`(12) United States Patent
`Scharschmidt et :1].
`[10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9,254,278 B2
`*Feb. 9, 2016
`Applicant: Horizon Therapeutics, Inc.. Deerlield.
`II. (US)
`Inventors: Bruce Scharschmidt. San Francisco.
`CA (US): Masoud Moklltarani. Walnut
`Creek. (‘A (US)
`Assignees Horizon Therapeutics, Inc.. Deerfield.
`11., (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term oi‘this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 15403) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Appl. No.: magician
`Aug. 3, 2015
`Prior Publication Data
`US 20150335605 Al
`Nov. 26. 2015
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 131775.000, filed on
`Feb. 22. 2013. now Pat. No. 9.095.559. which is a
`continuation of application No. l3f4l7.137. filed on
`Mar. 9. 2012. now Pat. No. 8.404.215.
`Provisional application No. GUS-12.100. filed on Sep.
`30. 2011. provisional application No. 613564.668.
`filed on Nov. 2.9. 2011.
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`(58) Field of Classification Search
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`United States Patent and Trademark Office.
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`United States Patent and Trademark Office. Lntemational Search
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`United States Patent and Trademark Office. International Search
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