
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1008
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1008
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`JUL 0 8 2005
`PALO ALTO, CA 94306
`IEEE 100
`The Authoritative Dictionary of
`IEEE Standards Terms
`Seventh Edition
`IEEE Press
`Published by
`Standards Information Network
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1008
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1008
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
` TEEE 100 : the authoritative dictionary of IEEE standards terms.—7th ed.
`p. cm,
`ISBN 0-7381-2601-2 (paperback : alk. paper)
`L. Electric engineering—Dictionaries. 2. Electronics—Dictionaries. 3. Computer
`engineering —Dictionaries. 4. Electric engineering— Acronyms. 5, Electronics—Acronyms.
`6. Computer engineering— Acronyms. I. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
`TRO 128 2000
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1008
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`side marker lights
`resolution can either be obtained with a long aperture
`mounted along the axis ofthe aircraft [sidelooking airborne
`radar (SLAR)] or by the use ofsynthetic-aperture radar (SAR)
`(AES/GCS) 686-1997, 172-1983w
`side marker lights (illuminating engineering) Lampsindicat-
`ing the presence of a vehicle when seen fromthe front and
`sometimes serving to indicate its width, When seen from the
`side they may also indicate its length.
`(EEC/IE) [126]
`side panel (rotating machinery) A structure enclosing orpartly
`enclosing one side of a machine.
`(PE) [9]
`sidereal (navigationaids) Of or pertaining to the stars.
`(AES/GCS) 172-1983w
`sidereal period (communicationsatellite) The time duration
`of one orbit measured relative to the stars.
`(COM) [19]
`side relay armature An armature that rotates about an axis
`parallel to that of the core, with the pole face ona side surface
`of the core.
`(EEC/REE) [87]
`side stream scrambling A data scrambling technique, used by
`LOOBASE-T2,to randomize thesequenceoftransmitted sym-
`bols and avoid the presence of spectral
`lines in the signal
`spectrum, Synchronizationof the scrambler and descrambler
`of connected PHYsis requiredprior to operation.
`(C/LM) 802.3-1998
`side thrust (disk recording) (skating force) The radial com-
`ponent of force on a pickup arm caused bythe stylus drag.
`See also: phonograph pickup.
`(SP) [32]
`sidetone The acoustic output of a telephone set receiver due to
`an acoustic input to the transmitter of the same telephoneset.
`Nete: Where the handset is mounted on a test fixture that
`includes the artificial mouth andartificial ear, the definition
`includes transmission through the handset proper; there may
`be also some vibration effect that is expectedto be insignif-
`icant for handsets of modern design. There are two types of
`sidetone to be considered: listener sidetone and talker sid-
`(COM/TA) 269-1992
`sidetone objective loudness rating (loudness ratings of tele-
`phone connections)
`SOLR = —20logy, Se
`Sy¢ = sound pressure at the mouth réference point (in
`S¢ = sound pressure at the ear reference point (in pascals)
`(COM/TA) 661-1979r
`sidetone path loss (telephony) The difference in dB of the
`acoustic output level of the receiver of a given telephone set
`to the acoustic input level ofthe transmitter of the same tele-
`(COM/TA) 269-197 1w
`sidetone telephone set A telephone set that does not include a
`balancing network for the purpose of reducing sidetone. See
`also; telephone station,
`(EEC/PE) [119]
`sidewalk elevator A freight elevator that operates betweena
`sidewalk or other area exterior to the building andfloorlevels
`inside the building below sucharea, that has no landing open-
`ing into the building at
`its upper limit of travel, and that is
`not used to carry automobiles. See also: elevator.
`(EEC/PE) [119]
`Side-wall pressure The crushing force exerted on a cable during
`(NESC) C2-1997
`Sideways sum (mathematics of computing) A sum obtained
`by adding the digits of a numeral without regard to position
`Or significance.
`(C) 1084-1986w
`Siemens (metric practice) The electric conductance ofa con-
`ductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by an
`electric potential difference of one volt.
`(QUL) 268-1982s
`Sievert (metric practice) The dose equivalent when the ab-
`sorbed dose of ionizing radiation multiplied by the dimen-
`Sionless factors Q (quality factor) and N (product of any other
`multiplying factors) stipulated by the International Commis-
`Sion on Radiological Protection is one joule per kilogram,
`(QUL) 268-1982s
`sifting sort See: bubble sort.
`sigma (o) The.
`term sigma designates a group of telephone
`wires, usually the majority orall wiresofa line,thatis treated
`as a unit in the computation of noise or in arranging connec-
`tions to ground for the measurement of noise or current bal-
`ance ratio.
`(PE/EEC) [119]
`sign (1) (power or energy) Positive, if the actual direction of
`energy flow agrees with the stated or implied reference di-
`rection; negative,
`if the actual direction is opposite to the
`reference direction. See also; network analysis.
`(Std100) 270-1966w
`(2) (test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment) The
`symbolthat distinguishes positive from negative numbers.
`(MIL) [2]
`(NESC) [86]
`(3) See also: electric sign.
`signal (1) (signals and paths) (microcomputer system bus)
`The physical representation of data.
`(MM/C) 796-1983r
`(2) (signals and paths, 696 interface devices) The physical
`representation which conveysdata fromone point to another.
`For the purpose of IEEE Std 696-1983, this applies to digital
`electrical signals only.
`(MM/C) 696-1983w
`(A) (data transmission) A visual, audible or other in-
`dication used to convey information, (B) (data transmission)
`The intelligence, message or effect to be conveyed over a
`communication system. (C) (data transmission) A signal
`wave; the physical embodiment of a message.
`(PE/PSCC) 599-1985
`(4) (overhead-power-line corona and radio noise) The in-
`telligence, message, or effect conveyed over a communica-
`tion system.
`(T&D/PE) 539-1990
`(5) (programmable instrumentation) The physical repre-
`sentation of information. Note: For the purposes of IEEE Std
`488. 1-1987, this termrefers to digital electrical signals only.
`CIM/AIN) 488.1-1987r
`(6) (computers) The event or phenomenonthat conveys data
`from one point to another.
`(C) [20], [85]
`Information about a variable that can be transmitted in a
`CA/ICTLAC) [60]
`(8) (telephone switching systems) An audible, visual or
`other indication ofinformation.
`(C) [85]
`(9) A phenomenon(visual, audible, or otherwise) used to con-
`vey information. The signal is often coded, such as a modu-
`lated waveform, so thatit requires decoding to be intelligible,
`(CAS) [13]
`representation of a
`(10) (SBX bus) The physical
`(C/MM) 959-1988r
`(11) (STEbus) The physical representation ofdata.
`(C/MM) 1000-1987r
`(12) Any communication between message-based devices
`consisting of a write to a signal register.
`(C/MM) 1155-1992
`(13) A measurable quantity (e.g., a voltage) which varies in
`time in order to transmit information. A signal propagates
`along a Wire or an optic fiber. It is interpreted as a sequence
`ofbits, which is grouped into a sequence ofcharacters by the
`character layer of the protocol stack. Signals are generated by
`a link output and are absorbed by a link input.
`(C/BA) 1355-1995
`(14) In networking, an electrical pulse that conveys infor-
`mation through a transmission medium, See also: baseband
`signaling; digital signal; analog signal; broadbandsignaling;
`(C) 610.7-1995
`(A) A variation of a physical quantity, used to convey
`data. (B) A time-dependent value attached to a physical phe-
`nomenon and conveying data.
`(C/Std100) 610. 10-1994
`(16) A mechanism by which a process may benotified of, or
`affected by, an event occurring in the system. Examples of
`such events include hardware exceptions andspecific actions
`by processes or threads. The term signal is also used torefer
`to the event itself,
`(C/PA) 9945-1-1996, 9945-2-1993
`(A) The behavior controlled or observed by a test re-
`source. (B) A visual, audible, or other indication used to con-
`vey information.
`(SCC20) 1226-1998
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`in the design from which a stimulus may be
`(18) A point
`directly applied or a response directly measured.
`(C/TT) 1450-1999
`(19) A mechanism by whicha process may benotified of, or
`affected by, an event occurring in the system. Examples of
`such events include hardware exceptions andspecific actions
`byprocesses. The termsignal is also used torefer to the event
`(C) 1003,5-1999
`signal, actuating See: actuating signal.
`signal aspect The appearance ofa fixed signa! conveying an
`indication as viewed fromthe direction of an approaching
`train: the appearanceof a cab signal conveying an indication
`as viewed by an observer in the cab.
`(EEC/PE) [119]
`signal assertion A) The act of driving a signal to the true state.
`B) Theact ofdriving a bus of signals to the correct pattern
`of ones and zeros,
`(C/BA) 1496-1993 w
`signal back light A light showing through a small opening in
`the back ofanelectrically lighted signal, used for checking
`the operation of the signal lamp.
`(EEC/PE) [119]
`signal charge The charge that flows whenthe condition of the
`device is changed from that of zero applied voltage (after
`having previously been saturated witheither a positive or neg-
`ative voltage) to at least that voltage necessary to saturate in
`the reverse sense. Note: The signal charge Q, equals the sum
`of Q, and Q,, asillustrated in the corresponding figure. It is
`dependent on the magnitude of the applied voltage, which
`should be specified in describing this characteristic of ferro-
`electric devices. See alsa: ferroelectric domain.
`Hysteresis loop for a ferroelectric device.
`signal charge
`(UFFC) 180w
`signal circuit (1) Any electric circuit that supplies energy to an
`appliance that gives a recognizable signal. Such circuits in-
`clude circuits for door bells, buzzers, code-calling systems,
`signal lights, and the like. See also: appliance.
`(NESC) [86]
`(2) (protective relay system) Any circuit other than input
`yoltage circuits, input current circuits, power supply circuits,
`or those circuits that directly or indirectly control power cir-
`cuit breaker operation.
`(SWG/PE/PSR) C37.100-1992, C37.90-1978s
`(3) (protective relay system) Any circuit other than an input
`voltage circuit, input current circuit, power supplycircuit, or
`an output circuit.
`(PE/PSR) C37.90.1-1989r
`signal conditioning Sensorsignal processing involving opera-
`tions such as amplification, compensation, filtering, and nor-
`(IM/ST) 1451.2-1997
`signal contrast (facsimile) The ratio expressedin decibels be-
`tween white signal and black signal. See also: facsimile
`(COM) 168-1956w
`signal converter (test, measurement, and diagnostic equip-
`ment) A device for changing a signal from one form or value
`to another form orvalue.
`(MIL) [2]
`signal current (diode-type camera tube) The changeintarget
`current which occurs whenthe targetis irradiated with pho-
`tons, or electrons, compared to the case where no radiationis
`incident on the target.
`(ED) 503-1978w
`signal, actuating
`signal ground
`signal decay time (measuring the performance of tone ad-
`dress signaling systems) The time interval betweenthe end
`ofthe signal present condition and the beginning of the signal
`off condition at the end of the signal under consideration.
`(COM/TA) 752-1986w
`signal decorrelation time See: decorrelation time.
`signal delay The transmission time of a signal through a net-
`work. The time is always finite, may be undesired, or may be
`purposely introduced. See also: oscillograph; delay line.
`(IM/HFIM) [40]
`signal, difference See:differential signal.
`signal distance (1) (computers) The numberof digit positions
`in whichthe corresponding digits of two binary words ofthe
`same length are different. See also: hammingdistance.
`(COM/C) 312-1977 w, [20]
`(2) (mathematics of computing) See also: hamming dis-
`(C) L084-1986w
`signal distributing (telephone switching systems) Delivering
`of signals from a common control to othercircuits.
`(COM) 312-1977w
`signal-driven mode A mode ofoperation in which the signal
`POSTX.Signals. Signal-I0 is sent to the owner ofa socket
`whenever an [/O operation becomes possible on that socket.
`In this mode, POSTX.Signals.Signal-_1o is sent whenad-
`ditional data could be sent on the socket, when newdataar-
`rives to be received on a socket, or a state transition occurs
`that would allow a send or receivecall to return status without
`blocking. Signal-driven mode is enabled by setting the
`POSIX.10. Signal-WhenSocket.Ready flag on the socket
`and disabled by resetting the POSIX-IO.Signal-When-
`Socket-Ready flag. The default mode for signal driven mode
`is disabled.
`(C) 1003.5-1999
`signal duration (measuring the performance of tone address
`signaling systems) The timeinterval during which a signal
`present condition exists continuously.
`(COM/TA) 752-1986w
`signal electrode (camera tubes) An electrode from which the
`signal output is obtained. See also: electrode.
`(BT/AV) [34]
`signal electronics power(thyristor converter) The power used
`for the analog or digital system power supplies, or both, re-
`quired for the thyristor converter control and protection sys-
`(IA/IPC) 444-1973w
`signal element (1) (unit interval) (data transmission) The part
`of a signal that occupies the shortest interval of signaling
`code. It is considered to be of unit duration in building up
`signal combinations.
`(PE) 599-1985w
`(2) Thelogical signal during onehalf ofa bit time which may
`take on the values of Logic.1 or Logic.0.
`(C/LM) 8802-5-1998
`signal, error See. error signal.
`signal, feedback See: feedbacksignal.
`signal flow graph (network analysis) A network of directed
`branches in which each dependent nodesignalis the algebraic
`sumof the incoming branchsignals at that node, Note: Thus,
`Xy lig + Xglag +. + Anta = Fe
`at each dependentnode &, where ¢,,is the branchtransmittance
`of branch jk.
`(CAS) 155-1960w
`signal frequency shift (frequency-shift facsimile system) The
`numerical difference between the frequencies corresponding
`to white signal and black signal at anypoint in the system.
`See also: facsimile signal.
`(COM) 168-1956w
`signal generator A shielded source of voltage or power, the
`output level and frequency of which are calibrated, and usu-
`ally variable over a range. Note; The output of known wave-
`_form is normally subject to one or more forms ofcalibrated
`(IM/HFIM) [40]
`signal ground Forthe purposeofthis guide,shall be the ground-
`ing system to whichsignals are referenced,
`(PE/EDPG) 1050-1996
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