`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date
`WO 2010/009146 Al
`21 January 2010 (21.01.2010)
` Sf
`aN VeNZ
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`A61K 9/26 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`14 July 2009 (14.07.2009)
`(30) Priority Data:
`61/08 1,034
`15 July 2008 (15.07.2008)
`16 July 2008 (16.07.2008)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): UNI-
`VERSITY OF KANSAS [US/US]; 2385 Irving Hill
`Road, Youngberg Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045 (US).
`Inventors; and
`(for US only): BERKLAND,
`Cory, J. [US/US]; 18329 Northwind Drive, Lawrence,
`KS 66044 (US). BAILEY, Mark [US/US]; 6612 Tenth
`Street, B2, Alexandria, VA 22307 (US). EL GENDY,
`Nashwa [EG/EG]; 29 El-Galaa Street, #5, Ll-Naam,
`Helmiate Fl-Zaiyoun, Cairo (FG). PLUMLEY, Carl
`(US/US]; 11717 Elmridge Circle, Little Rock, AR 72211
`Agent: LECOINTE, Michelle, M.; Baker Botts L.L.P.,
`98 San Jacinto Blvd., 1500 San Jacinto Center, Austin,
`TX 78701-4039 (US).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT,
`TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ML, MR,NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted
`a patent (Rule 4.17(ii))
`as to the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of
`the earlier application (Rule 4.17/(iii))
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
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`of nanoparticles
`(57) Abstract: The present invention discloses compositions and methods for preparing a nanocluster that includes a plurality of
`nanoparticles that comprise a drug substance. Also disclosed are methods for preventing or treating a disease in a subject by ad-
`ministering a therapeutically effective amount of a composition comprising the nanoclusters of the present invention.
`Abraxis EX2011
`Actavis LLC v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC


`WO 2010/009146
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No.
`61/081,034,filed July 15, 2008 and 61/081,037,filed July 16, 2008,the entire disclosure of which
`is hereby incorporated by reference.
`The present invention relates generally to delivery vehicles that can be used to transport
`active ingredients to a subject. In certain aspects, the delivery vehicles can be nanoclusters that
`can be used in preventative or therapeutic applications.
`Millions of people worldwide suffer from a wide variety of diseases or conditions that
`would benefit from the effective delivery of therapeutic and or preventative agents. Examples of
`these diseases or conditions include pulmonary diseases, circulatory diseases, muscular diseases,
`bone diseases, cancers,etc.
`The use of nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles has been employed for a variety of
`indications (John 2003). Nanoparticles, for example, have been shown to improvethe dissolution
`of poorly water-soluble drugs and enhancethe transport of drugs both intra- and paracellularly. In
`addition, literature indicates that plasmid DNAcanbeeffectively delivered by polycantionic
`polymers that form nanoparticles when mixed with DNAresulting in enhanced gene expression
`(Kumar 2003). Research efforts on nanoparticle-mediated gene therapy also addresstreating
`genetic disorders such as Cystic Fibrosis (Griesenbach 2004).
`Most nanoparticle formulations are designed foraction at the cellular level. This assumes
`the efficient delivery of the nanoparticle to the appropriate cellular target. However, current
`nanoparticle treatment options are limited in the ability to access the cellular target. For example,
`two research groupsare currently investigating microencapsulated nanoparticles as a mode of
`nanoparticle delivery to the pulmonary epithelium (Sham 2004, Grenha 2005). These efforts are
`hindered by the commoninability to control microparticle size, distribution, and difficulty in


`WO 2010/009146
`delivering a large payload of therapeutic nanoparticles.
`The present invention overcomesthe deficiencies in the art by providing effective drug
`delivery systems that can: (1) formulate nanoparticles as a nanoclusterto facilitate handling,
`administering, or targeting, for example; and (2) maintain the cluster or disperse the nanoparticles
`at the targeted site.
`In one aspect of the present invention, there is disclosed a nanocluster comprising a
`plurality of nanoparticles. In certain non-limiting aspects, the nanocluster is maintained at the
`targetedsite (c.g., the nanocluster does not disperse into separate nanoparticles). In other aspects,
`the nanoparticles disperse in response to an environmental cue. The nanocluster, in certain
`non-limiting embodiments, can have a size of about 1 to about 200 microns. In certain aspects, the
`nanoclustersize is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
`25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95,
`100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, or 200 microns. In other aspects, the size ofthe
`nanocluster can be greater than 200 microns(e.g., 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450,
`500, 600, 700, or more micronsin size.) The nanoclusterof the present invention can also have a
`variety of shapes (e.g., spherical and non-spherical shapes). In certain embodiments, the
`nanocluster can be solid or hollow. A person of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that a solid
`nanocluster can be completely solid throughout or can have spaces, such as poresor a hollow core,
`that are created by the packing of the nanoparticles within the nanocluster. The size of these
`packing spaces can be from about 1 nm to about 1000 nm,in non-limiting aspects.
`In certain
`aspects, the size ofthe packing spaces can be about1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
`80 , 90, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950,
`1000 or more nanometers, in non-limiting aspects. Hollow nanoclusters can have an empty space
`or cavity. The size ofthe cavity can vary, for example, from about 50 m to about 20 um, in non
`limiting aspects. Thesize ofthe cavity, for example, can be 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 3500,
`400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800 .. . 20 um, and any range derivable therein.
`The nanoparticles that are includedin the nanocluster, in some embodiments, are not held
`(e.g., adhered or chemically bound(e.g., covalent bond, non-covalent bond, vander waals forces))
`together by a functional group on the nanoparticles. The nanoparticles can be in direct contact


`WO 2010/009146
`with one another in some aspects. In other aspects, the nanoparticles are not in direct contact with
`one another. In certain embodimentsof the present invention, the nanoparticles are not
`encapsulated. In other embodiments, the nanoparticles do not include a functional group. In other
`aspects, however, the nanoparticles can include a functional group such as, for example, a
`carboxyl, sulhydryl, hydroxyl, or amino group. All types of functional groupsthat can be used to
`bind other nanoparticles together, active ingredients to the surface of nanoparticles, or other
`compoundsare contemplated as being useful with the present invention.
`In certain embodiments,the nanocluster can include an active ingredient. Non-limiting
`examplesof active ingredients that are contemplated as being useful in the context of the present
`invention include those knownto a person ofordinary skill and those described throughoutthis
`specification. By way of example only, active ingredients can include medical pharmaceuticals
`and specialties such as preventive agents, for example vaccines, diagnostic agents, for example
`tracers of various types and imaging enhancers, therapeutic agents, for example smal! molecules
`(e.g., nucleic acids, proteins, peptides, polypeptides,etc.), drugs, peptides, and radiation,
`immuno-modulators, vaccine andvirus vectors, and combinations of these classes. The
`nanoparticles can include particular embodiments, respirable non-medical specialties such as
`physiochemical agents, for example gas antidotes, biophysical modulators, for example
`paramagnetics, emitters, for example electromagnetic wave emitters, and imaging enhancers. The
`active ingredients, in certain embodiments, can be associated with the nanoparticles. For example,
`the active ingredients can be entangled, embedded, incorporated, encapsulated, bound to the
`surface (e.g., covalently or non-covalently bonded), or otherwise associated with the nanoparticle.
`In certain preferred aspects,the active ingredient is the nanoparticle. In other aspects, the
`nanoparticles can include a polymer material (including, for example, biodegradable and
`non-biodegradable polymers). Non-limiting examples of polymer materials that can be used
`include those knownto a personof ordinary skill and those described throughoutthis
`specification. In certain embodiments, the nanoparticles can include a mixture of a polymer and
`an active ingredient.
`In other non-limiting embodiments, the nanocluster or nanoparticles, or both, can include
`at least one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, or more different active ingredients.
`In a preferred
`embodiment, the nanocluster or nanoparticles include a first drug on its surface, and a second
`active ingredient encapsulated within the nanocluster or nanoparticles or other incorporated into
`the nanocluster or nanoparticle material. It is contemplated that a nanocluster can release the


`WO 2010/009146
`active ingredients in a given environment, or after a given period oftime in a controlled manner.
`For example, a nanocluster having at least one active ingredient can be released in responseto an
`environmental cue or after a pre-determined amountof time. Also by way of exampleonly, a
`nanocluster having at least two different active ingredients can be released in response to different
`environmental cues or after pre-determined periods of time. For example, active ingredient 1 can
`be releasedfirst and then active ingredient 2 can be released second. In certain non-limiting
`aspects,the release ofthefirst active ingredient can improve the performanceofthe second active
`In otherparticular aspects, the nanoclusters of the present invention can include a
`dispersing material that holds the plurality of nanoparticles together and/or disperses the
`nanoparticles in response to an environmental cue. The dispersing materials that can be used with
`the present invention include those materials that are knownto a person ofskill in the art and those
`that are disclosed throughoutthis specification. Non-limiting examples of dispersing material
`includeliquid sensitive materials (e.g., water-soluble materials (e.g., polymers)), biodegradable
`polymers, polyelectrolytes, metals, surfactants, polymeric cross-linkers, smal! molecule
`cross-linkers, pH sensitive materials, pressure sensitive materials, enzymatic sensitive materials,
`and temperature sensitive materials. Non-limiting examples of environmental cues that can be
`used with the present invention includeliquid (e.g., water, blood, mucous,solvent, etc.), a selected
`pH range, a selected temperature range, an electric current, a selected ionic strength, pressure, the
`presence of a selected enzyme, protein, chemical, electromagnetic wavelength range(e.g., visible
`hight, UV light, infrared,ultraviolet light, microwaves, X-rays, and gamma-rays), or the presence
`of an external force (e.g., vibration, shearing, shaking, etc.).
`In certain aspects, the dispersing
`materia] can be coated onto the surface of the nanoparticles before or after nanocluster formation.
`In certain embodiments, the dispersing material can be between the nanoparticles or link the
`nanoparticles together(e.g., covalently or non-covalently couple a first nanoparticle to a second
`nanoparticle). The dispersing material can be adhered to or covalently or non-covalently coupled
`to the nanoparticles.
`In particular embodiments ofthe present invention, the nanocluster can include from about
`1% to about 99% by weight or volume of the nanoparticles or dispersing materials. The
`nanocluster can also be completely made up of nanoparticles(i-e., 100%). In preferred
`embodiments, the nanocluster includes from about 10% to about 90%, 15% to about 80%, 20% to
`about 70%, 30% to about 60%, and about 40% to about 50% of nanoparticles or dispersing


`WO 2010/009146
`materials. In certain embodiments, the nanocluster includes at least 50% of the nanoparticles or
`dispersing material.
`Another embodimentto the present invention is a composition comprising a nanocluster of
`the present invention. The composition in certain non-limiting aspects can have a plurality (e.g., at
`least 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, or more
`nanoclusters. The composition can further include an active ingredient. As discussed throughout
`this specification, the composition can be formulated into a dry powder, an aerosol, a spray, a
`tablet, or a liquid. The compositions of the present invention can includeat least about 1%, 2%,
`3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%,
`65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, or 100% of the nanoclusters of the present invention.
`certain aspects, the compositions of the present invention can includea plurality of identical or
`similar nanoclusters. In other aspects, the compositions ofthe present invention can include at
`least 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or more nanoclusters that have different characteristics (e.g., different
`active ingredients attached, different shapes, holiow or solid, etc.). The compositions of the
`present invention can be formulated into a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
`In another embodiment,there is disclosed a method ofpreventingor treating a disease or
`condition in a subject comprising administering a therapeutically effective amountof a
`composition comprising a nanocluster of the present invention to a subject (e.g., human,pigs,
`horses, cows, dogs, cats, mouse, rat, rabbit, or any other mammal and non-mammals)in need of
`the composition. The method can further include a method for determining whethera subjectis in
`need of the prevention or treatment. The disease or condition caninclude all types of diseases or
`conditions known to a person ofskill in the art and discussed throughoutthis specification.
`certain preferred aspects, the disease or condition can be a pulmonary associated disease or
`condition (e.g., commoncold, flu, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, asthma, tuberculosis, severe acute
`respiratory syndrome, pneumonia, lung cancer,etc.), a circulatory disease or condition, a muscular
`disease or condition, a bone disease or condition, an infection, a cancer, etc. In certain
`embodiments, the method can include the administration of a second therapy used to treat or
`prevent the disease (e.g., combination therapy).
`In preferred embodiments, the compositions of
`the presen invention are administered nasally. Other modes of administration knownto those of
`skill in the art or discussedin this specification are also contemplated.
`In particular aspects, the
`nanoclusters within the composition are delivered to the deep lung (e.g., bronchiole or alveolar
`regions of the lung).


`WO 2010/009146
`In certain preferred aspects of the present invention, the nanoclusters of the present
`invention can be used to deliver vaccines or components of vaccines. For instance, cells of the
`immunesystem, especially macrophages and dendrocytes, are targets for immunization. These
`“professional” antigen-presenting cells (APCs) can elicit a desired T-cell response to vaccine
`components. APCsare typically capable of phagocytosis of particles in the range of | to 10 pm.
`By generating in this size range nanoclusters or nanoparticles containing vaccine components, one
`can passively target delivery of the vaccine to APCs. U.S. Pat. No. 6,669,961, for example,
`provides a non-limiting explanation of this process.
`The nanoclusters of the present invention can also have a particular mass density. In
`certain preferred embodiments, for example, the mass density can be greater than, equalto, or less
`than 0.1 g/cm*. In particular embodiments, the mass density of the nanoclusters ofthe present
`invention can be about 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6,
`0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 g/em’, or greater.
`Also disclosed is a method of preparing a nanocluster comprising:(i) obtainingaplurality
`of nanoparticles; (i) obtaining a dispersion material (when desired); and (iii) admixing(i) and (ii),
`wherein the admixture is formulated into a nanocluster. In certain aspects, obtaining a plurality of
`nanoparticles comprises: (i) obtaining an aqueous suspension of nanoparticles; (ii) emulsifying the
`suspension into a non-aqueousphase;(iii) allowing water in the aqueous suspension to absorb into
`the non-aqueous phase;(iv) allowing the nanoparticles to aggregate together; and (v) retrieving
`the aggregated nanoparticles. In other non-limiting embodiments,obtaining a plurality of
`nanoparticles includes: (i) obtaining a non-aqueous suspension of nanoparticles; (11) emulsifying
`the suspension into an aqueous phase;(iii) allowing liquid in the non-aqueous suspension to
`absorb into the aqueous phase;(iv) allowing the nanoparticles to aggregate together; and (v)
`retrieving the aggregated nano particles. The disclosed method represents a non-limiting method
`with other methods being evident by one skilled in the art (e.g. Emulsion/solvent evaporation,
`extraction, spray-drying, spray freeze-drying, self-assembly in solution,etc.). In certain aspects,it
`is contemplated that the nanoclusters can be prepared in a solution without using spray and/or
`freeze dry techniques.
`It is also contemplated that the nanoclusters can be recovered from the
`solution by using freeze dry or spray dry techniques that are knownto those of skill in the art. As
`noted throughoutthis specification, the nanocluster can be included within a composition. The
`composition can be formulated into a liquid, a spray, an aerosol, or a dry powderin non-limiting


`WO 2010/009146
`Also disclosed is a method of delivering an active ingredient to a subject in need
`comprising obtaining composition comprising a nanocluster ofthe present invention and an active
`ingredient and administering the composition to the subject. In non-limiting aspects, the active
`ingredient is encapsulated in the nanoparticle, incorporated within the nanoparticle material,
`conjugated to the nanoparticle, absorbed or coupledto the nanoparticle.
`In yet another embodimentofthe present invention, there is disclosed a method of
`preparing a nanocluster comprising:(i) obtaining a first nanoparticle and a second nanoparticle;
`and (ii) admixing the first and second nanoparticles, wherein the nanoparticles self assemble to
`form a nanocluster. The first and second nanoparticles, for example, can have hydrophobic
`properties, hydrophilic properties, or a mixture of both.
`In other aspects,the first or second
`nanoparticles can have an electrostatic charge. For example, the first nanoparticle can be
`positively charged and the second nanoparticle negatively charged, and vice versa. The
`self-assembly, in particular embodiments can be based on an electrostatic interaction between the
`first and second nanoparticles. In other non-limiting aspects, the self-assembly can be based on a
`hydrophobic or hydrophilic interaction between the first and second nanoparticles. The first and
`second nanoparticles can self assemble in solution to form the nanocluster in certain embodiments.
`In particular aspects, preparation ofthe nanoclusters does not require the use of spray and/or freeze
`dry techniques; rather nanocluster formation can occurin solution. The nanoclusters can be
`recovered from the solution by using freeze dry or spray dry techniques that are known to those of
`skill in the art. In other aspects, the method of preparing the nanocluster can further comprise
`obtaining a dispersion material and admixing the dispersion material with the first and second
`As disclosed is a method of storing nanoparticles comprising forming the nanoparticles
`into a nanocluster. The nanoparticles, for instance, can be stored asa liquid, a spray, and aerosol,
`or adry powder. The method of storing the nanoparticles can further comprise returning the
`nanocluster to nanoparticles.
`In certain aspects, returning the nanocluster to nanoparticles can
`include subjecting the nanocluster to an environmental cue. As noted above and throughout this
`specification, non-limiting examples of environmental cues include water, a selected pH,a
`selected temperature, a selected enzyme,a sclectcd chemical, a selected electromagnetic
`wavelength range, vibration, or shearing. In certain particular aspects, the nanocluster can include
`a dispersing material that holds the nanoparticles together and/or disperses the nanoparticles in
`response to an environmental cue. Non-limiting examples of dispersing materials include a water


`WO 2010/009146
`soluble polymer, a biodegradable polymer, a polyelectrolyte, a metal, a polymeric cross-linker, a
`small molecule cross-linker, a pH sensitive material, a surfactant, or a temperature sensitive
`It is contemplated that any embodimentdiscussedin this specification can be implemented
`with respect to any method or composition of the invention, and vice versa. Furthermore,
`compositions of the invention can be used to achieve methodsof the invention.
`The terms"inhibiting," "reducing," or "prevention," or any variation of these terms, when
`used in the claims and/orthe specification includes any measurable decrease or complete
`inhibition to achieve a desired result.
`The term "effective," as that term is used in the specification and/or claims, means
`adequate to accomplish a desired, expected,or intended result.
`The use ofthe word "a" or "an" when used in conjunction with the term "comprising" in the
`claims and/or the specification may mean "one,"butit is also consistent with the meaning of "one
`or more,” "at least one,” and "one or more than one.”
`The term "about"or "approximately" are defined as being close to as understood by one of
`ordinary skill in the art. In one non-limiting embodimentthe terms are defined to be within 10%,
`preferably within 5%, more preferably within 1%, and mostpreferably within 0.5%.
`‘The use of the term "or" in the claimsis used to mean "and/or" unless explicitly indicated
`to refer to alternatives only or the alternatives are mutually exclusive, although the disclosure
`supports a definition that refers to only alternatives and "and/or."
`Asusedin this specification and claim(s), the words "comprising" (and any form of
`comprising, such as "comprise" and "comprises"), "having" (and any form of having, such as
`"have" and "has"), "including" (and any form of including, such as "includes" and "include”) or
`"containing" (and any form of containing, such as "contains" and "contain") are inclusive or
`open-ended and do not exclude additional, unrecited elements or methodsteps.
`Otherobjects, features and advantagesof the present invention will become apparentfrom
`the following detailed description. It should be understood, however,that the detailed description
`and the examples, while indicating specific ombodimentsof the invention, are given by way of
`illustration only. Additionally, it is contemplated that changes and modifications within the spirit
`and scope of the invention will become apparentto those skilled in the art from this detailed


`WO 2010/009146
`Illustrative embodiments ofthe invention areillustrated in the drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1. Therapeutic nanoparticles are organized into a nanocluster having a defined (and
`tunable) diameter. Upon contact with an environmentalcue, the dispersive material triggers
`dispersion of the nanoparticles.
`FIG. 2. Electron micrographs of (A) ~100 nm silica particles that compose the (B) ~6 pm
`nanocluster. (C) Represents typical nanocluster distribution. Scale bar in (C) represents 10 pm.
`FIG. 3. Nanoclusters can be fabricated with a broad or narrow size distribution (left top
`and bottom). Adjusting fabrication conditions and/or dispersing material used allowsfor the
`formation of a solid (top right) or hollow (bottom right)clusters.
`FIG. 4. Uniform (~75 pm) nanoclusters composedofpolystyrene nanoparticles.
`FIG. 5. Electron micrographs of (A) 225 nm silica nanoparticles coated with a dispersion
`material (light gray corona) and (B) a 9 um nanoclusterofthe silica nanoparticles coated with
`dispersion material.
`FIG. 6. The dispersion of nanoclusters over time composedofnanoparticles coated with a
`hydrolysable polymerwasa function of pH as determined by (A) absorption oflight at 480 nm
`and (B)visual inspection. (C) Size analysis ofthe dispersion showspolydisperse agglomerates
`are liberated from the nanoclusters, which then break down into monodisperse nanoparticles.
`FIG. 7A, FIG. 7B, FIG. 7C. The (FIG. 7A) geometric and (FIG. 7B) aerodynamicsize
`distributions of PLGA nanoclusters produced by increasing the concentration of nanoparticles
`(black=0.68 mg/ml, red=1.36 mg/ml, green=2.16 mg/ml, blue=2.72 mg/ml). FIG. 7C Scanning
`electron micrograph of nanocluster structure. Scale bar=5 pum.
`FIG. 8A, FIG. 8B, FIG. 8C, FIG. 8D, FIG. 8E, FIG. 8F. Laser scanning confocal
`micrographs of PLGA nanoparticle nanoclusters. FITC-labeled PVAm-coated nanoparticles
`(FIG. 8A and FIG. 8D) and rhodamine-labeled PEMA-coated nanoparticles (FIG. 8B and FIG.
`8E) are both identified within the nanoclusterstructure. FIG. 8C and FIG. 8F Overlays of the
`micrographsreveal the diffuse structure of the nanoclusters. Scale bar=5 ym.
`FIG. 9. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) imageof a population of nifedipine
`FIG. 10. SEM imageofnifedipine nanoparticle clusters.
`FIG. 11. IHustration of the geometric diameter of the nanoclusters comprising


`WO 2010/009146
`DOTAP/PLGA nanoparticles and ovalbumin.
`FIG. 12. SEM imagesof the nanoclusters comprising DOTAP/PLGAnanoparticles and
`FIG. 13. The particle size distributions of paclitaxel nanoparticle agglomeratesin
`suspension after flocculation and resuspended after lyophilization.
`FIG. 14. Aerodynamic size distributions of paclitaxel nanoparticle agglomerates after
`FIG. 15. The distribution of Paclitaxel powder as received and nanoparticle agglomerate
`formulations deposited on the stages of a cascade impactor at a flow rate of ~30 L/min.
`FIG. 16. In-vitro dissolution profiles of paclitaxel in PBS (pH 7.4) from pure paclitaxel
`powder and two different nanoparticle (NP) and nanoparticle agglomerate formulations (NA).
`FIG 17. Viability of A549 cells in the presence of formulation components as determined
`by an MTSassay.
`FIG. 18. The particle size distributions of budesonide nanoparticle agglomerates in
`suspension after flocculation and resuspended after lyophilization.
`FIG. 19. Aerodynamic size distributions of budesonide nanoparticle agglomerates after
`FIG. 20. The distribution of budesonide nanoparticle agglomerate formulations (A) F1,
`(B) F2, and (C) F3 deposited on the stages of a cascade impactor. (D) Formulations were
`compared with stock budesonideat a flow rate of ~30 L/min.
`FIG, 21. Transmission electron micrographs of A) F1! nanoparticles and B) F1
`nanoparticle agglomerates.
`FIG. 22. 13C CP/MAS spectra of budesonide, excipients, and budesonide formulations.
`The nanoparticle agglomerates spectrum was expanded8 timesvertically to produce the
`nanoparticle agglomerates x8 spectrum toaid the interpretation of the budesonide peaks.
`FIG. 23. Structure of budesonide with carbon numbering.
`FIG. 24. 13C CP/MASspectra from spectral editing experiment.
`All = all carbon types are shown, C+CH3 = only unprotonated and methyl carbonsare
`shown, C = only unprotonated carbons are shown, CH = only methine carbons are shown, and
`CH2 = only methylene carbons are shown.
`FIG. 25. In-vitro dissolution profiles of budesonide in PBS (pH 7.4) from budesonide
`stock and three different nanoparticle (NP) and nanoparticle agglomerate formulations (NA).


`WO 2010/009146
`FIG. 26. Viability of A549cells in the presence of formulation components as determined
`by an MTSassay.
`FIG. 27. Percent volumeas a function ofparticle diameter for a flocculated solution of
`NIF/SA nanoparticles in water (421.7 +/- 26.2 nm,-32.16 +/- 3.75 mV)after addition ofNaCl to
`0.1M. Also shownis the same solution after homogenization at 25000 RPM for 30 seconds.
`FIG. 28. Aerodynamic Diametersize distribution for the sample of nanoparticle
`flocculates shown in Figure 1.
`FIG. 29. A collection of SEM images for nanoparticles directly after sonication (A), newly
`prepared flocculates (B), flocculate powdersafter residing under room conditions and devoid of
`light for 1 month (C), and pure nifedipine crystals as received (D).
`FIG. 30. DSC outputs for the optimal formulation of nanoparticles, pure nifedipine, and
`flocculated nanoparticles.
`FIG. 31. Percent drug dissolution vs. Time as deduced via HPLC UV spectroscopy for the
`nifedipine/stearic acid nanoparticles, flocculates, and the drug in pure crystalline form.
`FIG, 32. Cascade impactor readings for nifedipine/stearic acid nanoparticles, flocculates,
`and drug as received in pure form.
`FIG. 33. Particle size distributions for a flocculate sample and portions of the sample after
`three homogenization regimes. A nanoparticle solution (Before) was allowed to flocculate to
`completion without homogenization for 4 hours. Portions of the sample were then subject to
`increasingly powerful homogenization regimes (Low, Mid, High) from 5, 15, and 25 KRPM for
`30 seconds, respectively.
`FIG. 34. Particle size distributions for the flocculation of a nanoparticle suspension ( 336.1
`+/- 5.9 nm, -34.42 +/- .73 mV) under a range of NaCI molarities (0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 Molar)
`marked from lowest to highest. Salt was added with homogenization at 15 KRPM for 30 seconds.
`FIG. 35. Particle size distributions for a nanoparticle solution and portions of the solution
`with MgSO4 added to vary molarities (0.1, 0.25, 0.5) marked as low, mid, high,respectively. Salt
`was added with homogenization at 15 kRPM for 30 seconds.
`FIG. 36. The effects of sonicati

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