PTO/SB/05 (08-08)
`Approved for use through 09/30/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paoerwork Reduction Act of 1995 no oersons are reauired to resoond to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid OMB control number.
`Attorney Docket No.
`First Inventar
`Yolanda Prieto
`(Only for new nonprovisional applications under 37 CFR 1.53(b))
`Express Mail Label No.
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
`1.0 Fee Transmittal Form (e.g., PTO/SB/17)
`2.0 Applicant claims small entity status.
`See 37 CFR 1.27.
`[Total Pages
`3.0 Specification
`Both the claims and abstract must start on a new page
`(For information on the preferred arrangement, see MPEP 608.0t(a))
`[Total Sheets
`4.0 Drawing(s) (35 U.S.C. 113)
`5. Oath or Declaration
`[Total Sheets
`A copy from a prior application (37 CFR 1.63(d))
`a. ~ Newly executed (original or copy)
`0or continuationldivisional with Box 18 completed)
`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s)
`name in the prior application, see 37 CFR
`1.63(d)(2) and 1.33(b).
`9. 0
`Assignment Papers (cover sheet & document(s))
`Name of Assignee
`10. 0
`37 CFR 3.73(b) Statement
`(when there is an assignee)
`11.0 English Translation Document (if applicable)
`12. O
`lnfoEj'tion Disclosure Statement (PTO/SB/08 or PT0-1449)
`Copies of citations attached
`6.0 Application Data Sheet. See 37 CFR 1. 76
`7.0 CD-ROM or CD-R in duplicate, large table or
`caputer Program (Appendix)
`Landscape Table on CD
`8. Nucleotide andlor Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`(if applicable, items a. - c. are required)
`Computer Readable Form (CRF)
`a. 0
`Specification Sequence Listing on:
`13. 0
`Preliminary Amendment
`14. O Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
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`15. O Certified Copy of Priority Document(s)
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`16. O Nonpublication Request under 35 U.S.C. 122(b)(2)(B)(i).
`Applicant must attach form PTO/SB/35 or equivalent.
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`Statements verifying identity of above copies
`C. 0
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`Prior application information:
`Art Unit:
`0 The address associated with Customer Number:
`OR D Correspondence address below
`(Print/Type l
`/Michael J. Buchenhorner/
`Michael J. Buchenhorner
`Zip Code
`1 Date March 8, 2011
`Registration No. 1
`(Attornev/Aqent) 33162
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.53(b). The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the
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`comments on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer,
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED
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`ff you need assistance in completing the form, ca// 1-800-PT0-9199 and se/ect option 2.
`Petitioner Samsung 1002


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`PTO/SB/14 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 09/30/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
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`Title of Invention
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`1 QParty of lnterest under 35 U.S.C. 118
`Secrecy Order 37 CFR 5.2
`D Portions or all of the application associated with this Application Data Sheet may fall under a Secrecy Order pursuant to
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`r pp1can t 1 f
`n orma 1on:
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`For further information see 37 CFR 1.33(a).
`D An Address is being provided for the correspondence Information of this application.
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`EFS Web 2.2.2


`PTO/SB/14 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 09/30/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`Application Information:
`Attorney Docket Number PRIET02011-01
`Title of the Invention
`1 Small Entity Status Claimed ~
`Application Type
`Subject Matter
`Suggested Class (if any)
`Suggested Technology Center (if any)
`Sub Class (if any)I
`1 Suggested Figure for Publication (if any) 1
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`the Representative Name
`lf both
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`entry from a PCT application. Providing this information in the application data sheet constitutes the specific reference required by
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`! RijfüWfä 1
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`non provisional of
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`Foreign Priority Information:
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`not claimed. Providing this information in the application data sheet constitutes the claim for priority as required by 35 U.S.C. 119(b)
`and 37 CFR 1.55(a).
`EFS Web 2.2.2


`PTO/SB/14 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 09/30/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`Application Number
`! 8.~i.MW~ 1
`Parent Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`Priority Claimed
`@ Yes 0 No
`Additional Foreign Priority Data may be generated within this form by selecting the
`Add button.
`Assignee Information:
`Providing this information in the application data sheet does not substitute for compliance with any requirement of part 3 of Title 37
`of the CFR to have an assignment recorded in the Office.
`Assianee 1
`lf the Assignee is an Organization check here.
`Given Name
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`Family Name
`Mailing Address Information:
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`Additional Assignee Data may be generated within this form by selecting the Add
`A signature of the applicant or representative is required in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33 and 10.18. Please see 37
`CFR 1.4(d) for the form of the signature.
`/Michael J. Buchenhorner
`Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2011-03-08
`First Name Michael
`1 Last Name
`1 Buchenhorner
`Registration Number
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1. 76. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which
`is to file (and by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This
`collection is estimated to take 23 minutes to complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application data
`sheet form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of time you require to
`complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`EFS Web 2.2.2


`PTOISB/01/, (01-00)
`Apprcr1ed fcu us-e !J1FJ:Jgh Cßi30/2010. Or11~B 065i~00:32
`U,S. Pa~enl ~rid T~aden~BJl-:. Office~ U.S OE.P_.t~RT~·~E.NT OF COMMERCE.
`Und~ u;G Paper~~o:k i~Wuc.~ioo .&;.~t cl !995. nc:; P·'.:f~ons are r-ecuifed io ffiS;>er.d tc\i! colfo.::.tkm o~ mfürm:;~i~n t~ni~s~ :t dispiays a vi0hd OMS ccnt!ci :Rm1h~j
`Invention Video Enab!ed Digital Devices for Embedding User Data in lnteractive App!ications
`Fis the helow named inven!or(s}, lfwe declarE'.' that:
`This dedarat!on is direcled to
`The attached appllcation, or
`Applicalion No.---···--·------- füed on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`As amended on - - - - - - · - - - · - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - (if applicable}:
`l/we believe that lfwe arn/are \he original and first inventor(s} of the subject matter V>'hich is dalmed and for which a patent is
`liwe r:ave revi€N1ed and understand the contents of !he above-identlfied appl;cati:::m, mclud;r,g the ciaims, as amencitK! by any
`amendment specificaily referred to above;
`lfwe acknnwledge the duty to disclose to the Urüed States Patent and Tradr~ma:k Office a!l mformation known to mefus to be
`material to patentabilily as delined !n 37 CFR 1 56, 1nciudir:g for con!inuation-in-part appiications, material information which
`becarne available between the filing date of the prior application and the national or PCT International fiiing date of the
`continuation-in-part app!icatlon.
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`p;:itent issuing thereon.
`Inventar one: Yo!ar,tda Prieto
`~~=J ~ ' ·~. ' \) ·'t,
`! '
`________ )...,_ \ "~----·' " "
`Citizen of US - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - -
`- · - • • • • • • • • •>> • • • - - - - • • • " ' " ' ' i ' - - " ' ' " " " " " - · · - - - - - - · - - • • " " ' ' " " ' „m " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' · " " ' ' " " " " " ' ' ' _________ „ „ „ „ , „ „ „ , , „ " ' " " ' ' ' " ' " " " " ' " ' " " " " - "m " "
`inven!or t'No: --·--·-----------------------·-·_Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · ·
`Signature: _____________________________ Ciiizen ot ------------------
`,.-----, 1
`i } 1 Additional irwentors er a !egal represen!ative are being named an
`additionai form{s) attached hmeto.
`Thts colluc11on of mtorn13!10;; 1s >'e;qu„·N oy 35 U.S.C 115 ;;n;; 37 cn~ 1.GJ. The 1nfom1i;!ic'1 is r.:;qui:"<">d to ob:nin or retain ;1 tmnefit by ttit' public whicr, is to f;!e wnd
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`ü~, :ndudk~g ~3tl•!;Hng, zt:;~püns>g, and st.:bmitt!ng t!i~ ccm::-Jtt}tt~d <lpµ!•~ahon k~:n) !o 1he USPTO. Ti:ne wm vary v*epe·nd$ng vpcr. t~IB ~:W:'":äua: Cä:;~. J>.r~y
`mn·mwnts on the amvunt et ti~ ya·J requir,,;; ~o compie~i::~ li~r5 torm andh.1r sug-g-estion5 ror reduc.irtg Ufü• burdc~l, shov~d t;o sent to the c~~ff:t }nforma~tün Ofäc~r. U.S.
`Pat<.mi :md 'rradem3rk Office. U.S. Oopaitment of Cu;;111H5teil, P Q. Box M50, Al~xMd:>a, V/, n31:3-1450, DQ NOT SEND !'EES OH C(JMPLETF.'O FORtv1S TQ
`THIS ADDRE.SS. SEND TO: Commissloner for Patents, P.O, Box 1450, Al~xandrl'3, VA 22313-1450,
`ff you ne-ed a-ssisfanC!.~ in i:.o:~:.r::if!t~n~l tlX3 for:m. -;;aiJ. 1~fiDO~PTO··~ 199: ar:<J ~t>frJ~f. cption 2.


`PRI ET02011-01
`User input data
`Game Device
`c1 User input data via
`rJ coonected camera
`~ r10G
`. ~'> :
`~- • ~ User Data • •
`r-----,----=.11::2~ Device
`Digital Media
`• Player /Recorder,I
`Horne Data
`Network Modem
`·1 /
`,/~~' User input
`"\wireless data
`User input data via
`connected camera
`Synchronized Converged Data
`Stream (original data modified
`with user input d~,------------",
`Internet Network
`~-/ ! Image
`• Uni-channel or
`Multi-channel Set~~
`Tlln Rnv


`PRI ET02011-01
`(1 User input data via
`W connected camera
`, ___ _
`User Input
`1/V /"'\
`! JI/
`Wireless TX
`User input data via
`connected camera
`Image Substitution
`FIG. 2


`wired or wireless
`Image Substitution
`FIG. 3


`Buchenhorner Patent Law
`7700 N. Kendall Drive, Suite 804
`Miami, Florida 33156
`Telephone: (305) 273-8007
`N on-Provisional
`United States
`Letters Patent
`filed on behalf of
`Applicants: Yolanda Prieto
`For: Video enabled digital devices for embedding user data in interactive
`Attomey Docket: PRIET02011-01


`This application claims priority from Provisional Patent Application No.
`61/311892, which is incorporated by reference herein.
`The invention disclosed broadly relates to the field of data base
`administration and more particularly relates to the field of altering index objects in
`Vast research and implementation are currently underway to connect
`content from the Internet with active broadcast services. For example, by the use of
`widgets, content may be connected to services, thus synchronizing to programs selected
`by the user or viewer. Additionally, current technology provides viable means of
`searching, within a data stream and metadata, objects of interest which further allows
`Docket Number PRIETO 2011-001


`the capability of editing, substituting, and enhancing the identified data in the original.
`data stream or metadata.
`Briefly, according to an embodiment of the invention a method
`for generating an edited video data stream from an original video stream wherein
`generation of said edited video stream comprises a step of: substituting at least one
`object in a plurality of objects in said original video stream by at least a different
`According to another embodiment, an interactive broadcast TV system
`enhances the user experience by allowing said user the capability of providing his/her
`object data for use in the substitution of an object data in a broadcast video by said user
`object data.
`To describe the foregoing and other exemplary purposes, aspects, and
`advantages, we use the following detailed description of an exemplary embodiment of
`the invention with reference to the drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of a digital system, according to an
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of a television and gammg device,
`according to an embodiment of the invention; and
`FIG. 3 shows a simplified illustration of a video image substitution on a
`gaming device, according to an embodiment of the invention.
`Docket Number PRIETO 2011-001


`While the invention as claimed can be modified into alternative forms,
`specific embodiments thereof are shown by way of example in the drawings and will
`herein be described in detail. lt should be understood, however, that the drawings and
`detailed description thereto are not intended to limit the invention to the particular form
`disclosed, but on the contrary, the intention is to cover all modifications, equivalents
`and alternatives falling within the scope of the present invention.
`Referring to FIG. 1, we discuss a video enabled input digital device such
`as an interactive television ("i TV") 102, camcorder 104, camera-enabled personal
`device 106, gaming device 108, and the like, which is operable for taking a captured
`video to be uploaded, or inputted by a user, for the purpose of inserting the video
`content into another video, graphics, image sequence selected by the user. This
`produces a new video sequence 190 which is subsequently broadcasted or played by the
`digital device. In addition to video, the user may insert any digital data such as text,
`audio, or images, to personalize the metadata 116 that has been created resulting from
`the synchronization of Internet content with broadcast data.
`In this embodiment the
`internet network is capable of editing the metadata 116 in order to insert the user input
`data to generate a synchronized converged data 190.
`For example, the user may have a video sequence which he/she desires
`to insert in place of an actress or particular avatar in a game or broadcast for the purpose
`Docket Number PRIETO 2011-001


`of having a participative experience in the game or broadcast program. The user will
`have the capability of choosing and informing the video enabled digital device which
`actor, avatar, background, or region of the viewing data to be displayed he or she
`desires to edit, enhance or substitute with the user provided data.
`In one embodiment of this invention, the digital device is enabled with a
`camera input which may be hardware connected to the device or wirelessly connected
`to said digital device. The digital device may be at least a digital TV, a gaming
`console, a digital media player/recorder, or set top box, which may co-exist as part of a
`network with the capability of all being connected to a network via the Internet. The
`connections may be wired, wireless, further managed by an in-home broadcast network
`or a home data network. The digital device is capable of receiving image, video, or text
`data from a user wirelessly, or the device itself is image enabled with a mounted
`imaging device.
`Once the digital device receives the user input signal, which may be in
`the form of an image, video, graphics, text, or any other digital data form, the digital
`device may further process the image to enhance it, compress it, or otherwise modify it
`to make it compatible with the digital device's data requirements. The digital device's
`processed input data is then sent through shared connections to a system that supports
`intemet services, TV broadcast services, gaming services, e-book services, in-home data
`net leading to a converged IP network solution where content and services provided by
`Docket Number PRIETO 2011-001


`these services may be unified and synchronized to provide a converged interfaced data
`such that the user input is also merged.
`An application of this embodiment is to provide the user with the
`enhanced experience of viewing himself as part of a broadcast show which he may
`subsequently desire to record via the digital media recorder. Such a network system
`allows the digital device to transmit the user's request and data to a network where his
`request is processed and his data inserted per the instruction provided by the user into
`the video data that is tobe broadcast. Referring now to FIG. 3 we show a user input
`150 of a photo image of the user used to replace the face of the image shown on the
`device 108. The user transmits the photo image 150 by wired or wireless means to the
`device 108. The image substitution is performed and the device 108 shows the
`substituted image 190.
`Another embodiment of this invention allows for a stand-alone digital
`device to receive input digital data from a user or from a wired or wireless imaging
`device for the purpose of creating a modified converged data stream processed by the
`input device such that said converged data stream is the result of the input device's
`original stream modified by the user inputted or imaging device inputted data. One
`application of this embodiment can be a gaming device where the user enters a video or
`image of himself for its immersion into a game or graphics data stream that has been
`created by the imaging device. Said imaging device is capable of receiving the user's
`Docket Number PRIETO 2011-001


`data wirelessly or through a camera or video device that may be part of the digital
`The resulting converged data stream will then contain the user's image
`data in the game data. This will allow the user to become part of the game with his or
`her data image. The user' s input data, which may be an image or video of himself, is
`added to a particular structure that is denoted by the user. The user inputted data will
`contain, in addition to the user image data, instructions to indicate which actor, avatar,
`or structure the user will like to have his data incorporated into. In this example, the
`resulting graphics or video game is one in which the viewer will see his image as part of
`the game.
`The received digital data form is additionally formatted such that an
`instruction is conveyed in the message data to explain how and where the digital data is
`to be inserted into the converged interface data. This process requires the input device
`to perform video, image analysis and processing in order to recognize the actor or
`structure the user requests to have substituted by his inputted data. The process further
`requires the steps of background analysis, face detection and recognition, image and
`video motion detection and analysis to follow through the input device 's motion
`sequence with the user's inputted data to produce a resulting stream where the user
`inputted data becomes part of the input device' s stream as if it were originally its own.
`In FIG. 1 the User Data Device (UDD) 106 is an image capable digital
`device enabled with wired and wireless communication capability. Further, the UDD
`Docket Number PRIETO 2011-001


`106 is capable of performing at least the following functions: image and video capture,
`graphics processing,
`image and video processing such as
`image and video
`enhancements, data compress1on, data storage, data displaying, receiving and
`transmitting digital data from other and to other devices respectively. An example of
`UDD's input c

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