4.2BSD and 4.3BSD as Examples of the UNIX System
`Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712
`of the 4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution,
`This paper presents an in-depth examination
`Virtual VAX-11 Version
`(4.2BSD), which
`is a version of the UNIX’”
`System. There are notes throughout
`on 4.3BSD,
`the forthcoming
`of California
`at Berkeley. We trace the historical development of the UNIX
`system from
`its conception
`in 1969 until
`today, and describe
`the design principles
`have guided this development. We then present
`the internal data structures and
`algorithms used by the kernel
`to support
`the user interface.
`In particular, we describe
`process management, memory management,
`the file system, the I/O system, and
`These are treated
`in as much detail as the UNIX
`licenses will allow. We
`conclude with a brief description
`of the user interface and a set of bibliographic
`Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.4 [Computer-Communication
`applications; D.4.0 [Operating Systems]: General-
`Distributed Systems--distributed
`UNIX; D.4.7 [Operating Systems]: Organization
`and Design-interactiue
`K.2 [History of Computing]: Software--UNIX
`General Terms: Algorithms, Design, Human Factors, Performance, Reliability,
`Additional Key Words and Phrases: Flexibility,
`This paper presents an in-depth examina-
`tion of the 4.2BSD operating system, the
`research UNIX’ system developed for the
`Defense Advanced Research Projects
`Agency (DARPA) by the University of Cal-
`ifornia at Berkeley. We have chosen
`4.2BSD over UNIX System V (the UNIX
`system currently being licensed by AT&T)
`because concepts such as internetworking
`and demand paging are implemented
`4.2BSD but not
`in System V. Where
`is a trademark
`of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
`from 4.2BSD
`Berkeley, differs functionally
`in the areas of interest, such differences are
`This paper is not a critique of the design
`and implementation of 4.2BSD or UNIX;
`it is an explanation. For comparisons of
`System V and 4.2BSD, see the literature,
`the references given in Section
`1.1, p. 380. Such comparisons are mostly
`beyond the scope of this paper.
`The VAX’
`is used be-
`cause 4.2BSD was developed on the VAX,
`’ VAX, PDP, TOPS-20, and VMS are trademarks
`Digital Equipment Corporation.
`(0 1985 by
`Chapter 14 of Operating Systems Concepts, Second Edition, by J. L. Peterson and A. Silberschatz
`Reading, Massachusetts)
`and this article were both derived
`from an earlier common manu-
`script by J. S. Quarterman. Consequently
`they share some text. Common portions
`are reprinted with
`permission of Addison-Wesley.
`Author’s present address: James L. Peterson, MCC, 9430 Research Blvd., Austin, Texas 78759.
`the copies are not made or
`is granted provided
`fee all or part of this material
`to copy without
`for direct commercial advantage,
`the ACM copyright
`notice and the title of the publication
`and its
`date appear, and notice
`is given that copying
`is by permission of the Association
`for Computing Machinery.
`copy otherwise, or to republish,
`requires a fee and/or specific permission.
`0 1986 ACM 0360-0300/85/1200-0379
`Computing Surveys, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 1985
`INTEL EX. 1242.001


`J. S. Quarterman, A. Silberschatz, and J. L. Peterson
`1.1 History
`1.2 Design Principles
`2.1 user
`2.2 Control Blocks
`2.3 CPU Scheduling
`3.1 Paging
`3.2 Swapping
`4.1 user
`4.3 Data Structures on the Disk
`4.4 Layout and Allocation
`4.5 Mapping a Pathname
`to an Inode
`4.6 Mapping a File Descriptor
`to an Inode
`5.1 Block Buffer Cache
`5.2 Raw Device
`5.3 C-Lists
`6.1 Signals
`Interprocess Communication
`6.3 Networking
`6.4 Distributed
`7. USER
`7.1 Shells and Commands
`7.2 Standard
`7.3 Pipelines, Filters, and Shell Scripts
`7.4 The UNIX Philosophy
`and that machine still represents a conven-
`ient point of reference, despite
`the recent
`of implementations
`on other
`(such as the Motorola
`or National
`32032). Also,
`details of
`for non-VAX
`systems are usually proprietary
`to the com-
`that did them. And space does not
`permit examination
`of every
`tion on every kind of hardware.
`This paper is not a tutorial on how to use
`or 4.2BSD.
`is assumed that
`reader knows how to use the UNIX system.
`The presentation
`is closely
`to a
`technical examination
`of traditional
`system and networking
`in the ker-
`most of which are implemented
`Computing Surveys, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 1985
`nel. Students of operating systems and nov-
`ice systems programmers
`the organization
`and content appropriate.
`The novice UNIX user will want to read
`Section 7 on the user interface before delv-
`ing into the sections on kernel details. That
`is as brief as possible, because the
`user interface and user programs
`in general
`are (regardless of their
`to the
`and popularity
`of the system) be-
`yond the proper scope of this paper. Read-
`ing one of the several good books on using
`(see Section 8, Bibliographic
`would be good preparation
`for reading
`The paper begins with a very brief over-
`view of the history of the system and some
`description of the design philosophy behind
`it. The other sections cover process man-
`agement, memory management,
`I/O system, communications,
`and certain
`features of the user interface
`that distinguish
`the system. The paper con-
`cludes with a set of bibliographic
`the history
`is concerned with
`This section
`and design of the UNIX system, which was
`developed at Bell Laboratories
`a private
`research project of two program-
`mers. Its original elegant design and devel-
`have made it an important
`and powerful
`system. We
`the history
`of the system E [Compton
`1985; Ritchie
`1978, 1984a, 1984b] and relate
`its design
`1.1 History
`first version of UNIX was developed
`at Bell
`in 1969 by Ken
`to use an otherwise
`idle PDP-7.
`He was soon joined by Dennis Ritchie, and
`the two of them have since been the largest
`influence on what
`is commonly
`known as
`Research UNIX.
`Ritchie, Thompson, and other early Re-
`search UNIX
`developers had previously
`worked on
`the Multics
`19851, and Multics
`[Organick 19751 was a
`on the newer operating
`INTEL EX. 1242.002


`4.2BSD and 4.3BSD as Examples of the UNIX System
`is merely a
`system. Even the name UNIX
`pun on Multics,
`in areas
`where Multics
`to do many
`things, UNIX
`to do one thing well.
`The basic organization
`of the file system,
`the idea of the command
`shell) being a user process,
`the use of a
`process per command,
`the original
`editing characters # and @, and many other
`things come directly
`from Multics.
`Ideas from various other operating
`tems, such as Massachusetts
`Technology’s CTSS, have also been used.
`The fork operation comes from Berkeley’s
`(XCS-940) operating system.
`The Research UNIX
`UNIX Time-Sharing System, Sixth Edition
`known as Version 6), which
`was the first version widely available out-
`side Bell Laboratories
`(in 1976) and ran on
`the PDP-11.
`(These version numbers cor-
`the edition
`numbers of
`Programmer’s Manual
`that were
`current when the distributions were made.)
`was added before Ver-
`sion 6, and after the system was rewritten
`in a high-level
`language, C
`1978; Ritchie
`et al. 19781.
`C was designed and implemented
`for this
`purpose by Dennis Ritchie.
`It is descended
`[Rosler 19841 from
`language B, de-
`signed and implemented
`by Ken Thomp-
`son. B was itself descended from BCPL. C
`to evolve
`system was
`first portable UNIX
`UNIX Time-Sharing System, Seventh Edi-
`tion (Version 7), which
`ran on the PDP-11
`and the
`8132, and had a VAX
`called UNIX/32V
`System Version 1.0 (32V). The system cur-
`in development
`the Research
`group at AT&T Bell Laboratories
`is UNIX
`System, Eighth
`(Version 8).
`of Version 7 in
`the distribution
`1978, the Research group gave external dis-
`tributions over to the UNIX Support Group
`(USG). USG had previously
`such systems as UNIX Programmer’s Work
`and sometimes
`as well
`[Mohr 19851.
`first external
`Version 7 was UNIX System
`in 1982, which
`of Version 7,32V, and also of several UNIX
`systems developed by groups other than the
`Reseach group. Features of UNIX/RT
`real-time UNIX
`system) were included, as
`well as many
`from PWB. USG
`released UNIX System V (System V)
`1983; it is largely derived
`from System III.
`The divestiture
`of the various Bell Oper-
`ating Companies
`from AT&T
`in a position
`to market System V
`[Wilson 19851 aggressively. USG has me-
`the UNIX
`(USDL), whose
`is UNIX System V
`Release 2 (V.2), released in 1984.
`The ease with which
`the UNIX
`can be modified has led to development
`work at numerous organizations
`such as
`Rand, Bolt, Beranek and Newman
`the University
`of Illinois, Harvard, Purdue,
`and even DEC. But the most influential
`the non-Bell Laboratories
`and non-AT&T
`groups has been
`of California
`at Berkeley
`19851. UNIX
`is released
`in so-called BerkeZey
`Software Distributions
`(BSD), hence
`generic numbers 2BSD
`for the later PDP-
`11 distributions
`and 4BSD
`VAX distributions.
`Many of the
`features of the 4BSD
`minal drivers are from TENEX/TOPS-20,3
`and efficiency
`have been
`made as a result of comparisons with VMS.
`The first Berkeley VAX UNIX work was
`the addition
`to 32V of virtual memory, de-
`mand paging, and page replacement
`in 1979
`by Bill Joy and Ozalp Bagaoglu
`to produce
`3BSD. The
`large virtual memory space of
`3BSD allowed
`the development
`of very
`large programs,
`such as Berkeley’s
`Franz Lisp. This memory management
`work convinced DARPA
`to fund Berkeley
`later development
`of a standard
`system for government use (4BSD).
`One of the goals of this project was to
`provide support
`for the DARPA
`protocols TCP/IP.
`This was
`done in a general manner, and it is possible
`to communicate among diverse network
`local networks
`is a registered
`of BBN.
`Computing Surveys, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 1985
`INTEL EX. 1242.003


`J. S. Quarterman, A. Silberschatz, and J. L. Peterson
`and token rings) to long-haul
`as Ethernets
`(such as DARPA’s ARPANET).
`It is sometimes convenient
`to refer to the
`Berkeley VAX UNIX
`3BSD as 4BSD, although
`there were ac-
`tually several releases (indicated by decimal
`in the release numbers), most nota-
`bly 4.1BSD. 4BSD was the operating sys-
`tem of choice for VAXs
`from the beginning
`the release of System III
`and remains so for many research or net-
`Most organizations
`would buy a 32V license and order 4BSD
`from Berkeley without
`ever bothering
`get a 32V tape. Many
`the Bell System ran 4.1BSD (many still do,
`and many others run 4.2BSD).
`The 4BSD work
`for DARPA was guided
`by a steering committee, which
`many notable people
`the UNIX
`communities. 4.2BSD, first dis-
`in 1983, is the culmination
`of the
`original Berkeley DARPA UNIX
`the only organization
`Berkeley was not
`the development
`of 4.2BSD.
`(such as autoconfiguration,
`job control, and disk quotas) came from
`numerous universities
`and other organiza-
`tions in Australia, Canada, Europe, and the
`United States. A few ideas, such as the fcntl
`system call, were
`from System V.
`(Licensing and pricing considerations
`the use of any actual code from
`System III or System V in 4BSD.) Not only
`are many contributions
`in the dis-
`proper, but
`is an accom-
`set of user-contributed
`is carried on the tapes containing
`4BSD distributions.
`The system was tested
`on the M68000-based workstation
`by Sun
`Inc., before its initial distri-
`to the ease of further ports of
`accepts mail
`and their
`fixes at a well-known
`a bug
`list compiled
`from such submissions. Many of the bug
`fixes may be incorporated
`in future distri-
`4 Ethernet
`is a trademark
`of Xerox Corporation.
`Computing Surveys, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 1985
`discussion of
`is constant
`butions. There
`in general
`list UNIX-
`the DARPA
`Internet mailing
`the news group
`USENET are international
`in scope. There
`is another USENET
`news group dedicated
`to 4BSD bugs. While
`few ideas appear to
`be accepted by Berkeley directly
`from these
`lists and news groups (probably because of
`the difficulty
`of sifting
`the sheer
`of submissions),
`them sometimes
`lead to new facilities being
`that are later accepted.
`Figure 1 is a sketch of the evolution
`the several main branches of the UNIX
`system, especially
`those leading
`to 4.2BSD
`and System V [Chambers and Quarterman
`1983; Uniejewski
`19851. The dates given
`are approximate,
`and there
`is no attempt
`to show all influences. Some of the systems
`named in the figure are not mentioned
`the text, but are included
`to better show
`the relations among the ones that are dis-
`cussed in the text.
`We are aware at this writing of the im-
`release of 4.3BSD and System V
`Release 2 Version 4. There are few func-
`the kernel
`in 4.3BSD,
`there are many performance
`[Cabreral et al. 1985; Leffler et
`al. 1984; McKusick
`et al. 19851. (Some of
`these 4.3BSD changes are noted in sections
`this paper.) Although System
`V Release 2 Version 4 does introduce pag-
`[Jung 1985; Miller
`19841 (including
`and shared memory)
`to Sys-
`tem V,
`there are
`few other
`of computer manufacturers,5
`all of
`’ These include at least Altos, Amdahl, Apollo, AT&T,
`Callan, Celerity,
`Codata, Convergent
`Technologies, Convex, COSI, Cray, Cromemco, Data
`General, DEC, Denelcor,
`Dual Systems, ELXSI,
`Encore, Flexible, Gould, Heurikon, Hewlett Packard,
`Business Computers,
`Integrated Solutions,
`Interactive Systems, Logi-
`cal Microcomputer,
`Informatics, NBI, NCR,
`Onyx, Pacific Computer,
`Plexus, Pyramid,
`R Sys-
`Sun Microsystems,
`Visual Technology,
`and Wicat.
`INTEL EX. 1242.004


`: PDp-i i :
`a 28BSD +
`2.9BSD +
`J.lcBSD -+iii+~:i$;+
`Bell Research Bell Research
`Bell Cdwnbns Bell Cdwnbns
`1973 1976
`Figure 1. UNIX history.
`INTEL EX. 1242.005


`J. S. Quarterman, A. Silberschatz, and J. L. Peterson
`considered major by market share, have
`either announced or introduced
`that run the UNIX
`system or close deriva-
`tives, and numerous other companies sell
`related peripherals, software packages, sup-
`or combi-
`nations of these. The hardware packages
`range from micros
`through minis,
`multis, and mainframes
`to supercomputers.
`Most of
`these use ports of System V,
`4.2BSD, or mixtures of the two, although
`there are still a variety of machines running
`software based on System III, 4.1BSD, and
`Version 7. There are even some Version 6
`systems still
`in regular operation.
`is also an excellent
`academic study. For example, both
`Tunis operating
`[Holt 19831 and
`the Xinu operating
`[Comer 19841
`are based on the concepts of UNIX,
`were developed explicitly
`for classroom
`study. Ritchie and Thompson were honored
`in 1983 by the ACM Turing award for their
`work on UNIX.
`1.2 Design Principles
`ancestor, Mul-
`its most influential
`tics, UNIX was not designed by a joint
`project of several major institutions
`and did
`not have project goals and aspirations
`out beforehand
`in a series of papers pre-
`sented at a prestigious professional
`ence. UNIX was, instead, orginated
`first by
`one programmer, Ken Thompson, and then
`another, Dennis Ritchie, as a system
`their personal convenience, with no elabo-
`rate plan spelled out beforehand. This
`ibility appears to have been one of the key
`in the development
`of the system.
`There were some design principles
`volved, however, even though
`they were not
`spelled out at the outset.
`UNIX was designed by programmers
`It has always been interac-
`tive. Multiple
`processes are supported, and
`it is easy for one process to create another
`process. There are standard and
`ways of interconnecting
`the input and out-
`put of processes and otherwise coordinating
`several processes
`to do a task.
`is not
`for a book
`typeset using
`UNIX system to include both the source of
`programs written
`in a language such as C,
`FORTRAN, Pascal, or LISP, and the out-
`put of the same programs. The manuscript
`of the book itself may be used as the input
`of such programs, and their output may be
`statistics concerning
`the book. It is trivial
`for the programmer
`to set up a mechanism
`whereby a single word (e.g., “make”)
`at a terminal
`causes the programs
`to be
`compiled and run and both
`their source
`and output
`to be typeset as part of the
`is the
`reason for this
`A main
`is only
`lack of numerous
`types: There
`one data file
`type as far as the operating
`system is concerned. This
`is a sequence of
`bytes, which may be accessed either
`domly or sequentially. There are no “access
`methods” and no “control
`data space of a UNIX
`user process, and
`there are few limitations
`on what a pro-
`cess’s data space may be used
`for. The
`to the file system is very simple:
`A file is referred
`to by a character string
`and by an
`in directories, which
`Files are grouped
`form a tree-structured
`chy. Users may create directories as easily
`as ordinary
`It is not hard to build elaborate database
`access mechanisms on top of UNIX’s
`file type, as the half-dozen or more
`for UNIX
`INGRES, which
`is distrib-
`(starting with
`uted with 4BSD) attest.
`files are treated as
`Devices and ordinary
`as possible. Thus device depen-
`dencies or peculiarities
`are kept in the ker-
`nel as much as possible, and even in the
`kernel most of them are segregated in the
`device drivers.
`of an ex-
`A process may be informed
`(perhaps by another
`process) by means of a signal. True
`process communication
`and networking
`may be accomplished
`in 4.2BSD by the use
`of sockets.
`The size constraints of the PDP-11
`earlier computers used
`for UNIX)
`forced a certain elegance. Whereas other
`Computing Surveys, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 1985
`INTEL EX. 1242.006


`4.2BSD and 4.3BSD as Examples of the UNIX System
`(the users)
`shells and commands
`compilers and interpreters
`system libraries
`interface lo lhc kernel
`sysrem call
`terminal handling
`character I/O system
`terminal drivers
`file system
`block l/O system
`disk and tape drivers
`CPU scheduling
`page replacement
`demand paging
`virtual memory
`terminal controllers
`to the hardware
`device controllers
`disks and tapes
`memory controllers
`physical memory
`Figure 2. Layers of the UNIX
`for deal-
`systems have elaborate algorithms
`ing with pathological
`crash (a panic), and
`just does a controlled
`tries to prevent
`than cure such con-
`ditions. Whereas other systems would use
`force or macro expansion, UNIX
`mostly has had
`to have developed more
`subtle, or at least simpler, approaches.
`In some instances, such as networking,
`PDP-11 size constraints unfortunately
`the opposite effect. The original UNIX
`Version 6 ARPANET
`software was split
`into a kernel part and a part that ran as a
`user process, purely because of size con-
`This entailed
`not only perfor-
`mance penalties but also led to a rather
`convoluted design. The 4.2BSD networking
`code does not suffer from this, since it runs
`on processors
`(VAX, M68000, NS16032,
`etc.) that have a reasonably sized address
`space. The PDP-11 ports of this code re-
`quire extensive kernel overlays.
`Virtual memory and paging were not im-
`plemented on the PDP-11 because of the
`small number and huge size of the pages
`allowed by the hardware. Thus early ver-
`sions of the INGRES database system ran
`as multiple
`(six or seven) processes, and
`Franz Lisp, with
`its need
`for huge data
`spaces in a single process, did not develop
`the VAX permitted paging in 3BSD.
`though some UNIX
`systems now
`require large
`to do some things
`address spaces, the size constraints
`posed during
`the early development of the
`system have had, on the whole, a beneficial
`From the beginning, UNIX development
`systems have had all
`the UNIX
`available on line, and the developers have
`the systems under development
`their primary systems. This has greatly
`cilitated discovering deficiencies and their
`fixes, as well as new possibilities
`and their
`for program development have
`always been a high priority. Such facilities
`the program make (which may be
`used to determine which of a collection of
`program source tiles need to be compiled
`the Source
`and then compile
`them) and
`Code Control System (SCCS) (which
`is used
`to keep successive versions of files available
`without having
`to store the entire contents
`of each step).
`of sources for the oper-
`The availability
`ating system has also encouraged
`the pleth-
`ora of UNIX
`variants existing
`today, but
`the benefits have outweighed
`the disadvan-
`tages. If something
`is broken,
`it can be fixed
`at a local site, rather
`than having
`to wait
`for the next
`release of the system. Such
`fixes, as well as new facilities, may be in-
`later distributions.
`licenses are becoming more popular with
`the growing number of small,
`systems, however.
`The UNIX operating system may be con-
`sidered for convenience of exposition
`to be
`roughly as depicted
`in Figure 2.
`Computing Surveys, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 1985
`INTEL EX. 1242.007


`J. S. Quarterman, A. Silberschatz, and J. L. Peterson
`below the system call interface
`the physical
`is the
`and above
`19781. This paper
`mostly concerned with
`the kernel, since
`is where most of the traditional
`ating systems issues are addressed:
`is the only UNIX code that cannot be
`The kernel
`by a user to his own
`liking. For
`the kernel should make as few real deci-
`sions as possible. This does not mean to allow
`user a million
`to do
`the same
`it means to allow only one way to do one
`thing, but have
`that way be the
`divisor of all
`the options
`that might have been
`1978, p. 19311
`in the design
`is especially noticeable
`of the system call interface
`[Joy et al. 19831:
`has been substi-
`for efficency. Complex
`are used only
`their complexity
`can be
`1978, p. 19321.
`In this section we describe how user pro-
`cesses are created and manipulated
`other user processes, including
`the layout
`of a process’s address space. Then
`kernel control blocks
`that keep track of
`processes are described. Finally,
`an over-
`view of the CPU scheduler and its event
`is given
`2.1 User Interface
`in execution. To
`is a program
`A process
`execute a new program, a new process
`first produced by the fork system call, cre-
`two almost
`identical processes, each
`with a copy of the original data space. Then
`the exec primitive may be used by one pro-
`cess to replace
`its virtual memory space
`for a new program
`(read from a
`file). A process may choose to terminate by
`the exit system call, and its parent
`process may wait
`for that event by using
`the wait system call. Figure 3 shows
`the use of
`system calls.
`their process
`Processes are named by
`(pid), which
`is an integer. The
`fork system call returns
`the process identi-
`Computing Surveys, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 1985
`the parent
`the child process
`fier of
`the child
`process, and
`process; this
`is how a program can deter-
`mine in which process it is running after a
`fork. The wait system call provides
`the child
`so the parent can tell which of
`possibly several children
`it was.
`the viewpoint
`of the calling pro-
`cess, one may
`fork and wait
`to a
`call and return, whereas exec is
`more like a goto.
`The simplest
`form of communication
`tween processes is by pipes. Pipes provide
`a reliably
`delivered byte stream between
`two processes.They may be created before
`the fork, and their end points may then be
`set up between
`the fork and the exec.
`All user processes are descendants of one
`original process, which
`is called
`init and
`has process identifier
`1. On each terminal
`port available
`for interactive
`use, init
`the fork system call) a copy of itself,
`which attempts
`to open the port for reading
`and writing. This new process has a new
`process identifier. The open succeeds when
`a directly connected
`is turned on
`or a telephone call is accepted by a dial-up
`modem. Then
`init process executes
`the exec system call) a program called
`line parameters
`Getty initializes
`and prompts
`the user to type a login name,
`which getty collects. Getty then executes a
`login, passing
`name as an argument. Login prompts
`user for a password, and collects
`it as the
`it. Login determines whether
`the user is allowed
`to log in by encrypting
`the typed password and comparing
`it with
`an encrypted string
`found according
`to the
`login name in the file /etc/passwd.
`If the
`is successful,
`login sets the nu-
`meric user identifier
`(uid) of the process to
`that of the user logging
`in and executes a
`shell, or command
`(The path-
`name of the shell and the user identifier
`are also found
`in /etc/passwd
`to the user’s login name.) This shell is what
`the user ordinarily
`communicates with
`the rest of the login session. The shell itself
`forks subprocesses
`for the commands
`the user tells it to execute.
`INTEL EX. 1242.008


`4.2BSD and 4.3BSD as Examples of the UNIX System
`pld 1
`zombie pid 1095
`login pid 7623
`Figure 3. Fork, exec, exit, and wait.
`is used suc-
`The same process identifier
`cessively after
`fork by the child
`process, by getty, by login, and finally by
`the shell. When the user logs out, the shell
`dies and the original
`init process (process
`1) waits on
`it. After
`the wait
`the process
`used by the shell may be reassigned by the
`to a new process.
`The user identifier
`is used by the kernel
`to determine
`the user’s permissions
`for cer-
`tain system calls, especially
`those involving
`file accesses. There is also a group identifier
`(gid ), which
`is used to provide similar priv-
`ileges to a collection of users. In 4.2BSD, a
`user’s processes may be in several groups
`The login process puts the
`user’s shell
`in all
`the groups permitted
`to the user by the files
`two user
`There are actually
`used by the kernel: The effective user iden-
`file access
`tifier is the one used to determine
`permissions, and the real user identifier
`used by some programs
`to determine who
`the original user was before
`the effective
`user identifier was set by a setuid.
`If the
`file being executed by exec has setuid
`the effectiue user
`of the
`process is set to the user identifier
`of the
`owner of the file, while
`the real user iden-
`is left as it was. This allows certain
`processes to have more than ordinary priv-
`ileges while still being executable by ordi-
`nary users. This setuid
`idea is patented by
`Dennis Ritchie
`[1979a] and is one of the
`most distinctive
`features of UNIX.
`is a similar
`effective and real group
`and a
`similar setgid feature.
`Every process has both a user and a
`system phase, which never execute simul-
`taneously. Most ordinary work
`is done by
`the user process, but when a system call is
`Computing Surveys, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 1985
`INTEL EX. 1242.009


`J. S. Quarterman, A. Silberschatz, and J. L. Peterson
`done, it is the system process, which has a
`stack than
`the user process, that
`the system call.
`The virtual address space of a user pro-
`cess is divided
`into text (executable
`tions), data, and stack segments. The data
`and stack segments are always
`in the same
`address space, but may grow separately
`and, on most machines,
`in opposite direc-
`tions: On a VAX
`the stack grows down
`as the data grow up toward
`it. The
`is usually not writable,
`so that
`one copy may be shared among several
`How a process’s virtual address space is
`into physical main or secondary
`memory varies greatly
`from system to sys-
`tem but is usually
`to the user.
`2.2 Control Blocks
`There are no system control blocks acces-
`in a user process’s virtual
`space, but there are such control blocks
`the kernel associated with
`the process.
`Some of these control blocks are diagramed
`in Figure 4.
`The most basic data structure associated
`the process struc-
`with processes is called
`ture. There
`is an array of these, whose
`is defined at system link
`time. Each

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