Genentech Exhibit 2006
`Celltrion v. Genentech
`Celltrion v. Genentech
`Genentech Exhibit 2006
`Page 1 of 110


`To maintain document/film
`integrity, do not add or
`delete notes/materials
`to this notebook.
`Imaging Dept.
`Inc. Date!???
`Page 2 of 110
`Page 2 of 110


`ISSUED TO John firswooy
`Kilecer— Caypres?
`tr “Marek. "I, 199) Poagee 4/-9¢
`P.O. BOX 238
`Page 3 of 110
`Page 3 of 110


`Genentech Laboratory Notebook Procedures
`Important steps for maintenanceof your notebooks:
`Use dark permanent ink to record all of your work in your notebook on a daily basis. Sign and date
`each day’s entries.
`Permanently affix all attachments without covering any other entries. Please attach copies of any
`computer data entered into your computerfiles. These data are considered part of your experimen-
`tal record.
`if appropriate, initial and date in the margin.
`Make any changes in data in dark permanentink and,
`Ensure that the original entry remains visible. Leave no open areas. When the book is completedline
`out any unused portion of a page at the end of each experiment.
`Have a witness who understands and is aware of your work, but whois not directly involved in your
`project, sign and date your notebook entries (not later than one month after you do the work).
`Don’t hold back data for later entry and don’t keep a “rough draft" notebook,
`Report the quantitative or qualitative results only. Avoid over broad and potentially inflammatory
`commentslike “failed experiment”, “doesn’t work", or “toxic compound.”
`The source and characterof starting materials should be described. Preferably, refer to the notebook
`pages describing the starting material andits method of preparation.
`Be sure your notebook record is understandable. Omit abbreviations or slang that would not be
`understood by others working in yourfield.
`It is helpful to introduce each experiment with a state-
`ment of purpose, and makeliberal use of cross-references to related experiments. While sufficient
`detail should be included to enable reproduction of experiments,it is acceptable to refer to conven-
`tional or published procedures. However, record any changes you may make to such procedures.
`Record yourideas too, not just experimental data. This is important to demonstrate when an inven-
`tion or thought occurred to you, and is an important part of establishing priority in inventorship
`contests. Don't hesitate to broaden the scope of your ideas; there is no reason to limit them to
`Try to keep a different notebook for each product and/or project. Please complete the table of con-
`tents indicating which product and/or Project this work concerns.
`Page 4 of 110
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`Table of Contents
`= iain
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`Table of Contents
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`of Contents
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`Table of Contents
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`Witnégseg7& Undersyé:
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`3 We
`Page 14 of 110


`/ Récorded by
`Page 15 of 110


`Recorted by
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`Page 16 of 110


`recorrded by a
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`Page 17 of 110


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`Page 18 of 110


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`Page 19 of 110


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`To Page No...
`Page 20 of 110


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`To Page No.__
`Page 21 of 110


`yee Recorded by
`Invented by
`Page 22 of 110


`Recorded by
`Page 23 of 110


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`Page 24 of 110


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`Page 25 of 110


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`Page 28 of 110


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`Page 29 of 110


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`Page 30 of 110


`To Page No.___.
`Page 31 of 110


`Recorded by
`Withe sed & Understood by me,
`Invented by
`To Page No.__,
`Page 32 of 110


`Reg brded by
`WitneTEROMlea WotoeLLae¢hi3/4
`Page 33 of 110


`To Page No.___
`Page 34 of 110


`9MM|Mecorded by
`Page 35 of 110


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`TE: PTeeahoats 4ZA ey oy )gyjWy nesprseayv wee
`Page 36 of 110


`Recorded by
`Page 37 of 110


`Recorded by
`Witnessed & Understood by me,
`To Page No.___
`Invented by
`Page 38 of 110


`tripljo i) depnby
`tAryea viiae oodby
`Page 39 of 110


`Rétorded by
`St aly
`To Page No.__—
`a j
`Page 40 of 110


`Page 41 of 110


`Page 42 of 110


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`Page 43 of 110


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`Page 44 of 110


`Ri corded by
`Page 45 of 110


`iocan 7f°Hiey by
`To Page No.

`Page 46 of 110


` Hemanrel YDS
`“iia Project No.
`rom Page No._.
`hae 3
`pecorded by
`Page 47 of 110
`Book No.
`() etMeryer lacePrk hueGotSb
`eae 3e HID
`v) PAS 4
`Le wa Kgs. 2
`chart oduhyDNAprog
`“of x LOC La? bits | Anyflerh Kd 2 bmgangKEL.
`fe da
`J Smt
`Di rakes!|ofdf:|2. | fAS:ph: Al Ue 0.Masfoe ae
`[bry p46 = S38 2 1 Pak
`Lbims pho 7
`4.74% £. Baie
`S45 Ades 1 PS qe a
`Cte | hele
`Bid | ee
`(AS 4. Jue vid|ldebla
`ry ionatee? ie
`MMe Prod
`Fal iae |
`wo4!fet phatZZTact
`Sgles psArr| be Stra.fe|Pode aziLb ee |Chony,
`flets. Vary as aay Sfpoh Spit S$?¥ piaceeaRs,Lo.
` pr. Chevy Gk. hushfo eras&
`Flilte.otalltan top + mal! ottpeg]
`SGM;me, V4 img1KYr, |
`Page 47 of 110


`apn ens
`Project No
`rom Page No.__
`Book No.
`TITLE ‘(DS 2.6 a SUE
`Loeaaadal eeta
`Wifes | Cot|SbPbo kigolz BI
` yy| 1
`alakraretA ASareemA Pt|)
`ee anemia
`- Phyesdofofeed beh?he cook|
`breil de
`Page 48 of 110
`Page 48 of 110


` agih Laser2SProjectaA apis.
`teieeeopinesfommap(2-6) Book No. oe
`om Page No.__
`> &
`bobtc| iri Arhetmcat| Ay
`Ok, |
`[Cuil | MTX te |
`4! (gl | b/| wad .
`ot. Fal
`if; ek? f= TiviLi , heie | 37 becaishags
`Cele, Lu er
`1 7 _fAMie
`hd, .
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`Typbean Vy Lote|thereat alae
`Cot o. 5 torpz LA |e25| > Jp Pag Le|Chk OS-t
`| Vere [xi 20 (Gr) e BIZ SeHe octHse.
`tacteta14Fost 7X xaz\ ih |C4er)
`ie|aSlee pak (Ar! lel leer |kd
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`a tod: =
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`elt |e’ waixete|
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`{Spai$tonaor.|fede aALoerie | ft ft
`SPAes ort jp
`Page 49 of 110
`Page 49 of 110


`Book No.
`i| paeeeBREERH
`hpdll BEE
`| Be iT
`ie |
`| yeRSeRUae
`| aEocEie BeMmmeRe
`PEE cy|aad,lel| eae
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`Cae nvaeeee
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`Pri iyPer|
`Beat)|erettto Pact | eS
`Page 50 of 110
`Page 50 of 110


`Project No.
`anreck 40S “t th type br 293 pao
`Book No.
`From Page Noss
`tem soy,
`(hate Np fi fi Sf,
`Ot tnstl il %
`134 Sah Cehla.
`TranfieA fhm Aurel :
`ASS¢ged: st(Mena +
`Phe-2 Borer,
`x= a)
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`Page 51 of 110
`Page 51 of 110


`"Book te=PropeGOS-2.16Gee
`40 Book No.SsTITL
`From Page No.__
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`Gal? 73 tn 4 GAS=a YoudHal Fee =eel
`i deefas G45+2.7; Chitina,
`AS chins! 276: | Frege 3 Vie for 2/00 dah
` foeHeeTy(frm
`Contirone: Clanton Cjz-ee Cat
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`Page 52 of 110
`Page 52 of 110


`Project No,___Sa BookNo.____
`piehte+~Abellme yo£ ws Vannbarbed” BebotA...
`AKfons |
`fe bisa | BAe.2.0P,210¥s aie|| ia
`4 gon Bradons | Ab, Acols|daded Mods| Celakeea |
`Y Sema,
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`() 44S Clhremma > Pewee SeatooAproftepaarsee
`penne rere
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`From Page No.__
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`te.4G16) —XO.2ifrk QS.Fme ana
`Page 53 of 110
`Page 53 of 110


`a2 Aenteci, Inc.
`Nentech, inc.
`ASSAY: Ak Her- 2
`sve os
`ar bioass~y
`(1) emp
`(] stp
`: a a a
`(2) Validated —
`C] resucts*
`re Ee, te ct ee
`UDaeae hee a
`NOTES: ) /
`“i: uh fn Te tg
`Sa ae
`ce chr
`Hine jen ie fely
`(If used):
`frelk ;
`- 10% or
`(J ambient C) r -8%
`Reeling Lis
`Het - 2
`LI Other:
`| 4OS Chemin
`Gort | 2.46
`Page 54 of 110
`Page 54 of 110


`Project No.___
`Ty, Rr Aste
`4Ds lrybrideme Storkhk
`OTNeneticee Book No.
`ey ae eo eee
`21-MAY-90 16:53 Page 1
`0.06 0.16
`4D5 Standard Curve
`Wh bi x Ae
`Standaid Curve Data for ller2 Bioassay 11006-6868
`0 4D5 Conc.
`1 OD
`2 col2/ctr}
`66. 862745
`70. 294118
`40. 037755
`46. 960784
`4DS5 Conc.
`(ug/ml )
`- ~359,084967*X +94.058824 To Page No._
`Page 55 of 110
`Page 55 of 110


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`Bs effet ff el
` Witaset or ood by me,
`Page 56 of 110
`Page 56 of 110


`Project No.___
`Book No.
`From Page No.__ |
`Page 57 of 110
`Page 57 of 110


`Project No.
`Book No.
` From Page No.__ SL.,
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`Page 58 of 110
`Page 58 of 110


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`Project No.
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`Vive ,
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`AO ahr SUP a rs
` 3.bug/ane 3) Y4s D.6
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`java |
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`peonymt 7) YAS 24 oar mre) -Sfo_
`§) hs 2.16 No MTPa, eget
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` S/ifeo Mace ee
`17 Hgnol
`/0) teppei ans AGSPees te daaid Br,tin
`Zany UV, Hremrat HAS|phi ph 27sbens Panshy#2
`clita at 1 hele
`bak tx BioAssay
`| Rae byt ir) “ps 2/6 Fee ar us f00 obs —_—_-—4
`Jd Lest f ge PO Sele PoPmenyAS. foG, CLE J
`days we tetas,
`Ault, Pare 3 ghs-d.b- 1o%stot bed fr CU Asim,
`_ kerp 8
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`tee ds
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`Page 59 of 110
`Page 59 of 110


`Project No.
`Book No.
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`FromPage No.7
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`; i : M4 i/yrn hay
`itnesped&Under ea| hadaeDame, Da
`Page 60 of 110
`Page 60 of 110


`4S 2 6 {eat (voyw® Aap
`Project No.
`Book No.
`From Page No.__
`a enn
`np pt
`ie Ae x Dor a
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`s[26/4 ~Alrer
`Ch elLT Wael ZY [elolslds delat=| boste| |
`afb pt pastYoo 4 LAGKa® aeyang|OT
`fkaea272 nlfeds|4)(om
`SAgy 2 bh,
`myD shat| 2dan4a
`>GCadoneyhmeCant SBI.
`[TTBaap ble|2721Kal348afe
`TTTT ee|APssnShea te}bat ledeibsae
`Park Hage eeeCE et+ Het
`oon } izle] Game)>TE Lol:=Sfoae K1Oaniee,
`pi tt ft Oeeee(0acboz 2266Kolle
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`oh y Ae]RRPad>BAP / >te
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`Page 61 of 110
`Page 61 of 110


`Project No.
`50 TITLE_[A{LEA4ABook No. in,
`| te|Aen Mex| | 4
`From Page No.__
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`Ne DAD,
`a} Jb. fos Mpe
`cxfal + S20 na/ AK Ome 2S. Dg Eb
`Puyo SPoateely[3 eG ang 04a
`Ae) Die comm mr pxcotbad: = OVpalGelSag
`PNAS|Feettek 2. 6/4/uct. Sax, I
`|Alede (heel J 21[5/alt &,
`—~}— 4 4 = =|J. _
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`alll ac
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`‘To Page No._—
`Page 62 of 110
`Page 62 of 110


`[fmol Project No.
`met’i5A735 YAS (AIS_Book No. 51
`5/3 effo_ SGert2ah|tien 4 C4 r Ly
`‘ ||Sass|
`Q27)2 Yns pars ts
`traded Wy [pl z RAtomaHel Tye BP meiphe
`Shh £ aA, | BOL as Sealy
`tess, ieeAe !
`MaclphAA tok (Patel (haege ,
`Ra peal Mint+Mon(ahd. LaeA03(eta
`Page 63 of 110
`Page 63 of 110


`Project No
`Book No
`From Page No.__reoareeaadakeapgGas
`soe ce] Bel een gal,|
`RETURN TO REQUESTOR ! delle Lal| Condthe_PAE eft 4. eehe ah a ae
`+ Po cl)Sa. -Nb|Behe $d hs
`4$+aia Sache |Wsightbell)tosfo||||| |||de
`1 Armaan|Piste> MA steh4 aad
`Be i14$Abtraeis2h)aePodbi.PohPielhh) seca Lttie
`a ee LeeeeleeFCCC
`Date >-ae"c, fof %,
`TTbeet] 4
`i += To Page cl
`orded by
`Page 64 of 110
`Page 64 of 110


`FromPage No.
`CbSetrclarmmmmmtadigmnter cats
`Book No.
`efifte IT tebe! eek [rarer Oe A Atle
`CoCCs adele
`pt tt tote epee
`TweA[Hele Pago Faas||
`Ber|| {| deerotfLrthe | uf Dunia hp —
`“eble Heresbl bth fete | SAMbb Eo) Tee fosry |
`| fe |
`uf& deed eld | aa] deed
`aie tt St
`Keath HA Jorgfh
`# bagont
`APyeS a SiHat wie Tint
`eles Fors beat baa! To | od
`eeaa wrt) eka hgeda
`ATAqa ae Pies! Wey]ne
`= ot
`a ato be gl ee
`eee a Hi|Aeee Tt
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`Oy pea eeeee
`ad Peal|Concenhehe,
` Fdhded|TT|
`mppt rr
`SE es ee
`Page 65 of 110
`Page 65 of 110


`endpooh aLofh
`PrtAahPia Presstat TAdee
`by aahAde| al yi
`Jhas; edi OYnk | aeallele Easel TT fy
`pale lO2 : Ydag/e | SYP Vd 3|13. Sine|
`LUM | OAS rq) eal|| 1) CY) [435 4 Yee
`ddfeSteet 1 [I TI
`aa lente ot
` Project No.
`fron Sot ft
`Book No.
`Fh 7:45 | ~ Jf. G at.
`chive z
`fi) $ A: <j

`ft Me
`f Lehels poy
`alset ey aheey
`(Le ce
`vETVale L
`_|iZee Padncd: 4 | r
`PTT ae 1243 |. — |
`=aUT rEHEterfe
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`Page 66 of 110
`Page 66 of 110


`|[245TranseeS emgctrne 5
`}aeeeBook No. 55
`Project No.
`From Page No.
`DharcK |
`/) [43 =H« WASKy(LighA\) |[ha aeasfd i
`Dypps ~ Hoe MOS-H(Yeo, \ Ha 3. ya -
`eeLheto5%,Lryot-l¢ Fag ‘lela!
`AB + utibH, fd: ig tax
`| (s-b-5
`oc hhYAS-AMook,fe |- ae S-o-Y
`Ypdt ISP - d bhlaek
`indent 4¢|fagfr
`Dptpeheansas = /Say/,
`Oo 2Sg/l,
`|| Geteske||| eee
`Pk lnlatiavel \absyl|| eel|| lacey
`ce i
`lek -La
`hak - Ha
`Gat AdVe.
`2 ke tHe
`eee a
`Tet Wa Io)|ae | Sing DNA HEL
`Yok MUs
`bs ec) Ae
`Wer3: Ld ~ bak ih
`Pob “tip |
`He-fe | bd
`— fe :
`“Aku, E Ye|
`abo eae a}
`BS Ls al
`4 130
`lg Zit TELL TET Te aaTiae
`art a 4: iee ort
`Mon. Yad
`Dadam tat koh
`hs plasin EE
`MeLtae +
`idLe “lat: |fh? Lh SA fprpa oe
`flag -fal P| fe ee hal
`| yd Lerpan be) a! dicdeSE
`Hla “|
`ToPage No.
` Aly,
`Page 67 of 110
`Page 67 of 110


`4 VE.fer7e
`Project No.
`Book No.
`nme 272 Thes fer
`From|Page No.__ |
`ame Cea

`a pete he
`ERpba ameee
`a hh hiareveat.hee ks
`hinMasaHs.Re Y1rttae|BLReesay
`ah trek Be
`t& ayadees
`Shei rokUoty
`—he DA.ienae
`Page 68 of 110
`Page 68 of 110


`a7 3
`Yas Navien-
`From Page No._eh iftei| ELLE LOAP
`es +*,
`Project a
`| daceHEE
`Bilbl rt Pda Sahaiol
`T Wd-ol
`ded ot BEReeeri
`Tha” lahateeVpn
`Page 69 of 110
`Page 69 of 110


`Project No.____
`Book No. TITLE
`rom Page No.Bid Z\.
`|eleel: ps hielag | pl ve
`Aalee iA | onl, CHi]oe ;
`dab.nrenter hahak4 Moe tkeeee pt — enhwoahhe Sianaedaceeet acpi hecee
`=~= =
`Genentech, Inc.
`aie ne bol ot|
`Page 70 of 110
`“Results notpicked upbyendofday wall be mailed
`— COTTeN!YeonuoutucxwowM—
`Page 70 of 110


`Lined Donseile tate
`From Page No.__
`Gfr2 f9 2
`YDS Che
`JC Spa
`Project No.
`Book No.
`Meese GOs |
`CHO Chivere 2-/6—
`L by
`“aie Congresq »he |
`a a ‘
`aT Wy,
`To Page No.
`Page 71 of 110
`Page 71 of 110


`Project No.
`Book No.
`From P
`OS bikfick h belVil
`sh oeiLat i|.
`_ el PL |
`|_|PpSethe of lant LXbp:assuncaaeKeEtspete le
`PEREREeCee et 1ete
`Lael} ea et tT
`VELuf(Renae 4Afk thO-Swe AaeerZo
`el ai, aeaé )|
`LFbl Gemetacuaee|
`2 5om
`Tacs 37a Ha ez
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`4eG ay zhane L
`Pant es 2k C7
`fo PE
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`Page 72 of 110
`Page 72 of 110


`From Page No.
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`Book No.
`pf) Pes +
`b/o/7. |
`8 a5 2
`K axis min * max
`Yaxis win * pax
`Saaplins interval
`Scan speed
`Cycle time
`Spectral bandwidth
`Lame chanse
`02 lame
`Baseline corr
`Plotter made
`Chart size
`Plot x axis iner
`¥ axis incr
`Data to RS 232c
`Cells to measure
`2484328 ne
`6.606%6.046 ads
`1.880 na
`126 navmin
`8.1 win
`2.8 on
`348 ne
`28 ce
`Date? 21.06.98 Time: 17:68 Operator:
`Sample Identification:
`...ccc.eue weReaeee cn
`280.8 nm
`5.8 sec
`Q.1 min
`2.6 ne
`340 8


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`Cycle ®
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`Lamp chai
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`Data to RS 232¢
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`Page 73 of 110
`Page 73 of 110


`From Page
`Project No.
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`aaate uaeel Aahlapa
`seSSE ett “+ a all to pi
`aRlERpikdae |
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`Page 74 of 110
`Page 74 of 110


`ee 6) ay fuef. dinates
`ba, aeabale Ld|24|
`From Page No._..
`Project No.
`éfos/fo saufhd He Mee ae
`Ligatt aAcee= daeOly
`7Lae 4b + Fsual Sra {ss|Ate|tpReet
`apen vn xheee fate AB bres. Vax AAs |
`Al Dox All|fel Skee
`Chigptl |die lt Laide | SAS
`Page 75 of 110
`Page 75 of 110


`Book No.
`A eT {PALLtae
` clte|Pleees
`Raaifie gl?2Pee
`"Wlnns A 6a
`Witnessed & Undgrstood by me,
` /
`Page 76 of 110
`Page 76 of 110


` |
`Ane|amearoma ( 4AEdale
`Lo foieaepik|
`Page 77 of 110
`Page 77 of 110


`66 ae No TITLE pLe, hea, pas_Kirhisae,; |
`Project No
`ee| ZAPoeae aTyemt qee
`“fey pee A
`tfShed te Conse —— i
`a habe Hole.“feteShondh Afn
`ek ee Pik Conantgt ae
`ad das
`Ae Cold)
`|) dhs Phe AniO Soyie Fane
`deh ee Ste| jee! |
`|_| hi
`Sleer ok ee veel bl TT Te
`LETaTe| pa hgh ~ Sinf |
`Ah tl ||
`is teleae ama —
`Pt lel |
`| bedspon
`(TC Masks a CAE
`| Pa‘ToPageNo.
`aei gph
`Vi Pracban
`| V/a
`Page 78 of 110
`Page 78 of 110


`Project No.__.____
`Book No.
`TITLE 295 Ha te vba #4, 5 é
`From Page No.__
`Sie fas fe dor Key
`Cfeifte|tho 4 Lar Ha | HetAPA.
`he es
`| =e
`=(5-4-% y>
`ee see Hesi |
`LObat,®| Lh,Lt
`+ ratSONA #4| corre ccd
`fti Sahel_Ohtafet K tr
`Page 79 of 110
`Page 79 of 110


`we~a TUTie
`Book No.
`thew #5 ¢- heefuk&
`me 105 Hemera’ Yon FY6
`From —~ No.
`Sse ae
`Page 80 of 110
`Page 80 of 110


`aya S
`Versions #1, 2,3
`TITLE bie Assan
`From Page No.
`Project No.__
`Book No.
`b/c]9bdese oi
`t i
`ard Curve
`18R x 2c

`4D5 Standard Curve for Her2 Assay 11568-69
`0 4D5 Cone. 1 OD
`2 &Control
`(540 nm)
`~ 1.435
`a |
`53. 769559
`i Page 81 of 110
`Page 81 of 110


`Ofc[Podesay ial
`mime pio Assy
`bibs Hermann
`Versions #1, 2,3
`Project No.
`Book No.
`Page 82 of 110
`Page 82 of 110


`jeg Meach bss Felt
`Book No.
`Versions #1, 2,3
`TITLE Bio Assen
`From PageNo. |
`———— a ——
`Project No.
`- pa
`4D5 Standard Curve
`%I6R x 2c
`4D5 Standard Curve for Her2 Assay 11568-69
`@ 4DS Cone. 1 oD
`2 %Control
`(ug/ml )
`(540 nm)
`- 984353
`- 896159
`+ 529161
`- 992888
`- 512091
`- 897582
`- 951636
`- 300142
`- 634424
`- 140625
`- 715505
`- 769559
`- 187767
`Page 83 of 110
`Page 83 of 110


`Book No.
`Project No.
`TITLE raph 2fos, Dube + He#/ z, 3 Data from "Untitled Data #1" Spe 405
`——e-—=%CTR VAR 1
`—s— “CIAVAR2
`—e— +=% CTR VAR 3
`Restriction Site
`Amino Acid
`V102(109)Y ‘,
`Restriction Site
`Site Changes
`removes BglII
`ESSYremoves Xhol
`The Kabat/Wu residue numbers are
`first and then the absolute residue in brackets(
`theofor the beavy chin where
`are insertions).
`nen Combination of
`and Heavy Chains
`(See Len Presta's rationale for why
`variants were con.
` ieree*4@
`Witn otsed& Understog aby me, ao
`! (L2 (y
`Page 84 of 110
`Page 84 of 110


`nmeD2 dss os fr HarttA: eek No.
`Project No.___
`From Page No._
`b || PEN
`His habe
`Yur AS
`bfear Gal
` = =a.7oeUO—2.88}0.5840.581581 [085oa
`[0.0536.0301 0.011)
`fm toadoan
`=a0. 844
`0 “8?
`Witne: wo,—g_byme, yiFeeaif
`aivs #y
`“To Page No..
`Page 85 of 110
`Page 85 of 110


`Project No.
`Book No.
`D270 AS So kenHo WSK #ISE
`From Page No.7 /
`Data from “Data Hu 4d5 Var #4,5,6"
`a Seenaiimnaeeeeenemas
`| ttl
`ae ate
`cae 1
`%CTR #4
`——— CIR
`a hae,|@ —i— »xCIR —
`il arr
`,ee) 407.o.
`espe ee
`| tt
`SD ee heededeee alia pe
`Bee eeeteed
`t i tee ett inaheen—illeeligeaie
`hima eet
`i ai’
`Data from “Data Hu 4d5 Var #4,5,6”"
`a 1
`lyeTAs or
` 0
`.025 .06 O75 .1
`4D5 ug/mi
`.418 2 4 8
`=) Le
`er |aa
`4 CTs tt
`Page 86 of 110
`Page 86 of 110


`rraIIeiiiJ :
`TITLE Fa. YS 2.6 ot SOS 2./6 chymesmocn un
`Project No.
`FromPage No._
`1 Van | vee | Arpt rahi | penepe
`aiteAA)raccd [ikWASaTPaeleph
`f= Lobeh amg eerlhl
`——— ai PalaV&a,A
` |_|
`°)a des81k |jeeome tacge|| tt
`“of. oloffe
`ee I ren pa
`eet fale
`|ad |
`Page 87 of 110
`Page 87 of 110


`Project No.
`sep oiie eae
`Book No.
`nme lTX Aw dd Pls iris
`rom PageNo.7 D
`det alle
`eh et a
`| A lee Y
`et ela |dee SL£l
`—hsegypt az ck [Léa 4|let { lat, |
`cca Ab, Lt bediPapbh
`at Be SeaEee
`keel Ack) ela|
`eetLAs| Leateh [APAle YaST eetpees | TT |
`a pe=PHoe
`iso $hep
`4 ta haa Las
`heAuld| |
`MAAllsppJostfol anys rsAare
`oat Es
`Ao aa —
`t/ha|rr4bet fbakyeetaatTs) aah 1
`alyte[edefoe. abe ASMAbr Hoetsfo The
`ClenslfYEALes] atYe,dette|
`Leer eeaebed
`| see
`TifisaLuitbPe~baretxe aapletA 1 |poo asbSelA Aree
`[=|] tk (6B oS fa, arch 2k,
`| pee
`t pata
`a ae Sh anrecemeeenenaente
`= eeett ++
`holadew | fie | TT | ee
`|beaaabdohad es
`Witn ished & Unde
`fe ty
`od by me,
`| XI
`Page 88 of 110
`Page 88 of 110


`Project No.
`TESLA Book No.
`|ape, eAahaLap]{ dokacleladesbal 1 1
`| itesaSage$mfit
`chien aad(12,gresiencla )
`| ont
` ta | is Taal4 yA |
`eRe. 1Ae|\Che
`| |eA|2d e_| ee 1 € Gps
`es —<—_——
`reneFok f
`he a Oo
`fkfst EoConatm—
`Page 89 of 110
`Page 89 of 110


`BookNoiromPageNo.__Molt,eeOedaaaAS Petrateat
`Al porre | Ae alee
` Be deafrfpoke
`122 LotenangZl
`pptHeylgbHo poder, Sn
`beeaeabidesat|ved aileet |
`2%,0.0. 2)lebs | O17OgfleaE
`Ey L(y x
`= et ae = Jb45,nc
`Belets fag 098 * Au, ST
`Léld> 4
`ee Mee
`te Le
`; Seeeae
`/. Ss).y
`wT sus. 19 2 7 O49
`be bf»
`Os = 27494 771 = Pea
`< mR
`| 1.6/9.9
`Pe +492 + 77 - L6
`asf *eea ee
`aewr ;faciraett,0.6aya
`| Sea
`|the debe
`Page 90 of 110
`Page 90 of 110


`90)Pehe? Chewe.
`| a
`Project No.
`{405 Me et Var
`in Amhier
`(hol, Book No.
`rrka oe =]
`promPegeWo) | | || jjijj | ae -
`bel ¢
`Hee 224
`j Fh
`(4 2
`Praeapela Aahalka plat tatedfel
`dt bd
`tlt ou|etd Chezeaettsrl
`eer Delle | hyewiles Ly|ieAen Cees FEr762588
`at betsy bate Alig|| 2 Aag
`pW |
`PY ai
`bd , rh 4 ptt
`a a
`_ePg ;
`Page 91 of 110
`Page 91 of 110


` Project No.
`Book No.
`From PageNo.7)7
`f eer s on
`bts Tt| reHehbl
`gtole k |Zislak| Zé l=
`MofoNashahers,/ Lhd =
`¥. Tit gle ladert
`YA i|Moe|Araldeb dt aed
`| Laetad |Gey As|pehd41h
`CHAPak: 295 a
`LIAge|Pree ae zhbe?|
`15 a | f fuer Pay,
`i aTPAs.
`|| ahha! deme.| Lard
`€or ite ie
`ANS T20 as|bh
`tleCL. Tatae
`|| aD
`| Beecher Seen
`Uf: et woane a's ,
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`YS vet ee! bobo| HH
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`centeua el OWEKoy.clans=aect
`Page 92 of 110
`Page 92 of 110


`TITLE [fervest Sxp._ 1h hs Ab.
`Project No.
`Book No.
`~ el —
`ltFhe: 7ampouhes aescet4 MAS OP,|P-~vowahs
`2vhis, VRAIS oe
`dfBass ye. 4+5
`panepaid+eeqe-okaft fo ppt
`: _
`| (2gfom Ad||50adee |
`f¢amoTate Sidisfis
`eaeIt.6ti 4y-bel|masO-ed)
`Page 93 of 110
`Page 93 of 110


`Project No.
`Book No.
`wsftpreseeSEE ee
`iY Val)
`y Regorded
`Page 94 of 110
`Page 94 of 110


`Project No.
`Book No.
`ras ahd “Ft haeore
`From Page No.J = eee |
`dotaetenil |. +
`it |
`ipeler|LP. — eysag Le peatHertrear or
`Pepetas adER pels
`Te Zhiila Peo8
`hera [txSori),
`Page 95 of 110
`Page 95 of 110


`Project No
`From PageNo. Jb
`Book okae TITLE Bio Asse. ek eet
`abateAperhG2 Beg|
`Sakpica Ab (HC)
`echt Pe
`xK| Gnbotorasby these
`y | coiCerPe
`Lhe Abeleie elidel Line Y4s| na WH lhe), 2
`Le |
`(OEhawt. a
`aea—Pcpfeles eer
`jn¥ Al€qe:
`ae“es Ww, 62
`ee farLard Fe ide Atri ahha 7 bs
`fae fprctadl|alten dela friAtmamebel, Gees,
`wre het 62. SfanGrls PhoBaan eas
`> lel bed chenMlIn| Bobi
`on2h 4Ge
`45h aonnee vt
`| [Amel Atty £ ent A
`layceVee Ll ae Ll2 ae rt
`VrHt3 |ieEE=f 7
`Coanut eope on Z
`Vite Ae LLP |
`ralfeith lA ie
`Tat4ssfeR DoesMyjabAoltepias fa
`teens, ri ansalls
`Va#s Meslay=hee
`VatbHafele |==| Lé /
`Page 96 of 110
`Page 96 of 110


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`HERDEcamet HER?Ecd
`a 1-4
`rime4 (- Cx, 4We QWs

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