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`A Biologist's Guide to
`and Techniques of
`Third Edition
`Edited by
`Keith Wilson and Kenneth H. Goulding
`Contemporary Biology
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`Celltrion, Inc., Exhibit 1090


`A series of student texts in
`Contemporary Biology
`General Editors:
`Professor Arthur J. Willis
`Professor Michael A. Sleigh
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`Celltrion, Inc., Exhibit 1090


`A Biologist's Guide to
`Principles and Techniques
`of Practical Biochemistry
`Third Edition
`Edited by
`Keith Wilson
`B.Sc., Ph.D.
`Head of Division of Biological and Environmental Sciences,
`The Hatfield Polytechnic
`Kenneth H. Goulding
`M.Sc., Ph.D.
`Head of School of Applied Biology,
`Lancashire Polytechnic
`Edward Arnold
`A division of Hodder & Stoughton
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`Celltrion, Inc., Exhibit 1090


`© 1986 Keith Wilson and Kenneth H. Goulding
`First published in Great Britain 1975
`Reprinted 1976, 1979
`Second edition 1981
`Reprinted with corrections 1983
`Reprinted 1984
`Third edition 1986
`Reprinted 1988
`Distributed in the USA by Routledge, Chapman and Hall, Inc.
`29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001
`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
`A Biologist's guide to principles and
`techniques of practical biochemistry.-
`3rd ed.-(Contemporary biology)
`I. Biological -chemistry-Technique
`I. Wilson, Keith, 1936-
`II. Goulding,
`III. Series
`Kenneth H.
`ISBN 0-7131-2942-5
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
`or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or
`mechanically, including photocopying, recording or any information
`storage or retrieval system, without either prior permission in
`writing from the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying.
`In the United Kingdom such licences are issued by the Copyright
`Licensing Agency: 33-34 Alfred Place, London WCIE 7DP.
`Typeset in JO/ I I pt Times Compugraphic by Colset Private Ltd,
`Singapore. Printed and bound in Great Britain for Edward Arnold,
`the educational, academic and medical publishing division of
`Hodder and Stoughton Limited, 41 Bedford Square, London WCIB
`3DQ by Richa·rd Clay Ltd., Bungay, Suffolk.
`4 of 8
`Celltrion, Inc., Exhibit 1090


`170 Molecular biology techniques
`5' - - - TACGCTCG - 32P 3'
`Single-stranded DNA.
`labelled only at its 3' end
`Modif ication of 'C' using hydrazine;
`r this removes base, leaving ribosyl urea
`t c1 .. vag• "modifi•d b'"'· "''"' plpocldloo
`''"' ,,,.,.,,,r·· '"'"''""
`Separate on sequencing gel alongside products of other
`modification I cleavage reactions (as in Fig. 5.13)
`Fig. 5.14 Maxam and Gilbert sequencing of DNA. Only modification and cleavage of
`deoxycytidine is shown, but three more aliquots of the end-labelled DNA would be modified and
`cleaved at G, G + A, and T + C, and the products would be separated on the sequencing gel
`alongside those from the 'C' reactions.
`to that produced by the Sanger method, since each sample now contains
`radioactive molecules of various lengths, all with one end in common (the
`labelled end), and with the other end cut at the same type of base. Analysis of
`the reaction products by electrophoresis is as described for the Sanger
`Because the Sanger method produces oligonucleotides which are radio(cid:173)
`actively labelled throughout their lengths, rather than only at one end, the
`molecules can be made a lot more radioactive, and therefore easier to detect;
`so less DNA is needed for sequencing. Once Ml3 cloning has been set up in a
`laboratory, it provides a very convenient and rapid way to obtain single(cid:173)
`stranded DNA. For these reasons, dideoxy sequencing of MB-cloned DNA
`is probably the most commonly used sequencing method, though the
`chemical procedwre is still used by many laboratories.
`5.5.3 Protein sequencing
`Although protein sequencing may seem out of place in a section dealing with
`the analysis of DNA, the molecular biologist can often make use of a
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`Celltrion, Inc., Exhibit 1090


`Analysis of DNA 171
`knowledge of protein sequences when manipulating DNA. If the sequence of
`a protein is known, a gene coding for it can be synthesised chemically (t hough
`this is usually only worth doing for small polypeptides), or an oligonucleotide
`probe can be synthesised for use in recovering the gene for that protein from a
`gene library (Section 5.9.5).
`Since it is currently impossible to sequence a polypeptide longer than about
`100 amino acids, pure proteins must be fragmented to give polypeptides of a
`length which can be sequenced, and these polypeptides must be separated
`from each other prior to sequencing. Fairly specific and limited cleavage can
`be obtained by chemical means. For example, cyanogen bromide cleaves only
`at (rare) methionine residues, BNPS-skatole cleaves at tryptophan, and
`hydroxylamine breaks the linkage between asparagine and glycine. Similarly,
`several proteolytic enzymes, such as trypsin and VS-Protease, have a fairly
`specific site of action, and will therefore generate relatively few cleavage
`The polypeptides so produced are separated from each other prior to
`sequencing, using such techniques as exclusion chromatography (Section 6.6)
`or HPLC (Section 6.8). Relative positions of the polypeptides within a
`protein can be found by looking for overlaps in the sequences of polypeptides
`generated by different means, and in this way th"e entire protein sequence may
`be deduced.
`All protein sequencing methods are based on the Edman degradation of
`polypeptides, in which the N-terminal amino acid is specifically removed,
`leaving a polypeptide one amino acid residue shorter. Variations arise in
`the method of identifying the removed amino acid or the newly exposed
`N-terminal amin~ acid. By repeated cycles of Edman degradation and iden(cid:173)
`tification of product, the polypeptide can be sequenced.
`In the Edman reaction (Fig. 5.15) the polypeptide is treated with phenyl(cid:173)
`isothiocyanate (PITC), which reacts with the N-terminal amino acid to form
`a phenylthiocarbamyl (PTC) derivative of the polypeptide. Anhydrous
`then used to cleave the molecule, giving the
`trifluoroacetic acid is
`2-anilino-5-thiazolinone derivative of the N-terminal amino acid and also
`the polypeptide shortened by one residue. The thiazolinone derivative is
`separated from the polypeptide and converted into the more stable
`3-phenyl-2-thiohydantoin (PTH) derivative, which is then identi fied by
`HPLC or T LC. By repeating this cycle the polypeptide can be sequenced
`from its N-terminal end. The process has been automated, either by
`immobilising the protein on an inert, (solid-phase sequencers),
`or by keeping the protein spread out in a thin film for maximum exposure to
`reagents (spinning cup sequencers). Such instruments can, under ideal
`conditions, sequence up to 100 residues of a protein.
`The alternative Dansyl-Edman procedure (Fig. 5.16) is highly sensitive,
`allowing as little as I nmole of polypeptide to be sequenced, and it is therefore
`well suited to manual determination of sequences. It uses cycles of the Edman
`reaction to remove N-terminal amino acids sequentially, but, instead of
`identifying the released PTH derivatives, it identifies the newly exposed
`N-terminal amino adds. This is achieved by adding a dansyl group to the
`N-terminal of a very small sample of the polypeptide after each cycle of the
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`Celltrion, Inc., Exhibit 1090


`172 Molecular biology techniques
`H2N-a1-a2-a3· ··an- COOH
`¥ Coupling reaction
`OHN - a, - B2 - a3 • ··an - COOH
`PTC peptide )\""'' '"'"•"
`tCo""'"'o" """•"
`Repeat for identification
`of next amino acid
`PTH amino acid - - - - - - Identify by HPLC or TLC
`Fig. 5.15 Edman reactions. PITC phenylisothiocyanate; PTC, phenylthiocarbamyl; PTH
`3·phenyl·2·thiohydantoin. Note that each cycle of reactions removes one amino acid from the
`N-terminus of the polypeptide.
`Edman reaction, followed by cleavage with hydrochloric acid to release a
`dansyl amino acid plus free amino acids. The dansyl derivative can be
`identified by two-dimensional TLC on polyamide plates (Section 6.1.3). Up
`to about 15 amino acids can be sequenced before the cumulative effects of
`incomplete reactions and side reactions make impossible the unambiguous
`identification of the dansyl amino acid .
`Given the nucleotide sequence of a gene, and our knowledge of the genetic
`code, it is easy to read off the amino acid sequence for which the gene codes,
`provided the correct reading frame is used, and the sequence is not inter(cid:173)
`rupted by introns. Ironically, DNA sequencing, rather than protein sequenc(cid:173)
`ing, has sometimes been us~d to obtain amino acid sequences of proteins,
`especially when the pure protein has not been obtainable in sufficient
`quantities for direct sequencing. However, it should be remembered that a lot
`of effort is involved in the isolation of a specific gene, and this may more than
`offset the rapidity of DNA sequencing. The pace of sequencing is such that
`computers are now used by some laboratories for the analysis of sequencing
`gels, and sequence data banks have been set up to cope with the massive flow
`of information. In spite of this, it will be some time before the human genome
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`Analysis of DNA 173
`Rep eat to identify next amino acid
`Edman reactions _)
`(removes N-terminal amino acid)
`React w ith dansyl chloride
`Dansyl - a, - a i - a3 ···an - COOH
`t acid hydrolysis
`Dansyl-a1 plus free amino acids
`Analyse by TLC to identify dansyl amino acid (fluorescent in uv light)
`Fig. 5. 16 Dansyl-Edman procedure. Only the N-terminal amino acid becomes dansylated,
`and can therefore be identified by TLC. The Edman degradation is used to remove N-terminal
`amino acids one-by-one from the polypeptide, and dansylation allows the identification of each
`newly exposed N-terminal residue.
`is completely sequenced. Even at a rate of one base per second, the 3 x 106 kb
`of the haploid genome would take more than 100 years to be sequenced.
`5.5.4 Renaturation kinetics
`When preparations of double-stranded DNA are denatured by heat or alkali,
`and then allowed to renature, measurement of the rate of renaturation can
`give valuable information about the complexity of the DNA, i.e. how much
`information it contains (measured in base-pairs). The complexity of a mole(cid:173)
`cule may be much less than its total length if some sequences are repetitive,
`but complexity will equal total length if all sequences are unique, appearing
`only once in the genome. In practice, the DNA is first cut randomly into
`fragments about I kb in length (Section 5.9.2), and is then completely
`denatured by heating above its Tm. Renaturation at a temperature about
`10°C below the T,,, is monitored either by decrease in absorbance at 260 nm
`(the hypochromic effect), or by passing samples at intervals through a
`column of hydroxyapatite, which will adsorb only double-stranded DNA,
`and measuring how much of the sample is bound. The degree of renaturation
`after a given time will depend on C0 , the concentration (in nucleotides per
`unit volume) of double-stranded DNA prior to denaturation, and I, the
`duration of the renaturation.
`For a given C0, it should be evident that a preparation of>-. DNA (genome
`size 49 kb) will contain many more copies of the same sequence per unit
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`Celltrion, Inc., Exhibit 1090

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