`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Symbian Developer Library
`§ymbian OS SOK v8.1 a §ymbian OS reference C++ comP-onent reference Multimedia ECam CCamera
`Location: EC am . h
`Class CCamera
`class CCarnera
`public CBase ;
`Base class for camera devices.
`Provides the interface that an application uses to control, and acquire images from, the camera .
`An application must supply an implementation of MCamera0bserver2 (or MCarneraObserver).
`o CBase - Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
`• CCarnera - Base class for camera devices
`Defined in CCarnera:
`Brightness(.)_, BuffersinUse (.)_,Camera Info(.)_, CarnerasAvailable (.)_, CancelCaP.turelrnag~(.J_,
`.C .. ~U:'.!tureirnag~(.)_, Contrast(.)_, Custornlnterface (.)_, DigitalzoornFactor (.)_, EBrightnessAuto,
`EContrastAuto, EExP.osureAuto , EExP.osureBacklig.!lt., EExP.osureCenter, EExP.osureNigb..t.,
`EFlashAuto, EFlashFillin, EFlashForced, EFlashNone, EFlashRedEY.eReduce,
`EForrnatl6BitRGB565, EForrnatl6bitRGB444 , EForrnat32BitRGB888, EForrnatExif,
`EForrnatFbsBitrnaP.Color16M, EForrnatFbsBitrnapColor4K, EForrnatFbsBitrnaP.COlor64K,
`EForrnatJp~g , EFormatMonochrorne , EForrnatUserDefined, EForrnatYUV420Interleaved,
`EForrnatYUV420Planar, EForrnatYUV420SemiPlanar, EForrnatYUV422, EForrnatYUV422Reversed,
`EFormatYUV444 , EWBAuto, EWBCloudY., EWBDaY.light, EWBFlash, EWBFluorescent, EWBTungsten,
`EnurnerateCaP.tu reSizes (.)_, EnurnerateVideoFrarneRates (.)_, EnurnerateVideoFrarneSizes (.)_,
`ExP.osure (.)_,Flash(.)_, FrarneRate (.)_, FrarnesPerBuffer (.)_, GetFrarneSize (.)_,Handle(.)_,
` ty_(_)_, NewDuP.lica teL (.)_, NewL (.)_, PowerOff (.)_, PowerOn (.)_, PreP.arelrnag~P.tureL (.)_,
`PreP.areirnageCaP.tureL (.)_, PreP.areVideoCaP.tureL (.)_, PreP.areVideoCaP.tureL (.)_, Re l ease(.)_,
`Reserve(.)_, SetBri ghtnessL (.)_, SetContrastL (.)_, SetDigi ta lZoornFactorL (.)_, SetExP.osureL (.)_,
`SetFl ashL (.)_, S e tJp~g.QJJ.£1i.ty_(.J_, SetViewFinderMirrorL (.)_, SetWhiteBalanceL (.)_,
`SetZoornFactorL (.)_, StartVideoCaP.ture (.)_, StartViewFinderBitrnaP.SL (.)_,
`StartViewFinderBi trnaP.sL (.)_, StartViewFinderDirectL (.)_, StartViewFinderDirectL (.)_,
`StoP.VideoCaP.ture (.)_, StoP.ViewFinder (.)_, TBrightness , TContrast, TExP.osure, TFlash,
`TForrna t , TWhi teBalance, VideoCaP.tureActi ve (.)_, ViewFinderActi ve (.)_, ViewFinderMirror (.)_,
`Whi teBalance (.)_, ZoornFactor (.J_
`Inherited from CBase:
`QP.erator new(.)_
`Construction and destruction
`NewL ()
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`static IMPORT C CCamera *NewL(MCameraObserver &aObserver, Tint aCameraindex);
`Creates an object representing a camera.
`Tint aCameraindex
`Reference to class derived from MCameraObserver designed to receive
`notification of asynchronous event completion.
`Index from 0 to CamerasAvailable (J_-1 inclusive specifying the camera device
`to use.
`Return value
`CCamera *
`Leave codes
`Pointer to a fully constructed CCamera object. Ownership is passed to the caller.
`leave with KErrNoMemory or KErrNotSupported if aCameralndex is out of range.
`Member functions
`static I MPORT C Tint CamerasAvailable();
`Determines the number of cameras on the device.
`Return value
`Count of cameras present on the device.
`NewDuplicateL ()
`static IMPORT C CCamera *NewDuplicateL (MCameraObserver &aObserver, Tint
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
`May leave with KErrNoMemory or KErrNotFound if aCameraHandle is not valid .
`MCameraObserver &aObserver
`Reference to an observer.
`Tlnt aCameraHandle
`Handle of an existing camera object.
`Return value
`CCamera *
`Duplicate of the original camera object.
`Camerainf o ()
`virtual void Cameralnfo(TCameralnfo &alnfo ) const=O ;
`Gets information about the camera device.
`TCameralnfo &alnfo
`On return, information about the camera device. See TCamerainfo.
`Return value
`virtual void Reserve()=O;
`Asynchronous function that performs any required initialisation and reserves the camera for exclusive use.
`Calls MCameraObserver :: ReserveComplete() when complete.
`Return value
`virtual void Release() =O ;
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`De-initialises the camera, allowing it to be used by other clients.
`Return value
`PowerOn ()
`virtual void PowerOn()=O ;
`Asynchronous method to switch on camera power.
`~ must have successfully called Reserve (.)_ prior to calling this function.
`Calls MCameraObserver:: PowerOnComp~O- when power on is complete.
`Return value
`PowerOff ()
`virtual void PowerOff()=O;
`Synchronous function for switching off camera power.
`Return value
`virtual Tint Handle()=O;
`Gets the device-unique handle of this camera object.
`Return value
`The device-unique handle of this camera object.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`virtual void SetZoomFactorL(Tint aZoomFactor=O)=O ;
`Sets the zoom factor.
`This must be in the range of TCamerainfo: : iMinZoom to TCamerainfo : : iMaxzoom inclusive. May
`leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified zoom factor is out of range.
`Tint aZoomFac tor
`Required zoom factor.
`Return value
`voi d
`ZoomFactor ()
`virtual Ti n t ZoomFactor() const=O ;
`Gets the currently set zoom factor.
`Return value
`The currently set zoom factor.
`v irtua l void SetDi gi t alZoomFactorL (Tint aDigi talZoomFactor=O ) =O ;
`Sets the digital zoom factor.
`This must be in the range of 0 to TCamerainfo: : iMaxDigital Zoom inclusive.
`May leave with KErrNotSupported if the zoom fa ctor is out of range .
`Tint aDigita lZoomFactor
`The required digital zoom factor.
`Return value
`v o id
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`virtual Tint DigitalZoomFactor() const=O;
`Gets the currently set digital zoom factor.
`Return value
`The currently set digital zoom factor.
`SetContrastL ()
`virtual void setContrastL(Tint aContrast)=O;
`Sets the contrast adjustment of the device.
`This must be in the range of-100 to +100 or EContrastAuto. May leave with KErrNotSupported ifthe
`specified contrast value is out of range.
`Required contrast value. See TCameralnfo::iContrastSupported
`Tint aContrast
`Return value
`virtual Tint Contrast() const=O;
`Gets the currently set contrast value.
`Return value
`The currently set contrast value.
`virtual void SetBrightnessL(Tint aBrightness)=O;
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Sets the brightness adjustment of the device.
`No effect if this is not supported, see TCameralnfo::iBrightnessSupported.
`This must be in the range of -100 to +100 or EBrightnessAuto. May leave with KErrNotSupported if the
`brightness adjustment is out of range.
`Tint aBrigh tness
`The required brightness adjustment.
`Return value
`virtual Ti n t Brightness() const=O ;
`Gets the currently set brightness adjustment value.
`Return value
`The currently set brightness adjustment value.
`SetFlashL ()
`virtual void SetFlashL(TFlash aFlash=EFlashNone)=O;
`Sets the flash mode.
`No effect if this is not supported, see TCamerainfo: : iFlashModesSuP.P.Orted.
`May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified flash mode is invalid.
`TFlash aFlash
`Return value
`The required flash mode.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`virtual TFlash Flash() const=O ;
`Gets the currently set flash mode.
`Retu rn value
`The currently set flash mode.
`SetExposureL ()
`virtual void SetExposureL(TExposure aExposure=EEx posureAuto)=O ;
`Sets the exposure adjustment of the device.
`No effect if this is not supported, see Cameralnfo: :iExposureModesSupported.
`May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified exposure adjustment is invalid.
`TExP.osure aExposure
`The required exposure adjustment.
`Return value
`Exposure( )
`virtual TExposure Exposure() const=O;
`Gets the currently set exposure setting value.
`Return value
`The currently set exposure setting value.
`virtual void SetWhiteBalanceL(TWhi t eBalance aWhiteBalance=EWBAuto) = O;
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Sets the white balance adjustment of the device.
`No effect if this is not supported , see TCamerainfo : : iWhiteBalanceModesSui:rn.Q~.tfil!.
`TWhiteBalance aWhiteBalance
`The required White balance adjustment.
`Return value
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified white balance adjustment is invalid.
`virtual TWhiteBalance WhiteBalance() const=O ;
`Gets the currently set white balance adjustment value.
`Return value
`The currently set white balance adjustment value.
`virtual void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession &aWs, CWsScreenDevice
`&aScreenDevice , RWindowBase &aWindow, TRect &aScreenRect)=O;
`Starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using direct screen access.
`The aScreenRect parameter is in screen co-ordinates and may be modified if, eg, the camera requires the
`destination to have a certain byte alignment, etc.
`RWsSession &aWs
`Window server session.
`&aScreenDevice Screen device.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Displayable window.
`Portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be transferred. This is in screen
`co-ordinates and may be modified if, for example, the camera requires the
`destination to have a certain byte alignment.
`Return value
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrNotReady if PowerOn() has either not been called, or has not yet completed .
`virtual void StartViewFinderDirectL (RWsSession &aWs , CWsScreenDevice
`&aScreenDevice, RWindowBase &aWi ndow , TRect &aScreenRect, TRect &aCl ipRect)=O ;
`Starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using direct screen access and also clips
`to the specified portion of the screen.
`The view finder has the same size and position as aScreenRect but is only visible in the intersection of
`aScreenRect and aClipRect. May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNotReady if Reserve(.)_ has not
`been called, or has not yet completed.
`RWsSession &aWs
`Window server session .
`Screen device.
`Return value
`Displayable window.
`Portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be transferred. This is in screen
`co-ordinates and may be modified if, for example, the camera requires the
`destination to have a certain byte alignment.
`The rectangle to which the screen will be clipped.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`v o id
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
`St artViewFinderBitmapsL()
`virtual void StartViewFinderBitmapsL (TSize &aSize)=O;
`Starts transfer of view finder data.
`Bitmaps are returned by MCameraObserver: : ViewFinderFrameReadyJ,)_.
`On return , the size used.
`TSize &aSize
`Return value
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrNotReady if PowerOn() has not been called, or has not yet completed .
`virtual void StartViewFinderBitmapsL(TSize &aSize , TRe ct &aClipRe ct)=O;
`Starts transfer of view finder data and clips the bitmap to the specified clip rectangle.
`The bitmap is the size of the intersection of aSize and aClipRect, not simply aSize padded with white space.
`~ &aSize
`Return value
`On return, the size used.
`Required clip rectangle. May be modified if, for example, the camera only supports
`certain byte alignments.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrlnUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully, or KErrNotReady if PowerOn()
`hasn't been called successfully.
`StopViewFinder ()
`virtual void StopViewFinder()=O;
`Stops transfer of view finder data to the screen.
`Return value
`virtual TBool ViewFinderActive() const=O;
`Queries whether the view finder is active.
`Return value
`ET rue if the view finder is active. EFalse if the view finder is not active.
`virtual void SetViewFinderMirrorL(TBool aMirror)=O;
`Sets whether view finder mirroring is on.
`Used to switch between what the camera sees and what you would see if the device were a mirror.
`TBool aMirror
`Return value
`ETrue to set mirroring on, EFalse to set mirroring off.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrNotSupported.
`v irtual TBool ViewFinderMirror() const=O;
`Gets whether view finder mirroring is active.
`Return value
`ETrue if mirroring is set, EFalse if mirroring is not set.
`virtual void PrepareimageCaptureL(TForrnat aimageFormat , Tint aSizeindex)=O;
`Performs setup and allocation of memory.
`Called prior to calling ~P.tureirnag~U- to keep the latency of that function to a minimum .
`Needs to be called only once for multiple CaP.tureimagg__(J_ calls. May leave with KErrNotSupported or
`KErrNoMemory or KErrlnUse or KErrNotReady.
`The specified image format must be one of the formats supported (see
`TCarnerainfo :: iirnageForrnatsSUP.P.Orted).
`The specified size index must be in the range of 0 to TCarnera i nfo :: iNurnirnageSizesSuP.p....Q..Il.fil!-1
`TForrnat airnageForrnat
`The image format.
`Tint aSizeindex
`Size index.
`Return value
`Leave codes
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`leave with KErrNotSupported, KErrNoMemory, or KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called
`virtual void PrepareimageCaptureL(TFormat almageFormat, Tlnt aSizeindex, const
`TRect &aClipRect)=O;
`Performs setup and allocation of memory and clips the image to the specified rectangle.
`No effect unless TCameralnfo::ilmageClippingSupported is set to ETrue. The image captured is the
`intersection of aClipRect and the rectangle from (0,0) to aSize. Needs to be called only once for multiple
`~Rtureimag~_J)_ calls. May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
`The specified image format must be one of the formats supported (see
`TCameralnfo : : iimageFormatsSuRROrted).
`The specified size index must be in the range of 0 to TCamerainfo: : iNumi mageSizesSuRROrted-1
`TFormat almageFormat
`The image format.
`Tlnt aSizeinde x
`Size index.
`const TRect &aClipRect
`The rectangle to which the image is to be clipped.
`Return value
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrNotSupported, KErrNoMemory, KErrlnUse if Reserve() hasn't been called
`successfully, or KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
`Capture Image ()
`virtual void Capturelmage()=O ;
`Asynchronously performs still image capture.
`Calls MCameraObserver : : Imag~y_()_ when complete.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Return value
`virtual void CancelCaptureimage()=O;
`Cancels the asynchronous still image capture.
`Return value
`virtual void EnumerateCaptureSizes(TSize &aSize, Tint aSizeindex, TFormat
`aFormat) const=O;
`Enumerates through the available image capture sizes, based on the specified size index and format
`The size index must be in the range 0 to TCamerainfo : : iNumimageSizesSuP.p~- 1 inclusive.
`~ &aSize
`Image size.
`Tint aSizeindex
`Size index.
`TFormat aFormat
`The image format.
`Return value
`virtual void PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat aFormat, Tint aSizeindex , Tint
`aRateindex , Tint aBuffersToUse , Tint aFramesPerBuffer) =O;
`Prepares for video capture.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Performs setup and allocation of memory prior to calling StartVideoCaP.ture (.)_ to keep the latency of that
`function to a minimum .
`May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
`TFormat aFormat
`Tint aSizeindex
`Tint aRateindex
`Format must be one of the video frame formats supported (see
`TCamerainfo: : i VideoFrameFormatsSUP.P.Orted).
`Size index must be in the range 0 to
`TCamerainfo: : iNumVideoFrameSizesSUP.P.Orted-1 inclusive.
`The rate must be in the range 0 to
`TCamerainfo: : iNumVideoFrameRatesSUP.P.Orted-1 inclusive .
`aBuf fersToUse
`The number of discrete buffers to use.
`aFramesPerBuffer How large the buffers are to be. Must be less than or eq ual to
`TCamerainfo: : iMaxFramesPerBufferSUP.P.Orted. One buffer is returned to
`MCameraObserver : : FrameBufferReady_(J_ at a time.
`Return value
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrNotSupported, KErrNoMemory, or KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called
`virtual void PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat aFormat , Tint aSizeindex, Tint
`aRateinde x, Tint aBuffersToUse , Tint aFramesPerBuffer , const TRect
`&aClipRect) =O ;
`Prepares for video capture and clips the frames to the given rectangle.
`Performs setup and allocation of memory prior to calling StartVideoCaP.ture (.)_ to keep the latency of that
`function to a minimum.
`May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
`TFormat aFormat
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Format must be one of the video frame formats supported (see
`TCamerainfo : : iVideoFrameFormatssui:rnorted).
`Tint aSizeindex
`Tint aRateindex
`Size index must be in the range 0 to
`TCamera in fo :: iNumVideoFrameSizesSU!? inclusive.
`The rate must be in the range 0 to
`TCamerainfo : : iNumVideoFrameRatesSUP.P.Orted-1 inclusive.
`aBuf f ersToUse
`The number of discrete buffers to use.
`aFramesPerBuffer How large the buffers are to be. Must be less than or equal to
`TCamerai n fo :: iMaxFramesPerBufferSUP.P.Orted. One buffer is returned to
`MCameraObserver : : FrameBufferReady_(.)_ at a time.
`The rectangle to which the image is to be clipped.
`const TRect
`Return value
`Leave codes
`leave with KErrNotSupported, KErrNoMemory, KErrlnUse if Reserve() hasn't been called
`successfully, or KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
`virtual void StartVideoCapture () =O ;
`Starts capturing video.
`Calls MCameraObserver : : FrameBufferReady_(_)_ when each buffer has been filled with the required
`number of frames, as set by PreP.areVideoCaP.tureL (.)_.
`Return value
`virtual void StopVideoCapture() = O;
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Stops video capture.
`Return value
`virtual TBool VideoCaptureActive () const=O ;
`Tests whether video capture is active.
`Return value
`ETrue if video capture is active. EFalse if video capture is not active
`virtual void EnumerateVideoFrameSizes(TSize &aSize, Tint aSizeindex, TFormat
`aFormat) const=O ;
`Enumerates through the available video frame sizes, based on the specified size index and format.
`On return the available video frame sizes. Sizes should be returned in order, largest first, so
`clients do not have to iterate through every one.
`aSizei ndex Size index. Must be in the range 0 to
`TCamerainfo :: iNumVideoFrameSizesSugp~-1 inclusive
`a Format
`Image format.
`Return value
`virtual void EnumerateVideoFrarneRates(TReal32 &aRate, Tint aRateindex, TFormat
`aForma t, Tint aSizeindex, TExposure aExp osure=EExposureAuto) const=O;
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Enumerates through the available video frame rates, based on the specified rate index, video frame format,
`size index and exposure mode.
`On return, the available video frame rates. Some rates may not be available due to, for
`example, current flash mode setting. In those cases a rate of 0 will be returned . Rates
`should be returned in order, highest first, so clients do not have to iterate through every
`Ti nt
`aRa te Index The rate index. Must be in the range 0 to
`TCamerainfo : : iNumVideoFrameRatesSum1orted-1 inclusive.
`a Format
`The format.
`aSizeindex The size index.
`TE xp~
`a Exposure The exposure mode.
`Return value
`GetFrameSize ()
`virtual void GetFrameSize(TSize &aSize) const=O;
`Gets the frame size currently in use.
`TSize &aSize
`The frame size currently in use.
`Return value
`vo i d
`FrameRa te ()
`virtual TReal32 FrameRate() const= O;
`Gets the frame rate currently in use.
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`Return value
`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`The frame rate currently in use.
`BuffersinUse ()
`virtual Tint BuffersinUse() const=O;
`Gets the number of buffers currently in use.
`Return value
`The number of buffers currently in use.
`virtual Tint FramesPerBuffer() const=O;
`Gets the number of frames per buffer currently in use.
`Return value
`The number of frames per buffer currently in use.
`virtual void SetJpegQuality(Tint aQuality)~O;
`Sets the quality value to use if jpeg is a supported image for video format.
`Ignored if jpeg is not a supported image for video format.
`Tint aQuality
`Return value
`The quality value to use, clamped to the range 1 to 100.
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`JpegQuali ty ()
`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`virtual Tint JpegQuality() const~O;
`Gets the currently set jpeg quality value.
`Returns 0 if not supported.
`Return value
`The currently set jpeg quality value.
`virtual TAny *Custominterface(TUid ainterface)=O;
`Gets a custom interface. The client has to cast the returned pointer to the appropriate type.
`TUid ainterface
`Return value
`The Uid of the particular interface function required.
`TAny: *
`Custom interface pointer. NULL if the requested interface is not supported.
`Member enumerations
`En um TForma t
`Possible still image and video frame formats
`Formats are read from left to right, starting at the top of the image. YUV format is as defined by ITU-R
`8 bit grayscale values, O=black, 255=white.
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Packed RGB triplets, 4 bits per pixel with red in the least significant bits
`and the 4 most significant bits unused.
`Packed RGB triplets, 5 bits per pixel for red and blue and 6 bits for
`green, with red in the least significant bits.
`Packed RGB triplets, 8 bits per pixel with red in the least significant bits
`and the 8 most significant bits unused.
`CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor4K.
`CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor64K.
`CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor16M.
`EFormatUserDef ined
`Implementation dependent.
`4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, YOOY01Y1 OY11 UV.
`4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, YOOY01Y02Y03 ... UO .. .VO ...
`4:2:2 format, 8 bits per sample, UYOVY1.
`4:2:2 format, 8 bits per sample, Y1VYOU.
`4:4:4 format, 8 bits per sample, YOOUOOVOO Y01 U01V01 ...
`4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, YOOY01Y02Y03 ... UOVO ...
`Enum TContrast
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Specifies whether contrast is set automatically.
`Sets the contrast automatically.
`Enum TBrightness
`Specifies whether brightness is set automatically.
`Sets the brightness automatically.
`Enum TFlash
`Specifies the type of flash.
`No flash, always supported.
`Flash will automatically fire when required.
`Flash will always fire.
`Reduced flash for general lighting
`Red-eye reduction mode.
`Enum TExposure
`Specifies the type of exposure. - EExposureAuto is the default value.
`Set exposure automatically. Default, always supported.
`https://web.archive. org/web/200802080531 34/http:/www. sym bia 80/d eveloper/tech I ib/vB. 1 adocs/doc _sou rce/reference/reference-cp p/N 1 0256/. . 23/24
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`CCamera in Multimedia ECam
`Night-time selling for long exposures.
`Backlight setting for bright backgrounds.
`Centered mode for ignoring surroundings.
`En um TWhi teBalance
`Specifies how the white balance is set.
`Set white balance automatically. Default, always supported.
`Normal daylight.
`Overcast daylight.
`Tungsten filament lighting.
`Fluorescent tube lighting
`Flash lighting.
`Copyright ©2005 Symbian Ltd.
`https ://web.archive.orglweb/20080208053134/http:/www.sym bian. com:BO/developer/techlib/vB. 1 adocs/doc _sou rce/reference/reference-cpp/N 1 0256/. . . 24/24
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