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`Samsung v. Image Processing Techs.


`Robert Trappl
`Austrian Research Institute for Artificial
`Intelligence and University of Vienna
`Gerda Helscher
`Howard Austin Concord, MA, USA
`Ronald Brachman AT&T Bell Laboratories,
`Murray Hill. NJ, USA
`Stefano Gerri Mario Negri Institute, Milan, Italy
`Larry Fl. Harrie Artificial Intelligence
`Corporation. Waltham, MA, USA
`Makoto Nageo Kyoto University, Japan
`Germogen S. Pospelov Academy of Sciences,
`Moscow, Russia
`Wolfgang Wehtster University of the
`Saarlandes, Saarbruecken. Germany
`William A. Woods Applied Expert Systems,
`lnc., Cambridge, MA, USA
`Lulgia Carluccl Alello, University of Rome, Italy;
`Leonard Bole. University of Warsaw. Poland; Ernst
`Buchberger. University of Vienna, Austria; Jaime
`Carbonell. Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
`PA, USA; Mario-Ddlle Cordier. lRlSA, University
`of Rennes, France; Holder Coelho. LNEC, Lisbon,
`Portugal; Herve Gellelre. ECRC. Munich, Germany;
`Tatsuya Hayashi. Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd,
`Kawasaki, Japan; Werner Horn, University of
`Vienna, Austria; Margaret King. Geneva Unchrsity,
`Switzerland; Dana 5. Non. University of Maryland,
`College Park, MD, USA; Setsuo Ohsuga,
`University of Tokyo, Japan; Tim O'Shea. Open
`University, Milton Keynes, UK; Ivan Plander.
`Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava,
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`Linkoping University, Sweden; Lue Steele. Free
`University of Bruseels, Belgium: Oliviero Stock.
`lRST. Trento. Italy: Harald Troet. University of
`Vienna, Austria; Bernard Zeigler, University of
`Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.
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`Julian Hilton
`I:I Dimitri A. Pospclov
`I7 Marvin Minsky
`Page 3 of21
`II‘ UNme-im
`MFR ,.
`Special Issue
`Artificial Intelligence: Future, Impacts, Challenges
`Part 3
`Robert Trappl
`Page 3 of 21


`lstituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica. 38100
`Trento, Italy
`A correlation-based approach to automatic face recognition requires adequate normalization
`techniques. if the positioning of the face in the image is accurate, the need for shifting to ob-
`tain the best matching between the unknown subject and a template is drastically reduced.
`with considerable advantages in computing costs. ln this paper, a novel technique is presented
`based on a very eflricient eyes localization algorithm. The technique has been implemented as
`part of the "electronic librarian” ofMAlA. the experimental platform of the integrated Al
`project under development at lRST. Preliminary experimental results on a set of 220 facial im-
`ages of55 people disclose excellent recognition rates and processing speed.
`There is a growing interest in face-processing problems (YOung and Ellis, 1989).
`The recognition of human faces is in fact a specific instance of 3D object recognition—
`possibly the most important visual task—and provides a most interesting example of
`how a 3D structure can be learned from a small set of 20 perspective views. Moreover,
`among several practical reasons for developing automatic systems capable of recogniz-
`ing human faces, faces provide a natural and reliable means for identifying a persori.
`The first examples of computer-aided techniques for face recognition date back
`to the early 19705 and were based on the computation of a set of geometrical features
`from the picture of a face (Goldstein et al., 1971, 1972; Harmon, 1973). More
`recently the topic has undergone a revival (Samal and lyengar, 1992), and different
`applications have been developed based on various techniques, such as template
`matching (Baron, 1981; Yuille, 1991), isodensity maps (Nakamura et al., 1991;
`Sakaguchi et al., 1989), or feature extraction by neural and Hopfieldetype networks
`(Abdi, 1988; Cottrell and Fleming, 1990; O’Toole and Abdi, 1989). At present it is
`still rather difficult to assess the state of the art. However, a first significant
`evaluation is reported in (Brunelli and Poggio, 1991), where a comparison of
`different techniques is performed on a common database—the best results were
`obtained with a template matching type technique.
`Following a correlation-based approach, excellent results have also been ob-
`tained with a procedure recently developed for the “electronic librarian” of MAIA,
`the experimental platform of the integrated AI project under development at IR ST
`(Poggio and Stringa, 1992; Stringa, 1991a). The procedure is based on the analysis
`of filtered edges and grey-level distributions to allow a comparison of the directional
`The author’s e-mail address is stringa®
`Applied Artificial Intelligence: 7:365—382. 1993
`Copyright © 1993 Taylor 8: Francis
`0383-9514t93 $10.00 + .00
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`L. Stringa
`derivatives of the entire image (Stringa, 1991(1). On a set of 220 frontal facial images
`of 55 people, a recognition rate of 100% was obtained, at a processing Speed of about
`1.25 sec per face on an HP 350 workstation. A second set of experiments, using
`improvements in computing time: with a
`binary derivatives, disclosed excellent
`two-layer S_Net [see Stringa (1990)] the processing speed was reduced to less than
`0.05 sec per face (Stringa, 1991e).
`Such performance provides evidence for the validity of the approach. Moreover,
`the procedure proved very efficient with respect to the task of rejecting “unknown”
`faces, i.e., faces of subjects that are not included in the database. Apart from high
`recognition rates, low processing costs, and good flexibility under variable condi-
`tions, this is another important feature for a real (i.e., industrially applicable) face
`recognition system.
`It must also be stressed, however, that such performance depends on the use of very
`effective normalization, registering, and rectification techniques- This is in fact a general
`requirement for any correlation-based approach to face recognition (and more generally
`to 3D object recognition), particularly when the image to be recognized is freshly
`captured with a video camera rather than scanned from a standardized photograph. In
`general it is rather natural to expect the user to look straight into the camera, for even
`in human interaction people tend to turn their heads so as to look at each other in the
`eyes. However, a certain flexibility must be tolerated conceming such variable factors
`as the distance and position of the user’s face from the camera. Hence, some adjustment
`and normalization is necessary before the system can proceed to the recognition step
`by comparing the input image with the available set of prototypes.
`In our procedure, the normalization of the image to be recognized is obtained
`by first locating the position of the eyes and then rotating the image so as to align
`them horizontally. As a result, the need for shifting to obtain the best matching
`between the unknown face and a template is drastically reduced, with considerable
`advantages in computing time. In particular, the eyes localization algorithm de-
`veloped for this purpose (S hinga, 1991c) proves very sensible, allowing very precise
`positioning of both pupils for each facial image included in the data base.
`The purpose of this paper is to illustrate this algorithm in detail. To emphasize
`better its crucial role for correlation—based facial recognition tasks, a brief outline
`of the system developed at IRST is first given, along with the experimental scenario
`that led to its formulation. The eyes localization algorithm is then fully described.
`The final sections report on the current experimental results obtained and offer some
`general remarks on the algorithm’s performance.
`General Background: The MAIA Electronic Librarian
`As already mentioned, the reported work is part of a more general AI project
`(labeled MAIA, acronym for “Modello Avanzato di Intelligcnza Artificiale") pres-
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`Eyes Detection for Face Recognition
`ently under development at IRST. Schematically, the goal of the project is to develop
`an integrated experimental platform whose main “tentacles” include mobile robots
`capable of navigating in the corridors of IRST, an automatic “concierge” answering
`visitors’ questions about the Institute, and an electronic “librarian” capable of
`managing book loans and returns and/or locating volumes requested by the user (or
`indicating in which office they may be found).
`In this context, a system for automatic faée recognition is required specifically
`with respect to the librarian’s first task, i.e. managing loans and returns (a similar
`system will later be implemented in the automatic concierge). The electronic
`librarian must in fact be capable of identifying any user that might wish to borrow
`or to return a book so as to ensure that only registered personnel can have access to
`the IRST library. And for this purpose, the user is simply expected to stand in front
`of the system and look into a video camera. (In fact, our project is to use both face
`and speaker recognition techniques, so as to further improve the system’s reliability.
`In the following, however, the focus will be exclusively on the vision component.)
`The experimental scenario is therefore very unconstrained. No particular effort
`is required to ensure perfectly frontal images, and the distance of the subject from
`the camera as well as the location of his/her face in the image are only approximately
` Catalogue
`'"' Recognition
`FIGURE 1. Functional diagram of the MAIA system and some of its tasks. Shaded blocks [con-
`nected by black arrows} indicate the contextual background of the application described in
`the paper.
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`L. Stringa
`fixed. This means that the system must be highly tolerant against variations of the
`head size and orientation. Moreover, background and illumination are not assumed
`to be constant: artificial light is used to illuminate the user ’5 face from the front, but
`the experimental environment is also exposed to sun light through numerous
`Face Detection and Eyes Localization
`As is clear from the above, a most important feature of the system is that it must
`be capable of recognizing dynamic facial images, i.e. “live” images acquired by the
`librarian through a video camera. This is a general requirement of the MAIA project
`and a compelling prerequisite for most industrial applications.
`To detect the user’s face from the background, the system makes use of a motion
`detection algorithm originally introduced in (Stringa, 1991b) and refined in (Mes-
`selodi, 1991). This is based on the general fact that a basic stimulus in the analysis
`of a dynamic scene lies in detecting “differences” between successive images; the
`algorithm proceeds by comparing pairs of sequential images captured by the camera
`and segments from the background those objects that determine a significant
`variation in the images’ matrices. Despite its simplicity, it performs well, allowing]
`detection of faces in almost real time (about 3 images/sec) and showing a remarkable
`independence from background and illumination conditions.
`is then adjusted and
`The image of the face, detected from the background,
`normalized before the system can proceed to the recognition algorithm. As we
`mentioned, in fact, this follows a template matching strategy and is formalized as a
`distance-based comparison between the directional derivatives of the input image
`FIGURE 2. Face detection: the algorithm detects the "differences" between successive input
`images {left} to extract the edges of the face lrighti.
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`Eyes Detection for Face Recognition
`(the face to be recognized) and those memorized in a data-base of templates or
`prototypes covering each subject known to the system. It is therefore important—as
`in any correlation-based approach——that the face be accurately positioned in the
`image. Otherwise the need for shifting required to obtain the best matching between
`the subject and a template could increase considerably, with obvious disadvantages
`in terms of computing costs.
`The solution adopted in the present application is based on a technique that
`localizes the position of the eyes and then align them horizontally. Eyes are in fact
`a most prominent facial feature and can be detected with fair accuracy. Their
`localization is then used to register, rectify, and normalize the image with respect to
`the distance of the pupils, yielding a “standar ” matrix that can easily be compared
`with the templates.
`Various approaches can be used for the purpose of locating the position of the
`eyes. For instance, in Baron (1981) a procedure is used whereby a certain number
`of eye templates are correlated against suitable subimages of the input image; a
`correlation value greater than a fixed threshold is then taken to indicate that an eye
`is successfully located. Our approach is different. It does not proceed by eye template
`matching. Rather, an algorithm is used based on the exploitation of (a priori)
`anthropometric information combined with the analysis of suitable grey—level
`distributions, allowing direct localization of both eyes.
`On the one hand, there exists a sort of “grammar” of facial structures that
`provides some very basic a priori information used in the recognition of faces. Every
`human face presents a reasonable symmetry, and the knowledge of the relative
`position of the main facial features (nose between eyes and over mouth, etc.) proves
`very useful to discriminate among various hypotheses. These guidelines can be
`derived from anthropometric data corresponding to an average face and refined
`through the analysis of real faces. Some typical examples [based on studies on face
`animations and reported in Brunelli (1990)] are:
`the eyes are 10cated halfway between the top of the head and the bottom of the
`the eyes are about one eye width apart;
`the bottom of the nose is halfway between the eyebrows and the chin;
`the mouth is typically located one third of the way from the bottom of the nose
`to the bottom of the chin.
`On the other hand, the algorithm exploits the discriminating power of the
`distribution of the image ’3 edges (specifically leading edges, i.e. transitions from
`dark to bright) upon adequate filtering. The primary motivation is that edge densities
`convey most of the information required to identify those facial zones that are
`characterized by abrupt changes in image brightness Lace, e.g., (Kanade, 1973)]. In
`particular, eyes are typically the most structured area of a face, and their location in
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`L. Stringa
`the image is therefore characterized by a high number of edges. These determine a
`prominent peak in the edges’ vertical projection that can be indicative of the rough
`localization of the eyes.
`The approach is schematically illustrated in Figure 3 , where Rsy and Rsx are the
`vertical and horizontal resolution (number of lines and columns in the image)
`The localization of the eyes proceeds from the preliminary approximate local-
`ization of the eyes-connecting line, centered on the maximum (Z) of the filtered
`vertical histogram, and of the face ’s main traits, Specifically the face’s side limits
`(X, and X.) and the nose axis (X,). These are not searched for in the entire image but
`only on those areas that correspond to appropriate ‘expectation zones ’. On this basis,
`the search areas for the two eyes can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. Their
`exact localization is then obtained by computing the horizontal and vertical coor-
`dinates of a pixel belonging to the corresponding pupils.
`A detailed description of the eyes localization algorithm is given in the following
`paragraphs. For convenience, we first introduce some general notions that will be
`used throughout.
`FIGURE 3. The eyes localization algorithm exploits the discriminating power of filtered edges
`and grey-level distributions.
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`Eyes Detection for Face Recognition
`FIGURE 4. The search areas for the eyes [indicated by two rectangular regions] are based on
`the approximate location of the eye~connecting line, of the face sides. and of the nose axis.
`Let 1(x.y) be the input image, digitized at 256 levels of grey into a matrix of size
`Rsx (wide) by Rsy (high) pixels. The binary matrix E(x,y) describing the horizontal
`leading edges of [(x,y) is computed using a thresholded directional derivative. This
`is defined as
`if I i(x,y) —I(x — l,y)| > Inf
`0 otherwise
`where I,H is the average value of I(x,y) and C is a constant parameter. In general, the
`exact value of C will depend on the resolution of I(x,y).
`FIGURE 5. Once the eyes have been exactly localized, the image is paremetrically registered,
`rectilied, and normalized with respect to the distance of the pupils to produce a "standard"
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`L. Stringa
`The projection of the horizontal leading edges along the vertical axis defines
`the vertical histogram HQ»). This is cornputed from E(x,y) by taking the value of
`H(y) at any point y on the vertical axis as the sum of all the leading edges of the
`corresponding horizontal line:
`He») =25tx,y)
`Finally, given a function fix), the following filteredfunctions are defined:
`an = a}: - Z flx—n
`fm(x) = fnlx) - fm(x)
`Here j, m, and n are constant parameters whose specific values depend on what f is
`meant to extract: fix) is the result of filtering fix) on 2 j+l samples, and f.,,,,(x) is
`the result of purging fix) with a pass-band filter based on f,.(x) and fm(x).
`Rough Localization of the Line Connecting the Eyes’ Pupils
`Using the above definitions, the first step of the algorithm is the rough localiza-
`tion of the line connecting the eyes’ pupils, which allows the construction of an
`approximate model of the face using anthropometric standards.
`The technique used for this purpose proceeds from the idea that the analysis of the
`vertical projection of the horizontal edges identifies the location of significant, highly
`structured features. The higher the peak, the more structured the feature. Eyes are the
`most structured part of a person’s face. Hence, their location determines a most
`prominent peak in the grey-level projection. Moreover, they are expected to be located
`somewhat below the head top, as the anthropometric guidelines reported in (Brunelli,
`1990) suggest. The head tep, Ya, can be computed directly from the edge of the face
`given by the face detection algorithm, while the upperbound of the search area for the
`eyes is an anthropometric parameter A relative to the size of the face.
`As a first rough approximation,
`the eye-connecting line can therefore be
`identified with the y—coordinate of the highest projection peak relative to this
`expectation zone. More exactly, this is done by searching for the Zth horizontal line
`of the matrix, where Z is the ordinate of the maximum of the filtered vertical
`histogram in the search area:
`Hm(Z) = max, HMO!)
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`Eyes Detection for Face Recognition
`Note that Z is defined relative to the filtered histogram H,,,,,(y). The analysis of
`H0) could already be very useful in determining the position of the eye-connecting
`line. However, some care is required to minimize misleading interferences such as
`high frequency noise or extensive areas with a high number of constant or quasi-
`constant brightness transitions. Accordingly, a bandpass filter is applied to purge
`the histogram from such disturbances, and the filtered histogram H,.,,(y) is used
`instead of H0) (for suitable values of m and n).
`In case there exists some other value of Hm,,(y) that is significantly high, i.e. if
`there exists some point 2’ such that
`Hm,.(Z’) > K ‘ H(Z)
`(K < 1 constant)
`the eye-cennecting line is identified with the value Z or 2’ which is most plausible,
`relative to its distance from the head top Ya, on the basis of the expected position of
`the eyes in a “standard face.”
`Rough Localization of the Face’s Side Limits
`This and the next step are aimed at characterizing the relative “expectation
`zones” of the two eyes: the search area for the left eye will be restricted to a region
`between the left limit of the face and the nose, while the search area for the right eye
`will be restricted to a region between the nose and the right limit.
`It is clear that for this purpose it is not necessary to perform the search of the
`side limits on the entire image. Since the eyes’ expectation zones will be centered
`on the approximate eye-connecting line (calculated with the method indicated
`above), what is needed is the position of the side limits of the face relative to a region
`FIGURE 6. As a first approximation, the eve-connecting line is defined as the ordinate {Z} of
`the maximum of the filtered vertical histogram.
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`L. Stringa
`centered on this line. In some cases these may not coincide with the “true” limits:
`the outermost extremities of a face could easily be located near the head top or,
`perhaps, far below, at the mouth level (as in people with pronouncedjaws). However,
`for the present purposes such facial features need not be considered, and the
`algorithm performance can be improved by restricting the search area to the
`indicated region.
`Let this region be defined by the interval Z — 00 : Z + Us, where 0;, and Us are
`fixed parameters (defining the search area Over and Under the eyes). Relative to
`this region, the rough localization of. the side limits is determined with reference to
`the face detection algorithm described in Face Detection and Eyes LOCalization. The
`detection algorithm extracts the edges of the face (see Fig. 2), and the abscissac of
`the leftmost and rightmost edge points in the interval Z — 00 : Z + U0, which we
`denote by X8 and Xd, can be taken to define the abscissae of the left and right side of
`the face, respectively.
`It is worth observing that this approach does not require any constraint on the
`experimental set-up. An alternative method, based on the assumption that the
`experiments be performed on a light background, has also been investigated, though
`it has not been used for the MAIA librarian. This alternative approach moves from
`the remark that, on a light background, the side limits of the face are typically
`localized in those areas in the image that are characterized by abrupt changes in
`brightness, corresponding to the transition from background to object. To locate
`them approximately, the following operations can therefore be performed. First, the
`image’s horizontal average density A(x) is computed relative to the search region.
`This is obtained by taking the vaiue of A(x) at any point x on the horizontal axis as
`the normalized sum of all the values of the corresponding vertical line in the interval
`Z — 00 : Z + U0:
`A(x) = U0, 00+, may)
`Second, A(x) is filtered on 2p + 1 samples (p a fixed parameter) to produce the
`filtered density Ap(x) as defined in Eq. (3). A glimpse at the example in Fig. 7 will show
`the typical behavior of this function; on a light background, the face limits are expected
`to coincide with the leftmost and rightmost significant brightness changes in the image,
`and these correspond to the lowest values of the filtered average density A,(x).
`On this basis, the horizontal coordinates of the side limits can easily be
`determined. Assuming the face to be roughly centered in the image, we can locate
`the search area for these points within a certain interval centered on Rsx/Z. Let A]
`and A, be the left and right extrema of this interval respectively. The left side of the
`face can then be defined as the abscissa X, of the minimum of Ap(x) in the left portion
`of the interval:
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`Eyes Detection for Face Recognition
`FIGURE 7. Approximate localization of the left iXsl and right {Xe} face sides.
`Ap(X.) = min I 24.706)
`while the right side can be defined as the abscissa XI of the minimum of Ap(x) in the
`right portion:
`A.(X..) : min/1.0:)
`As we mentioned, this alternative procedure has not been implemented in the
`MAIA librarian due to the limiting assumption on the light background. However,
`our experiments have shown that when this assumption is satisfied, the procedure
`yields essentially the same results as that based directly on the face detection
`Rough Localization of the Nose’s Axis
`This step is similar to the previous one. With reference to our figures, note that
`whereas the face limits are usually darker in the image, the nose is normally lighter
`than the left and right regions of the facial image and determines a prominent peak
`in A900. Accordingly, our approach is to base the search for the nose’s axis on the
`maximum value of Ap(x).
`Considering that the nose is ejtpected to be located somewhere halfway between
`the face sides, the search area for its axis can safely be restricted to a central region
`comprised between the two vertical lines X8 and Xd calculated as above. Moreover,
`since the input image is assumed to provide a frontal view of the face (albeit not a
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`L. Strings
`perfectly frontal one), it is not necessary to consider the entire interval XS :Xd. The
`search area can be further restricted to a region localized at a certain distance D”
`from X and X1. Based on standard anthropomorphic guidelines, and considering that
`the eyes are usually one eye width apart (Brunelii, 1990), this distance can roughly
`be assessed at one fourth of the above-mentioned interval:
`_ ESL—lg.
`Dn —
`Using Eq. (10), the nose vertical axis X“ is then defined as
`AJAX") = max xA,,(x)
`:5 HI)...
`i.e. as the abscissa of the maximum of the filtered density Aptlx) in the interval Xs +
`D11 : Xd — D".
`Detection of the Pupil’s Coordinates
`This is the final step. Using the approximate location of the eye-connecting line. of
`the face sides, and ofthe nose axis, the expectation zones of the two eyes can be estimated
`with reasonable accuracy. Their exact localization is then obtained by computing the
`horizontal and vertical coordinates of a pixel belonging to the corresponding pupils.
`x a
`X d
`FIGURE 8. Approximate location of the nose‘s axis IXnI.
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`Eyes Detection for Face Recognition
`Left Pupil
`As shown in Fig. 9, the left eye is expected to be located within a region centered
`on the approximate eye—connecting line and comprised between the left limit of the
`face and the nose axis. More precisely, the search area is restricted to the rectangular
`region defined by the intervals Z — L. : Z + L; (high) and KH — L3 : Xn — L4 (wide),
`where each L is a suitable parameter.
`Relative to this area, the search of the pupil is based on the analysis of the
`horizontal grey-level distribution. For each line y, the relative horizontal density
`G’ (x) is calculated and a band—pass filter is applied to eliminate misleading inter-
`ferences and high frequency noise. This is obtained as in Eq. (4):
`Clix) = Gi(x) - are)

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