
`Celltrion v. Genentech
`Celltrion V. Genentech
`Genentech Exhibit 2005
`Genentech Exhibit 2005
`Page 1 of 108
`Page 1 of 108


`To maintain documenUfilm
`integrity, do not add or
`delete notes/materials
`to this notebook.
`imaging Dart
`Inc. Date 1-
`Page 2 of 108
`Page 2 of 108


`uomoox Io._,fl4_o__
`Issumro ' an
`December ‘Z_
`RETURNED_ _____ 19
`MJWL%Z/ chmégau/Jyé
`m hianLL/ /€€/}oaflzw “be/'74
`R0. BOX 238
`Page 3 of 108
`Page 3 of 108


`Genentech Laboratory Notebook Procedures
`important steps for maintenance of your notebooks:
`Use dark permanent ink to record all of your work in your notebook on a daily basis. Sign and date
`each day’s entries.
`Permanently affix all attachments without covering any other entries. Please attach copies of any
`computer data entered into your computer files. These data are considered part of your experimen-
`tal record.
`Make any changes in data in dark permanent ink and. it appropriate, initial and date in the margin.
`Ensure that the original entry remains visible. Leave no open areas. When the book ls completed line
`out any unused portion of a page at the end of each experiment.
`Have a witness who understands and is aware of your work, but who is not directly involved in your
`project, sign and date your notebook entries (not later than one month after you do the work).
`Don’t hold book data for later entry and don't keep a "rough draft“ notebook.
`Report the quantitative or qualitative results oniy. Avoid over broad and potentially inflammatory
`comments like "failed experiment“, “doesn't work", or "toxic compound."
`The source and character of starting materiais should be described. Preferably. refer to the notebook
`pages describing the starting material and its method of preparation.
`Be sure your notebook record is understandable. Omit abbreviations or slang that would not be
`understood by others working in your field.
`it is helpful to introduce each experiment with a state-
`ment of purpose, and make liberal use of cross-references to related experiments. While sufficient
`detail should be included to enable reproduction of experiments, it is acceptable to refer to conven-
`tional or published procedures. However, record any changes you may make to such procedures.
`Record your ideas too, not )ust experimental data. This is important to demonstrate when an inven-
`tion or thought occurred to you, and is an important part of establishing priority in inventorship
`contests. Don‘t hesitate to broaden the scope of your ideas;
`there is no reason to limit them to
`specific experiments planned for the next few days. although you should include as much detail as
`possible. Your notebook will not be published and there is no penalty for guessing wrong on note—
`book ldea entries. so don't hesitate to let your imagination run.
`Try to keep a different notebook for each product and/or protect. Please complete the table of con-
`tents Indicating which product and/or protect this work concerns.
`Genentcch's success. and with it your own prosperity and research support, depends upon the quality
`and timing of your work. This may require that WI: prove what you did and when you did it in the face
`of a contrary challenge. Such challenges have and wilt continue to arise in judicial proceedings. in patent
`validity or infringement or challenge, lnventorship priority contests and product liability actions. The
`key to winning in such cases is the ability to supply appropriate evidence.
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`Table of Contents
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`Ta ble of Contents
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`Table of Contents
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`Table of Contents
`Page 11 of 108
`Page 11 of 108


` ..l.H.....__.....i..r_5i!”1..
`Page 12 of 108
`Page 12 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`E": 3M
`Date M???'y
`9:4 /90
`e 0'2,“ by
`Page 13 of 108
`Page 13 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 14 of 108


`Witnessed a. Understood by me.
`Page 15 of 108


`5%.: 90
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`_ Hi;
`Page 16 of 108


`Page 17 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood y me,
`kt) 44W”
`(916’! A
`Invented by
`Page 18 of 108


`am“ 922.90 @3177
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`R :". rded by
`Page 19 of 108


`figfiurdad hy-
`Witnessed & Understoofiy me.
`_ -'
`Page 20 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed a. Understood by me.
`Invented by
`Page 21 of 108


`R forded by
`[Ste ) 9‘) ”FmDalje
`Witnessed & Understood b 1
`C) Mfrmfl/Wyzfi
`Page 22 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 23 of 108


`Witnessed & Understqod by me,
`Date WEE
`R» aided by
`Page 24 of 108


`r Witnessed 8. Understood by me,
`Page 25 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`To Page No.
`Invented by
`Page 26 of 108


`Page 27 of 108


`Recorded by
`WIInessed & Understood by me.
`Invented by
`Page 28 of 108


`Witnessed 81 UnderstooE by me.
`Page 29 of 108


`_ Icorded by
`(3.684 90WM 072 L/fi
`Witnel:ed & {Jude-latent: mm.
`If 5'” ME" -.
`Page 30 of 108


`Witnessed a. Understood by
`Page 31 of 108


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`Witnessed & Understood byyze,
`Page 32 of 108


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`of“ 90mm 2/2 1/49.?
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`Wynn/W 0‘6 f'
`a -- hi I"
`Page 33 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Invented by
`Page 34 of 108


`Date W m D“
`- L.
`Q6I /' 90
`' 2 mad by
`Witnessed-a Understoggi py "18,
`0 max I'lfh-‘L_.f:L.-"'h-1:J'E\-¥1
`Page 35 of 108


`Witnessed 8: Understood by me,
`Page 36 of 108


`-rded by
`Date WM
`72 9/50
`Wimessed & Understood by me,
`Page 37 of 108


`Page 38 of 108


`n Faded by
`Date “W3“I7/v.’
`/ 3 Y X)
`r0 afflm m~ibflfl
`Page 39 of 108


`(i)CLJ /\M WAFfl
`Witnessed a. Understood by me.
`Page 40 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 41 of 108


`Witnessed 8: Understood by me.
`To Page No. .
`Page 42 of 108


`Page 43 of 108


`Wimoued I Understood by me,
`Page 44 of 108


`/3- 9- 9O
`WMnessed 8. Understood by me,
`Page 45 of 108


`Date WM Dal
`‘ -
`R. mama;
`TD Pa 93 Nn___
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`9“bl/w" M
`Page 46 of 108


`Date mu/D“.
`/3'L’ 90
`Rdenied by
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Page 47 of 108


`D a: [ma/VCNM
`Dan M: by
`/ ”:- 3" 90
`Re'gdrded by
`Tn Pug. No.51 ' _.
`2 /§‘ /¢77
`Witnessed a Understood by me,
`.r'-J II
`n. l
`Page 48 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Page 49 of 108


`Récéuded by
`Date “Ham Da e
`:7 H95
`2/7 079
`To Page No.__
`Witnessed 8: Understood by me,
`Page 50 of 108


`Recorded by
`Date MW/'7 ‘l 90
`l ’
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`U may/$41M
`Page 51 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Invented by
`Tn Page Nu._.
`Page 52 of 108


`D WQ14 M /3 "/0
`Witnessed 8. Understood by me.
`Page 53 of 108


`Backup ed by
`Dale “WM“ D e
`Witnessed 8: llJnderstood by me.
`To Page ‘ o...—
`Page 54 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me‘
`,- I
`Page 55 of 108


`To Page ‘ 0....—
`Page 56 of 108


`5' corded by
`Date Md by
`Wimessed & Understood by me,
`M U, 9_
`"I (I.
`Page 57 of 108


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Invented by
`To Page No. _
`Page 58 of 108


`Page 59 of 108


`R -I:Irrded by
`WWW 332.90 EFflM—gW
`_ w
`Page 60 of 108


`(corded by
`Date M",
`* -
`N 2;»
`Witnessed 8: Understood by me,
`5 444M
`Page 61 of 108


`Rec-rded by
`ln-erstood by me,
`"Itnesse -'
`Page 62 of 108


`JIflJ}:¥1"1-"I1 (MAJJj
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 63 of 108


`Witnessed £1 Understood by me.
`Page 64 of 108


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`‘ “AM
`Witnesned a. Understood by me.
`D 1
`/J‘ 7'2)
`Page 65 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Page 66 of 108


`Witnessed & Understood by me‘
`Page 67 of 108


`Li;3/ 65 .»
`' M 1'} u?
`D ' "J; "g" -'m
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`R . .!.dby
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
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`Page 68 of 108


`Date IMO.//.
`ordod by
`Wnnessed a. Understood by me,
`0 WM WM
`Page 69 of 108


`Witnessed 8. Understood by me.
`Page 70 of 108


`tood b me.
`nness d &
`Un ers
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`R _ ”and by
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`J. 2'
`Page 71 of 108


`‘J :-
`' cordld--y
`Witnessod 8. Understood by me.
`l ’
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`Page 72 of 108


`From Fag: Nn._
`Project No.
`Book No.
`7447667‘ V6.«WE M
`5////9 [ho C(«CMaMSj‘6.'x
`wwmbzflum AMA”
`.0 Coot”
`,MS («.Jflw 1666«.3 Afifm-I 662ina) «,6-,9le w. «2:.
`(Am 6// [MACH] «,6 AfflIpJ/‘Of/tzfi‘mPWJI-fifiryéj'
`53d." «1.1
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`Page 73 of 108
`Page 73 of 108


`Project No
`Book No.
`From Page Nag
`/r/?0 -// A?“5: flash: LAW/y? ,4. 7/?” "fix/(Z,
`gird;faj+ iii; .
`712’: “/r WM. fl??? 2.:
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`Page 74 of 108
`Page 74 of 108


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`s) m Wad/f m"I‘ Lat/l. m
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`Witneused & Undevitnod by me,
`0‘0 M CV7“ édrffivrAt
`251-5- 470$

`2255/4 M'JZ+
`7 f/S/Zéz. , @997
`Page 75 of 108
`Page 75 of 108


`To Fug- Haw
`-. _:_::i;/5;q pngm .
`"T.11LM :__‘"§:::;+z;___
`Page 76 of 108
`Page 76 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`1’5 m‘?~,444;’ -4'
`44! get:
`{114.4 r
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`444* 251.4?»
`6"“- 455‘:
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`Page 77 of 108
`Page 77 of 108


`m P
`roject No.
` 66 Book No._____ TITLE%’/p% é WJ 91435 flfb‘ VfiLA) 31L
`From Page No.
`flux-.1 59m 74!?
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`farwf.( 47‘“?
`~ 44% 3635/
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`W "7‘90
`Page 78 of 108
`Page 78 of 108


`Project No
`“Hm Book No.
`gym” .7/ zm/
`“( LX/tmc/AM links ,4 C
`5.J‘_ SWCF 16:2 4
`.....A22 5 #
`Page 79 of 108
`Page 79 of 108


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`Project No.
`Book No._______
`Page 80 of 108
`ragga. 1':
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`Page 80 of 108


`WW... some.
`From Page No._
`Project No.
`sfz/ 5/75
`/) )fiX’Ty Alexi?
`4.77:6 7.1%..
`517;; <27
`Lag/:377 7/ 7pm.;
`fli" I'M-v.51
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`98 AL}CC >fi/o
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`Winn-ad I Understood by ma,
`M 5" ? Lb a mu in]
`Page 81 of 108
`Page 81 of 108


`Book No.
`A ”A b)
`To Page No.__._.-
`Page 82 of 108
`Page 82 of 108


`Project No.
`TITLE /43 (“16)
`Book No.
`From Page No._
`in“, ,4
`,6”) 7.) g/ flC;//.
`[an ”(Q-771x:
`35 0/1}; Vé(/2>#/¢/
`3/113 M (5) fly
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`7 > £134
`Page 83 of 108
`Page 83 of 108


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`«do: ,, xM
`Page 84 of 108
`Page 84 of 108


`Page 85 of 108
`Page 85 of 108


`“01““! fl/M/M ,-
`roject No.
`Book No.____..
`'W 45”“?
`- LAMA,
`I 4/4; c/m‘ My“
`S”J{§Iy{10/»€/Pma4rm 4/_
`mafia; Mi; (77/6) #44494 /3m
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`guy)”45$ /764~04m(bvowc[m/>Ouuiu/
`6)‘W 6744
`fax/CW pup/WU.
`(/5154! 2
`To Page No.
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Page 86 of 108
`Page 86 of 108


`Project No.
`“Tmfl Book No.
`1151'. Mama/M4111? W] ..
`.RI:£4f/51/L4u21 ALFRm
`90. 4/7/5sz w/fib/l/K
`W) 970,7 [Ag
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`740£4 02%. M 9.15-.
`1) 3/647 .,41«4./7=.J.«/cz
`z) 7/3” ‘v/flS/(W.
`Witneued & Understood by me,
`Page 87 of 108
`Page 87 of 108


`m P
`roject No.
`Book No.
`From Flu. Ho.___
`:01??? {466, gm, :flétj'f.xfi¢;
`.C-d-‘Y-‘l ALI! flmiwfi};
`few 9% my: :12) '
`)1 7&9 v.0 WJLOaW M
`/{. Mfflflmlfkr —-
`Page 88 of 108
`Page 88 of 108


`TITLE 06AM 0M ~
`ff/A (M544
`LI151“ 4/451; Jung}.(It-w!” "
`(14419.53 94:41.1“;2’4/Ic (”Jain-Mi
`jaw. 111,4; 1 ._
`9;) 57ka iii-1 fur-Lam.
`upercolled DNA Ladder
`— 16.21
`— 14.17
`— 12. M
`—— 8.07
`7 7.05
`‘ 6m
`— 5m
`— 3.99
`Page 89 of 108
`Page 89 of 108


`From Plan No,_,
`roject No.
`Book No.
`L}; wLEJf“55;: ,H a;
`Mf/EH'M" $5 (-
`Page 90 of 108
`Page 90 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`From Page No._
`K47” uwf MM .W 9:29: 4‘. 39.3-5
`EMA/V "a C55/
`/Z:\..¢ .
`witnessed & Underslood by me,
`dfdtef gnu-“~— (9011,? art-Fr GH££~¢>£1M‘
`w/Qc/ My! SM; M// m; H.
`Page 91 of 108
`Page 91 of 108


`Project No. .._.____
`Book No.___.___
`From Page No._.
`4D5 Chimera
`._p pA9
`4D5 light chain chimera
`differs from the original version (dh158) onlyin that the non-
`silent freebie mutations have been removed: V 104L: T 109A
`——> pA 10
`4DS heavy chain chimera
`differs from the original version (dh160) onlyIn that the non- .
`silent freebie mutation has been removed: QlE
`Hu4D5 Heavy Chain
`Expt #
`.1pppA1 3
`pA 14
`coming soon (hopefully)
`Page 92 of 108
`Page 92 of 108


`From Page No.—
`55 7 Nim-
`7/ / :M Mm m h,“
`14/“ 704/?
`H A-
`lenuud I. Una-armed by me,
`.mwM/A I Q.“
`”SM? i%~8_;éf a <__.
`.éflmm‘c ; 9244.; .=
`Eflp t
`. LAW? .
`x .2
`Page 93 of 108
`Page 93 of 108


`Project No.

`3C-’47) 1441—01»: {43% [/9034ng
`4 A£,5 t14% Inf 1% CH c/4/5¥/(CfiW-i/4%) C44)
`,M[kWMIC/f- 0,63 N M [cw/r Mac-A; Am! a;
`zéyéf o/m I
`1‘ #3
`719 m Z C/M avg
`.79/ K)
`‘6 ./;I/rgzwa/ ”my“NW 43/4 c/wn 39>
`Iwué. ,9,Ag.
`W44 SM/Cm As §—Cc//ug c/ag,
`)CMLWWI/I“ 044w. -Muff/8KVie!w: é/‘fiéqflA) it,#5 ‘6 flux/615.00.
`NWJ_ ij/ f/fS— avK.( flJr/S'IC (/
`3W“ ,pSV/LCAM Z(—7 TAflnJCLIyI/wav;14 {v/fl‘27 CM. /w M14-
`W/rmr :22 .g fife/[’45
`.,M/Jwr-w/ New /Ja1/§ M ..
`f5 Wycw é MJ/bbfifv‘l)
`Page 94 of 108
`To Page NO.
`Page 94 of 108


`P ' N.
`"2.11%qu 9.74% 4 ;&__ '31:; N:._.__
`From Page No...
`9/24”sz L,
`07-» [/Cc /}(c/é
`Witnewwby me,
`,oww ax
`ran/a £7
`[21w 68/407,.
`fl’-/./; VLC
`8/2} $9 Aaw‘w {22M (9 climax;
`ffl//Q fiflfimw J16 MC
`(< 5%)
`(fun (a [/GC.
`“W “ M". '
`Page 95 of 108
`To Page No.
`Page 95 of 108


`roject No.
`Book No.
`TITLE «5+ ..
`,w “SM _.
`. ”I
`From Page No.
`A/t‘ 92/3}.Ifii’r‘lh 5W2! "'4'-
`5w gymfwflfs
`W”/1C@fl~/4Ké“+—~—- -
`I? [9de
`Page 96 of 108
`To Pagt No.__—-
`Page 96 of 108


`TITLE_,W_V/Km 5 M} {’J‘” Mr 5 3&ka
`Project No.
`Book No.
`From Page Nu._
`7/3/6ng _ Gd {Sarim?) TWA o/w... ha-h¢%w.'; My--- .
`'4 UMP //aJ’
`MA JJHL(«M _M -
`(Laid ffklfiT‘S Mg _
`To Put Hu.___
`”Mac‘s/””45 (/*4-47Cfm/JAMS).'
`M_“QC/«i;fid ‘v/ 7:,
`(Arc/g far-Cf?/;‘fl.’4&_ _
`fid’fZH-EF"if 4.4M #1182“
`V05'? 5W P4>.*fN1MM {LAN} m4
`Imp! fin Sry ~/’ou_g (”2’ (5/4.?!) L/
`CV5“~)‘v1‘ 0f
`/7/L"I.P @M.{ ll)(llln:
`Vi? .CP1Ar’(T',/L[‘9 (AV'l-Jv
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`Page 97 of 108
`Page 97 of 108


`m P
`roject No.
`Book No._____ TITL
`W 01,5' X/M
`[m( 1 15207;: M”?
`S— SAM/5 7/?”
`f‘./ _
`Witnund I Understood by me,
`Page 98 of 108
`Page 98 of 108


`Project No.
`2:4; -
`IC/w NM“? (50 it If)
`15‘s) 6/ fi/Vwfiaf‘a/ 5a, (44—?) g 14:)
`Witnessod & Understood by me.
`To Pay No.
`Page 99 of 108
`Page 99 of 108


` 1
`Project No.
`Book No.
`From Page No._.
`//7//¢ 6/411 Q/W’SZ/wgm4 p/ Kf/V/ 64’-
`ilSJ'fJC/l/UC La/ I;
`- Wf) f,
`" CMK
`{3344-1 YTRSHMQ 14M
`Dun magi—DI
`" M
`. m
`Ila-co 3 -
`To Page No.__—
`Page 100 of 108
`Page 100 of 108


`3;” fliffir
`(1,1161% :41}
`{L é/mM @g‘f‘f nil/IL} %'$f4cg%—
`(1;, 7Ya/2/1 5*: 5/ 194mA
`#ng w/Awa/m
`Prefect No.
`v /
`' ézflSJA497M3m
`Qm/w #1 ,1th #1111911;
`,1fl/f 41/21/61. “ LEMM1L 423 4-1.1.
`1.1 59% (W. ,1” Min“
`1141—41414 WHneued I: Undoruood W mm
`Page 101 of 108
`Page 101 of 108


`TITLE Q14 fl A!“ 905 61,, 6
`N .
`”210:: N2.
`From Page No.,_
`fié/A/ ,MLJM‘
`lgflit ifqg/
`- de/fi‘ )0“ 5/ Fa;
`fizzm‘SWJ QH/flé/ZZ‘ ~ >050
`. .5/ 4:, m
`Page 102 of 108
`Page 102 of 108


`TITLE ._, dww
`From Page No._
`Project No.
`Book No.
`701‘ m;- 54% #s %ng:.{a.‘
`Fifi} (“M V 9‘02; V 04’;
`4%,“ m 4 1961/ of:
`.w $44.5.
`- ”m /
`4/ at
` Cswrng-lxwfzi #5633 /:}p.(f
`l I l r l I r l’
`Page 103 of 108
`To Page No.
`Page 103 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No.
`From Page No._
`. a ‘
`(Minx/w W?“ W *’
`v. xii/W” .3,
`55;.“ )P'H'E"
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`Page 104 of 108
`Page 104 of 108



`ff}: 5/5”};—
`From Pug: Ho.—
`0 h
`Page 105 of 108
`Page 105 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No._____
`Fr m Page‘ No._
`invented by
`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me.
`Page 106 of 108
`Page 106 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No._____
`Record-d by
`Wilnessed 8. Understood by me;
`To Page No.7;
`Page 107 of 108
`Page 107 of 108


`Project No.
`Book No._______
`Page 108 of 108
`Page 108 of 108

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