`Open- Hole Or Cased And Cern erted
`it like the iongevity 8:
`downright toughness
`ofmyFrurrtand pump.
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`Open-Hole Or Cased And Cemented
`tmm: mean. by simmers] As the use of multiple tracture
`stimulafions in horizontal weibores skyrocketed in recent yeals. a debate
`emerged overthe best comptetion method: open-hole be! drop orcased and
`cemented hoies‘?
`It boils down to a question at whether mechanical packets or cement provide the
`best means of isoiating between trac stages during muttipie commetions in
`helizontal weibores.
`Murray Heynoids. a veteran completions engneer with TAQA North Ltd.. iooked
`at the advantages and disadvantages of each system in a presentahon at an
`Intocast tight oi conterence in Catgary in September.
`The open-hoie bfl-drop system is typically associated with Calgary-based
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc.. though a number of competitol also run
`similar systems. A packeris set in the external casing. uncemerled. In the case of
`the Packers Plus StackFFtAc system. bais made otthermai-piastic material such
`as Teflon are dropped into the we! to shift asleeve. isifiate the previous trac and
`N I LEx
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`We" "‘5' "33“ "at: part up-hote.
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`Other open-hoie systems use a dart instead ot a bal to shift the sieeve. Others
`use swefiabie packets where an eiastomereiement reacts with the wefibore fluid
`or temperature to expand. thus creating a seat with the open-hot. Depending on
`conditions. it couid take a week or more tor these to be set up in a wefibore beiore
`atrac operation begins.
`Most of the fractured horizontatwei compteions in western Canada use open-
` The Barnett shale is cunentty atmost 100 per cent cased and cenented.
`hoie packer-based systems. which may be the cheapestoption.
`3'9 3 Supply Chain
`mynoids noted that earty experiments with open-hoie gave poorerresuttstrom
`the standpoint ot microseisrnic monitoring as we! as production pertormance.
`0n the otherside ot the debate are the advocates of tufly cemented tinels. These
`wees are typicaiy more expensive Aato complete. but altow maxinum control of
`fracture placement providing there is good Agcementing in the horizontal section.
`which can sometimes be achaSenge.
`Listing the pros and cons of each system. Reynost sad the big advantage of the
`open-note packer system is that it‘s a Racontinuous trac process It can be done
`quickty it logistics flow everything to be Iocated on site. "It you're pumping
`100.000 kiograms pertracture stage. you might not be able to d: itatt in one
`day.” he said.”But can do 15 tracsin aday. or more."
`l'ttpdtwwwneartect-magazirnountindex.pt1ptrtewstarchived-arficlest1ass-open- I'nle-or-caeed-and-eemervaed
`1 of 4
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`Ex. 2009
`Ex. 2009


`Open- Hole Or Cased And Cent erted
`”rm _.._—.._.__.._...-...._..____
`I Foundations
`Other advantages include high pump rates and the fact that there‘s no frac fluid or
`pmppant imit. Also. Reynolds said open-hole completions may enjoy a slight cost
`advaniage overcased and cemented m.
`0n the downside. one of the disadvantages of open-hole Agsystems
`number of frac intervais has historicaily been iimited to about 2:: stages. AyBut
`now mtfltipfier systems Agate becoming available where we can trac up to 60
`stages:r Agso there may be fewer limits Agin the number of stages. Reynotds
`Open-hate systems have less controt over frac iength and frat: piacement. he
`said. ”In tight oi. as in fightgas. fracture hart-length is everything." Frac Aghaif-
`iength refers to the radial distance fmm the weflbore to the outer tip of a fracture.
`Aiso. he said seting the hydraufic paclmrs may create frac initiation points.
`If the bafis aren‘t recovered. the operator may need to ma out the bags and seats.
`adtfing significant cost. However. Reyndds noted one vendor has retrievable
`balliseat assemblies.
`Looking at the pros and cons of the cased and cemented systems. Reynolds said
`two big advantages are iongerfracs and more control over where each frat:
`initiates. He bebeves one of the biggest future innovations of cemean
`completions wfi be the opportunity to use cemented frac ports. which can be
`shifted with a ball or ctfied tubing.
`"This is. | th'nk. the future. We've run a coupie of these. We‘ve had] very good
`results in terms of fracture placement and productivity." he said about cemented
`frac ports. which he naked a"potentiai breakthrough technology for cemeMed
`He said cemented frac ports are currently being used in relativeiyshwow
`appicafions such as in Viking fight oi in Saskatchewan.
`Other new technoioges iorcased-hoie flacisotation include composite bridge
`plugs that can be easEy mfled out Reynotds said Hafiburton Energy Services
`has a seit-removing bridge plug that can be set on a timer to explode into a lie of
`cetarru‘c dust-”a may good way to remove bridge plugs.”
`(in the downside. it takes Agionger to frac the same number of intenrals in a
`cased and cemented well than in an open-hate welt This is because of the time it
`take: to perforate and the fact that it isn't a continuous process.
`"People who are looking stn’cfly at cost are going to probably stick with bah-drop
`systems." Reyndds said. But if the operator and its sentice companies are adept-
`and don‘t encounter any pmblems that extend the operation-the cemean
`completion ”can be cost competitive.“ he added.
`In some cases. reservoir conditions may dictate the use of raised and cemented
`completions. In the Horn River. forexampie. packersystems can't withstand the
`high temperatures.
`Reynolds said many innovative toois and techniques are emerging that he
`beiieves have the poteniai to change the way mtjti-fracbtred horizontat webs are
`completed in the future. "Hang onto your hat-there‘s a tot of technical innovation
`going on.“ he said.
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`I Open-Hole Greased And Carr-onion
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`rnerrl'l'r Ramitioations Of Moore‘s Law Lead To Trillions
`Added To Global Economy: tHS hthRmflMht‘zCXSVD
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`rnsrrl'i'r Mooring integrity Monitoring in Today‘s Market:
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`marI'Ir Kelvin Hughes Supplies SharpEve W8 Radar For
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`Open- Hole Or Cased And Cem erted
`energy regulahr to avoid a potential oontiot with its
`role as
`" 5; ii'i'y‘ E-rhar-uir‘as Tier: in r'-,-‘.:,=-:.‘t
`Sinoe the beginning at Aprl at this year roughly
`$1.6 hipn in entity has been raised oonourrent
`with mergerand
`An expansion at the existing transportation
`infrastructure is needed to connect growing crude
`oi supply from
` r"=_r‘-I.'i {ricer}: Lit-I. cot-i;..; 'i'rarrtsfl'e
`(Reuters) — Pipeine companyTm
`Corporation and pi and $5 produoer Em
`Harnessing the Power of Data
` TVM'M'
`. mar:
`rrr ri-ra. -\ marry. “(mar
`In lull!" __
`“in-..“ (6.”... m..- .—~
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`rnen'I'I1 Colorado Cleanteoh industries Association
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