`Screen displayed when you
`select the View Remote
`Server ID List option in
`ctn1r iguX1atitn1
`ID To fieroote ID List
`If you select a server from the list, the Remote Server ID Options menu
`Figure 10.8 becomes available. This menu applies to the selected server.
`The DSREPAIR Remote
`Server ID Options menu
`The Remote Server ID Options menu provides three additional
`perfonn for the selected server:
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 1


`Verify all remote server IDs - This option uses the remote server ID cache table
`on the selected server to locate other servers. It then contacts each server in the
`list to verify that its ID on that server is correct. This option checks all remote
`servers and repairs or deletes any IDs that are not correct.This operation is also
`performed by the Unattended Full Repair in the main menu.
`Verify selected remote server ID - This option is the sameas the Verify All
`Remote Server IDs except that it only checks the selecte4ser;er.
`Delete the selected remote server ID - This option removesil"delet~s
`selected servers IDs from the local server table. Choose tlris option only if you
`are conecting a problem that is causing a bad remote server m and that the
`Unattended Full Repair will not fix.
`The Replica and PartitionOperntions option on
`Replica and Partition Operations
`Advanced Options menu displays a list of all the replicas stored onthe se1,rer on
`.·. 0 which you are running DSREPAIR. This is the Replicas Stored on this :Server menu
`/ shown in Figure 10.9. Each replica is shown in list format form with the replica type
`(master, read/write, read only; and subordinate reference) and replica stat~ (ON, OFF,
`and so on).
`Stored On This Server-
`:;n;i fflNi WrttiH~
`rt tr
`=nm " Master
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 2


`You can select a replica for a partition from this list. After you select an indivic
`replica, you'll see a larger menu with all the replica and partition operations. T
`replica and partition operations let you perform specific diagnostic and repair func(
`on the selected pattition or replica. Figure 10 .10 shows the Replica Options menu
`The Replica Options menu in
`on all
`of a.11 seruers
`Repol'.:lt syncl1ronization
`Repair all
`ir111mediate syinchroniz-a.tion
`Repaik" tilfl'le start1ps and declare
`a nsw epoch
`Cancel partition
`on tl1is
`tl1is sel'."uew-as the new master k"epl ica
`D.e-lete Unknown
`0 iBW entire
`to replica
`The Replica Options menu is the most heavily used menu in DSREPAIR becau,
`enables you to monitor, diagnose, and repair specific problems with the replicas st6
`on a particular server. Several repair options in this menu require you to log in as a ·•·•
`who has rights to perform the operation. The utility makes you log in before running
`of the important repair options as a final check that you are authorized to perfonn
`The operations in this menu affect the entire partition and all of its replicas. This
`one place that the DSREPAIR utility can start operations on the other servers throu'
`the use of a replica list.
`If you ,vant to affect only the replica that is stored on a specific server, select the Vie
`Replica Ring option, select a specific replica on any server, and perform partition a.
`replica operations on that server only
`The Replica Options menu supplies several additional options that you can exe(
`for the partition and all of its replicas, as described below:
`i,. View replica ring - This option provides a list of all the servers that contain.• •• •
`replicas for the selected partition. A replica 1ing is equivalent to a replica list
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 3


`S E R V
`I C E S
`list of all the servers that hold replicas for a specific partition. The replica ring
`shows the replica type and replica state information for each server. You can
`choose a server or replica in this list and display the Replica Ring Options
`menu, as shown in Figure 10.11, ,vhich provides more functionality on the
`selected server.
`View replica
`of all
`:-:":·· ·.:_:_.

`ihat Haue Rep I icas Of Tl1is Par,tition
`Seruel"' name
`TOl(-Sm/1. TOH~O.ACME
`I 11aste;
`I On
`Delete Un)~nown leaf
`obJ. ·ee:ts
`View entire
`l is:-t
`to replica
`The Replica Ring Options menu supplies the following options, which affect only the
`Report synchronization status on the selected server - This option checks the
`synchronization status of every server that has a replica of the selected partition.
`If all the servers with a replica response are synchronizing, the partition is
`functioning properly.
`Synchronize the replica on the selected server - This option dete1mines the
`synchronization status of the selected partition on the selected senrer. If the
`selected server can synchronize with the other servers that hold a replica, the
`system is functioning properly. This option tells the selected server to start an
`immediate synchronization of the partition and report the results.
`This option sends all objects from
`.. Send all objects to every replica in the ring-
`the selected server in the replica ring to all the other servers that contain a
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 4


`replica of the partition. This operation cannot be executed from a
`reference replica. Note that this function can generate high network traffic.
`Receive all objects from the master to this replica - This option sends all
`objects from the master replica to the replica on the selected server, which is
`marked as a nevv replica.
`Remove this server from the replica ring - This option removes the
`server from the replica ring on the server where DSREPAIR is running. Be
`extremely car~ful with this oplion\ If a server is either no longer in the tree or
`longer contains a replica but still appears in the replica ring, you should
`delete the server object (unless you have a single partition) with
`PARTMGR). The server object being deleted will update the replica ring
`accordingly and you should not have to run this option.
`You should only execute the Remove this Server from the
`Ring option if Directory Services does not complete the removal
`the server using the procedure just mentioned.This would mean
`Directory Services is sufficiently damaged to prevent normal
`operation. You should be aware that misuse of this option can
`further damage to the Directory Services tree.
`View entire server name - This option lets you view the distinguished
`the server.
`Synchronize all servers in all replicas - This option determines
`synchronization status for every replica stored on the server on
`DSREPAIR is running. It contacts each server in the replica ring
`server to start an immediate synchronization to every other server.
`is the same as the Replica Synchronization option in the main
`This operation should contact every server in the replica ring.
`every server are synchronizing properly, the tree is functioning nrr,+ii>irlW
`do not synchronize to themselves, so the status for a servers
`shown as "host."
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 5


`all replicas - This option repairs all of the replicas displayed in the
`Stored on this Server menu. It checks and validates the infonnation on
`each server that contains a replica, as well as the IDs of both the remote and
`local servers. This is the same infonnation that is checked when you select the
`Unattended Full Repair option from the main menu. Inother words, you can
`run an Unattended Full Repair or a Repair Local Databasdnstead of choosing
`the Repair All Repairs option.
`Repair selected replica - This option is the same as the Reb1irA11Replicas
`option, except that it repairs only the selected replica. Beforechoosingthis
`option, you can run an Unattended Full Repair or Repair LocalDatabase, both
`of which are equivalent to this operation.
`Schedule immediate s~1chronization - This option irnmediatel9Srarts a
`synchronization of all the replicas stored on this server. You canus{thisoption
`to initiate synchronization activity if you want to view the Directory Services
`trace screen started by DSTRACE.
`Send all objects to every replica in the ring - This option sendsa11Zhjectsfrom
`this server to all the other servers that contain a replica of the selected.partition.
`You cannot execute this option from a subordinate reference replica.Yot.tshould
`also be aware that this function can generate high network traffic.
`This option behaves the same as the one by the same name mentioned under
`"View Replica Ring," except that the selected server is the server on which you
`are running DSREPAIR.
`Receive all objects from the master to this replica - This option sends all
`objects from the master replica to the replica on this server. The replica on this
`server is marked as a new replica. This option is the same as the one by the
`same name mentioned under "View Replica Ring," except that the selected
`server is this server.
`Repair timestamps and declare a new epoch - This option always affects the
`master replica, even though the master replica may not be the local replica or
`the replica in this server where DSREPAIR is being run. This operation checks
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 6


`all the time value stamps in the master replica to see whether any of them are
`ahead of the cunent time. If they are, they are replaced vvith the cunent
`timestamp. After all the timestamps are consistent, a new epoch is
`An epoch is a number (the first one is 1, next one 2, and so on) selected as a
`point of reference for Directory Services. The epoch is also knmvn as the
`partition creation time. An epoch is used to create a new timestamp, which
`controls the replica synchronization. vVhen a ne,v epoch is declared, it starts
`the master rephca, and the other replicas 'Will not receive updates from a
`different epoch. The master replica sends out all objects until all replicas are
`fully synchronized \ the new epoch. All objects on other replicas are
`as unknov,rn. The master then marks all replicas as new and resends all
`Be careful \Vith the Repair Timestamps and_ Declare a New Epoch option
`because it will lose changes made in a previous epoch. For example.,
`a reacl/Vv'lite replica vvill be lost if they have not yet synchronized_ to all
`copies, including the master. If a modification has not been synchronized
`master replica before a new epoch is declared, the change is lost
`Before using this option, make sure that all servers in the replica ring are
`communicating. You also should not perfonn this function dming times
`server utilization.
`i> Cancel partiLion operation - This option attempts to cancel a partition
`operation that was started for the selected partition This operation talks to
`master replica, v'lhich is responsible for the partition operations. Some
`operations may not be canceled if they have progressed too far. Other
`operations -
`such as the Adel Replica Partition operation -
`cannot be
`canceled .
`.,. Designate this server as the new master replica - This option
`the local replica of the selected partition as the new master. Each
`have only one master replica, so the previous master replica is "'""~Uf,~."'
`reacl/write replica.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 7


`This option is useful for designating a ne\V master replica if the miginal one is
`lost. This situation might arise, for example, if the server holding the master
`replica has a hardware frlilure and will be down for a while or indefinitely
`View entire replica name - This option displays the distinguished name for the
`selected replica.
`The Security Equivalence Synchronization
`Security Equivalence Synchronization
`tion allows synchronization of security equivalence properties throughout the global
`This operation walks the Directory tree, checks each object for the Equivalent To
`property, and checks it with the corresponding Security Equals property on the
`,1""'"'"'·"'-'-·'+ o~ject.
`You should never have to run this option if you are using the standard
`security and rights administration. The Equivalent To Me property is
`used by default. Enabling this option can cause performance degradation on
`Global Schema Update The Global Schema Update oplion checks that all servers in
`NetWare Directory Services tree contain the cmTect schema up to the 4.1 base
`i;:,"u"'·""" If a NetWare 4.1 server does not contain the correct schema it will be updated.
`After you select the Global Schema Update option, you are provided \Vith these
`for updating the schema:
`..- Update All Servers Schema - This option updates the schema on all servers in
`the tree. This is useful for updating previous versions of NetWare 4 (4.0, 4.01,
`4.02) to the current NetWare 4.1 schema.
`.... Update the [ROOT] Server Only - This option updates the schema on the
`server that contains the master replica of the [ROOT] partition.
`Import Remote Schema - This option is used for equalizing the schema before
`merging two trees .
`..- View/Edit DSREPAIR Log File - The View/Edit DSREPAIR Log File option
`allows you to manage the log file created when you rnn the other DSREPAIR
`options. The default log file is SYS:SYSTEM\DSREPAIR.LOG. When DSREPAIR
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 8


`is loaded, the log file is opened. When repair operations are perfonned, the
`activity is appended to the log file. The size of the file is displayed within
`parentheses on the far right side of the title line.
`You can use this option to control the log file. For example, you can turn the
`file off, tum it on again, change the file name, and change its location. You can
`place the log file on a NefWare volume or a DOS drive.
`Create a Database Dump File The Create a Database Dump File option lets
`copy the NetWare Directory Services files to disk in a compressed format to be used.
`Novell technical support. Creating a dump file can be useful for diagnostic a
`troubleshooting efforts. However, note that the dump file is not a backup that you
`restore later.
`When you select this option, you are asked to enter the path name for a dump
`The default is SYS:SYSTEM\DSREPAIR.DIB. The dump file can only be written
`NetWare volume and not to a DOS drive.
`DSTRACE refers to a group of SET commands available at the server
`DSTRACE is often referred to as a utility; however, it is really just a group of server
`commands. These SET commands are useful for monitoring how NDS is functio
`DSTRACE is primarily used to determine and track the health of
`Services as it communicates with the other NetWare 4.1 servers in the
`You can use the DSTRACE SET commands to:
`.. Monitor the status of NDS synchronization processes
`.. View errors that occur during NDS synchronization
`After you enable DSTRACE, you can see a Directory Services trace
`NetWare 4.1 server console. You can display the Directory Services
`entering the following at the server prompt:
`and toggling (Alt+ Esc) at the server console to the Directory Services
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 9


`Figure 10.12 illustrates the Directory Services trace screen, which enables you to
`the internal NetWare Directory Service processes and determine whether it is
`completely with the other Net Ware 4.1 servers. You can also see whether
`S!!l1C of
`( rn""' J> state:
`sync witl1
`ctl=3, «tate=l-l,
`t!Jpe; rn] ..
`... ·
`<Ctl=TOK-SRV1> successflltl!o!
`sync with Ol=i,
`YNC: Start
`S~NC: Start
`SY[iC: semli11g
`SYNC: up,late
`S~NC: Start
`SWJC, s;endi,19
`to ser•ver
`SYNC; update
`Yl"'IC : lllld S!Jnr.; of pa,•t
`it i o" <[]bot])
`ill I processed
`= YES .
`<CAMELO'i'.ACNll) state:t0]
`sync wit)1 C#=3,
`YNC: Start
`SVNC: Start
`SYNC; send i \lg updates
`SYNC: update
`SYNC: Start
`SVNC; "ending
`SVNC: "pdate
`VNC: Em\ sync of pa<'tition
`= YES,
`All processed
`h, se1°ve,-. <Cr-!=!01{-·SRVD
`sync wltl1 C#=l,
`DSTRACE was originally developed and used by the NetWare
`Directory Services engineers to help in the development process.
`Novell technical support uses it to diagnose NDS errors and
`determine the health of the NetWare 4.1 system.The DSTRACE
`set commands are now provided for all administrators.
`·.·.-.. • In NetWare 4.1, the DSTRA.CE screen now displays the important information in
`'{Color. Different colors highlight key events that occur during the synchronization process
`/ for the server. The trace screen displays synchronization info1mation for every replica
`/ ,stored on that server.
`.:i,······:··~;Way;···~·he~k·:• •• the·····bsJJC•~ ···;t:e~n····to····see•·•··tJit·····~:61••••_;:}···.cQm:unicating-•·before
`.. Never stati a.-~eyj partitig~.-6perat1Qn
`of _repfifa~pf
`'ah"errc,r dm1iriu11iti1:i,ng to}he othe(seJ'~~rs
`the s.irne partition ..
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 10


`Saving DSTRACE Messages to a File
`.. -.
`You can save the information scrolling across the DSTRACE screen to a file for·-··
`examination. The default name of this file is SYS:SYSTE11\D5TRACE.DBG. This file'
`grow to one megabyte and then will wrap and write additional text to the begi
`the file, overwriting the previous text.
`To begin saving the screen messages to this file, enter:
`at the server console prompt. To stop saving screen messages to the file, enter:
`These commands are equivalent to NDS Trace to File = ON/OFF in the SER
`utility under the NetWare Directory Services option.
`You can change the name of the file being written to by entering:
`SET NDS TRACE FILE= <path\filename>
`at the server prompt. You can also change the filename using the SERVMAN
`The quickest way to become familiar with the DSTRACE screen is to use it an_ •. -
`what all the messages mean. Here is a standard set of DSTRACE commands that Y'_
`SET DSTRACE <your preferred set of trace flags>
`(Begins saving screen messages to the file)
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 11


`SET DSTRACE = *H <Toggle (Alt+ Esc) to the Directory Services
`screen and wait until
`it completes.>
`a heartbeat process. Forces activity)
`(Ends saving of messages and closes the llle)
`in the SET DSTRACE=*H command, the heartbeat
`As mentioned
`causes a server to exchange timestamps with every serv~r in the ring
`of every partition stored on that server.
`has three main parts:
`Basic functions
`Debug messages
`Background process
`Basic Functions
`•. i.• ......... · .. · ..
`basic functions of DSTRACE are to view the status of the Directory Services trace
`NetvVare 4.1 and initiate hmited synchronization processes. To startthe Directory
`trace screen, you enter the following command at the server pfort1p(
`You can turn off or disable the Directory Services screen by entering:
`These commands are equivalent to NDS Trace to Screen= ON/OFF in the SERVMAN
`under the NDS option.
`To initiate the basic DSTRACE functions, you need to enter commands at the server
`using the following syntax:
`DSTRACE = <command option>
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 12


`Table 10.3 lists the commands that you can enter using the preceding syntax.
`Basic DSTRACE commands
`Turns on a predefined set of trace message
`typically used for debugging. The flags set a
`Debugging Messages
`When the DSTRACE screen is enabled, the information
`default set of fllters. If you want to view more or less info1mation than
`can manipulate the filters using the debugging message flags. The ~~,J~,..,...,".
`help you determine the status of NetWare Directory Services and
`is working well.
`Each NDS process has a set of debugging messages. To view the
`on a particular process, use a plus sign ( +) and the process name or
`the display of a process, use a minus sign ( - ) and the process name
`some examples:
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 13


`S E R V
`I C E S
`i(Enables the schema messages)
`i\'ou can also combine the debugging message flags
`hich means AND) and I ( which means OR). The syntax for
`iessages at the server console are as follows:
`DSTRACE = +<trace flag> [<trace
`DSTRACE = -<trace
`flag> [& <trace flag>]
`\. Table 10.4 describes the trace flags for the debugging messages.
`m§breviations for each of the trace flags. These abbreviations or alternatives are listed
`'thin parentheses in the table.
`Messages and information related to
`auditing. In many cases, this will cause the
`server to pop into the debugger if auditing
`encounters an error.
`Messages related to verification of backlinks
`and external references. The backlink
`process resolves external references to
`make sure there is a real object in NDS. For
`real NDS objects the process
`makes sure that an external reference exists
`for each backlink attribute.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 14


`Trace ~ags for the debugging
`( continued)
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 15


`Messages related to name service locking
`Messages relatedtd partitioning operations.
`This trace flag rnaybfusefulfor
`partition operat1ons as they proceed.
`Messages related to Service Advert/sing
`Protocol when the tree name is sent
`Messages related to the synchronization
`process, which is responsible for
`synchronizing replicas on the servers with
`the other replicas on other servers.This is
`one of the most useful trace flags available.
`Messages related to the synchronization or
`exchange of the time stamps between
`replicas.These messages display local and
`remote Synchronized Up To vectors, which
`contain the time stamps for the replica.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 16


`Background Process
`In addition to the debugging messages, which help you check the status of .·
`there is a set of commands that force the NDS background processes to run. To foli
`background process to run, you precede the command with an asterisk(*). An e
`would be:
`You can also change the status, timing, and control for a few of the foci{
`processes. To change these values, you must precede the command with an ci · · · ·
`point (!) and enter a new parameter or value. An example would be:
`(parameter value in minutes)
`Here is the syntax for each statement controlling the background nrc>tei;ses:otl
`SET DSTRACE = *<trace flag> [parameter]
`SET DSTRACE = !<trace flag> [parameter]
`Table 10.5 lists the trace flags for the background processes,
`parameters, and describes the process it will display.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 17


`Time (in minutes)
`Unloads and reloads DS.NLM
`from the SYS:SYSTEM directory.
`For a short period of time, both
`be loaded,
`.. extremely
`This command
`useful when you are updating a
`version of DS.NU,·tYotr can
`normal business hours without
`disrupting thf Jserspn.that•
`server. ·
`Sets the backlinkprocess
`used by NDSt() chEKk the ·
`baddiilk consistency.This is the
`same a:S the N[)S SET parameter
`NDS BackJink lnterval,V>'hich is
`seen in the SER\/1'1AN utility .
`·. _::_·.··_:·:
`The defaultis I SOOminutes (25
`hours).The range for this
`parameter is 2 to I 0080 minutes
`(168 hours).
`( continued)
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 18


`T A B ll E
`Trace flags for the
`background processes
`( continued)
`Forces the flatcleaner proces
`which is part of the janitor
`process. The flatcleaner pu
`removes the objects marked·
`deletion in the name service;
`Sets the heartbeat process
`interval. This parameter chang.
`when the heartbeat process C
`begins. The default interval to(
`process is 30 minutes.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 19


`Replica rootEntrylD
`Time (in minutes)
`Forces the replica on the server
`where the command is issued to
`send a copy of all its objects to all
`other servers in the replica list.
`The same as Send All Objects in
`Sets the janitor process interval.
`This parameter changes when the
`janitor process executes. This is
`the same function as the SET
`command NOS Janitor Interval in
`the SERVMAN utility.
`The default interval is 2 minutes,
`with the limits of I to I 0080
`minutes( 168 hours).
`Sets the maximum size of the
`trace file in bytes, with a range of
`I 0,000 to I 0,000,000 bytes.
`Resets the TTF file, which is the
`by default. This is the same as the
`SET parameter NDSTrace File
`Length Set to Zero.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 20


`Trace ~ags for the
`background processes
`( continued)
`no server ID is specified, all
`servers in replica lists ares
`UP. Performs the same fun
`the SET parameter NDS S
`Changes the IPX Request iri
`Process (R.IP) delay.This isf
`length of time to wait after
`an IPX time-out before re
`the packet.
`The default is value 15 ti
`Factors the estimated trip
`is used in the equation: IP ·
`Tlmeout ::: (T * Y) + Z. Thi
`where T is equal to the ti
`required to get to the desti ..
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 21


`The default is value 2. The range is
`0 through 530.
`rforming and Verifying Partition Operations>
`/ ue to the loosely connected nature of NDS, any kind of partition operatidh change
`.. ·.· s to be synchronized to other replicas of the partition. Because partition operations
`performed by the master replica of that partition, master replicas should be used to
`'Jy any partition operation. Some of the NDS partition operations are analyzed step
`·~tep using the tree shown in Figure 10.13, which is the partition view of the ACME
`...•.. The partitions are shown as circles.
`')gure 10 .14 shows a view of servers and their partitions. Some people prefer to view
`}different partitions stored on a particular server, while others prefer to view each
`·<ition and the servers that they are stored on.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 22


`A partitioned view of the
`ACME tree
`A grouping of servers and
`their partitions
`Before starting any NDS partition operation, remern_ber that there is a
`relationship between partitions. This entire section refers to the Figure 10.14.
`that CAMELOTs parent partition is [ROOT]. The CA:tv1ELOT partition has three
`partitions: CHARITY, OPS, and PR As shown in the figure, the tree includes the
`servers NOR-SRVl, RlO-SRVl, CAM-SRVl, SYD-SRVl, TOK-SRVl. This discus$'
`concentrates on the CAMELOT partition and its subordinates. Table 10. 6
`replica assignments for [ROOT], CAMELOT, CHARITY, OPS, and PR.
`For discussion purposes only, we have placed replicas in different
`geographic locations of the ACME tree.These examples do not
`to place your replicas in a similar manner.The~
`a recommendation
`examples are simply used to explain the partition operations.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 23


`··· ··,>:ro~~s~v,:;:~¥¥/·•
`frtkemember, this replica list only shows the assignment done by the Partition Manager.
`T6have a complete replica list of these partitions, you have to consider thesubordinate
`ii~ferences (also knO'wn as subrefs) that are created. When a server holds the copy of a
`.Pattition such as read/write (RW), read only (RO), or master (M) of a pareri[partition,
`'.'Bht does not hold the copy of the child partition, NDS automatically creates a:shhordinate
`leference, facilitating a link from the parent partition to the child partition, The link is
`/11¢~essary so that if the server holding the parent partition is queried about an object that
`(¢x;:ists on one of its child partitions, it knows which server to talk to. Ih other words,
`],µbordinate reference replicas are critical to the tree walking process, which is performed
`'/Bf the NetWare 4.1 servers. Therefore, the replica list above will actually appear as
`]hownin Table 10.7.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 24


`The following sections discuss the various partition operations that you can pe'
`and explain how to properly verify their status and completion.
`The Add Replica operation adds a new replica to a partition~ ,c.µ,uu,u,
`used fairly often by your administrators. Here are the steps ,avun''-U.
`• The master replica of the partition adds the server name
`the replica list.
`• The master replica sends all the objects in the partition
`You have a new state until the master has successfully
`the new replica.
`Ubisoft EX1003-2 Page 25


`• The master replica sets the state in the replica ring to Transition On.
`° All the other replicas begin synchronizing with the new replica .
`.5 ° The master replica sets the replica state to ON.
`At this point, lets add a read/write replica of CAMELOT to the CHR-SRVl server.
`server is located in the OU=CHARITY as shown back in Figure 10.13. You should
`these steps to successfully carry out the Add Replica operation.
`• Run DSREPAIR an

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