Merriam-Webster’ s
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`Exhibit 2004
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` Page 3 -
`exonuclease © exposing
`ex-pec-to-rate \-to-,rat\ vb -rateed; -rating vr 1: to eject
`from the throat or lungs by coughing or hawking and spitting
`:spir~ vi 1: to discharge matter from the throat or Iungs by
`coughing or hawking and spitting 2: sprT
`ex-pec-to-ra-tion \ik-,spek-to-'rd-shon\, a 1: the act or an
`instance of expectorating 2 : expectorated matter
`tex-per-iement \ik-'sper-o-mont also -'spir-\ n 1: a proce-
`dure carried out under controlled conditions in order to discover
`an unknowneffect or law, to test or establish a hypothesis, or to
`illustrate a known law 2 :
`the process oftesting : EXPERIMEN-
`to carry out experiments —
`\-,ment\ vi
`~,Spir-\ 2 — exeper-iement-er \-'sper-a-,ment-or also -'spir-\ n
`ex-per-iemen-tal \ik-,sper-a-'ment-l also -,spir-\ adj 1: of,
`relating to, or based on experience or experiment 2: founded
`on orderived from experiment <the heart of the ~ methodis the
`direct control of the thing studied —B. F. Skinner> 3 ofa dis-
`ease +
`intentionally produced esp.
`in laboratory animals for the
`purpose of study <~ diabetes> — ex-per-iemen-tal-ly \-°l-é\
`ex-per-i-men-tal-ist \-*l-ost\ 1: a person conducting scientific
`ex-pi-ra-tion \ ,ek-spo-'ra-shon\ 2 La (1); the act or process
`of releasing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth
`the escape of carbon dioxide from the body protoplasm (as
`through the blood and lungs or by diffusion)
`b archaic : the last
`emission of breath : DEATH 2: something produced by breathing
`'ek-sp(a-Jro-\ adj
`ek-, -,tor-;
`ex-pi-ra-to-ry \ik-'spi-ro-,tor-€,
`: of, relating to, or employed in the expiration of air from the
`lungs <~ muscles> <an ~ cough>
`expiratory reserve volume »: the additional amountof air
`that can be expired from the lungs by determined effort after nor-
`mal expiration — compare INSPIRATORY RESERVE VOLUME
`ex-pire \ik-'spi(a)r, oftenest for vi 2 and vt ek-\ vb exspired;
`ex-pir-ing vi 1; to breathe one’s last breath : pig 2: to emit
`the breath ~ vr: to breathe out from oras if from the lungs <the
`basal metabolism test .
`. measures the amount of carbon diox-
`ide expired by the lungs —J. D. Ratcliff>
`ex-pi-ry \ik-'spi(o)r-é,
`'ck-spa-ré\ 1, pi -ries 1: exhalation of
`breath 2: DEATH
`to a
`lex-plant \(ek-'splant\, vt : to remove (living tissue) esp.
`medium for tissue culture — ex-planeta-tion \,ck-,splan-'ta-
`shan\ n
`2ex-plant \'ck-,splant\ # : living tissue removed from an orga-
`nism and placed in a medium fortissue culture
`explode \ik-'splod\ vb ex-plod-ed; ex-plod-ing vi : to cause to
`explode or burst noisily <~ dynamite> <~ a bomb> ~ vi
`: to
`undergo a rapid chemical or nuclear reaction with the production
`of noise, heat, and violent expansion of gases <dynamite ~s>
`<an atomic bomb ~s>
`ex-plor-ato-ry \ik-'splér-a-,tor-é, -'splor-, -,tor-\ adj : of, re-
`lating to, or being exploration <~ surgery>
`ex-plore \ik-'spl6(a)r, -'splo(a)r\ vt ex-plored; ex-plor-ing : to
`examine minutely (as by surgery) esp.
`for diagnostic pur-
`poses <operation seemed indicated and the patient was explored
`—J. G. Scannell & L. L. Robbins> — ex-plo-ra-tion \ ,ek-splo-
`'ra-shon\ na
`ex-plor-er \ik-'splér-ar, -'splér-\ 7 : an instrument for explor-
`ing cavities esp.
`in teeth : probe|
`ex-plo-sion \ik-'spld-zhan\ 1: the act or an instance of explod-
`ex-po-nen-tial \ ek-spo-'nen-chal\ adj : expressible or approx-
`imately expressible by an exponential function <an ~ growth
`rate> — ex-poenen-tialely \-'nench-(9-)l8\ adv
`ex-pose \ik-'spdz\ vt exposed; ex-poseing 1: to make liable
`to or accessible to something (as a disease or environmental con-
`ditions) that may have a detrimental effect <children exposed to
`\d\cot, cart
`\a\ash \a\ace
`\°\kitten \or\further
`\alt\out \ch\chin \e\bet \é\easy \g\go \i\hit \i\ice \j\job
`\o\sing \o\go \o\law \oi\boy \th\thin§ \th\the \ii\toot
`\t\foot \y\yet
`\zh\vision see also Pronunciation Symbols page
`Novadagq Technologies Inc.
`Exhibit 2004
`cle-ase \ek-s0-'n(y)U-KIE-,as, -,4z\ ns an enzymethat
`n a pucieic acid by removing nucleotides one by one
`cond of a chain —- compare ENDONUCLEASE
`eo-lyt-ic \ ek-s6-,n(y)ii-klé-o-'lit-ik\ adj + cleaving a
`de chain at a point adjacent to one of its ends
`tiedase \-'pep-te-,das, -,daz\ n : any of a group of
`es that hydrolyze peptide bonds formed by the terminal
`‘acids of peptide chains : PEPTIDASE —- compare ENDOPEP-
`‘ileic \ ek-sa-'fil-ik\ adj
`: ecologically independent of
`ndchis domestic environment <an ~ species of mosquito>
`pare ENDOPHILIC — ex-oph-i-ly \ek-'sdf-a-lé\ 2, pl -lies
`ho-ria \,ck-sa-'for-é-a\ n+ latent strabismus in which the
`axes tend outward toward the temple —- compare HETERO-
`2. exeophorsic \,ck-so-'for-ik\ adj
`ethal-mia \,ck-,saf-'thal-mé-o\ n+ EXOPHTHALMOS
`hethal-mic goiter \,ck-sdf-'thal-mik-\ # : hyperthyroid-
`with protrusion of the eyeballs — called also Basedow’s dis-
`also exoph-thalmus
`\in : abnormal protrusion of the eyeball — exophthalmic
`tending to grow outward be-
`phyt-ic \,ek-s6-'fit-ik\ adj :
`the surface epithelium from which it originates —- used of
`mors; compare ENDOPHYTIC
`“skel-e-fon \,ck-s6-'skel-at-°n\ #1: an external suppor-
`covering of an animal (as the system of sclerites covering
`he body of an insect) —- compare ENDOSKELETON 2: bony or
`ny parts (as nails, hoofs, or scales) of a vertebrate produced
`im epidermaltissues — exo-skelee+tal \-at-°1\ adj
`nr, pl
`z\ : passage of material through a membrane from a region
`igher to a region of lower concentration — compare ENDOS-
`SIS -—- exsosemoteic \-'mat-ik\ adj
`spore \'ck-sa-,spd(a)r, -,spo(e)r\ a : one of the asexual
`Tes separated from a parent cell (as in phycomycetous fungi)
`ormation of a septum
`stec-foemy \,ck-(,)sds-'tek-ta-mé\ 2, pi -mies : excision
`an exostosis
`StO-Sis \ek-(,)siis-'to-sas\ 2, pl -toeses \-,sez\ : a spur or
`outgrowth from a boneorthe root of a tooth — ex-os-toteic
`tik\ adj
`thersmic \,ek-s6-'thar-mik\ or exo-theremal \-mal\ adj
`haracterized by or formed with evolution of heat — compare
`NDOTHERMIC — exorthersmivcalély
`adv —
`Xovther-mi-ci-ty \-,thar-'mis-ot-é\ 1, pl -ties
`tox-in \,ek-s6-'tik-son\, 2 ta soluble poisonous substance
`roduced during growth of a microorganismand released into the
`Mtrounding medium <tetanus ~> —- compare ENDOTOXIN —
`NOtoxsie \-'tik-sik\, adj
`O-tro-pia \vek-so-"trd-pé-a\ # : WALLEYE 2a
`P abbr
`2 expired
`Pan-der \ik-'span-dar\ a : any of several colloidal sub-
`ja (as dextran) of high molecular weight used as a blood or
`“Sma substitute for increasing the blood volume — called also
`Pan-sion \ik-'span-chan\ n 1: the act or process of ex-
`f ng <locatized pain along nerve trunks may be dueto the ~
`the dissolved nitrogen without actual bubble formation
`: GS. Armstrong> 2 : the quality or state of being expanded
`Panssive \ik-'span(t)-siv\ adj + marked by or indicative of
`.88ctated euphoria and delusions of self-importance <a patient
`pect trends> — ex-pan-siveness \-nas\ 7
`\ik-'spekt\ vi s to be pregnant : await the birth of one’s
`Dect, used in progressive tenses <she’s ~ing ‘next month>
`the ny an-cy \-ton-sé\ 1, pl -cies : the expected amount(as of
`feet of years oflife) based onstatistical probability — see
`mothecant \-tont\ adj
`+ expecting the birth of a child <~
`“Pec-to-rant \ik-'spek-t(o-)rent\, adj : having the activity of
`on Ctorant nian agent that promotes the discharge or expul-
`of mucus from the respiratory tract; broadly + ANTITUSSIVE
`Novadaq Technologies Inc. Exhibit 2004 Page 3


` 230
`Novadaq TechnologiesInc.
`Exhibit 2004
`Page 4
`exposure e external intercostal muscle
`abduets the hand
`diphtheria> 2: to lay open to view: as a: to conduct(oneself)
`extensor carpi ul-na-ris \-,a!-‘nar-as\ a : a muscle on the
`as an exhibitionist
`b :
`to reveal (a bodily part) esp. by dissec-
`ulnar side of the back of the forearm that extends and adducts the
`ex-po-sure \ik-'spo-zhor\1+ the act or an instance of ex-
`extensor dig-i-ti min-iemi \-'dij-o-,ti-'min-o-,mi, -'dij-o- te-
`posing —— see INDECENT EXPOSURE 2; the condition of being
`'min-a-,mé\ a: a slender muscle on the medial side of the ex-
`exposed to severe weather conditions <she died as a result of ~
`tensor digitorum communis that extends the little finger
`suffered after a shipwreck —Amer. Guide Series: Maine>
`extensor digiti quin-ti pro-pri-us \-'kwin-,ti-'pro-pré-as,
`ex-pressed almondoil \ik-‘sprest-\ nt ALMONDOILla
`~kwin-,t@-\ #1
`ex-pres-sion \ik-'spresh-an\ # La: something that manifests,
`extensor dig-i-to-rum brev-is \-,dij-o-'tor-em-'brev-as\ a
`represents, reflects, embodies, or symbolizes something else <the
`: a muscle on the dorsum of the foot that extends the toes
`first clinical ~ of a disease> b: the detectable effect of a gene;
`extensor digitorum com-mu-nis \-ke-'myiin-os,
`also 1 eXPRESSIVITY 2: facial aspect or vocal intonation as in-
`nos\ nv
`: a muscle on the back of the forearm that extends the
`dicative of feeling 3: an act or product of pressing out —
`fingers and wrist
`exepress \ik-'spres\ vi
`extensor digitorum long-us \-'lon-gas\ n : a pennate muscle
`the relative
`ex-pres-siv-i-ty \ ek-,spres-tiv-at-@\ 2, pl -ties :
`on the lateral part of the front of the leg that extends the four
`capacity of a gene to affect the phenotype of the organism of
`small toes and dorsally flexes and pronates the foot
`which it is a part —- compare PENETRANCE
`extensor hal-lu-cis brev-is \-'hal-(y)ii-sos-'brev-as, -'hal-o-
`expt abbr experiment
`kas-\ x: the part of the extensor digitorum brevis that extends
`expt] abbr experimental
`the big toc
`ex-pul-sive \ik-'spal-siv\ adj 1: serving to expel <~ efforts
`extensor hallucis lon-gus \-'loy-gos\ 7 : a long thin muscle
`during labor> 2: characterized by concern with the elimination
`situated on the shin that extends the big toe and dorsiflexes and
`of feces <there are two anal phases — the earlier ~ andthe later
`supinates the foot
`retentive —G. S. Blum> — ex-pul-sion \-'spal-shan\ 2
`extensor in-di-cis \-'in-da-sos, -da-kos\ n : a thin muscle that
`ex-san-gui-na-tion \G)ek(s)-,sag-gwa-'nd-shon\ #: the action
`arises from the ulna in the more distal part of the forearm and
`or process of draining or losing blood — ex-san-guimnate \ek(s)-
`extends the index finger
`'san-gwa-,nat\ vr -mat-ed; -nat-ing
`extensor indicis pro-pri-us \-'prd-pré-os\ 2 + EXTENSORIN-
`ex-san-guine \ek(s)-'san-gwon\ adj : BLOODLESS, ANEMIC —
`ex-san-guin-iety \,ck(s)-,san-'gwin-at-é, -,san-\ 2, pi -ties
`extensor pol-li-cis brev-is \-'pil--sas-'brev-as, -'pal-a-kas-\
`ex-san-gui-no-trans-fu-sion \ek(s)-,san-,gwin-6-,trans-'fyii-
`n+ a muscle that arises from the dorsal surface of the radius,
`extends the first phalanx of the thumb, and adducts the hand
`ex-sect \ck-'sckt\ vi
`: fo cut out ? BXCISE <an ~ed uterus> —
`extensorpollicis lon-gus \-l6y-gas\ n : a muscle that arises
`ex-secetion \-'sck-shon\ #
`dorsolaterally from the middle part of the ulna, extends the sec-
`exesic-cate \'ek-si-,kat\ ve -cat-ed; -cat-ing : to remove mois-
`ond phalanx of the thumb, and abducts the hand
`ture from : pRY <exsiccated magnesium sulfate> —- ex-sic-
`ex-te-ri-or \ek-'stir-g-or\ adj
`: being on an outside surface
`castion \,ek-si-'ka-shon\ 7
`: situated on the outside —~ ex-terivoredy adv
`exsic-co-sis \,ck-si-'kd-sas\ n, pl -coeses \-,séz\ : insufficient
`ex-te-ri-or-ize or Brit ex-te-ri-orsise \ek-'stir-é-a-,1iz\ vt -ized
`intake offluids; aso : the resulting condition of bodily dehydra-
`or Brit -ised; -izeing or Brit -ising 1: EXTERNALIZE 2: to
`bring out of the body (as for surgery) <the section of perforated
`ex-stroyphy \'ek-stro-fé\ #2, pl -phies : eversion of a part or
`colon was
` exteriorized>
`ex'teri-orization or Brit
`organ; specif : a congenital malformation of the bladder in which
`ex-teeri-oreisation \-,stir-é-9-ra-'za-shon\ 2
`the normally internal mucosa of the organ lies exposed on the
`ex-tern aiso exeterne \'ek-,starn\ x : a nonresident doctor or
`abdominal watl because offailure of union between the halves of
`medical student at a hospital — ex-tern-ship \- ship\ 7
`the pubic symphysis and between the adjacent halves of the ab-
`ex-terenal \ek-'storn-I\ adj 1: capable of being perceived
`dominal wall
`outwardly : BODILY <~ signs of a disease> 2 a: situated at,
`ext abbr 1external
`2 extract
`3 extremity
`on, or nearthe outside <an ~ protective covering> Can ~ mus-
`ex-tend \ik-'stend\ vf 1: to straighten out (as an arm or leg)
`cle> b: directed toward the outside : having an outside object
`2: to increase the quantity or bulk of (a product) by the addition
`<~ perception> <eyesight and the other ~ senses»
`cc: used by
`of a relatively inexpensive or otherwise readily available sub-
`applying to the outside <an ~ lotion) 3a (I): situated near or
`stance <~ing ground meat with cereal>; also 1 ADULTERATE
`toward the surface of the body; also : situated away from the
`extended family » : a family that includes in one household
`mesial plane <the ~ condyle of the humerus> (2)
`: arising oF
`nearrelatives in addition to a nuclear family
`acting from outside : having an outside origin <~ causes? <™
`ex-tend-er \ik-'sten-dor\ 7 1: a substance addedto a product
`b : of, relating to, or consisting of something outside:
`in the capacity of a diluent, adulterant, or modifier
`the mind : having existence independent of the mind <sensations
`aroused by ~ phenomena> <~ reality> — exeterenalely \-¢\
`ex-ten-si-bil-i-ty \ik-,sten(t)-so-'bil-at-é\ 7, pl -ties : the capa-
`bility of being stretched <~ of muscle> —- exetensi-ble \ik-
`external anal sphincter n : ANAL SPHINCTER &
`‘sten(t)-so-bal\ adj
`external auditory meatus x :
`the passage leading from the
`ex-ten-sion \ik-'sten-chon\ 1 1: the stretching of a fractured
`opening of the external ear to the eardrum —~ called also externas
`or dislocated limb so as to restore it to its natural position
`acoustic meatus, external auditory canal, meatus acusticus exter
`: an unbending movement around ajoint in a limb (as the knee
`or elbow) that increases the angle between the bonesofthe limb
`external capsule 1 : capsuLe 1b(2)
`f the carotid
`at the joint — compare FLEXION |
`external carotid artery n :
`the outer branch o
`arts of th
`ex-ten-som-e-ter \,ck-,sten-'sim-ot-ar\, # : an instrument for
`artery that supplies the face,
`tongue, and external p
`measuring minute deformations(as of a test specimen) caused by
`head — called also external carotid
`tension, compression, bending, or twisting — called also strain
`are external to th
`external ear » :
`the parts of the ear that
`eardrum; also : PINNA 2b
`ex-ten-sor \ik-'sten(t)-sor, -so(o)r\ 2 ia muscle serving to ex-
`externaliliac artery 1 : ILtAc ARTERY 2
`tend a bodily part (as a limb) — called also extensor muscle;
`des grouped aro!
`external iliac node n ; any of the lymph no
`compare FLEXOR
`ein — compa
`the external
`iliac artery and the externaliliac v
`extensor car-pi ra-di-al-is brev-is \-'kiér-,pi-,r4-dé-'a-los-
`‘brev-as, -'Kar-,pé-\ # : a short muscle on the radial side ofthe
`external iliac vein 2: 1tac vEIN b
`back of the forearm that extends and may abduct the hand
`external inguinal ring 7»: suPeRFICIAL
`extensor carpi radialis lon-gus \-'lon-gas\ 2: a long mus-
`external intercostal muscle a :
`cle on the radial side of the back of the forearm that extends and
`Novadaq Technologies Inc. Exhibit 2004 Page 4

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