no measurable miotic
`effect on the eyes of ducks or guinea pigs
`[Fig. 1 (c)].
`Even more
`species differences
`have been observed
`eyes to ionizing
`of the
`eye to as little
`as 250
`rads of X-ray
`severe BAB
`and Merriam,
`to 40 times greater
`did not produce
`a similar
`in the eyes of
`pigs, cats, monkeys
`or chickens
`(Stetz and Bito,
`1978; Bito and Klein,
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024-2


`Owl monkey
`Owl monkey
`Owl monkey
`. . . .
`I. Schematic
`of nitrogen
`(c) pupil
`of animals
`on previously
`responses within
`time course of ocular
`of the extent
`of five vertebrates.
`to the cornea1
`In each panel,
`the second
`of graphs
`a combination
`of systemic
`data: Camras
`and Bito.
`b; Klein
`and Bito,
`first 24 hr
`(a) Flare:
`to ocular
`of the eye to exogenous
`in the
`species variations
`eye is the most sensitive
`of the species studied
`have also been
`so far and
`the primate
`eye the least sensitive,
`to the adverse effects of these
`These observations
`by the same mechanism
`that eyes of different
`are not
`the Responses
`of the Eye
`to the Loss of
`that eyes of different mammals
`is also accumulating
`to the
`loss of aqueous
`humor. Anterior
`causes profound
`as demonstrated
`by the
`of a plasmoid
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024-3


`L. %. B ITO
`of the ciliary
`and morphologically
`and by physiologically
`1968; Unger, Cole and Hammond,
`1975). The barrier
`is evident
`in the iridial
`of the ciliary processes of the rabbit
`and Pei, 1965; Kozart,
`1968), which
`are well developed
`in this species but are virtually
`in primates
`1964; Kozart,
`1968; Ohnishi
`and Tanaka,
`In contrast,
`in the anterior
`rhesus monkeys,
`and at least some of that
`the anterior
`of cynomolgus
`occurs by reflux
`1974; Okisaka,
`and Armaly,
`a structure
`is highly
`in primates,
`but which does not exist in the same form
`in rabbits
`and Wybar,
`1961; Tripathi,
`the existence
`of such a canalicular
`has been questioned
`by some
`its feasibility
`is supported
`For example,
`and Barany
`(1968) demonstrated
`the meshwork
`at a rate of 15-18 ~1 min-’
`in some primates
`in a reservoir
`to Schlemm’s
`canal was elevated
`515 mm Hg above
`that of the anterior
`falls below
`the episcleral
`venous pressure,
`the lumen
`of Schlemm’s
`is greatly
`red blood
`and Grant,
`1973; Bill,
`1977; Moses, 1979).
`(1974, 1977) concluded
`the ciliary
`processes are unaffected
`by paracentesis
`in rhesus monkeys,
`1976; Bartels
`et al., 1979) have
`that, after paracentesis
`in primates,
`the ocular
`not only by reflux
`canal, but
`the ciliary processes as well.
`in contrast
`to the diffuse morphological
`that occur
`in the
`ciliary processes of the rabbit
`eye after paracentesis,
`suggest autacoid-mediated
`BAB breakdown
`(Laties, Neufeld, Vegge and Sears, 1976),
`the morphological
`in the ciliary
`processes of rhesus eyes after paracentesis
`have been described
`as being
`with mechanical
`rapid decompression
`of the globe
`(Pederson, MacLellan
`and Gaasterland,
`1978). Like
`reflux ofplasma
`canal, such decompression-induced
`of the ciliary
`processes could occur
`only after substantial
`of aqueous
`had been
`The stability
`of the primate
`is indeed
`For example, Ohnishi
`(1981) apparently
`to perform
`on the eyes of rhesus monkeys
`in order
`to induce demonstrable
`to the ciliary processes. Even
`the most affected
`of the ciliary
`body showed
`only selective
`of tight
`and the total damage
`to be less than
`that observed
`in rabbits
`a single
`The existence
`of such species differences
`in ocular
`is further
`by the observation
`that pretreatment
`with doses of
`the development
`of flare
`in rabbits,
`to do so in rhesus monkeys
`(Kass, Neufeld
`and Sears, 1975). Therefore,
`the highly
`of the
`eye appears
`to be nonexistent
`or vestigial
`in primates.
`the human
`we would
`and morphological
`On both phylogenetic
`to its BAB
`to be similar
`to the eyes of other anthropoid
`is supported
`by several
`the protein
`in the human
`Lin and Luo
`did not
`after sham paracentesis
`(the bulbar
`grasped with
`forceps and
`the cornea was punctured)
`or even after 75 y0 of the aqueous
`volume was withdrawn
`and re-injected
`10 sec. These observations
`or even decompression-induced
`is not characteristic
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024-4


`the human
`will enter
`eye. On
`the anterior
`in primates,
`than as a result
`of BAB
`occurs by reflux
`of protein
`once the BAB
`has broken
`the anterior
`even after normal
`IOP has been re-established
`by the
`of aqueous
`In contrast,
`reflux will
`cease immediately
`or exceeds
`the episcleral
`of the
`iris, Unger, Brown
`and Edwards
`(1977) also
`the human
`eye does not exhibit
`the pronounced
`and sudden
`that are characteristic
`of the
`The Apparent
`and Disadvantages
`of a Prophylactic
`has shown
`eye by complex mechanisms
`are mediated
`in the
`1954; Perkins,
`1957; Cole,
`and autacoids
`1961a; Cole and Unger,
`1973; Unger, Cole and Bass, 1977; Eakins,
`1977; Camras
`1980a, b). The
`as accidental
`or as the
`of structural
`the possibility
`the selective
`of certain
`in some species,
`the development
`of specific
`for BAB
`in other
`the development
`of a more
`stable BAB
`different mechanisms
`for protein
`the anterior
`To support
`it must be shown
`that a mechanism
`to some species but disadvantageous
`to others.
`The most pronounced
`effect of acute BAB
`is protein
`humor. One clear advantage
`of such protein
`is the
`the aqueous humor
`of a clotting mechanism
`in the event of cornea1 perforation,
`can minimize
`loss of aqueous
`of the anterior
`of plasma
`the anterior
`chamber must be regarded
`part of a primary
`defense mechanism,
`since neither
`the cornea nor
`the aqueous
`has a continuously
`clotting mechanism.
`It can be expected,
`for mechanisms
`the prophylactic
`of the BAB
`in species which,
`of their morphological,
`and environ-
`the most vulnerable
`to cornea1 perforation.
`Some species, particularly
`grazing mammals,
`have evolved
`a visual
`1956). Such
`for monitoring
`for predators
`a nearly
`field, which
`can only be achieved
`and hence,
`a deep-seated
`or a prominent
`ridge would
`block an animal’s
`of predators
`the side or from overhead.
`of ocular
`and high degree
`(Fig. 2) represent
`an extreme
`of the monitoring
`type of eye
`1956). The
`an underbrush
`eyes especially
`to mechanical
`lack of
`in rabbits
`to be fully compensated
`for by a highly
`and exceptionally
`defense mechanism.
`This conclusion
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024-5


`- Rabbit
`Fro. 2. Species differences
`to accidental
`the globe
`the exposure
`angle of the visual
`axes of the eyes. The corresponding
`the globe by
`the bony
`in different
`Baaed on Prince (1956)
`See text
`for details.
`are not drawn
`The graph
`of protection
`or even
`of the cornea,
`the well established
`is supported
`which may not be an uncommon
`of nerves
`the periocular
`for rabbits
`in the wild,
`is sufficient
`to produce miosis and BAB breakdown
`in this species
`1954; Perkins,
`in visual acuity caused
`is the reduction
`An obvious disadvantage
`of BAB breakdown
`the anterior
`by the scattering
`of light
`by the elevated
`visual acuity
`is normally
`and Thygeson,
`1959). However,
`in rabbits
`and other hunted
`that have a monitoring
`type of visual system
`1956; Duke-Elder,
`1958), occasional
`flare constitutes
`little or no evolutionary
`for such
`species. On
`the whole,
`a sophisticated
`of BAB
`than as a disadvantage
`may be regarded
`as an asset rather
`for rabbits
`depend on a searching
`On the other hand, many mammals,
`and stereopsis
`are considered
`of visual system
`for their survival.
`to be major aspects of primate
`1963; Le Gras Clark,
`1971). Because
`it must
`with normal
`and stereopsis,
`acute unilateral
`in visual acuity must pose a special problem
`in most primates,
`in insectivorous
`1972) and having even graver consequences
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024-6


`depth perception,
`loss of normal
`In the
`in arboreal
`or by predators,
`by antagonistic
`a forest canopy
`the chances of escape by hindering
`loss of visual
`risk of injury
`or death
`in arboreal
`by increasing
`the chances of falling
`out of trees due
`to misjudgment
`of the
`size of branches
`that may or may not be suitable
`for arboreal
`of cornea1
`the absence
`Thus, mechanisms
`high visual acuity
`in species
`must have been selected against
`in these species have
`and stereopsis
`for their
`that are
`to the evolution
`of well developed
`bony orbits beneath
`(Fig. 2). Although
`to the cornea,
`they must
`the visual
`field. This
`is typically
`in such species by socio-behavioral
`of the environment
`by each extended
`or social
`eye can be perforated.
`the cornea of even the best protected
`in all eyes, including
`the searching
`type of eyes of primates,
`the rapid
`of clotting
`the anterior
`as noted,
`a prophylactic
`is apparently
`is not well
`in primates,
`entry can be achieved
`in these species by plasma
`1974). However,
`such reflux
`can occur only after
`the episcleral
`reflux mechanism
`not be regarded
`as deleterious
`by itself.
`of the globe and
`of IOP can be
`to occur
`in nature
`only after cornea1 perforation
`or other major ocular
`has already
`visual acuity.
`chamber may be just one
`in the anterior
`It should be noted
`that prevention
`of flare
`defense mechanisms.
`The ciliary epithelia
`of t,he primate
`type of intraocular
`(the plural
`is used advisedly,
`tissue should
`be regarded
`as being
`of two separate
`layers) play
`in keeping
`out of the eye and
`in removing
`such substances
`the intraocular
`the choroidal
`- generally,
`- have
`a critical
`in the maintenance
`of the normal
`chemical milieu
`of the retina
`and DeRousseau,
`1980). Thus, breakdown
`of the BAB
`of t’he posterior
`chamber may
`also interfere
`by altering
`the concentrations
`of solutes normally
`in the
`fluids and allowing
`the entry of substances
`that are normalla
`kept out’ of the eyes (Bito,
`In contrast,
`the canalicular
`reflux mechanism
`the anterior
`their diffusion
`the retina
`is minimized,
`and probably
`by the iris and
`in Support
`of the Hypothesis
`the ocular
`of evolutionary
`the hypothesis
`of a positive
`on documentation
`of mammals
`on visual acuity and BAB
`and a negative
`these species between
`cornea1 vulnerability
`and BAB
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024-7


`7. 1
`in those vertebrate
`of t’he BAB
`The relative
`such documentation.
`can be
`as follows:
`< guinea
`pigs 6 cats < owl
`have been
`< rhesus monkeys
`< ducks < chickens
`and Bito.
`197X; Klein
`1983). This
`of vertebrates
`1956: Duke-Elder,
`1958; Walls, 1963) according
`to their visual acuity and/or
`their dependence
`on visual
`: grazing mammals
`< large carnivores
`< arboreal
`d birds of prey.
`species should also correlate
`of the BAB of different
`is a measure
`of the degree of lateral
`angle between
`visual axes, since
`this angle
`of the globes
`is, therefore,
`of cornea1
`has by far
`the greatest
`of all mammals
`to date.
`with an angle of almost
`180’ between
`its visual axes (Prihce,
`1956). Furthermore,
`species has an unusually
`orbit, which
`cannot effectively
`the globe. The
`angles between
`the visual axes of other mammals
`are much smaller,
`from 140’
`in some grazing mammals
`to O”, the ultimate
`in binocularity
`and ocular
`in man and most other primates
`(Fig. 2). According
`to the data collected
`by Prince
`this angle decreases
`in a distinct
`> goats > cattle > horses >
`pigs > dogs > cats > humans,
`the skulls of these species have
`and protective
`(see also Fig. 2). Data on the relative
`of the
`of all
`these species
`is not yet available;
`hence, exact correlations
`and possible
`are yet
`to be established.
`the extreme
`of the rabbit
`eye as compared
`to eyes of other mammals
`is consistent
`of this species.
`The Possible Role of the Primate Type of Chamber Angle in Ocular
`Defense Mechanisms
`in the complexity
`among mammals
`to be unique
`are generally
`their chamber
`angle and aqueous humor
`outflow mechanism.
`the only species known
`to have
`true Schlemm’s
`canals, as well as highly
`and scleral
`spurs, and
`to exhibit
`a sophisticated
`ciliary muscles
`and uveoscleral
`outflow mechanisms
`1967; Rohen,
`and Barany,
`1967: Tripathi,
`Bill, 1975). The
`IOP and
`the rate of aqueous
`to the aqueous
`are, however,
`in the eyes of all mammals
`in such diverse
`species as rabbits
`and primates
`(Cole, 1974a). Thus, differences
`rate of outflow,
`to outflow,
`species differences
`and complexity
`of the
`angle. We must,
`the possibility
`these differences
`the chamber
`angle are, at least
`in part,
`the consequence
`of evolutionary
`in ocular
`defense mechanisms.
`that characterizes
`of sinusoid
`The dead-end
`system of small segments
`1964; Tripathi,
`angle of some species,
`reflux of plasma proteins
`does not appear
`to be capable
`of providing
`Such small segments would
`be filled with
`red blood
`cells after
`a few microliters
`of plasma
`passage of plasma
`the other
`canal, which
`covers 360” of the cornea-scleral
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024-8


`the expected
`3. Schematic
`in the superior-temporal
`globe as a result
`of perilimbal
`AVA. Arrows
`the direction
`is higher
`vein, EV; anterior
`of blood,
`canal when
`of the
`in other
`AV; arterio-venous
`the circumferential
`by allowing
`reflux mechanism
`an effective
`eye, can provide
`some of the plasma
`has been
`1979) even when
`or segmental
`flow of blood
`is expected
`off (Fig. 3). Continuous
`over one segment
`occur whenever
`the episcleral
`the globe
`than over others,
`such as during
`If, at the same
`IOP drops below
`venous pressure
`as a result
`cornea1 penetration,
`such blood
`canal will allow
`the continuous
`reflux of plasma
`the trabecular
`with only a minimal
`of red blood
`cells within
`this canal.
`features of the primate
`that all the unique
`It should
`not be assumed,
`In primates,
`the selection
`of chamber
`angle are related
`to this reflux mechanism.
`to dependence
`on high
`has also
`of an effective accommodative
`of the ciliary
`for accommodation,
`decreases uveo-scleral
`by decreasing
`spaces between
`the muscle bundles
`(Bill, 1975). Extreme
`is also associated
`in the depth
`of the anterior
`and Bito,
`1982), which
`fluid distribution
`the eye. Thus,
`for highly
`is likely
`to have necessitated
`for anatomical
`as well-developed
`to allow
`The periodic
`ciliary muscles
`each accommodative
`effort may,
`by contraction
`fact, contribute
`of the
`Micro Labs Exhibit 1024-9


`I,. Z. 13iTU
`The possibilit?-
`of a complex,
`at’ least
`in som(’
`effort decreases,
`force of accommodative
`the onset
`of presbyopia
`must’ 1~
`the years or decades
`and should be investigated,
`since the preceding
`lack of such periodic
`of the
`may contribute
`of glaucoma
`eyes. Although
`is some
`that presbyopia
`per se is not a result of the
`of the ciliary muscles
`to contract,
`are certainly
`this muscle
`if not
`the onset of presbyopia
`1949: Swegmark,
`1969; E. Lutjen-Drecoll.
`on these
`of the physiological
`Only a full understanding
`and emergency
`as well as the species variations
`will allow
`us to understand
`the complex
`of the
`system and
`the effects of normal
`and pathological
`aging on these structures
`A better
`the morphological
`angle may, however,
`be obtained
`by viewing
`this structure
`as a passive one-way
`system serving
`the single
`of aqueous
`but as a complex
`system which,

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