Transcript of Conference Call
`Date: June 18, 2018
`Case: Celltrion, Inc. -v- Genentech, Inc. (PTAB)
`Planet Depos
`Phone: 888.433.3767
`Celltrion, Inc. v. Genentech
`Genentech Exhibit 2065


`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`1 (1 to 4)
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Good afternoon. This
`conference call is for IPR2017-01373 and
`IPR2017-01374. I am Judge Pollock. On the line
`with me is Judge Yang. I expect Judge Spence to be
`joining us as we continue.
` Who do we have on the line for Patent
`Owner Genentech?
` MR. DANFORD: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
`For Patent Owner Genentech, you have Andrew Danford.
`And I'm joined by Bob Gunther and Dave Cavanaugh.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Good afternoon, Mr.
` Who do we have on the line for Petitioner
` MS. CIPRIANO: Hi. This is Linnea
`Cipriano. And on the line with me I have Cynthia
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Good afternoon, Ms.
` Are there any other parties on the line?
` THE COURT REPORTER: The court reporter
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
` Case IPR2017-01373
` IPR2017-01374
` U.S. Patent No. 6,407,213
` Conference Call
` June 18, 2018
`Job No.: 194710
`Pages: 1 - 20
`Reported by: Keith G. Shreckengast, RPR
`is here. My name is Keith.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Who retained the court
` MR. DANFORD: Your Honor, this is Andrew
`Danford. Patent Owner, Genentech, did.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Mr. Danford, would you
`please submit a copy of the transcript as an exhibit
`as soon as it's available?
` MR. DANFORD: We will.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: That will serve as a
`record of this call.
` MR. DANFORD: We will do that.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: I understand that the
`Patent Owner seeks authorization to file a motion to
`strike relating to certain arguments and evidence in
`Petitioner's May 25th Reply Brief.
` Mr. Danford, would you explain the issue
`as you see it?
` MR. DANFORD: Sure. And maybe I can just
`remind you of where we are in these proceedings. I
`think that'll help set this up just a little bit.
` There are two proceedings brought by
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
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`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1


`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`Celltrion challenging the same patent. The two
`petitions are actually copies of petitions that were
`previously filed by Mylan. Basically what Celltrion
`did was they, after the Mylan proceedings settled,
`took the same petitions, put in the same grounds,
`the same arguments, and expert declarations that are
`copies of the declarations that were filed in the
`prior proceeding.
` We received the Reply from Celltrion on
`May 25th. When we reviewed the Reply, we believe
`that there was new argument presented with respect
`to a claim limitation. This is a claim limitation
`on the consensus sequence.
` In the original petition, the argument
`and evidence that Celltrion had presented with
`respect to the consensus sequence limitation was
`based on the Queen 1990 reference, in one of the
`petitions, and it was based on a Queen 1989, in
`combination with Kavat, 1987. That's K-A-V-A-T.
`And those were the references that Celltrion
`included and based its arguments with respect to the
`consensus sequence limitation on in the petition.
`2 (5 to 8)
`took part of the research and used it in his own
`research. But, you know, when he submitted his
`original declaration in the proceeding, never
`mentioned this particular aspect of that work, or
`mentioned that it included anything that had to do
`with a consensus sequence. So this is something
`that came up the first time in the Reply.
` And second, this is a reference, Exhibit
`1193 was something that was presented and discussed
`during prosecution. So it's part of the file
`history that was submitted here. It's something
`that Celltrion could have identified from reviewing
`the file history. And so in light of that, we think
`that there's really no excuse for this coming up now
`at this late stage.
` As the Board knows, we have argument
`scheduled a month from now. It's -- the oral
`hearing date is July 16th. We think it's too late
`for these kind of things to be coming into the
`proceeding now. And we would ask for leave to file
`a motion to strike to address this. We think that's
`the most appropriate relief in this proceeding. We
`can do it in parallel with the motion to exclude.
` For the first time in the Reply, and in
`We already have a deadline of Friday to file that.
`the supporting expert declaration that was submitted
`And our suggestion would be that a motion to strike
`with it, Celltrion relied on a new exhibit. This is
`be submitted in parallel with that, so that all
`Exhibit 1193. And in their Reply, they for the
`these issues can be addressed together at the same
`first time argued that that exhibit, which is not
`part of the instituted grounds, also discloses a
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Mr. Danford, is the
`consensus sequence.
`Exhibit 1193, is there a first author?
` We think that that's improper at this
` MR. DANFORD: It's Foote, F-O-O-T-E.
`stage. They had their opportunity to submit
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Foote. If the Foote
`evidence on where they believe the consensus
`reference was raised during the prosecution, what's
`sequence is disclosed. We responded to those
`the harm in coming into play now?
`arguments. And the first time that the Exhibit 1193
` MR. DANFORD: It was raised during the
`came into this proceeding was when they filed the
`prosecution, Your Honor, but -- you know, if we had
`Reply Brief first introducing it.
`known that this was going to be part of an argument
` So I think that basically just frames the
`that was presented here, we could have presented
`issue for you. I think that there's really no
`ourselves differently. We could have argued under
`reason why this exhibit could not have been
`325 D, for example, that this proceeding should not
`presented by Celltrion earlier, for at least two
`have gone forward simply for that very reason,
`because the reference was something that was
` The first is if you read what Celltrion's
`addressed during prosecution.
`expert says about the exhibit, he mentions that this
` Now we've gone down and we've responded
`Exhibit 1193 describes research where he actually
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`3 (9 to 12)
`antibodies in similar ways that the 213 Patent
` So it's our position that Genentech
`should not be permitted to mischaracterize the prior
`art and strike any evidence that doesn't fit its
` As noted by Mr. Danford, the information
`here in the Foote paper is not a surprise to
`Genentech in any way. As you noted, it was
`discussed if the prosecution history. So Genentech
`admitted that a consensus sequence was used in the
`prior art, in the prosecution history of the 213
` Dr. Riechmann, Celltrion's expert, has
`submitted a declaration with the Petition, and also
`with our Reply papers, discussed his antibody
`humanization work and his use of a consensus
`sequence in this work, in his declaration. And his
`use of this prior antibody was also discussed during
`his deposition before Patent Owner put in their
` JUDGE POLLOCK: It's Ms. Cipriano,
`to the art that's been raised. We've addressed
`Queen 1989. We've addressed Queen 1989 in
`combination with Kavat 1987. You know, we think
`it's just unfair to have something new come in at
`this point, where we haven't had the ability to
`respond to it. And honestly, if it had come in
`earlier, we could have presented arguments
`differently, for example under 325 D.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Counsel for Petitioner,
`how do you respond to that?
` MS. CIPRIANO: So I'd like to make two
`just general statements to correct the record here.
`I just want to make sure, so Mr. Danford
`characterized our petitions, and the declarations
`supporting them as copies of previous petitions. I
`just want to make sure that it's clear that they are
`not exact copies. There are differences. And those
`difference have been discussed throughout these
`proceedings. And Patent Owner is well aware of
`those differences. So these are Celltrion's
`petitions, and they're not happy that they're prior
` And also, my second point generally is
`that Celltrion is not changing its basis of the
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Ms. Cipriano, Foote was
`grounds for invalidity here. We're not saying that
`not discussed in the Petition, correct?
`this, the disputed reference, or the Foote
` MS. CIPRIANO: This specific reference
`reference, is an additional ground or even addition
`was not discussed in the Petition, correct.
`to the grounds that are instituted currently.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: So what prompted this
`There's just additional support of the arguments
`additional discussion of Foote? Why is it now
`that are being made. So in response to the facts
`popping up in the Reply?
`that were discussed. So Genentech here is really
` MS. CIPRIANO: So one of the arguments
`seems to be seeking to strike evidence from
`that Genentech made in its Patent Owner's response
`petitioner's papers in an effort to preserve really
`is that it was unexpected, that one of the
`their mischaracterizations of the prior art.
`unexpected results in rebuttal to our obviousness
` Mainly Patent Owner's response highlights
`argument was that it would have been unexpected to
`what they consider to be what distinguishes the
`be able to use a single consensus sequence to
`invention of the 213 Patent from the prior art. And
`humanize multiple antibodies. And of course I'm
`that's, as they contend, because it used this human
`simplifying that argument, but that's our
`consensus sequence in humanizing these antibodies.
`understanding of Genentech's unexpected -- the
` And, in fact as noted throughout
`unexpected results argument.
`Petitioner's papers in this proceeding, and in the
` And our argument, and the reason that the
`depositions that have gone forward, the prior art
`Foote paper comes in is that's exactly what Dr.
`shows that others in the field have successfully
`Foote and Dr. Riechmann did in the Winter lab in the
`used the human consensus sequence to humanize
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`prior art. Dr. Foote developed a consensus sequence
`for his -- in his work, humanizing an antibody. And
`Dr. Riechmann used part of that consensus sequence
`in his work in humanizing the PACT antibody.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Mr. Danford, why is this
`not a legitimate response to your unexpected results
` MR. DANFORD: Your Honor, it's not
`limited just to unexpected results. They cite this
`as affirmative support for the consensus sequence
`limitation. For example, I believe that it's on
`page 15 of the Reply in the 1373 proceeding, for
`example. So this is not just rebuttal on unexpected
`results. And if I could maybe go back to just a
`point that was raised about Dr. Riechmann.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Mr. Danford, you are
`conceding, then, that this is, at least in part,
`rebuttal to the unexpected results argument?
` MR. DANFORD: They have framed a piece of
`this. They put a sentence in the section responding
`on unexpected results that addresses this. We do
`concede that there is a sentence there that
`addresses that. But they have a whole paragraph of
`discussion that explains when they're affirmatively
`addressing the consensus with -- including
`limitation as part of their prima facie case of
`obviousness that points to the Foote reference, and
`as well this was known in the art because Foote
`discloses it.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: If it's legitimately used
`as rebuttal, why can't they use it for this other
` MR. DANFORD: You know, I don't know that
`we -- I think that we are trying to -- it is not
`legitimate rebuttal in our view if it is addressing
`the affirmative prima facie case of obviousness.
`And I think part of our concern here is that when it
`comes in for any purpose, it potentially bleeds over
`to these other issues. They can very well respond
`to the unexpected results argument based upon the
`prior art that they already made of record in their
`petition. I mean it is Celltrion's position that
`the consensus sequence was known in the art. What
`they're basically doing is piling on here with
`over the line, and we want to be sure that is not
`considered for that informational purpose.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: And Miss Cipriano,
`anything more to add?
` MS. CIPRIANO: Well, just to respond to
`our use of the Foote reference on page 15 of the
`Reply in the 1373 proceeding, I just want to
`reiterate that that is -- is directly in response to
`Genentech's characterization that this use of the
`consensus sequence is -- is some novel step in the
`prior art. And I guess I'll direct attention to
`just even their introduction of the patent owner's
`response, saying that unlike prior art, humanized
`antibodies, which required hand picking a sequence
`from the prior art, and I'm paraphrasing here. The
`claimed antibodies could be produced from a single
`human consensus sequence, so they really
`distinguish -- they take a lot of effort to
`distinguish the consensus sequence from the prior
`art throughout the Patent Owner's response. And
`that is -- that is the basis that we think this
`proper reply as specifically as permitted by the
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`4 (13 to 16)
`additional references that we haven't had an
`opportunity to address.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Well, if it comes in as
`rebuttal to unexpected results argument, what's to
`say that the Board can't draw our own conclusions
`with respect to the prima facie case?
` MR. DANFORD: And, Your Honor,
`respectfully, we would like to be sure that we're,
`as a matter of administrative procedure and due
`process, you know, they -- it is Petitioner's
`petition, and they are putting forward what their
`arguments are. These are the arguments that we
`addressed in response to, with respect to their
`prima facie case.
` And we respectfully submit that the
`Board's consideration should be limited to that.
`They have gone over the line here, in our view, for
`example, by citing this evidence as part of their
`prima facie case on page 15 of the 1373 Reply. And
`so this isn't just a matter of the Board would have
`the evidence in front of it and can do with it as it
`will. It's something where they've actually gone


`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`recent case from the Federal Circuit, the Anacor
`Pharmaceuticals v. Young, who that allows -- is
`legitimate reply evidence to the evidence introduced
`by the Patent Owner, and also to document the
`knowledge that skilled artisans would bring to bear
`in reading the prior art.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Mr. Danford, I believe I
`cut you off a little bit ago. You had one point to
`make. Did you want to follow up on that?
` MR. DANFORD: Sure. Thank you, Your
`Honor. The point that I was trying to make was Dr.
`Riechmann -- and this was a point that Miss Cipriano
`made earlier about that his disclosure of his own
`work. And I think this is actually I think telling
`for us about how this was really new, is he did
`disclose in his prior declarations that he had done
`work in Dr. Winter's lab. Dr. Foote, who is the
`author of the 1989 paper that's Exhibit 1193, was
`one of his colleagues in the lab. But critically,
`what he never mentioned in that his additional --
`his earlier petition -- or his earlier declaration,
`the one that was submitted with the petition, is
`5 (17 to 20)
`still there, correct?
` JUDGE POLLOCK: All right. We find this
`a close case, but we're going to allow the Motion to
`Strike. Mr. Danford, did I understand correctly
`that you could have this ready for submission
` MR. DANFORD: That's correct, Your Honor.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: All right. You have ten
`pages. And Petitioner's response will be due in two
`weeks, also with ten pages. We will send out a
`brief order to this effect. Anything else?
` MR. DANFORD: No, Your Honor.
` MS. CIPRIANO: No, Your Honor.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Okay. Thank you. Good
` (Off the record at 2:29 p.m.)
` I, Keith G. Shreckengast, Registered
`Professional Reporter, the officer before whom the
`foregoing proceedings were taken, do hereby certify
`that the foregoing transcript is a true and correct
`record of the proceedings; that said proceedings
`were taken by me stenographically, and thereafter
`reduced to typewriting under my supervision; and
`that I am neither counsel for, related to, nor
`employed by any of the parties to this case, and
`have no interest, financial or otherwise, in its
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
`and affixed my notarial seal this 18th day of June.
`My commission expires April 30, 2020.
`that that work involved a consensus sequence in any
`way. And again, we deposed him, that never came up
`in his deposition. The first time we heard about
`this was in his reply.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Miss Cipriano, any last
`comments regarding Mr. Danford's last statement.
` MS. CIPRIANO: Well, yeah. I mean I
`don't think that that's -- we can direct you to
`paragraph 340 of Exhibit 1003. And Dr. Riechmann
`compares his sequence directly to the consensus
`sequence in the 213 Patent. I don't think there's
`any question that he was making a statement his work
`used the consensus sequence.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: All right. I'm going to
`put you all on hold right now while I discuss with
`my colleagues.
` (There was a recess in the proceedings
`from 2:20 p.m. to 2:28 p.m.)
` JUDGE POLLOCK: Good afternoon again.
`Can you hear?
` MR. DANFORD: Yes, sir.
` JUDGE POLLOCK: And Ms. Cipriano, you're
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`6:21, 13:15,
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
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`1:11, 14:4,


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`12:5, 12:10,
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
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`1:16, 3:3
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`11:17, 12:15,
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`5:6, 5:7, 9:14,
`11:20, 18:3
`4:5, 5:4,
`12:22, 17:9,
`17:15, 19:5
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`11:14, 12:21,
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`13:3, 13:15,
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`17:11, 17:17,
`6:5, 6:12, 6:17,
`6:21, 6:22, 7:8,
`8:8, 17:18, 18:9
`15:9, 19:10
`5:6, 6:2, 6:21,
`7:10, 8:11,
`8:13, 8:21,
`6:18, 9:7,
`17:13, 17:21
`10:11, 16:18
`14:4, 14:14,
`15:6, 15:14,
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`2:13, 2:14
`10:5, 16:12
`4:15, 5:15,
`4:14, 7:10,
`6:10, 10:10,
`7:13, 7:20, 8:2
`11:5, 15:18,
`15:21, 17:3
`5:3, 5:7, 6:13
`8:18, 9:8,
`6:1, 6:5, 6:12,
`13:11, 13:13,
`6:14, 6:20, 7:7,
`8:8, 18:3
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`10:4, 11:8,
`12:3, 12:8,
`12:21, 12:22,
`13:1, 14:5,
`14:6, 16:6,
`20:5, 20:6
`8:19, 10:20,
`8:2, 19:7
`5:9, 7:12,
`7:17, 10:10,
`10:15, 16:15,
`16:16, 16:19,
`17:1, 18:18
`1:8, 2:3, 3:8,
`3:10, 4:5, 10:9,
`11:3, 11:9,
`11:10, 12:11
`12:18, 16:9
`8:15, 18:14,
`8:19, 8:22,
`10:20, 15:17,
`3:2, 3:9, 3:12,


`3:19, 18:19,
`5:5, 6:6, 10:3,
`2:5, 3:11
`5:15, 6:9, 7:5,
`8:14, 9:5, 9:6,
`15:1, 17:8,
`16:14, 20:14
`2:14, 3:18
`3:7, 3:10,
`3:14, 3:17,
`6:17, 7:12,
`7:16, 8:2, 8:16,
`8:17, 8:19, 9:4,
`9:7, 9:18,
`10:20, 10:21,
`12:14, 13:19,
`14:1, 15:17,
`15:20, 19:6,
`19:9, 20:12,
`9:5, 15:1
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`10:22, 12:16
`4:1, 7:11,
`8:16, 9:12,
`10:17, 13:2,
`10:3, 10:9,
`11:8, 14:15,
`14:22, 15:17,
`1:5, 1:8, 2:12
`5:21, 7:5
`7:1, 7:2,
`11:16, 11:17,
`11:18, 11:20,
`13:2, 13:4,
`17:13, 17:16,
`6:6, 10:6
`17:19, 17:20,
`17:21, 18:3,
`18:4, 18:10,
`6:13, 7:19,
`7:11, 7:13,
`11:10, 11:12
`3:9, 4:4, 8:14,
`13:8, 15:7,
`17:11, 19:8,
`19:13, 19:14
`9:10, 17:15
`1:11, 1:12,
`10:16, 10:22,
`3:3, 3:4
`4:17, 6:16
`8:5, 14:17
`4:8, 7:10,
`7:11, 7:17,
`7:18, 8:9, 9:4,
`9:16, 11:3,
`11:22, 13:8,
`13:11, 14:8,
`5:21, 10:2,
`11:5, 12:11,
`3:2, 3:4, 3:5,
`3:12, 3:19, 4:2,
`4:6, 4:10, 4:13,
`8:7, 8:10, 9:9,
`11:22, 12:3,
`12:7, 13:5,
`13:16, 14:8,
`15:3, 16:3,
`17:7, 18:5,
`18:14, 18:19,
`18:22, 19:3,
`19:9, 19:15
`1:17, 20:15
`4:19, 4:21,
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`6:15, 9:4, 9:12,
`9:13, 9:16,
`10:7, 13:9,
`13:13, 13:14,
`15:20, 16:5,
`16:7, 16:12
`5:19, 9:3
`1:21, 4:1, 20:3
`7:2, 8:14, 9:3,
`14:11, 15:10
`8:15, 14:6,
`12:22, 17:17,
`18:5, 18:6
`7:15, 7:18
`6:18, 13:17
`13:6, 14:13,
`9:11, 15:8
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`5:12, 5:16,
`16:3, 17:12,
`5:22, 13:11,
`13:9, 15:16
`3:4, 3:7, 3:14,
`3:17, 3:21,
`15:17, 16:1
`4:14, 7:21,
`2:13, 3:16
`8:1, 8:3, 19:4
`4:21, 17:8
`5:3, 5:4
`10:8, 12:11,
`14:19, 17:13
`7:3, 17:20,
`9:11, 9:13,
`9:16, 17:9,
`2:16, 2:18,
`5:11, 6:3, 9:4,
`15:9, 15:20
`4:16, 5:10
`6:5, 6:17,
`8:18, 9:17,
`4:19, 13:14
`9:21, 10:2,
`10:3, 11:4,
`11:8, 12:4,
`14:20, 18:7
`12:6, 13:6,
`13:8, 13:13,
`7:4, 7:5, 17:20
`14:12, 16:1
`20:1, 20:21
`10:18, 11:7,
`7:14, 7:17,
`7:20, 8:12,
`8:22, 12:8,
`12:13, 14:5,
`17:8, 19:17
`5:17, 12:10,
`12:12, 17:8,
`17:19, 17:22
`6:9, 15:2
`5:14, 7:3
`3:21, 14:9,
`8:3, 9:14,
`11:3, 11:16,
`12:13, 12:17,
`12:20, 14:13,
`14:15, 15:5,
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`15:17, 16:6
`14:16, 15:17,
`7:1, 15:5,
`1:9, 2:3, 3:8,
`3:10, 4:5, 4:14,
`9:19, 11:20,
`10:13, 12:11,
`16:12, 16:20
`13:12, 15:19,
`1:20, 19:10,
`11:8, 11:21,
`12:21, 17:18
`10:11, 10:19,
`14:1, 18:9
`8:1, 8:4
`6:6, 7:1, 7:10,
`8:15, 13:3,
`13:17, 14:4,
`14:15, 15:18
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`9:5, 10:1,
`13:15, 17:8,
`17:11, 17:12
`3:21, 20:11
`1:1, 1:3, 1:9,
`1:13, 2:3, 3:7,
`3:10, 4:5, 4:14,
`3:2, 3:4, 3:12,
`5:1, 9:19,
`3:19, 4:2, 4:6,
`10:13, 10:15,
`4:10, 4:13, 8:7,
`11:1, 11:13,
`8:10, 9:9,
`11:20, 12:11,
`11:22, 12:3,
`16:12, 16:20,
`12:7, 13:5,
`17:4, 18:11
`13:16, 14:8,
`15:3, 16:3,
`17:7, 18:5,
`2:8, 20:22
`18:14, 18:19,
`18:22, 19:3,
`11:4, 16:22
`19:9, 19:15
`5:14, 5:22,
`11:15, 12:4,
`12:6, 14:20,
`11:3, 14:20
`15:11, 17:21,
`1:6, 2:12,
`3:14, 9:9
`5:11, 5:15,
`6:18, 7:9, 8:16,
`4:16, 10:11,
`10:19, 15:10,
`5:2, 5:5, 5:18,
`9:14, 9:15,
`9:21, 9:22
`14:4, 14:14,
`15:6, 15:14,
`5:8, 9:21,
`10:12, 10:15,
`10:20, 11:4,
`11:12, 11:19,
`13:1, 14:19,
`16:11, 16:13,
`16:15, 16:19,
`17:6, 17:16
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`5:8, 6:13, 7:3,
`7:20, 7:22,
`8:18, 10:19,
`13:12, 16:7
`4:20, 4:22,
`5:4, 9:19,
`18:17, 20:5,
`7:10, 8:11,
`8:14, 8:21,
`11:10, 11:12
`20:1, 20:21
`14:10, 14:16,
`5:5, 11:20,
`13:20, 18:15
`5:17, 5:18, 9:2
`8:11, 8:13,


`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on June 18, 2018
`11:14, 12:22,
`13:3, 13:15,
`17:12, 18:9
`18:14, 18:15,
`19:3, 19:9
`5:1, 5:5, 5:6,
`10:3, 16:13
`7:8, 10:1
`4:16, 5:9,
`5:10, 6:1, 6:4,
`6:14, 7:7,
`11:16, 12:9,
`13:12, 15:19,
`16:7, 16:22,
`17:3, 18:4
`3:22, 4:3,
`20:1, 20:4
`6:22, 7:1, 7:2
`5:11, 5:16,
`5:21, 15:6,
`15:8, 15:15
`9:6, 9:10,
`14:17, 16:5
`6:11, 8:22
`10:8, 10:13,
`12:11, 13:6,
`15:13, 16:8,
`16:13, 16:20,
`12:13, 12:19,
`13:6, 13:9,
`13:14, 13:18,
`13:21, 14:18,
`9:1, 13:15
`6:16, 7:14,
`10:9, 10:11,
`16:17, 17:15
`6:17, 8:19,
`12:13, 13:13,
`13:18, 14:9,
`14:13, 15:4
`4:11, 9:12,
`14:19, 19

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