`(12) United States Patent
`Chen et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,819,719 B1
`Aug. 26, 2014
`Inventors: Steven Chen, San Francisco, CA (US);
`Michael Powers, San Francisco, CA
`(US); Hong Qu, San Mateo, CA (US);
`Yu Pan, San Francisco, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 950 days.
`(21) App1.No.: 11/952,125
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 6, 2007
`Related US. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/868,925, ?led on Dec.
`6, 2006.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H04N 7/173
`(52) US. Cl.
`USPC ........... .. 725/24; 725/109; 725/110; 715/716;
`715/719; 715/736; 715/738
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search
`USPC ........... .. 725/24,32,109,110,1314139,151;
`709/703, 719; 715/721
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`References Cited
`8/2002 NOWRk _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 725/136
`8/2006 MCKlSSICk et a1
`6/2007 Mullig et al.
`8/2007 Chiu ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
`.. 709/232
`' ' ' H 707/10
`Masahiro Tabuchi; TV Community System That Enables Users to
`Build and Maintain a Community Associated With the TimeiLine of
`TV Program; May 2004. NEC C&C Media Research Lab. v01. 99,
`N0. 7, ISSN 0919-6072.*
`YouTube, Inc ., “Most Subscribed Channels (All Time) ,” Archived on
`Web.archive.0rg on Sep. 3, 2006, l Page [online] [retrieved on May
`7, 2013] Retrieved from the internet <URL:http://Web.archive.0rg/
`web/ 2006090303 5l49/http://WWW.y0utube.c0n1/members?s:ms
`Kirkpatrick, M., “Grouper lets video viewers leave video comments,”
`TechCrunch, Jul. 28, 2006, [online] [Retrieved on Sep. 3, 2009], 8
`pages, Retrieved from the internet URL:<http://WWW.techcrunch.
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner * Brian T Pendleton
`Assistant Examiner * Alan Luong
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Fenwick & West LLP
`The present invention enables real-time video commenting
`by viewers of media content on a web site. The media content
`may be video, audio, text, still images or other types of media
`content. When a content viewer indicates a desire to provide
`a real-time video comment, a content server causes a video
`input device at the content viewer’s location to be activated.
`The content viewer’ s video comment is captured by the video
`input device and transmitted to the content server, Where it is
`stored and associated With the video being commented upon.
`When the original video is subsequently presented to content
`viewers, indicia of the video comment such as a thumbnail or
`description of the comment is also presented, thus inviting
`content Vlewers to View the Vldeo comment in additlon to the
`10/2007 Halliday et al.
`original video.
`11/2007 Lunt et a1. . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 725/13
`2/2008 Rosenbaum et al.
`10/2008 Gell et al. ..................... .. 725/32
`14 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
`2 YouTube — Broadcast Yourself: — Microsoft Internet Explorer You .Tube
`Little Beach
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`Page 1 of 17


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`Page 11 of 17


`US. Patent
`Aug. 26, 2014
`Sheet 11 0112
`US 8,819,719 B1
`Reoeive media
`1 102
`Store Media
`Publish Media
`Receive Video
`Remote Video
`input Deviee
`Remote \?deo
`Store Captured
`Video input
`Fig. 11
`Comment \Mth
`Original \?deo
`Publish Video
`Comment for
`Page 12 of 17


`US. Patent
`Aug. 26, 2014
`Sheet 12 0112
`US 8,819,719 B1
`View media
`Provide Video
`i Allow
`Fig. 12
`Activation of
`Remote Video
`Input Device
`Provide Video
`Page 13 of 17


`US 8,819,719 B1
`This application claims the bene?t of US. Provisional
`Application No. 60/868,925, ?led on Dec. 6, 2006, and incor
`porated by reference herein in its entirety.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates generally to providing video
`on the Internet. In particular, embodiments of the present
`invention are directed toward allowing a viewer of video or
`other content to respond to the video by using the viewer’s
`webcam to produce a video comment.
`2. Description of Background Art
`Various Internet websites provide a method for users to
`comment on the contents of the website. For example, news
`publications, blogging sites, video and audio content provid
`ers typically provide a “comment” option. A visitor to the site
`(who may be a registered user of the site or not, depending on
`the particular requirements of the site) who wishes to com
`ment on a story or other posted content can generally select a
`“comment” or “feedback” link, and post textual comments
`for others to view.
`Some sites allow viewers to upload pre-recorded com
`ments in video format. Typically, a user who wishes to leave
`a video comment must ?rst prepare the comment video ?le
`and then upload the recorded video ?le to the server. This
`manual process can be difficult and time- and labor-intensive,
`requiring particular knowledge of how to operate a video
`device and transfer a video ?le to a server for posting.
`Embodiments of the present invention enable real-time
`video commenting by viewers of media content on a web site.
`The media content may be video, audio, text, still images or
`other types of media content. When a content viewer indicates
`a desire to provide a real-time video comment, a content
`server causes a video input device at the content viewer’s
`location to be activated. The content viewer’s video comment
`is captured by the video input device and transmitted to the
`content server, where it is stored and associated with the video
`being commented upon. When the original video is subse
`quently presented to content viewers, indicia of the video
`comment such as a thumbnail or description of the video
`comment is also presented, thus inviting content viewers to
`view the video comment in addition to the original video.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of the overall architecture of an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a screen shot illustrating an example user interface
`for viewing media content in accordance with an embodiment
`of the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a screen shot illustrating a user interface for
`posting a video response in accordance with an embodiment
`of the present invention.
`FIG. 4 is a screen shot of a user interface for receiving
`real-time video commenting in accordance with an embodi
`ment of the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a screen shot of a con?rmation page indicating
`that a real-time video comment has been received in accor
`dance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 6 is a screen shot illustrating a user interface page
`displaying an indication of a received real-time video com
`ment in accordance with an embodiment of the present inven
`FIG. 7 illustrates a user interface screen for providing a
`video comment in accordance with an embodiment of the
`present invention.
`FIG. 8 illustrates a user interface screen for selecting video
`response preferences in accordance with an embodiment of
`the present invention.
`FIG. 9 is a screen shot illustrating a user interface for
`approving or rejecting video comments in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a content server in accor
`dance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 11 illustrates a method for receiving real-time video
`comments in accordance with an embodiment of the present
`FIG. 12 illustrates a method for providing real-time video
`comments in accordance with an embodiment of the present
`The ?gures depict preferred embodiments of the present
`invention for purposes of illustration only. One skilled in the
`art will readily recognize from the following discussion that
`alternative embodiments of the structures and methods illus
`trated herein may be employed without departing from the
`principles of the invention described herein.
`FIG. 1 provides an overview of an embodiment of the
`present invention. A content provider 102 provides media
`content to a content server 104. Examples of media content
`include audio, video, image and text content; other forms of
`content available for consumption may also be provided. The
`media content may have been created by content provider
`1 02, but need not have been. For clarity, we assume below that
`media content is video content, but no exclusion of other
`types of media content should be inferred.
`Content server 104 receives uploaded media content from
`content providers and allows content to be viewed by content
`viewers 106. Content may be uploaded to server 104 via the
`Internet from a personal computer, through a cellular network
`from a telephone or PDA, or by other means for transferring
`data over a network known to those of skill in the art. Content
`may be downloaded from server 104 in a similar manner; in
`one embodiment media content is provided as a ?le download
`to a content viewer 106; in an alternative embodiment, media
`content is streamed to the content viewer. The means by
`which media content is received by content server 104 need
`not match the means by which it is delivered to a content
`viewer 106. For example, content provider 102 may upload a
`video via a browser on a personal computer, whereas content
`viewer 106 may view that video as a stream sent to a PDA.
`Note also that content server 104 may itself serve as the
`content provider 102.
`Content viewers 106 view media content on content server
`104 via a user interface. Typically, viewer 106 runs a web
`browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or MoZilla Fire
`fox, and content server 104 includes a web server such as
`Microsoft Internet Information Services. Using her browser,
`a viewer 106 browses for content provided by content server
`104 and views content of interest, including video content. As
`Page 14 of 17


`US 8,819,719 B1
`described further below, viewer 106 also provides real-time
`video comments to content server 104 in response to viewed
`FIG. 2 is a screen shot illustrating an example of a web page
`200 providing a user interface for viewing media content
`from content server 104 by content viewer 106. The UI
`includes a video 202, as well as information 204 about the
`video, such as the name or user ID of the content provider 1 02,
`the date the video was uploaded, etc. In the illustrated
`embodiment, a text box 206 allows a viewer 106 to enter a
`textual comment about the video 202.
`Web page 200 also includes a link 208 labeled “Post a
`video response.” By selecting this link, and referring now to
`FIG. 3, content viewer 106 indicates a desire to post a video
`response, and is provided with a web page 300 containing an
`interface for providing video responses.
`Web page 300 provides three options to content viewer 106
`via selectable tabs. The content viewer 106 can select the
`“Choose a video” tab 304, which allows the content viewer
`106 to select a video already stored on content server 104 to
`be provided as a reply. If so, referring to FIG. 7, she is
`presented with a user interface screen 700 that provides a
`drop-down list 702 of the content viewer’s available videos,
`from which she may select one and then click button 704 to
`respond with the selected video. Alternatively, she may select
`the “Upload a video” tab 302 to indicate that she wishes to
`upload a pre-recorded video ?le. Finally, the content viewer
`106 may select the “Record a video” tab 306 to indicate that
`she wishes to provide a real-time video comment. In one
`embodiment, the “Record a video” tab is selected by default,
`though in alternative embodiments other tabs may be selected
`by default. In other embodiments, fewer tabs may be shown,
`or no tabs may be shown, with only the real-time comments
`option available.
`In the illustrated embodiment, the “Record a Video” tab
`306 allows content viewer 106 to provide a title 308 for the
`comment, as well as a description 310, and tags 312 to be
`associated with the comment. A video window 314 is also
`shown. In the illustrated embodiment of FIG. 3, video win
`dow 314 is not showing video, but is instead displaying a
`warning message to viewer 106 indicating that the content
`server 104 is attempting to access a video input device on the
`viewer’s computer. In one embodiment, activation and con
`trol of the viewer’s video input device by content server 104
`is effected using the Flash Media Server by Adobe Systems
`Incorporated of San Jose, Calif. Web page 300 in the illus
`trated embodiment additionally provides thumbnail images
`316 from the video being commented upon.
`Once the content viewer has entered information about her
`comment and, if necessary, dismissed the warning message, a
`video input device such as a camera attached to the content
`viewer’s computer is activated. In another embodiment, the
`content viewer 106 is instructed to manually activate her
`video input device. FIG. 4 illustrates a web page 400 present
`ing a user interface for receiving real-time video comments.
`In FIG. 4 video window 402 displays the video image being
`captured by the video input device. Also illustrated in FIG. 4
`is a “Record” button 404 that content viewer 106 can click to
`begin recording the images received by the video input
`device. A status indicator 406 also indicates to the viewer
`whether the video is currently being recorded. After the
`viewer clicks “Record”, the button 404 is replaced by another
`(not shown) that the viewer can click to indicate that she has
`?nished recording.
`As the viewer speaks and moves, the sound and images are
`captured by the video input device and transmitted to content
`server 104. In one embodiment, the video image is streamed
`to content server 1 04. In an alternative embodiment, the video
`is cached locally and then transmitted to content server 104
`once the comment is complete. Content server 104 stores the
`received video and associates it with the original video being
`commented on. Content server 104 may also perform other
`housekeeping functions, e.g., updating the viewer’s or the
`content provider’s account, transcoding video content, and
`the like, as appropriate to the particular implementation of the
`content server 104. Content server 104 can also perform steps
`to make the video comment searchable by, for example, its
`title, keywords, and so on. In one embodiment, video com
`ments can be searched separately from posted videos. In one
`embodiment, video comments can be searched along with
`posted videos. In either situation, information about the video
`comment is added to an index on server 104.
`FIG. 5 illustrates a con?rmation page 500 that is displayed
`to content viewer 106 to indicate that the real-time video
`comment has been successfully received by content server
`104. In one embodiment, con?rmation page 500 additionally
`offers the content viewer 106 the opportunity to record
`another video by selecting an appropriate button 502 on the
`Once a real-time video comment has been received, con
`tent server 104 updates the presentation of the original video
`to include an indication of the comment. FIG. 6 provides an
`example of a web page 600 that displays a video that has been
`commented upon with a real-time video comment. Web page
`600 displays the original video 602 and information about the
`video 604. In addition, however, web 600 includes an indica
`tion 606 that a video response has been posted for this video
`602. In the illustrated embodiment, the indication 606 is a
`thumbnail taken from the video comment itself along with the
`user ID of the viewer 106 who commented on the video. In
`one embodiment, web page 600 is viewable to all users. FIG.
`6 also includes a link 608 to post additional video comments
`in the manner described above.
`In one embodiment, content provider 102 and/or content
`server 104 can specify that video comments must be approved
`before they are displayed to the public. FIG. 8 illustrates a
`user interface 800 for uploading a video by a content provider
`102. In addition to information about the video being
`uploaded, a preference setting 802 allows content provider
`102 to specify whether video responses should be added
`automatically, added only after approval by content provider
`102, or entirely disallowed.
`FIG. 9 illustrates a user interface 900 through which con
`tent provider 102 can approve submitted video responses. An
`indication 902 of the original video being responded to is
`provided, along with a thumbnail and link 904 to the submit
`ted video comment. The content provider 102 can review the
`video comment as desired, and indicate through drop-down
`box 906 whether to approve or reject the response.
`In one embodiment, an additional review process is avail
`able, by either human beings or automatic software on server
`104, allowing review of the video comment for appropriate
`ness before the video is posted.
`FIG. 10 provides a more detailed illustration of content
`server 104 in accordance with an embodiment of the present
`invention. Content server 104 includes a media content data
`base 1002, video capture engine 1004, media upload server
`1006, comment engine 1008 and media content server 1010.
`The illustrated components work together to perform the
`functions of content server 104 described above.
`FIG. 11 is a ?owchart that illustrates a method for provid
`ing real-time video comments in accordance with an embodi
`ment of the present invention. Initially, media upload server
`1006 receives 1102 media content from content provider 102.
`Page 15 of 17


`US 8,819,719 B1
`Media upload server 1006 then stores 1104 the received
`media content in media content database 1002. In one
`embodiment, upload server 1006 performs various process
`ing functions such as transcoding, ?ngerprinting, etc., prior to
`storing the content in database 1002. Media content server
`1010 then publishes 1105 the received media content so that
`it can be consumed by content viewers 106. Next, comment
`engine 1008 receives 1106 a request from content viewer 106
`to provide a real-time video comment. Video capture engine
`1004 activates 1108 the remote video input device located at
`the content viewer’s site and begins capturing 1110 the
`remote video input. Video capture engine 1004 then stores
`1112 the received video comment in media content database
`1002, associating 1114 it with the original video, and per
`forming any desired processing. Media content server 1010
`publishes 1116 the received video comment along with the
`original video, such that content viewers 106 can view the
`video comment along with the original video.
`FIG. 12 is a ?ow chart that illustrates from a content view
`er’ s perspective a method for providing real-time video com
`ments in accordance with an embodiment of the present
`invention. A content viewer 106 views 1202 media content
`from content server 104. Deciding to leave a video comment,
`the content viewer then provides 1204 a video comment
`request to content server 104. In one embodiment, content
`server 104 then attempts to activate a video input device such
`as a camera at the content viewer’s location, such as on the
`content viewer’ s PC. In one embodiment, as a security feature
`the content viewer 106 must allow 1206 the activation of her
`video input device to take place, although in alternative
`embodiments not such permission is required. In still other
`embodiments, the content viewer activates her input device
`manually, e.g., when instructed to do so by content server 104.
`Once the input device is activated, the content viewer 106
`provides 1208 her video comment, which is transmitted to
`content server 104 for processing and posting as described
`The present invention has been described in particular
`detail with respect to a limited number of embodiments.
`Those of skill in the art will appreciate that the invention may
`additionally be practiced in other embodiments. First, the
`particular naming of the components, capitalization of terms,
`the attributes, data structures, or any other programming or
`structural aspect is not mandatory or signi?cant, and the
`mechanisms that implement the invention or its features may
`have different names, formats, or protocols. Further, the sys
`tem may be implemented via a combination of hardware and
`software, as described, or entirely in hardware elements.
`Also, the particular division of functionality between the
`various system components described herein is merely exem
`plary, and not mandatory; functions performed by a single
`system component may instead be performed by multiple
`components, and functions performed by multiple compo
`nents may instead performed by a single component. For
`example, the particular functions of the content server 104
`may be provided in many or one module.
`Some portions of the above description present the feature
`of the present invention in terms of algorithms and symbolic
`representations of operations on information. These algorith
`mic descriptions and representations are the means used by
`those skilled in the art to most effectively convey the sub
`stance of their work to others skilled in the art. These opera
`tions, while described functionally or logically, are under
`stood to be implemented by computer programs.
`Furthermore, it has also proven convenient at times, to refer to
`these arrangements of operations as modules or code devices,
`without loss of generality.
`It should be borne in mind, however, that all of these and
`similar terms are to be associated with the appropriate physi
`cal quantities and are merely convenient labels applied to
`these quantities. Unless speci?cally stated otherwise as
`apparent from the present discussion, it is appreciated that
`throughout the description, discussions utiliZing terms such
`as “processing” or “computing” or “calculating” or “deter
`mining” or “displaying” or the like, refer to the action and
`processes of a computer system, or similar electronic com
`puting device, that manipulates and transforms data repre
`sented as physical (electronic) quantities within the computer
`system memories or registers or other such information stor
`age, transmission or display devices.
`Certain aspects of the present invention include process
`steps and instructions described herein in the form of an
`algorithm. It should be noted that the process steps and
`instructions of the present invention could be embodied in
`software, ?rmware or hardware, and when embodied in soft
`ware, could be downloaded to reside on and be operated from
`different platforms used by real time network operating sys
`The present invention also relates to an apparatus for per
`forming the operations herein. This apparatus may be spe
`cially constructed for the required purposes, or it may com
`prise a general-purpose computer selectively activated or
`recon?gured by a computer program stored in the computer.
`Such a computer program may be stored in a computer read
`able storage medium, such as, but is not limited to, any type of
`disk including ?oppy disks, optical disks, CD-ROMs, mag
`netic-optical disks, read-only memories (ROMs), random
`access memories (RAMs), EPROMs, EEPROMs, magnetic
`or optical cards, application speci?c integrated circuits
`(ASICs), or any type of media suitable for storing electronic
`instructions, and each coupled to a computer system bus.
`Furthermore, the computers referred to in the speci?cation
`may include a single processor or may be architectures
`employing multiple processor designs for increased comput
`ing capability.
`The algorithms and displays presented herein are not inher
`ently related to any particular computer or other apparatus.
`Various general-purpose systems may also be used with pro
`grams in accordance with the teachings herein, or it may
`prove convenient to construct more specialized apparatus to
`perform the required method steps. The required structure for
`a variety of these systems will appear from the description
`above. In addition, the present invention is not described with
`reference to any particular programming language. It is
`appreciated that a variety of programming languages may be
`used to implement the teachings of the present invention as
`described herein, and any references to speci?c languages are
`provided for disclosure of enablement and best mode of the
`present invention.
`Finally, it should be noted that the language used in the
`speci?cation has been principally selected for readability and
`instructional purposes, and may not have been selected to
`delineate or circumscribe the inventive subject matter.
`Accordingly, the disclosure of the present invention is
`intended to be illustrative, but not limiting, of the scope of the
`We claim:
`1. A method of associating video responses with video
`content, the method comprising;
`displaying a web page including ?rst video content to a
`content viewer device over a network, the ?rst video
`content provided by a content provider;
`Page 16 of 17


`US 8,819,719 B1
`responsive to a preference setting associated with the ?rst
`video content indicating that video responses may be
`added, displaying on the web page a link for providing
`video responses;
`receiving via activation of the link a request from the
`viewer to provide a video response to the displayed ?rst
`video content;
`activating a video input device associated with the content
`viewer device;
`receiving the video response from the viewer via the video
`input device;
`associating the received video response with the displayed

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