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`Acquisitions Editor: Alex Blanton
`Project Editor: Sandra Haynes
`Body Part No. EDS-41929
`Insider attack
`Instruction set
`Insider attack It. An attack on a network or system car—
`ried out by an individual associated with the hacked sys—
`tem. Insider attacks are typically the work of current or
`former employees of a company or organisation who have
`mowledge of passwords and network vulnerabilities.
`Compare intruder attack.
`Ins key :1. See Insert key.
`Install vb. To set in place and prepare for operation. Oper-
`ating systems and application programs commonly
`include a disk—based installation, or setup, program that
`does most ofthe work of preparing the program to work
`with the computer. printer. and other devices. Often such a
`program can check for devices attached to the system.
`request the user to choose from sets of options. create a
`place for the program on the hard disk. and modify system
`startup files as necessary.
`lnstallahle device driver it. A device driver that can be
`embedded within an operating system. usually in order to
`override an existing. less—functional service.
`installable File System Manager a. In Windows 9x
`and Windows 2000. the part of the file system architecture
`responsible for arbitrating access to the different file sys—
`tem components. Acmnym: EFS.
`Installation program n. A program whose function is to
`install another program. either on a storage medium or in
`memory. An installation program. also called a setup pro—
`gram. might be used to guide a user through the often
`complex process of setting up an application for a particu-
`lar combination of machine. printer. and monitor.
`Installer a. A. program. provided with the Apple Macin—
`tosh operating system. that allows the user to install sys-
`tem upgrades and make boolablc [system] disks.
`Instance rr. An object. in object—oriented programming.
`in relation to the class to which it belongs. For example. an
`object myLr'st that belongs to a class List is an instance of
`the class List. See also class. instance variable, instantiate.
`object [definition 2}.
`Instance variable a. A variable associated with an
`instance of a class (an object). If a class defines a certain
`variable. each instance of the class has its own copy of that
`variable. See also class, instance. object [definition 2].
`object—oriented programming.
`Instanllate vb. To create an instance of a class. See also
`class, instance. object {definition 2].
`Instant messaging rt. A service that alerts users when
`friends or colleagues are on line and allows them to com—
`municate with each other in real time through private
`online chat areas. With instant messaging+ a user creates a
`list of other users with whom he or she wishes to commu—
`nicate: when a user from his or her list is on line. the ser-
`vice alerts the user and enables immediate contact with the
`other user. While instant messaging has primarily been a
`proprietary service offered by Internet service providers
`such as AOL and MSN. businesses are starting to employ
`instant messaging to increase employee efficiency and
`make expenise more readily available to employees.
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers rt.
`See l'EEE.
`Instruction n. An action statement in any computer lan—
`guage. most often in machine or assembly language. Most
`programs consist of two types of statements: declarations
`and instructions. See also declaration, statement.
`Instruction code n. See operation code.
`Instruction counter in. See instruction register.
`Instruction cycle a. The cycle in which a processor
`retrieves an instruction from memory. decodes it. and car-
`ries it out. The time required for an instruction cycle is the
`sum of the instruction tfetchl time and the execution
`(translate and execute} time and is measured by the num-
`ber of clock ticks tpulses of a processor's internal timer]
`Instruction mix rt. The assortment of types of instruc—
`tions contained in a program. such as assignment instruc—
`tions. mathematical insuuctions tllocating—point or
`integer]. control instructions, and indexing insuuctions.
`Knowledge of instruction mixes is important to designers
`ofCPUs because it tells them which instructions should be
`shortened to yield the greatest speed. and to designers of
`benchmarks because it enables them to make the bench-
`marks relevant to real tasks.
`Instruction pointer rt. See program counter.
`Instruction register :1. A register in a central processing
`unit that holds the address ofthc next instruction to be
`Instruction set It. The set of machine instructions that a
`processor recognizes and can execute. See ufso assembler.