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`1002 Part I
`File History for U.S. Patent No. 6,407,213 Part I
`1002 Part II
`File History for U.S. Patent No. 6,407,213 Part II
`Declaration of Dr. Eduardo A. Padlan in Support of Petition for
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 6,407,213
`Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Eduardo A. Padlan
`Materials Reviewed by Dr. Eduardo A. Padlan
`Exhibits A-M of Dr. Eduardo A. Padlan
`Declaration of Professor Edward Ball, M.D. in Support of
`Petition for Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 6,407,213
`Curriculum Vitae of Professor Edward Ball, M.D.
`Materials Reviewed by Professor Edward Ball, M.D.
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