`November 2016
`Lead Cancer Clinican, Imperial College NHS Trust
`25 years in senior NHS administrative roles in Edinburgh Swansea and Imperial College NHS
`Trust London (2006-11)
`Founder and ex-Director SW Wales Cancer Institute 2001-6
`Ex-Clinical Director, Cancer Services, Swansea NHS Trust 2001-6
`Created posts for Chair of Clinical Oncology; Senior Lecturer Medical Oncology and NHS
`Medical Oncology plus 2 new NHS Clinical Oncology posts
`Set up and program director of first medical oncology training scheme for SpRs in Wales.
`Co-founder and Medical Director of Maggies’ Centres UK (1995-present)
`Set up and Chair International Anglo Celtic Collaborative Oncology Group (1994-present)
`Author/co-author of more than 300 peer reviewed original papers and reviews
`Member of International Research Collaboratives-EORTC,BIG etc
`Previously holder/co-holder of science research grants –>£2M
`Assessor on Cancer Research UK site visits
`Royal College Physicians assessor for SpR training, SAC member
`Set up and ran Association of Cancer Physicians Summer Schools over 10 years
`Invited speaker international cancer meetings
`Lead investigator several previous and current UK NCRI clinical Trials
`UK NCRI Breast Cancer Sub-committee member -BCSG
`Chair Translational subgroup for BCSG 2004-7
`Wales Cancer Trials Network Executive member 2001-6
`Wales Breast Cancer Committee member 2001-6
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`Current activity
`Physician in private practice- main interest : breast cancer oncology care at BUPA Cromwell
`Hospital, Imperial College Hospitals, London Clinic and LOC Centre,
`Medical Director of Maggies’ Centres UK ; Chair of Professional Advisory board
`Chairman Breast Cancer MDT Meetings at BUPA Cromwell Hospital
`Chairman External Review Breast Cancer MDT for Heart of England (Birmingham) NHS
`Trust concerning ongoing management a large cohort of of surgically mis-managed patients
`Medico-Legal Work
`20 years experience as expert witness in medicolegal cases of malpractice
`Expert witness on Trastuzumab in clinical practice for Hospira in 2 court cases vs
`Roche 2013-2014
`Similar role – no court appearance requested - Advisory role in S Africa Court of
`Patents Application for Revocation for Celltrion vs Genentech 2014
`Address :
`Date of Birth :
`Place of Birth :
`Marital Status :
`GMC Reg No :
`MDU No :
`Current Post :
`Qualifications :
`Medical School :
`Undergraduate :
`Robin Hill Lincoln Road Chalfont St Peter Bucks SL9 9TQ
`Tel 01753880750
`E mail
`11th May 1947
`Merthyr Tydfil, Wales
`Married with three daughters
`1488155 (3rd November 1972)
`Lead Cancer Clinician, Imperial College Hospitals NHS Trust
`BSc London
`MB BS (and Conjoint) London
`MD London :
`"Classification Studies in B-Lymphocyte Neoplasia”
`FRCP Edinburgh
`FRCP London
`Charing Cross Hospital
`Final Year Prizes :-
`Orthopaedic Surgery Prize
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`Clinical Gold Medal (Prox. Acc)
`Llewellyn Scholar
` “
`Medicine Prize “
`Surgery Prize “
`Pathology Prize “
`Postgraduate :
`The Oxford Area Health Authority Prize : The Frewin 1978 Research Prize:
` “The Gut Mucosa & B-cell Neoplasia”
`Cancer Research Campaign
`Fellowship 1981-1982 :
`12 month Travelling Fellowship to the Dana Farber Cancer
`Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass., USA
`House Surgeon
`Charing Cross Hospital, London
`Mr A R Makey, Mr J Pendower
`House Physician
`Charing Cross Hospital, London
`Dr J T Scott, Professor R N Maini
`Senior House Officer
`Charing Cross Hospital, London
`Professor K D Bagshawe
`Senior House Officer
`Hammersmith Hospital, London
`Professor Russell Fraser
`Registrar in Medicine (Rotation)
`Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford
`Professor P Sleight, Dr J M Holt and Dr D J Lane
`(Oncology, Cardiology & Chest Medicine as interests on firms)
` Leukaemia Research Fund Fellowship
`Nuffield Department of Medicine, Oxford
`Clinical Research Fellow & Honorary Senior Registrar
`Professor I C M MacLennan, Professor D J Weatherall
`Senior Registrar in Medicine, Oncology
`Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne
`Dr R B Thompson, Dr A R Horler,
`Professor M Shaw
`July 1971 - Dec 1971
`Jan 1971 - July 1972
`July 1972 - July 1973
`Aug 1973 - Jan 1974
`Feb 1974 - Dec 1976
`1976 - 1979
`Aug 1979 - Oct 1982
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` Clinical and Research Fellow
`Harvard Medical School and Dana Farber Cancer Institute,
`Boston, Massachusetts, USA
`Clinical Lecturer in Oncology
`University of Newcastle upon Tyne
`Senior Lecturer (Honorary Conssultant Physician)
`University of Edinburgh,
`Department of Clinical Oncology
`Part-Time Senior Lecturer
`University of Edinburgh
`Department of Clinical Oncology
` Professor of Cancer Studies, University of Wales,
`Swansea , Hon Consultant Medical Oncologist and Director
`SW Wales Cancer Institute, Clinical Director, Cancer
`Services, Swansea NHS Trust
`Director Cancer services, Chief of Service Medical Oncology
`Imperial College NHS Trust, Hon Professor Cancer Sudies
`Imperial College
`Professor of Cancer Studies, Imperial college, Hon.
`Consultant Medical Oncologist, Imperial College NHS Trust
`1981 - 1982
`1982 - 1983
`1983 - 1993 -
`1994 – 2001 -
`Head Professorial Unit of Cancer Studies, Swansea University
`Director South West Wales Cancer Institute
`Clinical Director Cancer Services Division - Clinical Oncology, Haematology,
` Cancer Genetics and Palliative Care Swansea NHS Trust
`Breast International Group
`British Breast Group
`NCRI Breast Cancer Subcommittee
`NTRAC Executive
`EORTC Breast group
`Executive Board Wales Cancer Trials Network
`Nottingham Breast Cancer Symposium Scientific Committe
`RCP Assessor
`SpR training
`RCP SAC Medical Oncology
`Medical Advisor
`Health care at Home plc
`Programme Director Wales SpR training scheme for Medical Oncology
`CRUK site visitor
`Laboratory and clinical programme, Dundee 2004
`NICE Steering Group Sarcoma management
`NTRAC Advisor
`NCRI Breast Committee
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`NCI Canada
`External Review of NCI Programme, Kingston, Ontario
`External Reviewer Gene Therapy Advisory Committee 1998-
`Executive Board
`Wales Cancer Bank 2002-
`Steering Committee All-Wales Breast Group
`Editorial Boards
`Editorial Board “The Breast” 1990-
`Editorial Board “British Journal of Cancer” 1987-
`Editorial Board “Oncology Times” 2003-
`Editorial Board Acta Medica Nagasakienska 2004-
`Editorial Board Cancer Topics 1993-2006
`Editorial Board Clinical Oncology 2003-
`Scotland and Newcastle Lymphoma Group (1990-1992)
`Association of Cancer Physicians (ACP) National Education Committee
`(1985- )
`Lothian Health Board Ethical Subcommitee,
`Medicine/Clinical Oncology (1985-91)
`Subcommittee to assess Tumour Markers in Breast Cancer (SCTO) (1990 - )
`Investigative Procedures Working Party,
`East of Scotland & Newcastle Lymphoma Group (1984-91)
`Division of Clinical Oncology (1992- )
`Anglo-Celtic Co-operative Oncology Group (1994 - )
`Area Medical Committee (Lothian Health Board) (1993-96
`MRC Gynaecological Working Party (1989 -)
`MRC Sarcoma Therapy Working Party (1995-)
`UKCCCR Breast Advisory Committee (1995-)
`New York Academy of Science (1992 -)
`Executive Committee British Association for Cancer Research (1984- 1987)
`Scottish Breast Cancer Trials Committee (1985-)
`Therapy Working Party,
`East of Scotland & Newcastle Lymphoma Group (1983-)
`Executive Committee of the Association of Cancer Physicians (1987-)
`Hon. Sec.
`Faculty of Medicine, University of Edinburgh (1986-87)
`Lothian Health Board Guidelines Committee (1996 - )
`Fife Board Breast Cancer Advisory Cancer Group (1996 - )
`Specialist Subcommittee of Area Medical Committee (1996 - )
`Scottish National Cancer Registry (1995-)
`South East Scotland Cancer Advisory Committee (1995-)
`MK Jencks Cancer Caring Centre Trust Board (1996-)
`Professional Advisory Board Maggies Centre (1996-)
`SE Scotland Breast Cancer Advisory Cancer Group (1996 - )
`Member/Co-Author DHS COG for Purchasing Guidelines Breast Cancer (publ. DHS 1996)
`Expert Witness
`RCGP Committee for the Implementation of Calman Guidelines 1998
`ACP Executive Committee 1989-
`see below
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`Others :
`Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (1987-)
`University of Edinburgh, Final MB BS Examinations
`Grand Rounds, Western General Hospital (1985- 92)
`Postgraduate Seminars - Department of Clinical Oncology (1984-91)
`BACR Workshop (Glasgow) “Problems in Drug Resistance” (1985)
`1st UK Workshop on Antiemetics for Chemotherapy, Edinburgh (1988)
`1st ACP Symposium for junior training in Clinical Pharmacology,
`Oxford, (1991)
`1st ACP Symposium for junior training in Molecular Biology,
`Glasgow (1990)
`Summer Schools in Clinical Oncology for the ACP
`BACR Workshop - Tumour Markers in Breast & Ovarian Cancer,
`Oxford (1991)
`UK National Meetings on Lymphoma, Edinburgh, (1984 & 1987)
`Honorary Secretary & Vice Chairman
`Division of Clinical Oncology
`Department of Clinical Oncology
`Western General Hopsital
`(1990 - 92)
`Consultant with Administrative Responsibility
`Medical Oncology Unit
`Department of Clinical Oncology
`Western General Hopsital
`(1990- 2001)
`SpR Training Glasgow 1989; Leeds 1994 Nottingham 1995 Leeds 2000
`Newcastle 2003 and 2004; Leeds 2005
`CRC Site Visit
`West Midlands Clinical Trials Unit
`CRC Site Visit
` “ “ “ “ “ 1998
`CRC Site Visit
`CRC Communication/Psychosocial Research Unit 1996
`CRC Site Visit
`Statistics and Epidemiology Unit, Inst. Cancer Res.Lon 1999
`CRUK site visit
`Psycho-oncology research unit, St Thomas’ HMS 2003
`CRUK site visit
`Laboratory and clinical programme, Dundee 2004
`External Reviewer CRC Trials Unit University Coll Hosp.Lon. 1998
`CRUK Site Visit
`Sussex Univ. Communication/Psychosocial Research Unit 1996/2001/2006
`CRUK site visit
`Psycho-oncology research unit, St Thomas’ HMS 2009
`External Reviewer Gene Therapy Advisory Committee 1998
`Editorial Boards
`Editorial Board “The Breast” (1990-)
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`RCP Assessor
`Deputy Head
`Department Clinical Oncology
`Western General Hopsital
`(1990 - 92)
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`Editorial Board “British Journal of Cancer” (1987-)
`Editorial Board “Oncology Times” (2003-)
`Editorial Board “Clinical Oncology”(2003-)
`Editorial Board “Cancer Topics”(1995-)
`Book Editor
` Key Advances in breast Cancer 2005
` Media and Industry
`Hospital Doctor of the Year
`FINALIST 1993 :
`Communication Teams In Oncology
`FINALIST 1994 :
`2005 Special Commendation Hospital Doctor of the Year-Oncology Team
`Mediscript Weekends in Oncology
`Advisory Board Member :
`Taxotere Development - Rhône-Poulenc Rorer plc
`Advisory Board Chairman :
`Epirubicin Pharmacia
`Advisory Board Member :
`Aromatase Inhibitor Development - Ciba-Geigy
`Advisory Board Member :
`Fluconazole - Pfizer
`Advisory Board Member :
`Antibody Therapy in Lymphoma - Roche
`Advisory Board Member :
`Chairman :
`Erythropoietin in Cancer - Janssen-Cilag
`Breast Cancer Trials with Sandostatin - Sandoz
`Advisory Board Member :
`Janssen Cilag International Advisory Board
`Advisory Board Chairman :
`Advisory Board Member :
`Roche Antibody Trials
`Advisory Board Member :
`Zeneca UK
`Advisory Board Member :
`Roche UK
`Management Experience
`See Summary
`Department of Clinical Oncology, Haematology, Palliative Medicine and Cancer Genetics
`21 consultants; 14 SpRs and 8 Trust Doctors/Staff Grades
`Director, South West Wales Cancer Institute 2001-2006
`Lead Clinician, Medical Oncology Unit Western General Hospital Edinburgh 1991-2001
`Deputy Clinical Director Clinical Oncology Dept 1998-2001
`Chair Division of Oncology 1988-1991 advisory structure
`Hon Sec Lothian Health Board Area Medical Committee 1987-91
`Chair Lothian Health Board Medicine/Oncology Ethics Committee 1984-92
`Expert Witness
`Working in Wales and in Scotland, I have provided expert witness evidence for more than 20 years.
`Much of my work has involved cases of breast cancer –see also Summary
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`Current Research
`Molecular markers in breast cancer
`Working with Caris Bioscience (Phoenix)
`Clinical and translational
`Trials of chemotherapy supportive care in young women (prevent menopause in ER negative disease-
`OPTION trial);
`assess value of secondary prophylaxis in adjuvant therapy (SPROG)
` assess role of chemotherapy in the over-70’s (ACTION)
`Bath; North Middlesex H; Leicester;Wolverhampton; Cheltenham; Galway;Southampton;Plymouth;
`ESMO symposiua Sept 2012-2014; ASCO 2012; St Gallen 2013; Madrid 2016
`National Society Meetings Moscow 2014;Almaty Kazakhstan 2015; Bucharest 2015; Vienna 2015;
`Warsaw 2015; Sarajevo 2015; Genoa 2015; Madrid 2016; (Istanbul 2016)
`Johannesburg – South African Oncology Society Modern Management of Breast Cancer
`Leicester University Oncology course-
`High dose Chemotherapy
`Management of breast cancer in older women Nottingham ( January )
`Maggies Cancer Caring Centres Open meeting (April)
`Athens Hellenic Oncology Society Breast meeting (June)
`Nottingham Breast Meeting (September)
`Potential for treating liver metastases
`with infused radiolabelled spheres
`Recent advances in the treatment
`of early breast cancer
`Management of cancer in the elderly
`Anthracyclines for breast cancer
`Molecular medicine and cancer
`Review of San Antonio meeting
`Limitations of molecular profiling
`Anthracyclines and breast cancer
`Liposomal doxorubicin
`European Congress, Barcelona
`Cancer Agenda 2007
`London Oncology Meeting
`Debate at ESMO Lugano
`Sirtex International symposium , Rome
`Lecture series in Dailan, Shanghai and Beijing
`RCP Edinburgh
`Hellenic Medical Oncology Soc
`Polish Oncological Soc
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`Adjuvant aromatase inhibitors
`Trilostane- dual pathway inhibitor
`Trilostane –review of phase 2 trials
`UK Teenage Cancer Trust Meeting, RCP London
`Teenagers and cancer care delivery
` C.O.E.Radiation Biology Workshop, Nagasaki
`Breast Cancer In Europe
`New Consultants Group, Meriden
`Managing a Consultant Career
`Practical Management of Metastatic breast ca Lilly Symposium, London
`Chair and Speaker
`ASCO Breast Cancer Education Symposium ,
`Adjuvant Trials of endocrine therapy
`New Orleans
`AZ UK Breast Symposium Gleneagles Hotel, Scotland
`Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy
`Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy ASCO review
`S Wales SpR training day, Cardiff
`Bone Disease in breast cancer
`Romania Cancer Society, Constantse
`Bone health in breast cancer
`Roche symposium, Jersey
`Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Trials 2004
`Pfizer UK Breast symposium, Oxford
`Management of advanced breast cancer
`Scottish Breast Cancer Symposium, Perth
`HER2 positive breast cancer, management
`E Midlands Cancer Group, Notts
`Management of her2-negative metastatic bc
`Belgian Cancer Soc.,Inst Gustave Roussy, Brussels
`Critique of IES Exemestane trial
`UK NCRI Meeting, London
`Breast Cancer Scientific Symposium, Edinburgh
`Chair, Organiser, Anglo Celtic Group
`Trials in the elderly
`New Developments In Breast Cancer
`Ovarian Protection trial
`BRAVE trial
`Eurpoean studies in neutropenia
`UK Breast Cancer Symposium
`Neutropenia audit in the UK
`Oral Chemotherapy for breast cancer
`Cancer Care in the elderly
`Chair Key Advances in Breast Cancer
`NCRN 6th National Meeting
`Trilostane for breast cancer
`Management of chemotherapy neutropenia
`Liposomal anthracyclines
`Neutropenia management
`New Developments in Breast cancer Care
`Elderly breast cancer
`Trials in breast cancer
`HER2 and endocrine therapy
`Elderly breast cancer
`Adjuvant chemotherapy review
`Oral chemotherapy for breast cancer
`Current clinical research in breast cancer
`Elderly patients with breast cancer
`Evolution of treatment of breast cancer
`Taxoids in the treatment of breast cancer
`Adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
`South Humberside Breast Group
`NCRI National Meeting RCP Nov 2001
`Wilfred Card Lecture Edinburgh
`AdvancedMedicine Course RCP 3/2001
`Royal College of Surgeons Advanced
`teaching course
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` St Andrews Symposium
`S Wales Symposium
`Bioenvision symposium
`NCRN Breast trials Group
`RCP Education Symposium, Edinburgh
`TANGO trialists meeting London
`Investigators meeting, Nice
`Swiss/Austrian/German Annual Oncology Symposium
`Practical Management of metastatic breast cancer
`Roche Cambridge symposium
`Roche South American Breast Symp., Dominican Rep.
`BOA nad BASO meeting, Cambridge
`ACP symposium RCP London
`Overview of Trials In Elderly Breast Cancer
`Nottingham Int Breast Meeting
`ECCO, Copenhagen
`UK/Ireland breast cancer symposium, Dublin
`Italian Medical Oncology Society, Rome
`Chinese Society of clinical Oncology, Beijing
`NCRN National Breast Meeting, London
`UK National trials meeting, Birmingham
`Roche International symposium Dublin
`UK NCRN Annual symposium London
`Breakthrough Breast Cancer National Meeting
`Cambridge Oncology Society
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`Herceptin symposium London 9/2000
`Controversies in Breast Cancer
`London 6/2000
`RCP Edinburgh 9/2000
`Amsterdam 1/2000
`Neutropenia workshop
`Trastuzumab in clinical practice
`High Dose Chemotherapy
`Management of Advanced Breast Cancer
`Herceptin Symposium Netherlands Cancer Institute
`Adjuvant chemotherapy and its management
`Cork,Ireland 1/2000
`Neutropenia in adjuvant chemotherapy and its management
`Neutropenia in adjuvant chemotherapy and its management
`New agents for advanced breast cancer
`Primary Medical Management of Large tumours of breast
`Cutaneous metastases from breast cancer
`High Dose Chemotherapy for Node Positive Breast Cancer
`Oral fluoropyrimidines for breast cancer
`NorthWest Region Breast Group
`Nottingham 2nd International
`Breast Cancer Mtg
`Nottingham 2nd International
`Breast Cancer Mtg
`All Wales Cancer Group
`Phillipines Oncology Society
`Leicester Breast Cancer Group
`Argentinian Breast Cancer
`Society Punta Del Este
`Anthracyclines and High Dose Chemotherapy for High Risk Breast Cancer 7th Japanese Breast Cancer
` Symposium Nagoya
`Chemotherapy for breast cancer in the elderly
`RCP London June 1999
`New Developments in chemotherapy for breast cancer
`Alkylating Therapy with Treosulfanfor breast cancer
`New Developments in chemotherapy for breast cancer
`Breast cancer-The Case for Chemotherapy
`New Developments in adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
`Intensive chemotherapy for breast cancer
`Hormonal therapy for breast cancer
`High dose chemotherapy for breast cancer
`Primary medical therapy for breast cancer
`High dose chemotherapy for breast cancer
`High dose chemotherapy for breast cancer
`Hormonal therapy for breast cancer
`High dose chemotherapy for breast cancer
` RCP London June 1998
`German CancerSociety Meeting
`1st European Congress on
`Breast Cancer, Florence
`Debate-Nottingham Breast
`Cancer Meeting
`Advances in breast Cancer,
`RCP Edinburgh
`6th European Bone Marrow
`Transplantation Meeting ,Aix-
`les Bains
`Irish Cancer Nursing Soc.
`Cancer Chemoprevention
`Meeting, Bruges
`Northwest cancer group
`Merseyside oncology
`Belfast Medical Society
`South American Breast Cancer
`Congress, Venezuela
`Mastology congress of South
`America, Sao Paulo
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`Docetaxel -long term survival analysis of open access programme
`Update on Medical Therapy for Breast Cancer
`South American Cancer Society,
`The advancement of high dose chemotherapy and intensification schedules
` ESMO symposium
`High Dose Chemotherapy:Australian Oncology Association Meeting Noosa Australia
`Hormonal Therapy of Breast Cancer:
`UK National Nursing Congress,
`European School of Oncology,
`UKCCCR National
`Brit Soc Haematol.
`AGM Birmingham
`2nd Edinburgh Royal College of
`Nottingham Breast Meeting
`European School Task Force
`European School Med Onc
`Royal Society of Medicine
`Breast Cancer Meeting
`Timely Dose Intensification for Breast Cancer:
`New Developments in Hormonal Treatment of Breast Cancer :
`High Dose Chemotherapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer :
`Dose -Intensive Chemotherapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer :
`Symposium Stem Cell Therapy
`Multiple High Dose Chemotherapy for Solid Cancers-
`The current place of high dose chemotherapy in breast cancer
`High Dose Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
`The Place of Chemotherapy in the Management of Breast Cancer-
`Intensive Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
` “Serum Tumour Markers “ May 1993
`Perth Royal Infirmary Scotland
`Edinburgh Royal College of
`Surgeons Symposium
`Royal College of Surgeons
`“High Dose Chemotherapy and Transplant in Patients with Breast Cancer” Study Day St John’s
` Hospital Howden
`“Primary Chemotherapy of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer”.
` “Adjuvant Systemi Therapy in Breast Conservation” May 1993
` “Meet The Expert” Issues in Breast Cancer Chemotherapy.
`Seminar - “Molecular Genetics of Ovarian Cancer”
` “Prognostication in Low Grade Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma”.
` “Molecular Genetics of Ovarian Cancer”
`Medical Oncology Group of
`Australasia ,Canberra,
`Medical Oncology Group of
`Australasia ,Canberra,
`Prince of Wales Oncology
`Department, Sydney
`Visiting Professor, University
`Visiting Professor, Duke
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`“Dose Intensive Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer”.
` “Place of Chemotherapy in Gastrointestinal Cancer”.
`Visiting Professor, Duke
`Moynihan Chirurgical Society
`British Organisation of Data
`Fourth Simpson Symposium.
`Hormomes, Cancer and The
`Reproductive System
`Symposium of Preventive
`Medicine, Perth.
` “Do Clinical Trials Influence Practice?”
`Managers -
` “Studies on Phenotypic Variation of Small Cell Lung Cancer Micrometastases”. 3rd International
`Symposium on Lung
`Cancer, Lon Gdansk
`"Designing Chemotherapy".
`"Management of Advanced Breast Cancer".
`"Immunological Markers and Bone Marrow Disease in Small Cell Lung Cancer". Second UKCCCR
`Lung Cancer
`Prognosis in High and Intermediate grade non-Hodgkins Lymphoma". Dana Farber Cancer Institute,
`Boston M.A.
`"Cellular and Genetic Markers of Common Ovarian Cancer".
`Seminar Duke University
`Cancer Centre .
`"Chromosome 17 Deletions in Breast Cancer A Lead for Other Cancers?"
`Dana Farber Breast
`Cancer Group.
`"The Immunology of Small Cell Lung Cancer and Implications for Treatment
` Polish Pneumological
`Society, Gdansk.
` EORTC Lung Cancer
` Polish Pneumological Society,
`"Intensive Therapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer".
`"Current Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer".
`TRICC study of tissue from ACTION trial (TRansACTION)
`Wales Cancer Bank/NTRAC Wales
`Welsh Assembly Government
`£459,000 annually
`held jointly with Professors Mason, Maughan, Sampson, Wynford-Thomas (all UWCM),
`Stuart (UWB) and Dr Thomas (USwan)
`Current Grants
`Oct 2007-
`April 2003 –
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`February 2004-Jan 2009
`November 2003- Oct 2007
`March 2004 – Feb 2010
`Translating molecular knowledge into early breast cancer management:
`building on the BIG (Breast International Group) network for improved
`treatment tailoring - TRANS-BIG
`EC Network of Excellence
`Total value: €6M
`Imperial College (contractor) £192,661
`Wales Cancer Trials Network
`held jointly with Professors T Maughan, M Mason (UWCM) and N Stuart (UWB) and
`Dr Thomas (USwan)
`Ovarian protection in hormone receptor negative pre-menopausal breast cancer patients
`receiving adjuvant or neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. (OPTION)
`£350,000 for investigator initiated trial in metastatic breast cancer
`March 2009
`Industry combined
`Original Papers/Letters
`Wilson C Gossiel F Leonatrd R et al Goserelin, as an ovarian protector during (neo)adjuvant breast cancer
`chemotherapy, prevents long term altered bone turnover J Bone Oncol 2016 43-49
` R
` Leonard1, D Adamson2, A Yellowlees3, J Dunlop4, G Thomas1, and RA Anderson5, for the Anglo Celtic
`Collaborative Oncology Group and NCRI trialists
`GnRH agonist for protection against ovarian toxicity during chemotherapy for early breast cancer: the OPTION
`trial. Submitted Lancer OncologyAugust 2016
`RCF Leonard, DJA Adamson, A Yellowlees GnRH agonist for protection against ovarian toxicity during
`chemotherapy for early breast cancer: the OPTION trial. Submitted J Clin Oncol
`Giovanni Ussia1, Robert Leonard2, Jaak Janssens3 Multi-platform tumour profiling delivers the highest
`clinical utility and improves patient outcomes in today’s routine clinical practice.
`In press 2016
`Wyld L(R.Leonard) et al Bridging the Age Gap in Breast Cancer Protocol submitted to Brit J Cancer
`Leonard RC, Mansi JL, Keerie C, Yellowlees A, Crawford S, Benstead K, Matthew R, Adamson D, Chan S,
`Grieve R; Anglo-Celtic Collaborative Oncology Group. A randomised trial of secondary prophylaxis using
`granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ('SPROG' trial) for maintaining dose intensity of standard adjuvant
`chemotherapy for breast cancer by the Anglo-Celtic Cooperative Group and NCRN.Ann Oncol.26 2437-2441
` ACTION study - what did we learn from the pilot phase? Br J Cancer. 2011 Oct 25;105(9):1260-6. doi:
`10.1038/bjc.2011.377. Epub 2011 Oct 11. PubMed PMID: 21989185; PubMed Central
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`PMCID: PMC3241551.
`255: Leonard R, Hennessy BT, Blum JL, O'Shaughnessy J. Dose-adjusting capecitabine
`minimizes adverse effects while maintaining 2012
`261: Robertson L, Hanson H, Seal S, Warren-Perry M, Hughes D, Howell I, Turnbull C,
`Houlston R, Shanley S, Butler S, Evans DG, Ross G, Eccles D, Tutt A, Rahman N;
`TNT Trial TMG; BCSC (UK). BRCA1 testing should be offered to individuals with
`triple-negative breast cancer diagnosed below 50 years. Br J Cancer. 2012 Mar
`13;106(6):1234-8. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2012.31. Epub 2012 Feb 14. PubMed PMID:
`22333603; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3304410.
`260: Mieog JS, Morden JP, Bliss JM, Coombes RC, van de Velde CJ; IES Steering
`Committee. Carpal tunnel syndrome and musculoskeletal symptoms in postmenopausal
`women with early breast cancer treated with exemestane or tamoxifen after 2-3
`years of tamoxifen: a retrospective analysis of the Intergroup Exemestane Study.

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