United States Patent
`Carter et al.
`US00582133 7 A
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Oct. 13, 1998
`lnventors: Paul J. Carter; Leonard G. Presta,
`both of San Francisco, Calif.
`[73] As.5ignee: Genentecb, Inc., South San Francisco,
`[21] Appl. No.: 934,373
`[22] Filed:
`Aug. 21, 1992
`Related U.S. Application Data
`continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 715,272, Jun. 14, 1991,
`(63] Continua tion-in-par t of PCT/US92/05126 Jun. 15, 1992
`lnt. Cl.6 ...••..••..•...•..................•...•..••..••...... C07K 16/00
`[52] U.S. Cl .................... 530/387.3; 530/350; 530/388.2;
`[58] Field of Search
`................................. 530/387.3, 350,
`530/388.2; 424/133.1
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`Assis/a!// Examiner-Minh-Tam Davis
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Wendy M.
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`4 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`FIG. 1A
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`5 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`FIG 18
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`6 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 13, 1998
`Sheet 3of 12
`Anneal huVL or huVH oligomers
`to pAKl template
`3·---A----A----A----A----A-� 5'
`_________ ....,. __________ ____ _
`1. Ligate
`2. Isolate assembled oligomers
`(Xhol-; Stu/+)
`3. Anneal to pAKl template
`4. Extend and ligate
`l. Transform E. coli
`2. Isolate
`phagemid pool
`3. Enrich for huVL and huVH(Xho I "t; Stu/-)
`4. Sequence verify
`FIG. 2
`7 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 13, 1998
`Sheet 4 of12
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`FIG. 3
`8 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 13, 1998
`Sheet 5of 12
`FIG 4
`9 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 13, 1998
`Sheet 6of 12
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`FIG. 5
`10 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`FIG. 6A-1
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`11 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`FIG 6A-2
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`12 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


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`13 of 76
`Celltrion, Inc. 1144
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 13, 1998
`Sheet 10 of 12
`FIG. 7A-1
`verN. hcfab!
`verP. hcfab 6
`verQ. hcfab 7
`vers. hcfab10
`verT .hcfab

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