I, the below-named Declarant, state as follows:
`. My name is KEN“, Valli“?
`I currently work for Packers Plus, and I am familiar with Packers Plus’s design
`documents and completion proposals. Specifically, I am familiar with the exhibit
`addressed in this declaration. I am the custodian of the exhibit or I have knowledge of the
`contents of the exhibit such that I am qualified to make the statements below with
`knowledge of their truth and accuracy.
`. Attached as Exhibit 2102 is a true and correct copy of an EOG Resources proposal. It is
`kept by Packers Plus in the course of its regularly conducted business. Making this record
`is a regular practice of Packers Plus. This document was made at or near the time of the
`work it records by someone with knowledge of that work.
`Further, Declarant sayeth not.
`I, the above—named Declarant, hereby declare that all statements made
`information and belief are believed to be true; and further that these statements herein of
`my own knowledge are true and that all statements made on were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or
`imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States.
`Z4 4%;
`Signature of Dec a ant
`Date: MQTCh \I'LO\%
`1 of 9
`Ex. 2106


`EOG Resources
`Garner “16” No. 1H
`Completion Procedure
`Sheffield, SE (Devonian) Field
`Terrell County, Texas
`October 15, 2001
`Executive Summgfl
`The Garner 16 No. has been drilled to atotal MD of 1 1,563’ (2,627’ of horizontal
`lateral). The horizontal lateral will be acid flawed in 5 stages, Open hole packers will
`provide zone isolation. The well will be acid fraced using ZCA acid with 40 Quality
`(302. The workstring and packers will be pulled alter the job. 2—3/ ” production tubing
`will be installed at the bottom of the curve, which is the low point in the lateral.
`1. Ron Packers Plus open hole packers and FracPort tools on 3-1/2” tubing.
`Prior to setting the packers, run GR—CCL on wireline to get top packet on depth.
`To allow the upper Devonian chert zone to be completed in the future, the top packer
`will be set below the zone of interest.
`3. Acid free the Devonian horizontal lateral in 5 separate stages.
`Each stagewill be 18,000 gals of 17% ZCA and 7200 gals of 17% slick acid.
`The total job size is 90,000 gals 17% ZCA acid and 54,000 gals 17% slick acid.
`Frat: down 3-1/ " tubing at 35 BPM at $7500 psi.
`3 isotope RA tag will be used
`Flow back well to pit and/0r test tank for several days.
`. TOH with 3—1/2” tubing and packers.
`Run Aflerfiac log on 31/2” tubing, then lay down 3-1/2” tubing.
`Run 2-3/8" production tubing to the bottom of the lateral.
`Return well to production.
`Prepared by:M Low2.20:
`K. Glenn Carter
`- Distributiog:
`Howard Kemp
`Billy Helms
`Scott Campbell Craig Rohwer
`_ Randy Lewellen
`' Doc Mugt‘
`2 of 9
`Ex. 2106


`Gamer 16 No. 1H -— Completion Procedure for'DWonian Horizontal Lateral
`October 15, 2001
`Page 2 of 5
`Well Information
`’ (18’ AGL)
`APE No,
`APE Amount:
`Rig Release Cost:
`Estimated Completion Cost:
`Estimated Facilities Cost:
`Estimated Total Well Cost:
`13—3/8” set at 1130’. Circulated cement.
`9-5/8” set at 2821‘. Circulatcd cement.
`7” 26# HC—LBO LTC casing set at 9035’. Calculated T00 7000’.
`Tubing m workstring to frao down:
`3-1/2?’ 9.3# L80 8rd EUE tubing.
`Production Tubing:
`2-3/8” 4.7# L80 8rd EUE
`5M production tree (regular trim) with extended neck hanger.
`Back pressure valve capabilities.
`Reservoir Pressgm BHP : 4,000 psi.
`Maximum anticipated Sl’I‘P = 30006400 psi.
`No I-IZS.
`3 of 9
`Ex. 2106


`Garner 16 No. lH— Completion Procedure for Devonian Horizontal Lateral
`October 15, 2001
`Page 3 of 5
`a) MIRU pulling unit
`TIH with Packers Plus RockSeal openhoie packers and FracPort tools on 31/2”
`9.3# L80 8rd BUB tubing. See attachment for Depths for packers and FraePort
`With packers on depth using tubing tally,
`l) RU wireline truck Run GR—CCL to get the top packet on depth with
`the op en hole logs, to ensure that the upper Devonian can be completed
`in the future.
`Set all 5 packers (hydraulic set packers). Each to set at a different pressure.
`TOH with tubing and setting tool.
`TIH with latch seal assembly. Latch into packer.
`Land tubing with extended neck hanger, with 40,000 lbs compression on t0p
`ND BOP. NU 7—1/16” 10k fine vaIVe. Test frac Valve and tubing head to
`1 0,000 psi.
`Use BPV in mandrel hanger to provide isolation and to test surface equipment.
`Load 7” x 9—5/8” annulus.
`Test the 3—1/2” x 7” annulus to 4,000 psi.
`Rig up flowback company on itac valve. Install dual choke manifold to flew
`back through. Install ball catcher. Stake down all lines.
`Rig up Hallibutton frac equipment to fine clovm34/2” tubing.
`1 bank of equipment for liquid.
`1 bank of equipment for CO2. Set anchorsforhigh pressure (102 lines.
`Rig up RA tagging company. Hook RA lines up to 4 pump trucks.
`Test all surface lines to 10,000 psi.
`Install pop—off valve on 3-1/2 x 7” annulus. Set and test to 4,000 psi on location.
`3. Acid figc the Devonian horizontal lateral dotvn 3—112” tubing with a total of
`90,000 gals 17% ZCA acid and 53,000 gals 17% HCL, all foamed with C02.
`The lateral will be treated in 5 stages.
`The job will be tagged with 3 isotope RA material,
`The acid in each stage will be tagged with a different material.
`Design Rate:
`35 RPM Foam
`7,500 psi
`Anticipated Treating Pressure:
`Maximum Allowable Treating Pressure: 10,000 psi
`Limiting factor 0n Max Treating Pressure is the wellhead rating.
`, I; _,'.
`4 of 9
`Ex. 2106


`Garner 16 No. 1H - Completion Procedure for Devonian Horimntal Lateral
`October 15, 2001
`Page 4 of 5
`The lateral m‘ll he treated in 5 stages. Each Stage to be gumged as fallows:
`1) Fump the stage as shown below.
`2) At the end of the overflush, drop the appropriate size Fraert ball in 40?? linear
`gel. E'ump W bbls of 40# linear gel behind ball
`3) Repeat Steps 1) and 2) until all 5 stages have been pumped.
`1’qu Schegule For Each Stage:
`Foam Gals
`Type of Fluid
`17% slick acid
`slick water spacer
`linear gel pad
`17% ZCA
`17% HCL
`Flush and Overflush
`Liquid Gals
`2,5 5 0
`8,5 00
`-. Discuss with Packers Plus what rate to be pumping when the ball lands in the FraePort
`Craig Rohwer to obtain flappy disk ofjob.
`a) Rig down Halliburton prior to beginning flowbaelc.
`13) Flow back well until it cleans up good.
`e) Using balleateher, catch and keep all the Free]? ort balls.
`d) Monitor C02 and HZS levels 4 timos per day.
`6) Produce well through rental staekpack. Turn well to sales afier well cleans up,
`and when gas meets pipeline specs.
`1) Obtain gas sample as soon as Well cleans up good.
`Install EGG stack pack ASAP, and release rental equipment.
`a) MIRU pulling unit 4-5 days after the acid free.
`b) Kill tubing with treated fresh water.
`e) ND frae valve. NU 5M BOP. Use BPV in mandrel hanger for isolation
`d) Release latch seal assembly on packer. TOH with same.
`’1"1H with retrieving tool.
`f) Release the top packer. Shear release the openhole packers,
`g) TOH with 3~1f2” tubing and packers.
`a) Run After Frac lo g on 3—1/2" tubing.
`b) Run Protechnics memory tool on 3-1/ "tubing to the end ofthe lateral.
`c) TOH with same.
`(1) Lay down ELI/2” tubing while TOH.
`5 of 9
`Ex. 2106


`Garner 16 No. 1H — Completion Procedure fof'DeVOnian Horizontal Lateral
`October 15, 2001
`Page 5 of 5
`a) TIH with SN and 2-3/8” 4.7# L80 8rd EUE pmduction tubing to 9400’ MD.
`b) Land tubing with donut and tubing adaptor (tubing bonnet).
`0) ND BOP, NU produotion tree.
`Vendors List
`Acid Frau
`RA tag
`Flowback Supervision .1 Field Discretion
`Packers and FracPort T0015
`Packers Plus-
`Make sure ali vendcrs that are bid out are on thcifioprovcd Vendors List.
`KGC 10/ 15/2001
`m:\Fi1es\Horizonta1 Wells\Devonian\Gamer 16 No 1H Acid Brae Proceduredoc
`6 of 9
`Ex. 2106


`éarner- {(9 film I”
`”mailed-ml bent-«fa.» Mb”
`Tern” (bu/“lg, find:
`/o 12/zeal
`mé’r‘h? a ”an: cw GM
`9%” 453 Q 232/.
`(3mi- C’r'm.
`Shaw“ $9576" 759919. T06 7013?!
`3 AMP
`Upper bemmn n'é f“? 4’! Mi) m Curve,
`7"246' fled? an: (:53 :ei @ may
`I mff‘ 270 zip (BMW! simifib 70¢ Caz/c. Q 7098.
`”7.19 w.
`Ex. 2106
`- '
`7 of 9


`. gar-nar-
`ké New. /z‘/
`'51-. Packer: .. 61.44. F0.1: Part
`736 155'
` _ Pacino ' . Frag. A»?
`.. .MQMW 1.
`5???? "
`5’55 .
`Mg m
`_ 110,2?55',
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`.32." .8253
`.bo. MIL: 5d: pea/ma diam 9422??"-
`. at yaw—vs). flea.
`.zme beéuMflpa 744m
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`.ég’flfio/e— frklfl" moi)“ mien.
`fl€¢wk7 ,' f7!!!) *- WI?
`42%» @4400"
`8 of 9
`Ex. 2106


`(Emilie-t5 {all}?!
`PrflpIr-d fur
`Glenn Garter
`Hall Minn
`Do It Once.
`Do It Right.
`Comp|efion Pr0posal
`E06 Resources
`me at installinlw
`Horizontal Devonian
`Rockseal Multl-Frac
`_ mumm—
`Confidanflel - No! to be disclosed
`outside EGG
`‘ t
`'f“ casing eetjuat lulu the targetzone
`4.00" RSE seal assembly Cl‘w latch unit and 2 fl bended seal-
`7" x 4.00" RSB retrievable seal bore packer w/
`selective release and tubing crossover
`r ,
`3—1! "9.3# EUE N80 tubing as required
`fl a
`3 +— em" Rocksaal FracPort toolwl hall Seat sub and internal look 2. ll 14)
`3-112" eel: EUE N30 tubing as required
` 7" x 3-1l2" Rockseal It :3an hole hydraulic set packer
`3-112" 9.3# EUE NED tubing as required
`‘ 4......” 3412" Reckseet FracF'ort toolwl ball seat sub and lnlemal lock
`3-112" 931)! ELIE N80 tubing as nequlred
` 7" x 3-112" Roclcseal ll open hole hydraulic set packer
`341/2" 9.31; EUE N80 tubing as required
`‘ 3
`' <— 3-112"Rocl<sealFraanrt loolwfball seal Hub and lntemal lock
`I 4
`3-1l2" 9.31: EUE N50 tubing as required
`4—i— 7" x 3-1l2' Rockwat ll open hole hydraullc settled-rel
`3-1l2” 9.311 EUE N80 tubing as required
`; fw- 3-1l2" Rackseal FracPolt toolw/ ball seat sub and fntemal look
`I If;
`3-ll2" 9.3:»! EUE N80 tubing as required
`‘— T" x 3-1l2“ Rockseat ”5 open hole packer! anchor wl eelld shear release
` 'o
`3_«‘tt2" tubing as required
`r F— 7" x 3-1i2"Roct<sael cantralizar
`"‘—‘ Ball and seal pummut sub
` 5-116" Open Hole
`'ral thc-qu
`7'80 98343640
`Ken Pallzat
`cwlee Cant.
`Tc «shun:
`Dan Theml- 262L758?
`9 of 9
`Ex. 2106

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