Monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy
`Gert Riethmiiller, Elena Schneider-Gidicke and Judith P Johnson
`Institut fur Immunologie, MOnchen, Germany
`A review of the clinical trials of antibody based cancer therapies reveals
`this approach can,
`in rare cases,
`induce complete remissions in
`individual patients with cancer. Since these trials have usually involved
`patients with large tumor masses, tumor cell
`inaccessibility is probably
`a major reason for the prevailing failures. Minimal residual disease, the
`stage when tumor cells are few and dispersed, should therefore be
`a more promising target for therapeutic antibodies. This hypothesis is
`supported by a prospective randomized trial on patients with resected
`Dukes C colorectal carcinoma that resulted in increased survival and
`prolonged recurrence-free intervals. Thus, in addition to strategies designed
`to produce more effective, human-derived reagents, efforts need to
`be concentrated on directing passive antibody therapy towards the
`appropriate target.
`Current Opinion in Immunology 1993, 5:732—739
`Passive antibody therapy of cancer is one of the oldest
`and most prominent issues of tumor immunology. As
`early as 1895, a few years after von Behring's and Ki-
`tasato’s discovery that antisera against diphtheria toxin
`could cure children with diphtheria, Hericourt and Richet
`reported on their attempts to treat cancer patients with
`antisera prepared in dogs and donkeys. Paul Ehrlich,
`with his antisera against plant
`toxins abn'n and ricin,
`had shown the specificity of the newly induced serum
`substances and named them Antikorper (antibody). He
`became particularly intrigued by their potential use as
`spacific weapons against cancer cells and coined for them
`the term Zauberkugel (magic bullets). Nevertheless, de-
`spite these early beginnings, antibody therapy of cancer
`has become a story of unending failures.
`to be drawn from these conspicuous failures was, that
`in spite of their exquisite specificity and their apparent
`ability to target tumor cells, antibodies alone were either
`not sufficiently cytotoxic or could not adequately harness
`the patients’ own effector mechanisms. Consequently, a
`broad research effort was begun to improve the cytotoxi-
`city of antibodies by conjugating them with radioactive
`isotopes, cytotoxic drugs or potent toxins. These efforts
`culminated in the development of single chain antibod-
`ies, consisting solely of covalently connected VH and VL
`peptides, to which toxin molecules had been fused by
`recombinant DNA techniques [3—5]. However, as acces-
`sibility of tumor cells in advanced stages of cancer to
`macromolecules may be strictly limited, this review fo-
`cuses on the minimal residual disease stage as a much
`more promising target for antibody-based therapies.
`A decade of clinical trials—some successes
`but more disappointments
`In 1975, a turning point seemed to have been reached
`with the invention of the hybridoma technique by K6hler
`and Milstein [1]. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with
`their uniform and well-defined specificity and virtually
`inexhaustible supply, promised to bring a solution to
`the vexing problems of variable specificity and irrepro‘
`ducibiiity inherent in polyclonal antisera. Indeed, a spate
`of reports on mAbs with presumed tumor-restricted or
`A rough assessment of the reported successes and fail-
`demonstrated rumor-associated specificity appeared in
`subsequent years. While several of those mAbs were
`ures indicates that complete remissions have been most
`used in a clinical setting as valuable diagnostic tools,
`often observed in NonHodgkin lymphomas with ra-
`so far none of them has gained recognition as an estab»
`dioimmunoconjugates, which appear to be superior to
`immunotoxins and unmodified antibodies. Moreover, in
`lished therapeutic against malignant disease. As reviewed
`by ourselves for solid tumors [2], numerous clinical trials
`myeloid leukemia, the combination therapy with high-
`have been performed with unmodified mAbs without any
`dose cytoxan and radiation therapy led to a sizeable
`rate of remissions. Antibody trials on solid tumors, how-
`consistent pattern of response. An obvious conclusion
`Within the last year, several extensive reviews have ap-
`peared that describe results of phase 1 and phase II
`therapeutic trials using both unmodified mAbs as well as
`various antibody conjugates (Table 1) [2,6",7°,8",9].
`CDlt—complementarity determining region; GM-CSF—granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor;
`mAb—monoclonal antibody.
`© Current Biology ltd ISSN 0952-7915
`Celltrion v. Genentech
`Genentech Exhibit 2032


`Table 1. Recent reviews on antibody—based tumor therapy.
`Monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy Riethmflller et al.'
`No. of
`Antibody therapy
`responses No. of trials‘
`Unmodified antibodies
`Crossbard et al. [6"]
`Leukemia and
`with or without chemotherapy
`or radiotherapy
`Unmodified antibodies
` Riethmfiller and Johnson [21 Melanoma and carcinomas
`Unmodified antibodies
`Steffens er al. [7']
`Various immunotoxins
`Melanoma and carcinomas
`Vitetta et al. [8"]
` LoBuglio and Saleh [9|
`Unmodified antibodies,
`melanoma, ovarian,
`breast and gastrointestinal
`'Some trials reviewed by two or more reviewers.
`ever, have yielded complete remissions only in the rarest
`cases. This group of tumors comprises mainly cancers
`derived from simple epithelia which develop metastases
`that are composed of host-derived stromal tissue and of
`differentiated epithelial parenchyma growing within the
`envelope of a dense basement membrane. The epithelial
`tissue organization sets carcinomas quite apart not only
`from lymphoma and leukemia but also from melanoma,
`the metastases of which lack the typical coherent tra-
`becular or adenomatous formations in which cells are
`connected by desmosomal intercellular junctions. Inter-
`estingly, melanoma appears to be one of the more sus-
`ceptible neoplasms for antibody-based therapies.
`The critical issue of tumor-cell accessibility
`The rare Complete tumor regressions observed with all of
`the various antibody-based modalities demonstrate that,
`in principle, unmodified antibodies as well as immuno-
`coniugates can produce sufficient tumor-directed cyto-
`toxicity. Why then do complete remissions only occur
`in rare individual patients? In the absence of any com«
`mon immunogenic trait characteristic for the responder
`the suspicion is warranted that peculiar con
`ditions of the individual tumor are responsible for the
`antibody-induced regression. Among these, an abnor-
`mal vasculanzation highly permeable to intravenously
`injected antibodies, a homogeneous expression of the
`target antigen on the relevant clonogenic tumor cells, and
`accessibility as well as vulnerability to direct or indirect
`cytotoxic elTects of antibodies, rank very high. Although
`the sporadic nature of antibody-induced regressions may
`be reduced to the rare coincidence of several of these
`factors, several lines of evidence point to the inaccessi-
`bility of cancer cells growing in solid tumor parenchyma
`as a leading cause of the observed therapy failures.
`The results of the trials themselves (Table 1), showing
`that responses are far more common in hematopoi-
`etic malignancies than in solid tumors, underscore this
`reasoning. Furthermore, an impressive amount of exper-
`imental data, much of which has been compiled in recent
`years byJain and his colleagues [10,11], demonstrate that
`macromolecules, including mAbs, have dificulty reaching
`epithelial tumor cells. Elevated interstitial fluid pressure
`in solid tumor nodules is one of the major obstacles in
`the long list of vascular and interstitial barriers imped-
`ing the delivery of antibodies to cancer cells (Table 2).
`A recent report demonstrates that interstitial pressures as
`high as 33 mmHg can be directly measured in individual
`head and neck tumors in situ [12] and similar values have
`been determined for subcutaneously gr0wing metastases
`of melanoma and primary cervical cancers [10,13]. Ad-
`ditional barriers for the free diffusion and convection
`of antibodies include the basement membrane envelop-
`ing the epithelial tumor trabeculae, the intercellular tight
`junctions and the long distances extravasated antibodies
`must travel through the dense intrastitial mesh of proteo-
`glycans in order to reach their cellular targets.
`The positive in viva labelling data obtained by numerous
`immunoscintigraphic studies and the ex vivo autoradio~
`graphic analysis of labelled tumor biopsies do not refute
`this view of the ability of antibodies to penetrate into tu—
`mor tissue, as the majority of these studies attest to a
`heterogeneous uptake of the antibody by the tumor tis-
`sue [14].
`Tumor cell accessibility is a parameter that cannot easily
`be assessed in model systems. The many reports of com-
`plete cures obtained after antibody treatment of nude
`mice tianSplanted with human tumors may convince
`the experimental novice, but not the skeptical clinician,
`as they frequently fail to work in patients. Marked dif-
`ferences exist between the vasculature of spontaneous


`734 Cancer
`Table 2. Barriers and factors impeding free access of monoclonal
`antibodies to cancer cells growing in solid tumors.
`Heterogeneous or poor vascularization of tumors, reduction of total
`vascular surface area compared with normal tissue
`Elevated interstitial fluid pressure in tumor nodules
`Shallow or reversed transvascular pressure gradient leading to
`deCreased transvascular convection and diffusion
`Long transport distances for extravasated macromolecules in
`interstitium of tumors
`Radially outward directed interstitial fluid convection
`Basement membranes surrounding epithelial tumor tissue
`Shed or released tumor antigen present in peritumorous extracellular
`Intercellular tight iunctions in tumorous epithelia.
`Adapted from [11l
`mAbs directed against a membrane-associated glycopro-
`rein could be targeted to individual tumor cells in bone
`marrow [23].
`Therefore, with these deliberations in mind, a multicen»
`ter randomized clinical trial involving 189 patients with
`resected colorectal carcinoma was initiated in 1985 and
`was completed in December of 1992 (G Riethmiiller, E
`Schneider-Gadicke, G Schlimok 01:11., unpublished data).
`Following surgery, the patients, all of whom had Dukes C
`stage carcinoma, were randomized to a control arm, i.e.
`observation only, and to a treatment group. The treat-
`ment group received 500 mg of mAb 17.1A within two
`weeks of surgery followed by four subsequent monthly
`infusions of 100 mg of antibody. After a median follow-up
`of 5 years, therapy with antibody was found to have de
`creased the overall death rate by 50% and reduced the
`recurrence rate by 27%. These data contrast with the
`results of numerous, non-randomized trials with 17-1A
`antibody in advanced tumors where anecdotal remissions
`were observed only in a few patients and no benefit for
`survival could be secured. interestingly, in this adjuvant
`study, the reduction in recurrence rate was found to be
`restricted to the development of distant metastases, While
`local relapses were not reduced by the treatment. This
`altered pattern of recurrences can be interpreted such
`that local satellite tumors were already too big and/or in:
`accessible to the antibody, in contrast with the distant
`micrometastases which were destroyed by it. This trial
`shows that by carefully selecting the stage of tumor
`growth at which therapy is initiated, antibody therapy
`of colorectal carcinoma is comparable with other ad-
`therapies (Table 3)
`[24,25]. However, because
`of the remarkably low toxicity of unmodified antibody,
`this therapy can be administered to patients following
`curative surgery without exposing them to the current
`hazards of adiuvant chemotherapies.
`As to the contentious issue of target antigens most suited
`for antibody therapy,
`it is notable that the antigen rec-
`ognized by 17-1A mAb is by no means a tumor-specific
`antigen as it is widely expressed on various normal sim-
`ple epithelia including, not only small and large intestine,
`but also bile ducts, kidney tubules and epithelial cells of
`thyroid and prostate [26]. The antibody, a murine IngH,
`has been administered to more than 500 patients with
`advanced disease [27]. Both the the lack of toxicity and
`efficacy (some minor transient gastrointestinal effects ex-
`cepted) of doses of antibody up to 12 g may be due to
`the poor delivery of the antibody to cells shieldetl by a
`dense basement membrane and other vascular and inter-
`stitial barriers [28]. Thus, one may arrive at the conclu-
`sion that absolute tumor specificity of an antibody is less
`important than homogeneous expression of the relevant
`antigen on as many tumor cells as possible. as long as
`their normal counterparts and the stem cells from which
`they are derived are either less accessible or do not ex-
`press the antigen. It appears from the reviews in Table 1
`that numerous therapy trials have been performed with
`antibodies, immunotoxins and radioimmunoconjugates
`recognizing absolutely normal differentiation antigens,
`e.g. in B-cell lymphoma, without intolerable toxicity for
`the recipient. The 17—1A antibody has a remarkably low
`affinity and induces only intermediate antibody-depen-
`autochthonous tumors and transplants of these tumors
`[10,11], indicating that xenotransplantation models pri-
`marily measure antibody effector function.
`If accessibility of tumor cells is indeed a major reason
`for the overall disappointing results of the clinical
`als and if accessibility is negatively correlated with the
`volume of the tumor mass, the question must be asked
`whether therapy trials on patients with advanced malig-
`nant disease, i.e. with bulky epithelial tumor masses or
`with leukemic or lymphoma cells in excess of 1012 cells,
`will ever show a therapeutic efficiency of antibodies.
`A much more appropriate target for assessing the efficacy
`of antibody therapy may well be minimal residual disease,
`a stage in which, after resection of all macroscopic tumor
`the remaining cancer cells are very few and dispersed as
`individual cells or small clusters in the interstitium of var-
`ious distant organs.
`Minimal residual disease—a target within
`Minimal residual disease is present in roughly half of the
`patients with curatively resected solid tumors. Previously,
`the presence of hidden metastasis in these patients could
`be inferred only retrospectively from overt relapses oc-
`curring several years after curative surgery. In the last few
`years, however, novel immunocytochemical methods that
`allow the detection of small numbers of carcinoma cells
`in bone marrow have become available [15,16',17]. As
`these cells do not express proliferation associated anti-
`gens they appear to be in a state of dormancy [18,19'].
`Several studies have now shown that the presence of
`these micrometastatic cells during early stages of tumor
`dissemination can serve as a strong predictor of a later
`clinical relapse [20-°,21,22].
`their presence in mes-
`Because of their low number,
`enchymal interstitium and lack of epithelial structures,
`these visible micrometastatic cells can be considered
`as ideal
`targets for therapeutic antibodies.
`Indeed, a
`previous study demonstrated that intravenously injected


`Monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy Riethmt‘iller et a].
`Table 3. Comparison of adjuvant therapies in colorectal carcinoma.
`% Reduction in recurrence rate
`(with 95% confidence interval)
`"/0 Reduction in mortality rate
`(with 95% confidence interval]
`mAb 17-1A versus control
`31 (1754)
`25 (1—45)
`Colorectal cancer, stage III
`Riethmuller et al., unpublished data
`Levamisole + fluoroacil versus control
`33 (10—50)
`41 (23—54)
`Colon cancer, stage lll
`Moertel el al. [24]
`29 (7—45]
`34 (12-50)
`Radiation + fluoroacil + methyl-CCNU versus radiation alone
`Rectum cancer, stage II or III
`Krook et al. [25]
`dent cell-mediated cytotoxicity [29,30]. Whether these
`peculiar characteristics of the antibody are essential for
`its clinical efficacy is unknown so far. However, an argu
`ment can be made that low affinity antibodies penetrate
`the solid tumor more deeply [30,31]. This argument is
`contended by Schlom et al.
`[32] who in contrast favor
`high affinity antibodies as more efficient therapeutics.
`New perspectives for antibody therapy
`If minimal residual disease, a stage so frequent in patiean
`with the most common solid tumors, is such a promising
`target for antibody-based strategies, then a further refine-
`ment of antibodies indeed makes sense.
`As the target patient population is quite healthy and as
`at least half of them are already cured by surgery and/or
`local radiation therapy alone, the risk/benefit assessment
`of experimental therapies becomes critical. Thus, for the
`development of adjuvant therapies, unmodified antibod-
`ies with their low toxicity profile have clear advantages
`over immunotoxins or radioconiugates. In order to ob-
`tain steep transvascular concentration gradients towards
`mesenchymal tissue compartments, higher doses of an-
`tibodies may be required which, in turn, will favor the
`induction of counterproductive immune responses in pa-
`tients. Indeed, in virtually all the trials cited in Table 1, hu-
`man antibodies to the murine lg reagents were produced.
`Although the number of reported anaphylactic reactions
`has been low, it is clear that for prolonged therapy reg-
`imens, the immunogenicity of antibodies should be as
`low as possible.
`trials have clearly shown that re
`A number of clinical
`placement of the Fc region with human sequences can
`substantially reduce the immunogenicity of murine anti-
`bodies [33—36]. The least immunogenicity is expected to
`be obtained when only the complementarity determining
`regions (CDRs) of the murine antibody remain, and re-
`cent studies suggest that it may be possible to significantly
`simplify the production of these reagents [36,37‘].
`The use of antibodies derived entirely from humans and
`isolated from combinatorial
`libraries in bacteriophage
`[38,39] will most likely soon replace such engineered
`murine antibodies. This technique allows the isolation
`of high affinity, antigen—specific Fabs or Fvs, even from
`naive human B cells [40]. Furthermore, such antibodies
`may be generated from ‘serni-synthetic libraries‘, which
`are produced by replacing the CD16 region of a single
`human lg with random oligonucleotides [410,420].
`Table 4. Cell-directed effects of unmodified antibodies.
`Activation or stimulation of cells
`eg. Signalling via receptor aggregation, mimicry of agonists
`such as cytokines, hormones, adhesion ligands
`Inactivation of cells
`Negative signalling
`Blockade of functions of receptors or ion channels
`Modulation of receptors/adhesion molecules
`Induction of differentiation
`Elimination of cells by
`Complement mediated cytolysis
`Opsonisation, sequestration and phagocytosis
`Induction of apoptosis, directly via anti-Pas (Apo-I) antibodies
`or indirectly via antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
`Induction of cytotoxic T-cells against murine lg, processed and
`presented by antibody labelled target cells
`Induction of anti-idiotypic antibodies (ab3) with anti-cellular
`The therapeutic efficacy of mAbs may be further in-
`creased by a miniaturization of the antibody molecule.
`By linking the VH and VL sequences of such an antibody
`together on a single transcript, single chain antibodies
`(sts) can be produced. Because of their small size
`single-chain antibodies are deemed to penetrate more
`rapidly into tissues and interstitial spaces [43]. Single-
`chain antibodies can be easily engineered and produced
`in bacteria. A variety of effector moieties such as toxins,
`cytotoxic drugs, growth factors, functional receptor do-
`mains, and cytokines as well as lg Fc regions can be fused
`to these mini-antibodies.
`The type of linker used to couple the antigen-binding do-
`mains to effector domains is also of critical importance.


`736 Cancer
`By coupling an anti-tumor antibody to dostirubicin using
`a linker that is stable in plasma but acid labile and, there-
`fore, set free after internalization in lysosomes, Trail et a].
`[44'] were able to dramatically increase the effectiveness
`of the immunoconjugate.
`Unmodified antibodies, which may be much more rea-
`sonable agents for treatment of minimal residual disease,
`rely on the various natural efiector mechanisms of the
`host and the manifold ways they may interfere with cell
`function (Table 4). These functional characteristics of an-
`tibodies are generally determined by their Fc receptors,
`which can also new be exchanged at will. Several of the
`antibodies used in clinical trials appear to work by acti~
`vating human complement. Activation of complement in
`viva has been observed to occur in patients treated with
`a IgGZa antibody directed against the ganglioside GDZ
`[45']; this was shown by a decrease in C4, C3C and C3a
`during treatment. In addition, an IgG3 antibody directed
`against the Lewis Y carbohydrate epitope, which has been
`shown to be very effective in the activation of human
`complement in vitro [46], has recently been shown to
`result in a reduction or eradication of antigen positive
`tumor cells in the bone marrow of five out of seven pa
`tients treated for two weeks with 6 X 100 mg antibody
`(G Schlimok, H Loibner,
`I Fackler-Schwalbe, K Pantel,
`G Riethmt'iller, unpublished data). The efficiency of the
`complement cascade may now be further increased by
`blocking the membrane proteins CD59, C8bp and decay
`accelerating factor that control the activity of homologous
`complement components [47].
`Another important anti-tumor effect of unmodified anti-
`bodies is antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity, which
`is mediated by various effector cells including neutrophils
`[48]. A recent study of 17-1A mAb in patients with ad-
`vanced colorectal carcinoma suggests that cellular effec—
`tor functions can be enhanced by the additional admin-
`istration of cytokines such as granulocyte-macrophage
`colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
`[49-]. Cellular ef—
`fector functions may also be directed [0 the target by
`antibody—coupled cytokines [50] or by bi-specific an—
`tibodies designed to activate and orient cytotoxic cells
`to the tumor [51,52'].
`Antibodies recognizing particular epitopes on function-
`ally important cell surface molecules may also be ef-
`fective in tumor therapy, even without the engagement
`of conventional host effector mechanisms. For exam-
`ple, antibodies directed to the Fas antigen have been
`shown to induce apoptotic cell death [53,54], and cer-
`tain antibodies directed against the Her-Z/neu cell sur-
`face receptor can induce differentiation of the tumor
`cells, which results in decreased growth rate both in
`vitro and in viva [55']. Antibodies against the lg idio-
`type of B-cell lymphomas have been used in some of the
`most successful clinical trials [6",8-°]. Such antibodies
`can also induce regulatory changes in experimental B-
`cell lymphoma such that aggressive growth is abrogated
`and the tumor cells revert to a non-cycling dormant state
`Passive antibody therapy versus active
`immunization strategies
`A notable consequence of the general disappointment
`with antibody-based strategies is
`the recent surge of
`in active immunotherapy of cancer
`The identification and cloning of tumor associated cell
`surface antigens as well as of peptides recognized by
`MI-IC restricted T lymphocytes open up the possibil-
`ity of specifically immunizing patients against defined
`antigens. In addition, vaccination with genetically engi-
`neered tumor cells that are transduced with lymphokine
`genes has yielded impressive results in transplanted tu-
`mor models [60], and recently a protective vaccination
`against B—cell lymphomas was shown to be improved
`when the lymphoma-specific Ig was fused with GM-GSF
`Active immunization, however, relies on an intact
`mune system and this is often compromised in advanced
`stages of cancer. Even more importantly, it requires that
`the target cell maintain MHC expression, proper antigen
`processing capability and the expression of any of a va-
`riety of additional accessory molecules. However, loss or
`downregulation of such molecules is a common trait of
`human tumors. Most spontaneous human tumors and the
`micrometastatic cells found in minimal residual disease
`have lost expression of one or more MHC class I prod-
`ucts [62,63]. Interestingly, this may even be an early event
`in some tumors as it is observed in about half of benign
`colorectal adenomas [64"]. Human tumor cells defec-
`tive in peptide processing and transport have also been
`identified [65°] and several studies now suggest that the
`expression of co-stimulatory molecules, such as B7, by
`the tumor cells may also be necessary for induction of
`immunity [66]. Clearly then, for active immunization to
`be effective, not only must the patient’s immune system
`be more or less intact, but the tumor cells themselves
`need to express an entire array of gene products. These
`manifold and complex requirements for successful vacci-
`nation stand in stark contrast with passive antibody ther-
`apy, the only demand of which is that the tumor cells
`continue to express the target antigen.
`Outlook or “Jester do oft prove prophets”
`(King Lear)
`As long as the focus of current research is centered on
`the design of ever-new antibody constructs, employing
`the whole armamentarium of synthetic biology, and not
`centered on the judicious selection of more appropriate
`clinical targets and carefully designed therapeutic trials,
`one can foresee that another decade will be spent on
`‘misguided missiles‘ [8"] directed towards unassailable
`targets. For the adjuvant therapy situation,
`i.e. for the
`treatment of hidden metastatic cells, unmodified anti-
`bodies or antibody derivates that rely on natural effector
`mechanisms offer clear advantages over immunotoxins,
`because the intended cytotoxic reaction will be restricted
`to the target site where the antibody has bound. More-
`over, cellular and humoral components of effector sys-


`Monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy Riethmiilleret aI.
`’ 737
`tems may be decreased or even absent in normal tissues
`such as simple epithelia shielded by a dense basement
`membrane. Thus, despite extensive crossreactivity be»
`tween benign and malignant tissue, an operational speciv
`ficity may be achieved in viva even with a broadly cross-
`reacting anti-epithelial antibody. In addition, the use of
`such differentiation antigens with their more homoge-
`nous expression on cancer cells may circumvent
`formidable problem of antigenic heterogeneity so of—
`ten encountered with more restricted or tumor-specific
`Humanization of rodent antibodies as well as generation
`of human mAbs from recombinant libraries will without
`doubt allow the best adaptation of therapeutic antibodies
`to the natural effector mechanisms. A major drawback of
`the naked antibody scenario is that it looks too simple
`and, therefore, runs against the current fashion for so—
`phisticated immunoconjugates. Irrespective of the type
`of applied immunotherapeutics,
`the emphasis towards
`minimal residual cancer will require that the diagnosis
`of micrometastatic cells is refined. In the arduous area
`of adjuvant therapies, the pace of progress in immuno-
`logical as well as chemical cancer treatment will critically
`depend on the availability of surrogate markers that al-
`low a quick and reliable assessment of the particular
`therapeutic manoeuvre. The immunocytochemical diag—
`nosis of micrometastatic epithelial cells in bone marrow
`of patients with various cancers is slowly gaining ground
`in the clinic [17]. Although the demonstration of their
`prognostic significance does not prove that
`they are
`the actual progenitors of later arising metastases,
`clearly provide evidence for the disseminative capabil-
`ity of an individual
`tumor. Furthermore,
`it has been
`suggested by Schlimok et a].
`[17] that the elimination
`of such cells might give valuable information on the cy—
`toreductive efficacy of a particular antibody. The further
`establishment of micrometastatic cells in bone marrow
`as surrogate targets can be envisaged as a crucial step
`towards a more rational design of immunotherapies of
`minimal residual disease. As long as primary prevention
`of cancer will remain an utopic goal the secondary pre-
`vention of metastatic disease by immunological means is
`a worthwhile and realistic option.
`support of Deutsche
`authors gratefully acknowledge
`Krebshilfe and Dr. Mildred-ScheelStiftung fiir Krebsforschung, Bonn,
`References and recommended reading
`Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of
`review, have been highlighted as:
`of special interest
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`otoxin. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1993. 90:547—551.
`LM: Monoclonal Antibody-Based Therapies of
`Leukemia and Lymphoma Blood 1992, 80:863—878.
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`1 Surg 1992, 16:261—269.
`A review of the Phase I trials of mAb treatment in melanoma patients
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`A review of the completed or ongoing Phase 1 and Phase II trials using
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