United States Patent [191
`Lowrey et a1.
`Jun. 7, 1983
`[75] InventOrs= John W- L?wrey, 511 N- Hope St,
`Mans?eld, La. 71052; Tom M.
`Hyltin, Dallas; J. Scott Jamieson,
`Arlington, both of Tex,
`[73] Assignee: John W. Lowrey, Mans?eld, La.
`[21] App], NO_; I 242339
`[22] F1led:
`Mar. 12, 1981
`4,071,892 1/ 1978 Genzling ........................... .. 364/565
`4,134,026 l/l979 Sone et al.
`307/247 A
`4,202,350 5/1980 Walton . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . .. 128/690
`4,220,996 9/1980 Searcy ............... ..
`4,224,948 9/1980 Cramer et al. ..
`4,285,041 8/1981 Smith ................................ .. 364/ 569
`Omron Jogging Meter Speci?cation Sheet, Omron
`Electronics, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois.
`Primary Examiner—-_Gary Chin
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Jerry W. Mills
`Related U_s_ Application Data
`Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 60,594, Jul. 25, 1979,‘
`A runners watch which includes a lightweight case
`dimensioned to he were on the Wrist of the Weeieh A
`[51] Int. cu ............................................ .. G01C 22/00
`display face is formed on the ease Cleek Circuitry is
`[52] Us. 01. .................................. .. 364/561; 364/565-
`disposed Within the case for operating the display face
`364/410; 235/105; 368/113; 368/244’,
`in Order to display the time of the day» the date and
`[58] Field of Search ............. .. 364/561, 565, 569,705,
`elapsed time 120 the wearer. A sensor 111 the case detects
`364/410; 307/247 A; 324/78 D’ 166, 168’ 171;
`the stride of the wearer when the wearer is running or
`128/690; 235/92 MT, 92 DN, 105
`jogging. Circuitry within the case is responsive to the
`sensor for computing the distance traveled by the
`References Cited
`wearer. Circuitry within the case is also responsive to
`the sensor for computing the rate of travel by the
`wearer. Switches are provided on the case for being
`1330 qulst et a‘ """""""" "
`/247 A operated to display the computed distance and the com
`3’86o’833 V1975 Tyau """""""""""" "
`Puted rate Oftieveh
`'4,019,030 4/1977 Tamiz .................
`4,022,014 5/1977 Lowdenslager
`4,053,755 10/1977 Sherrill .............................. .. 364/561
`16 Claims, 15 Drawing Figures
`_ l
`—-- r
`41 1,36
`/33/—>o|sTA~cEl T|M1=./M|L1-:5e—\l50
`55 a 5'5 45 4/4 ~
`0 #54
`0 15,8
`; I34
`_" 3%)“
`D D
`/ ‘
`m2 I§6
`_ 2 /
`IOHz /
`+ 2
`+ 2
`Garmin EX1007 Page 1


`US. Patent Jun. 7, 1983
`Sheet 1 of 3
`Garmin EX1007 Page 2


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 2 of 3
`HIE aai oo
`& DRIVER Jun. 7, 1983
`FIG. 6
`Garmin EX1007 Page 3
`Garmin EX1007 Page 3


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 7, 1983
`Sheet 3 of 3
`“ Mjsiv?fiosws WAVEFORM ML
`F I6. 70
`FIG. 7b
`FIG. 70
`FIG. 7d
`FIG. 80
`FIG. 8b
`FIG. 80
`FIG. 8d
`J mum
`Garmin EX1007 Page 4


`certain wearers. This device does not provide an indica
`tion of the time of day or date. In addition, this device
`provides no indication of rate of travel and its distance
`measuring capabilities are dependent upon the accuracy
`which the stride length of the wearer is input therein.
`This application is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No.
`06/60,594, ?led July 25, 1979, now abandoned.
`This invention relates to timepieces and distance mea
`suring devices, and more particularly relates to a run
`ners watch for displaying the time of the day, the dis
`tance traveled by the runner and the rate of travel of the
`In accordance with the present invention, a‘runners
`watch includes a case dimensioned to be worn on the
`wrist of the wearer. A display face is provided on the
`case and a clock within the case operates the display
`face to display the time of the day and the date to the
`wearer. A sensor in the case is provided to detect the
`strides of the wearer while the wearer is running. Cir
`cuitry within the case is responsive to the sensor for
`computing the distance traveled by the wearer. Cir
`cuitry within the case is also provided to compute the
`rate of travel of the wearer in response to the sensor. A
`switch is provided on the case which when operated
`displays the computed distance and the rate of travel.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a
`runners watch is provided which includes a case dimen
`sioned to be worn on the wrist of the wearer. A display
`face on the case is provided. A sensor in the case detects
`the occurrence of strides of the wearer while the wearer
`is running. Circuitry within the case is responsive to the
`sensor for computing the distance traveled by the
`wearer and also for computing the rate of travel by the
`wearer. A switch is provided to display the computed
`distance and the computed rate of travel on the display
`face. A sensor includes a pivotable pendulum movable
`between open and closed positions, the pendulum nor
`mally being biased to its open position and movable to
`its closed position by the acceleration occurring when
`the wearer’s foot hits the ground during a stride.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a
`runners watch includes a case dimensioned to be worn
`on the arm of the wearer. A display is provided on the
`case. A detector senses the occurrence of strides of the
`wearer. Circuitry stores a predetermined number of
`strides taken by the wearer over a prescribed distance.
`Means is responsive to the detector for counting the
`number of strides taken by the wearer. Circuitry is
`responsive to the store circuitry and counting circuitry
`for generating an indication when the wearer has taken
`the predetermined number of strides. Circuitry is re
`sponsive to the indication for incrementing on the dis
`play the displayed distance traveled by the wearer. A
`debounce circuit is provided in order to provide a true
`indication of each one stride to eliminate erroneous
`For a more complete understanding of the present
`invention and for other obvious advantages thereof,
`reference is now made to the following description,
`taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings
`in which:
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the preferred embodi
`ment of the present runners watch;
`FIG. 2 is a state diagram of various operations of the
`present runners watch;
`FIG. 3 is a top view of the present motion detector;
`FIG. 4 is a sectional view taken generally along the
`section lines 4-4 of FIG. 3;
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the electrical portion of
`the invention;
`Pedometers of various types have long been used to
`measure the distance traveled by a person walking or
`running. Generally, such pedometers have been at
`tached to the ankle, leg or waist of the wearer and have
`utilized a pendulum or the like in order to sense the
`motion of the wearer’s leg. The pedometers have been
`calibrated according to the length of the stride taken by
`the wearer in order to mechanically display the distance
`walked or jogged. Examples of such previously devel
`oped pedometers are shown and described in US. Pat.
`Nos. 694,652, 962,679 and 3,818,194. Such previously
`developed pedometers have generally been located on a
`portion of the body making it difficult or impossible to
`read the distance traveled without removing the device
`or without stopping and bending over to read the out
`put of the pedometer. Moreover, many previously de
`veloped pedometers calibrated according to the wear
`er’s stride have tended to incorporate substantial inac
`curacies in the distance traveled. Such pedometers are
`solely dependent on their accuracy by the accuracy to
`which the stride length can be measured and stored in
`the pedometer. Any inaccuracy in the stride length
`entered into the pedometer results in greater and
`greater errors as the distance increases. Moreover,
`many prior pedometers have suffered from inaccuracies
`due to bouncing of the sensor pendulum, thereby caus
`ing multiple readings indicating multiple strides when in
`fact only a single stride has occurred.
`With the advent of jogging and running by the gen
`eral populus, a need has arisen for a device for measur
`ing the distance traveled with substantial accuracy.
`Moreover, a need has arisen for a device which may be
`normally worn during the day and which will also pro
`vide the time and date to the wearer. Moreover, many
`runners desire to know the rate of travel so that they
`will be able to run a distance in a prescribed time inter
`val. Many runners base their running rate calculations
`on a mile distance and thus a need has arisen for a device
`which will continuously provide the runner with an
`accurate indication of the rate at which he is running
`based upon a mile distance.
`At least on attempt has been made to provide a device
`for measuring distance traveled which may be viewed
`while running. For example, the Model JT5-JM8
`Omron jogging meter manufactured and sold by Omron
`Electronics, Inc. of 650 Woodfield, Shaumburg, 11].,
`displays the distance traveled while positioned on the
`wrist of the wearer and also displays an elapsed time
`interval. However, the device is relatively large and
`bulky and is therefore able to be worn only during
`running. The weight of the Omron jogging meter is
`greater than optimum and could affect the running of
`Garmin EX1007 Page 5


`4 ‘i
`played. To set the month, the “S” button is depressed
`FIG. 6 is an electrical schematic of the‘ debounce
`circuitry of the invention;
`and the “D” buttonc18is' depressed until the desired
`FIGS. 7a-7d. ‘comprise waveforms illustrating the
`month is set at 36. In the display diagram 38, the ?rst
`operation of the sensor and the debounce circuitries;
`month is illustrated at being set. The depression of the
`FIGS. 8a-8d comprise Figures indicating another
`“D” button 18 causes the numbers to be reset at a two
`operation of the sensor and debounce circuitry of the
`Hz rate.
`To set the day of the month, the “S” button 20 is
`invention; and
`depressed at state 40 and the “D” button 18 is depressed
`FIG. 9 is a view of an alternate embodiment of the
`present runners watch allowing adjustment of the sen
`until the desired date appears. As shown in display
`diagram 42, the day of the month 23 is illustrated.
`sor position.
`After depression of the “S” button, a decision is made
`at step 44 as to whether or not the hold mode has been
`set. If not, the hours, minutes and seconds are displayed
`upon depression of the “D” button. If the hold mode
`has been set, the hours, minutes and seconds input are
`held at step 46 until the “D” button is depressed. The
`display diagram 48 illustrates the setting of 10 hours, 22
`minutes and 0 seconds as input by the prior steps. In the
`normal timekeeping mode, alternate depression of the
`“D” button changes the display from hours: minutes:
`seconds to the month and date.
`When it is desired to operate the runners watch in the
`timer mode, “M” button 22 is depressed. The timer
`begins at the fully zero condition and thereafter displays
`minutes, seconds and one-hundredths of a second. The
`timer may be started and stopped by depression of the
`“D” button as many'times as desired. The timer is set at
`step 50 and displays all zeros as indicated by the display
`diagram 52. Depression of the “D” button begins the
`timer and pedometer at step 54. The colon in the display
`remains static at the beginning and ending of the timing,
`but blinks during the timing. The colon then blinks
`during the timing as indicated by the timing display 56.
`In addition, an annunciator dot is displayed to indicate
`the timer mode. In order to stop the timer, “D” button
`is depressed as shown at step 58. When stopped, the.
`display diagram 60 indicates that 2 minutes, 53 seconds
`and 36 hundredths of a second have elapsed since the
`initial depression of the “D” button;
`.When the “D” button is momentarily depressed to
`again begin the timer at step 54, the accumulated time
`will remain on the timer and the timer will not be set at
`zero. Thus, when the “D” button is again depressed at
`step 58, the total time will be accumulated andthe origi
`nal time will not be lost. However, after step 58, if the
`“D” button is depressed and held for two seconds, the
`timer will reset to all zeros as indicated in the display
`diagram 52. The timer mechanism is connected to the
`pedometer portion of the circuitry, to be subsequently
`described, such that the pedometer and timer are started
`and stopped at the same time.
`.Because of this operation, if the user is running and
`using the watch and desires to stop for rest, the timer
`and pedometer may be stopped and the user may then
`rest. After resting, the runner can again begin to run and
`initiate the pedometer and the timer in order to begin to
`provide the runner with an accumulated running time,
`in addition to the accumulated distance and rate of
`running.’ During the timer and pedometer mode, a ?ag
`62 as shown in display diagram 64 is present to indicate
`the timer and pedometer mode.
`To convert the display from a timing mode to a‘pe
`dometer mode, the “M” button 22 is depressed. An
`annunciator dot is displayed to indicate the pedometer
`mode. The timer and pedometer are initially set to zero
`at step 66 and provide an all zero display as shown in
`the display diagram 68. Display diagram 68-indicates
`that the display at vthis stage-is a mixed display. The
`Referring to FIG. 1, a runners watch 10 is illustrated
`in accordance with the present invention. The runners
`watch 10 includes an outer casing 12 with a digital
`display face 14 formed thereon in the manner of a con
`ventional electronic watch. The runners watch 10 is '
`attachedto a conventional band 16 and is worn on the
`wrist of the wearer in thesame manner as a conven
`tional timepiece.
`Three push button switches 18, 20 and 22 are
`mounted on the side of the runners watch 10 and may be
`depressed as will be subsequently described in order to
`set the time of the watch, to set a prescribed stride
`length into the watch and to cause the display of desired
`parameters to the wearer.
`Runners watch 10 may be operated as a conventional
`timepiece in order to display the time of day and the
`date. The display face 14 may comprise any conven
`tional watch display, such as light emitting diodes
`which may be intermittently displayed, or liquid crys
`tals which provide a continuous digital display. Depres
`sion of the button 18 on the runners watch causes the
`display to display month and day in the manner of con
`ventional watches.
`By proper operation of the switch 22, the runners
`watch 10 may also display an elapsed time in minutes
`and seconds. In addition, the runners watch may display
`the number of miles run by the wearer, as well as the
`rate of running in minutes and seconds per mile. The use
`of the runners watch is then invaluable to the runner of
`jogger in providing an accurate indication of the dis
`tance run, the rate at which the run is being conducted
`and the elapsed time of the run. When the runners
`watch is not used in a running mode, it may be returned
`to a conventional timepiece mode to provide the time of
`day and date.
`FIG. 2 illustrates a state diagram of the various states
`of operation of the runners watch 10, along with the
`operation of the switches 18-22 to effect such opera
`tion. Normally, the watch operates to display the time
`in hours, minutes and seconds as indicated by state 26.
`The button 18 is designated as the Display or “D” but
`ton. The button 20 is designated as the Set or “S” button
`and the button 22 is designated as the Mode or “M”
`To display the state, the “D” button 18 is depressed.
`.In order to set the time display, the “S” button 20 is
`momentarily depressed and the “D” button 18 is de
`pressed until the desired numbers are displayed as
`shown in the display diagram 30. In this diagram, the
`hours are set at 10 and a static colon appears. The letter
`“A” is displayed in place of the minutes. To set the
`minutes, the “S” button 20 is depressed and~the “D”
`button 18 is depressed at 32 until the desired minutes
`and zero seconds are displayed. In the display diagram
`34, the colon is again static and 22 minutes are dis
`Garmin EX1007 Page 6


`left-hand two digits comprise miles and tenths of miles
`mounted on a pivot pin 102 which is ?xed in a receiving
`block 104. The pivot pin 102 allows free pivoting move
`and the display includes a decimal 70 for the mile dis
`play. This left-hand display represents the number of
`ment of the arm 96. The curved base 98 includes a ?rst
`miles run. The right-hand portion of the display com
`end 106 which normally abuts against a surface 108 in '
`prises four digits which are'minutes and seconds per
`the cavity 100. The second end 110 of base 98 is mov
`mile. This display‘represents a rate of travel in minutes
`able by inertia against an electrical contact 112. Electri
`and seconds to enable the user to determine his rate of
`cal conductor 114 connects the contact 112 to the de
`tecting circuitry to be subsequently described. An elec
`running. Of course, it will be understood that the dis
`play could be in kilometers rather than miles, if desired.
`trical conductor 116 extends to a contact 118 which is
`The timer and the pedometer are started at state 72 by
`connected to a metal spring 120. Metal spring 120 is
`depression of the “D” button. The timer and pedometer
`curved and is connected at one end to a contact 122
`are stopped by subsequent depression of the “D” button
`which is connected on the pendulum 94.
`at 74. Further depression of the button returns the timer
`Referring to FIG. 3, it may be seen that during nor
`mal operation, the pendulum 94 is held by the force of
`and pedometer back to the state 72 and provides a cu
`mulative timing and pedometer mode as previously
`the spring 120 in the illustrated upward position such
`that the ?rst end 106 of the pendulum 94 is held against
`described. When it is desired to set the timer and pe
`the surface 108. This position of the pendulum 94, as
`dometer to zero, the “D” button is held for a period of
`illustrated in FIG. 3, is maintained during normal walk
`two seconds and the timer and pedometer are returned
`to the zero state at 66. The display diagram 76 indicates
`ing and other movements of the user. However, in this
`the display at the beginning of the timing and pedome
`condition, an open circuit exists between the conduc
`ter modes, while the display diagram 78 illustrates a
`tors 114 and 116 due to the fact that second end 110 of
`the pendulum 94 is not in connection with contact 112.
`display of a distance of 8.1 miles and a current running
`The detector 88 is thus biased such that strides of the
`rate of 10 minutes and 45 seconds for one mile.
`As will be subsequently described, the distance and
`wearer due to normal walking are not detected. How
`rate displayed are determined by the operation of a
`ever, when the user begins to run or jog, the pendulum
`94 moves downwardly with suf?cient additional accel
`pedometer unit which detects the number of steps and '
`strides taken by the user during running or jogging. The
`eration that the second end 110 connects with the
`number of strides for a measured distance of 0.1 mile is
`contact 112.
`input into the circuitry in order to provide the distance
`By proper design of the spring 120, the pendulum 94
`and rate displays. In order to set the number of strides
`moves downwardly to contact the contact 112 each
`per 0.l mile, the “S” button is depressed and the “D”
`time the user’s foot hits the ground. When the user’s
`button is depressed at step 80 until the desired number
`foot hits the ground, a substantial amount of accelera
`of strides per 0.1 mile has been set into the circuitry.
`tion of the user’s body occurs. Due to the dense nature
`During the setting, the number of strides per 0.1 mile is
`of the pendulum 94, the pendulum 94 tends to maintain
`indicated at 211 strides at display diagram 82.
`its inertia, and thus a closing between the second end
`In order to reset the number of strides to zero in order
`110 and the contact 112 occurs. When this contact oc
`to provide the number of strides input into the system,
`curs, a closed circuit exists between the electrical con
`the “D” button is held and the “S” button is actuated to
`ductors 114 and 116. This closing of the electrical cir
`cuit is sensed by the detecting circuit to be subsequently
`perform an upcount reset at 84. If the “S” button is
`released and pushed again, a downcount reset occurs. It
`described in order to indicate that one stride of the user
`will be understood that the strides per 0.l mile will
`has occurred in a running mode. The pendulum 94 is
`commonly be periodically reset in case of changes in the
`normally maintained by the user in a generally vertical
`jogger’s stride.
`direction such that the pendulum 94 may move about
`the pivot pin 102 in order to detect the strides of the
`The utilization of the number of strides per 0.1 mile as
`a basic parameter in the operation of the system in an
`important aspect of the invention. The use of this pa
`The present circuit has stored therein the number of
`rameter enables the system to be extremely accurate, as
`strides of the wearer over a prescribed distance. Thus,
`opposed to the utilization of a parameter such as the
`upon each detection of a stride, the circuitry operates
`distance of a single stride which is subject to substantial
`upon the stored stride parameters in order to provide a
`degree of inaccuracy over a large number of strides.
`cumulative indication of the distance run by the user, as
`The system is set to accommodate up to 500 strides per
`well as the rate of running of the user.
`0.1 mile.
`FIG. 5 illustrates a block electrical diagram of the
`circuitry of the present invention. The pendulum 88
`The use of the blinking colon in the conventional
`timing and date mode indicates to the runner the fact
`described in FIG. 3 is connected across a switch de
`that he is in the conventional timing mode. When the
`bounce circuit 130. As will be subsequently described,
`colon is not blinking, separate annunciators provide
`the switch debounce circuit 130 detects only a single
`indications of the timer or pedometer modes.
`switch closure per stride and eliminates false closures of
`the pendulum detector 88. The output from the switch
`FIGS. 3 and 4 indicate the construction and opera
`tion of the detector 88 of the invention. The detector
`debounce circuit 130 is applied to “N” counter 132.
`.includes a lightweight housing 90 which may be formed
`Counter 132 is a programmable counter and counts the
`from plastic or the like includes a cutout portion 92 for
`number of strides per 0.1 mile. The button 18 connects
`receiving a pendulum 94. Pendulum 94 may be formed
`to the “N” counter 132 in order to input the stored
`from a relatively heavy metal such as brass or the like.
`count “N.”
`Pendulum 94 includes a centralarm 96 which extends
`Assuming that the counter 132 is initially set to zero,
`along a line generally parallel to the forearm of the
`each time the user takes a step which is sensed by the
`wearer. A curved base portion 98 is ‘integrally attached
`detector 88, the counter 132 will increment by one unit.
`to the arm 96 and extends downwardly into a cavity 100
`The counter 132 ‘will continue incrementing until the
`as shown in FIG. 4._The end of the arm 96 is pivotally
`count is equal to “N." The count “N” is equal to the
`Garmin EX1007 Page 7


`number of strides taken by the user over 0.1 mile. “N”
`is input into the counter 132 by operation of the “D”
`button 18 as previously described in step 80 in FIG. 2.
`The “N” counter 132 may comprise any suitable pro
`grammable'counter commercially available. As an ex
`ample, the counter 132 may comprise a storage for the
`parameter “N,” a counter for the sensor output, a com
`parison circuit for detecting when the contents of the
`two circuits are equal and a reset circuit.
`When the counter 132 has counted “N” strides and an
`output pulse is generated to a mile counter 134, the “N”
`counter 132 resets to zero. Mile counter 134 detects the
`output from the counter 132 and accumulates the indi
`cated distances of 0.1 mile to provide a cumulative mile
`indication. The output of the mile counter 134 is applied
`to the display encoder and driver 136 and the cumula
`tive distance in miles and tenths of miles is displayed in
`the display portion 138 of the display 14. The output of
`the display encoder and driver 136 is applied through a
`multiplexer 140, the state of which is controlled by
`operation of the “M” button 22 on the watch body as
`previously described.
`In operation of the circuitry, the detector 88 gener
`ates one pulse for each stride taken by the user. Detec
`tor 88 is connected to “N” counter 132 via a debounce
`circuit 130 as shown in FIG. 5. Debounce circuit 130,
`which is described below in greater detail, prevents
`“N” counter 132 from interrogating detector 88 no
`more often than once every 50 milliseconds. When the
`number of strides is detected by the counter 132 as
`comprising the normal number of strides taken by the
`user in 0.1 mile, the counter 132 increments the mile
`counter 134 by 0.1 mile, the cumulative distance is dis
`played on the display 14 and counter 132 is reset. The
`display encoder and driver 136 receives a binary output
`from the mile counter 134 and converts the binary sig
`nal to a seven segment code with modulation for a
`liquid crystal display, or a seven segment code for an
`LED-type display.
`The output from “N” counter 132 is also applied to a
`read and store circuit 142 and to a speed counter 144.
`Read and store circuit 142 is a latch which is activated
`by “N” counter 132 when the runner has traversed a 0.1
`mile increment to store the cumulative count of speed
`counter 144. The speed counter 144 provides a timing
`input, indicative of the runner’s speed, to read and store
`circuit 142. A 10 Hz signal is applied to the speed
`counter 144, which counts 10 pulses per second. If the
`runner is traveling, for example, at a rate of 9 minutes
`per mile, he will traverse 0.1 miles in 0.9 minutes or 54
`seconds and the counter will count 540 pulses before
`being reset. This count will be stored by read and store
`circuit 142 upon indication by “N” counter 132 that the
`0.1 mile increment has been reached. The stored signal
`in circuit 142 is then applied to the display encoder and
`driver 146 as representing the runner’s rate for an entire
`mile, even though the stored signal was accumulated
`over only 0.1 miles. The encoder 146 will convert the
`540 seconds to a minute and second reading of 9 minutes
`00 seconds.
`The basic time frequency for the clock is applied to a
`divider 147 which generates a 100 Hz signal. The 100
`Hz signal is applied through a divider 148 which gener
`ates a 10 Hz signal. The 10 Hz signal is applied to the
`speed counter 144 which counts elapsed time between
`each 0.1 mile at ten times the clock rate thereby multi
`plying the travel rate by ten to give the travel rate per
`mile. The count is continuously applied to the read and
`store circuit 142 for display as the time which has
`elapsed during 0.1 mile after being multiplied by ten.
`Each successive update of counter 132 is applied to
`counter 144 via a reset line as shown in FIG. 5 such that
`speed counter 144 begins counting from zero each time
`the runner traverses 0.1 miles. The number applied to
`the display encoder and driver 146 is thus ten times the
`actual time which has elapsed during the last 0.1 mile
`run by the user. This rate is updated each time the user
`runs another 0.1 mile, such that the display 150 is a
`periodically updated rate of running of an entire mile. In
`this way, the runner will be able to tell the rate at which
`he will run the entire mile and will be able to accommo
`date his run according to his desired time. The display
`150 will normally display only a maximum rate of run
`ning such as 35 minutes for a mile.
`The output from the divider 147 is also applied to a
`timer 154 which accumulates the time during a prede- ’
`termined interval. The output of the timer 154 is applied
`through the multiplexer 140 to display an elapsed time
`under the control of the “M” button 22. The output of
`the divider 148 is applied to a divide-by-ten divider 156
`which provides a 1 Hz signal to a clock 158. The output
`of clock 158 is applied through the multiplexer 140
`under the control of the “M” button 22 to display the
`time in hours, minutes and seconds in the conventional
`manner. Dividers 147, 148, 156 comprise a conventional
`clock countdown chain to provide timing for the con
`ventional clock circuitry. The countdown chain also
`provides timing for the month and date display.
`It will be understood that the clock circuitry and the
`timer circuitry may be constructed in the conventional
`manner normally used for integrated circuitry watches.
`A variety of different types of circuits may be utilized to
`provide the functions and features previously described.
`It would, for example, be possible to implement the
`functions of the present invention in a microprocessor
`chip which is utilized to control the display. Such chips
`are now conventionally used in miniaturized wrist
`watches. It will also be understood that the distance and
`speed computations could be made at intervals other
`than 0.1 miles. For example, the “N” counter and mile
`counters could be used to count distances of 0.01 miles
`with the speed counter running at 100 Hz to provide the
`travel rate over 1 mile. In such case the runner would
`enter the number of strides taken in 0.01 miles.
`An important aspect of the present invention is the
`switch debounce circuit 130. This circuit is shown in
`FIG. 6 and provides the function of detecting a single
`switch closure and to eliminate erroneous or plural
`switch closures. The processing and display circuitry
`shown in FIG. 5 is illustrated in the block 160 and the
`debounce circuit 130 is illustrated as comprising a ca
`pacitor 162 which is connected across the detector 88.
`One terminal of capacitor 162 and detector 88 is con
`nected to the bias voltage, which in the illustrated em
`bodiment is a negative bias voltage. The remaining
`terminals of the capacitor and detector are connected
`together to one terminal of a resistance 164 which is tied
`to circuit ground. The common terminal of the capaci
`tor 162 and the detector 88 is also tied to an input to the
`processing and display circuitry 160 which would com
`prise the input to the “N” counter 132. The cathode of
`a diode 166 is also attached to the input of the circuitry.
`The diode 166 is connected in series with a resistance
`168 which is applied to receive an alarm signal from the
`processing and display circuitry 160.
`Garmin EX1007 Page 8


`The RC circuitry comprising the capacitor 162 and
`applied from the alarm terminal as shown in FIG. 8d do
`the resistance 164 yields a time constant of approxi
`not operate to recharge the'capacitor 166 until the de
`mately 250 milliseconds. Assuming that the detector 88
`tector has opened. In the illustrated waveform of FIG.
`g has not been closed for a long time, the voltage across
`8e, nine reset pulses from th

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