`I, Ümit Özgüner, am over twenty-one (21) years of age. I am fully competent to make
`this declaration. I declare the following information to be true to the best of my knowledge,
`information, and belief:
`I have been a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ohio State
`University from 1981 to 2015 and a Professor Emeritus from 2015 to the present. I earned a
`PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois in 1975.
`In 1997, I was the Technical Program Chair for the IEEE Conference on
`Intelligent Transportation Systems, held at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in Boston Massachusetts
`on November 9–12, 1997. The Proceedings (excerpts from which are attached as Exhibit A)
`from the conference correctly note that I was Technical Program Chair on page v, and my
`statement is printed on page 2.
`I attended the conference. At the conference, all of the Technical Papers listed on
`Pages 44–46 in Exhibit A were distributed to registered conference attendees as part of the
`Proceedings when they picked up their badges at the registration desk during the conference
`from November 9–12, 1997. Approximately 100 to 500 people attended the conference and
`received copies of the articles.
`Attached to this declaration is Exhibit A, which is a document that contains true
`and correct excerpts of the Proceedings given to the conference attendees. It also shows the
`correct date and location of the conference on the first page (Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston,
`Massachusetts, November 9–12, 1997). On the lower right of page 314, there appears to be a
`stamp that seems to have been added to a later printing after the conference because it has a later
`Page 1 of 26
`Samsung v. Image Processing Techs.


`Under penalty of perjury, I declare that the foregoing is based on my personal
`knowledge and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
`Executed on March 28, 2017 at Columbus, Ohio.
`By: _____________________
`Ümit Özgüner
`Page 2 of 26


`Page 3 of 26
`Page 3 of 26


`Boston Park Plaza Hotel
`Boston, Massachusetts
`November 9-12, 1997
`Page 4 of 26
`Page 4 of 26


`® IEEE Conference on
`Boston Park Plaza Hotel
`Boston, Massachusetts
`November 9-12, I997
`Page 5 of 26


`Copyright and Reprint Permission
`Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond
`the limit of U.S. copyright law for private use of patrons those articles in this volume that carry
`a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid
`through Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive. Danvers, MA 01923. For other copy-
`ing, reprint or republication permission, write to IEEE Copyrights Manager, IEEE Service Center,
`445 Hoes Lane, PO. Box 133 1, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331.All rights reserved. Copyright © 1997
`by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`IEEE Catalog Number
`ISBN: 0—7803—4269-0 (Softbound)
`ISBN: 0-7803—4271—2 (Microfiche)
`.0~7803—4271+2 (CD—Rom)
`Library of Congress:
`IEEE Catalog Number: 97TH83 3 1
`Library of Congress: 9780147
`ISBN: 07803-42694)
`Pae 6 of 26
`Page 6 of 26


`Welcome from the Conference General Chair
`Welcome to the l997 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation
`oft-stems (lTSC‘97).
`Hosted by I 7 [EEE societies and supported by a number of interna-
`tional organza-aliens, H‘SC'Q? is the first of a neuI series focusing on
`the broad technology aspects oflnteltigent Transportation Systems
`(if5). lTSC’97 incorporates the very successful Vehicle Navigation and
`Information System OWL?) and intelligent Vehicle Systems (IVS) con—
`ferences that have been held by individual lEEE societies in past
`years. In the technical program on the following pages, you will find
`that lTSC‘97 includes a broad range of important and timely techni-
`cal topics new active in various ITS projects.
`The Conference Committee and the many additional individuals who
`have arranged H.969? are excited about the technical papers that
`will he presented. All papers received in response to the 1996 Callfor
`Papers have been peenrezieured. We believe you. tit-ill agree their quali-
`ty is excellent. These papers, plus several sessions arranged around
`invited papers, have been organized into five parallel trades ofses-
`sions running the full three dill-'3 of the c‘oiy‘erence. One highlight is
`a series ofsessions devoted to the rapidly evolving area ofApplied
`Computer Vision.
`The conference also features three plenary sessions—one each on
`the three days of the technical program. in the opening plenary on
`Monday, Mn Richard Weiland and Mr. Peter Zak, well
`recognized leaders in current US programs, provide some of their
`perspectives on progress in developing critically needed l'l‘S standards.
`On the second day, four internationalh' known speakers will provide
`their perspectives on four key ITS technologies—navigation and posi-
`tion location, communication. automated vehicle control. and in—
`vehicle i'ry’ormation sj'sten'is. In the closing plenary on the third eta}:
`are invited Dr. Kan Chen, one of the early IVHS leaders to provide his
`views on the past, present andfuture of ITS. Oar banquet speaker;
`Mr. Hans-Georg Metzler, Vice President of Research for Daimler-
`Benz, comes to us from Stuttgart; Germany and promises an informa-
`tive presentation on evolving intelligent vehicle technology and relat-
`ed issues. We hope you won 't miss an}P of these excellent presentations.
`Once again, welcome. we trust lTSC‘)? a-‘ill be a stimulating and tech—
`nically rewarding conference for you.
`Lyle Saxth
`Conference General Chair
`IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
`Pae 7 of 26
`Page 7 of 26


`I’etros Ionnou
`University of Southern California
`Los Angeles, CA
`Mike Kelly
`Georgia Institute at Technology
`Atlanta, GA
`lchiro Moseki
`Massachusetts Institute at Technology
`Cambridge, MA
`Michael K. Mosten
`Texas Instruments
`Plano, TX
`Tom Matti
`Statec Consulting
`Stoneham, MA
`Lomberto Railoelli
`Arcom, Inc.
`Salem, NH
`William T. Scherer
`University of Iiirginia
`Charlottesville, VA
`(Trades Thorpe
`Carnegie-Mellon University
`Pittsburgh, PA
`John Trorrell
`r Local Arrangements Committee
`Richard A. Sparks, Chair
`Anro Engineering, Inc.
`Maynard, MA
`Robert Alongi
`IEEE Boston Section
`Waltham, MA
`David F. Barber, Jr.
`Scion-Tech Associates, Inc.
`Banner Elk, NC
`Rye Case
`ER. Case Associates
`Agincourt, Canada
`Alon {hochich
`MIT Center for Transportation Studies
`Cambridge, MA
`Michael J. Costa
`Massachusetts Turnpike Authority
`Weston, MA
`Clil'l Drubin
`Raytbeon Electronic Systems
`Tevrksbory, MA
`Andi Goldman
`Boston Park Plaza Hotel
`Boston, MA
`Steve Huettner
`Program Committee Members
`Umit Uzgiiner, Choir
`The Ohio State University
`Columbus, OH
`Micho Avni
`Mobile Inlonnolion Systems Ltd
`Boonona, Israel
`Ahsan Baig
`MES TransTech, Inc.
`Mt. Laurel, III
`Alberto Broglri
`Universita‘di Potato
`Parmo, Italy
`Bye Case
`EB. Case Associates
`Agincourt, Canada
`Daniel J. Dailey
`University of Washington
`Seattle, WA
`ED. Dickmanns
`Univetsitat der Bundesvcehr tiunchen
`Instilut Tur Systemdynanvik
`and Elugmecbonik
`Heubiberg, Germany
`Mike Fitz
`The Ohio State University
`Columbus, (H
`Robert L French
`R&D French Associates
`Nashville, TN
`Keith Gates
`National Research Council
`Washington, DC
`Mark Hoselkom
`University of Washington
`Seattle, WA
` Sexton,
`Broad Run, VA
`Stanley Tyliszczak
`BBN Corporation
`Cambridge, MA
`Dr. Bart Von Rees
`Raytheon Company, ADC
`Andover, MA
`Publications Committee
`Emily Sopensky, Choir
`The Iris Company
`Austin, TX
`Susan Picologlou
`Argonne National laboratory
`Argonne, IL
`Joan Rivers
`Rivers Graphic Design
`Austin, TX
`Poul Seeslng
`Protect Manager
`Insight Consulting, Inc.
`Salem, OR
`Steve Weikal
`Austin, TX
`General Motors Research Laboratory
`1Warren, MI
`Raytheon Electronic Systems
`Tewlcsbury, MA
`US. Jacob Tsaa
`University of Colilornio, Berkeley
`Richmond, CA
`.Ion Young
`The Ohio State University
`Columbus, OH
`Yilia Zhoo
`Motorola, Inc.
`Schaamburg, II.
`Kellie Kean
`Greater Boston Convention
`It ‘r'isitots Bureau, Inc.
`Boston, MA
`Ichiro Masaki
`MIT Artificial Intelligence lab
`Cambridge, MA
`Anne C. U'Ileil
`Sverdrup CiviI,Inc.
`Boston, MA
`Pae 8 of 26
`Page 8 of 26


`ITSC '9? nference enrol (hair
`Mr. [er Sexton
`ITSC ’97 Technical Program Chair
`Br. Umit chiiner
`The Ohio State University
`“SC ‘97 local Arrangements Chair
`Mr. Richurd A. Spurks
`Arno Engineering, inc.
`Mr. E. Ryerson [053
`E. R. {use and Associotes
`ITSC ‘ lerence Vice Chair
`Dr. Ichiro Musoki
`Massachusetts institute of Technologyr
`[TSC '9? Publicin hair
`Mr. Robert L. French
`Rim French Associates
`"511 ‘97 Publications (hair
`Ms. Emily Sopensky
`The Iris {ompany
`“SC ‘97 Finance (hair
`Dr. Richord Klal'ler
`Temple University
`IT7 usiness Manger
`Mr. Robert Alongi
`Boston Section iEEE
`Pae 9 of 26
`Page 9 of 26


`19?? IEEE Taahnital Ml'liilfl Board
`Intelligent Transporlalian System: It! Hot Commillaa
`E. Ryerson [on
`(hair ll iii-ill
`Eli. Cola and Motions
`agincaun, [Imaria
`Daniel IIIaileyI
`Secretary/Transom El iii-ill
`llnivarsily al 1iilrtxhinglon
`Seaflla, an
`Hitha Jami
`Maliila Lnfarmalian Syslam: Lid
`Ioanana, lSHEL
`Loralia Juliana
`Haghas nimal‘l
`[at Milan, [n
`Rirhord 'Sliip' E. Bryan
`{liaison Int.
`Iasrrh Triongla Park, Hf.
`Inasiasias G. Chasslolros
`California Slain llniaarsity
`long Booth. Ur
`Andrew Druid
`Andra {ansultina Sarvim
`Roma, N1
`landy Frank
`Molarolo. llil'.
`Phoenix. at
`Robert L Franth
`RID Franth motions
`Haslwilla, iii
`E. Slaa Gillesoia
`tailornia Slate university
`Nunhndga, (A
`Bernard F. Golioma
`Palisadas. H‘t
`Georg: Hanover
`moronic lnduslrias Asset.
`ialinaton, 1i].
`{harlot J. Hergal
`Lima-rare, [a
`Dennis l‘lolfmon
`lanai lnsnamanls, In
`Dallas, TX
`Palra! L Iaannau
`Unmer at
`South!!! California
`la! Wales, or
`Laali Jorniewn
`Purina ilnhrarsiiy
`Was! Lalayana, IN
`lit. Dollar Johmim, Jr.
`imam inhaalagies
`Murray Hil, NJ
`Myron [nylon
`llama Engineering to.
`Sonia Molina, 0|
`Hike Kelly
`Giorgio Instilula ol Tuhnolagy
`lllltlnioI El
`Harry Karaluyl:
`IEEE Signal Processing Soriary
`Pistalaway, NJ
`Ronald J. Mamaflca
`Columbus, OH
`Izhira Maialii
`Mimi-lasers iramura
`al Ethnology
`leatldge, m
`Ealarama Harry
`Eanaral Molar: RED {anler
`Warren, ill
`Urail Digiiner
`flhia Slain Umrarsity
`Columbus, OH
`iiahan (. Rana
`Hughes aimafl {amany
`Lo! lanolin GA
`William 1. Stherar
`University oi 'a'irginio
`Uraflonesvflle, it.
`Emily A. Saoamky
`The iris Company
`Austin, IX
`it'nlianl l. Sparks
`ilnro Enginaariag
`Ballard, lM
`Daniel IE. Toland. Slol‘l
`IEEE - Tashnital atliviiies
`i’iuarawoy, Hi
`John R. Traxell
`Genital Moran Corp.
`Warm, iii
`LL", [Hamil ’floleTie
`fialalia Engiieering tarp.
`Falls (lurch, VA
`fliabaa L White, Iii
`Unham‘ry ol' l-iith‘laan
`in labor, in
`Yilin Zhao
`flamiala, Int.
`Sdaoumhara, ll
`Richard larmki
`Slinluana Uniyusi’ry
`al iachaalagy
`A Note from the Technical Program Chair
`It gives me great pleasure to Wife this note as Technical Program
`Chair for the first IEEE ITS Conference. When we in the IEEE TAB
`Committee on Intelligent Transportation Systems began planning this
`Conference, we had one goal in mind. That was to create a meeting
`with very high technical standards that both highlights electrical engi-
`neers’contributions to ITS and provides a venue for encouraging
`IEEE members to participate in this exciting, new, interdisaplinary
`areal was honored to be selected to act as Technical Program Chair
`Starting a new conference is no easy task. From setting up a schedule
`for operations, to creating the first ever "rejectionUetter; everything
`has to be done from scratch. Many people must provide their time
`and energies without benefit of an earlier model to use as a
`Everything, of course, relies on the authors and their submissions. In
`this, I believe, we were very fortunate. Many excellent manuscripts
`were submitted and many more were encouraged by session organiz-
`ers. Some, who had interesting topics we want to hear; were invited.
`All went through a rigorous review process with standards kept high.
`We in the iTS’97 Program Committee feel that we have an excellent
`program and a proceedings that researchers in the ITSfield will refer
`to on many occasions.
`The three-day program of sessions, which follows a full day of
`tutorials, was run with five parallel sessions each day Both Monday
`and Tuesday have three time slots for programs—morning, early
`afternoon, and late afternoon. On the last day, there was one
`double-time slot in the morning with a mid-morning break. The other
`program time slot on Wednesday is early afternoon immediately
`after lunch.
`One track throughout the conference was dedicated to Intelligent
`Vehicles. The topic of another track was Automated Highway Systems,
`especially appropriate given the 199? Technology Demonstration in
`San Diego. The topics of the remaining tracks were somewhat mixed,
`although the Pregram Committee did attempt continuity.
`We were lucky in having a number of dedicated individuals on the
`H8097 Program Committee to whom I am grateful I should especial-
`ly like to thank Drs. lchiro Masaki, Broggi, and Dickmanns for going
`out of their way in recruiting excellent contributors. I would like to
`also thank all who took it upon themselves to organize sessions. You
`will hear and enjoy their efforts.
`We hope we have provided a good start for this and future IEEE ITS
`conferences.Andpersonalgi—i look forward to many conferences
`to follow.
`U Ozgiiner
`Chair: Technical Program Committee
`Pae10 of 26
`Page 10 of 26


`0PEHIH13 SESSION: |Ilielsorria from In: General Chair
`Kernels Addresses: Parspedivas lrom Ilia I‘uhlir and Private Seslars
`PMEL' Fenpaslim on Key ITS Teihnaiagies
`I (ammunkalians
`' Auiomaiad Vehicle (onlrol
`' ln-Vehirle Informaiiaa Suslerns
`I. SPEIIIII PRESENTED": The Foslr Freseni
`and Fuiure of ITS—d Personal Persperiiva
`B:30-I0:00 a.m.
`Imperial Ballroom
`10:30 a.m.-Naor|
`Imperial Ballroom 3:00 am.
`Imperial Ballroom
`I. (ommuniralions
`for IIIIS
`il. Iolaral 'r'eliirle
`2. Trai'li: Modeling
`and Simulaiion
`Based [onliol
`so, Issuesffianserns:
`El. 1015 Demo 1]".
`la. lfonlral Synams
`6. Hadaling,
`Fully dulomaled
`lor Aulonarnaus
`Simulalion, and
`Analylir Tools
`[as ills
`1!. Navigation and
`2?. 1iehisle
`Navigalion and
`2a. Iiadar Sensors
`Ior Collision
`3:30 mam “LI
`{3:30 MIL-5:00 p.m.l
`3. ‘ierhnalagzr Issues
`in HS Inlormarian
`0. Inlegraled
`Syslem Idanagemeni
`l3. New, 0n-Ilehisle
`IIS Hardware
`III. Radar-Based
`23. HS Slandards
`3i. Irlodeling
`and Simulation
`36. Milk modeling
`and Simula1ion
`31. Etiensianaf
`InIeHiganI IIeI-iirla
`3?.1'ehisle (onlrei
`for iTS
`33. [oilisron
`draidante Snierns
`30. Inlallrgenl
`1!. Ilisian Sysiarns
`9. Image Pimessing
`H. Image and
`Upliral harassing
`Ill. Network Issues
`in IIS
`24. (ammunisailan
`29. lnlnrmolinn
`3'1. |(( Field Tens
`35‘. Iloud Conduion
`5. InieIIigenI
`\Iahitles; Control
`I0. Inlelligeill
`Vehirles: Srslern
`I5. Inieiligenl
`Ilehirles: Trellis
`II]. Inlelligeni
`ES. Inrelligenl
`‘r'lsian {I I
`30. Intelligent
`I'ision [2]
`* insakm Breaklosi WED-5:15 am!
`' Coffee hreolr {lflrlID—I 0:30 a.m.}
`' .Jnrh included “1:00-1:30 9.111.}
`0 [slice Break13:00-3:30p.m.1
`_ I ilekeme Reseplion {5:004:00 pm!
`' Sneakers Bleoklon {1:004:45 a.m.l
`' inhibils II 0:00 arm—6:30 p.m.I
`0 FI'IWII IIS/l‘m lethnalogy Irutli [10:00 amt—6:00 pm!
`0 Coffee break [10:00-10:30 a.m.I
`I l.Lln(I‘l on your own 11200—1 :30 p.m.l
`II [allee ilsealr {3:30-4:00 ant}
`e Speakers Braolrlasl [1:00—1:15 a.rn.l
`' Exhibits 1?:00 o.m.—?:30 p.m.l
`' FHIIIIA ITS/(V0 TBLI‘MIng' Tiurlr {1:00 ant—6:00 pm!
`0 (allee lireolt {I 0:00-10:30 a.rn.l
`I Lunrh on your own Ii 2:00—1 :30 am]
`' Calla: IIreals 13130—4110 pm]
`' Ileteniian 15:30 pm]
`I Ilanauei 11:30 p.m.l
`0 Troll: 0 Transit {onirnl (colors [I :00- l1:01] am]
`0 I'olpe Nasianal Transposlarian Systems (enler {i :0IJ~ I1:00 o.rn.l
`0 Ilai'l‘n a Transil (anlrai (eniers 11:00—1100 om]
`35. Inlelliganl
`Vehicles: 'iision l3]
`.1I_ Vghid.
`Harigaiian: Sysierra
`and Sensors
`11—0. Intelligent
`Vision {’1}
`I Speakers Ereallusi [3:004:45 a_m_}
`0 EIIIIIIII‘S [0:00 a.m.—I :30 p.rn.l
`O FHWdlIVC'iOTerhmIogy leads (am. only}
`' [ollaa bleak “0100-1 0:30 am]
`' lands on your aim [1100—1 :30 11ml
`' lrolli: i: Transil (onlral Eenrers
`' Vela: Nafianal Iiansparraiion Syslems Cnir.
`[0:00 a.m.—I2.‘00 9.111.]
`Pae 11 of 26
`Page 11 of 26


`3:30—10:00 nan.
`' OPENING manner
`Perspeditres from the Public and Private Sorters
`lTSC'W Conference General Chair Salton
`Mr. Sexton wolrarnes you to the first tEEE Intelligent Tronspanrnion
`' Systems conlerenco.
`Invited Speaker Mr. Peter Ink
`- Proiect Dirertor, Central Artery/Tunnel Proieo
`Mr. Zulr presents a view of ITS lrom the oahlir senor.
`Invited Speaker Mr. Rirlrnrd Welland
`General Manager, SEI Technology Group and (hair ol the ITS America
`Standards and Protocol Committee
`Mr. ‘iieiland presents a view of US from the private sector.
`ITSC’DJ’ Conferente Program Chair Dr. Until Ozgiiner
`Dr. ngiiner provides an overview ol the rorrlerenre’s tedrnirul program.
`1' WHlTI’l ER
`2. Trallio Modeling and Simulation
`L Kollaelli, [hair
`Sliding Mode for User Equilibrium
`Dynamir lrollrr Routing [antral
`P. Karhroo, K. Dzhay
`Boston (entrel Artery/Tunnel Trellis
`; Management Using an Expert System
`ll. Stack
`I Development of a Fuzzy iagir Bored Mirrosropir
`Motorway Simulation Model
`M. Mrllonold, J, Wu, M. Brarkstone
`nppliration ol i'lyhrid Terhniaues to the Modeling
`of lnierurlran iiaao‘ Networks
`: A. Di Fehbraro, it, Ferraro, S. Satone
`I 7. Trollir: Monitoring
`D. Bailey, (hair
`lntegroted irallir Florv Monitoring System
`in a large-Stale iunnel
`' K. Kogo, T. lnobe, T ilumair Y. Konelro
`l0:30 o.m.-12:DD pm.
`l. Commonirotions for notomated Highway Systems
`! M. Fitz, [hair
`dilS Communirations Overview
`A. Cochran
`_ Design, Verification and Failure Diagnosis of Wireless
`Communication Protorals lar the AHS
`it. iindsey, F. tiswonoll'r
`: Dynamir Channel i‘rlloration lot Vehicle-to-lielrirle
`fomrrrunirotions in Automated Highway Systems
`'i. Eskoli, K. Potty, P. ‘iarairo
`(hararteristirs oi lealry Waveguide Developed for
`Autainuted Highway Systems
`'1'. tkedo, ‘i. Kiondang, T. Wolari
`6. Modeling, Simulation and hnalyrir Tools lat IHS
`J. Miser-tar, Organiser E [hair
`Dhiert—Driented Design of Automated Highway Simulotions
`Using the SHlFl' Programming language
`ls. Gilli, M. Kaurionslri
`Miuasimuloilon Analysis of Multiple Merge
`Junctions Under Autonomous til-i5 Dgeraiion
`I M. Antoniorfi, it. Desphande, A. Giroull
`tlrtirity Based Highway (oguriry Analysis: tr (use Study
`L. Alvarez
`Tools for the Design of fault Management Systems
`- D. Gadbole, ll. Senguoto
`1:30 p.rn.-3:3D one.
`: In _
`4:00 gem-6:00 p.n1.
`ll. Lateral Vehide Control
`E. Dirlrmanns, (hair
`lateral i‘ehirle Contrl Using Saar-Srheduled H—inlinity fontrailers
`S. Hammer
`’ Design olan Automated Highway Systems
`Steering ortuator (antral System
`It. Sebaslion, T. Kuulmann, F. Bolourrhi, ii. Ton
`tt-intinity fontraiier Design for Automatir Steering oi
`Uelriries with Modeled Minefieloys
`E. Hatiooglu, H. Dzbay, IJ. Drgiiner, T. Sohin
`Do the Steering tunnel ofAutomated llehirler
`it, Homarni, M. Mehrohi
`. Steering and lane Change: Worlrlng System
`C. Hotipoglu, K. Redmill. U. Drgiiner
`Automotir l'rallir Monitoring by intelligent Sound Detection
`S. Oren, 1. Sun, B. Bridge
`Traillr Monitoring by Tire liaise
`J. Forren, ll. laorsma
`fonrept oi Sophistiroted Metropolitan
`' Expressway Telephone System
`J. Miyoolra, T. Inabe, E. lirimltsu
`iroh'ir Monitor Using iwo Multiple-Doom laser liadors
`S. Niohirawa, K. (helr, ‘it. Young, W. Zhoo
`12. lnirastrurture-Based Control
`ll. Frenrh, [hair
`il Control Srheme lor Variable Direnian Signs Using
`‘ Dynomir Relatenre Volues
`h. Poschinger, M. tremor, H. Keller
`A New (antral Strategy for a Signolired irah‘lr interrertion
`' n Sluhberud, x. to
`Autonomous Agents foordination through
`Trailir Signols and Rules
`G. Adorni, M. Mordonini, A. Poggi
`llre Displut‘en‘toni and Stocking Serrire Module oi
`integrated Freight Terminals; Design and implementation
`ol u Disaeiefvent Simulation Tool
`M. Manual-tel“, 'i. Kocogno
`Pae 12 of 26
`Page 12 of 26


`n SelfDesarhing Data iransfer Methodology for DSapplications
`D. Dailep
`toDS ;
`Vehicle tHaio'ting ilsing (amt
`it, long, i. lTrismort
`l3. New, {ta-Vehicle HS Hardware
`J. Trotcell, {hair
`Demonic: technologies for intelligent
`Transportation Systems
`IL Shenai, E. McShane, irL Trivedi
`Reconfigurable Head lip Displays for Enhanced
`llehicleTa-Driver (amortisation
`J. Trosell, irL Harrington, I. Perisho
`fyeirariring for Detection of Driver Fatigue
`ink Ericssan, N. Papaoilrolapaulos
`A riiinioture iiith Sensor in Automobiles
`it. Madni, L 'r'lan, ll. Layton
`A Single Vision System for [one Keeping
`it liede
`14. image and Optical Processing
`l(_ Boyer, fl‘rair
`Dpticainnlefaunrmg {gurpmetu
`T. iieda, K. Tokemura, S. Dgolo, T. Yorrtcrshita
`_ Crowd Motion Estimation and Moiianless Detection
`in Suhtray forridars hp image Processing
`5. Douchola, D. Aubert, S. Boucar
`Robust Pedestrian Docking Using rt Model-Based approach
`' D. ttosouri, it. Poponilroiopoolos
`Home and lrlr'cto Freewyduiomotic incident
`: Detection litiDi tlietltods Based on image Pracessrhg
`R. trosltattr
`The Dpening Plenary session features two wellhnottm lTS names.
`Richard 't'ieilond, whose consistent interesl in 1T5 standards and whose
`post as General Manger at SEI Tadtnologp Group moire him an ideal
`speaker to address the private sector's steer of HS.
`'I‘Dilt so much iTS activity occurring locallyr here in Boston, our second
`speaker, Peter Zulc, Proiect iionager, Boston Central Artery, is in a special
`position to lallr about lTS horn lha public sector perspective.
`3. technology Issues in its lelorntollott Services
`T. Matti, Organizer 8. (hair
`(ustomer Needs and Departments
`7.. Bond
`i’rorrder iieerir and Reguo'ements
`i‘. Horrurett
`Technology Development for l?! information Services
`ii. Weiland
`Spaiem integration issues in the Deployment
`oi i'iS lnfonnaiian
`8. Integrated Transportation System Management
`i'i. Scherec, Organiser 3 [hair
`Status Report on iiS Standards Development
`5. Smith
`i'iS Systems integration-lessons learned
`‘t. Pearce
`iiTClP [emer-ta-{enter [omnnrnications Standard
`J, Wintermute
`the Development of integrated transportation
`System Management il'l'Stlt‘l in Northern Drginia
`'t'l'. Scherec, E. Smith, C Mche
`I 4. Vision Systems
`L Stiller l[Stair
`Cotrtpater lrision olgoritlrrro lor Autonomous
`Mobile Rohot Map Building and Path Plantarrg
`S. Meilcle, ll. Yates, it Harris
`: Tracking fats in Range image Sequences
`E. Meier, Ehde
`Speoolited illuminate for Real Hme Navigation
`F. Marina, E Stella, ti. Branco,t.1]islonte
`I 9.!atage Processing
`' D.Bolle'p,fltoit
`tin tipplltaiiitfl of [engines listen to
`dramatically Recognize Road Signs
`lrl. Fahmy, llnl-lloelan‘r
`tin image Processing System to tileasure Vehicular Dueues
`and an Adaptive Daflic Signal (antral fry Using the
`information of the Dueues
`Y. lwasolti
`fampact ileiriria Sensor iising a Reimrefiertiue Dpiirol Scanner
`H, Ditalte, Malamute, S. Dgata, T. iamashita
`S. intelligent Vehicles: Control
`H. Doha): Choir
`' Practical Results of a longitudinal Control (antept for
`Truck Pluiooning with tlelticie to Vehicle Eanenunicatron
`I D. Gehring, Ii. Fritz
`(anthined Decentralized longitudinal and inter-oi
`[aniroder Design for Trudi (annoys
`I. Hoskora, C Halipagiu, ii. ngtiner
`Lane-Grange Maneuvers lot Vision-Dated lleltirle
`5. Kate, it, Tomito, S. Tsugowo
`Fuzzy fontroi Application of Stretched
`Reluctance teeter Drive Far Transportation Systems
`I H. ltllltl, 3. Celtic, linkers, ll. Erlurlr
`TD. lntelfigonl Vehicles: System
`Y. loasoki, (Stair
`System Design for intelligent tiailteoy Systems
`ll. Domir, |. Mosalci, E [rardep
`lieht'tle Merging (antral Design for an
`tlutomatedliigheap System
`i‘. Kacltroa,
`I Dudding World niodels for Mobile Platforms llting
`, Heterogeneous Sensors Fusion and iemparair‘rnafysis
`M. Eeoutrois, (. llreuclter, S. Loksltmanan
`innards ii‘eol-iime Recognition of Driver intentions
`|.iu, s'L Pentland
`: Estimation of Preceding Vehicle's Drirrng State
`H. iaalri, Y. I'liroslrirta, T. lie
`15. Intelligent Vehicles: Traffic Monitoring
`tic Utocl‘tith, (Stair
`Define-learning Type of Traveling lime Preairiian
`ldodel in Expressway
`Y. tho, T. Kopama, S. Shimodo
`intelligent Correction of ieiemeitic Data in Public
`Transport Systems
`: A. (unite, J. Bolas-(rut, l, h'eonleiro
`in Easy to install famero folihroiion far Traffirldonitaring
`F. Dos, J. Erismon
`tllotsirolr Parallel image Processing System for DS applications
`Z. Talih, ll. have, i. Eealow, 6. Hall, I. irlasolri, {. G. Sodini
`thdvanced traffic Management System on l-47ri in Pennsylvania
`it. Dongisetty
`Pae 13 of 26
`Page 13 of 26


`" :
`8:3(1 o.rn.-ID:DD oen.
`16. Control Systems for Autonomous Vehicles
`M. thalrir Chair
`tr. Ohiect Detection
`J. Darrell, [hair
`integration and Demonstration at a Distrihuted
`[anteaterior Vehicle {anti-oi
`J. intents, J. Cullen
`Design of Magnetic Steering Sensors tor the
`. Sergennite Drioeciess Vehicle
`- E.Dunlop,it.luier
`ttodering and (antioioiiiectromognetir Brakes for Entronred
`I Braking (apahiiities iarAatomated tiiglrvray Systems
`lil. Dian, P. liad'troa
`Evaluation oi tn-l’ehicie DPS-Based tone Position Sensing
`for Preventing load Departure
`S. Battier, it Eariestani,£Sin1pirins.M.Donoth
`Vehirte Detection in (alor images
`1. Dates. J. Crismon
`Data Pie-Processing For Obstacle Detection in
`Automotire taaicotioos
`M. Wohl, D. Georges. it. Dong
`LEXIUTHED: An Algorithm For Detecting tiaods and
`Obstacles in Radar images
`5. lairshmanon, ti. Kolitaperumol
`Model-Based Scene Tracking Using Radar Sensors For
`tnteiiigeni Automotive Vehicia Systems
`J. Srhiilmonn, G, ‘i'tidmona
`Perspecliues on lley ITS iechnologies
`This micl~marning plenary.I is packed with a panel of four noted experts
`providing insights to {our oi the lrey aspects at 115 technologies.
`Panel (hair, Lyle Sostan
`Y HUNG“!!!
`Ottooigation and Position latatian
`hit. Robert Denote. ‘itce l’residealI Motorola
`' Communications
`Mr. Hiroshi llaima, Director ‘tICS {enler
`1:30 pom-3:3D pan.
`2]. Automated Highway Systems Demonstration 93':
`Vehicle Characteristics
`22. Navigation and Routing
`W. Stevens, Drgonitefl. Duinloa, [hair
`National Automated Highway System Demonstration:
`h Platoon System
`it. Zhang
`the m} Automated Highway Free Agent Demonstration
`I C Thorpe, i. Jochern, D. Pomerleau
`lnirastrurtare Diagnostic 't'eiiicio
`P. lhcllenrie
`{harocteristlcs oi the Honda-PATH tiiiS Team Vehicles
`for the ND? hits Feasibility Demonstration
`S. Ethlodoterr it. Empire
`lite USU Demo '97 Vehicle
`LI. ngiinar. it. Boertlein. E. toluene, at al.
`Steps to Deployment: tin [Janine oi Toyota's lJ.$. atiS Fragram
`5- Didi?"
`I R. Darrell, [hair
`Road Vehicle Navigation through Virtual World Simulation
`H. Yang. E. Ye, F. Fang
`tteot lime Differential GPS and GlDtirlSS Itehicle
`Positioning in Urban Areas
`I D. Walsh, 5. (apaccia, D. lotto, Male, BShordlow. G. Johnston
`interoperability Standard for Digital Maps Upon the irlaniet iar
`{or ttarigorion Systems
`tL Dosliaanson
`ilarnaa Factor tiesearstt an tn‘ltehirie tnlorntation
`Systems —A Status Report
`5. fignac, D. Pectin
`Justin-time touting tiring Real-time Traffic Data
`J. Bender, L hints
`4:00 p.m.-6:DD p.m.
`as. Issues and Concerns of Fully Automated Vehicles
`' 27. Vehicle Navigation and Beyond
`5. Shlatioter, chanizer
`issues oitlutomatod ltehicles Operating in Mixed Dotti:
`L Jacobo, S. SditJSiBl
`impact at Physical Disengagemeni of Driver Dietiness.‘
`implications for Precursors oia fully Automated Highway System
`ll. Hogan
`issues oi Dedicated tones for on Automated iligitoay
`ll. Hearne, ti. Siddiqui
`Dhsiacle Detection issues of tally Automated Daerotian
`'I D. Briggs, E. Lolkauhi
`Autonomy in a Restricted ltlorlo‘
`lJ. ngimer. E. Holipogla, ll. Redmill
`Y. lhaa, Organizer
`: D3 Development and Deployment in Japan
`i. Hokahoca, it, inmate
`I Navigation etch Foil Speed) tieragnitian Engine
`ll. Fugue, B. Mcialiey
`tnternet Multimedia on Wheels: fonnecttng fats to (tillerspare
`I h lameel, ti. Forlis, it. Sluerngfle
`I Sell-Date Organization in o Hon-Signal Urban irath'r Flow
`1. Fukutia, T. Dhno, It. Selriyama, E tuoi
`tiert Generation Universal iraiiic Management System
`{UTMS '2” in Japan
`it hotamo
`lleynole Speaker
`tic. Hans-Georg Metsler. the President at Research, Daimler-Den:
`'ltlissing links in the Evolution from the
`Den: Motorwaggen to on Intelligent llellicle"
`Pae 14 of 26
`Page 14 of 26


`19. Hetworir issues in ITS
`Keith Gates, (hair
`[it so ' on tJtreraiew oi Transit Communiratians interiare Fratorols lift?)
`P. Eikoniell, E. Lerner-lam
`0222 | Single-Bit Feedlrorlt and irrrrttednrreierotian Hernanism
`in no Hetmrirs
`g H. liu, Hang, I.Sotudeit
`3223 I Performanre Evaluation of a New Tail toss (antral
`in stint Tiernorirs
`H. Huang, T.-ti. Hsa
`am I n Seilliesatoing iiata Transfer Methodology iar TTS tippiirations
`D. Bailey. B. Meyers
`IE. RadoHlnsed Sensing: State at the M
`J. Terence, Glait
`in 51th Tudor Sensor for (oiiision Avoidance
`ii. Richardson
`rippliratian olin-Teiricle Data doses for Taiiisian
`inoidanre Systems
`i'l, Horne, E. Oledtnn, R. Bruno
`in 6H: [ollr'sian Warning Transmitter fomponent
`Requirements and Current Status
`H. Harem, G. Laiiness
`ti High Porfornranre Automotive Radar for tidaptitre
`Cruise Control and Collision Waming/tirotdanra
`E. Eskersten, E. D. As
`0 hater-noted Vehicle Control Systems
`Dr. Travin Taraiya, Universin of California, Berkeley
`- ln-Vehirle Iniorn'tntlon Systems
`Dr. Philip F. Spell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
`20. Intelligent Vanities: Simulation
`Trl. Ben-Mira, [hair
`02!? : Trains Simulation with ATTTST
`Til. litanlter, T. Bleile, D. itlnnsietten, T. School:
`The Hit Driving Simulator i997, Desorption and rippiiratians
`to the Study oi intelligent Transportation Systems
`R. Staplefard. D.'r'ieit, H. Btoen. I]. Chiang, R. igntnshi
`itETSTtiM: Traiiir Simuintor for Evaluating
`Traiiir information Systems
`E. Terarrsa1a, ti. Balsa, H. iriari, t. inane, H. Morita
`! StatistirsvtiasadSimulation Methodology for fraiaotitp
`{olnsr'on (oaniernteasare Systems Performanre
`H. iidriillan, D. Pope, J. Hadden, ‘l. Horendran, J. Eversan
`Ell til!
`T Bliflfll‘l/(MRENDGH
`Y WHl'Tilllll.
`23. ITS Standards
`E. Hargal,lirganitet
`it tiroad lieu oiliS Standards in the US.
`1!. Courtney
`Hortlt Ameriran Dedicated Short Range {ammuniaations
`TESTS} Standards
`R. Tana
`Tire National Transportation (ammuniratt'ort ior lTS Protorol
`lHTitPT for Transportation tnteroperalriiity
`R. Patel, E. Seymour
`Tiiorts to Produre an international iiifli'
`ii. Vaughn
`ram-mm “,5 39mm“ Waugh Standards
`M, Sdtngrin
`24. Commendation Systems
`J. Iiragmeierfinair
`Eiiioent and iietialrie iioto Transmission f

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