`plug & play
`Third Quarter 2000
`Welcometo the UPnP Forum Newsletter
`Salim AbiEzzi, Ph.D., Microsoft Corp., Steering Committee Chair
`Welcometo the inauguralissue of the quarterly Universal Plug & Play (UPnP)
`Forum newsletter.
`The Forum hasthe objective of launching an industry based onthe vision of pervasive
`connectivity ofall device types everywhere, to improve quality oflife.If I'm browsing an
`electronic program guide while traveling, | should be able to ordera specific program to be
`recorded on mydigital video recorder at home. My calendarat work should be able to set
`my alarm clock at home when| have an unusually early appointment, such as a conference
`call to Europe. My personal computer in my homeoffice should be able to service photo
`slide showsto mytelevision and digital music play lists to my stereo system in the
`family room.
`Today, we already have manyof the building blocks to makethis vision a reality.
`We do not need to inventcold fusion or solve hard technical problems. We simply need to
`provide a frameworkand define standards for device communicationirrespective of type
`or vendor.
`UPnPis the most natural extension of the Internet into everyday devices andintelligent
`appliances.It builds on IP. TCP, UDP, HTTP, and XML amongotherexisting technologies,
`and its contract for device interoperability is based on declarative data over a wire protocol,
`namely XMLover HTTP, whichis similar to the Internet HTML over HTTP. In addition to
`learning from and leveraging proven success, this approach has the advantageof paving
`the way for connecting these devicesto the Internet.
`The UPnPdevice architecture version 1.0 wasfinalized in mid-June 2000.It defines
`protocols for peer-to-peer device networking,including zero-configuration, automatic
`discovery, description, control and eventing. Plug a device into the network andit just
`works — it obtains an IP address, announcesits presence, provides a description ofits
`capabilities to interested clients, and receives and acts upon control messages from such
`clients. So UPnP providesa driverless methodology for dynamic device connectivity.
`People that have worked with device drivers in the past will have an appreciation for this
`significant simplification.
`The Forum, launched on October18, 1999, is a consortium of more than 200 compa-
`nies including industry leaders in consumerelectronics, home appliances, homecontrol
`WhyJoin the UPnP Forum?
`Richard Dunda,Microsoft Corp.,
`Marketing Committee Chair
`The UPnPForum wasformed to create
`communication standardsforintelligent devices
`ofall types and simplify networking and config-
`uration of these devices on a network. Across a
`wide rangeof devices, UPnP Forum members
`are defining device descriptions.
`Both UPnPanddevice descriptions are built
`around the same standards that made the
`Internet a worldwide success — HTTP, IP and
`now,XML. Because it's based on Internet
`standardslike IP UPnP provides a simple, media-
`independent, practical implementation of peer-
`to-peer, zero-configuration networking.
`UPnPis also a lower-overhead, lower-cost
`method for incorporating device intelligence
`than alternative approaches, consuming less
`than 50Kb inits implementation. UPnPis the
`technology to provide the catalyst for manufac-
`turers to produce, and consumers to buy, a wide
`range ofcost-effective intelligent devices for the
`home andoffice and everywhere in between.
`The UPnP Forum now has morethan 200
`member companies, representing a broad spec-
`trum of industries.These companies are leaders.
`They are building the intelligent products and
`services of the future.
`By joining the UPnP Forum, your company
`can positionitself to take advantage of the
`opportunity that IP-based networking ofintelli-
`gent devices will bring to consumers and busi-
`nesses. UPnP Forum membership enables your
`e Bea leaderin yourindustry. Design and
`drive the developmentand implementation
`of device descriptions for your products and
`services and the products with whichtheywill
`interact. How will a stereo talk to a clock and
`a personal computer?
`continuedon page 2
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`Welcome to the UPnP Forum Newsletter, from page 1
`and automation, mobile devices, and computer
`peripherals.These industry leaders chair and
`staffWorking Committees to establish device
`standards according to the common UPnP
`device architecture.The Working Committees
`include the Appliances Working Committee, the
`Audio/Video Working Committee, the Home
`Automation and Security Working Committee,
`the Imaging and Printing Working Committee,
`the Internet Gateway Working Committee and
`the Mobile Devices Working Committee.These
`committees are defining about 30 device
`standardsin thisfirst generation.
`The Technical Committee coordinates and
`supports each of the Working Committees to
`promoteefficient progress and produce a
`technically sound and synergistic family of
`standards. In addition, the Steering Committee
`is a group of 20 companies that provides general
`leadership and business direction for the Forum.
`Likewise, the Marketing Committee is chartered
`with worldwide recognition of the UPnP Forum,
`UPnPandthebenefits it delivers.With the pub-
`lishing of the version 1.0 device architecture
`and support material including templates,
`guidelines, and frequently asked questions
`(FAQ); the shipping of UPnPclient support in
`Windows Millennium Edition (Me); and the
`availability of beta versions of two UPnP device
`kits, we have madesignificant progress against
`ourvision and have paved the way for UPnP
`device implementations.We expect to see pio-
`neer products in the marketplace by the end of
`2000, and many more by the 2001
`end-of-yearholiday season.
`UPnPoffers many benefits. One is platform
`independence, whichallows any vendor, using
`any operating system and any programming
`languageto build UPnP devices.The architec-
`ture is also media independent, sinceit is built
`on IP, which runson a variety of physical media.
`As a natural extension of the Internet, UPnP
`uses the same approach andbuilding blocks,
`henceit builds on proven success. UPnPis royal-
`ty-free — the UPnP Forum agreementstates
`that UPnP membercontributions are generally
`licensed royalty-free to other members.Finally,
`UPnPlendsitself to low-cost and lightweight
`implementations,sinceit is based on sending
`andreceiving data over wire protocol according
`to a simple device model.
`Participation in the Forum only requires
`signing the membership agreement, bringing
`the member companydiverse and significant
`benefits.Through broadindustry support and
`Participation, we can accomplish our goalof
`creating a standardized wayfor devices to
`speak to each other.
`For more information aboutthe benefits of
`joining the Forum, see “WhyJoin the UPnP
`Forum’in this newsletter. For details onall of the
`above please visit =
`Developer Website at =
`Fall Intel Developer Forum (IDF) with UPnP Pavilion
`The Intel Developer Forum (IDF) scheduled for August 22 through 24, 2000 in San Jose,
`California, will feature a UPnP Implementers Workshop and UPnPPavilion showcasing
`product demonstrations from early implementers. Intel Corp. is sponsoring the UPnP
`Pavilion to give early adopters an opportunity to show functional prototypes representing
`initial products available this year.There will be several multi-operating system develop-
`mentkits available as well. Current participants include Axis Communications AB; Hewlett-
`Packard Company;Intel Corp.; Invensys Controls; Lantronix, Inc.; Microsoft Corp.; Panja Inc;
`Premise Systems, Inc.; Siemens AG; and Xerox Corp.
`For complete information about the Intel Developer Forum Conference, see the Intel
`WhyJoin the UPnPForum, from page 1
`e Leverage yourassets.Actively participate
`in the UPnP Forum to ensure both legacy prod-
`ucts (via bridging) and new products (natively)
`cantalk and interact dynamically on a UPnP
`e Realize increased flexibility in users’ inter-
`action with your products and services by con-
`trolling the user interface of your device.
`¢ Gain a broad understanding of UPnP
`technology andits opportunities for your prod-
`ucts and industry. Learn more about the interac-
`tion between UPnP-enabled devices and down-
`stream and upstream devices and services.
`e Participate in marketing opportunities
`and events. Gain access to Universal Plug
`andPlay Forum eventsincluding Plug Fest
`compatibility workshops, UPnP Partner
`Pavilions at major trade shows, and imple-
`mentation workshops.
`e Develop and form beneficial partnerships.
`e Interact with and leverage the resources
`of companiesactively creating and investing
`in UPnP. Exploit the opportunities for collabo-
`ration provided bya large, diverse grouping
`of companies.
`The UPnP Forum is open to any company
`that wants to help drive the adoption of zero-
`configuration IP-based networking standards
`and UPnPtechnology.If your company has an
`interest in moving UPnP technology forward
`and capitalizing on buildingintelligent devices
`for IP-based networks and devices,join us and
`help build the technology byparticipating in
`the design of schema templates.
`Membership in the UPnPForumisfree.
`Yourindustry, your products, your services and
`your customersare waiting for technology to
`save them time and money and maketheir
`lives easier and more enjoyable. UPnP can
`do that. You can dothat. Join the UPnP
`Forum today.
`The membership agreementcan be found
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`The Third Summit of the UPnP Forum
`Arlene Binuya Murray, Microsoft Corp., Forum Executive Administrator
`Election 2000 for UPnP
`Steering Committee Seats
`Election 2000 is officially launched. Based on
`the membership agreementof the UPnP Forum,
`nine seats on the Steering Committee are up for
`election this year.The newly configured Steering
`Committee must be in place by the anniversary
`of the Forum’s founding - October 18, 2000.
`Below is a target timeline for the election process:
`Microsoft hosted the third Summit of the UPnP Forum, June 15-16 in Redmond, Washington.
`Nearly 300 people attended the event, a record number!
`Thefirst day sessions were opento the general public with topics ranging from a keynote
`about the emerging market of home networking technology by CahnersIn-Stat analyst Mike
`Wolf, to the UPnP Forum update and a review of UPnP device architecture version 1.0.
`The secondday, reserved for Forum members, covered technicaltopics in depth. Sessions
`7/26|Begin accepting nominations
`included device description design guidelines, future design descriptiontest suites, as well as
`8/15|Close nominations (midnight PST)
`subsystem-specific sessions on UPnParchitecture components:discovery, control and eventing.*
`8/15|All member companiesidentify
`Nine companies demonstrated UPnP-enabled products at the Summit. Presentations
`unique voting member(midnight PST)
`included UPnPproduct prototypes from companies including Agranat Systems,Inc.; Broadcom
`8/18|Post nominations to UPnP website
`Corp.; Hewlett-Packard Company; Honeywell, Inc.; Intel Corp.; Lantronix, Inc.; Panja, Inc.;
`8/18|Seated Steering Committee publishes
`and SiemensAG.
`recommended slate
`At the Summit, there were about twenty UPnP devices demonstrated as part of one net-
`8/21|Begin voting
`work, together with a Windows® Millennium Edition (Me) personal computeracting asclient
`9/8|Close voting and begintally
`and providing for the discovery and controlofall these devices. More companies would have
`9/15|Verify and announceresults
`demonstrated productsif there had been moretime in the schedule. Already many companies
`10/18 First meeting of new
`are reserving presentation time at the Fourth Summit to be held November9-10, 2000 in
`Steering Committee
`Redmond, Washington.Please be sure to mark your calendars!
`Announcementsat the Summit included two UPnP developmentkits andthefirst Plug Fest.
`Intel announced the Intel® UPnP Software DevelopmentKit version 1.0 for Linux, and Microsoft
`announced the UPnPDevice Kit for WindowsMe.Intel Corp. in Beaverton, Oregon,will host the
`first Plug Fest in September2000. The Plug Fest is an engineering opportunity for companies to
`bring existing product and/or prototypes, plug them in to an operating system and confirm
`interoperability. Company and device registration can be found on
`The twoover-riding messages from the UPnP Forum Summitare that UPnPis real andfirst
`generation deviceswill ship this year. Industry stakeholders are on board. Key players are
`engaged in developing UPnPtechnology,driving toward standardization, and building products
`to enrich consumerslives.The best is yet to come! =
`* PPT slide presentations and on-demand webcasts of both days of the Third UPnP Summit are available on the
`web site at
`The elections provide an opportunity to
`create diversity within the group and ensure
`the committee representsa variety of device
`Self-nominations from any member company
`interested in joining the Steering Committee,
`including incumbents, are welcome. Nominees
`mustsign a Steering Committee member
`commitmentform to confirm their nomination.
`Companies interested in nominations should be
`prepared to providethe following information:
`e Whatis your company’s businessasit
`relates to UPnP?
`UPnPPartner Pavilion at CEDIA Expo 2000
`Be part ofthefirst Universal Plug & Play Partner Pavilion at CEDIA Expo 2000.This event is an
`excellent opportunity to engage the top home electronics and homeautomationinstallers and inte-
`grators of your technology, channeland product plansfor Universal Plug & Play.Theatre presentation
`and kiosks are available to UPnP Forum members. For more information see the registration form
`andfloor plan available on the Web site. =
`First UPnP Plug Fest September 2000
`The UPnPInteroperability Plug Fest is scheduled for September 20 through 21, 2000 and will be
`hosted by Intel Corp. in Beaverton, Oregon.Thiswill be a hands-on engineering event focused on
`multi-vendorinteroperability. Details, including registration information,are available on the UPnP
`Website. =
`e@ Why does your company wantto partici-
`pate in the Steering Committee?
`e Whatplans does your companyhave for
`building UPnP products, including devices,
`bridges, hardware,tools, etc.?
`e In what way do you expect your company
`to contribute to the success of UPnP?
`Active membersof the UPnP Forumareeli-
`gible to vote uponsigning the applicable UPnP
`Forum member commitment form.
`Official formswill be sent via e-mail to the
`general membership andwill also be posted to
`a special election page on the
`Website. Please visit the Website for specific
`election details including the nomination and
`commitmentforms. =
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`UPnP Template Process and Device Model
`Steve Timm,Microsoft Corp., Forum Program Manager
`How UPnP Templates are developed
`and approved
`UPnP templates work through an approval
`process,starting with assigning an author,
`achieving Template Preliminary Design (TPD)
`status and ending with Template Design
`Complete (TDC)status.
`We now have drafts of 45 design templates
`posted on the UPnP Forum archive, up from 25
`in June! 24 templates have reached TPD status
`so far.We expect to have templates for 20
`devices and their 40 services by August 2000.
`Some of the UPnPdevices being designed
`are a thermostat, a security camera, an audio-
`video switch, an Internet gateway, a printer, and
`a refrigerator. Some of the services contained by
`these device types include a temperature sensor,
`motion-imageservice for a camera (describing
`parameters of the video source), audio-video
`transport, a connectionlinking a Wide Area
`Network (WAN) with a telephone wiring system
`(POTS), and a print service.
`To begin, within each Working Committee,
`authors are assigned to draft templates for
`device and service descriptions based on prod-
`uct scenarios and submit them to the commit-
`tee for design review.Initial reviews focus on
`device modeling and,in particular, on the defini-
`tion of services, service state variables and action
`sets. After incorporating committee feedback,
`member spotlight
`draft designs are given Template Preliminary
`Design (TPD) status.
`Once template designs reach TPDstatus,
`vendors can begin sample implementations.
`Early implementations help prove the complete-
`nessof a design. Many sample implementations
`have been committed, but many more are
`still needed.
`The next step focuses on confirming device
`and service modelusability and testability. For
`example, the committee ensures that the XML
`template allows vendors to specify appropriate
`device specific parameters at implementation
`time, and that the deviceis factored into appro-
`priate device and service modules.The commit-
`tee makes sure interactions between services
`within a device are specified in the test portion
`ofthe template. After completing this phase
`according to a consensusof the committee, a
`design is considered Template Design
`Complete (TDC).
`At Template Design Complete (TDO), a
`deviceor service design includes the completed
`XMLtemplate. Sample implementers use the
`templates to create the XMLcode for the XML
`device description, including messaging for the
`device's discovery and control servers.
`UPnPDesign overview
`Standard design templates simplify the
`design process discussed above while maintain-
`ing flexibility through support of standard
`options and vendorextensions. UPnP templates
`(one for devices, one for services) include
`placeholders for Working Committees to specify
`modeling parameters and XMLdescription of
`the design.
`Design optionscan be included in a standard
`template, offering vendorsflexibility. For example,
`the light switch device template includes an
`optional dimmingservice. Similarly, standard
`services may include optionalstate variables and
`actions.While templates define the standard for
`UPnP compliance andinteroperability, vendors
`can add extensionsto their implementation.
`These vendorextensions maybe certified
`UPnP-compliantas long as they do not break
`the behaviorof a device as defined by the
`standard template.
`Re-using standard device and service
`template designs further simplifies device devel-
`opment.While some templates apply to a single
`device application, other templates define
`commonservices across device categories.
`Some generic templates include: a power switch,
`a clock service, and a configuration service for
`commonsetupfunctions. As a repository for
`Working Committee results, the UPnP Forum
`Archive is a growing resource for developing
`interoperable, Internet-aware devices. =
`Axis Communications Brings UPnP Implementation Aid to Device Builders
`Bengt Christensson, Axis CommunicationsInc, Forum member
`UPnPis a cross-industry specification that is
`designed to be truly operating system and pro-
`gram languageindependent. Serving as a proof
`sourcefor this objective, one ofthefirst imple-
`mentations of UPnP functionality was demon-
`strated on an embedded Linux network device.
`Axis Communications developed a UPnP version
`of the AXIS 2100 Network Camera,a Linux-based
`device with a built-in Webserver that can attach
`directly to a network.This solution has been
`demonstrated at a numberofevents, including
`Connections 2000, Fall COMDEX 1999, and as
`part of a home security system in the Microsoft
`Home living room concept demonstration.
`The demonstration of this solution provoked
`significant interest from hardware and software
`developers,particularly in the open source com-
`munity, on how to bring the ease-of-use benefits
`of UPnPto the Linux platform. However, as with
`any embedded device, minimizing footprintis
`important because of the impact memory usage
`has on performance and overall costs. Axis
`addressed these issues by developing a UPnP
`implementation specifically designed to accom-
`modate embedded networked devices.
`Axis is also providing solutionsthatwill allow
`third-party developers to include UPnP support
`in small embedded devices.To shorten time-to-
`market, Axis offers a developer board for rapidly
`prototyping new product concepts, reducing the
`overall design effort for developing network
`peripherals and emerging mobile devices.
`Based on Axis' ETRAX 100 processor with
`embedded Linux,this small but versatile devel-
`oper board makes it possible to connect up to
`fourserial devices and two devices with parallel
`ports directly to an Ethernet network.To ease
`design efforts for developers, Axis will also supply
`source code, tools and drivers for embedded
`Linux and a detailed reference design with no
`association,royalties, or licensing costs. Other
`applicationsare also available, such as Bluetooth
`wireless technology.
`The developer kit, including hardware and
`software, is available and shipping now, with a
`free upgrade of the UPnP extensions targeted to
`be available in the fourth quarter 2000.Third-
`party developers interested in more information
`should contact:in Europe, Niklas Morberg
`(+46 46 272 1800,
`and in North America, Bengt Christensson,
`also posts information onits developerkits at
` =
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`developer tools
`Intel UPnP Software DevelopmentKit for Linux
`Andrew Liu, Intel Corp., Steven Conner, Intel Corp., Forum members
`At the June 2000 Summit of the UPnP
`Architecture overview
`Unified API
`Provided by
`Figure 1. Intel Linux UPnP SDKarchitecture
`Forumin Seattle, Intel introduced theIntel
`Figure1illustrates the Intel
`Ps —
`UPnP Software DevelopmentKit version 1.0 for
`Linux UPnP SDK, open source with
`Client or Service Application
`norestrictions, with its three main
`Linux.This kit (SDK) provides developers with a
`cost-effective way to speed time-to-market for
`components for effective imple-
`UPnP-compliant Linux-based devices such as
`mentation.At the top of the stack
`Internet appliances, residential gateways, and
`is the UPnPclient or service appli-
`home networking products.
`cation, provided by the customer,
`shown in purple. |n the next layer,
`the seven grey boxes comprise
`the Intel SDK and the orange box
`is the XMLparser.The bottom
`layer of the stack, shownin dark
`grey, is the TCP/IP stack provided
`in the Linux operating system.
`Intel UPnP Software DeveloperKit (SDK)
`The Intel UPnP SDK provides a comprehen-
`sive API and Linux source codefor the imple-
`mentation of UPnP-compliant control points
`and devices.The SDKwill be deployed and test-
`ed on the Linux operating system.The UPnP
`SDK is interoperable with Windows operating
`system software.The SDK, which is compliant
`with version 1.0 of the UPnPspecification,
`includes headerfiles,commented source code,
`documentation, and an open source software
`license.The SDK provides a complete UPnP
`reference implementation, and supports both
`controlled devices and controlpoints.
`An expanded versionofthis article, and
`additional information about howto obtain
`The Intel UPnP Software DevelopmentKit
`version 1.0 for Linux enables immediate
`developer support of UPnPandwill dramati-
`cally simplify use of Linux-based web appli-
`ances and e-Homedevices.The SDKwill be
`available beginning summer2000.
`the Intel UPnP Software Developer Kit for
`Linuxare available at the UPnParea of the
`Intel Architecture Labs website at
` Additionally,
`Intel will present demonstrations of this new
`technology at the Fall Intel Developer Forum
`(IDF) and the First UPnP Plug Fest. =
`Microsoft UPnP DevelopmentKit
`Steve Judkins, Microsoft Corp., Forum member
`UPnPis gaining momentum asthe next
`generation standard for home networking. The
`completion of the UPnP 1.0 architecture is a sig-
`nificant milestone for the technology. Another
`significant milestone will be thearrival of device
`implementationsthat are fully compliant with
`the UPnPstandard, expected by the 2001 end-
`of-year holiday season.
`In support of this momentum andin
`response to multiple requests for test devices
`and tools for debugging, Microsoft recently
`announced theavailability of a beta UPnP
`developmentkit.The kit was introduced at the
`UPnP Forum Summit in June 2000. An early
`beta has been made available for downloadat
`the Microsoft web site at
`This first beta of the Microsoft kit includes
`an early release of source code demonstrating
`howto build a UPnPcontrolled device.This
`sample codeis designed to run on Windows
`2000 using the IIS web server. Once compiled
`and configured, the device will appear in any
`Windows Millennium Edition (Me) control point
`with UPnPinstalled. Using the device with
`Windows Me,the developer can observe and
`step throughthe interaction between a device
`and a control point.The default device includes
`support for bridging an X10 light, and can be
`easily extended to support other device func-
`tionality by listing a new action and implement-
`ing the function in C code. ( hasa great
`offer on thewireless firecracker package that
`wasused for the device demonstration at the
`June 2000 UPnP Summit.)
`The Microsoft kit also includes Simple
`Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) and Simple
`Object Access Protocol (SOAP) parsers for the
`Netmon network-monitoring tool.When using
`Netmon,the developer can drop the parsers
`into a “NetmonParsers" directory to easily filter
`and display these packets.The kit includes text
`file captures of the packets sent during discov-
`ery, description and control sequences between
`the device and a control point.These file cap-
`tures have proven to be a handyreference
`when debugging.
`In-depth presentations and documentation
`are included in thekit.The presentations, first
`madeavailable to Forum members, provide
`technical insights into implementing discovery,
`control, and eventing. Documentationof the
`WindowsMe API and device sample codeis
`provided for reference.
`A beta updatewill be available in early
`August thatwill include a numberof important
`changes to the UPnP device sample.First, the
`new device code can be compiled on both
`Windows 2000 and Windows CE.The code will
`no longer use the XML Document Object Model
`(DOM),relying instead on a mini XMLparser.
`Source codefor the mini-parserwill be included
`in the kit.The device samplewill also contain
`source codeillustrating how to implement
`SSDP and UPnPeventing.
`To commentorreceive future announce-
`ments and updates aboutthekit, email
`Microsoft at andask to
`be added tothekit mailing list. =
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`committee reports
`Reportfrom the Internet Gateway Working Committee
`Prakash lyer, Intel Corp., Internet Gateway Working Committee Chair
`residential network connected to
`the gatewayin a star configuration;
`provide media caching, translation,
`anddistribution across the LAN and
`WAN;provide UPnPbridgeservices
`to legacy devices directly connect-
`ed to the gateway andhost other
`UPnPservices such as a printer
`The UPnPInternet Gateway Working
`Committee, formed in October 1999, was
`charged with the task of specifying the device
`description for an Internet gateway device.The
`specification includes an Internet gateway root
`device (in UPnP terminology), and a set of virtu-
`al devices and service descriptions that model
`various functional elements of the gateway.
`The active participants on the Internet
`Gateway Working Committee include 3Com
`Corp.; Canon,Inc.; Cisco Systems; Compaq
`Computer Corp,; Intel Corp.; IBM Corp.;
`Matsushita Electric Industrial Company Ltd.
`(Panasonic); Microsoft Corp.; Mitsubishi
`Electronics America, Inc.; NEC Corp.; Sony Corp.;
`and Thomson Multimedia SA.
`sevice or managementofresiden-
`tial service gateways.
`To constrain the scope of the
`first version of the device descrip-
`tion, the Internet Gateway Working
`Committee focused only onthefirst
`two functionslisted above. Also,
`given additional security, authorization and
`access control requirements, the committee
`does not recommendthe use ofthe device
`Figure2.Internet gatewaydevice
`WAN Device N
`Forwarding be
` WANYZenriace
`Connection Service 1
`Connection Service 1
`LAN Device N
`LANDevice 1
`LAN HostConfig
`Specification development
`description in small business networks or for
`The Internet Gateway Working Committee
`outside-in access-from the WAN-to the gate-
`defined the Internet gateway as an "edge"
`interconnect device, betweena residential net-
`workand the Wide Area Network (WAN), which
`The committee used the following require-
`ments to identify the hierarchy of devices and
`provides connectivity to the Internet.The gate-
`services for device description version 1.0:
`waycan be physically implemented as a dedi-
`¢ Configurableinitiation and/or sharing of
`cated, standalone device or on a personal com-
`Internet data access among networked devices
`puter (PC) with separate Local Area Network
`(LAN) and WAN NetworkInterface Cards (NICs).
`in the residential network using different WAN Figure2illustrates the formal structure and
`last mile technologies, including Digital
`hierarchy of devices and servicesin the device
`The gatewayprovides at least one WAN
`description based on the preceding require-
`Subscriber Line (DSL), cable, and telephone
`physical interface and at least one LAN physical
`wiring systems (POTS).
`ments and the gateway usage modelillustrated
`interface and is conceptually illustrated in
`in Figure 1.
`e Rich end-user experience for UPnP-
`Figure 1.
`enabled devices, providing status and events
`Theoretically, this gateway could provide
`on connections andcontrolofinitiation and
`Internet access to one or more networked
`services such as Dynamic Host Configuration
`Protocol (DHCP) and Dynamic Domain Name
`System (DDNS).
`e Bridging across multiple LAN segments
`and subnets and/or between LAN segments
`and WANInternet connection(s).
`¢ Minimal modeling-limited detection-offire-
`wall and VirtualPrivate Network (VPN)services.
`e@ Non-UPnPdevices are not excluded
`from transparentinitiation and/or sharing of
`Internet access.
`Next steps
`The Internet Gateway Working Committee
`has madesignificant progress in formalizing
`the device description specifications.Thefull
`set of draft device description specifications is
`expected to be available for formal review by
`UPnP members in July or August 2000.
`Comments and suggestionswill be incorporat-
`ed before the documents are submitted to the
`devices on the residential network; enable con-
`nectivity across multiple LAN segmentsin the
`sharing of connections.
`e Managementofhost configuration
`Figure 1. Conceptualillustration ofan Internet gateway
`Intemet Gateway
`WAN Devicen
`LAN Devicen
`2 =
`/ C
`lient (a ea Ne
`WAN Connection
`ServiceInstance 1
`WAN Connection
`WAN Device 1
`LAN Device 1
`UPnPTechnical and Steering Committeesearly
`in the fourth quarter of 2000. Revisions from
`the first UPnP Interoperability Plug Fest event
`at Intel (see page 3) will be incorporated by
`the end of September 2000.The Internet
`Gateway Working Committee expects to for-
`mally publish device description version 1.0
`by the end of 2000.
`Additional information about the work
`of the UPnP Internet Gateway Working
`Committee is available at the UPnP area of
`the Intel Architecture Labs website at
` =
`Netflix, Inc. et al.
`Exhibit 1014
`Page 6 of 8
`Netflix, Inc. et al. Exhibit 1014
`Page 6 of 8


`Report from the Imaging and Printing Working Committee
`ShivaunAlbright, Hewlett-Packard Company, Imaging and Printing Working Committee Chair
`Report from the Home
`Automation andSecurity
`Working Committee
`HansJ. Langels, Siemens, HomeAutomation and
`Security Working Committee Chair
`The Imaging and Printing Working Committee is focused on developing usage scenarios, require-
`ments, a device model and ultimately the device descriptions for printers, scanners, multifunction
`peripherals, electronic picture frames, digitalstill cameras, and electronic white boards.
`The active participants on the Imaging and Printing Working Committee include Axis
`Communications AB; BrotherIndustrie

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