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`John C. Hart I Computer Graphics Illinois
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`Computer Graphics Illinois
`John C. Hart
`Last, First:
`Hart, John C.
`Title & Interests:
`CS- high performance graphics, shape modeling
`John C. Hart is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana(cid:173)
`Champaign where he studies computer graphics, data visualization and computational topology. He is
`also Executive Associate Dean of the Graduate College. He received his B.S. from Aurora University in 1987, and his
`M.S. (1989) and Ph.D. (1991) from the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
`Prof. Hart's research on computer graphics and related areas over the past 25 years has been supported by Adobe,
`AT&T, DARPA, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Nokia, NVIDIA and the NSF. He has also consulted for graphics hardware
`manufacturers, defense contractors, visual effects studios, game developers and a medical imaging startup, and
`provided graphics hardware IP expertise for Microsoft, NVIDIA, AMD (ATI), SGI (GPH) and Creative (Ziilabs), including
`depositions and trial testimony.
`Prof. Hart is the graphics area editor for ACM Books, and edited the recently published book: "The VR Book Human(cid:173)
`Centered Design for Virtual Reality" by Jason Jerald. Prof. Hart teaches the Coursera Data Visualization course which
`enrolled over 88,000 learners from 198 different countries on its initial offering. He is also a past Editor-in-Chief of ACM
`Transactions on Graphics and remains on its editorial board. He is a co-author of "Real-Time Shading" and a
`contributing author for "Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach." He served from 1994-9 on the ACM
`SIGGRAPH Executive Committee, and is an Executive Producer of the documentary "The Story of Computer
`Pub I ications:
`1. Mingcheng Chen, Shawn Shadden , John C. Hart, Fast Coherent Particle Advection through Time-Varying
`Unstructured Flow Datasets, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 22(8), pp. 1959-1972,
`2016 ..
`2. Apollo Ellis, Warren Hunt, John C. Hart, SVGPU: Real Time 3D Rendering to Vector Graphics Formats, Proc.
`Graphics Hardware, 2016.
`3. Julian Kratt, Marc Spieker, Alejandro Guayaquil , Marek Fiser, Soren Pirk, Oliver Deussen , Benes, Bedrich , John C.
`Hart, Woodification: User-Controlled Cambial Growth Modeling, (Proc. Eurographics) Computer Graphics
`Forum 23(2), 2015, pp. 361-372 ..
`4. Mingcheng Chen , John C. Hart, Shawn Shadden , Hierarchical Watershed Ridges for Visualizing Lagrangian
`Coherent Structures, Presented at TopolnVis: Topology-Based Methods in Visualization, 2015. To appear in
`Springer Mathematics+ Visualization series ..
`Exhibit 2013
`5. Victor Lu , John C. Hart, Multicore Construction of k-D Trees for High Dimensional Point Data, Proc. Advances
`in Big Data Analytics, July 2014.
`Petitioner -
`Samsung Elecs. Co., Ltd., et al.
`PO - Image Processing Techs.
`J. fcla~ PI\.. D..
`Reported by:
`Kim Edelen, CSR 9042
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`6. Pooya Khorrami , Vuong Le, John C. Hart, Tom Huang, A System for Monitoring the Engagement of Remote
`Online Students using Eye Gaze Estimation , Proc. IEEE ICM E Workshop on Emerging Multimedia Systems and
`Applications, July 2014 .
`7. Victor Lu , ian Endres , Matei Stroila , John C. Hart, Accelerating Arrays of Linear Classifiers Using Approximate
`Range Queries , Proc. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) , Mar. 2014, pp. 255-260 ..
`8. David Mayerich , John C. Hart, Visualization of Serial Electron Microscopy Images Using Local Variance ,
`IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) , pp. 9-16, Oct. 2012 .
`9. Chris Dietrich , John C. Hart, David Ra1la , Umberto Ravaioli , Nahil Sobh , Omar Sobh , Chris Taylor, lnvertNet: a
`new paradigm for dig ita I access to invertebrate collections , Zoo Keys 209, 2012,pp . 165-181 ,.
`10. Kevin Karsch , Varsha Hedau , David Forsyth , Derek Hoiem , Rendering Synthetic Objects into Legacy
`Photographs , ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia) , 30(6) , 2011 ..
`11. Yuntao Jia , Victor Lu , Jared Hoberock, Michael Garland , John C. Hart, Edge v. Node Parallelism for Graph
`Centrality Metrics, GPU Computing Gems- Jade Edition, Oct. 2011, pp 15-28.
`12. Yuntao Jia , Michael Garland , John C. Hart, Social Network Clustering and Visualization using Hierarchical
`Edge Bundles, Computer Graphics Forum 30(8) , Dec. 2011 , pp. 2314-2327 ..
`13. Mahsa Kamali , Forrest N. landola , Hui Fang , John C. Hart, MethMorph: Simulating Facial Deformation Due to
`Methamphatamine Usage, Proc. International Symposium on Visual Computing, Springer Lecture Notes in
`Computer Science 6938 , 2011 , pp . 102-111 ..
`14. Mahsa Kamali , Matei Stroila , Jason Cho , Eric Shaffer, John C. Hart, Robust Classification of Curvilinear and
`Surface-Like Structures in 3D Point Cloud Data , Proc. International Symposium on Visual Computing, Springer
`Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6938, 2011, pp. 699-708 ..
`15. Mahsa Kamali , Forrest N landola , Eyal Ofek , ldo Orner, John C. Hart, Linear Clutter Removal from Urban
`Panoramas, Proc. International Symposium on Visual Computing , Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
`6939 , 2011 , pp. 85-94 ..
`16. Kevin Karsch , John C. Hart, Snaxels on a Plane , Proc. Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering , Aug. 2011 .
`17. Byn Choi , Rakesh Komuravelli , Victor Lu , Robert L. Bochino , Hyojin Sung , Sarita V. Adve , John C. Hart, Parallel
`SAH k-D Tree Construction , Proc. High Performance Graphics, 2010.
`18. Jared Hoberock, John C. Hart, Arbitrary Importance Functions for Metropolis Light Transport, Computer
`Graphics Forum 29(6), 2010 , pp . 1993-2003.
`19. Yuntao Jia , Eric Lorimer, Xinla1 Ni , Michael Mullan , Ross Whitaker, John C. Hart, RBF Dipole Surface Evolution ,
`Proc. Shape Modeling International, 2010 .
`20 . Liang Peng, Wei-Wen Feng , Yizhou Yu , Byung-Uck Kim , John C. Hart, Feature-Preserving Triangular Geometry
`Images for Level-of-Detail Representation of Static and Skinned Meshes , ACM Transactions on Graphics 29
`(2) , Article 11 , Presented at SIGGRAPH 201 0 ..
`21 . Jared Hoberock, Vlctor Lu , Yuntao Jia , John C. Hart, Stream Compaction for Deferred Shading , Proc. High
`Performance Graphics, Aug. 2009.
`22 . John C. Hart Assistive Technology for the Aesthetically Impaired, Proc. CHI Workshop on Computational
`Creativity , Apr. 2009 .
`23. Jared Hoberock, Samuel Hornus, John C. Hart, Radiance Space, as Represented by the Visibility 2-Skeleton ,
`Presented at TopolnVis, Feb . 2009 .
`24 . Sarita V. Adve , John C. Hart, fellow UPCRC collaborators , Parallel Computing Research at Illinois: The UPCRC
`Agenda , Whitepaper.
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`25. Yuntao Jia , Jared Hoberock, Michael Garland , John C. Hart, On the Visualization of Social and other Scale(cid:173)
`Free Networks, (Proc. lnfovis) IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14(6), Nov. 2008, pp .
`26. Apeksha Godiyal , Jared Hoberock, Michael Garland , John C. Hart, Rapid Multipole Graph Drawing on the GPU ,
`Proc. Graph Drawing 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2009, pp. 90-101
`27. Elmar Eisemann , Holger Winnemoller, John C. Hart, David Salesin , Stylized Vector Art from 3D Models with
`Region Support , (Proc. Eurographics Rendering Symposium) Computer Graphics Forum 27(4) , June 2008, pp .
`28. Matei Stroila, Elmar Eisemann , John C. Hart, Clip Art Rendering of Smooth lsosurfaces, IEEE Transactons on
`Visualization and Computer Graphics 14(1 ), Jan. 2008 , pp. 71-81 .
`29. Hui Fang , John C. Hart, Detail Preserving Shape Deformation in Image Editing , (Proc. SIGGRAPH) ACM
`Transactions on Graphics 26(3), Aug. 2007, #12.
`30. Tony Bergstrom , Karrie Karahalios , John C. Hart, lsochords: Visualizing Structure in Music , Proc. Graphics
`Interface, May 2007 .
`31 . Hui Fang , John C. Hart, RotoTexture: Automated Tools for Texturing Raw Video, Hui Fang , John C. Hart IEEE
`Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12(6), Nov. 2006, pp 1580-1589.
`32. Xiangmin Jiao, Andrew Colombi , Xinlai Ni, John C. Hart, Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Evolving
`Triangulated Surfaces, Proc. Meshing Roundtable, Sept. 2006 , pp. 173-190.
`33. Shen Dong , Peer-Timo Bremer, Michael Garland , Valerio Pascucci , John C. Hart, Spectral Surface
`Quadrangulation , Proc. SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics 25(3), July 2006 , pp. 1057-1066.
`34. Nathan A. Carr, Jared Hoberock, Keenan Crane , John C. Hart, Rectangular Multi-Chart Geometry Images, Proc.
`Symposium on Geometry Processing, July 2006 , pp. 181-190.
`35 . Nathan A. Carr, Jared Hoberock, Keenan Crane , John C. Hart, Fast GPU Ray Tracing of Dynamic Meshes
`using Geometry Images, Proc. Graphics Interface, May 2006 , pp . 203-209.
`36 . Peer-Timo Bremer, John C. Hart, A Sampling Theorem for MLS Surfaces, Proc. Point Based Graphics , June
`37. Jerry 0 Talton , Nathan A Carr, John C. Hart, Voronoi Rasterization of Sparse Point Sets, Proc. Point Based
`Graphics, June 2005.
`38. John C. Hart, Wen Yu Su , A Programmable Particle System Framework for Shape Modeling , Proc. Shape
`Modeling International, June 2005.
`39. Steve Zelinka, Hui Fang , Michael Garland , John C. Hart, Interactive Material Replacement in Photographs ,
`Proc. Graphics Interface, May 2005.
`40. Samuel Hornus, Jared Hoberock, Sylvain Lefebvre , John C. Hart, ZP+: Correct Z-pass Stencil Shadows, Proc.
`ACM Symposium on Interactive 3-D Graphics and Games, Apr. 2005.
`41. John C. Hart, Xinlai Ni, Fair Morse Functions for Extracting the Topological Structure of a Surface Mesh,
`Proc. SIGGRAPH 2004.
`42 . Hui Fang , John C. Hart, Textureshop: Texture Synthesis as a Photograph Editing Tool , Proc. SIGGRAPH
`2004 .
`43. Nathan A. Carr, John C. Hart, Painting Detail, Proc. SIGGRAPH 2004.
`44. Procedural Geometric Synthesis on the GPU , Manuscript accompanying poster at GP"2: The ACM Workshop
`on General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, and SIGGRAPH 2004 poster, Aug. 2004.
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`45. John C. Hart, Jesse D. Hall, GPU Acceleration of Iterative Clustering , Manuscript accompanying poster at
`GP"2: The ACM Workshop on General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, and SIGGRAPH 2004 poster,
`Aug. 2004.
`46. Nathan A Carr, John C. Hart, Two Algorithms for Fast Reclustering of Dynamic Meshed Surfaces, Proc.
`Symposium on Geometry Processing, July 2004.
`47. Michael Mullan , Ross Whitaker, John C. Hart, Procedural Level Sets, Manuscript presented at NSF/DARPA
`CARGO Annual Meeting, May 2004.
`48. Orion Sky Lawlor, John C. Hart, Bounding Recursive Procedural Models using Convex Optimization , Proc.
`Pacific Graphics 2003, Oct., 2003 ..
`49. Nathan A Carr, Jesse D. Hal l, John C. Hart, GPU Algorithms for Radiosity and Subsurface Scattering, Proc.
`Graphics Hardware, July 2003.
`50. Peter-Pike Sloan , Jesse D. Hall , John C. Hart, John Snyder, Clustered Principle Components for Precomputed
`Radiance Transfer, (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2003) ACM Transactions on Graphics 22(3), July 2003.
`51 Jeyprakesh MichaelraJ, Brent Baker, John C. Hart, Structural Simulation of Tree Growth, The Visual Computer
`19(2-3), May 2003, pp. 151-163.
`52. Jesse D. Hall, Nathan A Carr, John C. Hart, Cache and Bandwidth Aware Matrix Multiplication on the GPU ,
`Tech Report UIUCDCS-R-2003-2328, University of Illinois Dept. of Computer Science, Mar. 2003.
`53. John C. Hart, Paul Sherman , Direct Manipulation of Recurrent Models , Computers & Graphics 27(1 ), Feb. 2003.
`54. John C. Hart, Alia Sheffer, Seamster: Inconspicuous Low-Distortion Texture Seam Layout, Proc. IEEE
`Visualization 2002, Oct. 2002.
`55. Nathan A Carr, Jesse D. Hall, John C. Hart, The Ray Engine , Proc. Graphics Hardware 2002, Sep. 2002, pp. 37-
`46 ..
`56. Hui Fang , John C. Hart, Randomly Accessible Procedural Animation of Physically Approximate Turbulent
`Motion , Proc. Computer Animation 2002, June 2002.
`57. Wojciech Jarosz, Terry Fleury , Ed Bachta , John C. Hart, Using particles to sample and control more complex
`implicit surfaces, Proc. Shape Modeling International 2002, May 2002.
`58. Nathan A Carr, John C. Hart, Meshed Atlases for Real-Time Procedural Solid Texturing , ACM Transactions on
`Graphics 21 (2), Apr. 2002.
`59. John C. Hart Perlin Noise Pixel Shaders , Proc. Graphics Hardware 2001, Aug. 2001 _
`60. Wayne 0. Cochran , Robert R. Lewis, John C. Hart, The Normal of a Fractal Surface, The Visual Computer 17(4),
`June 2001, pp. 209-218.
`61. John C. Hart, Peter K. Doenges , A Framework for Analyzing Real-Time Advanced Shading Techniques ,
`SIGGRAPH 2000, 2001 and 2002 courses on real-time shading.
`62. John C. Hart, Masaki Kameya, Bresenham Noise, SIGGRAPH 2000 Conference Abstracts and Applications
`(Abstract of Presentation), July 2000 (Full paper appears in Proc. Western Computer Graphics Symposium, Mar.
`2000, pp. 191-200).
`63. John C. Hart Using the CW-Complex to Represent the Topological Structure of Implicit Surfaces and Solids ,
`Proc. Implicit Surfaces '99, Sept. 1999, pp. 107-112.
`64. Terrence J Coleman , Stephen A Tibbitts , Masaki Kameya , John C. Hart, Nathan A Carr, Antialiased
`Parameterized Solid Texturing Simplified for Consumer-Level Hardware Implementation, Proc. Graphics
`Hardware 1999.
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`65. John C. Hart Computational Topology for Shape Modeling , (Invited Paper) Proc. Shape Modeling International
`'99, Univ. Aizu, Japan, Mar. 1999, pp. 36-45.
`66. Nathan A. Carr, John C. Hart, APST Antialiased Procedural Texturing Interface for OpenGL, Proc. Western
`Computer Graphics Symposium, Mar. 1999.
`67. Masaki Kameya, John C. Hart, Bit Width Necessary for Solid Texturing Hardware, Proc. Western Computer
`Graphics Symposium, Mar. 1999.
`68. Nathan A. Carr, John C. Hart, Jerome Maillot, The Solid Map: Methods for Generating a 2-D Texture Map for
`Solid Texturing , Manuscript, Jan. 1999 (eventually became "Meshed Atlases").
`69. John C. Hart Morse Theory for lmplic it Surface Modeling , Mathematical Visualization, H-C Hege and K. Polthier,
`Eds., Springer-Verlag, Oct. 1998, pp. 257-268.
`70. John C. Hart, Antoinne Durr, Douglas Harsh , Critical Points of Polynomial Metaballs, Proc. Implicit Surfaces '98,
`June 1998, pp. 69-76.
`71. Wayne 0 Cochran , Patrick J Flynn , John C. Hart, On Approximating Rough Curves with Fractal Functions ,
`Proc. Graphics Interface '98, June 1998, pp. 65-72.
`72. Barton T. Stander, John C. Hart, Guaranteeing the Topology of an Implicit Surface Polygonization , Proc.
`SIGGRAPH 97, Aug. 1997, pp. 279-286.
`73. John C. Hart Implicit formulations of rough surfaces, Computer Graphics Forum 16(2), June 1997, pp. 91-99.
`74. John C. Hart, Brandon Burch , Linear Fractal Shape Interpolation, Proc. Graphics Interface, 1997, pp. 155-162 ..
`75. John C. Hart, Wayne 0. Cochran , Patrick J Flynn , Similarity Hashing: A Computer Vision Solution to the
`Inverse Problem of Linear Fractals, Fractals 5, 1997, pp. 39-50 ..
`76. Wayne 0. Cochran , John C. Hart, Patrick J. Flynn , Fractal Volume Compression , IEEE Transactions on
`Visualization and Computer Graphics 2(4), 1996, pp. 313-322 ..
`77. John C. Hart Sphere Tracing: A Geometric Method for the Antialiased Ray Tracing of Implicit Surfaces, The
`Visual Computer 12(1 0), 1996, pp. 527-545 ..
`78. John C. Hart, Steve Worley , Hyper-Rendering of Hyper-Textured Surfaces, Proc. Implicit Surfaces, 1996, pp.
`79. John C. Hart, Brent Baker, Implicit Modeling of Tree Surfaces , Proc. Implicit Surfaces, 1996, pp. 143-153.
`80. John C. Hart Fractal Image Compression and the Inverse Problem of Recurrent Iterated Function Systems ,
`IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 16(4), July 1996, pp. 25-33.
`81. John C. Hart On The Hyperbolic Plan and Chinese Checkers, Proc. Western Computer Graphics Symposium,
`1996, pp. 69-72.
`82. Daryl Hepting , John C. Hart, The Escape Buffer: Efficient Computation of Escape Time for Linear Fractals ,
`Prof. Graphics Interface, 1995, pp. 204-214 ..
`83. John C. Hart Implicit Formulations of Rough Surfaces, Proc. Implicit Surfaces, 1995, pp. 33-44 ..
`84. Wayne 0. Cochran , John C. Hart, Patrick J. Flynn , Principal Component Classification for Fractal Volume
`Compression , Proc. Western Computer Graphics Symposium, 1995 ..
`85. Barton T. Stander, John C. Hart, Interactive Re-Polygonization of B lobby Implicit Curves, Proc. Western
`Computer Graphics Symposium.
`86. Barton T. Stander, John C. Hart, A Lipschitz Method for Accelerated Volume Rendering , Proc. 1994
`Symposium on Volume Visualization.
`87. John C. Hart On Efficiently Representing Procedural Geometry, Manuscript, July 1994.
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`88. John C. Hart, George Francis, Louis H. Kauffman , Visualizing Quaternion Rotation , ACM Transactions on
`Graphics 13(3) July 1994, pp. 256-276.
`89. John C. Hart On Recording Virtual Environments, Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '93 Symposium on
`Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality, Nov. 1993, pp. 80-83.
`90. John C. Hart Ray Tracing Implicit Surfaces, WSU Technical Report EECS-93-014, 1993.
`91. John C. Hart The Object Instancing Paradigm for Linear Fractal Modeling , Proceedings of Graphics Interface
`'92, May 1992, pp. 224-231
`92. John C. Hart Computer Display of Linear Fractal Surfaces, Ph.D. dissertation, EECS Dept., University of Illinois
`at Chicago, 1991.
`93. John C. Hart, Thomas A DeFanti , Efficient Antialiased Rendering of 3-D Linear Fractals , Computer Graphics
`25 (3), (Proc. SIGGRAPH 91 ,) Aug. 1991, pp. 91-100.
`94. John C. Hart, Louis H. Kauffman , Daniel J. Sandin, Interactive Visualization of Quaternion Julia Sets, Proc. of
`Visualization '90, IEEE Computer Society Press, Oct. 1990, pp. 209-218.
`95. John C. Hart, Daniel J. Sandin , Louis H. Kauffman , Ray Tracing Deterministic 3-D Fractals, Computer Graphics
`23(3), (Proc. SIGGRAPH 89,) July 1989, pp. 289-296.
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