`%, Uy
`Canin lete
`plansWeb-based chat,
`newsgroups, instant
`messaging, and voice and
`video conferencing
`Shows how to share an
`Internet connection on
`your homeor office LAN
`Includes updated coverage of
`Windows’ XP Internet Explorer
`and Outlook Express 6.0, DSL,
`and cable Internet connections
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 1


` CSinplete Mgaetal
` L What You'll Find in This Book
`Second Edition
`Domain names and IP addresses,protectingyourFPCwithafirewall
`New internetdomains,registeringyourowndomainname 2
`DSL andcable Internetconnections,Internet Connection|Firewall
`internet ConnectionSUI eae ee
`Checking e-mail\while traveling,avoidingviruses
`Configuring youre-mail programs|formultiplepeopleor multiple«e-mailaddresses
`‘Sending andreceiving files ee Tt
`Reducing spam,filtering messages into folders, protectingagainstvlviruses
`7 8
`Safe chatting, choosingchat software _ See
`Finding mailing |lists, startingyour own list — _
`> Usenethierarchies, creating newsgroups i ee -
`Google Groups, findingnewsgroups,,Outlook Express’s newsreader Se 12
`Starting your own chat channel,mIRC 13
`Windows Messenger, Yahoo Messenger,AIM 14
`Finding interesting web messageboards
`IM programsfor free voice and video chat, 1B
`Java, JavaScript, ActiveX controls, XML
`» Customizingthe browser window,plug-ins, pop-p-ups, Microsoft‘NETPassport
`Favorites, bookmarks, customizing the Links andPersonaltoolbars
`Managing cookies, site-blocking, content-rating services,IE Content Advisor
`Search strategies, the best search engines oe ;
`MP3,peer-to-peerservices, Windows Media Player
`_ oe
`Website planning, choosing a web host
`_ 23
`HTML coding, forms, frames
`. -
`_ 24
`Dreamweaver, GoLive, FrontPage, Netscape Composer
`Animated GIFs, image-slicing, anti-aliasing
`Windows Media Files, static and streaming audio and video
`Using JavaScript, Java, and PHP in your pages; ASP; ColdFusion
`Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), free preprogrammed Java applets
`Troubleshooting uploadedfiles; uploading from Dreamweaver, GoLive, and FrontPage
`_ 30
`META tags, page hits, analyzing web logs
`Secure servers, shopping cart systems, PayPal, consignment and auction sites
`Windows XP Web Folders, UNIX commandsfor web serverfile management
`+ Hot downloadable Internet programs,virus-scanning downloadedfiles

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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`Internet: The Complete Reference,
`Second Edition
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`About the Authors
`Margaret Levine Youngis the best-selling author (with various coauthors) of over
`two dozenbooks,including The Internet For Dummies and Windows XP: The Complete
`Reference (with her brother, John Levine). She holds a B.A. in computerscience from
`Yale University and has two children. You can find out moreat her website,
`Doug Muderhascontributedto several books about computers and the Internet,
`including Windows XP: The Complete Reference. He is the author of numerous research
`papers in geometry and information theory and holdsa Ph.D. in mathematics from
`the University of Chicago. Douglives with his wife, Deborah Bodeau, in Nashua,
`New Hampshire and amuseshimself by playing with other people’s children, writing
`fiction, and dabblingin all forms of mysticism.
`DaveKayis a writer; former engineer; andaspiringartist, naturalist, and wildlife
`tracker. His business, BrightLeaf Communications, provides marketing communications
`services for high technology companies. His books includeseveraltitles in John Wiley
`& Sons’ (formerly Hungry Minds’) ...For Dummiesseries, including, most recently, Paint
`Shop Pro™7 For Dummies.
`Kathy Warfelis a technical writer who has been teaching people how to use computers
`and writing about computersfor the past 15 years. She holdsa journalism from
`the University of Colorado and hopes one day to own a small-town online newspaper.
`Alison Barrowsis the author of several computer books, including John Wiley & Sons’
`(formerly Hungry Minds’) Dummies 101: 1-2-3 97, Dummies 101: WordPerfect 8, and
`Access 97 For Dummies Quick Reference. She teaches and consults about the Internet in
`the Boston area.
`William Steinmetz was the man who bought computer booksfor Borders and
`Waldenbooksfor seven years before he decided it was time to go out and write his
`own.Helives in Cleveland andis geeky.
`Althoughfrequently lauded as the inventorof duct tape, Gila Jonesis better known
`to her friends asa jackalofall trades. She has been putting people together with
`computers for more than 30 years andhaspreviously written for private publication
`and Computer Reseller News. An avid do-it-yourselfer andfiberartist, Gila holds an
`M.B.A. in Information Systems Managementfrom Northeastern University and lives
`in San Juan Capistrano, California with her partner and twosons.
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`The Complete Reference,
`Second Edition
`Margaret Levine Young
`NewYork Chicago San Francisco
`Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City
`Milan NewDelhi San Juan
`Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 5
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 5


`2600 Tenth Street
`Berkeley, California 94710
`To arrange bulk purchase discounts for sales promotions, premiums, or fund-raisers,
`please contact McGraw-Hill/Osborneat the above address. For information on
`translations or book distributors outside the U.S.A., please see the International
`Contact Information page immediately following the index of this book.
`Internet: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
`Copyright © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Printed in the
`United States of America. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976, no
`partofthis publication may be reproducedor distributed in any form or by any means,
`or stored in a databaseorretrieval system, withoutthe prior written permission of
`publisher, with the exception that the program listings may be entered, stored, and
`executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publication.
`1234567890 DOC DOC 0198765432
`ISBN 0-07-219415-4
`Brandon A. Nordin
`Copy Editor
`Jan Jue
`Vice President & Associate Publisher
`Scott Rogers
`Paul Medoff, Linda Medoff
`Acquisitions Editor
`Megg Morin
`Project Editor
`Laura Stone
`Acquisitions Coordinator
`Tana Allen
`Technical Editor
`Will Kelly
`Valerie Perry
`Computer Designers
`Lucie Ericksen, Tabitha M. Cagan
`Michael Mueller, Lyssa Wald
`Series Design
`Peter F. Hancik -
`This book was composed with Corel VENTURA™Publisher.
`Information has been obtained by McGraw-Hill/Osborne from sources believed to be reliable. However, becauseof the
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`guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any informationandis not responsible for any errors or omissions or
`the results obtained fromthe use of such information.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 6


`This book is dedicated to
`Dionir Souza Gomes Young and Jordan Marten Young,Sr.
`on the 50th anniversary of their marriage.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 7


`Contents at a Glance
`Intemet Connection. Concepts:
`cas us os as o3 89 Hoe tes
`2 How the Domain NameSystem Works ..............
`3 Configuring Your Internet Connection ...............
`4 Connecting Your LANto the Internet
` |ExchangingEmall
`BOS. E-mail Concepts.
`.... 00.0. ccs cesec ees ree ey 121
`6 Configuring Your E-mail Program ............00005:
`7 Sending and Receiving Files by E-mail ...............
`8 Fighting Spam, Sorting Mail, and Avoiding
`E-MAIL VEFUBSES gcse mais ccs minus oitcerwis Gand Sod caus OE wee
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 8


` viii
`Internet: The Complete Reference
`Chatting and Conferencing onthe Internet
`Online Chatting, Messaging, and Conferencing
`CONCEPES a cas 84 dios ees oe bee eee ee ee eee eee ee 223
`E-mail Mailing Lists ...........eee cess eset eee e ees
`Usenet Newsgroup Concepts .........+200eeee eee eee
`Reading Usenet Newsgroups .........++seeseee eens
`Internet Relay Chat IRC)
`......-.s eee seer ence ene es
`Instant Messaging .......... cece eee eee ener e eens
`Web-Based Chat Roomsand Discussion Boards
`Voice and Video Conferencing .........seeeee serene
`|| Viewing the World Wide Web
`World Wide Web Concepts
`.......+.eeee eee ee ees
`Streamlining Your Browsing .....-.++-+eseee eee e es
`Keeping Track of Your Favorite Web Sites
`WebSecurity, Privacy, and Site-Blocking
`Searching the Web ........ 0. sees eee ence e eee e eee
`Audio and Video on the Web .........-+- esses ener
`CreatingandMaintaining WebSites_
`WebSite Creation Concepts ......... seen eee e eens
`Creating Web Pages by Hand ......-.--+seseeeeeeee
`Using Web Page Editors «0.0.0... .e eee e eee eee e es
`Creating and Optimizing Web Graphics
`Creating Web Audio Files ...... 06-0... esses eee e ees
`Forms, Interactivity, and Database-Driven WebSites ..
`Advanced Web Page Options
`Uploading Web Pages ......-...0--0 2b eres ree eeees
`Building Traffic to Your Web Site ........+.+:5 sees.
`Web COrinerce:
`cca ce sees om aac sien ciermiein anes ete BEG
`File Transfer by Web, FTP, and Peer-to-Peer ..........
`Downloading andInstalling Software .......2-00ee ee
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 9


`ACKNOWIEURMENS: cows oss eeserneaune Siew IESG ges
`Introduction 2.0.0... 00 ccc cece eee eee eeeeeeeeneteetunennns XXXili
`ac isis ca vise wise ons sivie 0%
`Internet Connection Concepts
`Internet Communications Protocols ....... 0.000 cee cece eee eee
`Internet. Hosts: sess ies tea ntereeee swans SeORTONwESS Eve
`Servers and Clients
`....... 000s cee eee ee eee eeeeeeeees
`Portsand Port Numbers « scoscsee0n e006 dex own 8 0NG ves
`The Domain Name System and DNSServers ...........
`Types of Internet Connections .......csssecsseceeseeseer ences
`Dial-Up Connections 3 i. cscsiawews reas cause neenwiais
`DSL Connections .......cccccccee reve eveuveuvevaunns
`ISDN COnRECHORS cocci cow eeiuremewiies #44 areas
`Leased Lines ......... cece eect ee eee ee een eeeeeuenaes
`Cable TV Internet Connections ...............000000ee
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 10
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 10


`|) 2>How the Domain Name System Works .........-..-
`How Domains Are Organized ......... cece eee e enter erences
`Domain Records, Zones, Delegation, and Servers .......
`DNS and E-mail
`. oo. ceciencing 508 vie PNG lesb’ We se wees
`REVERSO DING yes crs.ciewcaw saves siemmeencien vem wale
`Server Software
`.....-... cece cece ne eteeeeeeneneues
`Registering a Domain Name .....-.. +. +0 sess eset reece eens
`WhatTypes of Domains Are Available?
`Using WHOIS escisiess ves eoercnacwiene wae cwersensen
`Preparing to Set Up Your Domain .......-.. esses eens
`Choosing a Registrar ........s0e cece sees cence een e eee
`Internet: The Complete Reference
`..........0 0c e eee eee
`Satellite Internet Connections
`Wireless Internet Connections .......--.050:0e eee eens
`Connecting Local Area Networks to the Internet ........
`Internet Service Providers (ISPS)
`..........ce sees eee e ween enene
`Security Issues on the Internet ........-62 esse eee ener eee es
`Protecting Your Computer from Viruses .......-...+.-.
`Protecting Your Computer from Intruders with Firewalls
`Virtual Private Networks ........ 0. cca eee eee ee ee ees
`Choosing Passwords ........0c0 ccs seeee een eneenenens
`3 Configuring Your Internet Connection .......-..+++.
`Configuring Your Broadband Connection ......+-.+.+++seeses
`Configuring a Broadband Connection from WindowsXP.
`Enabling the Internet Connection Firewall in
`Windows XP:
`ons pusscaiwsewcis con teen eens
`Configuring a Broadband Connection from
`Windows2000, Me, and 98 .......... cee cece ees
`Configuring a Broadband Connection froma Mac
`Configuring Your Dial-Up Connection .........6+-0+0sseseees
`Configuring Dial-Up Connections in Windows XP/2000 .
`Configuring Dial-Up Connections in Windows Me/98
`Configuring Dial-Up Connections on Macs
`Configuring Your ISDN Connection .......0.esee eee eee ee eee
`Configuring Your ISDN Connection in
`Windows XP/2000 10.4 0.5 isis be oisindhe's cists aie Valaviwaury
`Configuring Your ISDN Connectionin
`Windows Me/98 cece n eee e eee eee te eenees
`Connecting to an Organization’s LAN Using VPN ..........+-.
`Connecting via VPN to or from Windows XP .........-.
`Connecting via VPN from Windows 2000/Me/98 ......
`Connecting via VPN froma Mac
`.... 1. eevee eevee eee
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 11


`Contents |
`2a sv-oncsssss WeeeewEGeTE ARS
`Displaying Your IP AdGress:
`Testing Your Connection with Ping and Traceroute ............
`Pinging Another Computer 3.02 cssvevaeies cee bee veces
`Tracing Packets over the Interiet cisiccsces cee cee eons
`Displaying Internet Connections Using Netstat .........
`Connecting Your LANto the Internet ...............
`Whatlsian Intranet?
`a cccccaccesis swannsuwianens mewwerseven we
`Intranets: Vs: LANG 6 s6q ceeeeGF Gi ik vee Dada seca es
`What Can You Dowith an Internet-Connected LAN?
`What Can You Do with a Home Network? .............
`WhatCan You Do with an Intranet?
`Components of ALAN oo... cc cee cee eee teen eens
`Workstations and Client Software
`Servers and Operating Systems ..........6..0s0eeeeees
`Network Cards, Cabling, and Hubs ................005
`Assigning IP Addresses to Computers on the LAN ......
`Hardwareand Software that Connects the LANto the Internet
`‘The Internet Connection)... csnccrnnewsans cacame nn eenien
`The Gateway «ise siccicaaws 045 Rs UR EOH cae ea daeee
`Connecting a LAN to the Internet Using Internet Connection
`Sharing (ICS),
`saan ade o8s ve 4 cases eeeemmne seeice enone ees
`cccsawes crs ive awereoemene mew wesicacen
`Configuring Computers to Use TCP/IP and DHCP-
`ASSIGNED AGATOSSOS cies sais Sewaerewnwa vwa arene.
`Installing ICS on the ICS Server in Windows XP,2000,
`OPM spccessa mu aienennaeii ante ieee HUA w
`Configuring the ICS Clients ........ 00: e cece ence eens
`Using Internet Connection Sharing
`........00.0e00 sees
`E-mail Concepts 1.0... 000. cece eee eee eee eens
`How Do You Get Your B-mall?:
`< ssc sconcousccneies avers se aces
`Receiving Incoming Messages ..............0000eeaee
`Sending Outgoing Messages
`Ways of Accessing Eetnall
`ccsiacswwis snsemmncenscnias ans
`Eenail AGCressie 4 ccs soa saws dings dae he anaes cemene emeees
`Message Headers)
`in sec cccrawescina osm mun camara coke neers
`Downloading E-mail ......... 000. e cece eee eee nes
`Working OffING: scncies ccsnncnecnasmweus went aks
`Deleting Messages from the Server ...........0.00 00s
`ite 4
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`xii Internet: The Complete Reference
`E-mail Netiquette ... 6.1 .ce¢ssewe es ten vnerancenennenese cee es
`Using Abbreviations, Emoticons, and Smileys
`Smileys and Emoticons ...-.+++++srsererrsrseseeeeees
`Abbreviations Used in E-mail
`.....++-++seeee ere eerres
`Bormiatted. Bemail.
`.......5 cos cease eres one carereanen eters es
`Attaching Files to Messages ...--+++.ssssssereerereseeee ree
`Web-Based E-mail
`........cessen ee ee eee n een eneeee ener nee ees
`Mail Away from Home .....-++ sss eeereeeees eer teersee cesses
`Dialing or Telnetting In
`.....--+ sss seeee teers tees
`Reading Your E-mail on the Web .....-++++++100s2005
`Avoiding Viruses ......0--ssserer eer eree eter nesses reser ses
`6 Configuring Your E-mail Program ....-++++++sss0+:
`E-mail Configuration Concepts ...+++.+++sssrereere essen nnn
`Configuring a New E-mail Program ....--+++++++ss00
`Switching to Another E-mail Program ...--++++++++++05
`Using Multiple E-mail Addresses ....++.++++1eeeeerees
`Sending and Receiving E-mail When You're on
`he ROA ccc vec veecnelces S64 sed Hes pee Cem Te Hee
`Other Configuration Options .......+++++++rerrrreee es
`Outlook 2002 and Outlook Express ...-.-+sseeee creer etree ese:
`Configuring Outlook ......-.++s0reeeeererreeecre es
`Configuring Outlook Expressfor Hotmail
`Configuring Outlook Expressfor Multiple E-mail
`AddresseS ....secce reece cence ree ee en ener eeenes
`Configuring Outlook for Multiple Users ....-++---++++
`Configuring Outlook 2002 for Multiple E-mail
`oonc 05 IAS RETA ONG naw wee renee ae He
`Formatting E-Mail
`......----+eeeresereeeetses esses
`Sending Form Letters Using Signatures .....-+-+++++++:
`Bide ec.c.0:keGes des MON AESEE MOO e wens eneele ae RAEN ERE ae
`Configuring Eudora
`.......0+++s seers serene err eeees
`Configuring Eudora for Multiple Users ....-...-++++ ++
`Configuring Eudora for Multiple E-mail Addresses
`Formatting E-mail
`........sseeeerreecreseeere settee
`Sending Form Letters Using EudoraStationery ....-----
`Netscape Mail
`.......sreeveres tes eeesenensteeneerecerereess
`Configuring Netscape Mail
`Configuring Netscape Mailfor Multiple Users
`Configuring Netscape Mailfor Multiple E-mail
`AdGresSOS oats panes oes Waieieewecnewe erence whe eee en gs
`Formatting E-Mail
`.....--..ssseeeeeeessssesesees tes
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 13


`Configuring Netscape Messenger ..........0e0eee veers
`Configuring Netscape Messenger for Multiple Users
`Configuring Netscape Messenger for Multiple
`Eemail Addtesses
`scscaiaacs Gvouveviewi nea eeeuaiees
`4 ccs asuncawam mineainaueinn eee curewaens
`America Online (AOL) sac cci cee sceeeces ves deecseveens cuens
`su. os sarees wate saaiee ves vinsiaamals
`Configuring Netscape 6 Mail to Work with Your
`BOL ACOSIRE sis ac csaciwewinme exenniearcanes atee suse
`Configuring AOL to Pick Up Your Mail Automatically ..
`Configuring AOL for Multiple Users ...............04.
`Formatting E-mail 2.0... 0.6.0 c cece e cece eee eee eee
`scccwes iss tewewanenes gale we deme aeens Mamecaeus Hs
`Reading Yahoo Mail with Another E-Mail Program .....
`Configuring Yahoo Mail to Display Mail from Other
`POORINGS: ccsncacns cam coamenire ona ueEReRe RR BF
`HiGthialll cuiarceae as ve se huis Ea Has dle OH Se KS S85 Sie es nee
`Configuring Hotmail to Display Mail from Other
`34 ci eeeceneine cneeee een maeineerne aes en
`Sending and Receiving Files by E-mail ..............
`General Information About Attachments
`...........0..00 000s
`i656 155 65 ANN ENGR ed ec aes
`Receiving Attachments ..a5 cece news commesemmees
`Outlook 2002 and Outlook Express .........0.00 cece ene e eee es
`Sending an Attached File:
`. ca. occ cciicnwwa seesaw caine,
`Linking a File (for LAN Users Only)
`Receiving an:Attacheéd File: iii csc ccwsaven san sicesceasas
`Attachment Options
`..........0 cc ec cece e ence e eee nes
`ai ces tie ounieieis meaweaee sues see REE ER ES ee
`Sending an Attached File ......... 00... cc cece ee eee.
`Receiving an Attached File: i350 esaice dase aaa ineewie’s
`Attachment Options
`.......... 200 cece ee eee eee eens
`Netscape Messenger and Netscape Mail
`icc cas meacceonems cae eoremistes
`Receiving an Attached File: oi. 3.6 cceseereews oa8 vaeiewen
`AMeMCTORENE(AOL) osaes cos cacorwenert man Cranasmmaas wes ¢
`Sending an Attached File 20.0.5... ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
`Receiving an Attached File. .ci0. csc scarce nae newer
`sais Hiss aie $V-ORG aed pele eis eteinis CSR Gieis @leaatnmaye peas «
`pending art Attached PHO!
`csicisiscas wine sins insarane sonnwicnaeiatie aie
`Receiving an Attached File ...... 0. .ccseeeeeseneee cece
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 14
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 14


`xiv Internet: The Complete Reference
`Hotmail... ccaccekionis ms css arsces emeneuiioreanecg aero une ols
`Sending an Attached File... ...<.csasivewts eh Bee eacconie es
`Receiving an Attached File ......ccce cece eee e eee 192
`Fighting Spam, Sorting Mail, and Avoiding
`Betiiadl VirtiS@:
`cc cscs secs coe wie eine von cee Hae als ie
`Controlling E-mail Volume and Reducing Spam .....-+++++-++-
`What Can You Do About Spam? .......-.-6 seer e renee
`Stopping Spammers
`........++eeee eee ee rere eset eens
`Reporting Scams
`.....- seen cess eee e ene e een ee ene enes
`Avoiding Sending Spam .......- 0005s eeeeeeree eee eees
`The Advantagesof Filtering E-mail
`...-...+ ++. ssse sees eeeeees
`HowFiltering Works
`.......-. 6s scene eee e ener ees
`Filtering Mailing List Messages ......-...+-s0sseeeeees
`Filtering Spam ......6- see e eee enneeee rene s ees es
`Virus Security Issues ........- secre eee n ete e ene e een e ene e eae
`Filtering Mail, Deleting Spam, and Defending Against Viruses
`in Outlook 2002 2.0... ccc cece eee eee een eee eee ents
`Filtering Messages in Outlook 2002 ......++++++++++55:
`Deleting Junk E-mail in Outlook 2002 .........++seeees
`Configuring Outlook 2002 Against Viruses ........+-.+.
`Filtering Mail, Deleting Spam, and Defending Against Viruses
`in Outlook Express
`....... see seen seen eect eee eee e eens
`Filtering Messages in Outlook Express
`Configuring Outlook Express Against Viruses .........-
`Filtering Mail, Deleting Spam, and Defending Against Viruses
`ra chs(0); 211
`Filtering Messages in Eudora .....--.++00eerree seer ees
`Avoiding Viruses with Eudora ....-..++s0s+eeeeeeeees
`Filtering Mail, Deleting Spam, and Defending Against Viruses
`in Netscape Messenger and Netscape Mail
`Filtering Messages in Netscape Mail and Messenger
`Avoiding Viruses with Netscape Mail and Netscape
`......ssee eee e sete tenet een eee ee en ees
`Blocking Junk Mail in AOL .... 26. . see seen etree teres ennes
`Filtering Mail and Deleting Spam in Yahoo Mail,
`Filtering Messages in Yahoo Mail ekeeR ORR ews BS
`Yahoo’s Junk Mail Spamguard ......-....++e sees eeees
`Scanning Files for Viruses with Yahoo Mail ............
`Filtering Mail and Deleting Spam in Hotmail
`Filtering Messages in Hotmail
`.........+++-eseeeee eres
`Deleting Junk Mail in Hotmail
`.....- 666s seer reer e ees
`ScanningFiles for Viruses with Hotmail
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 15
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 15


` Contents.
` 9 Online Chatting, Messaging, and Conferencing
`.. 6. cee cece eee eee eee e eens
`Forms of Chat, Messaging, and Conferencing ...............45
`Bema Malthe Lists
`siacsicwewnsan oan sam roumunseaen vs
`Usenet NewsgroupS ........0:ec cece cece rennet ees
`Internet Relay Chat (RC) c.cwasicss oon seerwenneweses vu
`Web-Based Chat ........0 ccc cece eee e ene en ence eenes
`Web Discussion BOGUS
`iasi<iisascus sou saeawane wee
`AOL and CompuServe Chat Rooms ...........00+ ees
`InStant MessagIAG|6 ics Hem wesaeruKesxeen wwNEOINERGen 227
`OnNe CONTERCING 00 coccrerasmemaeenm aemeenerners
`How Does Chat Work? iaveives cpa ses oxacvarsees eh cee aea
`TAeREVINE YOUSELE scsis wencourwaweaee awamisimewnns
`Topics, Newsgroups, Channels, and Rooms ............
`Following the Discussion:
`. wcciscseewiwsn ss awww wae
`Chat and Conferencing Etiquette 0.02.0... 0.0 cece eee eee ee
`Safety While Chatting occcise swiss cin seavonaeees seeuna ewes
`Waysto Use ChatEffectively ......... 0... c cece eee eee eee ees
`R-ttiett Mailing Liste ox coves cos oun oes owe ca gas cate
`Finding Interesting Mailing Lasts
`as. cicscasue wis vaww anaes cows
`How Do Mailing Lists Work?) «0.22.2... eee ee eee
`Mailing List Types'and Options
`isiicisiniees cas comewewwews vee
`Manually Managed Mailing Lists ......... 6.0.00 e eee ee eens
`List Server Prograis: cia cecwasancmoscawwd oon eeeearewenee won 3
`Using the Web to Communicate with a List Server .............
`The ListProc Web terrace:
`xc vi rae neseaesa veawen wens
`The LISTSERV WebInterface ........ 0... eee e eee eee
`The Lyris ListManager WebInterface ..............4..
`The Mailman WebInterface ..........6. 0.0 cence ences
`The Majordomo Web Interface. vis sssjsesins caeoas ives
`Proprietary Web Interfaces: Yahoo Groups and Topica
`Using E-mail to Communicate with a List Server ............05.
`Management,List, and Administrator Addresses .......
`CommonList Server Commands
`List Server Communication Problems .................
`Participating in Mailing Lists ............ 00.0 eee e cence ee ee ees
`Replying to List MeSsARES:
`-eceseas wu ewer ccewes wists ¢
`Posting a New Message: ..........cceee cece cree e eens
`Mailing List Dos. anid Don'ts
`ccacens ori conwewarwen or 5
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 16
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 16


` xvi
`internet: The Complete Reference
`ut 14.
`i 42
`Separating Mailing List Messages from Other Messages
`Establishing Your Own Mailing List ......-- 0.00 +eseee eee eeees
`Free and Fee-Based Mailing List Servers ........+.+.++-
`Managing a Mailing List with a Mailing List
`Management Program .......05+seer reer reece ees
`Usenet Newsgroup Concepts .........s0seee seen ees
`What Are Newsgroups? sees seer renee eee e ences
`How Do You Read Newsgroups? .......0eseeee reenter neee es
`FindingInteresting Newsgroups ......-.+-00sseeeer eee eee ees
`Choosing What to Read ...... 06s ce eee rene teen eens eens
`Choosing What to Post
` essere sees cere eter teen ness
`Starting a New Thread ........ 0. sere reece een e teens
`Replying by E-mail and Posting Follow-ups .....-.----.
`Usenet Netiquette ...... 6. cece eee ence e eee neces
`Sending and Receiving Attachments
`.....---+sseeeeeeeeer ees
`Offensive PostingS .........sseeee eee este eee nent een ne ne es
`Avoiding Spam oo... ee seceeen ene n cree eecenenene eae eenes
`How to Create Newsgroups ..... +... seers rece cette eee ees
`Running Your Own NewsServer .....-- 0605-00 sees
`NewsServer Programs .........sseeeeeeee ence ee eneee 2
`Creating and Naming Newsgroups on Your
`OWUSEIVEE 05 de eWRE Nos HE Eee ora ancisis
`Reading Usenet Newsgroups ....-.+.+0+eeeeeeee ees
`Common Newsreading Tasks
`.........eeseeee ener teen e eens
`Configuring Your Newsreader
`Subscribing to Newsgroups ....... +0. ssee sere sere ees
`Selecting and Reading Articles
`.....-.....+ +e eseeeees
`Posting Messages ........seeeee eens rere tere nent eens
`Newsreading in Google Groups
`....- 65+ +00 esses eee eee 284
`Newsreading in Outlook Express 6
`....-.+ +e eee essere eee eens
`Finding and Subscribing to Newsgroups
`Selecting and Reading Messages .......++-++seeeeeeees
`Sending Messages
`.....-...eees eee eee eter sete ee eeees
`Printing Messages
`.......--.0 sees eee perenne een e ene
`Saving Messages
`.....-.+sseeeeeeees A ihe dS eauNeues
`Unsubscribing from Newsgroups .....++++++eeeeee eee
`Newsreading in Netscape Mail & Newsgroups 6
`Finding and Subscribing to Newsgroups
`Downloading and Reading Messages
`Sending Messages
`.......+.eeeeee serene teen teens
`Printing Messages
`........+seee seer eee e eect een eees
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 17
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 17


`Contents keQxvii :.
`ca wiiiwenasane sea semawaars eae vel
`Savitie Messages
`Unsubscribing from Newsgroups .............0ee 0000:
`Newsreading in Netscape Messenger ............ 000s eee eee aes
`Finding and Subscribing to Newsgroups
`Reading and Selecting Messages ...........s0seeueeuee
`Seniditig MeCSSARGS!
`1. so nsiemiceres vise eareeimcems eirtmierete temas
`Printing Messages:
`« oc.cesweny ius eee genera Menss
`orcs ccamanines ann axaonma cements mews
`Unsubscribing from Newsgroups ............0ees eens
`Newsreading with Free Agent «icc ineriwss oon anenasntenme wart we
`Finding and Subscribing to Newsgroups
`Selecting and Reading Messages .............0e0eeeues
`Sending Messages
`........0ccc ese u eee e nen e eee teens
`Printing Messages: s.ceevsss 02% e604 saeeuciwesaw. esas
`SAVMEGASE acemicsimarw an nace eine reuermenuimrnmetemmr me acewine
`Deleting Messages and Groups .........+0+eseeeeeeees
`FULSCCIE MARCAOS vse osisiesnierne ace te mmemes msamee ines
`sas soe vee sa yea cw oo 307
`Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
`WATTS IRG? pusiasiscowaies 04 eeenewwaes we4 See wanes ane
`IRC Networks 0.02... 0.0 cece ec eee cece cece teen aeees
`5 sau cq euiie ete xh ten tee NSN eles BRSGITS SHES
`CRBBAAS .n00 sis ememmme sew ue Kaeo Cee Ree
`IRC Programs and IRC Commands
`...........0.0 0000s
`sacas can seomsessewien Hania nae
`WNetsplite and Lape acces saa vei tee aoseioee Srcise Heit
`Direct Client to Client Protocol (DCC) ...... 0.60... e es
`Chanserv and Nickserv ........cceeeeeeeeeeene teens
`CHAINS THURE coca. a mmc aes Gan Metrowmmnm eteN 315
`Gettine MUR. necnnecwee nes nest yma neeeins enaiele taeles
`Connecting fo an IRE Server ai ccaswessinas ewaramaawaes
`Listing Channels
`.....5.0ceersceeeennee ee eeneeee eens
`Joining Chantiels
`savages sa cos soawsamesce vane 317
`SPATEOOM: canons ouiniue Ese nmRr en GaeHOmnie me
`; icsscessans cceer esos PH VewaTs
`SANGTUES ~comsoscime ree maweaenmeees mOLeourReD
`Leaving Channels and Disconnecting from Servers
`PERC TIPE sec nesewicenese ces aeeinse amine sie seme
`TYPCOMMAHAS xcs co scemmmme mse see eeceens
`Connecting toa Server
`ss scesveswourenusee can veeeee ws
`LISGNG CRANES cae seecuwwmaenae wae Kare eases
`Joining Channels and Chatting .................eeeees
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 18
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1005
`Page 18


` xviii
`Internet: The Complete Reference
`‘|| 44
`Whispering cass ccsits cee eeoe eis see ewe newer mene
`Sending Files
`.......0sececee cece ee eneeeetenneeee ees
`Leaving Channels
`.......+.ssee scene seen eee n nese ees
`Starting and Managing a Channel ......-- 006+ eee eee neers
`Setting the Topic
`...... sees cece eee n cere een ee en reas
`Kicking and Banning Users
`...-..+-+.+eeeeer essen eres
`Designating Other Chanops .......+++00s+ereeeeene ees
`Other Chanop Commands .......+-+.+seereeee ere eees
`General IRC Tips
`.......:seeese eee eee cree enn e ences en nes
`Learning More .........seseveeerereneeneneneee neste ge tenes
`Instant Messaging .......-..eee secrete eee e eee es
`WhatIs Instant Messaging? ........:eseeeee resect eter e eens
`vs isd deseweusswenerens caveeereergeerees rnesinsauiei’
`Installing and Getting Started with ICQ)
` +++
`Finding People on ICQ... 1... eee ere renner este sree es
`Sending Messages with ICQ:
`...-...0 25+ t reer esses
`Other ICQ Features 2.1.0... ccs cece ee eee eee e eens
`AOLInstant Messenger (AIM)
`...-.. + sees ee eee e ern e ener ees
`Installing and Getting Started with AOL Instant
`....-..ceeee eee e creer e eee e neers ee eaes
`Sending Instant Messages
`....-.-.6++++seee sree eeeees
`Yahoo Messenger ........ s

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