Monoclonal antibodies in the detection and
`therapy of micrometastatic epithelial cancers
`Gert Riethmiiller and Judith P. Johnson
`Institute of Immunology, University of Munich, Munich, Germany
`The initial promise of monoclonal antibodies as major therapeutic agents
`in human epithelial cancer has not been realized.
`lnaccessibility of cells
`in solid tumors due to factors such as the nature of
`the vascular
`endothelia and high pressure in the tumor are primarily responsible
`for the failure of antibody therapy. Although new strategies employing
`recombinant antibodies and immunoglobulins designed to actively engage
`the immune system may prove beneficial, micrometastatic tumor cells (at
`the stage of minimal residual disease) are likely to be the only suitable
`targets for antibody therapy. The diagnostic approaches to identify and
`characterize these cells and their use for prognosis and monitoring
`adjuvant immunotherapy is discussed.
`Current Opinion in Immunology 1992, 42647—655
`The hope that monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), with
`their exquisite specificity and multiple effector funcr
`tions, would revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment
`of cancer, has failed to materialize. While mAbs have
`successfully replaced polyclonal antisera for the detec-
`tion of tumor markers in the serum, their therapeutic
`use in patients with solid tumors can only be Viewed as
`a disappointment, even with improvements in the ability
`of antibodies to target and destroy tumor cells in model
`systems. Thus, fundamental changes in the strategies of
`using mAbs to treat tumors are required. In this review
`we focus on several such strategies, on the one hand,
`involving new developments in antibody production and
`use, and on the other, focusing on the target of the ther
`apy itself. As more has been learned about the biology
`of the interaction of tumors with the vascular system and
`the extracellular matrix, it has become clear that much
`of the difficulty with passive antibody therapy is related
`to the accessibility of the tumor cells to these reagents.
`In light of this, micrometastasis, or the stage of minimal
`residual disease, may not be only an important field for
`diagnostic studies but also the best target for antibody
`mediated therapy.
`parts of the body can, at present, be diagnosed only in
`retrospect when the true extent of the disease manifests
`itself by an overt clinical relapse. For example, nearly 25%
`of breast cancer patients who do not show signs of dis,
`ease in the regional lymph nodes, do in fact suffer from
`disseminated disease, borne out by the occurrence, often
`many years later, of distant metastases [1]. The concen—
`tration of tumor antigens shed from a few tumor cells is
`too low for detection by the most sensitive immunoassays
`and even the most sophisticated physical diagnostic pro-
`cedures available, including nuclear magnetic resonance
`and photon emission tomography, are not specific and
`sensitive enough to detect individual tumor cells dis-
`seminated to distant organs. Thus, in the absence of the
`diagnosis of disseminated disease, the development of ef-
`fective antibodyemediated (adjuvant) therapies proceeds
`at a scandalously slow pace. As with all adjuvant thera-
`pies they must first show some efficacy in 5 year trials
`on terminal patients with a heavy tumor burden before
`they can be tested on earlier stages. It is evident that in
`this dilemma, a firm diagnosis of minimal residual disease
`would be of invaluable help to identify patients actually
`in need of adjuvant therapy. Furthermore, the monitor-
`ing of therapeutic effects would enormously benefit the
`development of adjuvant therapies.
`Monoclonal antibodies in diagnosis:
`determination of minimal residual disease
`Since the early years of the last decade there have
`been several attempts to use mAbs to distinguish in—
`filtrating tumor cells from hematopoietic bone marrow
`cells [2], an approach which was greatly expanded by
`The metastatic spread of small localized primary tumors
`Neville’s group at the Ludwig Cancer Institute in Lon-
`don [3]. The general feasibility of this method was
`in the absence of clinical signs of the disease in distant
`ADCC—antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; APAAP—alkaline phosphatase—anti-alkaline phosphatase;
`CTchytotoxic T lymphocyte; Fv—single chain monoclonal antibody; H—heavy; HLA—human leukocyte antigen; l—light;
`mAFmonoclonal antibody; Mflcemajor histocompatibility complex; PCR—polymerase chain reaction;
`SEA—staphylococcal enterotoxin A; TCR—T-cell receptor; V~variable.
`© Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0952-7915
`Celltrion v. Genentech
`Genentech Exhibit 2025


`soon demonstrated using different mAbs in a variety
`of epithelial tumors (Table 1). Because of the gener-
`ally low concentration and considerable heterogeneity
`of expression of tumor-associated membrane antigens,
`we chose to use the abundant intracellular cytokeratin
`proteins [4,5] as markers for detecting epithelial cancer
`cells in the bone marrow [6"]. Using an immunocyto-
`chemical alkaline phosphatascLanti-alkaline phosphatase
`(APAAP) detection system it is possible to detect epithea
`lial cells at a fequency of 10—5 to 10—6 bone marrow
`cells [7,8",9',10]. Patients without epithelial malignana
`cies essentially lack cytokeratin-positive cells [7,11], while
`between 10 and 40% of these samples exhibit staining
`with antibodies directed against the membrane antigens
`epithelial membrane antigen and human milk fat glob-
`ule mucin [6°°,12,15]. Further evidence for the specificity
`of this method was obtained from double marker stud-
`ies using a combination of immunoautoradiography and
`APAAP staining. In the bone marrow from carcinoma pa-
`tients, the expression of the leukocyte common antigen,
`CD45 and cytokeratin 18 were never found on the same
`cell [7].
`The judicious use of double staining techniques allows
`one to define additional markers on the individual dis~
`seminated cells. Thus cytokeratinapositive cells in the
`bone marrow of tumor patients were shown to ex—
`press proliferation-associated molecules such as the the
`Ki 67 nuclear antigen and receptors for transferrin and
`epidermal growth factor
`[15]. Similar to cells in the
`metastatic lesions themselves, cytokeratin-positive bone
`marrow cells also often lacked HIA class I expression. In
`one study, 50% of the breast cancer patients with positive
`tumor cells in the bone marrow had only class I nega-
`tive epithelial cells in the bone marrow [8"]. These cells
`not only express proliferationvassociated markers but are
`able to grow in vitro. Epithelial cells could be expanded
`from bone marrow aspirates by the use of various combi-
`nations of growth factors [16] and the rate of successful
`expansions was substantially increased when the culture
`vessels were precoated with extracellular matrix proteins.
`Using a serum free culture system, Hay et a1 [17]
`cently reported the growth of small-cell lung cancer cells
`in 100% of positive bone marrow samples.
`What is the clinical significance of the presence of epi-
`thelial cells in the bone marrow? In a number of studies
`on breast carcinoma patients [14,18"] as well as in colo-
`rectal cancer [19] and neuroblastoma [20], the presence
`of micrometastases in the bone marrow has now been
`shown to be associated with a shorter diseasefree in-
`Although this method appears to have a high level of
`specificity, the low frequency of tumor cells in the bone
`marrow makes it likely that they are not unifonnly dis-
`tributed and suggests that a considerable sampling error
`occurs when only one site is sampled [14]. In fact, triple
`terval. Surprisingly, while bone marrow micrometastatic
`site aspiration (left and right iliac crest plus sternum) in-
`cells were found in 33% of the colorectal tumor pa
`creased the percentage of positive stage MO breast cancer
`patients from 10.7% to 28.2% [15]
`(M denotes distant
`tients (Dukes C stage,
`i.e. a trans-serosal
`tumor with
`lymph node involvement), most of the man—
`metastases and M0 refers to tumors where there is no
`ifest metastases involved the liver,
`indicating that
`evidence of distant metastases). For routine purposes, a
`two-sided aspiration of the pelvic crest is currently per-
`presence of tumor cells in the bone marrow is associ~
`formed on the operating table, immediately prior to the
`ated with the probability of metastases development in
`general, and not necessarily with the manifestation of
`Table 1. Detection of bone marrow micrometastasis in various types of epithelial cancer.
`Correlation with established
`Origin of tumor
`Marker antigens
`risk factors
`n t
`Small-cell lung
`lung cancer
`Renal cell
`Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA)
`PSA + Cytokeratin + EMA
`LCA1, LCAZ, and LCA3
`‘(Unpublished data); n.t., not tested.


`Monoclonal antibodies and epithelial cancer Riethmtiller and Johnson
`skeletal metastasis. Taking all of the published studies
`together, a good correlation exists between the presence
`of epithelial cells in bone marrow and the conventional
`risk factors based mainly on the extent of tumor dissem-
`ination. Furthermore, the total tumor burden may be es-
`timated from the number of epithelial cells in the bone
`marrow [18“,20]. The evaluation of tumor cells in the
`bone marrow is, therefore, a potentially powerful diag
`nostic tool since it allows one to look at a part of the
`tumor burden which the surgeon has left behind. Not
`only could this provide a way to monitor the effective
`ness of various therapies, but with a further characteri-
`zation of these cells (oncogene, tumor suppressor gene
`expression, etc) it may eventually be possible to more
`accurately predict the metastatic potential of these cells.
`Monoclonal antibodies in therapy: new
`strategies for production and use
`inefficient, and a number of new strategies are being uni
`dertaken to create new antibodies and to use mAbs to
`actively engage the host’s own immune response against
`the autologous tumor.
`The development of new reagents that react with tumors
`through recombinant DNA technology
`While emphasis in recent years has been on using genetic
`engineering to ‘humanize’ and ‘Fc customize' rodent an-
`tibodies, the future almost certainly lies in the production
`of human antigen-binding molecules from combinatorial
`libraries in Eschericba coli [21]. In this method, indepen-
`dent cDNA libraries are created from the mRNAs encod~
`ing variable (V) light (L) and heavy (H) chain antibody re?
`gions, using the polymerase Chain reaction (PCR). These
`two libraries are then randomly combined and cloned
`into a phage vector which directs the expression of one
`VL and one VH polypeptide chain. The use of vectors
`which allow the Fab fragments to be expressed as in-
`tact antigen~binding sites on the phage surface, either
`in monomeric or multimeric form, have greatly facili-
`tated screening and selection of desired antibodies [22°].
`In addition, the most recent developments indicate that
`high affinity antibodies of virtually any specificity can be
`obtained by applying rounds of random mutagenesis and
`selection to the Fabs produced from the cDNA of naive
`IgM+ B lymphocytes, a situation which should obviate
`the need for immune donor cells [23"].
`Although passive antibody therapies have been effective
`against established tumors in many experimental sys-
`the therapy of solid tumors with mAbs in the
`Clinic has had a history of failure A brief look at the
`literature covering the years of 1984—1991 provides no
`hint of a consistent therapeutic efficacy of mAbs. In a re
`View of 12 studies comprising 196 patients with a variety
`of solid tumors, Gisler lists only two complete remissions
`(Table 2) and the number of partial remissions remains
`within the realm of the anecdotal (R Grisler,
`in Can-
`Once the desired antigen-binding moieties have been se
`lected, the VL and VH regions can be produced as a sin-
`cer and the Immune System, Proceedings of European
`School of Oncology, Venice 1990). The general conclu
`gle polypeptide (with the regions separated by a flexible
`sion that has been drawn from this conspicuous failure
`linker) to generate single chain mAbs or FV molecules.
`These can be further engineered to contain toxins or
`is that antibodies as naked mouse immunoglobulins are
`Table 2. Mouse monoclonal antibodies in clinical trials on solid tumors.
`Number of
`Mouse antibody
`Breast, colon,
`ovarian and
`lung cancer
`R24 (anti-GD3)
`22 :l:
`1 + +, 18?
`18 —
`4+, 15 —
`1+ +, 6+, 10—
`4 +, 17
`l+ +, Complete response; +, partial response; i, minor response; —, no response.


`650 Cancer
`other effector domains [24”]. Fvs frequently refold into
`a conformation that retains the binding characteristics of
`the divalent mAb and may penetrate tissues much more
`efiiciently than intact immunoglobulins. Such characteris-
`tics can be used to predict whether they will be important
`anti-tumor reagents and their preliminary use in mouse
`models confirms this [25].
`Use of monoclonal antibodies to engage the
`host’s immune system
`tumor-reactive mAbs
`The passive administration of
`increasingly being replaced by immunotherapeutic
`schemes designed to engage the host‘s own immune sys
`tem in the destruction of the autologous tumor. Among
`the most Widely used strategies at present is the attempt
`to exploit the idiotypic network [26“,27' ,28- ]. This ap-
`proach is based on the theory that certain anti-idiotypic
`antibodies (the AbZBs) will express the internal image
`of the original immunizing epitope [29]. Treatment with
`such antibodies is, therefore, equivalent to immunizing
`patients with the tumor antigen, or rather with a sin»
`gle epitope of this antigen. In point of fact, patients
`treated with Ab25 frequently produce Ab3s which re
`act with the original tumor antigen [30,31,32°] and in
`some cases, even appear to develop a cellular reactivity
`against this antigen although the nature of this reactiv-
`ity remains poorly characterized [30,33,34].The clinical
`consequences of active immunization in those instances
`where the tumor associated antigen, e.g. the 17.1 A colo-
`rectal carcinoma epithelial antigen,
`is also widely ex-
`pressed on normal epithelia are unclear.
`Despite the common production of Ab3s that react with
`tumor cells in the anti-idiotype treated patients,
`clinical trials have generally not been any more successful
`than those using Abls, antibodies to the original epitope,
`[27' ,28' ]. However, Mittelman et a]. [32'], recently re-
`ported a significant increase in survival time in melanoma
`patients producing Ab3s against
`the chondroitin sul-
`phate proteoglycan, a surface antigen of melanoma cells.
`This result could not be accounted for by higher gen
`eral immune reactivity (i.e. performance status) of the
`patients. While such discrepant results may reflect,
`part, the fact that immunization with these reagents in
`duces an immune response against a single epitope that
`may have varying functional and structural characteristics
`(e.g. density, sensitivity to modulation, functional signife
`icance), studies in a mouse anti-tumor model (reviewed
`in [2600]) indicate that selection of the Ab2, used in such
`trials is of critical importance. In this system, four differ-
`ent Abils, which were very similar in their interaction with
`the Abl and in their ability to induce anti-tumor antigen
`humoral and cellular responses, were examined for their
`ability to vaccinate against tumor growth. Only one AbZ
`was able to induce protective immunity; more disturbr
`ing was the observation that one actually appeared to
`potentiate tumor growth [35]. The finding of a linear
`sequence homology between the second hypervariable
`region of the protective Ab2 L chain and the tumor anti-
`gen [26"], not only suggests a molecular basis for the
`similarity between the internal image and the tumor anti»
`gen, but means that selection of appropriate AbZS may
`eventually be possible through sequence comparison of
`the antibody variable regions vw‘th the sequence of the
`antigen. However, this is not possible for carbohydrate
`antigens that are among the best candidates for tumor
`surrogate antigen vaccines given their effectiveness as tu-
`mor mrget structures [36']. This would be cumbersome
`enough for protein antigens, but it would be even more
`diflicult for carbohydrate antigens because of the diffii
`culty of producing them in large quantities; despite this,
`the effectiveness of carbohydrate antigens as tumor target
`structures means that they are among the best candidates
`for surrogate antigen vaccines [36‘].
`A conceptually simpler approach to engage the host
`immune system is the use of bi-specific antibodies to
`target host effector cells to the tumor. These reagents
`in a single molecule, specificity for a tumor
`associated antigen with specificity for an effector cell
`molecule, most commonly the T»cell receptor (TCR)—
`associated CD3 complex [37,38]. Addition of such cone
`jugates to interleukin-Z or antiACDS-activated leukocytes
`prior to their injection reduces the growth of established
`tumors in nude mice more effectively than the activated
`cells alone [39], a result which was also obtained in a
`small clinical trial [40]. Most cells that are targeted to the
`tumor by this approach are not directed against tumor
`antigens. But bi-specific heteroconjugates can also in-
`crease the killing of autologous tumors by clones of
`tumor-specific tumor~infiltrating lymphocytes and cyto-
`toxic T lymphocytes (CTls) provided the tumor cells
`express the target antigens [41']. However,
`if the tu
`mors are negative or heterogeneous for Largeteantigen
`expression, the presence of heteroconjugates can inhibit
`tumor~specific cytotoxicity, presumably by blocking the
`TCR. Given the universality of tumor cell heterogeneity,
`this could be a serious drawback to the successful use
`of such reagents.
`An approach which might overcome this problem is one
`which takes advantage of the characteristics of bacterial
`toxin superantigens [42]. These molecules bind with
`high affinity to MHC class II antigens and once bound,
`demonstrate a specificity for particular families of TCR VB
`chains, Reactivity with the TCR leads to Tecell activation,
`cytokine release and killing of the cell expressing MHC
`class Ii antigen. By coupling a colon carcinoma reactive
`mAb to staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA), Dohlstein et
`a1, [43"] have been able to replace class II dependent
`thell activation with a tumor antigen specific T»cell acti-
`vation and have achieved killing of carcinoma cell lines by
`CTLs bearing the appropriate VB chains. Since SEA will
`not engage the T cell until it is ‘presented’ by mAb bind?
`ing, activation of the T cells and cytokine release should
`occur only locally, in the immediate environment of the
`tumor cells. Thus, like the use of cytokine transfected tu
`mor cell vaccines [44], which also lead to spatially and
`temporally concordant expression of tumor antigens and
`cytokines, SEAAmAb conjugates may also trigger develop.
`ment of the host’s own anti-tumor response.


`Monoclonal antibodies and epithelial cancer Riethmt‘iller and Johnson
`Micrometastatic tumor cells as targets for
`immunotherapy: the way to secondary
`Even in the face of major improvements in the ability of
`antibodies to bind to and kill tumor cells, the problem
`of the accessibility of the tumor cells to these reagents
`remains unresolved. In fact, recent data on the microcir-
`culation and extracellular matrix of tumors indicate that
`this may in fact be the most important impediment to
`successful antibody treatment of solid tumors [45,46].
`The organization of the tumors vascular system is largely
`determined by the histogenic type of tumor (i.e. tissue
`of origin), its differentiation state, proliferation rate and
`location. The non-fenestrated capillaries often found in
`epithelial tumors prevent antibodies from entering the tu-
`mor tissue. Another major factor obviating the transcapil-
`lary transport of macromolecules is the tumor interstitial
`pressure which is generally much higher than the sur-
`rounding normal tissue and which increases with tumor
`size [47]. The pressure gradient from the center to the
`periphery of a tumor leads to an outward convection of
`the interstitial fluid so that extravasated mAb will be trans-
`ported to the periphery of the tumor, In the interstitium
`itself, the dense network of glycosaminoglycans presents
`a formidable obstacle for free diffusion of antibody. In
`addition, the antigens shed from the tumor, when immo-
`bilized in this interstitium, may neutralize antibodies and
`lead to precipitation of antigen—antibody complexes. A fie
`nal barrier that must be overcome in differentiated metas-
`tases of adenocarcinomas is the shielding of target anti-
`gens from diffusing antibodies by the intercellular tight
`While the clinical trials have only resulted in a very few
`well documented antibody-induced regressions (which
`may more easily be explained by derangements in the
`tumor vasculature or extracellular matrix rather than by
`the inherent characteristics of the antibody), they have
`clearly shown that antibody therapy is remarkably free of
`toxicity and serious side effects. Thus, the stage would
`now seem to be set for applying passive antibody ther-
`apy to its most logical target — minimal residual disease
`(or micrometastasis), a state which applies to 1/3 to 1/2
`of patients with epithelial cancer (the most common type
`of cancer), following (curative) radical surgery of the pri-
`mary lesion.
`One of the first hints that micrometastatic cells might be
`particularly suitable targets for passively administered an-
`tibody was provided by Schlimok et at [7] who demon-
`strated that
`tumor cells in bone marrow of patients
`with colorectal cancer can be labelled with mouse im-
`munoglobulin in viva In a later report [8"], the ther-
`apeutic effects of antibody infusions over a period of
`several months up to 2 years were monitored by im-
`munocytochemical analysis of bone marrow. In 12 of
`the 23 Dukes C patients with clinically manifest metas-
`mses, micrometastatic cells were repeatedly identified and
`clinical relapse occurred in nine of these patients.
`In order to monitor directly the therapeutic elimina»
`tion of micrometastatic cells, patients with high num-
`bers of micrometastatic cells in the bone marrow were
`treated with an IgG5 anti-Lewis Y antibody displaying
`high complementadependent cytotoxicity [48']. (This an-
`tibody was selected because IgG?) mouse antibodies are
`particularly effective in the activation of human comple-
`ment and ADCC). While no regressions were observed
`in these patients with extensive metastatic disease, a dra-
`matic decrease in the number of tumor cells in bone
`marrow was Observed, an effect not seen in placebo
`treated patients (G Schlimok, G Riethmtiller, K Pantel et
`61]., abstract 709, ProcAm Soc Clin 0726 1991, 10212). To
`analyze the efficacy of antibodies against micrometastatic
`cells in colorectal cancer a prospective randomized trial
`was initiated into which only patients with regional dis,
`ease (Dukes C1 and C2; metastases in L5 regional lymph
`nodes and 4 or more, respectively) were recruited. The
`trial comprising a total of 176 patients in a treatment and
`control arm will be closed at the end of 1992 with a me»
`dian observation time of 5 years, A preliminary analysis at
`a median observation time 4.5 years indicates differences
`between treated and control patients in terms of overall
`survival and recurrence rate of distant metastasis (G Rir
`ethmtiller, G Schlimok et 01]., unpublished data). Although
`another prospective randomized trial on pancreatic can-
`cer patients treated with an antiecarbohydrate antibody
`failed to show therapeutic effects [49”],
`the state of
`minimal residual disease in these patients can be dis-
`puted as the partial pancreato-duodenectomy (removal
`of the pancreas and duodenum) employed for tumor re-
`section may not have been complete in many of them.
`Conclusions and perspectives
`While it is clear that a major consideration for the suc-
`cessful application of antibody therapy in solid tumors
`is the accessibility of the tumor cells, other aspects also
`need to be taken into account. Heterogeneity of tumor
`cells is the major obstacle of any antigentargeting ther-
`apy. To cope With antigen heterogeneity, which increases
`with tumor progression, a carefully selected combination
`of antibodies directed to independently controlled mem-
`brane antigens should be applied as early as possible,
`i.e. immediately after the removal of the primary tumor.
`Published data demonstrate that selected pairs of anti
`bodies directed against different epitopes of a particular
`antigen exhibit up to a 100-fold synergistic increase in
`cell killing in vitro [50] or in WHO [51] or result in
`augmented binding [5264]. As passive antibody ther-
`apy imitates a natural effector mechanism, a well defined
`oligoclonal combination of antibodies, in which each has
`been shown to eliminate micrometastatic cells, should be
`as acceptable for clinical use as current registered poly-
`clonal anti-thymocyte globulin preparations.
`The optimal combination of such antibodies would con-
`sist of human or ‘humanized’ immunoglobulins. Since
`normal epithelia are less accessible to cytotoxic anti-
`bodies (they are located behind a dense basal mem-
`brane which is quasivimpermeable to non-secretory im-
`munoglobulin), an absolute specificity for therapeutic an-
`tibodies appears less critical. Indeed, toxicity to normal
`epithelia has been negligible in the trials reported thus
`far. Although the inactivation of complement by homol-


`652 Cancer
`ogous restriction factors may contribute to the resistance
`of the tumor cells to lysis, it may be possible to eventually
`inhibit these factors (e.g., C8-binding protein or CD59
`membrane glycoprotein) [55]. As demonstrated by sev-
`eral studies [7] micrometastatic cells can be reproducibly
`identified in individual patients over time, thus offering
`a new way to monitor micrometastasis. Such monitoring
`will be mandatory for the expeditious development of
`an effective passive antibody therapy. Furthermore, new
`techniques such as PCR may replace the more laborious
`immunocytological methods [56].
`In conclusion, it would be a major mistake to let anti
`bodies, exquisitely specific and versatile tools, and the
`powerful natural effector mechanisms they can harness
`be misspent on the unsuimble target of advanced solid
`The authors are supported by Dr. Mildred Scheel Stiftung, Deutsche
`Krebshilfe, Bonn, Germany. The authors would like to thank Dr.
`Klaus Pantel for helpful discussion
`References and recommended reading
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`By comparing the specificity and sensitivity of antibodies to various
`membrane and cytoplasmic (cytokeratin) antigens the superiority of
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`cer cells from hematopoietic bone marrow cells is demonstrated. ln
`gastric cancer, the incidence of micrometastatic cells correlates with
`conventional risk parameters such as the tumor size, the stage of dif-
`ferentiation and the presence or absence of metasL'Lses, and thus also
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`in Small-cell Lung Cancer. Int ] Cancer 1988, 52:23—10.
`diction of Early Relapse in Patients with Operable Breast
`Cancer by Detection of Occult Bone Marrow Micromctas-
`tases. _] Clin Oncol 1991, 9:1749—1756.
`Thefirst study, employing cytokeratin antibodies, that demonstrates the
`predictive value of micrometastatic cells in bone marrow of breast car
`cinoma patients. The total number of cells per aspirate appears to be

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