Lutz Riechmann, PhD
`Cambridge, UK
`Curriculum vitae,
`born in Minden, Germany
`School education in Minden, Germany
`Civil service at the Health Service in Minden, Germany
`1979-1984 Undergraduate training in biology at the University of Bremen, Germany
`PhD in biology at the University of Bremen, Germany
`Postdoc with Greg Winter at the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, UK
`Postdoc with Richard Lerner at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, USA
`1989-1997 Group leader at the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, UK
`Senior Scientific Officer with Greg Winter at the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, UK
`2008-2009 Director Display Technology at F-star, Cambridge, UK
`Senior Scientific Officer with Greg Winter at the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, UK
`since 2011
`Consultant for antibody engineering
`Fellowships and awards,
`PhD fellowhip of the "Stipendienfonds der chemischen Industrie"
`PhD award of the "Stipendienfonds der chemischen Industrie"
`Postdoctoral fellowship of the "Sonderprogramm Gentechnologie"
`Postdoctoral fellowship of the "Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft"
`Special fellow of the Leukemia Society of America
`Riechmann, L. (1984) Mechanismus der kinetisch kontrollierten Peptidsynthese mit
`Serinproteasen. Diploma thesis at the University Bremen.
`Riechmann, L. & Kasche, V. (1984) Kinetic studies on the mechanism and the specificity of
`peptide semisynthesis catalysed by the serine proteases a-chymotrypsin and ß-trypsin. Biochem.
`Biophys. Res. Comun. 120, 686-691.
`Kasche, V., Haufler, U. & Riechmann, L. (1984) Kinetically controlled synthesis of ß-lactam
`antibiotics and peptides. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 434, 99-105.
`Riechmann, L. & Kasche, V. (1985) Peptide synthesis catalysed by the serine proteases
`chymotrypsin and trypsin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 830, 164-172.
`Riechmann, L. (1986) Die Synthese von Peptiden mit Hilfe der Proteasen Chymotrypsin, Trypsin
`und Thermolysin. PhD thesis at the University of Bremen.
`Riechmann, L. & Kasche, V. (1986) Reaction mechanism, specificity and pH-dependence of
`peptide synthesis catalysed by the metalloproteinase thermolysin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 872,
`Kasche, V., Haufler, U. & Riechmann, L. (1987) Comparison of equilibrium and kinetically
`controlled synthesis with enzymes - semisynthesis of penicillins and peptides. Meth. Enzymol.
`136, 280-290.
`Verhoeyen, M. & Riechmann, L. (1988) Engineering of Antibodies. Bioessays 8, 74-78.
`Riechmann, L., Clark, M., Waldmann, H. & Winter, G. (1988) Reshaping human antibodies for
`therapy. Nature 332, 323-327.
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`Riechmann, L., Foote, J. & Winter, G. (1988) Expression of an antibody Fv-fragment in myeloma
`cells. J. Mol. Biol. 203, 825-828.
`Hale, G., Dyer, M.J.S., Clark, M.R., Phillips, J.M., Marcus, R., Riechmann, L., Winter, G. &
`Waldmann, H. (1988) Remission induction in Non-Hodgkin lymphoma with reshaped human
`monoclonal antibody CAMPATH-1H. Lancet II, 1394-1399.
`Wright, P.E., Dyson, H.J., Lerner, R., Riechmann, L. & Tsang, P. (1990) Antigen-antibody
`interactions: An NMR approach. Biochem. Pharmac. 40, 83-88.
`McManus, S. & Riechmann, L. (1991) Use of 2D-NMR, protein engineering and molecular
`modeling to study the hapten binding site of an antibody Fv-fragment against 2-phenyloxazolone.
`Biochemistry 30, 5851-5857.
`Riechmann, L., Cavanagh, J. & McManus, S. (1991) Uniform labeling of a recombinant antibody
`Fv-fragment with 15N and 13C for heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. FEBS Lett. 287, 185-188.
`Riechmann, L., Weill, M. & Cavanagh, J. (1992) Improving the antigen affinity of an antibody Fv-
`fragment by protein design. J. Mol. Biol. 224, 913-918.
`Riechmann, L. & Weill, M. (1993) Phage-display and selection of a site-directed randomised
`single-chain antibody Fv-fragment for its affinity improvement. Biochemistry, 32, 8848-8855.
`Davies, J. & Riechmann, L. (1994) Camelising human antibody fragments: NMR studies on VH
`domains. FEBS Lett. 339, 285-290.
`Davies, J. & Riechmann, L. (1995) Antibody VH domains as small recognition units.
`Bio/Technology 13, 475-479.
`Riechmann, L. & Davies, J. (1995) Backbone assignment, secondary structure and Protein A
`binding of an isolated, human antibody VH domain. J. Biomol. NMR 6, 141-152.
`Davies, J. & Riechmann, L. (1995) An antibody VH domain with a lox-Cre site integrated into its
`coding region: bacterial recombination within a single polypeptide chain. FEBS Lett. 377, 92-96.
`Davies, J. & Riechmann, L. (1996) Single antibody domains as small recognition units: Design and
`in vitro antigen selection of camelised, human VH domains with improved protein stability.
`Protein Engineering 9, 531-537.
`Riechmann, L. (1996) Rearrangement of the former VL interface in the solution structure of a
`camelised single antibody VH domain. J. Mol. Biol. 259, 957-969.
`Davies, J. & Riechmann, L. (1996) Affinity improvement of single antibody VH domains:
`Residues in all three hypervariable regions affect antigen binding. Immunotechnology 3, 169-179.
`Holliger, P. & Riechmann, L. (1997) A conserved infection pathway of filamentous bacteriophages
`is suggested by the structure of the membrane penetration domain of the minor coat protein g3p
`from phage fd. Structure 5, 265-275.
`Riechmann, L. & Holliger, P. (1997) Antibodies live longer and prosper. Nature Biotechnology 15,
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`Riechmann, L. & Holliger, P. (1997) The C-terminal domain of TolA is the coreceptor for
`filamentous phage infection of E. coli. Cell 90, 351-360.
`Holliger, P., Riechmann, L. & Williams, R. (1999) Crystal structure of the two N-terminal domains
`of g3p from filamentous phage fd at 1.9A: Evidence for conformational lability. J. Mol. Biol. 288,
`Riechmann, L. & Muyldermans, S. (1999) Single domain antibodies: Comparison of camel VH
`domains and camelised human VH domains. J. Immunol. Methods 231, 25-38.
`Chatellier, J.,Hartley, O., Griffiths, A.D., Fersht, A.R., Winter, G. & Riechmann, L. (1999)
`Interdomain interactions within the gene 3 protein of filamentous phage. FEBS Lett., 463, 372-
`Riechmann, L. & Winter, G. (2000) Novel folded protein domains generated by combinatorial
`shuffling of polypeptide segments. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 10068-10073.
`Fischer, N., Riechmann, L. & Winter, G. (2004) A native-like artificial protein from antisense
`DNA. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 17, 13-20.
`De Bono, S., Riechmann, L., Girard, E., Williams, R.L. & Winter, G. (2005) A segment of cold
`shock protein directs the folding of a combinatorial protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102,
`Riechmann, L., Lavenir, I., De Bono, S. & Winter, G. (2005) Folding and stability of a primitive
`protein. J. Mol. Biol. 348, 1261-1272.
`Riechmann, L. & Winter, G. (2006) Early Protein Evolution: Building Domains from Ligand-
`binding Polypeptide Segments. J. Mol. Biol. 363, 460-468.
`Virdee, S., Kapadnis, P.B., Elliott, T., Lang, K., Madrzak, J., Nguyen, D.P., Riechmann, L., Chin,
`J.W. (2011) Traceless and site-specific ubiquitination of recombinant proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
`133, 10708-11.
`Waldmann, H., Clark, M.R., Winter G.P. & Riechmann, L. (1989) Modified antibodies.
`Waldmann, H., Clark, M.R., Winter G.P. & Riechmann, L. (1998) Antibodies to the antigen
`Campath-1. US5846534.
`Winter, G.P., Riechmann, L., Yarranton G.T., Bodmer M.W. & Owens, R.J. (1999) Production of
`recombinant DNA protein. JPH11225758.
`Winter, G.P., Riechmann, L., Yarranton G.T., Bodmer M.W. & Owens, R.J. (1999) Method for
`producing Fv fragments in eukaryotic cells. US5965405.
`Riechmann, L., Kristensen, P., Jestin J.-L. & Winter, G.P. (2000) Selection system. US7442159.
`Lerner, R.A., Sorge, J.A., Winter, G.P. & Riechmann, L. (2001) Method for tapping the
`immunological repertoire. US6291161.
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`Winter, G.P., Riechmann, L., Huse, W.D., Sorge, J.A. & Lerner, R.A. (2001) Method for tapping
`the immunological repertoire. US6291158.
`Winter, G.P., Riechmann, L., Huse, W.D., Sorge, J.A. & Lerner, R.A. (2001) Method for
`producing polymers having a preselected activity. US6291159.
`Riechmann, L. & Winter, G. (2002) Novel proteins. WO0212277.
`Riechmann, L. & Winter, G. (2002) Combinatorial protein domains. NO20023606.
`Waldmann, H., Clark, M.R., Winter G.P. & Riechmann, L. (2003) Antibodies to the antigen
`Campath-1. US6569430.
`Riechmann, L., Kristensen, P., Jestin J.-L. & Winter, G.P. (2003) Selection system for phagemids
`using proteolytically sensitive helper phage. GB2379933.
`Riechmann, L. & Winter, G. (2003) Combinatorial protein domains. US2003078192.
`Lerner, R.A., Sorge, J.A., Winter, G.P. & Riechmann, L. (2006) Method for tapping the
`immunological repertoire. US2006019260.
`Huse, W.D., Winter, G.P., Riechmann, L., Sorge J.A. & Lerner, R.A. (2007) Method for producing
`polymers having a preselected activity. US8338107.
`Huse, W.D., Winter, G.P., Riechmann, L., Sorge J.A. & Lerner, R.A. (2008) Method for tapping
`the immunological repertoire. US2008004434.
`Winter, G.P., Heinis, C., Bernard, E., Loakes, D., Tite, J., Vaysburd, M., Teufel, D.P. &
`Riechmann, L. (2012) Multispecific peptides. US2012101256.
`Riechmann, L., Kristensen, P., Jestin J.-L. & Winter, G.P. (2012) Selection system. CY1107293.
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