Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`Filed on behalf of Patent Owner Genentech, Inc. by:
`David L. Cavanaugh (Reg. No. 36,476)
`Rebecca A. Whitfield (Reg. No. 73,756)
`Robert J. Gunther, Jr. (Pro Hac Vice)
`Lisa J. Pirozzolo (Pro Hac Vice)
`Kevin S. Prussia (Pro Hac Vice)
`Andrew J. Danford (Pro Hac Vice)
`1875 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Adam R. Brausa (Reg. No.
`Daralyn J. Durie (Pro Hac
`217 Leidesdorff Street
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2017-01122
`Patent Nos. 7,892,549
`Genentech 2061
`Celltrion v. Genentech


`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND .................................................. 1
`A. Qualifications and Experience ............................................................ 3
`Compensation ................................................................................... 11
`Prior Expert Testimony ..................................................................... 11
`1997 ............................................................................................................ 12
`In Vitro Testing ................................................................................ 12
`In Vivo Testing ................................................................................. 13
`Early Mouse Models ............................................................... 13
`Development of Human Xenografts ........................................ 15
`Xenograft Models in the 1990s ......................................................... 17
`EARHART ................................................................................................. 20
`IV. SUMMARY AND BASES FOR OPINION ............................................... 22
`It was well known in the mid to late 1990s, and remains true
`today, that preclinical results are not a reliable predictor of
`human clinical results. ...................................................................... 24
`It was well-known that a single tumor line, as used in the
`Baselga references, could provide skewed results. ............................ 27
`It was well-known that preclinical data does not predict toxicity
`in human patients due to tissue differences. ...................................... 32


`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`The preclinical studies in the Baselga references were further
`limited by the manner of creating the xenograft models. ................... 35
`The end point in the Baselga Abstracts of measuring tumor
`response rate does not provide information on time to disease
`progression. ...................................................................................... 37


`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`I, Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D., have been retained by counsel for
`Genentech, Inc. (“Patent Owner”) as an expert in Celltrion, Inc. v. Genentech, Inc.,
`IPR2017-01122, challenging claims 1-11 and 14-18 of U.S. Patent No. 7,892,549
`(the “’549 patent”). I understand that on October 4, 2017, the Patent Trial and
`Appeal Board (the “Board”) instituted inter partes review as to these claims of the
`’549 patent.
`2. As described in more detail below, I understand that the ’549 patent is
`directed to treatment of a certain type of breast cancer that overexpresses a human
`epidermal growth factor, Erb-B2 receptor tyrosine kinase (also called HER2). I
`further understand that the ’549 patent describes a treatment therapy that includes
`at least an anti-erbB2 antibody (specifically, rhuMAb HER2 and now known as
`Herceptin® or trastuzumab), a taxoid (specifically, paclitaxel), and a third agent in
`an amount effective to extend the time to disease progression in a human patient.
`I further understand that the Petitioner Celltrion, Inc. (“Petitioner”)
`makes certain arguments, and that its expert Dr. Robert Howard Earhart, Jr. asserts
`certain opinions, regarding the predictive value of preclinical studies in obtaining
`specific results in clinical studies. In particular, those preclinical studies are
`described in two one-paragraph abstracts, J. Baselga et al., Anti HER2 Humanized
`Monoclonal Antibody (MAb) Alone and in Combination with Chemotherapy


`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`Against Human Breast Carcinoma Xenografts, 13 PROC. AM. SOC. CLINICAL
`ONCOLOGY 63 (Abstract 53) (1994) (Ex. 1019), and Baselga et al., Antitumor
`Activity of Paclitaxel in Combination with Anti-growth Factor Receptor
`Monoclonal Antibodies in Breast Cancer Xenografts, 35 PROC. AM. ASSOC.
`CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 380 (Abstract 2262) (Ex. 1021) (collectively, the
`“Baselga Abstracts”). These preclinical studies are also mentioned in J. Baselga et
`al., Phase II Study of Weekly Intravenous Recombinant Humanized Anti-p185HER2
`Monoclonal Antibody in Patients with HER2/neu-Overexpressing Metastatic
`Breast Cancer, 14(3) J. CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 737 (1996) (“Baselga ʼ96”) (Ex.
`I have been asked to review these opinions and publications and to
`offer my own opinion as to whether, in the 1997 time frame, the preclinical data
`described in these references reporting on testing a combination of rhuMAb HER2
`and paclitaxel in a xenograft mouse model suggests that the same combination in
`humans would extend the time to disease progression without an increase in severe
`adverse effects. As explained in detail below, the preclinical study described in
`these references would not have supported any testing or suggested successful
`results in human patients given the known limitations of mouse models at that time
`and in light of the design of the experiments at issue in particular.


`5. A list of materials I have reviewed in preparation of this Declaration is
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`attached as Exhibit B. I have also relied upon my scientific knowledge as of
`December 1997, which I have been told is the relevant time period for viewing the
`state of the art.
`A. Qualifications and Experience
`6. My background is summarized below and in my curriculum vitae,
`which includes a list of my publications and is attached as Exhibit A.
`I am currently a Senior Scientist in the Biological Sciences Platform of
`the Sunnybrook Research Institute, which is affiliated with the Sunnybrook Health
`Sciences Centre, a University of Toronto-affiliated teaching hospital. I also hold a
`cross appointment as a full Professor in the Department of Medical Biophysics at
`the University of Toronto.
`I earned a Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) degree in general sciences in
`1967 at the University of Toronto. I received a Ph.D. in immunology from the
`Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Queen’s University in Kingston,
`Ontario in 1972. I then undertook a two-year period of postdoctoral training at the
`Chester Beatty Research Institute, Institute for Cancer Research in London
`England where I continued my studies in basic immunology. It was also here
`where I first became interested in tumor biology and tumor immunotherapy, and
`hence preclinical experimental therapeutics.


`9. After completing my postdoctoral training in 1975, I took a position as
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology, Queen’s University in
`Kingston, Ontario, as a member of a dedicated cancer research group, supported
`primarily by the National Cancer Institute of Canada. I was also a recipient of a
`career award called Research Scholar of the National Cancer Institute of Canada
`which covered my salary. I remained there for the next decade, during which time
`I became interested in immunotherapy for treatment of cancer, including for
`metastatic disease, and in developing improved preclinical mouse cancer models
`for this purpose. I was appointed Director of the Cancer Research Group in 1981.
`At this time I became a Research Associate of the National Cancer Institute of
`Canada, a more senior career award.
`In 1985, I moved to Toronto to take up a position as Director of the
`Cancer and Cell Biology division in a new research institute at Mt. Sinai Hospital,
`a University of Toronto teaching hospital. I continued to serve in this capacity
`until 1991 at which time I moved to my present location at the Sunnybrook Health
`Sciences Centre, where I was recruited as Director of a cancer research division
`that was one of four major research components of a new research institute
`currently called the Sunnybrook Research Institute (SRI). I served in this
`leadership capacity until 2001. During this period, the Cancer Research Division
`was incorporated into a broader program called Biological Sciences. The cancer


`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`research component of this program was affiliated with the Toronto-Sunnybrook
`Regional Cancer Centre, one of the largest cancer treatment centres in Canada,
`which was (and still is) located adjacent to my laboratory, and with which I had a
`close affiliation.
`11. During my career, my major research interests have included studies in
`tumor immunology, metastasis, tumor angiogenesis, antiangiogenic therapy,
`chemotherapy, drug resistance, and molecular targeted therapies.
`12. Especially relevant to these proceedings, my research has included
`preclinical studies involving antibodies to the EGF receptor (C225/cetuximab or
`Erbitux®) as well as to HER2, using the anti-erbB2 antibody known as
`4D5/trastuzumab (Herceptin®), Ras inhibitors, and proteosome inhibitors. For
`example, from the 1990s through the present, my research has included learning
`the properties and mechanisms of action of rhuMAb HER2 (see, e.g., Ex. 2077,
`Alicia M. Viloria Petit, et al., Neutralizing Antibodies against Epidermal Growth
`Factor and ErbB-2/neu Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Down-Regulate Vascular
`Endothelial Growth Factor Production by Tumor Cells in Vitro and in Vivo,
`151(6) AM. J. OF PATHOLOGY 1523 (1997); Ex. 2078, Jeanne M. du Manoir, et al.,
`Strategies for Delaying or Treating In vivo Acquired Resistance to Trastuzumab in
`Human Breast Cancer Xenografts, 12(3) CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 904
`(2006)), as well as exploring therapies involving trastuzumab with chemotherapy.


`(See, e.g., Ex. 2079, Giulio Francia, et al., Long-Term Progression and
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`Therapeutic Response of Visceral Metastatic Disease Non-Invasively Monitored in
`Mouse Urine Using β-Human Choriogonadotropin Secreting Tumor Cell Lines,
`7(10) MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPY 3452 (2008); Ex. 2080, Giulio Francia, et al.,
`Comparative Impact of Trastuzumab and Cyclophosphamide on HER-2–Positive
`Human Breast Cancer Xenografts, 15(20) CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 6358
`I have also worked with a number of different chemotherapy drugs
`over the years such as cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, vinblastine, topotecan, as well
`as paclitaxel and a nanomedicine formulation of paclitaxel called Nab-paclitaxel.
`For example, over the last twenty years, I have conducted research—and published
`a number of papers—involving the use of paclitaxel in human tumor xenografts of
`breast or ovarian cancer. (See, e.g., Ex. 2081, Eric Guerin, et al., A Model of
`Postsurgical Advanced Metastatic Breast Cancer More Accurately Replicates the
`Clinical Efficacy of Antiangiogenic Drugs, 73(9) CANCER RESEARCH 2743 (2013);
`Ex. 2082, Sylvia S.W. Ng, et al., Influence of Formulation Vehicle on Metronomic
`Taxane Chemotherapy: Albumin-Bound versus Cremophor EL-Based Paclitaxel
`12(14) CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 4331 (2006); Ex. 2083, Giannoula Klement,
`et al., Differences in Therapeutic Indexes of Combination Metronomic


`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`Chemotherapy and an Anti-VEGFR-2 Antibody in Multidrug-resistant Human
`Breast Cancer Xenografts, 8 CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 221 (2002).)
` All of the preclinical work I have done in the area of experimental
`therapeutics has involved assessment of response and resistance to most of the
`various types of aforementioned drugs, utilizing a variety of mouse models to
`assess the therapeutic impact on metastatic disease as well as on established
`primary tumors. Many of these models involve “orthotopic” transplantation of
`cells from established human tumor cell lines (i.e., transplantation of tumor cells
`into the organ from which the cancer under study was derived such as breast
`cancer cells injected into the mouse mammary fat pads), to create orthotopic
`human tumor xenografts.
`15. Some examples of the work I did and published in the early to mid-
`1990s on orthotopic transplantation of human tumor cell lines include injection of
`human malignant melanoma cells subdermally rather than subcutaneously (see,
`e.g., Ex. 2085, Maria Rosa Bani, et al., Multiple Features of Advanced Melanoma
`Recapitulated in Tumorigenic Variants of Early Stage (Radial Growth Phase)
`Human Melanoma Cell Lines: Evidence for a Dominant Phenotype, 56 CANCER
`RESEARCH 3075 (1996); Ex. 2086, Hiroaki Kobayashi, et al., Variant Sublines of
`Early-Stage Human Melanomas Selected for Tumorigenicity in Nude Mice Express
`a Multicytokine-Resistant Phenotype, 144(4) AM. J. OF PATHOLOGY 776 (1994)),


`and human bladder cancer cells into the bladder. (See, e.g., Ex. 2087, Robert S.
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`Kerbel, et al., Importance of Orthotopic Transplantation Procedures in Assessing
`the Effects of Transfected Genes on Human Tumor Growth and Metastasis, 10
`CANCER AND METASTASIS REVIEWS 201 (1991); Ex. 2088, Theodorescu, D., et al.,
`Lack of Influence of c-Ha-ras Expression in the Drug Sensitivity of Human
`Bladder Cancer Histocultured in Three-Dimensions, 13 ANTICANCER RESEARCH
`941 (1993).)
`16. Throughout my career and in the course of this research, I have
`worked with medical oncologists in two broad complimentary ways. First, I have
`had medical (and surgical) oncologists train in my laboratory as Ph.D. students or
`postdoctoral fellows. Second, I have collaborated with many medical oncologists
`on clinical trials as well as on preclinical research in some cases to support those
`trials. Some examples of the former include clinical trials involving an
`investigational concept known as low-dose ‘metronomic’ chemotherapy, which
`resulted in co-authored publications (see, e.g., Ex. 2089, Nan Soon Wong, et al.,
`Phase I/II trial of Metronomic Chemotherapy with Daily Dalteparin and
`Cyclophosphamide, Twice-Weekly Methotrexate and Daily Prednisone as Therapy
`for Metastatic Breast Cancer Using Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and
`Soluble Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Levels as Markers of
`Response, 28 J. CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 723 (2010); Ex. 2090, Rena Buckstein, et al.,


`Lenalidomide and Metronomic Melphalan for CMML and Higher Risk MDS: A
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`Phase 2 Clinical Study with Biomarkers of Angiogenesis, 38 LEUKEMIA RESEARCH
`756 (2014)), and the antiangiogenic drug bevacizumab (Avastin®). (See, e.g., Ex.
`2091, Julia L. Glade Bender, et al., Phase I Trial and Pharmacokinetic Study of
`Bevacizumab in Pediatric Patients with Refractory Solid Tumors: A Children’s
`Oncology Group Study, 26(3) J. CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 399 (2008).)
`17. Also, in my capacity as director of the cancer research division at
`Sunnybrook from 1991-2001, I had the opportunity to interact with medical,
`surgical and radiation oncologists in the Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional Cancer
`Centre located at Sunnybrook (and now called the Odette Cancer Centre). One of
`my responsibilities was to foster interactions between basic cancer and
`translational researchers such as myself and the clinical oncologists. To this end, I
`organized occasional evening research-in-progress meetings between the two
`groups. One of the collaborators was Dr. Joyce Slingerland, a breast cancer
`medical oncologist, whom I recruited into the cancer research division when I was
`Director, and who held a cross appointment at the Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional
`Cancer Centre.
`18. Since 1971, I have authored or co-authored 423 published papers. A
`number of these papers were peer reviewed invited reviews requested by the
`editors of journals such as Science, Nature, the New England Journal of Medicine,


`Cancer Cell, and a number of review journals such as Nature Reviews Clinical
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`Oncology, Nature Reviews Cancer, and Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. Many of
`these reviews or editorial commentaries dealt with experimental therapeutics,
`including commentaries on preclinical mouse tumor models for assessing cancer
`drugs. I also have been invited, over my career, to give almost 900 lectures around
`the world at scientific meetings, universities, research institutes, clinical cancer
`treatment centres, courses, and advisory boards of companies during my career.
`Many of these were Keynote or Plenary lectures, as noted in my c.v.
`I have been active in advisory activities, both in industry and
`academia. My numerous industry associated advisory roles as a member of
`scientific advisory boards (SABs) or as a consultant have dealt mainly with
`experimental therapeutics, and preclinical models to assess cancer drug activity in
`20. Over the course of my career I have received competitive grant support
`from numerous agencies including the National Institute of Health, USA which I
`held as a foreign investigator for 27 continuous years, the Canadian Institute for
`Health Research (over 40 years, continuously), the Canadian Cancer Society
`Research Institute (35 years continuously), the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
`(6 years of support), the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, and Worldwide
`Cancer Research.


`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`21. Awards I have received include The Robert L. Noble Prize for
`Excellence in Cancer Research by the Canadian Cancer Society and National
`Cancer Institute of Canada in 2004, the Breast Cancer Research Award from the
`European Institute of Oncology in 2008, a Man of Distinction award from the
`Israel Cancer Research Fund in 2011, and the Colin Thomson Memorial Medal for
`achievements in cancer research from Worldwide Cancer Research (formerly
`known as the Association for International Cancer Research) in 2013. Throughout
`my career I have also received a succession of career awards (two of which I have
`already noted) including a Terry Fox Career Scientist award from the National
`Cancer Institute of Canada (1986-1997), a Canada Research Chair in Tumor
`Biology, Angiogenesis, and Antiangiogenic Therapy from the Canadian
`government (2001-2015), and an endowed professorship, the John & Elizabeth
`Tory Family Chair in Experimental Oncology (1993-2001).
`B. Compensation
`I am being compensated at my normal consulting rate for my work,
`which is $600 per hour. My compensation is not dependent on and in no way
`affects the substance of my statements in this Declaration.
`Prior Expert Testimony
`I have not provided expert testimony within the last four years.
`Concurrently with this declaration, I am submitting declarations in Hospira, Inc. v.


`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`Genentech, Inc., IPR2017-00731, Hospira, Inc. v. Genentech, Inc., IPR2017-
`00737, and Celltrion, Inc. v. Genentech, Inc., IPR2017-01121.
`OF 1997
`24. Preclinical cancer research provides the foundation for subsequent
`clinical trials by identifying drugs of interest that appear to act on human cancer
`cells. Generally, preclinical research provides information on (a) whether and how
`a particular drug acts on tumor cells to slow their growth and/or shrink the tumors,
`(2) the mechanism of action of the drug (i.e., how the drug interacts with cancer
`cells or other cells in the tumor microenvironment such as blood vessel or immune
`cells to slow growth and/or kill cells), and (3) whether and how the drug affects
`non-cancerous cells, especially with respect to causing host toxicities. Based on
`the results of preclinical research, academic clinicians, basic scientists, and
`clinicians working for drug companies decide whether to propose testing the drug
`in humans. This testing of a drug in humans is called clinical trials.
`25. There are two main or basic types of preclinical research models: in
`vitro (cell cultures), and in vivo (animal subjects). Typically, both in vitro and in
`vivo studies are performed before progressing to human clinical trials.
`In Vitro Testing
` In in vitro testing, established “cell lines” are often used, meaning that
`all of the cells derive from a single cancer. These established (also called


`“permanent” or “continuous”) cell lines can be from a human patient and
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`sometimes are also genetically modified in the laboratory. Even when the cell
`lines are derived from a patient, the cells can differ substantially from cancer cells
`in humans as a result of the cell lines adapting to being cultured on plastic and
`being maintained for long periods in vitro. And although the individual cells in a
`cell line may have some variations due to genetic mutations or epigenetic changes,
`these variations differ in degree and content compared to cancer cells in human
`27. Despite the differences between established cell lines and cancer cells
`in patients, in vitro testing was in 1997 and is still today useful because researchers
`can test, with relative efficiency, multiple different cell lines representing different
`types of cancers (e.g., colon cancer, lung cancer, etc.), as well as different lines of
`the same general type of cancer (e.g., different cell lines of HER2-positive breast
`cancer). In cancer research, common end points for testing potential cancer drugs
`include relative inhibition or proliferation of the cancer cells (i.e., how much does
`the drug prevent the cancer cells from spreading?), and cell death (i.e., does the
`drug kill the cancer cells?).
`In Vivo Testing
`Early Mouse Models


` In contrast to in vitro testing, in vivo testing involves using animal
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`models, by far the most common of which is the tumor-bearing mouse.
`29. Up until about 1980, these models mostly involved the transplantation
`of mouse tumor cells or fragments of mouse tumor tissue into strains of
`immunocompetent mice that are genetically compatible with the donor tumor cell
`population or tissue.
`30. The tumor cells injected were almost always obtained from established
`cell lines grown in tissue culture (i.e., in vitro), and were most often injected
`subcutaneously in the hind leg or flank of the mouse. This is called ectopic
`transplantation for most types of tumors, i.e., those that do not normally arise in the
`skin – which is virtually all types of cancer. By injecting tumor cells into the
`flank, the resultant “primary” tumors would grow quickly and could be
`subsequently measured by using vernier calipers.
`31. Sometimes the cells were injected intravenously to generate
`experimental metastases, mainly in the lungs. Measuring the cancer metastases,
`however, required sacrificing the mouse to visually inspect the lungs.
` Sometimes the tumor cells were injected “orthotopically”, i.e., into the
`organ from which the cancer cell population was derived, e.g., breast cancer cells
`are injected into mammary fat pads of female mice, to generate “primary” tumors.


`33. The impact of a cancer therapy on tumor growth in the primary tumor
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`models was assessed by measuring changes in tumor volume/size, and sometimes
`changes in survival times via comparison to various control groups.
`Development of Human Xenografts
`34. Starting in earnest in the 1970s, researchers started to develop and
`utilize human tumor xenografts as animal models to test cancer drugs. This was
`mainly made possible by the discovery of the “nude” athymic mouse which cannot
`develop thymus-derived T lymphocytes – the main cell type responsible for
`rejecting foreign tissue such as a human skin graft, or in this case injected human
`tumor cell or tissue graft. Prior to that it was possible to create T cell deficient
`mice using a combination of thymectomy plus radiation or chemotherapy, but they
`were not used widely for human tumor xenograft studies.
`In a xenograft, dispersed human cancer cells or intact human tumor
`tissue fragments are transplanted into immunocompromised mice (such as athymic
`nude mice). The rationale behind using such xenografts is that they more closely
`resemble the cancer in a human cancer patient than tumor cells from established
`cell cultures or mouse tumors, and therefore the reactions and results caused by
`drugs or therapies using such human tumor xenografts approximate somewhat
`better what may occur in humans.


`Just as with the early mouse tumor models, with a human tumor
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`xenograft model the cancer cells injected into the mouse will form tumors, which
`researchers can measure and monitor when treating the mice with a drug. The
`most common endpoint for testing drugs in these xenograft models is tumor
`response (also called response rate), which measures whether the tumors continue
`to progress normally or respond in some other way to treatment, whether by being
`delayed in growth, shrinking in size, or becoming fully eradicated. In the 1990s,
`and beforehand, xenograft model results rarely used or reported progression free
`survival (PFS) or time to progression (TTP) as endpoints.
`37. When xenograft models were first developed and through the mid-
`1980s, there was excitement about the possibility that they could be used to help
`select a particular drug therapy for an individual patient by using a sample of the
`cancer taken directly from the human patient to create an ‘individualized’
`xenograft. This individualized xenograft model, it was theorized, could be highly
`accurate in predicting cancer drug activity in individual respective patients, and
`thus it was hypothesized that this model could be used as a “predictive biomarker”
`for selecting drug therapies tailored to the patient who donated the tumor sample.
`Indeed, a number of studies reported strong correlations between the tumor
`response in mice as compared to the human patient from which the tumor
`specimen was obtained. (Ex. 1026, H.H. Fiebig, et al., Comparison of Tumor


`Response in Nude Mice and in the Patients, 74 BEHRING INST. MITT. 343, 343,
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`349-350 (1984) (hereafter “Fiebig 1984”); Ex. 2092, Beppino C. Giovanella, et al.,
`Correlation Between Response to Chemotherapy of Human Tumors in Patients and
`in Nude Mice, 52 CANCER 1146, 1146 (1983).)
`38. Yet it turned out that these “patient derived” tissue xenografts were not
`predictive of treatment for other human patients having the same type of cancer.
`Further, these patient-derived xenografts had many serious technical problems,
`including the low percentages of tumor specimens for most tumor types that “took”
`and grew progressively in the immune deficient mice, and the generally long
`latency periods for some tumors to grow and become visible (e.g., 4-6 months)
`before treatment could be started and the impact assessed. (Ex. 1026, Fiebig 1984,
`346-347.) As a result of these problems, the human patients from which samples
`were taken had often died before any of the results of the tests on the xenograft
`models could be applied to the patients.
`C. Xenograft Models in the 1990s
`39. As a result of the problems with a patient-derived xenograft strategy,
`researchers focused on the more practical method of using established tumor cell
`lines from tissue culture for human tumor xenografts. These tumor cell lines often
`had a take rate of 100% (meaning that tumors grew 100% of the time), and tumors
`usually appeared within weeks of tumor cell transplantation. The reason for the


`success in establishing tumors using cell lines instead of samples from human
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`patients is that the cell lines contain a comparatively high fraction of dividing cells
`by virtue of being held in culture – those cells that do not divide as quickly are out-
`paced by those that do, and this out-pacing is compounded over time in cell
`40. That these cell cultures include more rapidly dividing cells also means,
`however, that they do not accurately reflect cancer as found in human patients.
`Further, the rapid growth rate of cell cultures (and the resulting xenografts made
`from them) means that they have greater sensitivity to virtually all chemotherapy
`drugs, which are designed to preferentially target rapidly dividing cells. As a
`preclinical model, however, the xenograft nonetheless provides information on
`whether and how a cancer line will react to a particular drug, even if it is not
`predictive of the particular reaction in a population of human patients with
`heterogenous tumors of the same or different types.
`41. As with the early mouse models, a xenograft can be formed either
`through ectopic or orthotopic transplantation. For example, in the 1990s,
`orthotopic xenograft models for breast cancer could be created by injecting breast
`cancer cells into the mammary fat pad. (Ex. 2093, L. Bao, et al., Effects of
`Inoculation Site and Matrigel on Growth and Metastasis of Human Breast Cancer
`Cells, 70 BRITISH J. OF CANCER 228, 229 (1994).) Again, the rationale was that


`such a model would more closely approximate how the cancer and therapy may act
`Case No. IPR2017-01122
`Declaration of Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.
`in humans.
`42. Similar to the established cell lines for in vitro cancer research, there
`were multiple cell lines available for human tumor xenograft models, allowing
`researchers to test different types of cancers, as well as different lines of the same
`type of cancer. For example, HER2-positive breast cancer refers to breast cancer
`in which the cells have many more than the usual two copies of the gene encoding
`for the epidermal growth factor receptor called ErbB2 (HER2), resulting in
`elevated expression of the HER2 epidermal growth factor protein. In the 1990s,
`there were several different cell lines of HER2-positive breast cancer, each with
`different numbers of the ErbB2 gene in the cells. For example, one study in 1995
`(Ex. 2064, János Szöllösi, et al., ERBB-2 (HER2/neu) Gene Copy Number,
`p185HER-2 Overexpression, and Intratumor Heterogeneity in Human Breast Cancer,
`55 CANCER RESEARCH 5400, 5402 (1995) (hereafter “Szöllösi 1995”)) estimated
`that a specific cell line identified as BT-474 ha

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