No. 694,652.
`No Model.)
`(Application. filed July 17, 1901.)
`Patented Mar. 4, 1902.
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`TO aA.
`(Ha. 4>
`Lanmset J. Tralee
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`Garmin EX1014 Page1
`Garmin EX1014 Page 1


`SPHCIBICATIONforming part of Letters Patent No, 694,652, dated March 4, 1902.
`Application fled July 17,1901, Serial No, 68,624,
`(No model.)
`fo all whony tt may concern:
`tween the said plates andfixed to the notched
`wheel 10, (see Fig. 3,) a spring-finger 12, se-
`Beit known that I, EDMOND KUHN,acitizen
`of the United States, residing at Hast Orange,
`cured to the lever 7, the free end of which
`bears against the periphery of the notched
`in the county of Essex and State of New Jer-
`5 sey, have invented certain new and usefullm-|wheel 10, a stop-finger 13, attached to the top 55
`provements in Pedometers, of which the fol-|plate, which also bears against the periphery
`lowing is a specification, reference being had|of the notched wheel and byengaging its teeth
`The stationary position of the vibratoryle-
`My invention relates to improvements in
`io pedometers of that class which are designed|ver 7 is shown in Fig. 2, wherein the upper Go
`to be carried in the pocket or attached to the|edge thereof is held against a fixed stop 14 by
`person of a pedestrian to register the distance|a spring 15, which is fastened at one end to
`traveled, and has for its object, among other|
`the top plate by ascrew 16, and the other end
`things, simplicity of construction and fewness|of which engages a shoulder 17 in the lower
`1s of parts, so designed as to be economically|edge of the said lever adjacent to its pivot- 65
`constructed and readily assembled, and, fur-|mounting. The weight 8 is of greater thick-
`ther, to provide means for adjusting the mech-|ness than the lever 7 and projects below the
`anism for steps of varying lengths.
`top plate 4.
`(See Fig. 3.) This lever and
`To these and other ends my invention con-|weight may be made in one piece, if desired;
`20 sists in the pedometer having certain details|but I find it more economical to make them 70
`of construction and combination of parts, as|of two parts, which are fastened together by
`will be hereinafter deseribed, and more par-|any preferred means. As shown, aslotis cut
`ticularly pointed out in the claims.
`in the upper surface of the weight and within
`Referring to the drawings, in which like nu-|which the end of the vibratory lever 7 is se-
`25 merals designate like parts in the several fig-|cured. 75
`ures, Figure Lis a front view of the pedome-
`Connected with the notched wheel 10 and
`ter. Fig. 2 is a view of the interior mechan-|the pinion 11 is a gear-train, comprising a
`ism looking from the back, upon an enlarged|gear 18, which meshes into the pinion 11, a
`scale. Fig. 8 is an elevation thereof. Tig.|pinion 19 upon the same spindle as the gear
`30 4isan enlarged sectional elevation of theregu-|18, a gear 20, meshing into the pinion 12 and $0
`lating mechanism, taken upon line A Bof Fig. | fixed wpon the same spindle as the pinion 21,
`2; and Fig. 5 is an end view of the vibratory|and a gear 22, mounted on the main spindle
`lever upon a large seale.
`23 and meshing into the pinion 21. This
`In the drawings the numeral 1 designates|spindle projects threugh the bottom plate 3
`35 the ease, within which the mechanism is se-|and carries the units-indicating finger 24. 85
`curedinany preferred manner and having the|The indicating-dials are either graduated
`usual ring 2 connected therewith.
`upon the botiom plate 3 or a printed dial can
`The pedometer may be carried inthe pocket|be attached thereto, as is common and well
`or fastened to the clothing bya pin, which ean|knownintheart. A tens-register is operated
`from the gear 22, thers being a pin 25 in one go
`40 be secured to the back of the case.
`The interior mechanism in part comprises;side of said gear which engages the teeth of
`a circular bottom plate 8, a top plate 4 of less|a pinion 26 upon a spindle 27 once during
`width than the bottom plate, a bridge 4, at- ; each revolution, and upon the said spindle 27
`tached to the top plate by a screw 6, a vibra-/
`is a tens-indicating finger 28, which rotates
`45 tory lever 7, having a weight 8 upon its outer|over the tens-dial 29. The proportions of 95
`end and pivotally secured upon a spindle 9}
`the gear 22 and pinion 26 are as one to ten,
`between the overhanging end of said bridge|so that every ten revolutions of the gear 22
`and top plate, a notched wheel 10, rotatably|will impart one rotation to the pinion 26 and
`mounted upon the spindle 9 between the vi-|the tens-finger 28, as is common in counting
`se bratory lever and top plate, a pinion 11 be- | mechanisms.
`therein to the accompanying drawings.
`| prevents movement thereof in one direction.
`Garmin EX1014 Page 2


`The pedometer is actuated by the vibra:
`tions of the vibratory lever 7, which vibra-
`tions are in a vertical plane and result from.
`the shock to the body of the pedestrian as
`the foot strikes the ground. As the weight
`8 drops against the tension of the spring 15
`the finger 12 rides over the teeth in the notched
`disk 10, and when returning under the pres-
`sure of the spring 15 this finger 12 engages
`one of the teeth upon the periphery of the
`disk 10 and imparts to said notched disk a
`partial rotation, which rotation is communi-
`cated to the gear 22 and the units-indicating
`finger 24 throughthe train of gears
`To regulate the length of stroke of the vi-
`bratory‘lever, I have provided a regulating
`mechanism which comprises a cam-disk 30,
`having a pin-hole 34therein, a notched disk
`31, a serew 32, by which said parts are rota-
`tably secured to the top plate, and a click-
`spring 33, whichis secured to the top plate 4,
`as shownin Fig.2.
`Inthe drawings the cam
`30 and notched disk 31 are shown as being
`made of two separate pieces, but do notlimit
`myself thereby, as they ean be madeintegral
`with each other, if desired.
`It will-be appar-
`ent that the location of the cam 30 about the
`screw 82 will lengthen or shorten the open
`space between thestop-pin 14 and the eam 30.
`As the lower edge of the vibratory. lever en-
`gages the cam 30 at the bottom of each stroke,
`the length of stroke of said vibratory leveris
`varied aceording to the position of said cam.
`The cam is rotated by placing a pin or simi-
`lar thingin the pin-hole 34.andis held in any
`of its adjusted positions by the click-spring
`33, the point. of which engages one of the
`notches in thedisk31.
`(See Fig. 2.) Ascale
`35 is graduated upon the top plate 4, so that
`the-cam may be adjusted to any predeter-
`mined position.
`There are minor changes and alterations
`that can be. made within my invention. aside
`from those herein shown and described, and
`I would therefore have it understood: that I
`do not limit myself to the exact construction
`herein shown and described, but claim: all
`that falls fairly: within the spirit and scope.
`of my invention.
`Tlaving described. my invention, what I
`Jos. E. O’CONNER.
`claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters
`Patent, is—
`1. In a pedometer, the combination witha
`vibratory lever; of an indicating - finger; a
`train of gears operated by the movement of
`said lever for actuating said indicating-fin-
`ger; a fixed stop to limit the movement of
`said lever in one direction; and a ecam-stop
`for limiting its movement in the opposite di-
`2. In a pedometer, the combination witha
`vibratory lever;.of an indicating -finger;.a
`train of gears operated by the movement of
`said lever for actuating said indicating-fin-
`ger; a fixed stop to limit the movenient of
`said lever in onedirection; and a pivotally-se-
`cured adjustable stop for limiting its move-
`ment in the opposite direction, comprising a
`rotatably-mounted cam; and spring mechan-
`ism for holding said cam in anyofits adjusted
`3. In a pedometer, the combination witha
`vibratory lever 7; of an indicating- finger;
`a train of gears; a fixed stop 14 for limiting
`the movementof said lever direction;
`a.rotatably-mounted cam 30.for limiting the
`movement of said lever in the opposite direc-
`tion; and a spring 33 having connection with
` for holdingthe samein its adjusted
`4. Ina pedometer,the combination with the
`bottom plate 3; of the top plate 4 of less width
`than said bottom plate; a vibratory lever7 ~~
`pivotally secured above said top plate; a
`weight 8 fixed to said lever and projecting
`below said top plate; a dial; an. indicating-
`finger; a train of gears-between the said plates,
`operated by the1movement of. said lever and
`actuating said indicating-finger; afixed stop
`14 for limiting the movementofsaid leverin
`one. direction; and an adjustable stop for |
`limiting its movementiin the opposite direc-
`tion, all constructed and operating. substan-
`tially as described.
`In testimony whereof I affix my signature
`in. presence.of two witnesses.
`Garmin EX1014 Page 3

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