Second College Edition
`American Heritage


`STAFF ................
`USAGE PANEL .......
`Language, Culture, and "
`Lee Pederson
`Usage and Acceptability
`Dwight Bolinger ......
`William F. Buckley, Jr.
`English and Good Englisr
`Geoffrey Nunbcrg
`The Mathematics of Lam
`Henry KuCcm
`Words that are believed to be registered trademarks
`have been checked with authoritative sources. No in-
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`rights in any word. because such investigation is im-
`practicable. Words that are known to have cun'enl
`registrations are shown with an initial capital and are
`also identified as trademarks. The inclusion of any
`word in this Dictionary is not. however. an expres-
`sion of the Publisher's opinion as to whether or not it
`is subject to proprietary rights. Indeed. no definition
`in this Dictionary is to be regarded as afl‘ecting the
`validity of any trademark.
`Copyright 9 1982, 1985 by Houshton Mifllin Com-
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`No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted
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`ton. MA 02108.
`Llhl'lry a! CoupesW in Publication Dita
`Main entry under title:
`American Heritage dictionary.
`Rev. ed. of: American Heritage dictionary of the
`English language. New college ed. c I976.
`l. Emhsh language—Dictionaries.
`1. Morris.
`William. Hill-
`ISBN 0395429434
`ISBN 0-395-32944—2 (thumb index)
`ISBN 0395-33994: (deluxe edition)
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Page 2 of 4
`Unified Pate
`_ Exhibit 1014
`Unified Patents v. SilverAState,
`R201 7-01 198


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`INTRODUCTION .....................................
`STAFF ...............................................
`USAGE PANEL ......................................
`CONSULTANTS ......................................
`Language. Culture. and the American Heritage ...........
`Lee Pederson
`Usage and Acceptability 'in Language
`Dwight Bolinger ......................................
`William F. Buckley. Jr. ................................
`English and Good English .............................
`Geoffrey Nunberg
`The Mathematics of Language ..........................
`Henry Kuéera
`GUIDE To THE DICTIONARY ........................
`STYLE MANUAL ....................................
`PRONUNCIATION KEY ..............................
`BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES ............................
`GEOGRAPHIC ENTRIES ..............................
`ABBREVIATIONS ....................................
`PICTURE CREDITS ...................................


`prollne prong
`17",,“an German
`g a filmed image onto a screen or at!-
`prom-Is-lng (prowl-sing) adj. Likely to develop in a desir-
`tank. 2. Producing abundant works or
`b. The image so projected. 5. The inn;
`ttblc manner. —prom'la~lng'ly adv.
`udque s Med. Lat. pron/rm < Lat. proks.
`prowl-cor (prém'i—sér’) rt. Law. An tndtvtdual who makes tt
`“VI-cm (-l-ka-se). pmttrlc-mu n.
`[WC pmduwd by a goofdmalc .mpprn‘
`mKleng lines. such as the grid of a map
`prontda-eo-ry (prom ”6r «3. ~30“) 04}. 1: CWlWii' ”“
`n... ‘ n. An .mjno .fid‘ C,H.O;N. found in
`ll of thc globe or the celestial sphere m:
`VOIVIDE. 0' “6“?“8 the "a,“"c 0‘ ' P’°“"“‘ 2 indicating
`I plane surface. 7. I’rycliol The now:
`G. Pmltn < Pym], pvtole.|
`how the provmons of an insurantx contract will be carried
`"bum" of one's own feelings. attitudes
`ro‘llks') ad]. 1. Wordy and tedious
`out after it is signed. [Med Lat. prumtsiomuf Lat. promts
`- "E w '
`t hm th. M}; < OFr.
`n booth n. A booth. as in a theater, in -
`.ror, one who promises < prontttrrre.
`tt) ptomtscl
`e. tv Infrethrltadzi lgrgpmugqay[(.lm'st.te) n.
`:0! is operated.
`on'lst (pra~]ék’sha-nlst) rt. 1. One who
`prOI'VIISBOl'y note It. A wntlcn promise to pay or ”P333“:
`neturc projector. 2. A map-maker.
`Mlt'ya-tar) n A presiding officer or chair- Wlflw “f“ 0! money “ B Sula-‘1"? 0' 0% dis:
`u a: lower house of it convocation in the Angli-
`pro-mo (Pro “'10) IL. Pl '7'?‘ Informa 3 WWW ‘0 . P _
`rt room n. l. A room equipped with t
`gr < Lat advocate < ["0le to We." out -_
`sentatton. such as a telenston spot. radio announcement. ut
`rte vrewmg of a motion picture. 2.A
`. .« to him“ 1
`personal appearance. [Short for rttouuttunl
`promon-to-ry (prom'sn-tore. dot/e) n.. pl. «in. LA high
`v0 (pro-Jek'tiv) ad}. 1. Pertaining to .~.-
`gififfyflbh .‘2?.2,;.,J..,13"..‘;“::;2:.‘.*
`ridge of land or rock Jutttng out into a sea or other expanse
`of water. 2. Anal. A p
`ecting bodily part. Mutt. Lttl. [no
`- 2. intending outward; projecting. 3
`perry of a geometric figure that does no
`.. fifrllzsrgciklf“ ”0’08” ( Ok' "do”, '
`momentum. alteration gelatin.l pzlmuqltyiluni
`: undergoes protection. —pm-loc’tlve-q
`ra—mo'ta- a)
`avmg tic quatttet
`I geometry n. The study of gcometm
`{dufimggfgé‘xfl ,Tfi‘mgffm'g'gfi
`necessary for a vanoement to a
`tgher position or rank. u
`m-ttnnnt under pro cetion.
`romomble young woman 2. Suitable for con-
`. lon . finclong'et It.
`I test It. A psychofogical test in which
`‘ OFL PM,” U I LL" I’M/Mu" '
`gumer mgrfettng and promotion: 0 pranwlabte item —pro-
`‘ ' L" [7'33“
`. ti relauvclt unstructured standard --
`Myuhfl’I-l' n.
`, ”Ens 5" ' 'l9“3"' Pm) "‘rgq'gufilgg
`pro-mote (pro-mm’) In. arched. «noting. mom. 1. a. To
`(if cartoons. abstract patterns. or too
`“ analyzed {0" determinants 0f 90
`’WWS “W9 ”01'1““?
`false to a more important or responsible Job or rank. 1). To
`advance (a student) to the next hi
`er grade. 2. To contrib-
`M'man) rt LA preliminary exercise.
`rr (pro-Jek'tar) It. 1. A machine forp
`rotecttm .
`"V“ ‘5 ‘ PM“; ‘° ' "‘0" “mm“, "Mk
`4“ ‘I thcn 2 A deuce for
`.ql'o attemp‘: to sell or POPSI‘W‘
`:deopiidtitof‘ “5353.3;
`)“C‘ “9'10 ch‘é‘ plans 0" NOEL“!
`We" to prnctioe beforehand : pith N by advertising or by securing financial su port: promote a
`"' me-le'E-lit‘Rt-Gi) n. A Piece-0f f '
`‘ ptay.]—pro4«‘eo-ry ('W't‘ 4'”) “I"! ,
`not profit”: promote a Broadway show. ME promoted <
`- A bull or forfmal done: mid {W J "B"
`burned to beprojectod ontoa scrotal k
`Lat. ”mtg”, to advance : pro-. fonvai'd + move”.
`and“; [short or "on. A0 .]
`tan . ("m-AL]
`flint-rub) n A colorless crystalline com-
`010(prb-kar'bat') n Variant or p . .
`proomot-er (pro-mo’tarlrt. 1. An agave sup
`rter: advocate.
`tI iprolak‘tin) n A pltullar“ hormone
`' l1" “87$;fl'mcigeAw)
`“m“ and
`2. A financial and publftty mantra; Bola gounsn'xfiz»
`.tom’o-nad'. mad‘) "' 1' " A leisurely w‘k'
`"1:1;“w‘irr’lzlflfvffi'b‘m -m€1|
`Igor/mongmcgmr‘nin rank) or respo.nsibtltty. 3.
`.3 fl 3 Public PW 1‘ a 50'3““ 3mm)" b. A
`simple proteim found in wheat. r -
`ment: furtherance. 4, Advertisingorother publicrty. —pro-
`- ‘ Itch walking. 2. I. A formal bl“. b. A for-
`lit] (IN!)
`s AVfoNlA) + -lN[.‘
`mo’tlon-ol adj. —pro-mo’tlon-Il-ty adiI.
`no'lttn') II The gantttlotropic barman
`9" be 20°55 51 lb: opening 0‘ 3 bl” 1" 9",.qu (pramo’tlx) adj. Tending to promote. —-pro-
`nrtnr. uted to indicate pregnancy '.
`' between 1M iii-“"5 0' a 5‘1“" ‘1‘“th "-
`mo'uvo-nou rt
`.q. «one. -—mtr. 1.To go on a'letsurely WP‘ (prompl) adj. q. ‘u. 1.0n time: punc'uat'
`rnrr.» 4.9.“,
`antic a promenade in square dnnctng. —tr.
`2. Done without delay. _,,~v_ 9",va P'°"‘P"'”9-
`trpmflry) Mn].
`' mnade 31°“! 0' through. 2-T0 m“ 0'
`prompta. 1. To press into action; incite. 2. To give rise to;
`‘1 t" ‘1'? WI 0' Plfltc-
`unu- (r'rt‘~lfip's=sl. The failing do-r
`‘ " if 0“ 3 promenade. iF“ < f”) P'""'"""- to
`tnspirc. 3. To assist with a reminder: remind. A. To give a
`I" “f 3" "81'" 0' Puff. Such as the -‘~
`1"“ WWW“- to 4"“ forward :pro~. '0"
`cue to.
`its in a play. en. 1. a. The act of prompting or
`w ‘0 an < ”mm":
`a falling - Lot. ppnrt. of pry/obi.
`to ““13“" < mlnae.
`givingucuel). “it: information suggested: reminder or'cue.
`*"m‘d'" "‘
`"5 " lab" ‘0 (-1”!
`2. LA prompt note. b. The time limit sttpulated m a
`pro’IAt’) adj Designating the shape 0 -
`”I "‘ The upper deck or a section of the
`prompt note. [ME ~< OFr. < Lat. promptus, ppart. of pro-
`turd haying its polar tuis longer than
`. ‘ passenger ship where the passengers can
`to bring forth : pup.
`forth + emere,
`to take]
`cigar-shnpw. [LJL [rm/arm. ppurt
`—promp'ti1uao' (prdmp'tl-tobd'. -tydbd'). prompt’nun n.
`firth, forth + fem. In carry]
`t not. It.
`(pn-rnl’the-an) adj. 1. Permitting> to or sug-
`—prompriy adv.
`"mus. 2‘ Boldly creative; onynnl. "‘m One
`prompt-book (prOmpt'book‘) n. An annotated script used
`I) n. A proletariun. [short for PROL"
`in manner or "out?“
`by a theater prompter.
`«l’leg’t rt One of the stubby limbs
`9" ”mum" "ma” ’ "‘ Gk' M'V’h A T"
`prompt-or (protnp’tar) n. 1. One who prompts. 2. One who
`"‘9 from Olympus ”"5 88V: '1 '0 man. ”J“- ‘
`Eli's of caterpillars and some other
`gives cues to actors.
`prompt-lng (prOmp'tlng) n. A com uter language function
`Ire-non (pro’It-gOm’a-nOn'. man) -
`'m‘OGUCW-‘n- [0L a passive ncu -'
`membnfi "~ rumba! P'“ A Ead'oacm"
`that alerts a user to the need for ad tuonal input tn order to
`, Wt PICPafweg’J “.55'0" of PM”? or by
`to say beforehand : pro-. before .
`continue processing data
`«merit of n
`ymtum. NW‘S M isotope:
`pm‘o-noul adj
`prompt not. it. A notice sent to the purcther of goods as a
`I (pro-lep'tls) n. PI. an (-sez'). 1 W
`. ”at“ [“81“ from ”I to 154- “d.“‘cd “? “
`reminder of the amount that is due the seller and the date
`‘0 rays. Atonuc number 5'; melting 1’0““
`Answering of an objection or an
`that it isduc.
`orient has put it forward. 2. The on -I
`'6 5’0““ ”30°C "“9““ 34‘ ”omm‘m'l
`prom-urgent (
`ram'al-git‘. pro-mul’gat’) tr.v. gut-ed. gat-
`in anticipation of the act or emu.
`prbm'onans) also 9'°'"+"..“'°V HEM”
`tng. ill... 1. 0 main: known (a decree. for example) by
`the If applicable [I litt < (‘ylt pron-a
`Idea-on or quality of being Fromm?“- 3- borne.
`uhltc declaration: announce officrally. 2. To put (a law)
`anttt‘tpate ‘ pm, before + Moth-”‘-
`' :rominent. 3- 451m” A ‘Ongl’d'h cloud 0'
`into effect by formal public annmrnoemeni. [Lat promul-
`Ic i-Iep'tfh). pro-top'tI-enl rid}
`'~08 from 111‘ sun's 5“”‘30‘7- “5‘”: 35 part °'
`gale, plflmu/gdl- ] diamante-Mon (prom‘al-ga’shan. pré'-
`than (pro’lI-tat’e-an) nd/
`01'. pert.
`k“ a total 501“ “up” .
`mob) n —prour'uI-ge'tot n
`-- it. A llttll""
`ILL of the proletariat.
`:m’a-nant) 0411 l- Prolaclmit outward from
`pmnrmMgm tpromvttz'm) rt. An attitude or policy that
`Lat. proIt-turr‘ui
`. a Roman ritual
`'4‘:- protubaant. 2.1mmediately noticeable;
`encourages childbearing. as b) exalttng or rewarding par-
`tin. offsprtng (from the fact that p
`lWidely known; eminent. “3" Pm’mfl’u'
`enthood. —pro-na'ut-let rt —wno'hI-le'ue ad’.
`e deemed by a Roman tortsutu -
`1 out. of pramnérc, to jut out.] —prom'lmt-
`promote [pro'ith ,, . «tot-06. Ming. «to; +0 mm (the
`aim or inner surface of the hand or forelimb) downward or
`the state only by hming cluldten
`(prOm’I-skyd‘o'i-tl. P‘Q’ml') "- PI- ‘5'.
`Backward [ prwre, pruneb. to bend forward < pro-
` t~at (pro'll-titt'e-It) rt 1. I. The dam I
`: diameter of being promiscuous. 2. Promts-
`nut. “mm, forward.) —prm'uon n‘
`m Who. possessing neither capital 2:
`Ilmuum- 3-” indixn'mm“ "mm": M“! t
`ro'nt’tar) n.. pl. promo-urn: (pro'nstore;
`us: earn their ltvmg by selling the'
`-tOt’-). The oreann or forelimb muscle that effects prona-
`in: of working people 2. The prqr‘
`tpn-mls’kyob-as) my. 1.Cunaisttng of di-
`attic. constituttng the lowest ulna -
`nested parts or individuals; confused. 2. Lock
`pron. (prOn) ad]. 1. Lying with the front or race downward,
`' < t
`.tt. pro/(farms. a Roman out:
`-‘ selection; indiscriminate. 3- lndiscrimtnlte
`prostrate. 2. Tending: prone ta mischief —adv.
`in a prone
`‘I‘ 0115- 4- C8533]: random [14"- P'DMUG‘” 3
`manner: lying prone on the but. [ME < Lat. pronto. inclined
`prb—lif’) adj. Opt-titted to leuk-
`tt n
`‘ muce’re. 10 mix.] WMWWHV 0‘”
`forward] —prorn’ly adv, —orono‘nou It.
`men n.
`. a
`Synonyms: prone. rupine, putt/rate, reruntbatl. Prune
`It: tprz-lif’a-rilt') t 41-06. at“
`lit. 1. A declaration assurinz that one wrll
`always means lying face downward. the front of the body
`reduce or produce new growth *
`something: VOW. ZSOmtlhins promised.
`turned toward the surface it rests on. Supine also means
`'5le Pntlilrmllt'x "”3 I To Inf '
`t future excellence or success. —V. 4nd. 4.-
`lying down. but always on onc‘s back. Prortralr can mean
`» r 1. To pledge or offer assurance: Wepromise
`' ’3“
`” To “all“ '0 3’0" t"
`lying down in either position. and “USSCSSS 3 P690" 5 PFBC‘
`a T . make a promise of. 3. To afford a basis for
`nation < F. pmltj'mtltm. the act
`in; himself. being thrown. or collapsing into this position.
`"'"m < P’Oltf'W- Pftfluuw " M9»
`- w. 1. To make a promise. 2. To afford a basis
`Recumbent means lying down but eritphusttes a position of
`UFH‘OL'S. -v'°'||"0"u'|lon n
`afulun that promise: well. [ME pron-y: <
`comfort or rest.
`neuter ppm. of promitrere.
`to promise :
`td-net'rat. -rOs ) 71. A pnmlttvc kldntyv that
`' I'm/e. to send.) —prom'lrer it.
`“5 (P'3‘m'af‘35) 04} 1- Biol RQ'
`disappears ear y tn the embryonic development of higher
`0’ buds “4 5‘“ ”funcm- 2’ B“ ‘
`us! It. 1. In the Old Testament. the land of
`vertebrates. [rm-t «- Gk. nt-phrw'. kidney-l —pt°‘fl-M"'c
`°" °“5h°°‘5~ ”m‘l'm‘” "0'" ~’
`vised to Abraham and his descendants.
`(-rnt) adj.
`prolifer < Lat. pro/er. offspring]
`n. A place of anticipated happiness.
`prong (prbng. prbng) rt. 1. A shn
`ly pointed put of a tool
`amid-s?) n. Law. An individual to whom a
`or instrument. such as a tine of a Mir. 2. A shut-ply pornted
`pro—lif’flt) my. 1. Producing offsp g
`projection. «My prong“. DNM'MO' W°W'- T0 Pl“cc
`k/ggag/ hhat/hwwttich I [pit
`~ lauoc / sh ship. dtstt/ I right / th thin. path/1h this. bathe / a cut I (it use / v valte/ w with / y yes I z zebra. siu/
`o paw. for I 01 noise I ou out I do an
`’hl. item. edible. gallop. ciras / reFr. feta Ger. sehon / t'i Fr. In. Ger. fiber! :14 Ger. idt. Scot. loch/ N Fr bout.
` I


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