`plug and play
`Volume IV Second Quarter 2001
`UPnP Enables Business Opportunities
`Salim AbiEzzi, PhD., Microsoft Corp, Steering Committee Chair
`Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) stan-
`dards, in order to succeed, need to be driven
`The Internet Gateway Working
`Committee provided a place for participants
`under 128K in memory, which is an impor-
`tant consideration for device vendors.
`by business entities. First, companies need
`to converge on a common specification.
`to believe in a business opportunity that
`requires UPnP device standards. Then,
`Forum members then created sample
`implementations to validate the proposed
`The recent unanimous decision by
`the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)
`R-7.4 Subcommittee to adopt UPnP for
`these companies, together with their col—
`standard. The Forum's royalty—free terms
`device discovery and control is another
`leagues and partners, need to provide the
`and UPnP platform neutrality allow device
`example of UPnP’s acceptance.
`resources and drive the development of the
`needed standards specifications.
`vendors to implement the resulting specifi-
`cation with a low cost-of-entry.
`Several Forum committees, including
`the Imaging Working Committee, have
`It is my pleasure this quarter to report
`As | write this in early June 2001,
`good momentum that may lead to the next
`that the first such UPnP—enabled industry
`ARESCOM lnc., Buffalo Technology Inc.,
`industry-championed UPnP scenario. Let’s
`scenario—Internet Connection Sharing and
`Network Address Translation (NAT) traversal
`D-Link, Intel Corp. and Linksys Inc. have
`already announced support for the UPnP
`work together to bring another scenario to
`consumers. And let's applaud the innova-
`—is under deployment by several Internet
`gateway device vendors. Gateway devices
`gateway specification in their future prod—
`ucts. In addition, Microsoft Windows® XP
`tive progress from the lntemet Gateway
`Working Committee and the companies
`employing NAT provide lntemet connec-
`tion sharing, assign port addresses to
`will support both client and service sides
`of the specification so a PC running
`clients on a private LAN and provide home
`IMndows XP can act as an lntemet gateway
`network security.
`UPnP Forum member companies
`have worked together to create a specifica—
`tion in which applications or appliances
`and support this NAT traversal specification
`on behalfof applications and devices
`sitting behind the PC. This also means a
`Windows XP PC can connect to the
`mnning behind the gateway device can
`Internet using one of these UPnP—enabled
`request port assignments on the gateway
`device and become visible and uniquely
`addressable from the Internet. Known as
`gateway devices and provide automatic
`connectivity support for the user. Interest
`in this new specification is high among
`NAT traversal, this capability enables many
`gateway vendors.
`in—home/lntemet peer-to—peer networking
`applications, such as real-time communica-
`Further good news is the recent
`announcements of UPnP software tools
`tion and multi—player gaming, among others.
`and device kit availability from Allegro
`Intel Corp. and Microsoft Corp. cham-
`Software Development Corp; Gatespace;
`pioned this scenario to facilitate business
`opportunities. These companies sought a
`Metro Link, Inc.; and Virata Corp. Each of
`these kits (see www.upnp.orglresources.htm)
`UPnP standard to enable appliances and
`has unique strengths and features and usu—
`applications on the home network to auto-
`matically discover, monitor, and control
`lntemet connectivity.
`ally provides support for multiple platforms.
`Based on indications from these tool ven-
`dors, it appears that the UPnP stack will be
`supporting this Internet gateway effort! a:
`New Forum Members
`Since April 2001*
`Allion Computer Inc.
`Mobius Interactive
`Cypress Systems Ltd.
`DH electronics GmbH
`eNabled Homes
`Pte Ltd.
`Gateway Inc.
`Global Sun
`Technology Inc.
`lpsil, Inc.
`Lugh Networks
`Marrick Ltd.
`Netgear, Inc.
`OpenGlobe, Inc.
`Pioneer Research
`Center USA, Inc.
`PortalPlayer Inc.
`Selcomm com
`VSM Foundation
`(an association)
`ForacompletelistofUPnP Forum memberspleasevisit
`' 'I'hisistwasamnteadeIyBIJMLbrhgingMal
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`news & events
`Fifth UPnP Forum Summit—
`Third U PnP Forum Plug Fest
`Coming October 2001
`Arlene Binuya Murray, Microsoft Corp,
`Forum Project Manager
`Please mark your calendars for the Fifth
`UPnP Forum Summit, currently scheduled for
`Thursday and Friday, October 18 and 19, 2001.
`Microsoft will host the event at the Microsoft
`Conference Center in Redmond, Washington.
`The UPnP Forum anticipates having several
`approved standards at that time. Internet
`Gateway Device, Digital (Security) Camera,
`Lighting, and Heating Ventilation and Air
`Conditioning (HVAC) are the strongest
`The primary purpose of the event will be
`to provide opportunities for Forum members
`to broaden and deepen their understanding
`of UPnP for use in product development and
`planning. Attendees also find these events
`valuable for connecting with other UPnP
`Forum member companies on potential
`business opportunities.
`We expect the event will showcase the
`UPnP products targeted for availability this
`holiday season and in early 2002. We also
`expect to be able to highlight the UPnP
`Certification and Logo Program at this
`Summit. Confirmation of the event will be
`broadcast to the interested community when
`plans are final. a
`Arlene Binuya Murray, Microsoft Corp, Forum Project Manager
`The third Forum-wide UPnP Plug Fest was held May 29 - 31, 2001. More than 40 engineering per-
`sonnel from 12 companies participated in the three-day event at the Microsoft Interoperability Labs in
`Redmond, Washington. A critical objective was to run sample implementations of the Internet
`Gateway Device (IGD) against the UPnP TestTooI with the goal of arriving at Sample Test Complete
`(STC) status. Achieving SI'C will enable the lntemet Gateway Working Committee to kick off the 45-day
`Forurn—wide review period necessary for a Proposed Device Protocol (DCP) to become a standard. An
`additional gateway-specific Plug Fest may be held in June or July 2001 to bring the specification to
`STC status.
`In addition to the IGD, other device categories tested included: UPnP toolkits and SDKs, a digital
`(security) camera implementation, printers, and various control points. Attendees were able to test
`their devices against a more mature version of the UPnPTest Tool than available in previous Plug Fest
`events. Participants were excited to be one step closer to achieving the first UPnP standard.
`The next Forum-wide Plug Fest is tentatively scheduled for September 2001 and again will be
`sponsored by Microsoft at the Redmond campus. Confirmation of the event will be sent to Forum
`members when plans are final.
`Events and Partner Pavilion Opportunities
`Fifth Universal Plug and Play Forum Summit
`October 18 - 19, 2001
`Microsoft Conference Center, Redmond, WA
`For: Product/tooI/component vendors
`Cost: $3000 for booth space, power, Internet, signage, conference passes
`Contact: if interested in exhibiting, speaking,
`or sponsorship opportunities.
`calendar ofevents.
`Electronic House Expo
`Conference: October 24 — 27, 2001
`Exhibits: October 25 — 27, 2001
`Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center, Long Beach, CA
`For: Product/tool/component vendors
`lftherearespecificeventsatwhichamemberfeelsitimportantfortheUPnPForum tohosta
`partnerpavilion or industry events where UPnP demonstrations will be on display please let us
`know by contacting
`Please additionally check him for a regularly updated Forum
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`Technical Committee: UPnP Security Progress Report
`Toby Nixon, Microsoft Corp. , Technical Committee Chair
`Toby Nixon ( was
`recently appointed by the Steering Committee
`to chair the Technical Committee, so thatJeffrey
`Schlimmer, chiefarchitect for UPnB can focus firll-
`be employed to protect not only UPnP traffic,
`but also the rest of the home network.
`- Allowing guests in the home to temporarily
`use selected equipment such as a printer,
`As work on UPnP has progressed, however,
`lntemet connection, or video display, without
`the Forum has increasingly recognized that
`exposing the entire network to discovery or use.
`time on architectural issues Toby has been with
`depending on these separate measures alone
`- Allowing equipment, such as laptop com—
`Microsoft since 1993 and has 26 years
`experience in networking technologies and
`standards activities
`may not be sufficient to address all scenarios
`of interest.
`A variety of usage scenarios are being con—
`puters, to be brought from the office, where they
`may be part of an enterprise network security
`sdierne, and connected to equipment in the
`sidered in the course of analyzing threats and
`home, such as printers and scanners.
`The Technical Committee is actively engaged in
`identifying security requirements. These include
`- Allowing UPnP-enabled equipment, such
`identifying UPnP device security requirements,
`the following:
`with the intent to develop security solutions that
`' Preventing unauthorized persons from
`as digital cameras, from the home to be taken to
`the office and used with computers there,with-
`will be incorporated into a future update to the
`UPnP specifications. The accelerating rollout of
`using home wireless powerline or telephone
`networks to discover which devices are in a
`out interfering with enterprise security or
`becoming visible to others on the network.
`always-on Internet connections such as cable
`home or to learn how to disable the burglar
`- Allowing use of UPnP-enabled equipment
`modems and DSL has increased the urgency of
`alarm system.
`in public facilities, such as printer kiosks in air-
`identifying and addressing security as an inte-
`- Preventing misuse of equipment by neigh-
`ports, protecting the service providers from
`gral part of UPnP.
`bors who may have similar networks.
`fraudulent use and protecting sensitive informa-
`UPnP was originally designed for the rela-
`- Enabling users to add new, secure devices
`tion on the UPnP equipment.
`tively benign security environment of a typical
`to their networks and use them immediately,
`home—specifically, one that was not continuous-
`without difficulty or specialized knowledge,
`The Technical Committee is studying specific
`countermeasures mentioned above in order to
`ly connected to the global lntemet. However, as
`while maintaining the ability to use unsecure
`identify those most appropriate for use with
`with any lntemet-based protocol, UPnP is
`devices previously installed.
`UPnP, taking into consideration the unique
`susceptible to various security threats.
`' Enabling homeowners to remotely access,
`characteristics and limitations of many UPnP
`A variety of countermeasures may be
`control, and monitor their home equipment over
`devices—such as severe constraints on computa—
`employed to address security threats, including
`the lntemet, while at work or on vacation, using
`tional power, memory, and bandwidth—the need
`encryption,authentication (requiring users or
`devices to prove who they are), access control
`a generic web browser such as an airport kiosk
`or hotel-room terminal.
`and authorization (granting permission to only
`- Enabling service providers such as electric
`for simplicity in installation and management,
`backward compatibility,the use of well-known
`and accepted standards,and favorable intellec—
`particular users to do certain things), digital sig-
`utilities to securely access, control, and configure
`tual property rights.
`natures (which ensure a message was actually
`sent by whomever it claims sent it) and message
`equipment, such as power meters, in the home
`over the lntemet.
`Some areas of security have been deemed
`outside the scope of UPnP and will not be
`integrity checking (ensuring a message wasn't
`' Granting access to sensitive information
`addressed in this work. These include digital
`altered in transit), among others.
`and functionality to specified individuals or
`rights management (copyright protection of
`Because of its original design goals, UPnP
`groups; for example, controlling the ability to
`media content), and security ofthe platforms on
`does not directly implement these countermea-
`sures. lnstead, it assumes that measures such as
`view digital audio or video content based on rat-
`which UPnP devices or control points may be
`ings, controlling when children may access the
`implemented (e.g.,validation of executable
`network isolation (gateways, firewalls, and prox—
`Internet through a gateway, or restricting use to
`ies), MAC layer encryption (provided by the net-
`work adapters), and physical access control will
`expensive resources such as high-quality
`photo printers.
`code). These areas may be addressed in
`relevant device control protocols or left to
`the implementer.
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`member sotli ht
`Forum member companies made several important UPnP-related product announcements this quarter, including a number of announcements
`related to UPnP support for lntemet gateway devices that are scheduled for commercial availability in 2001. These efforts represent solid progress
`in the adoption of UPnP and toward the goal of making 'it just works'a mainstream reality in home networking.
`Study after study indicates that sharing a common connection to the lntemet remains the primary reason why people establish a home network.
`Because of this, it is especially important that UPnP provide value in this scenario by enabling Network Address Translation (NAT) traversal.
`Here is a summary ofnews, in alphabetical order by company name.
`ARESCOM to Include
`Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) R—7.4 Chooses
`UPnP Support
`UPnP as Automation Protocol
`Ken Wang, ARESCOM Inc, Forum Member
`Robert Lembree, Metro Link, Inc, CEA R—7.4 Working Group 6 Chair, Forum Member
`ARESCOM, a global provider of broadband
`infrastnrcture equipment for telecommunica-
`tions carriers, ISPs, small office/home office, and
`multi—tenant units,announced plans to include
`UPnP support in its DSL and cable gateway
`products beginning in the second halfof 2001 .
`For more information please visit
`Buffalo Technology to
`Include UPnP Support in
`its Wireless Gateway
`Kenny Lam, Buffan Technology Inc,
`Forum Member
`Buffan Technology Inc (USA), developer
`of AirStation wireless networking and Internet
`sharing devices for home, small office/home
`office and small business, has announced
`support of UPnP, targeting availability in October
`2001 . The company's AirStation WLAR-LI I-L
`access point will support the UPnP standard,
`enabling a much easier set up process, particu—
`larly for AirStation units installed in conjunction
`with Microsoft Windows0 XP operating system.
`UPnP-enabled lntemet gateways will help
`home and small business broadband customers
`seamlessly nm multi-user network gaming,
`real-time communications experiences such
`as Vlfindows Messenger, remote PC assistance,
`and other peer—to-peer applications by
`uniquely identifying PCs or devices sharing
`a broadband connection.
`For more information please visit
` 32
`The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) Joint CEANESA (R-7.4) Subcommittee has chosen
`UPnP as the base protocol in its Versatile Home Network (VHN) specification. UPnP brings a rich set of
`features to VHN that are crucial to home networking. Handling all aspects of addressing, device discov-
`ery, eventing and control, UPnP will serve as a foundation for VHN's more advanced features.
`The CEA has a cohesive strategy for compatibility of various home networking protocols,with the
`VHN as the centerpiece tying clusters together. The choice of UPnP as the base protocol allows VHN to
`leverage the strengths of UPnP and achieve compatibility with UPnP devices and control points. In
`retum,VHN will provide standards that build upon UPnB particularly in the areas of distributed audio
`and video, network security and network ardiitecture.
`The CEA R—7.4 Working Group 6 (W66) is chartered with the task of integrating UPnP into the VHN
`specification, which is expected to be completed by Fall 2001.
`VHN specifies media, bridges, and access points, as well as other network components. VHN has
`chosen IEEE 1394b over CAT 5 or fiber as the backbone for the home network,taking advantage of
`various network media features, such as IEEE 1394b's ability to guarantee bandwidth to an application.
`VHN adds to UPnP the security, network management, user interface, and streaming Quality of
`Service (QoS) layers needed to access outside services and distribute entertainment in the home.
`The ability for all VHN devices to interoperate with UPnP devices brings a significant convergence
`to the home networking industry, which is driven by Internet access and entertainment opportunities.
`VHN and UPnP together provide manufacturers, software developers and service providers the neces-
`sary tools, stability and direction to begin developing their products with confidence in the standards
`implemented by their products.
`With over 600 members,the CEA is accredited by ANSI and authorized to write American National
`Standards CEA is the only open,consensus—based standards developing organization (SDO) that is
`actively engaged in home networking standards.
`For more information please visit www.ce.or .
`D-Link Supports UPnP in Residential Gateways
`through Windows XP
`Brad Bester, D—Link Systems, Inc, Forum Member
`D—Link will incorporate UPnP technology to make home networking and broadband lntemet
`sharing easier than ever, expanding the security, ease of use, and Internet sharing capabilities of its
`residential gateway products. D—Link will offer this UPnP technology as a free upgrade to its currently
`available gateway models later this year and as an added feature to future products beginning in
`September 2001.
`The upgrade will be optimized to take advantage of new home networking enhancements included
`in the Microsoft Windows° XP operating system. By adhering to the UPnP Device Architecture version
`continued on page 5
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`D-Link Supports UPnP, continued from page 4
`develo - er tools
`1.0 guidelines, D—Link will provide a new class of
`residential gateway that will leverage the UPnP
`support in Windows XP to create a more enjoy—
`able home networking experience for users.
`Both the industry and users will benefit from
`this new D—Link technology as it expands the
`market for home networking past the early
`adopter to the general consumer.
`For more information please visit
` =
`Intel Offers UPnP DSL
`Gateway Device
`Roger Chandler, Intel Corp., Forum Member
`Intel Corporation,a leading manufacturer of
`networking and communications solutions,will
`offer a UPnP-enabled DSL Gateway product
`scheduled to begin shipping in July 2001. The
`new product, Intel AnyPoint‘“I DSL Gateway
`Model 4200, will help service providers improve
`the customer installation experience, lower
`installation costs, reduce ongoing support costs,
`and increase revenue streams. Optimized for
`home and small office environments, the gate-
`way will provide greafly simplified setup and
`usage via UPnP and other technologies.
`Intel will continue to demystify networking
`for home users through UPnP. Future residential
`gateway products from Intel will enable users to
`transparently add new devices to a home net-
`work and share network resources. Users will be
`able to easily share a broadband connection
`between multiple PCs and other connected
`devices for real time communications, digital
`entertainment and gaming.
`Intel currently chairs the lntemet Gateway
`Working Committee and has helped to promote
`industry adoption through sponsorship of UPnP
`Plug Fest events and industry education. Last
`year the Intel Architecture Labs released a free,
`open source UPnP SDK for Linux-based connect-
`ed device manufacturers incorporating UPnP
`into their products.
`For more information please visit
` E
`More Member Spotlight
`Articles on Page 8
`UPnP Used to Assist Persons with Disabilities
`Mike Friedman, Microsoft Corp., Forum Member
`'\fictoria' is the Microsoft“ codename for a technology that improves the accessibility of UPnP
`devices for persons with disabilities. The new technology facilitates the use of a custom user interface
`— text-based, speech-based, Braille—based, or other—hosted on a device such as a Personal Digital
`Assistant (PDA) or other computer.
`Created by the Microsoft Accessible Technology group,'\fictoria‘ is based on the idea of Universal
`Console (UC) software. UC software appears to the target UPnP device as a UPnP V1.0 control point.
`The software controls UPnP devices at home, at work,and while traveling.
`In the UPnP architecture,the target device directs a control point to the URL of the service’s user
`interface. Under the'lfictoria' paradigm, the URL points to an XML document that contains an abstract
`representation of the service’s user interface. The UC software transforms the abstract user interface
`into a conaete user interface accessible to the person with disabilities.
`Manufacturers will find ‘Vrctoria'easy to implement—a manufacturer commissions an
`author/developer to create a single XML document for a UPnP service. The resulting document can
`serve customers with a wide variety of disabilities and combinations of disabilities. An operating
`system could include a basic UC that accommodates common disabilities. Vendors can create
`full-featured US for specialized markets. A custom UC can be developed for an individual with
`an unusual combination of disabilities.
`‘Ifictoria' works with conventional UPnP devices, as well as ATMs, kiosks, and other devices and
`software applications. Microsoft has submitted a draft standard based on the \fictoria technology to
`the National Committee for Information Technology Standards (NCHS).
`The Microsoft Accessible Technology group is seeking a variety of UPnP devices to use in
`prototyping 'Vrctoria,"wiflr potential commera'al availability of'Victoria'—enabled products in 2002.
`For more information please contact
`Gatespace Builds Bridge Between UPnP and OSGi
`Staffan Truve, Gatespace, Forum Member
`Gatespace,a provider of open standards-based distributed service platforms for developing and
`delivering network-based services, announced at Parks Connections 200] in May that the company is
`adding support for UPnP to its portfolio of OSGi-based (Open Services Gateway Initiative) products.
`The Gatespace platform now allows service gateways to discover and control UPnP-enabled devices
`on local networks. At the same time, UPnP devices can discover and control OSGi-based services exe-
`cuting on a service gateway.
`The Gatespace OSGi/UPnP connectivity product allows service developers to provide distributed
`services that securely and reliably tie together UPnP devices and OSGi services on different gateways
`and local networks. This approach simplifies the development of many services focused on content
`delivery, network—based storage, and remote management, among others.
`For more information please visit or call 650-846-6580. H
`Vi rata Releases EmWebUPnP for Networked Devices
`Philip Poulidis, Virata Corp, Forum Member
`Virata has released EmWebOUPnBa turnkey multi—platform UPnP software for embedded
`devices. Based upon the highly-efficient and patented EmWeb architecture, EmWebUPnP allows
`system developers to easily add cutting-edge network control to products, while saving develop-
`ment time and ex
`continued on page 7
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`committee re o orts
`Marketing Committee
`Mark Lee, Microsoft Corp., Marketing Committee Chair
`The Steering Committee accepted the Marketing Committee's plan for 2001 in February. The UPnP
`markefing effort relies upon the resources of Fonrm member companies, because there is no separate
`budget within the Forum for marketing or promotion. This article highlights some of the recent mem-
`ber activities driven by this marketing plan.
`The focus of the 2001 Forum marketing effort is vendor adoption of UPnP—leading to commercial—
`Iy-available products embracing UPnP. Effective consumer and channel promotion efforts require the
`availability of a critical mass of UPnP-enabled products. This means the primary audience for UPnP
`marketing efforts in 2001 is the hardware and device develoth community.
`In an effort to focus on a category that represents the best opportunity for rapid, widespread UPnP
`adoption,this year the Marketing Committee has focused its outreach efforts on the lntemet gateway
`device category. Great progress in this area is demonstrated by recent announcements of UPnP-
`enabled lntemet gateway devices. While making a concerted push to highlight and support Internet
`gateway vendors in this timeframe, the Marketing Committee also provides public relations support
`for vendors in any product category making UPnP-related product announcements.
`Other Marketing Committee activities have included working toward closure on the logo for UPnP;
`refreshing the Forum Web site, which is undenNay now and will conclude later this summer; delivering
`this newsletter each quarter; and providing other marketing support to Forum members. The commit—
`tee prepares core messaging to each Forum organization regarding how to refer to UPnP technology
`and to the UPnP Forum.
`Since the end of 2000, there have been some changes in Marketing Committee leadership. We
`thank Richard Dunda (Microsoft Corp.), David Nash (Intel Corp.) and Dave Hill (Panja) for their contri-
`butions as chair and co-chairs of the Marketing Committee. Each of these individuals has made solid
`contributions since the beginning of the UPnP Forum. I would like to welcome Andrew Liu (Intel
`Corp.), who assumed co-chair responsibilities upon David Nash's departure.
`Internet Gateway Working Com m ittee
`Prakash Iyer, Intel Corp., Internet Gateway Working Committee Chair
`The lntemet Gateway Working Committee has reached an important milestone by publishing ver-
`sion 0.9 of the Internet Gateway Device (IGD) Device Control Protocol (DCP) and approving it as
`Template Design Complete. The DCP also incorporates semantic tests that will serve as guidelines for
`IGD vendors to test device interoperability.
`Six IGD sample implementers participated at theThird UPnP Plug Fest hosted by Microsoft in May
`2001 . The committee is evaluating test tool compliance results from these sample implementations.
`The committee will also incorporate minor updates to the DCP based on feedback from the
`sample implementers. The committee is expected to soon propose a target date for its next major
`milestone—a mandatory 45-day Forum-wide rein'ew of the DCP.
`The Internet Gateway Working Committee urges all Forum members, and especially gateway
`vendors, to review the DCP and provide feedback early in the review period. The committee also
`invites other companies to step up and contribute sample implementations to help achieve the
`goal of progressing the DCP to version 1.0 status in time for product launches coinciding with the
`Holiday 2001 season.
`The specification is posted in the Document Archive of the Member Only section of the UPnP
`Forum Web site at www.upnp.orglmembers/archive/default.htm. From this page, click on Device
`and Service Templates—Details by Working Committee.
`AudioNideo Working
`Jean Moonen, Philips Electronics N.V.,
`Audio/Video Working Committee Chair
`The Audio/Video (AV) Working Committee
`has expanded the committee’s ContentDirectory
`service, which exposes content meta information,
`to include the Camera and Electronic Picture
`Frame (EPF) domain. The resulting service tem—
`plate will allow UPnP applications to browse,
`select and transfer audio, video, pictures, and pos—
`sibly other content, in a simple and uniform way.
`The ContentDirectory service and other key
`AV services are expected to achieveTDC
`(Template Design Complete) status in June
`2001. The committee will also work with the EPF
`Subcommittee to create a common service for
`display settings, such as brightness and contrast.
`for dew'ces such as televisions, monitors and
`electronic picture frames.
`After the definitions reach TDC, the commit-
`tee will implement and test interoperability
`between devices. Most implementations will
`focus on audio streaming scenarios where audio
`content is located, browsed and streamed from a
`storage device to a player device.
`Camera Working Committee
`Mark D. Wood, Eastman Kodak Co., Camera
`Working Committee Chair
`The Camera Working Committee is develop-
`ing the interaction and device model that will
`guide the development of the Camera specifica—
`tion. The committee will focus on Internet proto—
`col-based data transfer. Both HTTP GET and
`lP—based streaming protocols will be supported.
`In addition, the committee is continuing to
`work with the Audio/Video Working Committee
`to develop a generic ContentDirectory
`storage service.
`Electronic Picture Frame
`John Ritchie, Intel Corp., Forum Member
`The Electronic Picture Frame Subcommittee
`chair position remains open while the subcom—
`mittee continues to make progress leveraging
`the common AudioNIdeo device and service
`definitions (e.g. Content Directory, Rendering
`Control). These common services have recently
`been modified to better support low-resource
`devices such as electronic picture frames.
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`Virata Releases EmWebUPnP,
`continued from page 5
`The software's small footprint and scalability
`makes it ideal forembedded environments
`ranging from cameras and printers to network
`routers and switches. A key feature is the corn-
`piIer, which automatically generates the UPnP
`Service APls, allowing designers to easin add
`UPnP functionality to devices. EmWebUPnP is
`packaged with other core EmWeb software
`components and runs on a broad spectrum of
`embedded operating systems.
`Virata provides communications software
`and semiconductors to DSL, wireless, satellite,
`and broadband networking equipment manu-
`facturers. \firata pre-integrates its extensive
`suite of communications software with its pow-
`erful and cost-effective communications proces-
`sors to create Integrated Software on Silicon
`(ISOS) products. \firata will deliver native UPnP
`support fully integrated into ISOS Release 8.1
`for deployment in broadband networking
`For more information please visit
`Home Automation and Security Working Committee
`Hans J. LangeIs, Siemens , Home Automation and Security Working Committee Chair
`Following last quarter's design of the Digital Security Camera and Lighting Control, the Home
`Automation and Security Working Committee has brought another set of senrice and device descrip-
`tions to Template Design Complete (TDC) status—Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC).
`The authors of these HVAC documents have done excellent work—congratulations to Larry Stickler at
`Honeywell and Andrew Fiddian—Green at Siemens!
`It is time for UPnP members in the application field to implement the HVAC specifications. Join
`Honeywell, lnvensys Controls, and Siemens,who have committed to providing sample implementa-
`tions for testing at the next Home Automation and Security Plug Fest.
`As a result of work on application scenarios,the committee decided to merge the service and
`device descriptions for Energy Management and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) into 'Power
`System." Likewise Security System and Access Control were united as “Security and Access Control
`System." Service and device descriptions for Blinds/Shutters/Motor Control were greatly simplified.
`The design of all work items is expected to be atTDC in June 2001.
`Wlth so many controls at TDC, there are many opportunities for test implernenters—step forward if
`your company is working on any of the items mentioned above. Express your intention and reap the

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