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`HoushtonmmmCompany gratetully acknowledges Mead
`Date Centei.1m. gmviders:oi:the Lems'mnxrs' amines,
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publimtion Data
`The American heritage dictionary of the English language.
`~3rd ed.
`ISBN 0-395—44895-6
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`423 —dc20
`Manufactured in the United States of America
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`'I 227
`_. no-goH
`Edevelopment. 24:. Having or showing qual-
`(nod) o. nod-dad. nod-ding. nods. -intr.
`I. To lower
`Ihlracter. such as courage. generosity. or hon-
`and raise the head quickly. as in agreement or acknowledgment.
`oh- Proceeding from or indicative of such a
`2. To let the head fall iorward when sleepy; done momentarily:
`'napianitnity: "Wt poor on instrumenthay
`nodded 0.3 on the train. 3. To be careless or momentarily inat-
`are). 3. Grand and stately in appear-
`tentive as if sleepy; lapse: Even Homer nods. 4. To sway. move
`Witty Spanish chestnut. bore now of leaves,
`up and down. or droop. as flowers in the wind. —:r.
`I. To lower
`his tree” (Richard Jefiries]. 4. Chemistry. In-
`and raise [the head} quickly in agreement or acknowledgment. 2.
`fill n.
`'l. A member 0! the nobility. 2. A
`To express by lowering and raising the head: He nodded his agree-
`need in England. worth hall of a mark.
`ment. 3. To summon. guide. or send by nodding the head: The
`Dhi French. tram Latin Militia. See pub in
`chairperson nodded as into the room. -—nod n.
`'l. A forward or
`but." in. —m!|sly adv.
`up~and-down movement of the head. usually expressive of drows-
`{y of the elements in Group 0 of the periodic
`iness or agreement: gave a nod ofafiirmation. 2. An indication of
`titan. neon. argon. idypton. xenon. and radon.
`approval or assent: The Contestant got the nod from the judges.
`rise and with limited exceptions chemically in-
`[Middle Ewish madden; perhaps altin to Middle High German
`I'G gas.
`miter-1.] —nod!der it.
`final-man) n. A man of noble rank.
`h metal or an alloy. such as gold. that is highly
`on and corrosion.
`arasitlc hingus {Bowls ethereal that attacks
`Its an increase in their sugar content. Certain
`French Sauternea and the Hungarian Tokay.
`such grapes.
`is?) n.
`‘I. Noble birth or condition. 2. The
`iility. especially the French nobility.
`French. from noble. noble. iron: Latin nobilir.
`{nod-'1} adj. Di. relating to. resembling. being. or situ-
`ated near or at a node.
`-—nodlaI-Iy adv.
`nod-cling pogoniu (scoring; :1. a North American orchid
`(Tripltore trtanthophora) having nodding flower buds and ascend-
`ing. pink or white flowers.
`[Middle English noddel. back of
`nod-die (nbd’ll n. The head.
`the head. perhaps from Latin nodules. lump. knob. See NODULE]
`nod-sly (nulls) n, pl. «lies.
`I. A dunce or fool: a simpleton.
`2. Any or several terns of the genera Anous and Micranous. found
`in tropical waters and having a dark brown or black color with a
`white or gray head.
`[Ferhaps from obsolete paddy. foolish. pos-
`sibly from N011]
`I. A knob. knot. protuberance. or swelling. 2.1:.
`m (nod) n.
`Botany. The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been
`attached; a joint.
`It. See Imoi‘ (sense 7). 3. Physics. A point or
`region oi virtually zero amplitude in a periodic system. 4. Math»
`matics. The point at which a continuous curve crosses itself. (a;
`99W.. -.§m;.
`- m ..
`5- Asm-
`‘om'y. a. Either or taro diametrically oppositggpblnts at which the
`orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic. 5. Either of two points at
`which the orbit of a satellite intersects the orbital plane of a plan-
`[Middle English. lump in the flesh. irom Latin nodes. lcnot.
`See hod- in Appendix]
`node of Ron-vim (moneys. rlin-vya'. flirt-j n. pi. and" of
`lobster. A constriction in the myelin sheath. occurring at var-
`ying intervals along the length of a nerve fiber.
`[Alter Louis An-
`toine Rooster (1835—1922]. French histologist.]
`(no-'dl) a. Plural of nodus.
`not-dose {notdOsO adj. Characterized by or having many nodes
`or protuberances. jointed or knobby at intervals.
`[-dfis’I-te] n.
`I. a small knotlike protuberance. 2.
`nod-ole (noj’o—ol] n.
`Anatomy. A small mass of tissue or aggregation or cells. 3. Bot-
`any. A small imoblike outgrowth. as those found on the roots of
`many leguminous plants. 4. Mineralogy. A small rounded lump
`of a mineral or mixture of minerals. usually harder than the sur-
`rounding rock or sediment.
`[Middle English. trom Latin nodules.
`diminutive of adders, idiot. See nod- in Appendix]
`[nojfa-lar). nod-'u-lou'
`. nodlu-lous (-las] adj.
`I'IO'dus (noldas) n.. pl. -dl
`(-121). A difficult situation or prob-
`lem; a complication.
`[Latin nodes, knot. See ned- in Appendix]
`NOED also N.O.I.D. ohbr. New Oxford English Dictionary.
`No-el also No-ol
`(no-ell) n.
`1'. Christmas. a. noel also noel.
`A Christians carol. Middle English noel. from Old French. var-
`iant of noel. horn Latin Militia (drills), (day) of birth. from rtdtus,
`past participle of Meet. to be born. See you.- in Appendix]
`No-e -Ba-kor [natal-barker]. Philip John. 1839—1982. Brit-
`ish politician who helped draft the Covenant of the League of
`Nations (1919) and the United Nations Charter (1945). He won the
`1959 Nobel Peace Prize.
`"ODS {nos} n. Plural of no‘.
`[IO-8'53! [no-elsis) rt. Psychology. The cognitive process; cog-
`[Greek hoists, understanding. from noein, to perceive.
`from nous. mind]
`or ap-
`no-at-ic (no-sum adj. or. relating to. originating in.
`prehended by the intellect.
`[Greek noes-fleas. from noésr's. under-
`standing. See Roasts]
`lie-fault (narrow) adj. 1. or. indicating. or being a system or
`motor vehicle insurance in which accident victims are compen-
`sated by their insurance compsnies without assignment of blame.
`2. Low. 01', indicating. or being a type of divorce in which blame
`is assigned to neither party.
`rho-frills (nun-om adj.
`Informal. Marked by the absence or
`extra or special features: basic: rte-frills housing; IND-frills airline
`I. A wooden block built into a masonry wall to
`[ndgj n.
`hold nails that support joinery structures. 2. A wooden peg or
`[Origin unknown]
`009’ (nos) a. Earnes-
`NomoI-as (no-gains. -gsr11s}. A city or southern Arizona
`south of Tucson on the Mexican border adjacent to Noodles,
`Mexico. Both cities are ports of entry and tourist centers. Nogales,
`Arizona. has a population of 15.633; Nogales. Mexico. has 14.254
`'l. A small mug or cup. 2. A unit of liquid
`[nbg'in] n.
`measure equal to one quarter of a pint. 3. Slang. The human
`[Origin unknown]
`Ito-go (nolgo') adj. Not in a suitable condition for proceeding
`l (o—blezhr) n. Benevolent. honorable be-
`: be the responsibility of persons of high birth
`iobility obligates : noblesse. nobility + oblige.
`Iresent tense of obliges. to obligate]
`(nolbal-woom'an) n. A woman of noble
`id'é. -biid'e. -ba~de) pron. No person; not
`d you to go. —nobody n... pl. -les. A per-
`oe or influence.
`[Middle Eng-
`adj. Causing injury: harmful.
`b'om Latin nocens. nocent-. present participle
`See hek-‘ in Appendix.)
`16's!»sépltivl adj.
`‘I. Causing pain. Used of a
`ed by or responding to a painful stimulus: a
`{From Horsemen]
`o'si-sepltar] n. A sensory receptor that re
`.tin Metre. to hurt; see Hocem + (RE)CEPIDR.I
`the groove at either end of a bow for holding
`I‘he notch in the end oi an arrow that fits on
`lack mi. necked. nook-lag. nodes. 1. To
`ow or an arrow). 2. To fit (an arrow) to s
`- English ankles]
`at of north.
`(rick-tamrbya-lis'om) also nos-tam-hu-
`latshan) n. Seeshepwalklng.
`[Noct(l)— +
`walk + —l$hi.] —no:-Icm!hu-Iln n.
`pref. Night: nocttlucent.
`[New Latin. from
`ght. See nolt'flt- in Appendix]
`'ta—ld'ollsal a. Any of various bioluminescent
`e genus Noorilaca that when grouped in large
`as phosphorescent.
`[New Latin Noctildco, ge-
`in noctililco, lantern. moon : nocti-. nocti- +
`bulb in Appendix]
`nok'ta-lo'orsant) adj. Luminous at night.
`ertain high clouds.
`it. Any of numerous. usually dull-
`rnoths of the family Noctuidae. having a well-
`i for sucking nectar and larvae such as the
`worms that are destructive to
`trees and
`lied outlet moth. —nonuid adj. 0!. relating
`the family Noctuidae.
`[From New Latin No-
`3. from Noam, type genus. from Latin nocma.
`’-l- in AppEndix.I
`all) n. A large. reddish-brown insectivorous
`locales. found in Eurasia. Indonesia. and the
`-pica11y dwelling in the hollows oi trees.
`:1 nor-told. bat. owl, from Late Latin not-talc.
`.ive oi noctuo. night owl. See Mk*-C- in Ap-
`n‘) it. Any of the three canonical divisions of
`[Middle English noctume, from Medieval
`:1 Latin. feminine of nectar-nits. of the night.
`I. 0:. relating to. or occurring
`~tfir'nal) adj.
`to! stillness. 2. Botany. Having flowers that
`at. 3. Zoology. Most active at night: nocturh
`.e English. from Old French, from Late Latin
`atin noctumus. h-om m. noct~, night. See
`It] unoc'turrnoI-Iy ado.
`1211’) n.
`'l. A painting or a night scene. 2.
`ital composition of a pensive. dreamy mood.
`le piano.
`[French. from Old French. noctur~
`armor. See NOCTURNALJ
`[From Latin
`iii-as) adj. Harmful: noxious.
`to harm. See mk-l in Appendix] —noc|'-
`French rendering
`of Noah in his ark.
`from La Mer des Hist-sires
`oi boy
`a pat
`on out
`a pay
`do took
`ar care
`at boot
`it father
`I: cut
`it pet
`01‘ urge
`E be
`th thin
`i pit
`th this
`i pie
`hw which
`tr pier
`211 Vision
`is pot
`a about. item
`Ci toe
`0 regionalism
`a paw
`Stress marks: ' (primary);
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`A: an archaeological dis
`[Spanish from Latin settle (hora), sixth (hour). midday. feminine
`sigma factor a. A protein component of RNA .
`of storms. sixth. See 33x1]
`determines the specific site on DNA where tr nu .-
`sim (xiv) a. A utensil of wire mesh or closely perforated metal.
`sigma hyporon it. Any at three unstable suba
`used for straining, sifting. ricing. or punéeing. —aiovu o. Iimd.
`in the baryon family. having a mass of 2,328 to 2 348
`slaw-inc, slams. —rr. To pass through a sieve. — intr. To use
`the electron and a positive. neutral. or negative -
`a sieve; silt.
`[Middle English st've. from Old English aife.)
`table at whclomk particle.
`slave pinto n. Botany.
`'nieperiorsted end wall oi asieve tube
`sigornoid {sigrmoidrl also erg-moi-slal
`Having the shape of the letter S. 2. Of or relating to -
`aim tube a. Botany. A series of cells joined end to end. form-
`flexure oi the colon. {Greek siemeidéa = sigma. -'
`ing a tube through which nutrients are conducted in flowering
`+ 0913‘” 'flid-l
`plants and brown algae.
`sigmoid flexuro n. An 5-shaped section at the
`I. To put (flour. tor
`(slit) v.
`slit-0d, eta-log. aiflo. —tr.
`the descmdms mum and the rectum. Also called
`example) through a sieve or other straining device in order to
`aig-moidoo-soopa [sis-moildo-skOP'J n. A .
`separate the fine from the coarse particles. 2. To distinguish as
`merit for visual examination of the sigmoid
`if separating with a sieve: sifted the candidates for the job. 3. To
`mold'o-soopflc (-si-ropfik) adj. —~slg'lllold-oo
`apply by scattering with or as if with a sieve: sift sugar on a
`moi-ddslka-pei a.
`dessert. 4. To examine and sort carefully: sift the evidence.
`sign (sin) n.
`1. Something that suggests the .
`I. To make use of a sieve. 2. To pass through or as it
`game of a face, condifiOn’ 01- quality. to. An act:
`through a sieve: a renal that sift: easiiy. 3. To mice a careful
`used to convey an idea. a desire. infomfion. or a .,.
`examination: sifted through back issues of the magazine.
`the 9mm“ ”'91 b. Sign 1mg 3,; A dis
`English often. from Old English sifiml
`-sHII'-r n.
`bearing letten‘ng or symbols, used to identify or ad
`sig. door. 1. Signal. 2. Signature. 3. Often Sig. Signor: signore.
`at business: a. motel with a fiaahhig neon sign on
`Sig. door.
`1. Latin. Signs (mark or label it). 2. Medicine. Sigr
`ed notice beams a designation. direction. or co—
`nature. a. Latin. Signetur (let it be marked or labeled).
`sign above a door: n traffic sign. a. A conventional
`sigh [51] o.
`sighod, sigh-tog. sighs. —intr. Lu. To exhale
`m? that stands!“ a yard. {a phrase. or an cam
`audibly in a long. deep breath, as in weariness or relief. b. To
`35 ”1 mathematics 91' 1? mil-51°51 notation. 5- Pi;
`emit a similar some]: willows aighing in the wind.
`2. To feel
`cal-01:- such 35 a dFOPPmfl 01’ footprint, °_‘ the in}?
`longing or grief; yearn: sighiag for their lost youth. —rr.
`I. To
`looking for deer “in 54 A mice 0' muse; "0 “an
`express with or as if with an audible exhalation. a. Archaic. To
`Pattenms incident or event; 3 Natalie: took the e
`lament. wflgh n. The act or sound of sinking.
`[Middle English
`from God. 8. A body manltestatlon that serves to
`sighen. probably back-formation from sighte. past tense of siken.
`presence 01 malfunction 01' disease. 9. Qne of the '12
`to sigh, from Old English aims-1.} —sl.h!w n.
`the zodiac, each named for a constellation and -
`,0 sight (sit) n.
`'I. The ability to see. 2. The act or fact of seeing:
`‘I'Md‘ E'""""." .‘i'm' _"
`WWI. _m" 1"
`hoping for a sight o; land; caught eight ofa rare bird. 3. Field oi m s in“? “’— 2- T" “We (”9.9 “Emma’-
`or ratify. (”H mm” by m3 a signature. “‘1'“ '
`vision. 4. The foreseeable fume; prospect: no solution in sight.
`3'9“ a 1”“ mto hi“ " To hm? or engage by Ob :
`5. Something seen; a view. 6. Something worth seeing: a spec-
`on a contract: “9"“ '1 W". 3”th f” ”‘5“ it
`tacle: the sights of London.
`lafomal. Something iutsightly:
`“m" f‘“ ”“- 5‘ T". "'1‘“th °’ “”1““ ”‘1“ ‘°
`Your hair is a sight. as. a device used to assist aim by ginding
`“9“.“ “fay “we? claim ‘0 3"" mm 6' To‘p '
`the eye, as on a firearm or survegang' instrument. b. An aim or
`or ”3”“ “9” a new highway. I To mum?”
`observation taken with mob a device. 9. An opportunity to ob-
`b3" sign language. 3‘9““: h“ “mm“; “9“ '.
`serve or inspect.
`lo. Upper Southern U.S. A large number or
`he""”"i"p“":d teammate. 8' To consecrate ““1 _
`quantity: A sight of people were there. —slght a. sight-d.
`'1‘. To make 1' 5‘3” Dr 5198' signal. 2'"
`light-Ina, lights. v-rr.
`I. To perceive with the eyes; set sight of:
`fmss' _"“;'
`sighted load after 40 days at sea. a. To observe through a sight
`langum- ord th“ “‘1.“ m: 3 sfi‘m'
`or an optical instrument: sight a target. 3. To adjust the sights of
`° rec off
`i ““1 ° (arm I or oneself) by
`' T" ”“9“?“ the 99d °£ a "" '" "_
`(a rifle. for example). 4. To take aim with (a firearm). —intr.
`35"“ “g“,r '
`a stop transrmsslon after identifying the
`To direct' one's gaze; looir carefully.
`2.. To take aim: sighted along
`“fm‘m' 3‘ Informal. To express approval formally "'
`the bar-rel of the gap. —ldiouu. on sight. Immediately upon
`15" 90‘ the W“ to ”9” °fl 0". the I“ FW'
`being seen: threatened to shoot looters on sight. out of sight.
`Slang. Remarkable; incredible: The graduation party was out of WW- To mi oneselfnespeclally as an EFF].
`”knew“ aft” "9“ on “0"" top-dollar law firms
`sight sight for can mo. Infomal. One whom it is a relief or joy
`. To start transmission with an idea-' .'.
`to see. light unseen. Without seeing the obiect in question.-
`boughtthehoree sigitrunaeefl.
`[Middle English. trom Old English
`bmdcmnfi mum-3"." W" T." “9°“! “1* “P
`other or oneself) [Ii-V starting 3.1 m' ,d'" up. To
`esiht. something seen. See nk"-' in Appendix]
`participant or recipient by signing ones name, a
`ruff n. Abbr. SD. A draft or bill that is payable on
`demand or upon presentation. Also called demnd draft.
`sight-ad (sired) adj.
`I. Having the ability to see. 2. Having
`Appenfij} flaw"!m8“
`eyesight of a specified kind. Often used in combination: keen-
`srmmst sign, badge. mark, token, symptom,
`fishud- —flaM*-d'm n-
`nouns are compared as they denote an outward ind:
`ugh? M II. A comic bit or effect that depends on sight rather
`existence or presence of something not immediately -
`an words.
`is the most general: A high forehead is thought to .
`sight-lug (sitting) a. The act of catching sight of something,
`intelligence. “The mile of Gaveatori was the rig-rt of.
`especially something unusual or searched for: a sighting of a
`triumph" (John 8.. Green). “The V sign is the symbol
`whale in the harbor; a reported sighting of a UFO.
`consumable will Of the occupied territorial?” (W'-
`sight-lass (sit’lis) adj.
`'1. Unable to see with the eyes: blind.
`2. Invisible. wslgh‘lrlou-ly ado. —slghrrluaonau a.
`chill). Badge usually refers to something that is
`fill-Iain 0? “lemilershipi is 31% emblem 0* “him
`sight-lino also sight lino (sitrun') n. A line of sight, espe-
`it"!!! SMNIT’S badge was 3M9“:-
`cially one between a spectator and the spectacle in a theater or
`characteristic fish:
`“Sweet mercy is aobrirty'a true badge” (Shakespeare).
`refer to a visible trace or impression (a laundry
`“flap” 5' l’gflfiflgfiigafig‘qg‘; signatf'sfl‘gflsmsfii,m“12f
`indication oi a distinctive trait or characteristic: Into
`“or"...i.. we: ..
`...... em .........., ..:.::.'.
`—tr. To read or perlorm (music, for example} without prepara- m or
`‘ble‘ sen.t
`tion or prior acquaintance. — inrr. To read or perform something
`her defection. Symptom suggests outward evidence of
`condition. 95me an adverse condition: "dying of
`maufigitrfthout preparation or prior acquamtance.
`good mptoms" (Alexander Pope); "the gale having
`5'9” rhym. ”- SW '3'. I'l'lm.
`creased than shown any symptoms of coating" '
`at).Note applies to the sign ofaparticular qualityor
`Iiaifl'm (sitisé') mar-n- 4“ (46'). m (-sEn’l. 4"-
`eternal note of sadness- {Matthew Arnold). See also
`Ins. mm.
`“Do tour sight-s of interest» -I|ahIm'-r n-
`sight-sawing {stuttering} n. The act or pastime oi visiting
`sights of interest. —aightnoing adj. Used or engaged in sight-
`seeing: «3 fisherman his; a sightseeing tour.
`Si-gnuc (sen-vast}. Paul. 1863v1935. French
`(sijral, sigl'il) it.
`I. A seal; a signet. 2. A sign or an image
`painter. He painted mainly landscapes and marine
`considered magical.
`[Latin sigillam, diminutive of signum. sign.
`Port of St. Tropez (1916}.
`See atom]
`I. Signs considered as a :1
`sign-ago (sirnij) n.
`Sig-is-mund (signs—mono). 1353— 143?. Holy Roman emperor
`design or use oi signs and symbols.
`(1433—143?) and king of Hungary (last—1437) and Bohemia Ewing; (sign-.31} it. not... gig. 1.5. An indicator
`(1419-1437). He helped end the Great Schism (1373-1417) by
`gesture 6r calm-ed light that serves as a means of Ca:
`convening the Council of Constance (1414-1418).
`See Synonyms at gesture. h. A message communi ...
`Sig-mu (sigfma) rt. 1. The 13th letterofthe Greek alphabet. See WW En '
`' _
`'31: The peace
`table at alpha“. 2. A sigma (actor. 3. A sigma hypemn.
`id %f%0m .
`[Green of Fhoenician on'gin: akin to Hebrew some, samekll.]
`tags. amen
`—slgtmmr {-mat') adj.
`ago-W. whose variauons'reprasent-codad m.
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`aliquot also sI-gnlor {sén-ydr’. -yorr) 71.. pl. al-gnonrl
`yOl-le. -yorfE-) alao'slvgnlors or al-gnors. Abbr. 5.. film, rig.
`Used as a courtesy title tor a main an ltalian-speaidng area,
`equivalent to Mr. {Italian variant ohignore. See sroNanJ
`(sen-yorrs.-yorra.-yarrs) n., pl. shone-r.
`yer-rs. -yorfa. quot) or shone-roe. Used as a courtesy title tor
`a married woman in an Italian-speaking area. equivalent to Mrs.
`fitslian. feminine o! signers. signore. See SIGNOBEJ
`el-gno-re (sen-yorrs.-yorrs.-yorre) n., pl. sl-gm-rl
`ydfre. -yorre). Abbr. 5., Elm. alg. Used as a form of polite ad-
`dress tor a man in an Italian-speaking area. {Italian from Me-
`dieval Latin senior, lord, horn Latin. elder. See SENIOR}
`(sen-yous. gem) is.
`l. A plural or slgnor. a. a
`plural of sigma.
`sI-gno-ri-ne (sin’ya—relna. -ys-rerns) n., pl. mo (.na. 41!)
`or mos. Usedasaoourtesytitleforanumnan-iedwomaninan
`Italian-speaking area. equivalent to Miss.
`[Italian diminutive oi
`sigrwm. aignora. See alumna]
`-ries. See
`si-gno-ry or
`sI-gnIo-ry (scolya-re) n..
`[Middle English signorie. from Old French seigrteurie.
`horn seig‘rtcur, seigriior. See audition]
`sign-poet (sm’post') n. 1. A post supporting a sign that has
`interrelation or directions. 2. An indication. a sign. or a guide.
`Sig-0rd (sigrard) n. Mythology. A warrior hero in Norse myth
`who wins an accursed hoard o1 gold. awakens Brynluld from her
`enchanted sleep. marries a princess. and is slain through Bryn-
`hild's jealous oontrivance.
`SI-gurds-son (slg’ard—san. mth-sbn’}. ion. 1811-1879.
`Icelandic politician and scholar who secured a constitution for his
`country mom Denmark {1514).
`SI-hoonouk (scramsokrl. Prince Norodoun. Born 1922. Cam-
`bodian politician who served as prime minister (1955- 195?) and
`became head oi state in 1960. Sihanouk was deposed in 1919 and
`briefly returned to power (liars-1975} during the Pol Pot regime.
`SI-I'lfl-scspd {emirates-pa} n., pl. Slhosopd or -pos.
`l. A
`Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Teton
`Sioux. 2. A member of this people. Also called Blackfoot. Black-
`c Sioux.
`made-in tolten o! faith in Jesus or as an invocation of God's bless-
`sound. image. or message transmitted or received in telegra-
`teiephony. radio. television, or radar. —slgnll adj. Notably
`)! the ancillary: a signal fear. See Synonyms at nofimbh-
`lnul o. mailed. «tel-ins. -MII or mulled, mall-ling,
`a. —sr.
`I. To make a signal to: I signaled the driver to pro-
`.2. To relateormaltelmownby signals: MMuesignaled
`’Iotllingnass to negotiate. —intr.
`"Do make a signal or signals.
`idle English. from Old French. from Medieval Latin signals,
`1 neuter oi Late Latin signdlts. of a sign. horn Latin stgnum,
`.See slam] —Ilg|'tI¢|-oe, MIMI-hr n.
`tel-Isa {sigma-112’} no. one. firing. -ix-ee.
`e remarkable or conspicuous: a life stgnolized by high accom-
`‘tments. 2. "Do point out particularly.
`-ll-aal'ahan) n.
`sol-Iv [sigma-1e) ode. To a conspicuous degree; notably.
`sol-morn (signal-mam) n. a detailed description oi a
`son’s appearance. as tor police files.
`[French stgnolement.
`o signaler, to marl: out, from signal. signal. See station].
`na'Io-ry (sig'no—tor'e. -tOrFE) adj. Bound by signed
`aement: the signatory parties to a contract. -slgmnery n...
`«in. One that has signed a treaty or other document.
`rotor-ins. irom signdtus. past participle of. styndre.
`to mark.
`_n sip-Hum. sign. See Slam]
`l. Abbr. sly. One‘s name as writ-
`ltd-I‘ll" (sigma-choc) n.
`hy oneseli. 2. The act oi signing one's name. 3. A distinctive
`:lt. characteristic. or sound indicating identity: A surprise end-
`_a's the signature of an 0. Henry short story. 4. Abbr. 99., s.
`ficine. The part of a physician‘s prescription containing direc-
`ls to the patient. 3. Music.
`at. A sign used to indicate key.
`ign used to indicate tempo. 6. Printing. a. A letter. number.
`symbol placed at the bottom or the first page on each sheet at
`gtedpagesofabookasaguidetotbepropersequence olthe
`in binding.
`In A large sheet printed with tour or a multiple
`,_ pagesthatwhen toldedbecomesaaectionoitheboolt.
`mick. trom Old French. trom Medieval Latin signdturd. from
`tin signdtus, past participle of signdre, to merit. tron: signum,
`grace slum
`phoerd {smrbordn -bord") n. a board hearing a sign.
`”I! (slgfnlt) n.
`‘I. A seal. especially one used otficlally to
`2.. The impression made with such a seal.
`tr.o. «vetted, met-Ins. one". To mark or endorse
`Eh, aignet.
`[Middle English. from Old French. diminutive or
`- ai
`<' seal ring.
`.- -I-eunce (slg-nlm-kaos) also slu-ntf-i-otm-cy (.m—
`‘l. The state or quality oi being significant. See Synonyms
`.. nos. 2. Ameanmgthatiaexpressed. 3. Acovertor
`- meaning. See Synonyms at mooning.
`-- no. IOVII n. Statistics. See level 0! significance.
`(fig-niffI-ltent) adj.
`I. Having or expressing a
`_; meaningful. 2. Having or expressing a covert meaning;
`we: a significant glance. See Synonyms at who. 3.
`. or likely to have a major eflect; important: a significant
`in the tar: laws. 4. Fairly large in amount or quantity:
`. t casualties. 5. Statistics. Odor relating toobeervations
`2 cell that are too closely correlated to be attributed to
`Cm nipport
`5 -ko (same) a. a medium-sized deer {Cm mom; native to
`Japan and China but naturalized in Europe and other countries.
`having a sinall head. compact body. and mostly spotted reddish or
`chestnut coat. Several of its subspecies are endangered in the
`[Japanese shifts, dean]
`Slices-ton (allusion). A 'city of southeast Missouri _west-
`southwest of Cairo. nlinois It is a trade and processing center
`Po ulation. 17.431.
`(on) n. all adherentoiSilchisln. —suih adj. Otorrelating
`to the Sikhs or to Sikhism.
`IHindi. from Sanskrit fisyah. disciple.
`horn sateen, he wishes to learn. desiderative oi‘. salmon, is able]
`Sikh-lam (sektlz'am) n. The doctrines and practices of a mon-
`otheistic religion tounded in northern India in the 19th century
`and combining elements oi Hinduism and Islam
`SI Kiting (set kyangr. shé’}. See it: slung.
`Silt-kiln (sfitf‘lml. a region and former kingdom or northeast
`India in the eastern Himalaya Mountains between Nepal and Bhu-
`tan. Long
`isolated tom the outside world. Sikkim was virtually a
`dependency of Tibet until the 19th century. when it came under
`British protection. The protectorate passed to India in 1949 and
`became an integral part of that country in 1975.
`Si . Itor- sky (n-korrske). Igor Ivan. lass - 191’2. Russian-born
`American aviation pioneer. He designed (1939) the first successful
`American helicopter.
`{siflljl n. Fodder prepared by storing and fermenting
`torsge plants in a silo.-
`[Short for menace]
`ll -fln¢ [511an n. Any of a group of silicon hydrides having
`the general formula Sill that are analogous to the paraffin hy.
`drocarhons. {salmon} + {start-llama.)
`A young herring other than a
`slid [slid] n., pl. one or nose.
`sprat that is processed as a sardine in Norway.
`[Norwegian and
`DenM. tram Old Norse slid, herring]
`a. a
`sl-Ience (ethos) n.
`t. The condition or quality or being or
`keeping still and silent. 2. The absence of sound; stillness.
`period of time without speech or noise. 4. Refusal or failure to
`domed, done-Ina, done-es.
`'I. To
`speak out. —-sllonol ire.
`make silent or bring to silence: silenced the crowd with a gesture.
`2. To curtail the expression of; su press- silenci
`all criticism.
`"W- m _t" ‘ T053"
`(sigma-ill] ‘9 Mr
`an: '
`i If;
`silenced their opponents.
`[Middle English. irotn 01% French. from
`mam See Srnanms at mfl 2; To make an- 88 win:
`55 took
`91' one
`Latin “mg-mm from m, 351233., meant 933:1de of am, to
`or word stgnlfy one s intent. —intr
`I. To have meaning
`a lather a boot
`be silent]
`:..-. SeeSynonyms at count‘. .2. Slang. 'Do enchange
`9 P“
`a cut
`gm Emile::3 wfimim W‘fiaffli“ :mm siohnc-or {avian-sari n. One that silences. especially a device
`g be
`a; urge
`+ firm-e 3:1 LahrnI-fi'u-sfhfonad' -—'slg$:l:?|"er n'
`attached to the muzzle of a firearm to muffle the sound of firing.
`u: thin
`(m_ a}:
`_- M n Variant of
`(st-lend) to. Greek Myflwlogy. Plural of cilantro.
`'1 Pk
`9| this
`'1 .
`' y
`_ "'3'."
`(sirloin) adj.
`I. Marked by absence of noise or sound;
`tr pm
`hw which
`"Y (st-n E's-r5} "- “Hm 0‘ WW3“
`still. a. Not inclined to speak: not talkative. 3. Unable to speak.
`a pot
`2h vision
`edge ".- 1. a laneunse that user: manual movements
`4. Retraining trom speech‘. Do be silent. 5. Not voiced or ex-
`5 1-H
`a about. item
`grammatical structure and meaning. 2' A method °£
`pressed: unspoken: a silent curse; silent consent. 6. Inactive; qui-
`5 past
`0 regionalism
`- cation, as between speakers at different languages. that
`mm: a silent oolmm. 1'. Linguistics, Having no phonetic val-
` d movements and other gestures.
`Stress marks: ’ (primary);
`ue: unpronounced: the silent b in subtle. 3. Having no spoken
`'- I'll-"ll n» 131- film annual- A sinlature. especially
`dialogue and usually no soundtrack. Used olafilm. —
`n. a:
`-8 monarch at the top of a royal deme-
`silent movie.
`[Latin sirens, silent-. present participle
`Y 3665mm 01‘
`I‘ll. cross it. A gesture describing the form of a cross.
`be silent.)
`-—-slflom-ly adv. —s.l-'Ien!-neu n.
`---' gtotherighttoincludealldigitswarranted by the
`o! measuring devices used to obtain the numbers. Also
`. significant figures.
`‘I. A person. such as a spouse or lover.
`[if other a.
`. whom one shares a long-term sexual relationship. 2. A per-
`- as a tamily member or close friend. who is important or
`'- -
`tial in one's lite: "The most important variable in success-
`‘ng cessation is the support of significant others in the
`’3 life” (Carolyn Reuben).
`I. The established
`.ofi-eo-tlon [slg'na—fi—kafshan) n.
`of a word. See Synonyms at meaning. a. The act ot
`- : indication.
`l. Tendingtosigniiy
`l-tn-tlve {slg—nltll-ita'tlv) adj.
`-cate; indicative. 2. Having meaning; significant.
` .
`Uniloc v. Facebook, IPR2017-01365
`Uniloc's Ex. 2002, Page 5

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