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`About Current
`De eRe ee
`» Whatchannel isiton?
`# clearance report
`peered Ps
`= master use license (music
`0 np IP
`RieEMaced =synclicense(music)
`= How does the Current Journalism program work?
`Dies a deara
`area edi
`PTeTuilicteam aA}
`PUN?aOe eed See tttee)
`Ret Rescle
`« V-CAM submission FAQ
`Othe ROMidelaced
`Full Submission Terms
`eek: WateeReseitieMS6b)
`In the Current Community
`Community Standards
`oDReseOakcheMerkelMetMLARROLeHMIegShort version: Be cool. Longer version:
`Bed ennrieee
`= What d
`cea Ade
`Oe ea RR Ltcoketicea
` ee PU icsesol
`wetReeV EL
`do some
`Eel] tesa t
`Pi eRe eeYd
`= What di
`a comment "heipful* or "not
`= What are the regional message boards for?
`Submitting to Current
`DETeel Aad
`SR ts eB lm
`= How long are Pods?
`= What Pods are Current Journalism Pods?
`= Do | have to have a journalism degree to submit a CJ Pod?
`= Well, what if | do have training In journalism?
`= Can my CJ Pod be about my own experiences? Or should it be more detached?
`BRD AieaRieoid
`co Do I still need to get releases from all the people in my video?
`= Where can | see examples of Current Journalism Pods?
`= Are you looking for a particular style of news reporting?
`= Can | submit my documentary film?
`OR eeeaheats
`= | know Al Gore Is the chairman of Current. Does my submission have to come from a
`Democratic point of view?
`Pee emiorg
`= Who decides what's going on TV?
`Baie tA eee ad
`fo How should I send you my Pod?
`Se MmeSteetYe
`Bae Rd EE eR URE RR eed
`= Why won't VideoEgg work with my system?
`ee Bae eas
`= Pods
`Perens cokeIcy
`« Are there lenath reauirements to qualifv for that scale?
`Page 2 of 11


`Ber MRS) meeR OR MUR td
`going to stea
`PU eR MR ROR RLA eee Ret eed
`= What's the pay-scale for Mobile?
`Wet Ra
`DNR MicoRNR meord
`= Are there any other rights Issues that might sneak up on me?
`= What licenses do | need for the music | want to use?
`®= Can | use music recorded in the background of a scene?
`= Can | use music| create on my own in a computer program?
`= Can | use royalty-free music?
`Pe NAB Se milodd
`Be UNM Ee ARM ed
`= Can | use public domain music?
`PNRRR ReaaA RO eed
`= Why can't | log Into APM?
`= Why do | have to release my email address to use Sony Loops tracks?
`= | can audition and listen to songs (In the APM library) but canzt download them. Why not?
`About Current
`What is Current?
`Current Is an independent cable and satellite TV network. We launched in August of 2005 in
`BROSREURReGenen: oh Rss mies
`Meee turd
`We're on digital basic on all Time Warner Digital systems, and we're 103 in NYC,142 in LA.
`eetebenihTaker uma Cres toes Es]
`eee ty eee
`On Echostar’s DISH network, we're channel 196.
`For other carriers, look up your neighborhood channel here.
`What's your programming like?
`Check our scheduleto see what's on Current TV right now and what's coming up.
`Nee Rene cedRe Sue hdege eeees cules
`What'sa 'Pod'?
`A Pod Is a short video that tells a story, profiles a character and/or shares an idea. Current
`TV Pods are nonfiction videos that are anywhere from one minute to seven or eight minutes;
`it's a self-contained story, a profile of an interesting character or a dose of information. It's
`like the atom of the Current TV universe. We play Pods on all subjects, in all styles --
`Renee Lt8Renee Smee eeeEee Bo)
`tell a story, profile a person or inform the audience in some way.
`“back to top
` BCrMMeauLeeROReee
`How does the Current Journalism program work?
`It starts, as so many things do, with an upload: You submit a Pod through the CJ (Current
`Journalism) assignmentdeskfor consideration by Current's Vanguard Journalism team.
`You must read and accept the Current Journalism code of ethics as part of your upload
`Then we'll take a look. If your Pod meets the standards and ethics requirements, we'll put It
`on our website where It will be eligible for community greenlighting and a shot at winning the
`weekly leaderboard competition, which may result In your plece getting on air. It may also
`catch the eye of someone on Current's Vanguard Journalism team. If your Pod is more of a
`rant or not really news-oriented, we'll just reassign It to a non-CJ Pod category.
`If your CJ Pod makes it to air, you become part of our extended CJ network. And your next
`uploaded submission will get direct consideration for review. You'll also be eligible to get
`Fee eeeee
`Page 3 of 11


`berEEs eBeaesad
`If you're interested In working in our office, check out the jobs page. If you see a posting that
`speaks to your soul -- and for which your soul is well-qualified -- then by all means, hit
`ORRU Eurte a dake
`Pee menseskegue Beene eek RO eee Ree ee Rl ion
`you'll get noticed. Who knows, maybe you'll even get hired on to the Current team like
`at Oo5hCoTeeeeeeeRR booCKa
`Who owns Current?
`Current Is one of the few independent media companies with national cable and satellite TV
`distribution. It is financed by private investors and individuals.
`Be aRTeue eeea
`eeEC rd
`Where is Current based?
`We have our headquarters in San Francisco, a studio in Los Angeles, ad sales in New York,
`eR eo eee eRe Si peopee eR Rehau eee Eek gelg
`VC? producers happen to be.
`eReeek ekPeed
`In the Current Community
`The Current website hosts a virtual production studio where people upload video, and
`community members help us decide what to put on TV. It's where VC? content comes from.
`“back to top
`Mees ellseaterg
`Greenlighting Is how you tell us what youzd like to see on TV. You have to be a member of
`Current to greenlight and you can only greenlight a Pod once. (You can also retract your
`greenlight before a Pod gets picked for air —- a luxury real TV execs are usually not afforded.)
`Greenlighting Is not really a comparative judgment, e.g. "This is better than that." Rather, for
`each Pod you watch, you should simply ask yourself: Is this good enough for TV? Wouid|tell
`all my friends to watch this? Does it accurately reflect Current's programming mission of
`ig bigs
`For some concrete examples of Current Journalism stories, check out the CJ Case Studies.
`Se Oar
`Viewer-created content. It's TV made by independent creators, anyone with a camera, drive
`and a story to tell. There are many categories of VC*.
`Pods: Pods are short videos that tell a story, profile a character and/or share an idea. Learn
`more on the Entertainment and Information Pod assignment desk.
`Current Journalism: Current Journalism Pods are news segments made by VC? producers
`who follow our highest journalistic standards. Learn more on the CJ assignment desk.
`Promos: Current TV promos do the heavy lifting of telling our audience who we are, why
`we're different, and why you should participate in the network. carn more on the promo
`\V-CAMS: V-CAMs are viewer-created ad messages for our sponsors that can run on Current
`TV and beyond. Learn more on the V-CAM assignment desk.
`Raw Intel: This Is raw footage caught with a video camera. This Is reserved for footage that
`is newsworthy and/or Is so riveting on its own, we'll consider buying It without all the extra
`editing and post production needed to create a finished Pod. (We're not looking for ‘home
`movies’ unless they catch something unusually compelling.)
`“back to top
`How can I get involved?
`If you're a creator, you can participate via VC? (see above) or you can also send longer form
`documentaries and similar content to our acquisitions department. Mail this content to
`Acquisitions Department, c/o Current TV, 118 King Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
`“back to top
`Meee ee ue heme ee eeseR Rome men keeam ot ne-1)
`watch and greenlight Pods and leave constructive comments for producers. Your greenlights
`help us program the network.
` iSSIgnMents
`Page 4 of 11


`What does the "Not Ready For TV" button do?
`Use this button for Pods you've viewed, but just don't think are ready for primetime. We
`hope you'll also leave some constructive criticism for the producer, so that he/she has some
`things to consider when revising. The "Not Ready For TV" (or "redlight") button will also have
`a negative effect on the Video Score. While rediights will not have the same weight as
`greenlights, they will result in the lowering of the Video Score. The amount each score is
`lowered will vary from Pod-to-Pod, as it is based on a ratio of the total votes a Pod has at
`BR dia Eellsig
`seek e)s)
`SeRe eReYd
`The Video Score Is meant to be a reflection of your video's popularity in our community. It
`goes up when a registered user gives the video a greenlight; it can go down as members use
`Pda em RAR eeu Seer)
`How is the Video Score calculated?
`The Video Score Is calculated based on two things: the number of greenlights/not ready
`votes an upload has been given, and by whom. We weigh each person's greenlights
`differently based on how active they are in our community and whether or not they have
`feeternoBUe Beeiulee geeta
`What is the leaderboard?
`For Pods (both Entertainment and Information Pods and Current Journalism Pods), the
`leaderboard counts for more than just street cred: Every week, the winner of the leaderboard
`POM ee reeda dike aati gae cla)
`Promos are selected for air by our promo staff, and V-CAMs are selected by our staff with
`approval from the sponsor -- all of whom look carefully at the Video Score.
` oes Ra eeeR aPee elngeBeoleYd
`Rear med tie)itd
`1. Watch videos on the site(niere'sagoodplacetostar).
`2. Greenlight the ones you think would be great for Current TV (and boost their vicieo
`GT eB eeldeTheeeeens
`eeeet ik RubeecutmieNeee ice une)
`Seekee kts
`This Is your chance to take a direct hand in programming this network. All it takes Is a
`greenlight -- so get started!
`“back to top
`What do the little icons in the lower right corner of the video player mean?
`-C)-_You can clickto greeniightthis video and help program ournetwork.
`Use this when you don't think a video Is quite ready for TV.
`Bie Reoeee RU mon:id
`© Thisvideohasbeendeemedineligibleforairbyourprogrammingor
`eee ee eee ERR UR eeeRE kee
`eRe UR Bede ol
`BeedeEke Re ak
`ee aek Red
`We screen every video that is uploaded to Current TV to make sure It Is in our format and
`does not violate our community standarcs. We try to do this within a 24-hour period with the
`exception of weekends and holidays. If your video Is in our format and does not violate our
`community standards, It may be because your file was corrupt or there was a problem that
`occurred during the upload process. If more than 24 hours have elapsed since you uploaded
`{and it's not the weekend), please email us at with your user name, the
`name of your Pod,the file format and the date you uploaded It to the site.
`Page 5 of 11


`There are lots of Pods online that say they are 'in process'. Why aren't they on
`Pe ied
`You'd be surprised at how much work goes into getting a five-minute piece of video ready
`for air on TV! It takes time to contact the producer and obtain the original media and
`necessary releases so we can use It on air. Occasionally there may be changes we want to
`make to the Pod. We try to work with the producer to make these changes whenever
`possible, but sometimes we proceed on post production, especially if the subject matter is
`timely. Next we put the final touches on the Pod - these include tweaking the audio and
`adding graphics. If we can't clear the music chosen by the producer, we have to rescore the
`Pod with music from our library. The final step is having our legal department clear the Pod
`for air. Sometimes this can hold up a Pod if we don't have all the releases from the producer
`or there Is content that has to be changed or removed. We aim to make this process fast and
`painless -- and you'll be looped in every step of the way.
`Why do some VC? Pods say "commissioned by Current TV" and have no
`Pe Komya
`We occasionally come across stories we think should be told from a VC? perspective. We
`always try to go to any producer who has uploaded a Pod to our site first. If we can't find a
`Producer who has already uploaded, we will reach out to any contacts we have in the area
`where the story is happening to identify a producer to commission. The best way to become
`eligible for VC? commissions is to upload a Pod to the site. All commissioned pieces are
`negotiated on a per-Pod basis. Since these Pods air with the VC? label on the network, we
`felt they should be on the website, along with the producers who made them. We want the
`community to comment on these Pods as a way to get audience feedback.
`MeeGok e)s)
`Meeee ee Reed
`Most of the content that airs on Current comes in the form of what we call Pods; non-fiction
`and satirical shorts about what's going on in your world, from your perspective, and In your
`voice. Please note that at this time we do not accept trallers for longer documentaries/films,
`Le meleR Flee editeReom
`Ped Rada2
`You can check out our Entertainment and Information Pod categories or our Current
`Journalism Pod categories for the types of subject matter we generally air. But there's more!
`Besides Pods, we also accept promos, V-CA\s and Raw Inte! submissions.
`“back to top
`The longest Pod ever aired on Current TV was 18 minutes, but anything over 10 minutes Is
`really rare. Most Pods clock in between one and seven minutes. If you feel like you just can't
`“back to top
` “back to top
`Mee REeei emaeee re
`Think of tags as key descriptors that you create on the fly. Tags can say absolutely anything
`you want about a video: chicago If that's the setting, environment if that's the topic, cool If
`that's what It is. And videos can have an unlimited number of tags -- the more the better, In
`fact. So when you're watching, add a tag yourself. And then use the tags to jump from video
`to video, exploring relationships you might never have suspected.
`“back to top
`Rating other community members’ comments "helpful" is a nice way to give props to
`someone who took the time to leave a particularly thoughtful or informative comment. It also
`helps us keep an eye on who's being particularly helpful (or not), and we're mulling ways to
`reward those users in the future.
`ee OR sy
`What are the regional message boards for?
`The purpose of the regional message boards Is to foster offline collaboration and
`connections between Current community members in specific cities. If you don't see your
`city and would like a message board,just email us at your' and let us know
`Be REEyes
`“back to top
`Submitting to Current
`Pee ea tare
`The one exception Is people under the age of 18. Our programming Is made primarily for
`young adults 18 and up, and because minors cannot accept our license agreement online,
`we don't encourage teens to submit to Current. That sald,if you are under 18 and feel
`strongly that you could make something that would appeal to our target audience, you must
`have your parent or guardian upload It for you.
`Page 6 of 11


` Dee seus MeeRael eeews
`Mee etd
`Because PSAs or Public Service Announcements are usually advertisements for non-profit
`organizations and tend to be much shorter in length than a Pod (30 seconds), we do not
`accept them as programming. If there is an issue you are passionate about, try making a
`“back to top
`“back to top
`What Pods are Current Journalism Pods?
`The following Pod families are only for Current Journalism:
`ee aeeeBt Ru Ea eee ay
`ieee aU Rene letem
`Current Issue: Gay marriage. Drug laws. Stem cells. It's the stuff that divides us — and
`See Reh ek ER Eee Eek um
`Undercurrent: Pick up on a story the mainstream media doesn't know about -- or chooses
`biod[e od
`Current Controversy: Is there a controversy brewing out there that Isn't being reported on?
`De dieu ee ek og eeenaia
`Current Contraband: Drugs -—- take a look at how are illegal drugs affecting our world, from
`drug addiction to drug trafficking.
`Do I have to have a journalism degree to submit a CJ Pod?
`No-- anybody who wants to step up to the plate and swing for the CJ fences Is welcome.
`We're looking for smart people who can add a unique style of reporting to the mix.
`Well, what if | do have training in journalism?
`Even better! We're excited to hear from people who went to journalism school, or who are
`working as journalists, freelance or otherwise, around the world.It's possible the CJ program
`could be the perfect outlet for your video reporting. So yes, we'll be looking at your track
`record - in the Online Studio and beyond - when we consider assigning new stories.
`Can my CJ Pod be about my own experiences? Or should it be more detached?
`mee eet ee eek SewRoRML ine eek Ree ET
`honest, accurate, and fair -- that you report with integrity. That means disclosing any biases
`you may bring to a story.
`Will my work be fact-checked?
`Yes! By you! As a Current Journalist, you'll be required to providealist of sources for all the
`information in your Pod if It Is chosen to air.
`each ls)
`Do|still need to get releases from all the people in my video?
`SCM eee kesiheoe ee bokuaReau
`Where can | see examples of Current Journalism Pods?
`Check out the Current Journalism channel on ourvicieopreviewpageand to see some CJ
`Are you looking for a particular style of news reporting?
`Young people are turning away from conventional news outlets -- so if your Pod looks like It
`could be on the local news, that's probably not for us. Instead, we're looking for you to bring
`your own style and approach to these stories so that Current Journalism always looks and
`sounds new and different.
`seek e)s)
`bE ite la
`ete Pe weereu MR ED egs mek CeeRone
`shooting and editing, do a cut down into a Pod appropriate length and submit. If you're still
`working on the full-length doc when you submit your cut down, be sure to check out our
`MemeM elneulus Boel
`Page 7 of 11


`Dem helere
`Yes! When a story breaks or we spot an emerging trend, our VC2 community Is the first place
`we look for a unique take on the subject. As soon as you submit your first Pod to Current
`you automatically become eligible to receive commissions. The Pods you submit act as an
`online reel for our programming department when they are scouting for producers.
`et ReMate eee Me EP en aR erg
`Since we are all about finding short-form content, the best way to pitch us Is to make a short
`aieErekte le RBM ie keege eu Beles -Reke) acesmemes
`There are many producers who participate there, and you might be able to find someone
`with whom you can collaborate. But, you can also email more traditional pitches to
`“back to top
`Why won't VideoEgg work with my system?
`euelmer beer Ree eR ROMURCRRee clueEue went om
`Bete eel oRedu CERe Ba dca ekedBenen une
`eeseMee WEea a here eu Rohei A BekerMU
`Digital Please), 118 King Street, San Francisco, California 94107.
`“back to top
`License & Payment
`Payment for Pods, including Raw Intel and mobile submissions, is negotiated on a per-Pod
`enueouna Tes
`DeerETouni tee
`eT ten hea keeoe CTLeaa
`from a Democratic point of view?
`Ah yes, the "Al question". We get this one a lot. When Al Gore and Joel Hyatt started
`Current, their goal was to democratize the media, to create a place where all voices can get
`heard. So, a Democratic point of view is not required, just a point of view.
`MeeGok e)s)
`Mee eeerd
`See beee a bi eesti adenMeeeumest PRY rca
`Tee aes cea
`“back to top
`Who decides what's going on TV?
`You and us both. Your greenlights guide our programming team in their decision on what
`they pick for the network.
`“back to top
`What kind of Pods generally make it on to air?
`Good question. Here are a few things that we find our online audience and our programming
`department look for when choosing Pods for air.
`Also, Current is a network aimed at 18 to 34 year olds, so the subject matter should appeal
`to folks who fit into that general age bracket (at least in their hearts).
`“back to top
`How should | send you my Pod?
`= Unique voices
`= Interesting perspectives
`PC ee Rie eeeee Tele gecey
`= Astory arch with a beginning a middie and an end
`The best way to send your submission is to upload using VideoEgg Publisher. For more
`video egg technical info,clickhere.
` I know Al Gore is the chairman of Current. Does my submission have to come
`et egkh eee |
`If you're the snail mail type, find out how to send us your tape or DVD here.
`Page 8 of 11


`V-CAM does air on Current and the sponsor of your V-CAM wants to show It in other places
`beyond Current TV, you'll get anywhere between $5,000 and $50,000, depending on where
`Pe emul Eo Bee)ahRt)
`= Cable or satellite television (other than Current TV or any cable or satellite television
`network owned or controlled by Current TV): $10,000
`PP Reedsaunties bil metslds ueMce nieEug TuesM1om
`RR EST) hu ale
`Okay, here goes. You upload your video to the Current website. Wezll give It a look for
`community standards reasons, and then wezl put it up. If lots of community members like
`your Pod and give It a greenlight, youz!I have the chance of winning the weekly leaderboard
`competition, earning at least $1000, and possibly making It to alr. Your plece might also be
`chosen for TV by one of our producers.
`if your piece makes It to air, payment will be negotiated on a per-pod basis.
`Are there length requirements to qualify for that scale?
`There are not! Submissions in the 2-5 minute range have generally had the most success
`PoMenaPeters Rou Eeeeu deesaeel
`CE te eRe com yg
`Yes, definitely! Share your piece as widely as youzd like. To make It easier on yourself, click
`on the "post this video"link underneath any video player:
`It will give you a short snippet of code that you can cut and paste anywhere on the web --
`your blog, MySpace page, whatever. It's also a great way to get your friends and fans to
`greenlight your Pod for TV.
`“back to top
`Can I submit my video to a film festival?
`BDeeeRedeeee mm eebEpeRoleow
`How do I know you're not just going to steal my awesome ideas?
`You own the concept to the videos you upload and we can't touch them. But really, If you
`think we are all about copying people's videos, we haven't done a very good job explaining
`SRE EeRRar eel
`“back to top
`If you buy the rights to broadcast my video, will | still be credited as its creator?
`Absolutely! And we're not talking aboutalittle line of text in the corner, either. The last thing
`we want to do Is conceal the origins of our viewer-created content. On the contrary: We want
`to splash your name and your image all over your work. And we air interviews with prolific
`VC? producers on a regular basis. We are all about full exposure and full props.
` V-CAM submissions are paid a flat rate of $1000 per V-CAM chosen for Current TV. If your
`give ita
`eRegeSe oeaee ek id
`“back to top
`Technology is moving fast. More and more TV is going to get piped through the internet;
`more and more cell phones are going to play video. For all those reasons, we want to
`distribute your work -- with your name and mug attached to it -- anywhere video can go.
`“back to top
`What is V-CAM?
`V-CAMs are viewer-created commercials made for our sponsors that may be chosen to air
`on Current TV. They can also air on other websites, TV networks or in movie theaters.
`Can I really make $50,000 off my V-CAM?
`Dye Mme eohilees
`Page 9 of 11


`Will your V-CAM get used in all these ways, and earn all this money? We don't know yet. But
`De aietute eeRe RuaeR isi eRe R CeBerecle)
`has been laid for you to rock out to an unbelievable degree. Oh, and don't forget: This Is alll in
`addition to the cool $1,000 you'll get if your V-CAM runs on Current TV.
`Can I make a V-CAM for [Brand X]?
`You love [Brand XJ]. Everybody loves [Brand X]. But the V-CAM program depends on the
`support of specific advertising sponsors -- companies cool enoughto sign up for a radically
`new model of production. So no, V-CAMs can't be commercials for random products or
`brands; they have to sync up with one of our sponsors. But If there's a brand you think you
`should be one of those sponsors -- let us know! And more importantly, let them know!
`Can | really submit video that I shot on my mobile phone?
`Yes! Current Mobile is a new Pod category just for videos shot on mobile phones.
`What's the pay-scale for Mobile?
`Mobile Pods will be negotiated on a per-Pod basis.
`Is mobile footage eligible for TV?
`Yes, just like regular Pods, mobile footage can get greenlights and win leaderboard or be
`selected for air by our VC? programming team.
`“back to top
`ee Ea te
`Do I need releases from the people in my video?
`web advertisement. That's $5000.
`= Then they say, hey, we like It so much we want to put It on some other cable TV
`networks, too. Add $10,000.
`= The ad Is rocking out; everybody loves It. So they run It on one of the big broadcast
`= Forget running It during the Super Bow); they run it AT the Super Bowl, on a stadium
`ieee mle MOROLOM Bret
` = You get your V-CAM onto Current TV, and then the ad's sponsor decides to run It as a
`The short answer Is "yes." If you're shooting a big crowd, you don't have to have a release
`for everyone. But as soon as you focus on somebody and they're recognizable on video, you
`need to get their permission. This will protect you in the long run. You'll find the release forms
`Beware of copyrighted images in the background and of ambient music. When you check
`the little box that says you accept our terms, you're saying that everything In your video Is
`eReeMU eee Be enoa
`Fe meeeRd ela ken yd
`“back to top
`What licenses do | need for the music | want to use?
`SeeRee nee mee nuRRene NMee Le RUE RE 3|
`or publisher that owns 100% of their music) then you will need both a master and
`synchronization license. These forms can be found online and have a few blanks that need to
`be filled in: date, name, address, title of song,title of Pod, signature, and contact phone
`number for the person signing.If you are filming someone live then you will only need a
`synchronization license. In that situation, if the music Is theirs and they own 100% of the
`rights, then you will be clear to use It on air.
`Can | use music recorded in the background of a scene?
`You should avoid shooting at venues that play music, including clubs, parties, and sporting
`events. Even if It is just softly playing, you'll need to take this music out or try to clear It -- for
`a price. If there are live performances happening, then you will need a synchronization
`license from each performer. Seriously, your best bet Is to just avoid shooting at locations
`that have music playing.
`“back to top
`ber Pereee eee meeig
`There are lots of software programs that let you create your own music. Many of these are
`okay for broadcast; however, some are not. Every program hasalicense section; you need
`the license to say that the music you create In the program is okay for broadcast and web
`Page 10 of 11


`the license to say that the music you create In the program is okay for broadcast and web
`“back to top
`Can | use royalty-free music?
`Just because music is royalty-free doesn't necessarily mean that It is okay to use for Current.
`You will need to refer to the specific music license -- they're allalittle different —- to make
`sure It's okay for television and website use.
`berTBR Beetmtlord
`Popular music cannot be used in a Pod. Sorry. If you put popular music in your Pod,then it
`will not be posted online -- and it will certainly not make It to air.
`Can't | use any music under fair use?
`You can use a song under fair use only in a news Pod that is specifically about that song or
`the artist that performs it. The information in your Pod must be about the music specifically.
`Can | use public domain music?
`Public domain music can only be used If it is performed live; that Is, you cannot use a
`pre-existing recording of a public domain song. If you do usealive performance of a public
`domain song, then you'll need a synchronization license filled out by the performer.
`Can | use tracks from the Current APM library in all of my videos?
`eetome ee Une Mek Ry Bue Reg eaReeee Mum aed
`available for use in View-Created Ads(V-CAMs). Sony Loops Is fair game for all types of
`“back to top
`Why can't | log into APM?
`You must be logged in to the Current TV website to access the APM library. Not registered
`yet? It's easy. Just click on the ‘join up'link at the top right of the page.
`“back to top
`POkoae ka rd ats2
`Hey, It's a trade off. We like to think we're giving you more creative options, but we totally
`understand If you'd like to keep your information to yourself.
`“back to top
`I can audition and listen to songs (in the APM library) but canzt download them.
`Why not?
`Once you've uploaded your first pod, you'll have access to 10 tracks from APM. You'll have
`access to 10 more every time you upload.If your pod makes it on TV, you'll get 20 more
`tracks. Until then, you can audition as many tracks as you want to help plan your production.
`You can always upload the first version of your pod without music and add tracks as you
`Vele eReAUgee
`“back to top
`Page 11 of 11

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