`gum/.91 1198 10:1? FA: m an 3443
`. my: Deelut Nu.m
`l W
`r: Patent Application of
`Glenn I. {My
`Application NE: 081315.905
`Filed: Samba 30. 1994
`firmly An Unit: 1104
`) Eunice: Dang. T.
`Dmmc'rRICALLY momma
`Anise“: Commissioner for Patent:
`Washlnxton. D.c. 20231
`1. DR. ALAIN mus, declare dm:
`I hold a doctorate degree in Physics from Tangle University (rmlpm', _
`having cmnplaud my doctorate program in 198:1.
`1. mm; a. [lurid o'r nymirmtdy five yum from 1935 to 1959, I W a
`Member or new sun at the slum Processing 14mm of Bel: meantmiea' In
`Pennsylvania. My mpnmlhifitien were fanned in the an: of Maori-lush:
`ramming process develupmmu. putieuhrly ptuma prawns and dielectric
`3. In 1389. I joined Neveuus System as Senior Technologist and was promoted
`to Dinah: of Tachnnlogy for Dielectric- in 1990, having [Is-pennime for the pee-am
`line of dielectric deposition arm. including Mel-acting with mamas, dewloping new
`process”. “mm with! processel. troubleshootin! prnblems in the field. device
`innegnfiun. ate.
`I 163 Novella-I in 1993 wjuin LAM march. unstim- semiconductor
`equipment manufacturer. when: 1 women! In the CW) Division I few-pea to Novclmg In
`1994 as Director of Smart; Marketing.
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` —.._...._._.____. ..—I _
`HON 10:1? FAX {138 943 3448
`Amway-a Docket No. 003442-025
`(formally 51960.1’017d)
`Page 2
`1 am con-nay Chief human Officer of um”... I éOIIlion I hm bald
`since 1996.
`6. In 1988 or so. mum: mom a dual-RF Pncvn deposition sytnom.
`This gym provided for flu first time I mm III comm! the ma: of deposited
`films. Ono RP noun: is high fuquenoy. ml the other RF new in low {toga-my.
`Stress I: command: by varying tho my min ohm: hlgh ma- low Dogma: RF-
`mm. The main: role of tho high-fiequgnoy RF is to commie the reactlve speciu'md
`is added to comm! tho
`pmido nlfllclont clock-on and ion densities. The low
`ion bombade In whioh 1111: albums: no aubjooood. during dspouition. [amusing tho
`low-mun power increase: the plasma potential and H1: amount of ions following Eh:
`low—frequency RF rum (<1 MHz). Tho uniting low-mar” [on ilnplnntation comm-in;
`during deposition calms a chug: in the intrinsic film mm {mm :onsilo to coupmiw,
`lacrosse: film density, and improvu m: chomlcal rotations.
`7. Stu-cu level mm of dielectric films 11;: ofien spoken of and dopiooed
`‘tn "units" of 1 x 10' dynodom‘,.with "-6-" boingnwd to doom mils am and t"
`hoing um Lo denom- oompmsivo mus. Both inlogor and doth-nu values may 1:; used.
`for mmple;
`J x 10' dyuolcm‘
`4 x 10’ dynastom’
`-3 x 10' dynastcm‘
`-2 I: 10' timode
`—1 x 10’. dynesnm'
`‘ -u.1 : w dmslnm'
`o x 10' Wozn'
`0.1 a 10' dynulcm‘
`1 x 10' dme'
`2 x 10' dymioin’
`3 x 10‘ dynesim'
`Page 2 of 5
`Page 2 of 5
`JUIOHST ‘HDN 10:13 FAX 108 Ma 3443
`Attorney's Docket No? 003442-028
`[@1111de 51960.1’0173)
`Page 3
`s. m Novellus. 1 would be approached by mothers onto; various dlfl'erlm tum
`requirement. Malt of'l'huo veqlfilm'nflnu Wen quite conventional. Mont contort-tern
`requested weaving a m of about '-1. Cutest-tore were not interested in tensile
`flimbeoeuse ofthe propensity orsuchflltnsmcmk. Dielectric films are canons-o1 u
`passivatlon layers. cracking of which can result in device'comminotloo and failure to the
`In 1990, I we: appmanhed by Glenn Lead? about the feasibility of pmdueing a
`thick dielectric film hull!!! very low mile sites, This Was a very unconvenqu
`requut. one that. to my knowledge, no customer had made before.
`10. At the time Mr. Lcody 'roede his request. Novella had completed it
`aubmnfiel body of work resuming stress control or thin film. This work suggested in
`theory that. by convening deposition pm (princime lite ratio of high frequency
`RF energy to low frequency RF energy). film street could be controlled. anywhere along I
`line passing through we and “Ending from about -5 to +3. Attached is 1 page from
`Novellus'l ?NC¢58 Guide for Silicon Nitride. The figure at the button: or fill: me Show:
`the theoretic-l ware for men Home: patent-Ia of low-W power. together with
`Inllpnctlcc. however, the lowest
`dill points tampon-ling lnfilml actually minced.
`tensile stress mm produced a: Novella: ratio: to teoelvln; Mr. hour's request was.
`according to my recollection. about +1.
`11. Based canny upuiertee. Impouded to Mr. hedyxhlll'lhmlflhnhfl
`Novena could proouoo o' film. not would meet his minnow. Um to} diteett'on. In
`engineer then undertook a series of experiments. conducted We: a period or several days.
`commuting met W e t.th low stress wail! dielectric film could he produced.
`having at utreoa level‘ol'ebou: 0.1m: lose. murder of milniflldewm lewd“:
`tensile mine that and previously been produced at Novellln.
`I hue reviewed U.S. Pelee: 4.102.936 to Mind: et 11-. From the limited
`information presented in the peanut. I believed“! it. i.l imponlble to any with any degree
`of certainty whet the stress level or films produced in eeeotdantte with tho mulling: oi
`Page 3 of 5
`Page 3 of 5
`HUN 10:15 FAX 10! 943 3118
`Altomey's Docket No, 003642-023
`(fomterly 5195a. Pom;
`Page i
`the patent would be. For male. no mention Is made in Manda et :l. or the reactor
`lineman. InW pm wrinkle. The
`pew-u “liable: in the Novella:
`pruueea used In promo: law mess tensile dieleeu'le film fer Mr. Lady heludeu I
`meme. prelim-e. high new If pewter. low flequency RF power, and. new
`rate: of vm chemical eemiituenu (Speelfimtiau. page 21).
`13. Both ehntuialry the nelifltlanifley en Import-at rel: in determining mm
`ehmrlnlca. Slmlllflflu in chemlslry (at evenldendell ehemishy) simply ennui he
`used to predict film similarity apart from confidential» of activation. Th: 3m
`In the
`shunt-try coupled with difierent activation can produce entirely ditfmnt Insulin.
`cm of Mad: et al.. the UV activation pmeen employed differs greatly hen: the dual
`RF activation ptucels used at Novellnl to pruduce films {or Mt. Leedy. To draw an
`analogy. the' same ingredients. flnur and water may he used In tube a pizza. or may he
`need to melt: e mike.
`14. Based on my expenence. I do believe that films produced in Itcendance with
`the teachings ef Mud: et al. wmllti have tensile stress. Hewever. Medal. e1 d. provides
`an mechanism for cancelling the stress level. i.e.. no mechanism akin In varying the '
`ndoefhighfieqlmymlwmmgyuhthamehheflowflu system.
`The ability to produce a low tensile men layer relies on the ability to control Sites: with
`In independent meehlnim 9e Webb." Nu mehkneh is PrelenrhMaedu e1 ll.
`15. Silimn nitride ind-inshle goes down a: mud! high levels of mile sites:
`«2.3., +1}1n accordance with bath theme] depaaluon and high frequency PEC'VD.
`Furthermore. other Wei-k using simflu chemistry and UV aefivatlon u Mull: et II. has
`resulted in films having mum of about _+1. Note. fbl' mmple. Nageyoahi. e1 el..
`“Residual Stress of a SIMN.:H Film Prepared by Afterglow Plum Chalice! leut
`Depoeitlen Technique". Jpn. J. Appl. Hort, Vol. 31. pp. Lam-1.859 (1992). a copy of
`which is men-e ltmto.
`16. The undersigned declare: fuxlbet. the: all statements made herein at his own
`knewledge are true. end that all statements made an infimuatlon and belief Ire believed to
`be true: and funhee that than statement: were made with the knowledge that willful false
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`2 —_——_.. —._........——
`- —.vr i-—— —
`IIIUN 10:19 FAX 403' 94.1 3418
`.. ._._..._.,_._. .... ..
`Amara-fl: Doc“ No. 008442-015
`(tbme 51960.?!)17d)
`Page 5
`mum Ind In. Iih IO mull: m finial-111:1: by flue at hnpt-haumnent. “both. under
`Sectiu'n 1001 at" Title 18 of the Unitad sum Code. and that such willful fill! mmm
`mayjcepudiu ma validity of the inflation. or any pawn: issuing dummy.
`M [5 [97111
`EGMA 4mm.
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