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`Method and Sharing Media Libraries and playlists on data home networks
`Bart Eppenauer
`Microsoft Corporation
`ATIN: Patent Docket Department
`One Microsoft Way
`Redmond, WA 98052-6399
`(425) 882-8080
`‘& Specification|Number ofPages 66 xX Return Receipt Postcard
`ef] Drawing(s)
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`‘This invention was not made by an agency of the United States Government or under a contract with an agency of the United States
`Respectfully su
` Signature: Date: 03/26/2001
`Typed or Printed Name:_D. Bartley Eppenauer
`Reg. No. 35499
`“Express Mail” Mailing Label number: EL 767143416
`Date of Deposit: 03/26/2001
`I herebycertify that this paper or fee is being deposited with the United States Services “Express Mail Post Office to Addressee” service under 37
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`a. DB
`Lisa Brick
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`Title of Invention: A method for sharing media libraries and playlists on data home networks
`Inventors: Tarek Elabbady, Shannon Chan, Mukund Sankarayan, Sandeep Sahasrabudhe
`The general plan for this design was shared under NDA with Compaq, Dell, and Broadcom
`This invention describes two software services: the media library service and the media catalogue service.
`The Media Library service exposes a list of metadata describing media content stored on a home network
`media stores and created by media jukeboxes living on PCs or digital AV devices. The Catalog Serviceis a
`centralized service hosted by one PC that discovers and aggregates the contents of all medialibraries
`published on the home network and presents a unified list that could be accessed from interested devices on
`the network. Each item in the media library or the media catalog consists of metadata about a piece of
`digital media such as an audio track, videoclip, ordigital image.
`New Role for the PC in the Entertainment Arena: Theseservices provide excellent examples for why
`PCs should play more center role in the connected home entertainment scenarios. By hosting these services,
`the PC offers a content management on top of its present role as media storage and media gateway. The
`consumerelectronics device companies have been rejecting such position for the PC.
`Leadership Role: A new generation of digital audio and video players/recorders are appearing around usto
`support digital/internet media mania. These devices are primarily focused on extending the digital media
`and video beyondits storage location on the PCsor from the Internet servers directly. However, these
`devices are now being introduced following no standard design. Each manufacture for these devices is
`working on proprietary solutions for presenting, accessing, and controlling the digital media contents
`available on the home network. By implementing these services in the platforms, device companieswill be
`encouraged to adopt our approach that can becomethe standard for such applications. The more
`standardized the designs become, the more successful it will be in the market place, and the less confused
`the consumer,
`Motivation for the Invention:
`The digital media is the fastest growing Ecommerceactivity in this era. The PC is the number one gateway
`for media contents today, and is the most logical choiceto store it. The consumer media experience in the
`homeusually takes place in rooms away from the PC-room. Digital Media device companies saw the need
`for a device that can pull/receive the digital media from its store to play in traditional entertainment centers
`regardless of the PC location. However, until now, there is no standard mechanism that allows users to
`access their media collection from UIs presented on these devices. Therefore our invention is the first
`attempt to offer such standard method. The method utilizes the Universal Plug and Play networking
`protocols standards as well as standard data exchange languages (XML) and Standard scripting language
`(Iscript) to create, distribute media libraries and aggregate the libraries in one unified catalog the user can
`access from any of these devices. In addition, the Media Library Service is designed to meet three basic
`requirements: (1). Access Control: media devices on the home network typically do not logon to a domain
`controller. In a typical configuration, we will set the ACLs to allow access to anonymous users. This
`means that any UPNP control point on the home network can access the UPNP Media Library Service.
`The home network should be protected by an Internet firewall to prevent unauthorized access. (2). Network
`Firewalls: the home network should not be directly connected to the Internet. UPNP devices on the home
`network should connectto the Internet via Internet Connection Sharing. ICS acts as a firewall, preventing
`unauthorized users from accessing the IP addresses of UPNP devices on the home network. (3) Content
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`unauthorized users from accessing the IP addresses of UPNP devices on the home network. (3) Content
`Protection: we will make an effort to protect copyrighted content from unauthorized duplication. Our
`content protection implementation consists of an ISAPI filter and the DRM Portable Media License
`Description of the Invention:
`The main function ofthe service is to map existing media libraries created on a PC to XML-documentusing
`a standard XML-schema. The resulting XML document then is advertised to the Universal Plug and Play
`(UPnP) network. The user, using MediaLibrary UPnP controlpoints on the home network, can discover the
`Media library service and invoke actions to the service (search, query, additem, ....).
`The following is a system flow highlights for the applicable scenario
`At boot-up time, the UPnP “Media Catalog” service is created and hosted by a pre-configured
`server PC on the network (possibly the gateway machine). Using UPnP discovery message, the
`service then is advertised on the home network.
`Following the catalog notification, cach media library hosted by a network PC or Digital AV device
`advertises itself to the network, which then can be discovered by the catalog service. The catalog
`ageregates the contents of all media libraries on the network and forms a unified list of pointers
`(URLs) to digital media on the homenet. The catalog then is re-advertised to the network.
`‘The user on the UPnP-enabled device discovers the media catalog. The catalog control point on the
`device contains a catalog UI and a catalog manager. The user views the catalog content on the
`catalog’s UI and select the media to play using the catalog’s manager. At this point using a third
`party UPnP control point, such as a universal remote control, the user can also discover both the
`media catalog and DAR devices on the homenet.
`Once the users make their selection from the catalog, the DAR returns a URL (or UNC) of the
`selected media to the content server associated with the media store.
`The content server establishes the connection with the requesting device opens and reads the
`selected media file and initiates the transmission ofthe file contents to the device.
`The device decode and decompressthe file content and initiate playback of the media
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`Diagrams and Flow Charts:
`Music Library
`= — p> oe
`~ 4 ie
`setensaenennenerssnens caneereeine sony,
`ee x
`bt License
`[7 ~P Client
`! Generator --- 5
`— = 8 tere / SMB
`wo we oe VAY
`DAR:Digital Audio(Media) Receiver
`Manually register the DAR
`Advertise Library to the Network using UPnP
`Discover the library by the DAR UPnP-controlpoint
`Conducta search for music (query thelibrary)
`Results from the search (list of URLs)
`Select music (URL)
`Request the content of music file via HTTP GET (URL)orFile IO
`Open & Readfile using file server or HTTP server
`Transmit file content to DAR
`WMEPAKattempts to decode, decompressthefile to play
`For protected files (all shared files on home networks will be DRM-
`protected), WME PAKasks DAR client for license.
`DAR client requests Serverto issue a portable media license. The
`following info is sent from BLT to PCinthis call:
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`URL,Serial#, KID, Extended info from V7HeaderObject,
`Application security level
`Open the PM license store based on the serial #. Note that store are kept
`on per device basis.
`Read the store into
`Request DRM client to give a PM license. memory (only if the DAR
`registration is confirmed by the license generator)

`SetVIKID or SetV2ContentHeader, based on license type.

`Save the updatedlicense store obtained from CreatePMLicense.
`Return the license store to the DAR client.
`DAR client forwards the store to WME PAK to proceed with decoding
`and decompressing the music content
`Play the song
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`T of ee
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`DigitalAudioReceiver:0.1 Device Template
`For Universal Plug and Play Version 1.0
`Status: Preliminary Design (TBD)
`Date: November 3rd, 2000
`Microsoft Confidential.
`©2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved
`Microsoft Corporation
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`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 Device Template
`1. OVERVIEW AND SCOPE........sneserersesensessressessesececesscsssensnsseescscsesessssesesenensesessesesossecesescesecessenesseeseeesseseseresseseveened
`CHANGE LOG FOR MEDIASTORE:0.1 oo. ccsccecesesceesececsseesesueceuescuesceccneeseeuaucesuscesauaceceececsauerenaeeseneeenenseceuness 4
`EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES.........cccccsescececessesscseeecessseecensesesereeeauereseueesecseverscasseceuuseececesuareeecesseaeercerseategeceeasaees 4
`2. DEVICE DEFINITIONS........ccccsssssesrerssasesosensessecesencesccenssuseavensonsesecensonesensanasanensnsoronsesasensesascoseresensesnssosensevesense)
`DEVICE TYPE......cccccscccsecseesseecocssseserereueecesscsecensssccceteseusuesvassuesevessveneneauseseaseeserauecscevecenecacdevenuseusacesesrecarseaseves 5
`* DEVICE MODEL....sseccecesecsscsssssessesscsuessrssesacevessessesecereneserssusavesucavssesseqresaesessesavssessesetarsansesesecsucaucesasesscsneensaveese 5
`Description ofDevice Requirements.......cccccccceccccccccscesessesecesesecceceseyereeteseeseseseesauaueeeenaeieeceeecnerseevanetsress 5
`Relationship Between ServiCes...cccccccccsccececcvevssseesesesessssssessessvscsscsssevavsesscseaesecesassesasateecacsegavaseecaeancecaees 5
`THEORY OF OPERATION .u...ccsccesecsseessesesesetcssseecse satecaecnescsseceseneesessecsuapepsgenesessseasasenaeenaseyaceuecessesesteneeeeyecensesgess 6
`3. XML DEVICE DESCRIPTION.........ccccesssccteseeeseseeneesneccessceesesenconstensesenscenseesneesaneenecescecesesannesescasseanenecsenseenses6
`4. TEST.......sesegnesssseasecsseesssnenesenensecensesessosnsonssterapepsesenenensensssancssseessesanenceescesanenssosssesensesosevsnserasrsseensessssesesenesenseeneswoe
`List of Tables
`Table 1: Device Requirement..........ccceccseeesenesssserstescseeaseneasnssecacseasvensesesaseceesessesaugecaecasassueceserenecananevassusneenterereesesaees 5
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`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 Device Template
`1. Overview and Scope
`This device template is compliant with the Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture version 1.0. It defines a
`device type referred to herein as Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1.
`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 is a model for a device used to render and contro] digital music transported on
`the home networks.
`General Functions: A device with a network connection that can:
`Discovers, and access media library services on the network
`Display, and manage the media library on a small LCD-display, or can be connected to a TV to
`display the control and navigation UIs
`Establish connection with media stores on the network and/or internet services
`Reads streamed encoded digital music content from a media store on the network orlively
`streamed (from internet radio)
`Decode popular digital music format
`Renders the music directly or sends the decoded music to independent music renderers
`Control the playback of the music by invoking actions on variables defined for UPnP services
`referenced in this document
`The DAR device encapsulates functionality for AV-transport, variable-control, connection, and media library
`services into an atomic unit.
`AVTransport: This service type enables control overthe transport of audio and video streams. The service type
`defines a ‘common’ model for A/V transport control suitable for generic user interface. The model also allows for
`‘forwarded’ control action, enabling the distribution oftransport control state across connections by meansof
`eventing. The service type is related to the Connector service type, which describes A/V connection setup
`Connector: This service-type enables modeling of streaming capabilities of A/V devices, and binding of those
`capabilities between devices. The service is based on the notion of a ‘Connector’ which has a numberof properties
`including direction (in/out), content-format (WMA, MP3, etc.) and a numberof ‘peer Connectors’ to whichit is
`connected. The connector service is used to negotiate a data transfer protocol and format between the Digital-Audio-
`Receiver (DAR) and the rendering device. This could range from simple bulk data transfer over HTTP, or SMB to
`streaming over RTP.
`VariableContro]: This service-type enables control ofa generic variable-setting control such as a volume control.
`MediaLibrary: The Media Library service exposesa list of metadata describing media content stored locally on the
`host device and on user-selected list of Internet sites.
`Diagram 1: Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 System Diagram
`Media Store
`‘MetiiaLibrary Cefitrol, ras ws: Point . Satie
`[| Required
` MediaLibrary
`] Optional
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`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 Device Template
`1.1. Change Log for Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1
`Ver Date
`1.2. External dependencies
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`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 Device Template
`2. Device Definitions
`2.1. Device Type
`The following device type identifies a device that is compliant withthis template:
`urn:schemas-microsoft-com:device:Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1
`The shorthand Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 is used herein to refer to this device type.
`2.2. Device Model
`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 products must implement minimum version numbersofall required embedded
`devices and services specified in the table below.
`Table 1: Device Requirements
`Device Type
`Root Req.or
`Service Type
`Req. Pa Tate |e
`R =Required, O =saiEAEX = Non-standard.
`2 Prefixed by urn:upnp-org:serviceld: .
`2.2.1. Description of Device Requirements
`Connector is a proposed Forum (standard) service used to negotiate and bind an A/V stream betweenthe Digital-
`Audio-Receiver (DAR) and mediasink. Fordetails onthis service, see the related specification Connector:0.81
`Service Template.
`AVTransportis a proposed Forum (standard) service used to define common Audio/Video transport control
`mechanisms, For details on this service, see the related specification AVTransport:0.1 Service Template.
`MediaLibraryis a Microsoft (nonstandard) service used to manageandselect collections of multimedia content to
`play. For details onthis service, see the related specification MediaLibrary:0.1 Service Template.
`VariableControl is a proposed Forum (standard) service used to control generic variable-setting control suchas a
`volume control, see the related specification VariableControl:0.21 Service Template,
`2.2.2. Relationship Between Services
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`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 Device Template
`Theory of Operation
`XML Device Description
`NOTE:Notup to date.
`<?xml version="1.0"?>
`<root xmlns="urn: schemas-upnp-org:device~1-0">
`<URLBase>base URL for all relative URLs</URLBase>
`<deviceType>urn: schemas~microsoft~com: device: Digite/-~Audio-Receiver
`(DAR) : 0,1</deviceType>
`<friendlyName>short user-friendly title</friendlyName>
`<manufacturer>manufacturer name</manufacturer>
`to manufacturer site</manufacturerURL>
`<modelDescription>long user-friendly title</modelDescription>
`<modelName>mode! name</modelName>
`<modelNumber>mode!] number</modelNumber>
`<modelURL>URIL to model site</modelURL>
`<serialNumbersmanufacturer’s serial number</serialNumber>
`<UDN>uuid: UUID</UDN>
`<UPC>Universal Product Code</UPC>
`<width>horizontal pixels</width>
`<height>vertical pixels</height>
`<depth>color deptn</depth>
`<url>URL to icon</url>
`XML to declare other icons, if any, go here
`urn: schemas-microsoft—com: service: Digital -Audio
`(DAR): 3.1</serviceType>
`<servicelId>urn:microsoft-com:serviceld: Digital -Audio-Receiver
`(DAR) </servicelId>
`<SCPDURL>URL to service description</SCPDURL>
`<controlURL>URL for control</controlURL>
`<eventSubURL>URL for eventing</eventSubURL>
`<serviceType>urn: schemas~upnp~org: service: Connector: 0,§5</serviceType>
`<serviceId>urn: upnp-org: serviceld: Connector</serviceId>
`<SCPDURL>URL to service description</SCPDURL>
`<controlURL>URL for control</controlURL>
`<eventSubURL>URL ror eventing</eventSubURL>
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`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 Device Template
`urn: schemas-upnp-or : service: AVIransport: 0.2</serviceType>
`<serviceId>urn:upnp-org: serviceld: AVTransport</serviceld>
`<SCPDURL>URL to service description</SCPDURL>
`<controlURL>URL for control</controlURL>
`<eventSubURL>URL for eventing</eventSubURL>
`urn: schemas~upnp-org: service: VariableControl: 0, 2</serviceType>
`<serviceld>urn:upnp-org: serviceld: VariableControi</serviceld>
`<SCPDURL>URL to service description</SCPDURL>
`<controlURLsURL for control</controlURL>
`<eventSubURL>URL for eventing</eventSubURL>
`Declarations for other services added by UPnP vender (if any) go here
`<presentationURL>VUAL for presentation</presentationURL>
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`Digital-Audio-Receiver (DAR):0.1 Device Template
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`Rev. 0.2
`Microsoft Confidential
`Digital Audio Receiver (DAR) Architecture
`Author: Mukund Sankaranarayan
`Date: 11/27/00
`Status: Rev. 0.2
` v
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`Rev. 0.2
`Microsoft Confidential
`OVELVICW vce ccceccccsscccssccssessesccesesscvessessucensssccusscssacsauscssseeessssesseusasensccsasecsetencaesessusessseensepenes 3
`General Architecture .....c..ccccccccsscscesssseeessesesseceessescssaesenuseesnateccnusesessausesseeeeesnsaeeseeguesessnaeees 3
`DeSCLIPtiOn oo... sceesesssssseneeeceenacensccrenecescetscensenscsereeceeeesessenseeeeeenesesieeedeaesnesnaesetorseeaens 3
`1. Media Library Control] Point... cccceneerseeeerssessscsescneccsetesessesseeenseessseesereateea 3
`2. DAR Control Point ......... eee secesaueeesaecuseesseeessececeveneseveuscesesecsesesessentecsnesenstensacs 4
`3. DAR Device... poseecaenscansevesseveseneseeesseuscenses suausevesauscausensecanseesseauscueueaneesaeseeuss 5
`Open Issties 20.0... eee enceeeereesceseeenececeeecsaaeecseeeaneesaeerseavenescageeeneeseurecesseesaeessieesseneeatertiees 5
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`Rev. 0.2
`Microsoft Confidential
`This document describes the architecture design of the Digital Audio Receiver (DAR)
`client. The usage scenarios and hardware specifications of DAR are described separately
`in documents referenced at the end of this document.
`General Architecture
`Logically there are three components — the DAR UPnP device and an UPnP control point
`to control the DAR, and a control point for Media Library.
`It exposes
`1. DAR UPnP Device: This is the device on which music is rendered.
`several services -like play, pause, and stop—via which a control point can
`manipulate the device. A detailed description of the services offered to control the
`device is described in the DAR device control protocol (DCP).
`2. UPnP DAR Control Point: controls the DAR device described above.
`3. Media Library Control Point: controls the media library. The services exposed by
`the medialibrary are described in the Media Library device control protocol
`The following is a detailed description of both devices and role they play in selection and
`rendering of a piece of music content from the media library service (MLS).
`1. Media Library Control Point
`1. Media Library discovery: The control point after registering itself searches for
`media libraries on the home network. The discovery protocol
`is based on a
`multicast SSDP message, defined by the UPnP specification, that specifies the
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`Rev, 0.2
`Microsoft Confidential
`search target as “urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WMP_MediaLibrary:1”, where is
`WMP.MediaLibrary:1 defines device type and version.
`2. Each of the media library devices on the network responds to the above message
`with the following information: device’s UUID, and URL to device’s UPnP
`3. The control point issues the HTTP GET request on the device URL, obtained in
`the previous step, to learn about the device description andits services.
`4. The control point, next, displays the top-level menu items. The control point
`creates the menu by querying the media library services (MLS) and aggregating
`5. Control points invokes the “GetView” action the on MLS. The user selection,
`expressed in XPATHfilter expression, is the argument to this method. This action
`is invoked on each and every MLS identified on the network and results from all
`MLSare merge-sorted prior to presenting them to the user.
`6. The user selects the song to be rendered.
`2. DAR Control Point
`1. The control point presents alist of all DARs on the network if there is more than
`one DAR onthe network.
`2. The control point invokes the “Play” action on the DAR UPnP device selected in
`the previous step. The URL of the song selected by the user is sent. The URL was
`obtained as a result of GetView action.
`Given that most of the control-point devices will have some form of minimal HTML
`client (web browers) we will provide a sample implementation using HTML and JScript.
`Scripting was chosen (instead of DLL etc) so that it will work on cross-platforms without
`arecompile; JScript was chosen over VBScript as it has wider support across platforms.
`Note that both control points can live on the DAR device or remote PDA. This is a
`packagingissue that will be defined by the OEM.
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`Rev. 0.2
`Microsoft Confidential
`3. DAR Device
`The DAR device contains the following components: an UPnP service; a separate engine
`each type of format it can play - WMA, MP3, etc; a client that can download(or stream)
`data from Content Server using HTTP; and an application.
`The description of DAR andits interaction with Content Server is described below:
`1. For each of the format type supported, the DAR performs some initialization.
`Specifically, for WMA files the DAR initializes the WME PAK.
`2. The DAR advertises itself as UNP device on the home net using SSDP as
`described in UPnP specification.
`3. The control point invokes “Play” action on the DAR passing in the URL of song
`to be played (see step #8 under section “DAR Control Point”).
`4, The application on the DAR downloads the content using HTTP GET. Based on
`the content format (MP3, WMA) it forwards the stream to the appropriate
`rendering engine. Let us assumethat format is WMAfor further discussions.
`5. The WMA engine attempts to play the song. If its copy protected then, it calls
`back the handler registered at WMEinitialization time requesting for the license.
`6. The handler requests the license from the PC. The protocol for this interaction is
`yet to be finalized.
`Open Issues
`1. The protocol between the DAR device and PCis yet to be finalized.
`2. What types format will be shared from the media library - WMA and MP3.
`3. What is the implication of sharing “clear MP3 content”? Do we need secure
`4. Aggregated media library services will have an impact in the logic on DAR
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`Digital Media Description Language
`Revision 0.2
`Author: James Alkove
`Last Updated: 10/31/2000
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`The purpose of the Digital Media Description Languageis to provide an extensible way
`of describing digital media items and collections of digital media items.
`Digital Media Description Language is an XML-based description language for digital
`media items andcollections.
`Media Collections
`For media collections we will be using SMIL2. Since SMIL supports elements contained.
`inside ofits media elements, we will simply embed a MEDIAITEM within the containing
`SMIL media element.
`<video title="My video” src="myvideo.wmv” >
`The player will implementa subset ofthe full SMIL2 specification. Specifically the
`Media Object Modules, an

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