`CLIN 1996;65:5-27
`Cancer Statistics, 1996
`Sheryl L. Parker, MSPH
`Tony Tong, MS
`Sherry Bolden, BA
`Phyllis A. Wingo, PhD, MS
`We present incidence, mortality, and sur-
`vival statistics to provide a perspective on
`the patterns of cancer occurrence in the
`United States population. Estimates of
`the numbers of new cancer cases and
`deaths for 1996 are presented according
`to sex, site, and state. We also present in-
`formation on cancer and noncancer mor-
`tality, the probability of developing can-
`cer at certain ages, and cancer survival in
`adults and children.
`Because no nationwide cancer registry
`exists, there is no way of knowing exactly
`how many new cases of cancer are diag-
`nosed annually in the United States. We
`use cancer incidence data collected by the
`National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance,
`Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)
`program and US population data collect—
`ed by the Bureau of the Census to esti-
`mate the number of new cancer cases that
`are expected to be diagnosed in the com-
`Ms. Parker is an Epidemiologist in the Department
`of Epidemiology and Surveillance of the American
`Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia.
`Mr. Tong is a Research Analyst in the Department
`of Epidemiology and Surveillance of the American
`Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia.
`in the
`a Program Specialist
`Ms. Bolden is
`Department of Epidemiology and Surveillance of
`the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia.
`ing year (Table 1).1'3 The SEER program
`currently tabulates cancer data from nine
`population-based cancer registries in the
`following states and metropolitan areas:
`Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico,
`Utah, San Francisco-Oakland, Detroit,
`Seattle, and Atlanta. These registries,
`which cover about 10 percent of the US
`population, are useful for monitoring the
`occurrence of cancer for the nation.1
`We calculated the 1996 estimates of
`new cancer cases using a two—step proce-
`dure. First, we applied incidence rates
`from the SEER program for 1979—1992
`to the US Census Bureau’s population
`projections for the same years to estimate
`the number of cancer cases diagnosed
`yearly from 1979 through 1992.1“3 We fit-
`ted these annual estimates to a quadratic
`function that is used to project an esti-
`mate of the number of new cancer cases
`expected to be diagnosed in 1996.“,5 Some
`additional adjustments were made for se-
`lected sites with recent variations in the
`estimated number of cases diagnosed.
`Cancer sites that were adjusted include
`the mouth, prostate, and thyroid in males
`and the eye, corpus and unspecified
`uterus, and selected other and unspeci-
`fied sites in females.
`The estimated number of new can-
`cer cases for each state was calculated us-
`ing 1996 estimates of new cancer cases for
`the United States and 1996 estimates of
`cancer deaths for each state (Table 3).
`Dr. Wingo is Director of the Surveillance Branch of
`For each cancer site, state estimates of
`the Department of Epidemiology and Surveillance
`new cancer cases were calculated by ap-
`of the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,
`portioning the number of new cases for
`The authors thank Belinda Hill for her assistance in
`the United States as a whole according to
`the distribution of estimated state cancer
`the preparation of this manuscript.
`Genenlech 2123
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`Genentech 2123
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`deaths in 1996 (see mortality section for
`additional information on the estimation
`Mortality data on the number of cancer
`deaths that occur in the United States
`each year are collected and compiled by
`the National Center for Health Statistics
`(NCHS).6 We calculated the US esti-
`mates of cancer mortality for 1996 by fit-
`ting the number of cancer deaths report-
`ed for 1979-1992 to a quadratic function
`that is used to project an estimate of the
`number of cancer deaths expected to oc-
`cur in 1996 (Table 2).“~5 Estimates of
`state—specific cancer deaths were calcu—
`lated using the same model fitted with the
`actual number of reported deaths occur-
`ring in each state from 1979 through 1992
`(Table 4). Some additional adjustments
`were made for selected sites with recent
`variations in the estimated number of
`deaths. Cancer sites with such adjust-
`ments include other and unspecified sites
`in males and stomach, cervix uteri, and
`other and unspecified sites in females.
`The reported number of deaths in
`1992 that we present in this report were
`compiled using the most recent data
`available from NCHS (Tables 6-9 and
`12). Mortality rates were calculated using
`number of deaths reported to NCHS and
`US population data from the Bureau of
`the Census (Tables 7 and 12, Figs. 3 and
`4). All rates are standardized to the age
`distribution of the 1970 Census popula-
`tion. Age standardization is a statistical
`method used to remove the effects of age
`differences between populations for com-
`parison purposes.7
`Cancer in Minorities
`We present US mortality data on the 10
`leading sites of cancer death for minority
`populations (Table 10). Reported cancer
`deaths are based on the underlying cause
`of death as coded on death certificates for
`whites, African Americans, Native Amer-
`icans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and
`Hispanics in 1992.6 Cancer deaths among
`Hispanic persons are presented only for
`the 48 states that record Hispanic origin
`on death certificates. In 1990 these states
`accounted for about 99.6 percent of the
`Hispanic population in the United
`Probability of Developing Cancer
`Estimated probabilities of developing
`invasive cancers at certain ages were cal-
`culated by applying age-specific inci—
`dence and mortality rates from the
`SEER program for the years 1990-1992
`to a hypothetical group of 10 million
`persons (Table 5).1’9 For each five-year
`age interval from ages 0-4 through ages
`95 and older, the number of persons de-
`veloping a specific cancer and the num—
`ber of persons dying from other causes
`were calculated. The probability of be-
`ing diagnosed with a specific cancer dur-
`ing a given age interval was estimated by
`dividing the number of persons develop—
`ing cancer in that interval by the number
`of persons alive and free of that cancer
`at the beginning of the interval. The life-
`time probability of developing a specific
`cancer was estimated by summing all
`cancer cases that occurred in the hypo—
`thetical group from ages 0 through 95
`and older and dividing by 10 million.
`This procedure for estimating interval
`and lifetime cancer risk does not assume
`that all persons live to the end of an age
`interval or to any fixed age. It also does
`not take into account individual behav-
`iors and risk factors. For example, the
`estimated 5.38 percent of females likely
`to develop lung cancer is a low estimate
`for smokers and a high estimate for per-
`sons who do not smoke.
`Five-year relative survival rates are com-
`monly used to monitor progress in the


`CLlN 1996;65:5-27
`early detection and treatment of cancer.
`The rates are calculated by dividing the
`survival rate observed among a group of
`cancer patients by the rate for persons in
`the general population who are similar
`with respect to age, sex, race, and calen-
`dar year of observation. Five-year rela-
`tive survival rates are reasonable indica-
`tors of the average survival experience of
`cancer patients in a given population, but
`they are less informative when used to
`predict individual prognosis. The inter—
`pretation of five-year relative survival
`rates is difficult because the rates are
`based on patients whose treatment re-
`flected methods of medical practice at
`least eight years ago and also because an
`increase or decrease in survival may be
`caused by several
`changes in early detection techniques and
`in treatment strategies.
`We present five-year relative sur-
`vival rates by site, race, and stage at diag-
`nosis for cases diagnosed during the years
`1986-1991 (Fig. 6), as well as trend data
`from 1960 through 1991 for adults and
`children (Tables 11 and 13).],10 The rela-
`tive survival rates are based on the fol—
`low-up of patients through 1993 as re—
`ported to the SEER program.
`Cancer Around the World
`International mortality rates were calcu-
`lated from data made available by the
`World Health Organization (WHO)
`(Table 14), age-adjusted to the WHO
`standard world population.11
`Mortality data from China were re-
`ported for certain urban and rural areas
`in the eastern half of the country and in-
`cluded about 10 percent of the total Chi-
`nese population.
`Data Limitations
`Our estimates of new cases and deaths
`have limitations and should be interpret-
`ed with caution when used to study pat-
`terns in the occurrence of cancer. Al-
`though the estimates are based on the
`most recent data, they are computed be-
`fore the year begins and based on data
`that are at least three years old. Other -
`sources of cancer data may be helpful for
`interpreting these data. Incidence and
`survival statistics are based only on inva-
`sive cancers, except for cancer of the uri-
`nary bladder, which includes carcinoma
`in situ.1 The number of deaths for minori-
`ties is likely to be underestimated due to
`underreporting of Asian, Pacific Islander,
`and Native American race and Hispanic
`ethnicity on death certificates.8
`1. Kosary CL, Ries LAG, Miller BA, et al: SEER
`Cancer Statistics Review, 1973—1992: Tables and
`Graphs (NIH Pub. 95—2789). Bethesda, Md,
`National Cancer Institute, 1995.
`2. United States Bureau of the Census: Current
`Population Reports,
`P—25—1104, Population
`Projections of the United States, by Age, Sex, Race,
`and Hispanic Origin: 1993 to 2050. Washington,
`DC, Government Printing Office, 1993.
`3. United States Bureau of the Census: Current
`Population Reports, PPL—21, US. Population
`Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin:
`1990 to 1994. Washington, DC, Government
`Printing Office, 1995.
`. 4. Box GEP, Jenkins GM: Time Series Analysis:
`and Control.
`Holden—Day, 1976.
`5. SAS Institute Inc.: The Forecast Procedure, in
`SAS/ETS User’s Guide, Version 6, First Edition.
`Cary, North Carolina, SAS Institute Inc., 1988.
`6. National Center for Health Statistics: Vital
`Statistics of the United States, 1992. Washington,
`DC, Public Health Service, 1995.
`7. Fleiss J: Statistical Methods for Rates and
`Proportions. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1981.
`8. Kochanek KD, Hudson B: Advance Report of
`Final Mortality Statistics, 1992. Monthly Vital
`Statistics Report; Vol 43, No 6, Suppl. Hyattsville,
`MD, National Center for Health Statistics, 1995.
`9. Feuer EJ, Wun LM, Boring CC, et al: The life-
`time risk of developing breast cancer. J Natl Cancer
`Inst 1993;85:892—897.
`10. Sondik EJ, Young JL, Horm JW, et a]: 1985
`Annual Cancer Statistics Review (NIH Pub.
`86—2789). Bethesda, Md, National Cancer Institute,
`11. World Health Organization: World Health
`Statistics Annuals, 1987—1993. Geneva, Switzer-
`land, World Health Organization.


`Estimated New Cancer Cases by Sex for All Sites, US.1996*
`Table 1
`All Sites
`Buccal Cavity & Pharynx (ORAL)
`Digestive Organs
`sop agus
`Small Intestine
`seem low-mum
`liver and Biliary Passages
`Other and Unspecified Digestive
`Respiratory System
`Other & Unspecified Respiratory
`Connective Tissue
`Melanoma of Skin
`Reproductive Organs
`Cervix Uteri
`Corpus & Unspecified
`Other & Unspecified Reproductive, Female
`Other & Unspecified Reproductive, Male
`Urinary Organs
`Kidney & Other Urinary
`Brain & Central Nervous System
`Endocrine Glands
`Other Endocrine
`Lymphocytic Leukemia
`Myelocytic Leukemia
`Other & Unspecified Leukemia
`Other Blood 8 Lymph Tissues
`Hodgkin's Disease
`Non-Hodgkin‘s Lymphoma
`Multiple Myeloma
`All Other & Unspecified Sites 30,800 50,000
`*Excludes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinomas except bladder.
`Carcinoma in situ of the breast accounts for about 30,000 new cases annually, and melanoma
`carcinoma in situ accounts for about 17,300 new cases annually. Basal and squamous cell skin
`cancers account for more than 800,000 new cases annually.
` 8


`CA CANC.ERJCLIN1996:65:5»27
`Table 2
`Estimated Cancer Deaths by Sex for All Sites. US.1996*
` All Sites
`Buccal Cavity & Pharynx (ORAL)
`2,400 _
`Digestive Organs
`Small Intestine
`Large Intestine
`Liver and Biliary Passages
`Other and Unspecified Digestive
`Respiratory System
`Other & Unspecified Respiratory
` Connective Tissue
`Melanoma of Skin
`Reproductive Organs
`Cervix men
`Corpus & Unspecified
`Other 8 Unspecified Reproductive, Female
`Other & Unspecified Reproductive, Male
`Urinary Organs
`Kidney 8. Other Urinary
` Brain & Central Nervous System
`Endocrine Glands
`Other Endocrine
`Lymphocytic Leukemia
`Myelocytic Leukemia
`Other & Unspecified Leukemia
`Other Blood & Lymph Tissues
`Hodgkin's Disease
`Non-Hodgkin‘s Lymphoma
`Multiple Myeloma
`All Other & Unspecified SitesT 17,100 35,500 18,400
`*Excludes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinomas except bladder.
`Tlncludes about 2,100 nonmelanoma skin cancer deaths.


`Estimated New Cancer Cases by Site and State. US, 1996*
`Table 3
`colon e
`Dist. of Col.
`New Hampshire
`New Jersey
`New Mexico
`New York
`North Carolina
`North Dakota
`Rhode Island
`South Carolina
`South Dakota
`West Virginia
`United StatesT
`*Excludes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinomas except bladder.
`TState estimates may not add to US total due to rounding.


`CA CANCER J CLIN i996:65:5~27
`Cancer Mortality by Site and State, US. 1996*
`Table 4
`Estimated Number of Deaths
`Mortality Rate
`per 100,000
`Golan &
`Prostate nnma Bladderllteri kemia
`Dist. of Got.
`New Hampshire
`New Jersey
`New Mexico
`New York
`North Carolina
`North Dakota
`Rhode Island
`South Carolina
`South Dakota
`West Virginia
`UnitedStatesT -554,740 44,300
`*Exciudes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinomas except bladder.
`TState estimates may not add to US total due to rounding.


`Figure 1
`1996 Estimated New Cancer Cases. United States
`Percent Distribution of Sites by Sex"
`Melanoma of Skin
`3% -"""'T
`Melanoma of Skin
`00'0“ & Rectum
`Cervix Uteri
`Corpus & Unspecified Uterus
`Leukemia & Lymphomas
`All Other
`3% —-—'—'
`13% —-_._.__
`2% \
`2% /
`/ /
`Colon & Rectum
`Leukemia & Lymphomas
`All Other
`Figure 2
`1996 Estimated Cancer Deaths. United States
`Percent Distribution of Sites by Sex*
`Melanoma of Skin
`Melanoma of Skin
`2% —'—'—
`5% \
`Colon & Rectum
`9% 7
`1 4%
`Leukemia & Lymphomas
`All Other
`Colon & Rectum
`Cervix Uteri
`Corpus & Unspecified Uterus
`Leukemia & Lymphomas
`All Other
`*Excludes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and carcinoma in situ except bladder.




`Females by Site, United States. 1930—1992
`Figure 3
`Age-Adjusted Cancer Death Rates*
`— — — Pancreas
`60 — -- — Ovary
`Colon & Rectum
`Rateper100,000FemalePopulation AO
`Note: Due to changes in the ICD coding, numerator information has changed over time. Denominator
`information for the years 1930-1967 and 1991—1992 is based on intercensal population estimates, while
`denominator information for the years 1968-1990 is based on postcensal recalculation of estimates.
`*Rates per 100,00 age-adjusted to the 1970 standard US population.
`TUterine cancer death rates are for cevix and corpus combined.


`CA CANCER J CLiN 1996:65:S~27
`Figure 4
`Age-Adjusted Cancer Death Rates"
`Males by Site. United States. 1930—1992
`Colon & Rectum
`2 gaaqaa.
`Note: Due to changes in the iCD coding, numerator information has changed over time. Rates for cancer
`of the liver are particularly affected by these coding changes. Denominator information for the years
`1930-1967 and 1991-1992 is based on intercensal population estimates, while denominator information
`for the years 1968-1990 is based on postcensal recalculation of estimates.
`*Rates per 100,000 age-adjusted to the 1970 US standard population.


`Reported Deaths. 10 Leading Causes of Death
`Table 6
`by Age and Sex. United States, 1992
` All Ages
`Ages 0-14
`Ages 15-34
`All Causes
`All Causes
`All Causes
`All Causes
`All Causes
`All Causes
`1 Heart
`Diseases of
`Diseases of
`2 Cancer
`3 Accidents
`4 Cerebro-
`Lung Diseases
`5 Chronic
`592 1,620
`Lung Diseases 40,254
`6 Pneumonia,
`7 HIV
`8 Suicide
`9 Diabetes
`of Liver
`10 Homicide
`of Arteries


`Table 6
`Reported Deaths, 10 Leading Causes of Death
`by Age and Sex. United States. 1992
`Ages 35-54
`Ages 55-74
`Ages 15+
`All Causes
`of Liver
`All Causes
`421 ,ll45
`All Causes
`All Causes
`Lung Diseases
`Lung Diseases
`All Causes
`Lung Diseases
`Lung Diseases
`of Liver
`of Liver
`of Arteries
`All Causes
`of Liver
`Lung Diseases
`1 ,448
`of Arteries
`of Arteries


`United States. 1992
`Mortality for Leading Causes of Death
`Table 7
`Cause of Death
`Death Rate
`per 100,000
`of Total
`All Causes
`Heart Diseases
`Cerebrovascular Diseases
`Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases
`Pneumonia & Influenza
`HIV Infection
`Diseases of Arteries
`Cirrhosis of Liver
`Other & Ill-defined
`*Age-adjusted to the 1970 US standard population.


`CA CANCER J CLIN 1996;65:5-27
`Table 8
`Reported Deaths for the Five Leading Cancer Sites
`for Males by Age, United States. 1992
`All Ages
`All Cancer
`Colon &
`Under 15
`All Cancer
`Brain &
`All Cancer
`Brain &
`All Cancer
`Colon &
`Brain &
`All Cancer
`Colon &
`CNS = central nervous system
`Table 9
`Reported Deaths for the Five Leading Cancer Sites
`for Females by Age. United States. 1992
`llmler 15
`All Cancer
`21 ,486
`Colon &
`All Cancer
`Colon &
`All Ages
`All Cancer
`Colon &
`All Cancer
`All Cancer
`Brain &
`All Cancer
`61 5
`Brain &
`All Cancer
`Colon &
`CNS = central nervous system


`Table 10
`Reported Cancer Deaths by Race and Ethnicity,
`United States. 1992. 10 Leading Sites of Cancer Death
`and Percent of Total Cancer Deaths
`All Sites
`All Sins
`and Pacific
`All Sites
`All Site:
`Colon & Rectum
`Colon & Rectum
`Female Breast
`Colon 8 Rectum
`Colon & Rectum
`Liver & Other Biliary
`Female Breast
`Female Breast
`Liver & Other Biliary
`Liver & Other Biliary
`All Sites
`Colon & Rectum
`Female Breast
`6. 3%
`Liver & Other Biliiary
`Multiple Myeloma
`Brain & CNS
`Liver & Other Biliary
`Female Breast
`Oral Cavity
`1 56
`Note: Since each column includes only the top 10 cancer sites, site-specific numbers and percentages do not add
`up to the all-sites totals.
`1Includes American Indians and Native Alaskans.
`2Numbers are likely to be underestimates due to underreporting of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Native American
`race on death certificates.
`3Persons classified as of Hispanic origin on death certificates may be of any race. Hispanic origin is reported
`for all states except New Hampshire and Oklahoma. In 1990 the 48 states from which data were collected accounted
`for about 99.6% of the Hispanic popul

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