
`A Communication Architecture for High-speed
`Zygmunt Haas
`ATEB'T Bell Laboratories
`Room 4F—501
`Holmdel, NJ 07733
`The communication speed in wide, metropolitan—, and
`local-area networking has increased over the past decade
`from Kbps lines to Gbps lines;
`i.e., six orders of mag
`nitude, while the processing speed of commercial CPUs
`that can be employed as communications processor has
`changed only two to three orders of magnitude. This dis—
`crepancy in speed translates to “bottlenecks” in the corn-
`munications process, because the software that supports
`some of the high-level functionality of the communication
`process is now several order of magnitude slower than the
`transmission media. Moreover, the overhead introduced
`by the operating system (US) on the communication pro—
`cess strongly affects the application-toapplication come
`munication performance. As a result, new proposals for
`interface architecture have emerged that considerably re-
`duce the overhead associated with the OS. With the
`alleviation of the OS bottleneck,
`the performance re-
`quired from the communication system will be so high
`that a new protocol architecture that will support high-
`performance (high-throughput and low-delay) communi-
`cation is needed. The purpose of this paper is to propose
`an alternative structure to the existing models of commu-
`nication architecture. The architecture presented employs
`an approach quite different than that used in the exist—
`ing layered models; i.e., the proposed architecture has a
`horizontal (parallel) structure, as opposed to the vertical
`(serial) structure of the layered models. The horizontal
`structure, coupled with small number of layers, results in
`elimination of unnecessary replication of functions, unnec—
`essary processing of functions, and lowers the unnecessary
`interprocess communication burden of the protocol execu-
`tion (For example, unnecessary error detection for voice
`packets in integrated applications and unnecessary error
`detection in multiple layers for data applications are elim-
`inated, the overhead associated with multi peer-topeer
`connection of multi—layer architecture is substantially re-
`duced, etc.) Furthermore, the proposed architecture lends
`itself more naturally toward full parallel implementation.
`Parallelism offers the potential of increased protocol pro-
`cessing rates, reduction in processing latency, and further
`reduction in processing overhead. And with the advances
`in VLSI, full parallel implementation becomes more and
`more feasible. Some additional features of the proposed
`scheme include selective functionality, which permits the
`protocol to easily adjust itself to the kind of performance
`demanded by the network-application requirements. The
`architecture presented supports the notion of communi-
`cation networks that resemble an extension of a computer
`bus, and are capable of providing very high bandwidth,
`on the order of Gbps, directly to the user.
`Introduction and Motivation
`The communication speed in wide, metropolitan—, and
`local—area networking has increased over the past decade
`from Kbps lines to Gbps lines; i.e., six orders of magni-
`tude. The processing speed of commercial CPUS that can
`be employed as communications processors has changed
`only two to three orders of magnitude. This discrepancy
`in speed translates to “bottlenecks” in the communica—
`tions process, because the software that supports some
`of the high-level functionality of the communication pro-
`cess is now several orders of magnitude slower than the
`transmission media.
`In other words, when the lines op—
`erated at 9.6ths, the multi—layer conventional protocols
`implemented in software were fast enough to match the
`speed of the lines. However, now, when the lines operate
`at 1.7Gbps, the mismatch in speed is so large that the
`advantage of highvspeed lines is buried in the large pro-
`cessing overhead of high-level protocols, leading to large
`delay and low throughput. This change has shifted the
`bottleneck from the transmission to the (software) pro-
`cessing at the end points.
`Another trend that has influenced the design of commu-
`nication networks is the potential of hardware implemen—
`tation (ie, VLSI). It is much easier and cheaper today to
`implement large and fast communications hardware on a.
`single silicon chip. However, this opportunity cannot be
`fully exploited with current protocols that were developed
`CH28265/90/0000/0433/$01.00 © 1990 IEEE
`Alacritech, Ex. 2033 Page 1
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`for software implementation. The purpose of this work is
`to investigate the various possibilities of improving the
`performance of communications protocols and interfaces,
`so that the slow~software-fast-transmission bottleneck can
`be alleviated, and to propose a new protocol architecture
`that is suitable for future, high-performance communica»
`the current
`A basic question is whether or not
`(software-based) protocols can provide the required per
`formance? As suggested in [1], TOP/1P ([2]) can, with
`some minor changes, provide up to few hundred Mbps
`throughput. Assuming that the machines will,
`require such a high bandwidth, there are still other ma~
`jor communication bottlenecks that prevent delivery of
`such large throughput. Thus, [1] concludes that it is the
`other bottlenecks that we’re supposed to be concerned
`with, not the high-layer protocols. Furthermore, there is
`still the question of what applications require such a large
`throughput. (The problem is not only in identifying such
`applications, but also in predicting future application.)
`Let us first provide an answer to the last question. The
`general trend of computing environments to move toward
`distributed and parallel processing systems is, and will be,
`strongly responsible {or the demand for increased perfor-
`mance. For example, a parallel processing system imple»
`mented on the fine—grain level requires delays on the order
`of useconds. In distributed processing system, large files
`may be required to be transferred between machines with
`very low latency. Thus, for the parallel and distributed
`processing environment, both the very low delay and large
`throughput are crucial.
`(Another bandwidth demanding
`application that can be identified today is video. Video
`applications will become more and more important with
`traffic integration in packet-switched networks.)
`Unfortunately, indeed, the impact of the overhead in-
`troduced by the operating systems (OS) on the com—
`munication process strongly affects the application-to-
`application communication periormance.
`The major
`sources of this overhead are (see also [3,4,5,6]):
`a scheduling
`I multiple data transfers from/to the user1
`o overhead of entities management:
`— timers
`— buffers
`— connection states
`- overhead associated with division of the protocol
`processing into processes (including interprocess
`1It has been already emphasized several times in the lit—
`erature (for example, [3,4)), that the number of data copies
`between bufi'ers (i.e., the per octet overhead) has a crucial ef-
`fect on the performance of a protocol.
`a interrupts
`o context switching
`The reason for large OS overhead is the structure of the
`communication process in general, and the implementa-
`tion of network interfaces, in particular.
`in other words,
`the CPU performs such an important role in the com—
`munication process, that, as a consequence, there are too
`many interrupts, too many context switches, and too large
`a scheduling overhead. Network interfaces were invented
`to offload the CPU from the communication process. Un—
`fortunately, they do only a partial job; interfaces are still
`being built that interrupt the processor for each received
`packet, leading to multiple context switches and sched—
`uler invocations.
`(Another solution is to structure the
`process in a different way; to eliminate the scheduler calls
`by the interrupts, and to resolve the scheduling of the pro-
`cess that completed the communication at. the “regular”
`scheduler invocations.) Some new proposals for interface
`architecture (Bl) considerably reduce the overhead asso-
`ciated with the OS. These proposals structure the com-
`munication process much in the same way that Direct
`Memory Access (DMA) is implemented;
`the CPU initi-
`ates a. communication event, but has little to do in the
`actual information exchange process. The considerable
`reduction in the OS overhead that results from the new
`structuring of the communication process, will probably
`have a crucial impact on the feasibility of providing multia
`Mbps bandwidth directly to the user (see also Section 6
`for our ideas on a. new interface structure).
`The communication goal in the parallel and distributed
`system environment is to provide communication, whose
`throughput is restricted only by the source capacity of the
`transmitter or the sink ability of the receiver. Also,
`communication delay should be minimized. As stated, OS
`are today the bottleneck of the communication process.
`However, once the OS bottleneck are resolved.
`the per—
`formance required from the communication systems will
`be so high that a new approach will be needed to the
`architecture of communication protocols and to the net~
`work interface design to support high-performance (high-
`thronghput and low-delay). This argumentation answers
`the basic question whether the current protocols are ade‘
`quate for future high-speed networks; local improvements
`in the protocol design might be adequate for current US
`limited systems. This Will not be the case for future sys—
`Along these lines, we propose an architecture that is
`an alternative to the existing layered architectures. The
`novel feature of the proposed architecture is the reduction
`in the vertical layering; services that correspond to the
`definitions of layers 4 to 6 in the lSO/OSl RM2 are com-
`2The references to the 150/031 Reference Model in this
`paper relate only to the definition of services in the various
`layers of the model, and not to the actual architecture of the
`ISO/OSI protocols.
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`bined into a single layer that is horizontally structured.
`This approach lends itself more naturally to parallel im-
`plementation. Moreover, the delay of a. set of processes
`implemented in parallel is determined by the delay of the
`longest process, and not by the sum of all the process de—
`lays, as is the case in sequential implementation.
`In the
`same way, the total throughput need not to be limited
`by the lowest capacity process, but can be increased by
`concurrently performing the function on several devices.
`Thus a protocol structure that lends itself to parallel im~
`plementation has the potential to provide the high perfor-
`man ce matched to the requirements of the new generation
`of improved OS.
`2 The Challenge
`The challenge is to propose a single protocol that suc-
`cessfully provides communication over diverse networks:
`data rates ranging from Kbps to Gbps and network di—
`ameters from LANs to WANs. Also, the diverse require-
`ments of many different applications need to be sup-
`ported: connectiomoriented and connectionless service,
`stream—like traffic and bursty traffic, reliable transport
`and best-efi'ort delivery (erroncontrol and flow‘control),
`difierent data sizes, different delay and throughput re
`quirements, etc. The required throughput is on the order
`of hundreds of Mbps application-toapplication (with a.
`tendency toward Gbps), and the delay is on the order of
`hundreds of microsecondsa.
`Let us discuss the above a little bit further. Assum—
`ing a very reliable subnet, the error-recovery procedures
`can be simplified so that when there are no errors very
`little overhead is incurred. However, this low overhead
`comes at the expense of having a large penalty in the
`event of an error. (On the other hand, in networks with a.
`high bit error rate (BER), both of the error and no—error
`cases the recovery procedure should be minimized) This
`is what success-oriented; protocols mean: minimize the
`overhead for successful delivery cases at the expense of
`larger penalty for unsuccessful delivery attempts.
`on optimizing the performance5 over such an extensive
`range of the data—rate (Kbps to Gbps) is that in the fu-
`ture we expect to have an enormous variety of networks.
`30f course, because of the propagation delay, such a low
`delay requirement has little advantage for a WAN, and is nec-
`essary only in LAN/WAN environment. However, because of
`the requirement that the protocol design be independent of the
`actual subnet being used, the stringent performance require
`ments need to apply to any communication.
`4"l‘his term refers to protocols that exploit the characteris-
`tics of reliable networks. Such networks, typically composed
`of fiber links and digital switches, have a very low error rate,
`deliver packets in order, and rarely drop packets.
`5Here “performance” refers to:
`throughput, delay, and
`transmission efficiency.
`In other words, one cannot expect that, with the intro-
`duction of multi—megabit-per-second networks, Ethernets
`will (at least immediately) disappear. Even today, the
`range of communication is very large; 300 bps modems
`are still being used.
`Thus, in order to optimize the performance of the pro-
`tocol for all the diverse networks/applications, the proto-
`col must consist of a set of versatile protocols, that can
`be readily switched between. This is what we refer to in
`this work as selective functionality protocols.
`The work is organized in the following way: The next
`Section outlines possible approaches to improving proto-
`col performance. Section 4 presents our horizontal pro-
`tocol approach, while the selective-functionality feature is
`described in Section 5. A new approach to network inter-
`faces is discussed briefly in Section 6. Section 7 shows a
`basic design example of the horizontally structured archi—
`tecture. Section 8 concludes the work.
`3 The Possible Approaches.
`There are several possible solutions to overcome the slow-
`software-fast-trausmission problem:
`1. Improve the performance of current high-layer pro-
`tocols implementations([1 ,7l)
`2. Design new high—layer protocols based on the cur—
`rent philosophy; i.e., software-based, layered struc-
`ture ([8,9,5])
`3. Hardware implementation of high—layer protocols
`4. Reduction of highslayer protocols overhead (i.e.,
`“lite” protocols)6
`5. New design philosophy that differently structures
`the high~layer protocols ([6])
`6. Migration of high-layer functionality to lower lay—
`ers, in particular to the physical layer (for example,
`networks that perform some high-layer functions
`by trading the physical bandwidth; i.e., end-to—end
`flow control done at the physical layer in Blazenet
`The approaches were arranged according to how much
`they diverge from the conventional protocol design phi-
`losophy. Of course, there can be any combination of the
`above five approaches.
`6We note that a. “lite" (i.e., lightweight) protocol is created
`by adjusting the number of states and the amount of control
`information that is passed between the protocol states, in such
`a way, on one hand, to maximize the protocol functionality (to
`reduce the overhead of the software—based application layer)
`and, on the other hand, to minimize the overhead caused by the
`low-level implementation of the protocol states (for example,
`number of chips for hardware implementation or the number
`of page faults for software implementation).
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`Note that there endsts yet another approach: Reduction
`of lower-layer functionality.
`(For example,
`[12] proposes
`to solve the link-by-link flow control problem by drop-
`ping excessive packets and correcting the packet loss at
`the higher—level (transport) through retransmissions.) We
`consider this approach, which is the opposite of the fifth
`approach, to be, in general, unable to solve the high—speed
`communication problem, since pushing the problems to
`higher layers introduces, in fact, larger delays (the imple-
`mentation of higher layers is typically soft ware-based, and
`thus slower). Also, in this specific case of the flow con—
`trol example, the long timeout associated with detecting
`the dropped packets (which is done on the end-to—end ba-
`sis), increases the overall delay. (We note, however, that
`pushing some of the functionality to higher layers simpliv
`lies the network design, since at the lower layers there is
`more traffic aggregation, and the total number of packets-
`per—second is larger, leading to more complex processing
`within the network. Thus, in some cases this approach
`may be appropriate.)
`Every one of the six approaches outlined can poten-
`tially improve the protocol performance. However, major
`improvement in performance can be obtained by combin-
`ing a few of the above approaches. For instance, even
`though changes in the current version of TCP/IP that re
`duce overhead might increase the protocol throughput to
`several hundred Mbps, hardware implementation of the
`improved version will signify the improvement even fur-
`ther. Consequently, we believe that the “correct” answer
`to the question of how to implement high—speed protocols,
`is an intelligent integration of several approaches.
`In the next section, we consider a combination of the
`third, fourth, fifth, and (in a limited sense) the sixth ap—
`proaches. The proposed architecture is based on three
`the Network Access Control (the NAG layer),
`the Communication Interface (the Cl layer), and the
`Application (the A layer). The NAC layer consists of all
`the services defined in and below the Network layer of the
`ISO/OS]: RM. The CI layer consist of the services defined
`by the Transport, Session, and Presentation layers. The
`A layer corresponds to the conventional Application layer.
`(The reason for the proposed threolayer structure is that
`the services of the NAC are mostly hardware—based, while
`the services of the A layer are software‘implemented.
`Thus the CI represents the boundary between the soft—
`ware and the hardware. Thus, in our view, the model
`of the communication protocol architecture can consist
`of the three layers, where the NAG is hardware-based,
`the A is software, and the Cl is a. mixture of software
`and hardware. It is our belief that to achieve high—speed
`communication, the structure of CI must lend itself easv
`ily (little overhead) toward parallel hardware implemen-
`tation, and, as shown in the nest section, the proposed
`three-layer structure provida a basis for such a parallel
`4 Horizontally oriented proto-
`col for high-speed communi-
`We propose here an alternative structure to the existing
`communication architectures. The central observation is
`that protocols based on extensively-layered architectures
`possess an inherent disadvantage for high-speed commu-
`nication. While the layering is beneficial for educational
`purposes, strict adherence to layering in implementation
`decreases the throughput and increases the communica—
`tion delay. There are several reasons for this reduction in
`performance, among them (see also [6]) the replication of
`functions in different layers, performance of unnecessary
`functions, overhead of control messages, and the inability
`to parallelize protocol processing,
`The architecture presented here employs an approach
`quite different than that used in the extensively-layered
`i.e., the proposed architecture has a horizon—
`tal structure, as opposed to the vertical structure of
`multi-layered architectures. We refer to our architecture
`as Horizontally Oriented Protocol Structure, or HOPS.
`The main idea behind HOPS is the division of the pro—
`tocol into functions,
`instead of layers. The functions,
`in general, are mutually independent, in the sense that
`the execution of one function can be performed without
`knowing the results of the execution of another. (Thus in-
`tercommunication between the functions is substantially
`reduced.) For example, flow—control and decryption are
`independent functions.
`If the dependency between two
`(or more) functions is such that the execution of one de—
`pends on the result of another, the function can still be
`conditionally executed. For example, packet resequencing
`is to be executed only if error—control detects no errors.
`Thus, resequencing can be conditionally executed in par-
`allel with error-control, and at the end a (binary) deci-
`sion made whether to accept or ignore the resequencing
`Because of the independence between the functions
`they can be executed in parallel, thus reducing the la»
`tency of the protocol and improving throughput.
`Figure 1 shows the structure of HOPS. In this Figure,
`the correspondence in services between HOPS and the
`ISO/OBI RM is also shown. Thus the CI of HOPS im-
`plements in hardware the services defined by layers 4 to
`6. The meaning of hardware implementation is not (nec—
`essarily) that HOPS is fully cast into silicon, but that
`specific hardware exists to perform the functions, rather
`than relying on the host software. Thus HOPS can be
`implemented as a collection of custom—designed hardware
`and general-purpose processors.
`Cl receives the raw information (unprocessed packv
`ets) from the Network Access Control (NAG) layer. The
`central layer in HOPS is the Communication Interface
`Alacritech, Ex. 2033 Page 4
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`Figure 2: HOPS packet format
`based on the fourth, fifth, and sixth approaches ducribed
`in Section 3, are not compatible with the ISO/031 model,
`and, in fact, violate the model boundaries.
`5 HOPS as a Selective Func-
`tionality Protocol
`Because HOPS is intended to support communication
`over diverse networks and for diverse application, a single
`protocol cannot provide optimum performance. For ex-
`ample, retransmission policy depends on the quality of the
`network: selective retransmission is better for networks
`with large average BER, while go-bsclr-n may be benefi-
`cial in very reliable environment. Moreover, the require
`ments for a protocol may change with time and space; for
`example increasing congestion may change retransmission
`policy, or the required error~control mechanism may dill’er
`from subnet to subnet. Consequently, what we propose
`is a “protocol with a. menu,” whereby a user will request
`some combination of functions that are needed to achieve
`some particular level of performance. For instance,
`function retransmission may be designed to receive the
`following values: selective, go-bacb-n, go-and—wuit, none,
`The network interface (NI) has to decide on the
`particular retransmission policy required.
`If the NI has
`some knowledge about the subnets the packet is going to
`travel on, then the NI can make an intelligent decision on
`the required policy. The N! can change its decision with
`time, ifit learns that the conditions have changed or that
`its previous decision was incorrect.
`The function values are communicated throughout the
`network by means of the special option field in the packet
`format as shown in Figure 2. The values are decoded sep-
`arately, in parallel, and “on the fly” at the packet arrival
`There is another, very important advantage of the se-
`lective functionality feature; possible compatibility with
`current protocols.
`It cannot be expected that there will
`be immediate transfer from the rooted architectures and
`protocols. Thus protocols like TPl/CLNP will continue
`to exist, and it is of paramount importance that the cur»
`rent and the new high~speed oriented protocols interwork.
`Alacritech, Ex. 2033 Page 5
`onnec or
`9 -
`CI -:..°‘
` Network
`Figure l: HOPS
`(and independent or
`(CI). CI is divided into parallel
`conditionally—independent) functions. Before the results
`of the functions are passed to the Application layer, they
`are evaluated in the Connector. The Connector exe-
`cutes the conditional dependency among the functions,
`and passes the processed information to the' Application
`HOPS is expected to lead to high-performance imple-
`mentations because of several reasons. First, because of
`the horizontal structure of functions, the delay of a packet
`processing is determined by the slowest function, rather
`than by the sum of all delays. This is achieved in HOPS
`by the independency characteristic of functions. Thus a
`function need not to wait for a result of another lunction
`before its execution can begin. Second, the throughput
`can be easily improved by increasing the number of units
`of capacity-limited functions. Such increase is rather nat—
`ural in paralleled-structured CI. Third, because of the
`compression of layers, much of the replication and over-
`head are eliminated (such as bufiering on different layers,
`for example). Fourth, the horizontal structure lends it-
`self to parallel implementation on separate (possibly cus-
`tomized) hardware. The parallel implementation by itself
`has the potential of lowering the processing delay and in-
`creasing the processing throughput. Also, the overhead
`associated with switching between the execution of func-
`tions is grossly eliminated, as is the communication mes-
`sages between the processes. Finally, the selective lune.
`tionals'ty feature’ can eliminate unnecessary function pro-
`We also believe that in order to achieve the limit of
`performance, one should implement the HOPS-structured
`protocols in custom designed hardware.
`It should be noted that HOPS, as well as other solutions
`’See Section 5
`Alacritech, Ex. 2033 Page 5


`bandwidth. We want to push this idea even further, and
`. eliminate even more of the CPU’a involvement in the com-
`munication process. In other words, we intend to:
`Aros Network
`0 Eliminate the CPU involvement in processing of the
`transport functions.
`Figure 3: Network Interface
`The selective functionality approach enables one to com-
`pose any protocol from the extended menu. Thus, for
`example, communication between a TP4/CLNP site and
`a HOPS site can be easily achieved by an adaptation layer
`(to be abolished with time) providing simple translation
`of the TP4/CLNP packets to the HOPS format. Since
`by the virtue of the selective functionality feature, HOPS
`is a. superset of all the TP4/CLNP functionalities. such a
`translation is possible.
`Initial considerations of HOPS architecture suggmt
`that the delay and throughput will be determined by the
`slowest and capacity limited functions. However, as op-
`posed to conventional protocols, this limits are not fixed,
`and they change with the particular functionalitiee re-
`quired by the network/application pair. Thus, transmis-
`sion over a highly reliable network may skip most of the
`overhead associated with resequencing. Moreover, custom
`design implementation may increase the performance of
`the limiting functions.
`6 The structure of the netWOrk
`The network interface (N1) is the hardware that intercon—
`nects the network and the host by receiving the packets
`addressed to the host and by transmitting the host output
`traffic over the network (Figure 3). The network interface.
`proposed in this work, also performs the highslayer proto-
`cols. Thus the N1 is the actual hardware that implements
`the Communication Interface of HOPS.
`The goal of the NI is to oflload the protocol process-
`ing from the CPU. For example, in NAB8 ([4]) the CPU
`initiates information exchange, but does not participate
`in the actual transfer of data. The NAB does substan-
`tially reduce the host load, thus increasing the interface
`8Network Adapter- Board
`0 Eliminate the CPU involvement in processing of the
`presentation functions.
`0 Reduce the CPU involvement in processing of the
`session functions.
`0 Reduce the overhead associated with the communi-
`cation between the NI and the OS (i.e., interrupts,
`scheduler, etc)
`0 Eliminate the bufiering and copying of information
`from the 08 space into the user space.
`The elimination of CPU involvement in processing the
`transport and the presentation functions is done by fully
`performing these functions within the CI layer by the Ni,
`as explained in Section 4.
`Reduction of CPU involvement in the processing of the
`session functions is a bit tricky, since obviously some pro—
`cessing must be done by the OS. For example, opening a
`new session usually involves space allocation to the user.
`This is done by the OS. However, most of the bookkeeping
`and some processing can be done by the NI; i.e., negoti-
`ation of parameter values, management of the dialogue,
`once the connection is established, etc.
`The reduction in communication between the Ni and
`the OS is performed in several ways. First, the NI keeps
`a pointer to the user space, so that it can write the re-
`ceived data directly to the user buffers. This eliminates
`interrupts when data is received.
`(This also eliminates
`the overhead associated with copying the data from 08
`space into user space.) Second, the NI has access to the
`scheduler and monitor tables, directly adjusting the table
`upon reception of data. When the scheduler is invoked, it
`checks on the status of the pending communication pro—
`cesses by referring to the Nloaccessible table. Finally, the
`scheduler itself can be implemented as a different module.
`Some remarks are called for here. First, it may be nec-
`essary to keep the user buffers aligned on the word bound—
`ary. Second, either paging is inhibited (it may make sense
`when the data to be communicated is small, or when the
`machine is dedicated to a single job), or the NI must be
`informed of paging (so that it does not write into space
`that doesn’t belong to the destination user).
`If paging
`occurs, the OS needs to provide a buffer assigned to the
`user (this might be a disadvantage, since once the user is
`running again, the data need to be transferred between
`the OS and the user space). Another approach is to use
`communication buffers located in common space that be—
`longs to the OS (to the NI, more specifically) and to the
`user process. The NI writes the received data into these
`buffers, which can be directly (without copying) accessed
`Alacritech, Ex. 2033 Page 6
`Alacritech, Ex. 2033 Page 6


`CPU only if some other action is required to be
`performed. For example, when a new session open
`request arrives, the request will generate a new en-
`try in the TOP, however, the CPU will be inter—
`rupted to allocate space for the new session.
`0 new connection-oriented pocket:
`the packet
`placed directly in the process space, without the
`CPU intervention. If necessary, a. control informa—
`tion is set in the NI for future process incarnation.
`0 new request-response”: managed directly by the
`N] by interpreting the request and directing it to
`the space of the service. If the service is not recog—
`nized, the CPU might be interrupted.
`0 new datagram packet:
`same as request-response
`7 Example of HOPS Design
`In this section, we provide an example to illustrate how
`the HOPS architecture can be implemented. The imple»
`mentation presented here includes the receiver side only.
`Also, it is somewhat simplified in the sense that not all
`the data. structures are formally defined.
`The following functions are incorporated into the de-
`0 Error~control
`I Flow-control
`0 Addressing
`0 Presentation
`I Session-management
`I Congestion-Control
`The structure of the design, presented in Figure 5,
`shows the flow of information between the various blocks
`that implement functions. The parallel structure is em-
`phasized. In what follows, each functions is described by
`its attributes: values that the function can receive, func-
`tionality performed, what input is received by the func-
`tion, and what output is produced.
`detection, n-comectx'on,
`10In the transactional communication model ([8]), a request
`sent to a server and the server mponds are both performed in
`the connectionless mode.
`tit-detection and n-
`Alacritech, Ex. 2033 Page 7
`Figure 4: The proposed communication model
`by the user. Third, there must be a very intimate rela-
`tion between the OS and the NI; the NI must have access
`to 05 tables. The NI access to the OS data structures
`may be system dependent. Finally, the resequencing,
`needed, can be done directly in the user buffers. The
`NI leaves “holes” in the buffer for una

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