`A Comparison of Hashing Schemes for Address Lookup in Computer Networks
`Raj Jain
`Abstract— Using a trace of address references, we compared
`the efficiency of several different hashing functions such as cyclic
`redundancy checking (CRC) polynomials, Fletcher checksum,
`folding of address octets using the exclusive— OR operation,
`and bit extraction from the address. Guidelines are provided for
`determining the size of hash masks required to achieve a specified
`level of performance.
`HE trend toward networks becoming larger and faster
`and addresses becoming larger has impelled a need to
`explore alternatives for fast address recognition. This problem
`is actually a special case of the general problem of searching
`through a large database and finding the information associated
`with a given key. For example, datalink adapters on local area
`networks (LAN) need to recognize the multicast destination
`addresses of frames on the LAN. Bridges, used to intercon-
`nect two or more LAN ’s, have to recognize the destination
`addresses of every frame and decide quickly whether to receive
`the frame for forwarding. Routers in wide-area networks have
`to look through a large forwarding database to decide the
`link for a given destination address. Name servers
`have the ultimate responsibility for associating names to
`characteristics. In these applications, a hashing algorithm can
`be used to search through a very large information base in
`time. We also investigated caching as a possible
`solution but found that it could be harmful in some cases in
`the sense that the performance would be better without it [4].
`To compare various hashing strategies, we used a trace of
`destination addresses observed on an Ethernet LAN in use.
`The trace consisted of 2.046 million frames observed over a
`period of 1.09 h. A total of 495 distinct station addresses were
`observed, of which 296 were seen in the destination field.
`Hash cells
`Fig. 1.
`Hashing concepts.
`addresses and a hash table of M cells, the goal is to minimize
`the average number of lookups required per frame.
`If we perform a regular binary search through all N ad-
`dresses, we need to perform 1 + log2(N) or log2(2N) look-
`ups per frame. Given an address that hashes to the ith cell, we
`have to search through a subtable of n, entries, which requires
`only log2(2n,) lookups. The total number of lookups saved is
`Z n- [log2(2N) — log2 (2n,)]
`is the number of frames that hash t0 the ith cell,
`where 7",-
`2 Ti 2 R. The net saving per frame is
`2 —% log; (7%) = Z: —qi10g2pi.
`Here, q,- : r,- /R denotes the fraction of frames that hash to the
`ith cell, and pi = n, /N is the fraction of addresses that hash
`to the ith cell. The goal of a hashing function is to maximize
`the quantity 2 —q,-log2(p,~). Notice that pi and q, are not
`related. In the special case of all addresses being equally
`likely to be referenced, q,
`is equal to p, and the expression
`2 —p,- log2(p,-) would be called the entropy of the hashing
`function. It is because of this similarity that we will call the
`quantityz —q,~ log2(p,-) the entropy or information content of
`the hashing function. It is measured in units of “bits.”
`Webster’s dictionary defines the word “hash” as a Verb “to
`chop (as meat and potatoes) into small pieces ”. Strange as
`it may sound, this is correct. Basically, hashing allows us to
`chop up a big table into several small subtables so that we
`can quickly find the information once we have determined
`the subtable to search for. This determination is made using
`a mathematical function, which maps the given key to hash
`cell 'i as shown in Fig. l. The cell i could then point us to the
`subtable of size n,. Given a trace of R frames with N distinct
`Paper approved by the Editor for Communication Protocols of the IEEE
`Communications Society. Manuscript received June 30, 1989; revised June
`10, 1991.
`The author is with the Digital Equipment Corporation, Littleton, MA 01460.
`IEEE Log Number 9201642.
`The simplest hashing method is to use a certain number
`of bits, say m, from the address. For example, we could
`hash using bits i,i + 1, .
`- ,i + m — 1 of the address to 2’"
`subtables. The number of lookups saved, as we saw in the last
`section, is equal to the information entropy of the bits. For
`our trace, this is plotted in Fig. 2. Eight curves corresponding
`0090—6778/92303DO © 1992 IEEE


`First Bit of the Sequence
`Fig. 3.
`Information in CRC bits.
`the fifth octet may not be the
`It should be obvious that
`most informative octet for all environments. Nonetheless, the
`above recommendations are useful providing that one uses
`the appropriate, most informative octet instead.
`Another hashing function, already used in a few adapters,
`is to use bits from the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of
`the address. Using the 32 bit CRC polynomial used on IEEE
`802 LAN ’5 [2], we computed the information content of m-bit
`sequences consisting of bits 2' through i + m — 1 of the CRC
`for m = 1,2,~-,8 and t' : 0,1,~--,31. Here,
`i : 0
`represents the most significant bit of the CRC. The results
`are shown in Fig. 3.
`interesting to compare Figs. 2 and 3. Notice the
`1) Almost all 32 bits have a high information content very
`close to one bit. Thus, it does not matter which bit of
`the CRC we use.
`2) All curves are (almost) horizontal straight lines. Thus,
`the information content of all bit combinations is iden—
`tical. It does not matter which m bits are chosen for
`m = 1,2, -
`3) The information content of in bits is approximately
`m. This means that CRC provides an almost optimal
`hashing function.
`We repeated the analysis with several other 8 bit and 16 bit
`CRC polynomials. In general, we found that if a polynomial
`provides a good CRC,
`it can serve as an excellent hash
`This checksum is used in the 180/051 transport since it is
`so easy to compute in software. Given an n-octet message
`b[1] -
`- b[n], a two-octet checksum CM and C[1] is computed
`.2 4
`a EE
`First Bit of the Sequence
`Information in address bits.
`to in consecutive bits with m = 1,2, -
`Fig. 2, we observe that
`1) All 8 bit sequences between bits 0 and 24 have less
`than two bits of information.
`- ,8 are plotted. From
`2) The bits 32 through 39,
`mation content.
`in general, have a high infor—
`The first observation is not surprising considering that the
`first three octets of the IEEE 802 addresses used on IEEE
`802 LAN’5 are assigned by the IEEE and, thus, most stations
`have the same first
`three octets. The first
`two bits corre—
`sponding to the global/local assignment and multicast/unicast
`addresses may be different in different addresses. Given these
`two bits, other bits can be easily predicted. In multivendor
`the first
`three octets may have a little more
`information. However, in general, these bits are not good for
`hashing purposes.
`the fifth octet of the
`The second observation says that
`address has the highest information in our environment. This
`if applicable,
`leads to the following types of
`1) Use the fifth octet as the hashing function. The bits in this
`octet would provide a maximum savings in the number
`of lookups.
`2) When comparing two addresses, compare the fifth octet
`first. If the addresses are not equal, the very first compar-
`ison will fail more often than when using other octets.
`3) Use the fifth octet as the branching function at the root
`of a tree database. If the addresses are stored in a tree or
`trie structure [5] and the address bits are used to decide
`the branch to be taken, using bits from this octet would
`provide maximum discrimination.
`4) Use the fifth octet as the load balancing function for
`different paths. Given several alternative paths to a set
`of destinations, one way to balance the load on different
`paths is to decide the path based on a few bits of
`the address. This eliminates out—of-order arrivals since
`all frames going to a particular destination follow a
`single path and load balancing is achieved by different
`destinations using different paths.


` 2‘2a:
`First Bit of the Sequence
` .9
`First Bit of the Sequence
`Fig, 4.
`Information in Fletcher checksum hits.
`Fig, 5.
`Information in mod-checksum bits.
`Fig. 6.
`First Bit of the Sequence
`Information in XOR»fold bits.
`as follows.
`Cll] : 0;
`C[0] = 0;
`Fort} = 1 step 1 until n do
`(:[0] = c[0] + b[i];
`c[1] = c[1] + (:[0];
`The information in m consecutive bits of address checksums
`is shown in Fig. 4. This also is a good hashing function.
`Another popular checksum algorithm used to guard against
`memory errors in network address databases is [2]:
`is the ith octet of the address and C is the 16 bit
`Here, b[z']
`checksum. Since we are not aware of its name, we will call
`it the “mod-checksum.” The information content of the bits
`of this Checksum are shown in Fig. 5. Notice that the mod—
`checksum is not as good a hashing function as the Fletcher
`checksum even though it is more complex to compute.
`The final alternative that we investigated is that of the
`straightforward exclusive—0R operation on the six octets of
`the address to produce eight bits.
`The information content of the bits in the “XOR-fold” so
`this function,
`obtained is shown in Fig. 6. To our surprise,
`which is so simple to implement,
`is an excellent hashing
`In this section, we briefly address the problem of finding
`the size of the hash mask required to get a desired level of
`performance. We assume that the filter consists of a simple
`M x 1 bit mask; that is, each hash table cell is only one bit
`wide. A hash function is used to map the address to an index
`value 2'
`in the range 0 through M — 1, and if the ith bit in
`the mask is set, the frame is accepted for further processing;
`otherwise, the frame is rejected. This is how hashing is used
`in several commercial media access controller (MAC) chips.
`Such a hash filter is a perfect rejection filter in the sense that
`if the mask bit is zero, we can be certain that the address is
`not wanted, and there is no need to search the address table.
`The performance of the filter is measured by the probability
`of an unwanted address being rejected by the filter. We call
`this probability the unwanted-rejection rate. If we assume that
`all addresses are equally likely to be seen and that all mask
`cells are equally likely to be referred, then using the procedure
`described in [3], we can compute the unwanted-rejection rate
`as shown in Fig. 7. In the figure, the number of addresses k that


`Number of Addresses Wanted
`Fig. 7.
`Probability of rejecting unwanted frames as a function of number
`of addresses wanted and the mask size M.
`a station may want to receive is plotted along the horizontal
`axis, and the probability of rejecting an unwanted frame is
`plotted along the vertical axis. Eight curves corresponding to
`mask size M : 2,4,8,-~,128,512 bits are shown. From
`Fig. 7, we observe the following.
`1) There is some filtering even with small masks. For
`example, if one wants to receive 10 addresses, an 8 bit
`mask is expected to reject 26% of the unwanted frames
`without further searching. Although this rate is low, the
`point is that it is nonzero even though the mask size is
`less than the number of addresses.
`In general, it is better to have as large a mask as possible.
`For example, if one wants to receive 10 addresses with
`a 512 bit mask, 98% of the unwanted frames will be
`rejected without further searching.
`3) If the mask size is large compared to the number of
`addresses to receive, that is if M > k, the curves are
`linear and the unwanted-rejection rate is approximately
`1 7 k/M.
`The last observation is helpful in deciding the mask size.
`Thus, if one wants to reject 80% of the unwanted frames,
`the mask size should by five times the number of addresses
`We showed that the number of lookups saved using hashing
`is equal to the information content of the bits of the hashed
`value and compared several hashing functions. First, simple hit
`extraction from the address itself provides a hashing function
`that is easy to implement in hardware as well as software.
`Second, bits extracted from the CRC of the address can be
`used as a hashing function that
`is easy to implement
`hardware. Third, bits extracted from the Fletcher checksum
`can be used as a hashing function that is easy to implement
`in software. Finally, exclusive-OR folding of the the address
`octets provides another hashing alternative that
`is easy to
`implement both in software as well as hardware.
`We concluded that CRC polynomials are excellent hashing
`functions. Fletcher’s checksum and folding are also good hash—
`ing functions. The mod-checksum, which is more complex to
`compute than Fletcher’s checksum, is not as good as the latter.
`Although bit extraction is not as good as other alternatives, it
`is the simplest. The choice between bit extraction and other
`alternatives is basically that of computing versus storage. If
`we can use excess memory, bit extraction with a few more
`bits may provide the same information as the checksum or
`folding with a few less bits.
`We pointed out
`that for a station wanting to receive k
`addresses, the probability of rejecting unwanted frames using
`a simple M x 1 bit mask is 1— Ic/M. This allows us to decide
`the mask size required for a desired level of performance.
`[1] J. G. Fletcher, "An arithmetic checksum for serial transmissions,” IEEE
`Trans. Commun, vol. COM-30, no. 1, pp. 2477252, Jan. 1982.
`[2] The Ethernet—A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and Physical
`Layer Specifications,
`Published jointly by Digital,
`Intel, and Xerox
`Corp., Version 2.0, Nov. 1982, pp. 95—96.
`[3] R.
`lain, “A comparison of hashing schemes for address lookup in
`computer networks," DEC Tech. Rep., DEC-TR-593, Feb., 1989.
`, “Characteristics of destination address locality in computer net-
`works: A comparison of caching schemes,” Compur. Nerw. and ISDN
`Syst., vol. 18, pp. 243454, 1989/1990.
`[5] R. Sedgewick,A1gnrit}1ms. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1988.

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