Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 1 of 16
`Case No. BK-17-14849-JDL
`(Chapter 7)
`Douglas N. Gould, Trustee (“Trustee”) for YouToo Technologies, LLC, Debtor
`(“YouToo”), pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §363(f), respectfully moves this Court for the entry of an
`order authorizing the sale of the Debtor’s interests in certain patents and other assets of the estate
`free and clear of liens, claims and interests in the patents other than the prior perfected security
`interests of the Secured Creditors’ claims referenced herein according to the terms set forth in
`this Motion to Sell (“Motion”).
`In support of this Motion the Trustee presents to the Court and the parties in interest the
`This Court has jurisdiction to consider this Motion pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §157(b).
`Venue is proper before this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§1408 and 1409. The statutory
`predicate to the Motion is 11 U.S.C. §363.
`YouToo filed its Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition on November 30, 2017.
`Thereafter, Douglas N. Gould was appointed Trustee for the bankruptcy Estate of the Debtor.
`The following patents (“Patents”) to be sold were disclosed in the Debtor’s
`Scheduled Asset
`Scheduled Value
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 2 of 16
`Fair Market Value as of 12/31/2016 Unknown
` *
` U.S. Patent No. 8,311,382
`Recording and Publishing Content on Social
`Media Websites
`* U.S. Patent No. 8,464,304
`Content Creation and Distribution System
`* U.S. Patent No. 8,601,506
`Content Creation and Distribution System
`* U.S. Patent No. 8,413,206
`Participating in Television Programs
`* U.S. Patent No. 9,319,161
`Participating in Television Programs
`* U.S. Patent No. 9,083,997
`Recording and Publishing Content on Social
`Media Websites
`U.S. Patent No. 674768
`In addition, the estate has patent applications, yet-to-be-allowed patents, pending
`patent office actions, other intellectual property including, but not limited to, copyrights, trade-
`names, trademarks, trade secrets, know-how, inventions, designs, domain names, all claims or
`causes-of-action related to non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements with any party, any and
`all other rights YouToo may have to pursue claims related to the Patents and Purchased Assets
`(as defined below) together with all claims and causes of action related thereto without
`exception, all legal files of Youtoo related to Patents or Patent litigation including any privilege
`held by Youtoo, all YTT software, data files, records, reports, equipment, marketing materials,
`and other records (collectively all of the aforementioned identified as the “Purchased Assets”).
`The Purchased Assets are subject to the prior perfected secured claims of secured
`Covenant Global Alpha Fund, LP, Covenant Private Equity Partners II, Inc. and YouToo Capital
`Covenant Global Alpha Fund, LP
`Covenant Private Equity Partners II, Inc.
`YouToo Capital Partners, LP
`$ 626,909.48
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 3 of 16
`Partners, LP (the “Secured Creditors”) consent to the proposed sale. A summary of the Secured
`Creditors prior perfected security interest claims is attached hereto and marked Exhibit “1”.
`The Trustee has received an offer from Arundel Ventures, LLC, 3400 Carlisle
`#550, Dallas, Texas 75204 (“Buyer”) to purchase all of the Purchased Assets subject to the
`Secured Creditors’ prior perfected security interests plus $200,000.00 to be paid to the
`Bankruptcy Estate. A copy of the term sheet regarding the proposed sale is attached hereto and
`marked Exhibit “2”.
`The Trustee believes there are no other parties claiming valid and perfected
`security interests, liens, claims or encumbrances to the Property other than the Secured Creditors.
`Trustee believes the Buyer has financial ability to close the sale contemplated herein and is not
`dependent upon the approval of any third party funding source.
`The exact value of the Purchased Assets is unknown. The validity of certain of
`the Patents is the subject of a proceeding pending in the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board: Twitter, Inc., Petitioner vs. YouToo
`Technologies, LLC, Case IPR2017-00829. Based upon information and belief, the value of the
`Purchased Assets is less than the prior perfected security interests of the Secured Creditors.
`Relief Requested
`By this Motion, the Trustee seeks entry of an order (i) authorizing the Trustee to
`sell the Purchased Assets free and clear of liens, claims, interests and encumbrances to the Buyer
`or its assignee subject to the Secured Creditors’ perfected security interest of $5,223,895.79 plus
`$200,000.00 to be paid to the Bankruptcy Estate; (ii) a determination that the 10 day stay
`provided in Bankruptcy Rule 6004(g) does not apply.
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 4 of 16
`In the exercise of his business judgment, the Trustee believes that the proposed
`sale is in the best interest of creditors of the Debtor’s Estate.
`Terms of the Proposed Sale
`Trustee requests this Court authorize him to transfer all rights and interests in the
`Purchased Assets and referenced in the attached exhibits.
`To effectuate the conveyance of the Purchased Assets free and clear as stated
`above and to facilitate the implementation and effectiveness of the Sale, Trustee requests the
`Sale Order specifically state that the same shall be effective upon closing to remove any and all
`of liens, claims and encumbrances from the Purchased Assets other than the Secured Creditors’
`prior perfected security interests. The Bankruptcy Code specifically authorizes a Trustee to sell
`assets free and clear of liens, claims and encumbrances pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §363(f).
`The Trustee’s Sale of the Property to the Buyer Should Be
`Approved Pursuant To Section 363(b)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code
`Section 363(b)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code provides that “[t]he Trustee, after
`notice and a hearing, may use, sell or lease, other than in the ordinary course of business,
`property of the estate”. 11 U.S.C. §363(b)(1). Courts have uniformly held that approval of a
`proposed sale of property pursuant to §363(b) of the Bankruptcy Code is appropriate if a Court
`finds that the transaction represents a reasonable business judgment on the part of the debtor or
`Trustee. See Institutional Creditors of Continental Air Lines, Inc. vs. Continental Air Lines, Inc.
`(In re Continental Air Lines, Inc.), 780 F.2d 1223, 1226 (5th Cir. 1986); In re Lionel Corp., 722
`F.2d 1063 (2d Cir. 1983); Stephens Industries, Inc. vs. McClung, 789 F.2d 386, 391 (6th Cir.
`1986); In re Inosphere Clubs, Inc., 100 B.R. 670, 675 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1989); In re Phoenix
`Steel Corp., 82 B.R. 334, 335 (Bankr. D. Del. 1987); In re Delaware & Hudson Ry. Co., 124
`B.R. 169, 176 (Bankr. D. Del. 1991).
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 5 of 16
`The Trustee submits that the proposed sale of the Purchased Assets is a
`reasonable business decision in light of the circumstances and is in the best interest of the estate
`and its creditors. Further, the Trustee submits that the proposed sale presents the best
`opportunity to realize the maximum value of the estates’ assets for distribution to unsecured
`creditors and payment of administrative claims of the estates.
`The Trustee’s Sale of the Property to the Buyer
`Should be Approved Pursuant to Section 363(f) of the Bankruptcy Code
`Pursuant to §363(f) of the Bankruptcy Code, a Trustee may sell property under
`§363(b) free and clear of any interest in such property if:
`11 U.S.C. §363(f).
`applicable non-bankruptcy law permits sale of such property free and clear
`of such interest;
`such entity consents;
`such interest is a lien and the price at which such property is to be sold is
`greater than the aggregate value of all liens on such property;
`such interest is in bona fide dispute; or
`such entity could be compelled, in a legal or equitable proceeding, to
`accept a money satisfaction of such interest.
`As mentioned above, the Trustee is not aware of any creditors that assert the
`Purchased Assets secure repayment of any pre-petition indebtedness other than the Secured
`Creditors. The Secured Creditors consent to the sale subject to their prior perfected security
`interests with the sale free and clear of any other liens and interests other than the security
`interests of the Secured Creditors.
`The Ten (10) Day Stay Provided in Bankruptcy Rule 6004(g) Should Not Apply
`Trustee, in his business judgment, believes that the sale proposed herein should be
`consummated immediately upon entry of an Order granting this Motion to Sell. For that reason,
`the Trustee requests that this Court order that the ten (10) day stay provided in Bankruptcy Rule
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 6 of 16
`6004(g) shall not apply to the Order granting this Motion to Sell. As a result, the Order granting
`this Motion should be effective upon entry of the Order and not subject to the ten (10) day stay
`provided in Rule 6004(g).
`WHEREFORE, the Trustee respectfully requests entry of an order (i) authorizing the
`Trustee to sell the Purchased Assets, free and clear of liens, claims, interest and encumbrances to
`the Buyer, subject to the terms of the Term Sheet; (ii) determine the 10 day stay does not apply
`and (iii) granting such other and further relief as is just.
`Your rights may be affected. You should read this document carefully and consult
`your attorney about your rights and the effect of this document. If you do not want the
`Court to grant the motion, or you wish to have your views considered, you must file a written
`response to the motion with the Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western
`District of Oklahoma, 215 Dean A. McGee Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 no later than 21
`days from the date of filing of the objection. You should also serve a file-stamped copy of the
`response to the undersigned [and others who are required to be served] and file a certificate of
`service with the Court. A hearing on the motion has been set for April 11, 2018, at 9:30 a.m.
`before the Honorable Loyd 2nd Floor Courtroom, 215 Dean A. McGee Avenue, Oklahoma City,
`Oklahoma 73102. If no response is timely filed, the court may grant the motion without
`further notice.
`[Note – this is a flat twenty-one (21) days regardless of the manner of service.]
`Notice is hereby given that if a response to the Motion to Sell is filed, the hearing on
`the matter will be held on April 11, 2018, at 9:30 a.m. in the 2nd floor courtroom of the
`United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, 215 Dean A.
`McGee Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. If no response is timely filed and the court
`grants the requested relief prior to the above-referenced hearing date, the hearing will be
`stricken from the docket of the Court.
`s/Douglas N. Gould
`Douglas N. Gould, OBA #3500
`Douglas N. Gould, P.L.C.
`5500 N Western Ave., Ste. 150
`Oklahoma City, OK 73118
`Attorney for Trustee
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 7 of 16
`This is to certify that on March 13, 2018 a true and correct copy of the Motion to Sell was
`forwarded via U.S. Mail, first class, postage prepaid to the attached mailing matrix and to the
`Arundel Ventures
`3400 Carlisle #550
`Dallas, TX 75204
`s/Douglas N. Gould
`Douglas N. Gould
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 8 of 16
`IN THE AMOUNT OF $626,909.48
`1. 8/22/2012 Heartland Youtoo TV LLC Loan Agreement: Heartland Bank loans $8 million to Youtoo TV,
`LLC ("Y outoo TV"). Debtor and Youtoo Media, LP f/k/a Interactive Television and Gaming LP ("Y
`outoo Media") sign the Agreement as guarantors. Agreement grants Heartland "a security interest in and
`an assignment of all Borrower's and such Guarantor's respective rights to all assets, real and personal,
`choate or inchoate of Borrower and such Guarantor," and specifically includes "certain intellectual
`property of Borrower and Guarantors, and in all of the revenues and proceeds thereof.”
`2. 8/22/2012 Heartland Youtoo TV LLC Promissory Note: Debtor and Youtoo Media sign as guarantors.
`States the "Note is secured by Security Agreement and the IP Security Agreement (as defined in the
`Loan Agreement)."
`* Youtoo TV, LLC ("Youtoo TV") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Youtoo Networks, LLC, which also is
`a wholly-owned subsidiary of Youtoo Media, LP.
`1. 5/2/2016 Assignment Executed: Executed by Youtoo Capital Partners. Heartland assigns the Youtoo TV
`loan, all Security and IP Security Agreements, financing statements, and a promissory note from Ryland
`Reed to Youtoo Capital Partners, LP in exchange for $6,179,501.57.
`2. 5/2/2016 Final HB Executed Assgnt: Same assignment executed by Heartland Bank.
`3. DE UCC Statements for Youtoo Tech: UCC financing statements filed in Delaware including statements
`perfecting the Heartland loan security interest and the assignment to Youtoo Capital.
`4. UCC Statements from TX Sec. of State: UCC financing statements filed in TX showing the same.
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 9 of 16
`IN THE AMOUNT OF $626,909.48
`1. Executed foreclosure docs Chri Wyatt 030217: Unpaid balance owed to Youtoo Capital is$6,569,633.96.
`Youtoo Capital forecloses on Youtoo Media's membership interest in Youtoo Technologies in partial
`satisfaction of the debt, for the amount of $6 million. Contains an Acknowledgment ofYoutoo Media
`accepting the terms of the foreclosure and the Assignment Pursuant to Foreclosure. Leaving $569,633.96
`2. Executed foreclosure docs Chris Wyatt 030217 v.2 FINAL: Final version of the Assignment Pursuant to
`Foreclosure granting 100% membership interest in Debtor to Youtoo Capital.
`With interest, $626,909.48 remains outstanding.
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 10 of 16
`Covenant Global Alpha Fund, LP has a perfected secured interest in $3,447,739.73 (which includes
`interest) up to the date of filing.
`Covenant Private Equity Partners II, Inc. has a perfected secured interest in $1,149,246.58 (which
`includes interest) up to the date of filing.
`1. Youtoo loan docs from 112114 and 050115:
`- 11/21/2014 Youtoo Media Promissory Note to Covenant Global Alpha Fund, LP (“Covenant
` Global”) in the amount of $2,250,000.00.
`- 11/21/2014 Youtoo Media Promissory Note to Covenant Private Equity Partners II, Inc. (“CPEP
` II”) in the amount of $750,000.
`- 5/1/2015 Youtoo Media Promissory Note to Covenant Global in the amount of $375,000.00.
`- 5/1/2015 Youtoo Media Promissory Note to CPEP II in the amount of $125,000.00.
`- 5/1/2015 Debtor executes Guaranty Agreement to Covenant Global and CPEP II guarantying
` obligations of Youtoo Media on the notes referenced above.
`- 5/1/2015 Debtor executes Patent Security Agreement to Covenant Global and CPEP II granting “a
` lien on and security interest interest in all of Grantor’s right, title and interest to all patents and
` applications and related rights as described on Exhibit B.”
`The last pages of this document contain the UCC financing statements.
`2. DE UCC Statements for Youtoo Tech: UCC financing statements filed in Delaware including perfection
`of the security interests of Covenant Global and CPEP II.
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 13 of 16
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`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 14 of 16
` Label Matrix for local noticing Dallas County Twitter, Inc.
` 1087-5 Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP c/o Steven W. Soule
` Case 17-14849 c.o Elizabeth Weller 320 South Boston Avenue
` Western District of Oklahoma 2777 N Stemmons Frwy Ste 1000 Tulsa, OK 74103-3706
` Oklahoma City Dallas, TX 75207-2328
` Tue Mar 13 14:28:25 CDT 2018
` Youtoo Technologies, LLC USBC Western District of Oklahoma AQUA Leasing LLC
` 210 Park Avenue, Suite 700 215 Dean A. McGee 510 Railway Avenue #336
` Oklahoma City, OK 73102-5600 Oklahoma City, OK 73102-3426 Campbell, CA 95008-3032
` Barnett & Garcia, PLLC Booya! Media Social Network Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal
` 3821 Juniper Trace, Suite 108 c/o Jason Martell 901 Main Street, Suite 5500
` Austin, TX 78738-5514 25 Morning Breeze Dallas, TX 75202-3767
` Irvine, CA 92603-3792
` Christopher Wyatt Clearview International LLC Comforce
` 18647 Gibbon Drive c/o Blenden Roth Law Firm 3492 Momentum Place
` Dallas, TX 75287-4043 2217 Harwood Road Chicago, IL 60689-0001
` Bedford, TX 76021-3607
` Covenant Global Alpha Fund, LP Covenant Private Equity Partners II, Inc Covenant Private Equity Partners III, LP
` c/o GP/Manager MCFGA, LLC c/o GP/Manager MCFGA, LLC 210 Park Avenue, Suite 3000
` 200 Park Avenue, Suite 700 200 Park Avenue, Suite 700 Oklahoma City, OK 73102-5621
` Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Oklahoma City, OK 73102
` Covenant Private Equity Partners III, LP Dallas County Danny Ohman
` c/o GP/Manager MCFGA, LLC Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP 2717 Cypress Court
` 200 Park Avenue, Suite 700 c/o Elizabeth Weller Flower Mound, TX 75028
` Oklahoma City, OK 73102 2777 N Stemmons Frwy Ste 1000
` Dallas, Texas 75207-2328
` Darren Feher David Armour Delaware Secretary of State
` 220 Ingleside Road 3764 Camino Codomix State of Delaware-Division Corporation
` Fairfield, CT 06824-1908 Calabasas, CA 91302-3043 PO Box 5509
` Binghamton, NY 13902-5509
` Digital Miracles, LLC Dykema Gossett PLLC First Insurance Funding Corp
` 1805 Cranbrook Drive South Dept CH 16382 PO Box 66468
` Colleyville, TX 76034-4356 Palatine, IL 60055-6382 Chicago, IL 60666-0468
` Fish & Richardson P.C. Fleetstaff, Inc. Wells Fargo Business Cr Global Outlook, Inc
` PO Box 3295 PO Box 823424 222 W. Las Colinas Blvd Suite No. 1410N
` Boston, MA 02241-3295 Philadelphia, PA 19182-3424 Irving, TX 75039-5421
` Grapevine Station LLC Hall & Ludlam Haynes Boone LLP
` 1000 Texan Trail, Suite 200 Attorneys at Law 2323 Victory Avenue, Suite 700
` Grapevine, TX 76051-3777 210 Park Avenue, Suite 3001 Dallas, TX 75219-7673
` Oklahoma City, OK 73102-5649
`Page 14 of 16


`Case: 17-14849 Doc: 41 Filed: 03/13/18 Page: 15 of 16
` IRS Jayson Cody John R. Ames, CTA
` PO Box 7346 914 Waterview Circle PO Box 139066
` Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346 Texas Richardson, TX 75080-3016 Dallas, TX 75313-9066
` Kai Buehler Liberty Mutual Insurance Marc Mulgrum
` 3625 Berryman Avenue PO Box 85834 3 Fairview Drive
` Los Angeles, CA 90066-3305 San Diego, CA 92186-5834 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598-6633
` Mark Harwell Motivity Labs, Inc Neal & McDevitt
` 6401 Fox Chase 222 W. Las Colinas Blvd Suite 1410 1776 Ash Street
` Plano, TX 75024-6048 North Tower Irving, TX 75039-5439 Northfield, IL 60093-3001
` New York Athletic Club Niro Law and Friedman Suder & Cooke Oklahoma Tax Commission
` 180 Central Park South 181 West Madison Street, Suite 4600 Legal Division
` New York, NY 10019-1562 Chicago, IL 60602-4635 100 N Broadway Avenue Suite 1500
` Oklahoma City, OK 73102-8601
` Piedmont Polsinelli Quill Corporation
` c/o Piedmont Operating Partnership 900 W. 48th Plance PO Box 37600
` PO Box 843759 Suite 900 Philadelphia, PA 19101-0600
` Dallas, TX 75284-3759 Kansas City, MO 64112-1899
` Red River Systems Remotely Creative Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP
` 16415 Addison Road, Suite 725 3764 Camino Codorniz 2800 LaSalle Plaza 800 LaSalle Avenue
` Addison, TX 75001-5312 Calabasas, CA 91302-3043 Minneapolis, MN 55402-2015
` Roger Rohatgi Ryland Reed Shikha Malhotra
` 4216 Tiffany Drive 501 Silverado Trail 6213 Love Drive Apt 2618
` Flower Mound, TX 75022-0950 Keller, TX 76248-1641 Irving, TX 75039-4020

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