`Greaves, Paul
`In re Patent of:
`5,978,876 Attorney Docket No.: 12189-0052IP1
`U.S. Patent No.:
`November 2, 1999
`Issue Date:
`Appl. Serial No.: 08/834,242
`Filing Date:
`April 14, 1997
`Personal Work Experience and Awards
`1. My name is Melvin Ray Mercer, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and
`Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University. I am currently President of M.
`Ray Mercer and Associates, Inc., an independent consulting firm. In addition to the
`below summary, a copy of my current curriculum vitae more fully setting forth my
`experiences and qualifications is submitted herewith as Appendix A.
`I have more than 46 years of dual industrial and academic experience
`in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. I received a B.S. in Electrical
`Engineering from Texas Tech University in 1968, a Master of Science in Electrical
`Engineering from Stanford University in 1971, and a Doctor of Philosophy in
`Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin in 1980. Further, I
`have authored dozens of published technical papers and delivered many lectures
`addressing various aspects of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
`TI 1003


`From 1968 to 1973, I was a Research/Development Engineer at
`General Telephone and Electronics Sylvania in Mountain View, California, during
`which time I also completed my M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford
`University in 1971. During this period, I programmed minicomputer systems
`(predecessors to personal computers, smartphones, and modem servers) in machine
`language, assembly language, and various higher-level languages. I wrote simple
`Operating Systems, and most of the applications involved real-time processing as a
`significant aspect of the systems design. Much of this work was related to
`computer control of data collection and analysis systems used by organizations in
`the United States government.
`From 1973 to 1977, I was a Member of Technical Staff at Hewlett-
`Packard's Santa Clara Division and subsequently at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
`in Palo Alto, California. During this time, I continued to develop application
`programs. I also designed interface hardware to interact with the software of the
`computers and accomplish various tasks. One major project for which I had overall
`responsibility was the real-time control of environmental test systems for satellites
`and satellite components. At HP Laboratories, among other projects, I developed
`hardware and software to provide real-time control of manufacturing systems for
`exotic solid state devices.


`From 1977 to 1980, I was a Lecturer in the Division of Mathematics,
`Statistics, and Computer Science at the University of Texas at San Antonio. As the
`director of a laboratory for teaching students to program and build hardware
`interfaces and control systems using small computers, I purchased, built, and
`operated some of the earliest personal computers. Additionally, I taught courses in
`the design of digital systems, while also completing my Ph.D. in Electrical
`Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1980.
`From 1980 to 1983, I was a Member of Technical Staff at Bell
`Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. My work involved the programming of
`computers and the hardware design of components for communication systems. I
`was part of a three-person team that designed, tested, and directed the manufacture
`of an integrated circuit that was a key component in a digital telephone modem.
`In 1983, I was appointed Assistant Professor of Electrical and
`Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. In 1987, I was
`promoted to Associate Professor and Professor in 1991. During this period, I
`taught Computer Engineering courses at the undergraduate and graduate level,
`directed the research of graduate students, and consulted with numerous
`In 1995, I was appointed Professor of Electrical and Computer
`Engineering, Leader of the Computer Engineering Group, and Holder of the


`Computer Engineering Chair in Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M University
`in College Station, Texas. My teaching, my research, my technical publications,
`and my supervision of graduate students during this period included the areas of
`the modeling, design, and fabrication of digital hardware and software systems.
`My administrative duties included the development and enhancement of the
`Computer Engineering Group. As with previous work (at The University of Texas
`at Austin), during this period, I taught courses at the undergraduate and graduate
`level, I directed the research of graduate students, and I consulted with numerous
`organizations on a variety of topics. I was also responsible for monitoring
`controlled experiments to optimize and quantify the use of tester time to detect
`defects in electrical products, and I was part of a team that used analytical
`techniques to predict the expected growth of quiescent currents in MOS transistors
`as a function of the reduction in integrated circuit feature sizes.
`In September 2005, I retired from my teaching position, and the
`Regents of the Texas A&M University System appointed me as “Professor
`Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University.”
`In 1984, I formed M. Ray Mercer and Associates, an independent
`consulting firm that I have owned and directed to this day. Since 1984, I have been
`providing private consultation and advice in Electrical and Computer Engineering


`to numerous entities, including IBM Corp., Rockwell International, Motorola
`Semiconductor, AT&T, Inc., and SigmaTel.
`I first served as an expert witness at the request of the Office of the
`State Attorney General of Texas in 1984. Since that time, I have been hired by
`numerous law firms to provide them and their clients with expert consultation and
`expert testimony, often in the areas of patent infringement litigation related to
`Electrical and Computer Engineering. I have testified about systems that
`download entertainment media from the internet for presentation on home-based
`entertainment systems. I have testified regarding stand alone and on line gaming
`systems. I have testified regarding home entertainment systems which use wireless
`communications. I have testified regarding media advertising for automotive
`products. I have testified with respect to on-line educational institutions and
`technical aspects of their media distribution systems. I have testified with respect
`to media and entertainment systems for mobile vehicles. I have testified in a case
`involving the simultaneous acquisition of media from an external source to a
`storage device and presentation of different media stored on that same storage
`device via an entertainment device. I have testified in a case involving delta-sigma
`modulation for high performance analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters
`– such as those commonly utilized in personal computers.


`12. Throughout my career, I have been actively involved in numerous
`professional organizations including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
`Engineers ("IEEE"), and I was recognized as an IEEE Fellow in 1994. I was the
`Program Chairman for the 1989 International Test Conference, which is an IEEE
`sponsored annual conference with (at that time) more than one thousand attendees
`and over one hundred presented papers. I won the Best Paper Award at the 1982
`International Test Conference.
`I also won a Best Paper Award at the 1991 Design Automation
`Conference, an annual conference with (at that time) more than ten thousand
`attendees and five hundred submitted papers, many of which related to the design
`of integrated circuit-based systems.
`I also won a Best Paper Award at the 1999 VLSI Test Symposium.
`This paper was focused on manufacturing techniques to optimize the quality of
`manufactured digital systems. I am the inventor of two United States patents that
`relate to the design of integrated circuits and digital systems. I was selected as a
`National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator in 1986. This award
`included $500,000 for support of my research.
`15. Based on my above-described 46 years of dual industrial and
`academic experience in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, and the
`acceptance of my publications and professional recognition by societies in my


`field, I believe that I am an expert in the field of communications between
`subsystems and subsystem communication control systems including prioritizing
`and controlling data transfers across a bus.
`II. Materials Considered
`In writing this Declaration, I have considered the following: my own
`knowledge and experience, including my work experience in the fields of digital
`communications and control; my industry experience with those subjects; and my
`experience in working with others involved in those fields. I have also analyzed
`the following publications and materials, in addition to other materials I cite in my
`U.S. Patent No. 5,978,876 and its accompanying Prosecution History
`(“the ’876 Patent” and “the ’876 PH”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,905,879 (“Lambrecht”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,707,286 (“Carlson”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,987,590 (“Wing So”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,333,299 (“Koval et al.”)
`17. Although for the sake of brevity this Declaration refers to selected
`portions of the cited references, it should be understood that one of ordinary skill in
`the art would view the references cited herein in their entirety and in combination


`with other references cited herein or cited within the references themselves. The
`references used in this Declaration, therefore, should be viewed as being
`incorporated herein in their entirety.
`I am not currently and have not at any time in the past been an
`employee of Texas Instruments, Inc. I have been engaged in the present matter to
`provide my independent analysis of the issues raised in the petition for inter partes
`review of the ’876 patent. I received no compensation for this declaration beyond
`my normal hourly compensation based on my time actually spent studying the
`matter, and my compensation does not depend on the outcome of this inter partes
`review of the ’876 patent.
`III. Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art (POSITA)
`I am familiar with the content of the ’876 patent, which, I have been
`informed by counsel, has an earliest possible filing date of April 14, 1997 (the
`“Critical Date”). Additionally, I have reviewed the other references cited above in
`this declaration. Counsel has informed me that I should consider these materials
`through the lens of one of ordinary skill in the art related to the ’876 patent at the
`critical date of the patent, and I have.
`20. Thus, when I discuss what a POSITA would have known or
`understood, I am explaining the POSITA’s knowledge and understanding as of the


`Critical Date. I believe that a person having ordinary skill in the art at the effective
`filing date of the ’876 Patent (“POSITA”) would have had at least a Bachelor of
`Science Degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer
`Science with at least two years of work experience related to computer logic design
`and operation including prioritizing controlling data transfers across a bus.
`Individuals with additional education or additional industrial experience could still
`be of ordinary skill in the art if that additional aspect compensates for a deficit in
`one of the other aspects of the requirements stated above. I base my evaluation of
`a person of ordinary skill in this art on my own personal experience, including my
`knowledge of students, colleagues, and related professionals at the time of interest.
`IV. Claim Construction
`21. The challenged claims and proposed claim term constructions are
`submitted herewith as Appendix B.
`I have been informed by counsel of the following fact. Because the
`’876 patent has expired on April 14, 2017, the claims therein are interpreted under
`principle set forth by the court in Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1312,
`1327 (Fed. Cir. 2005). As a starting point, “words of a claim are generally given
`their ordinary and customary meaning as understood by a person of ordinary skill
`in the art in question at the time of the invention, construing to preserve validity in


`case of ambiguity.” Id. But in cases where the inventors are “acting as his or her
`own lexicographer,” “the specification may reveal a special definition given to a
`claim term by the patentee that differs from the meaning it would otherwise
`possess.” Id., 1314-16, 1319. “In such cases, the inventor’s lexicography
`governs.” Id.
`23. For the purposes of my analysis in this matter, I have adopted the
`“ordinary and customary meanings” of the terms in the claims of the ‘876 Patent
`unless certain terms are explicitly defined in the ’876 patent. In particular, counsel
`asked me the to interpret the term “channel” for independent claims 2 and 15, as
`well as their dependent claims to mean “a time-based transfer window” of a
`physical medium for transmitting data because the inventor of the ’876 patent
`acted as his own lexicographer while applying this term. See, e.g., the ’876 patent
`at 2:66-67, 3:30-33, 3:46-47, 5:46-48.
`24. Counsel also asked me to assume that the Patent Owner may assert a
`broader construction for the term “channel” in litigation related to the issues of
`this IPR. Therefore, I have provided additional analysis (in paragraph 85 and in
`Section VII, below) assuming that the term “channel” has its plain and ordinary
`I also note that in all challenged claims, the term “channel” refers
`exclusively to a “communication channel” and not to a “control channel.”


`26. Counsel also asked me
`terms “commence
`communication” and “exchanging said communications” in claims 2 and 15 to
`mean “directly exchange or directly exchanging data on the assigned channel
`without passing through a central controller” because of the arguments adopted
`by the Patentee during the prosecution of the ’876 patent. I have followed these
`principles in my analysis. In a few instances, I have discussed my understanding of
`the claims in the relevant paragraphs below.
`V. Threshold Issues
`Implementing control logic, such as the arbitration logic 504,
`using a processor was well known at the Critical Date of the ’876
`27. Below, I discuss an aspect of Lambrecht’s FIG. 7 system referred to
`as the arbitration logic 504. The arbitration logic 504 is responsible for receiving
`communication “requests signals” from the multimedia devices 142A-146A, and in
`response, the arbitration logic 504 “grants bus access according to a desired
`arbitration method.” Lambrecht at 14:5-12. The control information used by the
`arbitration logic 504 includes arbitration information “in determining who should
`receive control of the multimedia bus 130.” Id. at 15:25-28.
`28. As a well-recognized term in the art, control logic, such as arbitration
`logic 504, typically includes software stored in a Random Access Memory
`(“RAM”). For example, the prior art reference Carlson shows that it was common


`knowledge before the Critical Date, that control logic could be “a hardware or
`software programmable microprocessor” or an Application Specific Integrated
`Circuit (ASIC). See, e.g., Carlson, 4:43-55.
`29. A POSITA would have understood the arbitration logic 504, as not
`just an intangible process, but rather is a tangible thing that implements the
`functions attributed to arbitration logic 504 by Lambrecht. In reference to this
`understanding, the arbitration logic 504 (or simply “logic 504”) as used in this
`document refers to the software and hardware components implementing the
`functions attributable to logic 504.
`30. While Lambrecht discusses the functions of arbitration logic 504 in
`detail, Lambrecht does not go
`into detail
`in describing
`the hardware
`implementation of arbitration logic 504 as a standalone component shown in FIG.
`7. That being said, a POSITA would have known that arbitration logic 504 would
`be implemented in tangible hardware, and that such hardware can fall into only a
`few categories. See, e.g., Carlson at 4:43-55 (Thus, it was well known in the art
`that a “control circuit,” such as the logic 504, could be implemented with “a
`hardware or software programmable microprocessor” or “[a]lternatively” as “an
`ASIC device.”).
`In one category, the arbitration logic 504 might be implemented by
`dedicated hardware, such as an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC),


`which would be a piece of dedicated hardware specifically designed to meet the
`functional requirements of arbitration logic 504. (ASICs are not economically
`reasonable for most low volume products since the initial design costs are large,
`and this causes the price of each individual ASIC to be unreasonably expensive.)
`In another category, arbitration logic 504 can be implemented by a
`programmable processor, such as a general purpose microprocessor, programed to
`perform all of the functions of arbitration logic 504. In my opinion, the Lambrecht
`reference to arbitration logic 504 would teach or suggest to a POSITA a
`programmable microprocessor having the processing power for performing the
`functions as described for arbitration logic 504.
`33. Finally,
`in a
`third category, arbitration
`logic 504 might be
`implemented by a combination of dedicated hardware and a programmable
`processor where some of the logic 504 is implemented by the dedicated hardware
`and some of the logic 504 is implemented by the processor.
`34. Because there are only a limited number of ways to implement the
`hardware components of the arbitration logic 504, a POSITA as of the Critical
`Date would consider the above described categories of hardware based upon
`Lambrecht’s disclosure. Moreover, a POSITA would have understood Lambrecht
`to suggest, and would have found it obvious that, arbitration logic 504 could


`comprise a processor for the purpose of realizing some or all aspects of arbitration
`logic 504.
`In fact, this approach is taught in Lambrecht with respect to FIG. 13.
`Lambrecht teaches using a processor 702 (located in the real-time section of the
`system) to coordinate and control communications between multimedia devices
`142-146. Lambrecht at FIG. 13, 19:8-56. The I/O processor 702 performs similar
`functions to logic 504 in that they are both responsible for coordinating and
`monitoring communications between the multimedia devices. For this additional
`reason, upon reviewing the system in FIG. 13, a POSITA would have recognized
`the feasibility and advantages of implementing logic 504 using a processor with
`capabilities that are similar to those of I/O processor 702.
`In general, programmable processors were in wide use as of the
`Critical Date, due, in large part, to the flexibility they offer. For example, a
`programmable processor enables one to easily update the program instructions for
`implementing the logic 504, for example to improve or change the processes
`defined by logic, correct errors, and add functionality, without requiring
`redesigning and manufacturing new dedicated hardware. It was common as of the
`Critical Date, for initial hardware designs to have errors.
` By using a
`programmable processor, fixing many design errors or improving the logic
`functionality may be as simple as a firmware update. Using a processor to


`implement logic 504 would yield a predictable result, and a POSITA would expect
`to be successful implementing logic 504 on a programmable processor, since
`processors were commonplace as of the Critical Date and used as part of many
`similar system designs.
`37. Moreover, the resulting processor for logic 504 would operate in
`similar ways to the processor 702, which Lambrecht illustrated would work in a
`similar application (for instance, as discussed below, processor 702 coordinates
`and controls communications in a byte sliced implementation of Lambrecht’s
`system). A POSITA would have been motivated to implement some or all of the
`aspects of the logic 504 with a processor to benefit from the advantages of a
`programmable processor. Therefore, in my opinion, it would have been obvious to
`a POSITA to implement logic 504 with a programmable processor before the
`Critical Date.
`B. A POSITA would have been motivated to implement the central
`agent within logic 504
`38. Below, I discuss an aspect of Lambrecht’s system referred to as a
`“central agent.” Lambrecht describes a time-slicing scheme for assigning and
`managing communication channels. Lambrecht at FIGS. 11-12, 17:62-19:6.
`Lambrecht also describes that the “central agent” may be used for implementing
`the time slicing scheme. Lambrecht at 18:12-27. Lambrecht teaches that the
`“central agent” is a piece of “software,” which as an example, may be executed by


`the CPU 102. Id. at 18:16-20. Nevertheless, it is evident from the plain text of
`Lambrecht that the intention was not to limit the “central agent” to being
`implemented by the CPU 102 exclusively. In the alternative, the “central agent”
`could be one or more code sections executed by some processor other than the
`CPU 102.
`In my opinion, a POSITA would have understood that there were
`multiple ways to implement the “central agent” functionality and would have
`considered the logic 504 to be superior to the CPU 102 for implementing the
`“central agent” because the logic 504 provides several advantages over the CPU
`102, including but not limited to reduced latency, reduced complexity, and reduced
`transport delay. These advantages would have motivated a POSITA to implement
`the “central agent” using the processor operating the logic 504.
`Reduced Latency
`40. Lambrecht’s central teachings focus on “an improved computer
`system architecture”
`that “is optimized
`real-time multimedia and
`communications applications.” Id. at 2:16-20 (emphasis added). In particular,
`Lambrecht expressly instructs that the “central agent” should “dynamically
`programs timeslots in each of the multimedia devices dependent upon real-time
`processes and applications occurring in the computer system.” Id. at 18:24-27.


`In my opinion, logic 504 is better suited for rendering real-time
`“central agent” services than the CPU 102. This approach generally more closely
`comports with the strategy of performing real-time functions in the real-time part
`of the system.
`42. Note that CPU 102 is configured to process both real-time loads and
`non-real-time loads. In any given processing cycle, the CPU 102 can process
`either the demands of allocating time-sliced channels in real-time or the demands
`of other non-realtime loads, but not both. As discussed in 7:7-11 of Wing So, it
`was common knowledge before the Critical Date that: “Two key challenges in
`servicing multimedia are the need for high bandwidth for multimedia data and the
`ability to service real-time interrupts. These challenges can create bottlenecks and
`interrupt latency which translates into constraints or limits on ability to service
`real-time events.” It was also common knowledge, as 9:12-22 of Koval et al.
`demonstrates, that “task dispatch latency” may “delay even time-critical threads”
`when the processor [CPU] is faced with “heavy system load.”
`43. With this background knowledge in mind, it becomes apparent that,
`while executing the “central agent” software, the CPU 102 may be unable to fully
`dedicate real-time resources for assigning time-sliced channels during the real-time
`events of the multimedia devices 142A-146A. This lack of dedication introduces
`latency to the control of real-time communications between the multimedia devices


`142A-146A, which may be undesirable in view of the aspiration set forth by
`44. Lambrecht’s desire for rapidly transferring real-time data between
`multimedia devices would have suggested to a POSITA to minimize latency while
`updating the time-slicing functionality of the “central agent.” Thus, a POSITA
`would have been motivated to implement the “central agent” in a processor located
`in the real-time section of the system.
`45. Logic 504 would be a great candidate for such a replacement because
`unlike the CPU 102, logic 504 is dedicated to providing real-time services to the
`multimedia devices 142A-146A. Lambrecht at 15:21-31. These real-time services
`include the coordinating and controlling real-time communication channels
`between the multimedia devices 142A-146A. Id. Because the processor in the
`logic 504
`is already
`tasked with coordinating and controlling real-time
`communications, implementing the “central agent” within logic 504 involves no
`more than sharing a common processor.
`46. For the benefit of minimizing latency, a POSITA would have had the
`freedom to optimize logic 504 for performing the channel allocation tasks of the
`“central agent,” as well as the other coordinating and controlling tasks. By
`contrast, the CPU 102 might not be able to perform these tasks so rapidly because
`it must accommodate many other functions not focused on the channel allocation


`tasks of the “central agent.” Unlike the CPU 102, the common processor of logic
`504 does not need to consume processing time performing other operations
`unrelated to real-time communications. Using logic 504 to implement the “central
`agent” can mitigate the latency introduced by the CPU 102 for transferring control
`instructions for transferring real-time data between multimedia devices.
`Reduced Data Transport Delay
`47. Moreover, for the purpose of implementing the “central agent,” less
`transport delay occurs between a multimedia processor and the “central agent”
`when that “central agent” function is performed by logic 504 rather than CPU 102.
`As shown in FIG. 7, logic 504 is connected more directly to the multimedia
`devices 142A-146A than the CPU 102. Thus requests for action by the “central
`agent” will require less time on their trips to and from the “central agent” when the
`“central agent” functionality is realized in logic 504. In particular, note that these
`requests (and corresponding responses) must pass through PCI Bridge Chipset 106
`when the “central agent” resides in the CPU.
`48. One simple example of this situation is where the rate of information
`production for a multimedia processor temporarily increases. To communicate the
`to another other multimedia processor, higher
`communication bandwidth at this point is required. Since, as shown in Figure 7,
`all multimedia processors are essentially directly connected to logic 504 (via bus


`502), minimal message transport delays for requests and responses will occur
`between the multimedia processor and logic 504 – because the “central agent” is
`now implemented in logic 504. In contrast, when the “central agent” functions are
`performed in the CPU, additional information transport delays will be incurred due
`to communication through PCI Bridge Chipset 106. In this case, real-time
`requirements may not be satisfied due to transport delays between the multimedia
`device and the CPU.
` In view of Lambrecht’s
`teachings, a POSITA would have
`recognized that proximity between logic 504 and the multimedia devices enhances
`the real-time functionality of the system.
`Off-loading Part of the Work Load of CPU 102
`50. Also, using the processor of logic 504 to implement the “central
`agent” relieves the CPU 102 from providing services the associated services for the
`multimedia devices 142A-146A. As a result, the CPU 102 may allocate more of
`its processing time to other non-realtime applications, while the logic 504 is
`dedicated to servicing real-time applications. As a result, the CPU will more
`quickly accomplish its system level tasks, and less latency will occur in the CPU’s
`response to high priority system events because it can be available to respond to
`those events while logic 504 performs all the “central agent” tasks.
`Lambrecht Teaches a Similar Approach for the System of Figure 13


`51. Lambrecht fully describes the functions performed by the “central
`agent” as well as logic 504. Moreover, in an alternate embodiment shown in FIG.
`13, Lambrecht discusses using a dedicated multimedia I/O processor 702 to assign
`communication channels to multimedia devices 142-146. Lambrecht at FIG. 13,
`19:8-56. The processor 702 performs similar functions as the “central agent” in
`that processor 702 performs the function of assigning “one data stream to a subset
`of the total byte lanes” Lambrecht 19:45-48.
`52. Considering the totality of Lambrecht’s teachings, a POSITA would
`have recognized that implementing the “central agent” using a processor inside
`logic 504 would be predictable and a POSITA would have a reasonable
`expectation of success.
`53. This is because the implementation involves known components –
`programmable processors -- that were commonplace as of the Critical Date and
`used for many similar aspects of computers, such as Lambrecht’s I/O processor
`702 – used in a conventional manner – to perform functions much like the those of
`Lambrecht’s I/O processor 702. Lambrecht, further, places no special emphasis
`on the CPU 102, or any special characteristics of the CPU 102, for performing the
`“central agent” tasks. Thus, there is no teaching in the Lambrecht specification
`that a processor performing the functions of logic 504 could not also perform the
`“central agent” functions.


`VI. The Lambrecht System based on Figure 7
`A. Claims 2 and 15
`54. The Lambrecht system describes a computer system that includes a
`host computer and may include one or more audio-video (AV) processing systems,
`which are coupled to each other via control channel 502 and multimedia bus 130.
`Id. at 12:48-14:12. Within the AV processing system, Lambrecht describes
`arbitration logic 504 as a standalone component which, as explained above, may
`include software stored in a RAM, and a processor for executing the software
`(hereinafter “the logic 504”). Id. The logic 504 is coupled to several multimedia
`devices 142A-146A via a control channel 502. Id. Logic 504 is a centralized
`controller in that it coordinates the direct communications between the multimedia
`devices. Id. at 14:8-12, 15:7-16:25, 18:41-19:6. These embodiments of the
`Lambrecht system minimize the ongoing control communications between
`subsystems, which “provides increased performance for real-time applications.”
`Id. at 2:54-67, 28:14-26.


`Lambrecht at FIG. 7
`55. The Lambrecht system
`is for coordinating and controlling
`communications over a plurality of subsystems. (claim element 2.01) The
`system, which is a computer system shown partially in Lambrecht’s FIG. 7,
`1 See Challenged Claims in Appendix B.


`includes multimedia devices 142A-146A that are “a plurality of subsystems.”
`(claim element 2.1) The multimedia devices are coupled to a multimedia bus 130
`to communicate data between respective devices, and coupled to a control channel
`502 “for addressing and control of the multimedia bus 130.” Id. at 13:46-47,
`12:48-62, 13:37-47, 13:61-14:4. Thus, a POSITA would understand that the
`Lambrecht system is a real-time communication system that is used for
`coordinating and controlling communications over a plurality of subsystems.
`(claim element 2.0)
`56. The system includes logic 504 connected with

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